THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON. MONDAY. MAY 7. ,1.945 PAGE TWO "Bend Lava Bears .Win Track Meet; ? Points Are Close KESULTS OF MEET Bend, 48 14. Redmond, 46 112. Prinevllle, 16 112. Hood River, 23. Moro, 11 56. Arlington, 7 12. ... ' , Kufus, 3 13. Tnn irafkmpn made a come . back here Saturday to capture the district No. 2 track meet. Alter i losing to Redmond last week in the Central Oregon meet, the Bears were underdogs In the more Important district affair. However several (surprise siiowmtsa young Bend performers swung enough points to enable the Bears t win Don McCauley. football star, came through with a first , place in the shot to beat his Red- mond opponent, Neal, for the first 1 time Bob Sutton, another grid ! Iron figure, got out his best heave of the year in the javelin to cap- nrwt nlaro and OUalllV for the state meet. Vern Clark and Don Bushneil, freshmen runner, turned up with badly needed rinr-ir miuA MrDnnields. Redmond's ace half mller, a thril ling run belore ocing noseu uui that event. Bushneil, a pint sized freshman, ran his best run of the year to place fourth in the mile. Rasmusxeu Stars George Rasmussen was the meet's individual star with first places in the pole vault and high ' hurdles and a second In the lows. Rasmussen set a new district rec ord and set himself up as the fa vorlto to capture the state title by his leap of 12 feet. The lanky blond vaulter was out to exceed the state record but on his first attempt broke the standard which ended his vaulting for the day. Dick Maudlin, Bend sophomore, turned in the only other outstand ing mark of the day when he sail ed out 21 feet in the broad jump. This is near the district record and the best jump recorded in any of the nine districts. McDaniels of Redmond, and Chalfant of Prinevllle were the only double winners besides Ras mussen. The Panther ace. gallop ed to wins in the 880 and mile. Chalfant captured the 220 and 440 and anchored the winning Prinevllle relay team. Prineville's win In the relay was Important to Bend. Had Redmond captured that event Bend's mar gin of victory would have been cut to a fraction of a point. Results: Pole vault Won by Rasmus sen, Bend; second, Sheffold, Bend; third, Ayres, Redmond; fourth, Russell, Hood River, Ostragand, Hood River, Kribs, Redmond, tied. Height, 12 feet. Shot put Won by McCauley, Bend; second, Neal, Redmond; third, Henry, Prinevllle; fourth, Lemley, Moro. Distance, 40 feet, 1 Inch. High hurdles Won by Rasmus sen, Bend; second, Hugman, Red mond; third, Halligan, Bend; fourth. Young, Redmond. Time, :16.G. 100 yard dash Won by Fergu son, Bend; second, Wilhelm, Ar lington; third, Foster, Moro; fourth, Brown, Redmond. Time, :10.5. Mile run Won by McDaniels, Redmond; second, Kribs, Red mond; third, Maudllng, Bend; fourth, Bushneil, Bend. Time, 1:58.4 Qui Our Way By J.R.Williams W kl ill 1 1 1 1111 LOOK AT THAT NEW W WHUT ELSE KIM j. iMKBf BROOM" RUIMED.' Y I DO - ONEV TRV Ife Hli llf A CROW'S NEST I'P i TO GIT 'EMPER- 3 i litfjJIHIIIIII'llJ' I IHI'f cnONER CLEAN FECI? IP A STRAY ' v lllllil VcSr F.ECT THANJ ( DOS GOT IKJ I TH' V M : a BROOM IT LOOKS J HOUSE VOLp SAV H i I LIKE WHAT THEV I B fGHT HIM J 7TTi 1 III I V IMTEND TO DO 1K ofsJ MV FEET' V , m .a u p.t m WHV MOTHERS GET GRAV cow mi m r, ..-,,,. IW J Young Sharpshooter Has Pert Coach , , . v ,j . ; -c - - i! Arthur Kelso Dunn, io-momn-oia marKsman, registered as mem ber of National Rifle Association when only three hours old, gets expert coaching from his aunt, Eleanor Dunn, holder of three national records and instructor of WAVES on rifle range ;. at Hunter College. " i ii i n M pty oeavers Hold Big Lead (ny Unltnl IV.) Portland's mighty Beavers had a five-game lead In the Pacific coast league today, hut even their hometown supporters must admit thai manager rou uwens men hnun uinvnH tut nt Ihp evnensp of the lowly Hollywood stars. I lie iwo ciuos aireauy nave met 14 times this season with 11 de cisions going to the Beavers. They maintained their mastery over the basement-dwellers yesterday by annexing bolh ends o a double Including a grand-slam homer in ihp (mt iamp' "Ktrpak" Shnnp of Portland collected six for nine, including a homer, triple and double; Tom Hafey hit his second round-tripper in two days for Oak land; Red Mann racked up his fourth pitching win for Oakland by limiting Seattle to three hits; Ken Hicks of Los Angeles won his League Standings (By United Pram) AMERICAN W Chicago 9 New York 10 Detroit 9 Washington 9 PhiladelDhia 7 St. Louis 5 Boston j 6 Cleveland 4 NATIONAL New York 12 Brooklyn 9 Chicago 8 St. Louis ,. 8 Boston 7 Cincinnati 6 Pittsburgh 6 Philadelphia AE 4 6 6 6 8 7 9 13 uetroiti PACIFIC COAST Pnrtland 25 Oakland 20 San Diego 20 Seattle 19 Sacramento 19 Los Angeles ..- 17 ban Francisco 13 .Hollywood 11 11 16 17 17 18 20 22 25 Pet. .750 .667 .643 .529 .437 .384 .375 .308 .750 .600 .571 .571 .466 .461 .400 .187 .694 .556 .541 .528 .514 .459 .405 .306 igers Blank Opposition In Pair of Games By Carl Lundqulst United PreM Staff Correspondent) New York, May 1 lUi The De troit Tigers, sporting an odd com bination of tightwad twirling and a "hit or miss" batting order, were responsible today for a new war time shortage scoreboard zeros. It's either feast or famine for ,U TJ nnnn If tut. rrnnoi-'lllxr cnPtlfl llie XJCIlgcuo, n"u 1 ' thefr time shutting out the opposi tion or getting snut out. xesier day it was the opposition that got horse-collared twice. Lefty Hal Newhouser blanked the champion St. Louis Browns with just one hit to win, 3 to 0, and in the sec ond game, Althon Benton won his fourth straight game and his sec ond shutout, 1 to 0. pinning their nennant hones on such superlative pitching. the Tig ers are going 10 oecome strung favorites if they can get a little FYinrp zlncr in - their hatting. In nine victories to date, they have turned in live shutouts. Dark Side Presented there's a darker side that has manager Steve O'Neill fret ting. The Tigers tnemseivcs nave been shut out thrice in the five thev have lost and in the other two defeats they made only one run each time. Tight pitching highlighted other games. At Boston, rookie Dave Ferris of the Red Sox proved his sensauonaj aeoui last ween was no fluke by blanking the Yankees, 5 to 0, for his second straight shutout. He scattered seven hits and made two himself. Hank Borowv turned the tables for New York, winning the nightcap. 2 to Has Us Points I ia M III -r : ! iT- Jt 'II V '2i'.. X II"' Voice of . Central Oregon -KBND- 1340 Kilocycles Affilieted With M.rful Don Lee Broadcarfing Syrfem , TONIGHT'S PROGBAM " 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 World Security Conference 6:30 The Better Half 7:0O Soldiers of the Press 7:15 Lowell Thomas 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00 Treasury Salute 8:15 Evalyn Tyner's Orchestra 8:30-Michael Shayne 9:00 Glen Hardy News 9:15 Cecil Brown 9:30 The Feeling Is Mutual Q-4f Mutual Musicale : 10:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 10:15 Sherlock Holmes Thirty-six thousand toothpicks and three months' work went Into the making of the seven foot replica of the Eiffel Tower, pictured above with Peter Ohl wein, 13, of Highland Park, 11L, who made it. Exhibited at the Highland Park Rotary Club hobby show in Chicago, it won a special prize. " . 'Cincinnati a 3 to 1 victory at Pittsburg in the opener. TViiotr (Rin Spupll rnlintpred bV giving the Bucs a 5 to 1 victory in tne secona. TIRE IS STOLEN Lawrence Holman, 108 Tumalo avenue, today asked Bend officers nIA klm In tYe Mpnunrv rf an n nn a five hit lob that reduced automobile tire, which he said t 1 A RA nw nay Stray Stock, Dogs Keep Police Busy As numerous complaints reached headquarters of dogs being at large in all parts of the city, Bend police before noon had im pounded five of the animals, dis- lt-'ll films ui Liua Hii)juu;a wuii 1119 1 pu&cu Ul aiiuiiitri, cinu jii;micu I .1 , IJ I 1 1 t . 1 own gctuie in mi- xx-uiiiiji tuut- several uuinpiauiis ui 111c micai cap with San Diego by singling of owners who permit their dogs mounusman. Van Noy Sells His Market in Bend After spending 30 years in the nmrorv htiRinpss. Farl Van Nov. proprietor of Van's Drive-in mar Hinh tllmn Ullsspll. Ho()l I River, Wilson, Kufus, and McDon nlrl Rpflmnnd. lipfl fnr first : Smythc, Arllnglon, Wcalhortord, Arlington, Talc, Redmond, and Plath, Bend, tied for fourth. Height, 5 foot, 2 inches. Discus--Won by Henry, Prine vllle; second, Hartley, Moro; third. McCauley, Bend; fourth McDonald, Prinevllle. Distance, 117 feet, 7:Vi Inches. 410 yard dash -Won by Chal fant. Princville; second, O'owder. Arlington; third, Filey, Bend; fourth. Hoerleln, Hood River. Time, :r7.0. Low hurdles Won by llagman. Redmond; second, Rasmussen, Bend; third, Halligan, Bond; fourth, Ost regard, Hood River. Time, :2ti.O. 220 yard dash -Won by Chal fant, Prinevllle; second, Brown, Redmond; third, Kirhy, Redmond; fourth. O'Leary, liood River. Time, 24.6. SS0 yard run Won by McDan iels, Redmond: second. Clink, Bend, third, Thalforer, Prinevllle; fourth, Werner, Redmond. Time, S:9.4. Broad lump Won bv fllllll Alii), i.i ,, , llu.i "1 a ikiuiiil-; jjiui n-iui yji vail 3 LftlVC'lll llldl- header before 10,000 disappointed j ket at 519 East Third street, to i i..n.,...nn.i r..n.. 71: .....i inn ti.i.-i j..., tun l r Hollywood fans, 7 (, and 10 0. Thl gave Portland the scries, six games to one. Ouks Reach Second The Oakland Acorns, flashing one of the best pitching staffs in the circuit, climbed Into second nlaee hv dnwninu the Scuttle Rniniers twice, 12 2 and 51, be fore mi overflow audience of 11.- 000 at Oakland. The Oaks had a 5 2 margin for the week. '1 he Los Angeles Angels stopped day announced the sale of the business and his plans eventually to retire in California. Van Noy sold his property for $9,000 to Joe Tildcn, a Nebraska rancher, who has been in Bend three months. Van Noy came here from Clarkston, Wash., six years ago, and built the drive-in market at that time. He had been engaged In flip r,,-Prf,r hueinn i tl.n Washington city. He said that he nnnm .. ........... ...... u, mi,, the San Diego Padres, 21, In theaml Mrs- Van Ny Planned to re first game of their twin bill, but j main, 1,1 'iL'ml f"'- !,ll0llt another ihc Paih-ps nip:lri ) Kin impUpi-. ' month, then they will go to Cali- . ... .. ... - . '. i fm-niji ti multp thplt- bump ny laKing ine nignicau, s i. nut .. .: "v.,,,v' the Angels had a 4-3 edge in the series. .Sacramento's Scilons pasted the slipping San Francisco Seals in both games, l.ri 7 and 111. to wind up with a 5 2 record before 7,000 capital city fans. To Meet Padres Portland runs up against sliff opposition this week at San Diego, while Oakland visits Los Angeles ami San Francisco gets a whack a I Hollywood. The schedule will i be rounded out with Sacramento Bend: second. Durkee. I third. O'licarv. Hood 1! I v r i fourth. Cooper, Hood River. Dis tance, 21 foci. Javelin Won by Neal, Red mond: second, Stilton, Bend: third, Wilcox. Mnro; fcmilli, Mel zer, Moro. Distance, l."i() feet, 11 inhcos. K80 yard relay - Won by Pi ine ville Durkee. Chalfant. McPhnl ridge. McDonald ; second, Red mond; third, Hood River; fourth, Ai lington. ' Maudlin, ! playing host to Seattle, ''rineville: ' Yesterday's stars: Roy ' Yimnk-pi- of Sacramento pounded nut six hits in eight trips to the plate. Thp Vun NnVK hiivn thrnp gaiic in the service. First Lt. Earl Van Noy is with the army signal corps on Okinawa; Sgt. Chester and Pvt. Merle arc with the infantry in Ciermany. A daughter. Mrs. Peggy Stocks, resides in Spokane. SKM1S I'OW WHIP HOME Chicago ill'i David Lincors has i-o,-pivpa ,i 'li...r..nt i...,n. ...i.;.-. used by nazis in beating prisoners in war, troni nis son, fie. X5ernarn Lincors, who Is with an army ord nance unit in f";iriTiaiiv t.incnr told his father that the whip was found in u German prison stockade. nrdlnnncp Police Chief Ken C. Gulick, not ing the increased number of stray dogs, again warned that arrests will result from the violation of tVtp mvlinanra i,htnh VoriihP thflt all dogs be tied up or be held in pens until Juiy ai. Me sain mat he had received reports of dogs dlsturbine nesting water fowl in Drake park. stray came ana norscs in ou feront parts of the city also busied ttplipp urhp cniH that thpv wnlllrl enforce an ordinance prohibiting i . i - i : . . . IUUM! S1ULK 111 cujr. Hoppe Leading In Billiard Play San Diego. Cal., May 7 Challenger Willie Hoppe his earned run average to .50 per game ior iour victories. The White Sox took a firmer hold on first place at Chicago, beating the Indians twice, 3 to 2, and 6 to 4. Pitcher Ed Lopat gained the first victory when Oris Hockett- singled home the doubl ing Wally Moses in the eighth. ucia Anree miier Vmll inntchl T.eonard. hack after being rejected from military service, pnenea a inree-nuter at Washington, beating the Athletics 9 tn n nftpr Philadelnhia won the opener, 3 to 2, to break a six-game losing streaK. Aitnougn ne gave up 12 hits, Russ Christopher went the route for his fourth victory in the opener. The Giants ana Dodgers loi an teams) were one-two in the nation al loncrim. in prenre at mplrnnoli- tan monopoly atop the standings. The Giants beat the Braves, 4 to 3, and tied them 1-all at New York In n seven innine" spennd ffame. called because of rain. The amazing Dodgers, tabbed as certain second division timber, took two at Philadelphia, 7 to 5, and 10 to 7. Outfielder Luis Olmo got four hits In each game, includ ing two doubles and a homer, batting in six runs and scoring three. Cards Take Pair The world champion St. Louis Cards finally started dlsoorling themselves In pennant winning style, knocking the visiting Chi cago Cubs out of second place with n Hnllhlp win. 6 to 2. and 5 to 1. Their aces lefty Max Lanier and big Mort Cooper were the winners, each giving up seven hits for their second victories. Ed Heusser, who has allowed only two runs in three winning was stolen from his car this past weeK-ena TUESDAY, May 8, 1945 7:00 News 7:15 Auctioneer 7:30 Spotlight on Rhythm 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:55 News 8:00 Will Bradley's Orchestra 8:15 News 8:30 Take It Easy Time 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Organ Treasures 8:55 Lanny and Ginger . G.ort William T aro 9:15 Songs by Morton Downey 9:30 Rationing jsews 9:35 Old Family Almanac 10:00 Glenn Hardy News m-1 T iinpripnn with T.nnpz 10:30 Paula Stone and Phil Brito 10:45-r-Redmond Victory Marcn 11:35 Love Notes , 11:40 News . 11:45 Lum 'n Abner " , 12:00 Studio Matinee 12:05 Today's Classifieds 12:10 Sport Yarns 12:15 Bert Hirsch Novelty Orch 12:30 News 12:45 Farmer's Hour 1:00 Organ Meditations 1 :30 Never Too Old 2:00 Meditations 2:15 Melody Time 2:45 Deep River Boys 3:00 Griffin Reporting 3:15 Hasten the Day 3:30 Miniature Concert 3:45johnson Family 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 4:15 Rex Miller 4:30 Sketches 4:55 Central Oregon Newa 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15-rSuperman 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Jimmy Fidler 6:30 American Forum of Air 7:15 Lowell Thomas 7:30r-Red Ryder . 8:00 Treasury Salute a-ii? Pntn filee Club 8:30 Russ Morgan's Orchesd 8:45 Frankie Carle'B Urches 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Rex Miller Q-in Phanlain Jim m-nn Fulton Lewis. Jr. 10:15 Tommy Tucker Time REUNITED' AFTER 60 YEAR M-mkatn. Minn. 1U?1 When 8. year-old Chris D. Danielson am his 68-year-old Drotner iinus wei niton rpppntlv after a fiprtar; ilnn nf noai-lv KO vprB thpv rlldn recognize each other. Both cania to this country irom jjenmarK rVi-ta In hlc 9(1r mnvpri larpr tr Mankatn whilp Tinus remained with his parents in Nebraska. The' brothers never goi xogeiner umu this winter. tCtlVDDISIT' VfKIT .Chicago tin When SSgt Charles Huss arrived in'Luxem- knura ho nalH a RUrnriRA visit tn his grandparents, whom he had never seen. His grandmother, who answered his 'knock at the door, knew him immediately, before he uttered a word, because "you look just like your father did at your age." (lli- today held a 30 point lead over titlist Welker Cockran in their trans continental match for the three cushion billiard championship. Hoppe won two games yester day, taking the afternoon play, 60 to 55, and last night's game, which went 29 innings, 60 to 56. The series score is Hoppe, 3511, Coch ran 3484. ftanticulai If J HI Because Sicks' Select is brewed to the highest standards of the brewing art, there may not al ways be enough to meet the demand. But its qual ity Is always malntained-and H is one of the few beers that is invariably in favor with both men and women. Light, smooth, and zestful it hasa charac ter all its own and many acclaim it as "America's . Smoothest Table Beer." The SHiidlxix, tropical American tree, grows woody capsules which dry and burst with a loud report like a pistol shot, scattering their teeds. 3T1 - - 3 Bring Your Eyes Out of the Dark Vim can. by having us examine them anil then maUn a pair of Klnvtt fnr you that wilt cor rect vision defect. Dr. M. B. McKenney HORNBECK Typewriter Co. Authorised Agent for ROYAL Sales and Service Raytypn UIWmhis and t'arlmn U. C. Allen Adiiing Machines Ail Makes Typewriters Serviced Phono 12 122 Oregon Ave, l-'IKKS HLNDEKS VVAH Kl'I'OKT j Kittery, Me. nil The Kittery volunteer fire department has a ! patriotic angle in appealing to; residents to exercise fire proven-; tion. Newspaper advertisements point to the fact that virtually all members are employed at the nearby Portsmouth (N. H.) navy! yard and fire alarms are a "hln-i drancc to the war effort." i HOME LIGHTING SYSTEMS Motor Driven Gas or Diesel Water Driven Wind. Driven Every siie from "portable" units for cabins, etc., to complete farm light and power plants. ASK US Bend Electric Co. 644 Franldin Phone 159 t: kS 13 WAR "A SICKS' QUALITY PRODUCT" ; ' BONDS SICKS" BREWING COMPANY SALEM, OREGON ALLEY OOP 3v V T HAMLIN V ' ni it unn,?! -ia i CS. . f jJ'Tjai-THE WE LL --e f 1 TME DlWOSAUR SOUP---IT JUST X5AVE I MMtJJ , CAME RIGHT Vl COULDN'T HAVE BUI T MHO KMEW faKi,S Zig. OUT OF THAT IHAPPEMED.' J PlfX. WE C npPnjr 7w Sf ! yS t nokr CAN'T JUST STANu' HERE LOOKING AT E ACH OTHEK ... Wb fc)U l im v- SUMPIN.' i i Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Bend Abstract Co. Title Insurance Walt Peak Evenings by Appointment -Abstracts Phone 174 Offices: Foot of Oregon Ave. OttlM Phon 73 Km. Vtimt SI9-W imuM 4tY