THE BEND BULLETIN, BENDf OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY 4, 1945 PAGE EIGHT German Front in North Breaks As Nazi Leaders Make Attempt To Surrender Troops to Allies By Louis F. Keemi.e " (United Press War Editor) The German front collapsed completely in i the ; north today and the last vestiges of resistance were melting in me souin. Nazi leaders admitted the hopelessness of the situation and were working mainly to deliver as many of their remaining troops as possible to the western allies instead of Russia be fore the formal end ot tne war. Reports persisted that surrender negotiations were in progress in Denmark or at the German naval base of Kiel be tween Field Marshal Sir Bernard L. Montgomery and nazi fuehrer Admiral Karl Doenitz.- The German-controlled Oslo No Fighting Reported radio said a "cease fire" order I "So fqr, no fighting has been re already had been issued in I ported in Denmark after British Holland under an armistice in troops crossed the border," the the German-held area embrac- nazi broadcast from Oslo said. "Al ing the Rotterdam, Amster- lied transports with food for ci dam and The Hague districts. Lilians are going through the Ccr- In the swirling military picture mnn nnes under agreement." of rapidly disappearing battle! reports about negotiations for lines, the following occurred: I general surrender were all with- The American Seventh army in out official confirmation and In the Bren- many cases conflicting. The most A Diofomat'rc Drama at San Francisco i&MwtAfai:. .... ft '4 . (NBA Telephoto) One of the few controversies ever aired in nn open meeting at an international conference had reached a cli max when this picture was taken In the San Francisco Opera House. Soviet Foreign Commissar V. M. Molo tor Is shown (right) as he stands to vote against the Issuance of an immediate invitation to Argentina to at tend the IINCIO. Evan Subaslc (left), Yugoslav Foreign Minister, was one of the lew delegates who rose in support of th 0 Russian stand. ,,.' i circumstantial were those concern ing the purported exchanges be ner pass into Italy for an early junction with the American Fifth. tweon Doenltz and Marshal Mont- saizourg, once neauquurura ui gomery. , the southern redoubt, surrendered unconditionally to the Seventh ar my without a fight. Bcrchtes gaden Is only 11 miles to the south. Redoubt Encircled The Third army had the Checho slovakian redoubt almost encir cled, driving almost unopposed to within live miles of Linz, Austria. Russian forces were just east of Linz. The British Second army In the north crossed the border into Den- mnrk unopposed and advanced 15 miles, the German-controlled Oslo ret nn said. . 'All fighting ceased on the Kiel I peninsula. The Germans declared the Kiel and Flensburg naval bases open cities, to be occupied at will by the British. German abandonment of Kiel and Flensburg and the unopposed border crossing appeared to be an indication that the Germans planned no stand In Denmark and might be preparing to surrender Its nazi garrison of about 75,000 men. . . Stockholm reported the follow ing nazis involve in the ncgotia' tions: Col. Gen. Georg Lindermann, German commander in Denmark, and possibly Dr. Werner Best, Germun governor In Denmark; Joseph Terboven, German com missiouer in Norway, and Admi ral Fritz Boehm, German com mander In Norway. Thousands Included If the reports were true, the ne gotiations might cover the 150,- 000 to 300,000 German troops in Norway as well as those In Den mark and In scattered north Ger man pockets. Fighting already was about over in Holland, where Allied trucks were bringing in food for the starving Dutch civilian population under a truce. Early surrender of the upwurds of 75,000 Germans in Holland was expected. tne cleanup in northern Ger many was proceeding rapidly. In rear areas along the Baltic coast southeast of Denmark, some 500,000 Germans, including 10 rmHEg;pri generals, surrendered to the Brit-1 In (he Matter of the Re-Sale ish yesterday, tiritisn ana Amen- ur I'oumy uwneu i.anus can troops formed an almost solid junction with the Russians along a 60-mile front from the port of Wismar on the Baltic to Witten berg on the Elbe in the south. The Canadians mopping up the North sea pocket were within five miles of Emdcn and 12 miles from Wilnelmshafen. iiiiiiitiiiiimiiiiiiiiitiimiAiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiinitiiiiiiii: SELECT A G!FT 3 Sirocco Perfume the perfume of mystery oud sorcery every woman Teann for! J6.50 $ 10 1 i fi IVnthmiscl'crfuinccon tainft four luscious fra grance lo mulch hrr ev ery mood to give hrr a fragrant Easier Grortiiig. ?3 J5.50 FOR HER NOW Just Received! Spun Aluminum Musical POWDER BOX Genuine pre war favorite. Select ono for Mother. 4.95 - 5.95 Phis Tax Ril. Q. K ItllllTFIllT Flltim .ii 8 ounce $1 Atomizer 6QC THE ORIGINAL AIR DEODORANT cleanses the air of odors., instantly A whiff of Sweot-Aire and the air Incomes hoah ai a breath ot spring. Doesn't simply "cover up" ... it completely dissipates unpleasant odors! Suggestions for "Her" Endo-Creme The creme that helps the skin1 to look younger and more beautiful. 3.50 Toilet Sets Comb, brush and mirror. $5 $7.50 Compacts.. $1 - 2.50 Cutcx Sets 1.50 Revlon Lipstick and Nail Polish BEOT RUG CO. Allen Young, Proprietor 953 Wall St. Phone A County Court Proceedings )miiiiiiiiiiiitimiiiiiiuiiiiiiiimiuiiiHiiiuuu.'iuiuuiimujiiiitiniHiiit BE IT REMEMBERED, That at a regular meeting of the County Court held April 18, 1945, all mem bers being present, the following business was transacted: In the Matter of Clulms Against the County: The following bills were pre sented and ordered paid: GENERAL FUND First National Bank, March withholding tax $413.75 Northwest Printing Co., clerK, supplies Kllham Stationery & Print ing Co., D.A., supplies 7.38 Doris Abernathy, court re porter 30.00 Bend-Troy Laundry, jail - exp. : 1.64 J. , H. McNeely, courthouse exp 19.85 Felix Motor Sales, sheriff, auto exp 4.95 Erlksen s Stationery and Of . fice Supply, D.A. 3.29; , J.P. 8.45; circuit judge 7.20 18.94 Bend-Portland Truck Serv., clerk, freight 1.82 Shell Oil Company, sheriff, auto exp - 25.30 Oregon Protective Society, juvenile exp 5.00 The Boys' and Girls' Aid So ciety of Oregon, juvenile i exp : 5.00 IMonda Matich, clerk hire, 1 treas 24.00 Marguerite Lyons, clerk I. I hire, assessor 1 13.C0 Dr. H. J. Kavanaugh, vital i stat 5.00 iTIio Haloid Company, recti graph, freight and sup plies 3028.27 Gilmore Oil Company, slier- ; iff, auto exp 6.G7 Catholic Charities, Inc., ju- I venile exp 15.00 Stevens-Ness Law Pub. Co., D.A., supplies 2.50 COURT HOUSE BUILDING IMPVT. ETC. FUND: Myron Symons, lawn mow- I er 25.00 I TAYLOR GRAZING FUND: i Bend Hardware Company, i wire 410.00 GENERAL ROAD FUND: First National Bank, March i withholding tax 206.45 Howard Cooper ' Corpora- ' tion, hdw Bend Hardware Company, hdw Bend-Portland Truck Serv., gen. exp Shell Oil Company, lube Reed Tractor and Equip ment, parts Tide Water Associated Oil Company, fuel 330.10 ORDER FOR SALE OF REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, Deschutes County, Oregon, is the owner of the real property hereinafter described, and the County Court deems it for the best interests of said county to sell said real property: . 4 THEREFORE, BE IT ORDER ED, that the Sheriff be; and he is, hereby authorized and directed to sell the following described real property, in the manner provided by law, tor not les than the mini mum price and terms set opposite each tract, plus costs of advertis ing and recording the deed. Parcel No. 1 Lots 5 and 6, Block 31, Center Addition (20 down, balance in 3 equal pay ments, 67r int.) $40.00 Terms. Parcel No. 2 Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 1, Orokla. $30.00 Cash. Parcel No. 3 West 20 feet, Lot 4, Block 79, Bend Park (50 down, balance due June 19, 1945, at 6 int.) $20.00 Terms. Parcel No. 4 Lot 4. Block 32. Northwest Townsite Company's Second Addition. $35.00 Cash. ' Parcel No. 5 Lot 7, Block 33, Northwest Townsite Company's Second Addition. $80.00 Cash. In the Matter of Applications ' For Beer Licenses: At this time the Court approved the following applications for beer licenses: Cecil R. Henry (Henry's StoreJ Route 1. Bend. Oregon. Package Store Class "A". Jackson & Huston. Brothers. Oregon, Retail Beer Class "C" license. ' Everett B. Powell (Powell's Cafe) Laplne, Oregon, Retail Beer Class "C". In the Matter of Deeds To County Owned Lands: The Court deeded the City of Bend the West Half of Lot 9, Block 7, Wlostoria; Lot 15, Block 4, River Terrace; and Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 4, Kenwood for the con sideration of $100.00. In tho Matter of Leasing Jt County Owned Lands: At this time the Court signed the following leases: Raleigh Aulman NW'iNWtt, Sec. 24, Twp. 18 S.R. 12 E.W.M. ($5.00 per year. Term: Jan. 1, 1945 to Dec. 31, 1945). M. H. Jones NNE'4, NEW NW'i, Sec. 15; W'iNWM, Sec. 22, Twp. 17 S.R. 12 E.W.M. (3c per acre Term: Jan. 1, 1945 to Dec. 31, 1953). In the Matter of Salary Raises For Deschuf esCounty Employees': The Court ordered a $10.00 per month raise for Hazel .V. Barclay, Public Health Nurse and a raise of 50c per day for George H. Mc Allister, County Roadmaster. The Clerk was ordered to place O. H. Miller, Janitor, on the pay roll at $175.00 per month, com mencing March 25, 1945; Harry Johnson, Deputy Sheriff, Jaijer and Probation Officer, at $200.00 per month, and Iva Johnson as Jail Matron at the rate of $25.00 per month. In the Matter of the Re-Salo Of County Owned Lands ORDER FOR SALE OF REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, Deschutes County, Oregon, is the owner of the real property hereinafter described, and the County Court deems it for the best interests of said county to sell said real property: 1 THEREFORE, BE IT ORDER ED, that the Sheriff be, and he is, hereby authorized and directed to sell the following described real Eroperty, in the manner provided y law, for not less than the mini mum price and terms set opposite each tract, plus costs of advertis ing and recording the deed. Parcel No. 1 SV4NWW, Sec tion 33, Twp. 14 S., R. 11 E.W.M. (20 down, balance in three equal monthly payments of $21.33 each, beginning June 26. 1945. 6 inter est). $80.00 Terms. Parcel No. 2 S'ANW'i, NEH (except 39.63 acres deeded to U.S.) SWA, SKM, Section 36, Twp. 14 S., R. 13 E.W.M. Less existing roads and U.S. right-of-way. (20 down, balance in three equal an nual payments, at 6 interest). $560.00 Terms. Parcel No. 3--SW'4, Section 7, W!4, Section 18; NW"i, Section 19, N Ms SW '4 , S W '4 SW '4 , Sect ion 19. all in Township 22 S.. R. 23 E. W.M. S. Section 12; NVi. Sec tion 13, SEW, Section 13, NE'4, NtSSEW. EWNWW. NWMNW'4, Section 24, all In Twp. 22 S.. R. 22 E.W.M. (1920 acres) (20 down, balance In three equal an nual payments, at 6 interest.) $1920.00 Terms. In the Matter of Appointment of a Deputy Horticultural Inspectur: . It appearing to the Court that It is necessary and convenient that W. C. Robinson be appointed DeDUty Horticultural Inspector, . It is, therefore, ORDERED that he be and he is hereby appointed Deputy Horticultural Inspector for Deschutes County. In the Matter of the Use of County Land: At this time the Court slimed a resolution- releasing the United States from anv liability or claims against it which the County of Deschutes now has or ever will have arising out of the army maneuvers. There being no further busi ness, Court adjourned. C. L. ALLEN, County Judge E. E. VARCO, Commissioner A. E. STEVENS, Commissioner' Flames Destroy Nazi Chancellery Moscow, May 4 (III A Russian war correspondent reported to day that after tne capture of Ber lin he found the chancellery where the nazis said Adolf Hitler died engulfed in flames which drove him from Hitler's office after a quick survey. (If the correspondent's reported visit to the chancellery shed any light on Hitler's fate, the soviet censorship apparently was not ready to pass it since Moscow has Issued no official report on what was found at the chancellery if anything that would bear on the German version of Hitler's death.) Lt. Col. Pavel Troyanovsky, in a dispatch to the soviet army organ Red Star, described the fire- Hastened visit to the chancellery soon after the last resistance in Berlin ended. , . BICYCLES STOLEN Theft of two bicycles were be ing investigated today by Bend police after their owners had re ported their loss. Ray Lloyd, 2305 Awbrey road, said that his bicycle was stolen from in front of 1622 Awbrey road while he was visiting friends there; and Fred Pickett, 273 Jefferson place, said his was taken from the rack in front of the Montgomery-Ward order office. i The female halibut weighs 10 times as much as her mate.. I Give Mother A Gift, of Jewelry ' Sparkling bits of jewelry add dash to Mother's summer cos tumes. Earrings, bracelets, pins delicately and beautifully designed. L' Or you may please her more with a ' gift of lovely woodenware or hand hammered aluminum or perhaps a framed picture or a picture frame. Ceramic ' Novelties Pins, Necklaces, etc. ijjii Or for her table, Fostoria glass ' ' ware or Franciscan pottery. And that's only a start to the great variety of gifts we have. Best thing to do see them! Two names she'll appreciate on her gift yours, and ... Symons Bros "The House of Beauty" 947 Wall Street Phone 175 55.S0 4.00 5.59 27.56 LIS too PASTEURIZED SKIM MILK ADOS TO ITS GOODNESS E)ur??St OitoiMRCASiay, 4 Capture Her Happy Smile in a Graduation Photograph Today she stands on the threshold of a new life, but you'll always want to remember her as she looked on the happy occasion of her graduation. What better way to preserve tho graduating girl's or boy's glowing appearance than in a true to life photograph? NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ueirireein STUDIOS "PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION" 906 Wall . . Next to USO . . Phone 89 . . Bend Open Weekdays Closed Sundays 9:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. " Sludios also in Klamath Falls, Medford, Albany, Portland. One-Third of Ail Bend Cars Checked Have Faulty Brakes . , Here's How to Defect Unsafe Brakes When Brakes Are Applied (Pedal Depressed) Pedal should not travel within two inches of floor ' Pedal action should not feel "spongy" Pumping pedal several times should not be required to stop the car Car should not pull (swerve) from straight-ahead path Complete stop from any speed should not require more than legally prescribed stopping distance Let Us Check Your Brakes BRAKE ADJUSTMENT A simple brake adjustment and the addition of brake fluid in the hydraulic system may be all your car needs. The cost is trifling. BRAKE RELINING New brake lining and smoothing of the brake drums cost only a nominal amount. Don't risk a bad accident. Restore brake efficiency! WE USE GENUINE FACTORY REPLACEMENT PARTS AND APPROVED BRAKE PROCEDURE ON EVERY JOB. r jLni South of Post Office Phone 193