The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 05, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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.oca News
Maximum yesteruay, is degrees.
Minimum last night, SO degree
Temueruture: 1U cm.. 45 de
grees; 16 a.m., 69 degrees. Velo
city of wind: 10 p.m., 3 miles; 10
a.m., 5 miles
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Cady, 1514
W. Uhird street, are the parents
of a 6-pourid girl born at 8;d0 a. m.
today at the St. Charles hospital.
A name for the baby has not yet
been selected.
, Guests this week of Mr. and
Mrs. Arne Shannon, 1255 Elgin,
are Mr. and Mrs. Dave Meiss and
son, Dave, Jr., from Scio. Mrs.
Shannon and Mrs. Neiss are sis
ters. Miss Virginia Johnson has re
turned from an extended vacation
in southern California, where she
visited with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Johnson.
Mrs. Daisy Bronner arrived this
'week from Maupin for a visit with
her daughter, Mrs. Karl Birchard
and family, 1604 East Third.
Guests Thursday and Friday of
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ackley, 1605
West First, were Mrs. Ackley's
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Elliott, who stopped in
Bend en route to their home in
Shelton, Wash., after spending
the winter in Los Angeles.
Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Heer, for
mer residents of Bend and now
in Spokane, Wash., have been vis
iting with friends here this week.
J. W. Guiberson, equipment in
spector f dr.the forest service with
headquarters in Portland, today
completed a survey of equipment
of the Deschutes national lorest,
and Monday planned to visit Shev
lin, Silver Lake, and Paisley be
iore going to Lakeview. William
E. Naylor, administrative assist
ant in the Bend forest offices, ac
companied Guiberson the past
two days at Crescent and the
Cabin lake district of Fort Rock,
James Hunter, of the Harold
Club Mining company, Reno,
Nev., arrived here today to make
a further survey of pumice de
posits in the Chemult area. Hunt
er was here about 10 days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cake, Port
land, arrived here today to spend
the week-end on their ranch north
of Bend. Cake is republican na
tional committeeman for Oregon.
Vernon L. Chase, executive of
the International Timberworkers
Df America (CIO) with headquar
ters in Klamath Falls, was here
today conferring with local offi
cials. Mrs. K. B. Reynolds of Palo
Alto, Calif., a former Bend resi
dent, spent the day here visiting
old friends before going to Hood
River. While here Mrs. Reynolds
visited Mrs. Minnie Livingston,
Mrs. Elmer Prater and Mrs. Ar-
dell Foss. Mrs. Reynolds' husband,
Lt. Reynolds, is the son of Prof,
and Mrs. L. B. Reynolds of Palo
Alto, and is now seeing service on
Job's Daughters will be special
guests at the 11 a. m. service at
the First Presbyterian church, it
) W 'WEREN'T,'
) ' - w A cancelled;
I WfJ r fZ STAMP!!!
A Paramount MUSICAL
has been announced. The girls
will attend the service In a body,
according to Iris Thomas, hon
ored queen.
All members of the official
board of the Methodist church
are urged to attend the meeting
at 8 p. m. Wednesday, May 9, in
the church, according to Rev. Rob
ert Mcllvenna, who stresses that
important conference business
wui be discussed. '
SSgt. R. J. Rogstead, a crew
captain on an aircraft carrier, is
here visitlncr his cictn,. tui
Lome Carter, at 1445 West Fourth
'tol un a 3U-day furlough after
seeing action at Guam, tne Heb
rides, the Gilberts and the recent
battles off Okinawa, Sgt. Rog
stead plans to leave here next
week to visit his relatives in Cald
well, Ida. He then is slated to go
to Cherry Point, N. C. for reas
signment. Leslie Gribskov, now oh navy
leave, is here from Junction City
visiting his aunt, Miss Maren
Mrs. Florence Taylor returned
last night from a two weeks' va
cation spent visiting friends and
relatives in Portland, Seattle and
Tacoma, Wash.
Mrs. E. F. Duryee hsts been add
ed to the clerking staff at Keef '3
Bake-Rite bakery.
Mrs. Harold Halvorsen and
threyear-old twins, Franklin and
Frederick, arrived this week from
Seattle to spend a month visiting
Mrs. Halvorsen's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Fletcher, 527 Congress.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Stangland
of Madras, were in Bend Friday
on business.
T. A. Power, Jefferson county
judge, was In Bend yesterday
from Madras.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Posey and
daughter, Patsy, are in Bend from
Shevlin for the day.
Mrs. Myron Symons and Mrs.
Norman Symons returned
Wednesday from Corvallis, where
they spent several days visiting.
They were accompanied to Bend
by Miss Myra Symons, who will
spend the summpr at Triir
Weekend guests of Mr. and
XXki 1, , . J t J -. . -
.1,110. mtuuu ine, a. Louisiana,
are Mrs. Lane's mother, Mrs. S.
Dahl Of Cranio Puce hay oM..
Mrs. Lionel Weech of Grants
i-ass, ano tnelr daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Edgar Gillette of Medlord.
Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson
from Culver are shopping in Bend
Mr. nnr) lWr llnnmi
- - ' " J , IIUIOIU
of Shevlin, are Bend visitors to
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Prothero
and SOn. Skinnv. fmm PnrtlanH
are week-end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Kerron at their home
on Butler road. Prothero is here
on business.
Shevlin-Hixon Union Employees
are urged to attend meeting on
Sunday, May 6, 1945, in the Union
Hall at 1 p. m. Adv.
Dance at Eastern Star Grange
hall Saturday nights. Ladies free;
Executive Board Meeting, Sun
day, May 6th, 2:00 p. m. Election
of Delegates for District Conven
tion. Special Order of. business
PARADE Featurette
To Heaven"
Society deadline on days' of
Dinner Planned
For Officers'
Official Visit
The American Legion Auxiliary,
Percy A. Stevens unit No. 4, and.famllies anc nouse guests,
the Redmond auxiliary wiU meet 8:3n p.m. B.P.O.E. hard time
at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday for a no-hos-! party, Klks' hall,
tess dinner at the Pine Tavern, a:oo p.m. Public dance, Pine
when state dignitaries will make Forest grange, sponsored by
their official visit, according to Cooties,
announcement by Mrs. D. Ray Sunday
Miller, president of the' local 3:30 p.m. Junior hostesses,
group. USO, picnic for service men in
The Visiting officers will be Shevlin park.
Mrs. Gladys Lemons of Pendle-j Monday
ton, state auxiliary president, and i 10:00 a.m. All-day missionary
Mrs. Merrill Richmond of Bonne-.rally at Christian church. Potluck
ville, president of district No. 5, 'luncheon at noon.
Including the central Oregon area. 2:30 p.m. Episcopal Altar
The luncheon meeting, former-: guild, Mrs. Lauren Kimsey, 620
ly announced for Tuesday with
Mrs. W. H. Coahran, has been
cancelled because of the change
in plans.
Mothers Honored
By Jr. Grangers
The Pine Forest juvenile grange
entertained their mothers and
grandmothers at a formal lunch
eon Sunday afternoon at the
grange hall, with table decora
tions of seasonal flowers, green
and yellow candles, and blue bird
place cards carrying out a spring
The luncheon was served in
three courses and was preceded
by a short program. The stage
and piano were decorated with
blooming plants.
Taking part In the program
were Vincent and Dagmar Wani
chek, Joan MeMlllian, Buena Bar
ton, Eualie Wilcox, Sherrill Gray
and Ronald Whetzel. Marion
Pryor gave the toast to mothers,
with the response by Mrs. Betty
Huettl. Jerry Bishop gave the
toast to grandmothers, while Mrs.
Stella Nelson gave the response.
The juvenile grange presented
all mothers and grandmothers cor
sages of spring flowers made up
by Mrs. Evelyn Watson, past ma
tron of the juvenile grange. The
group also presented a corsage to
Mrs. Grace Kramer, present ma
tron of the juvenile grange.
Several wild animal conserva
tion posters made' by the children
were on display.
nominations , of Local Officers.
Any members of Local who is in
good standing may take part nom
inations. . Adv.
Virginia Johnson is back at
work at The Beauty Quest and
welcomes friends and customers.
Telephone 170. Adv.
Our heartfelt thanks to all who
extended comforting sympathy
and help In our recent sorrow.
For the beautiful service, floral
offerings and other kindnescs, we
are deeply grateful.
Mr. Andrew Foss and family
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Jayncs
Mis. Anna Schwartz. Adv.
Chemotherapy, the internal
treatment with chemicals, Is be
ing used to combat Dutch elm
disease in Connecticut.
' - CBV !0CS! I rf
''''''" l "r"''r'
publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, is 10 a.m.
Call 66, The Bulletin newsroom. ":
- Tonight '
8:00 p.m. Public card party
with Mrs. Nathan Murry, 429
Staats, sponsored by Women of
the Moose. '
8:30 n.m; Open l ouse, Masonic
' tomhln for Fjiutpm Sfflr Masons.
6:30 p.m. Soroptimlst club, din
ner meeting at Pine Tavern.
7:30 p.m. Royal Neighbors of
America in Norway hall.
8:00 p.m. Jaycee auxiliary,
board meeting in Pilot Butte inn
1:15 p.m. Faculty Damts, pot
luck luncheon with Mrs. Harold
Carlile, 631 Columbia.
2:00 p.m. Circles 2 and 3, Cath
olic Altar society, Mrs. Victor
Plath, 514 State street.
2.00 p.m. First Presbyterian
sewing circle with Mrs. T. A. Sim
mons, 430 Florida.
2:00 p.m. Sunshine club with
Mrs. H. H. DeArmond, 373 Green
wood. 4:00 p.m. Juvenile Degree of
Honor, gather hall.
6:30 p.m. American Legion
auxiliary.-dinner meeting at Pine
8:00 p.m. Degree of Honor,
Sather hall.
1:00 p.m. PAL club with Mrs.
Arthur Pack, 1104 Milwaukee.
7:00 p.m. Business and Profes
sional Women, dinner meeting' at
Pine Tavern.
OSC President to Speak
At Dinner Meeting Here
Dr. A. L. Strand, president of
Oregon State college, will be the
featured speaker at a dinner meet
ing planned by the Business and
Professional Women's club Wed
nesday, May 9, at 7 p.m. in the
Pine tavern.
Dr. Strand will have as his sub
ject, "Peace proposals." Those
planning to attend the dinner
should call 1067 before Tuesday
tor reservations, it was an
nounced. .
Postpone Meetings-The meet
ing of the past presidents' club
ot tne WBA scheduled for next
Wednesday with Mrs. D. E. Hill,
412 Riverfront, has been post
poned because of illness until
further notice.
Two Circles To Meet Mrs. Vic
tor Plath, 514 Stale street, will
entertain Circles 2 and 3 of the
Catholic Altar society Tuesday at
2 p.m.
Guild to flieet Mrs. Lauren
Kimsey, 620 Riverside, will be
hostess to the Triniay Episcopal
Altar guild Monday at 2:30 p. m.
at her home. I
Positively Last Chance
School Girls
Sponsor Tea at
Redmond High
Redmond, May 5 (Special)
Redmond union high school girls
complimented their mothers at a
tea in the home economics depart
ment Friday afternoon. Preceding
the tea a musical program was
presented In the auditorium. A
feature of the afternoon was the
exhibit of the work done by the
girls in the home economics de
partment. Suits, dresses; daytime
and evening frocks were dis
played, which' brought much fa
vorable comment for the girls and
their instructor, Mrs. B. F. Beck.
Pouring at the lace-covered
table were Mrs. M. A. Cunning
and Mrs. Ray Rogers. The table
and room were decorated with
forsythla and daffodils. .
Date Announced
For WCTU Meet
The Women's Christian Tem
perance Union will hold its regu
lar monthly maeting May 18 in the
Christian church, rather than
May 11, as formerly announced,
according to Mrs. Fred Hall, pres.
Ident of the group. The meeting
will be called at 2 p.m., it was
Mi s. Fred Tooze of Salem, state
WCTU president, was heard in
two speaking engagements Wed
nesday, addressing the WSCS in
the afternoon and an open meet
ing at the Presbyterian church in
the evening.
Mrs. Tooze's visit was the high
light of the local WCTU activities
for the year.
Musical Program
Heard By League
In observance of national Music
week, May 612 inclusive, mem
bers of the Junior Civic league
were entertained with musical se
lections at the regular rrieeting
Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Norman Gilbert, president of the
Miss Elizabeth Boeckll was pre
sented as guest soloist, acompa
hied by Mrs. Craig Coyner. Miss
Boeckli's selections Included "In
My Garden", "Hills of Home",
and "Dedication", followed by
group singing, with Mrs. Coyner
at tne piano.
Reports were given by Mrs. Ed
6ft the Camp Fire council, and by
Mrs. Marlon Poor, chairman of
the committee on cancer control.
Refreshments were served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. Howard
Givan, program chairman for the
evening. '
SerWce League
To Make Candy
The Girls' service league met
Thursday evening at the home of
Miss Elizabeth Heaver, president
of the group. It was reported that
lb packages of cards have been
donated by the members to send
to the Camp While army base
near Medfnrcl. They have estab
lished a quota ol 20 packs for the
i Shipment. j
Plans were made lo spend (he
next meeting making candy to
send to four local servicemen. A
social evening, with refreshments, ,
followed the business session.
Bride-Elect Feted '
At Shower Party
Miss Ethel Johnson, hriilecli'd
of TRgt. Mnscin Maiirer, was hon
ored at a shower parly Tuesday'
evening at the home of Mrs. J. 1..
Cothrell, with Miss Nnl.i Glllean
as hostess. Pinochle was the diver
sion fnr the evening, followed by
the presentation of Ihc shower
Rifts and the serving of refresh
ments. Guests Included Miss ftmilv:
Spencer, Miss Dorothy Marshall,'
Miss Kliraheih 1 leaver, Mrs. Wll
llam liasmussen, Mrs. Vam r ( "ov
ner, Mrs. 71. W. Rice, Mrs. Wll -I
Man Wilson, Mrs. A. II. Marshall :
and Mrs. I). C. Sllven. I
Demonstration Planned j
By Women of the Moose
A home-making demonstration
on "nutrition" will he presented
at R p.m. Monilay at the Moose
hall, according to Mrs. Harry
llayse, committee chairman. Mrs.
A. P,. Kstebenet and Mrs. '".raip
White are other women of the
Mnose on the committee.
An invitation to attend has h"rn
extended to all ladies of the com-'
Sunshine I lull lo Sew Th"
Sunshine club of the Pythian sis
ters will meet Tuesday at 2 p.m.
81 the home of Mrs. II. II. lie. I
Almond, .'!73 K. Greenwood. The
afternoon will he sjient doing Red
Cross Sewing, it was announced. :
Meelinir S"l A n ling of the
PAI. club will he held Wednesday
at 1;(K p. m. with Mrs. Arthur
Pack, 1101 Milwaukee-avenue.
.Heeling Scheduled The fliM
Presbyterian sewing iiiVlrN will
meet at 2 p.m. Tuesday w ith 'Mrs.
T. A. Simmons, 430 Florida.
Women of Moose
Initiate Classes
At Two Programs
Recent activities oi the Women
of the Moose include the chapter
program on "Child care and train
ing" presented last night at Moose
hall under the direction of Hattie
Tunnell, chairman, assisted by
Peggy Henderson, hospital guild;
Gladys Ross, Mooseheart, and
Marion cnarette, Moosehaven.
A class was presented for initia
tion, including Agnes Canick,
Thelma Hams, Lorraine Lalli and
Laura Shipley.
An address on "Home Making"
by official visitor Jewell Geiger,
tne initiation oi a class oi live
candidates and a musical program
were leatures of the home mak
ing chapter night held April 27 by
women oi tne Moose, with Gcn
nella Hayse. home making chair
man, In charge.
Following the opening song,
Mrs. Geiger, graduate associate
regent ol the College of Regents
in Eugene, was presented as guest
speaker, followed by a talk on
iloor work and friendly SDlrlt"
by Davis Rceder, associate dean
of friendship. Flags were dedi
cated honoring Davie Reeder, or
ganizer oi tne cnapter. ,
Members of the class of Initi
ates were Hattie Tunnell, Peggy
Henderson, Marlon Charette.
Ruby Pontius and Helen McDon
ald. Miss Wilma Nelson played
a piano solo, followed by the pre
sentation of corsages by Miss
Margaret Hyde to all candidates,
official visitor, fraternal visitor
and guest pianist. A Juniper gift
was also presented to Mrs. Geiger.
Gilchrist 4-H Club
To Exhibit Work
Gilchrist, May 4 (.Special)
With the approach of Summer va
cation; the 4-H cooking club Is
finishing its work lor the vear.
and has been busy with the final
activities on the club calendar.
Achievement day for the cook
ing club will be held Friday, May
11, at which time each member
will exhibit cup cakes, cookies or
mulfins. 'me parents and friends
of all members are invited to at
tend the exhibition.
A picnic for club members was
held Friday, May 4, when leaders
acompanied 4-H'ers on a hike in
the woods.
The club meeting held Friday,
April 27, was the last business
meeting of the year, when record
books were completed.
Pinochle Players
Are Entertained
Mrs. Millie Melstad entertained
the O.N.O. pinochle club Tuesday
evening at her home, 750 Division
street. High score was won by
Mrs. Vanilllca Wood, and Mrs.
Gertrude McFadden held low.
Members nresnnt wern ivr-e
Wood, Mrs. Paula Labalette, Mrs.
Vina Hartwlg, Mrs. McFadden,
Mrs. Ina Cram, Mrs. Violet Dah
lln, Mrs. Trudle Eastman and
Mrs. Melstad. Mrs .loo lln n-n.
a guest, and one of the members,
Mrs. Van Heves. was nnahl,, in
Following the card game, re-1
frements were served by the host
ess, i
Mother's Day
Sunday, May 13
Really two treats in one for Mother on Her Day . . . a superbly tex
tured cake she will enjoy for its delicate deliciousness, and for the
freedom from kitchen chores it gives her on Mother's Day.
Order Early . . . for Shipment
Our limited production schedule male it im
possible to meet the demand for Roses in
Snow CaLes. Reserve yours early.
Plan Dinner Meet The Sorop
tomlst club, local affiliate of the
International federation, will hold
a regular dinner geeting at 6:30
p. m. Monday at the Pine Tavern,
according to announcement by
Mrs. Earl Zeek, publicity direc
tor. Mrs. Velma Buckingham Is
"'It f-Z'WfVOl "9 b.
Clean Up Paint Up
Fix Up
Help malts Bend a clean and attractive city!
Plan Now
Save Now
Build Later
3 1 8 Greenwood
At the Sisters Gym
in Snow Cake
president of the group. v
Board to Meet The Jaycee aux
iliary will, hold a board meeting
at 8:00 p. m. Monday In the sun
room at the Pilot Butte Inn, It was
announced today by Mrs. W. fe.
Jossy, publicity director.
Tfia Govtrnmtnt vtc
ommandt that mU
repair and point-
; ' -AND
you know that Axing
up your homo to .,
maintain tit valuo to
wit invHtmtnt
consult with ut about your
homt -
Phone 110
If your mother lives out of Bend, wo can send
her a Roses in Snow Cats by express, any place
in tho Unifod Stales. Order now!