The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 03, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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    page eight
End of War in Europe Seems
To Be Rapidly Drawing Near;
Cities Falling Without Fight
By Louis F. Keemle
nTrtitpil press War Editor)
' The end of the war; with Germany drew rapidly near today
n n.. r ,..o.otnnno mirCad from the borders of Den-
.Ji , rw.hn0invnkin nnd the remnants of the southern
main, lu y,i.viiuui"' -
redoubt in Austria, i
Fast-breaking developments included .
Hamburg fell without a fight. .
The Germans begap a wholesale evacuation of bchlonwig-
Holstein, the reich's northernmost province,
sea 111 U manner w. u;
The Ht'.mburg radio, in us
Flowers for Arabian Princes
putting out to
ltiut iirnnrli'ast before tiie Brit
ish entered, read a decree by
Grand Adrrr.'ial Karl Ienitz's
new government declaring
Prague, Czechoslovakia, a hospl
tal city. The decree presumably
meant Prague -would not. be de
fended and the CV-rmuns in Czech
oslovakia would surrender.
London reported', without con
firmation, the inurment surren-
,w of the Hermann In .Holianu
mans in Italy and western Aus
tria, apparently took the heart
out of most of the Qerman sol
diers still in the field.
New Zealand troops of the
Eighth army entered the Adriatic
port of Trieste, previously report
ed occupied by Marshal Tito's
Yugoslavs, and peace settled down
on the remainder of the Italian
Gen. Jacob L. Devers, com
mander of the Sixth army group
southern Germany, said the
n . ,nt.iiin7 iif'riiiiua 111
?n.?i,. "'r ' nK." t-arii radio nazi national redoubt was crum
hTast a similarly unconfirmed bllng and final victory "may come
broadcast a s miia iy uii , any moment." The Third and
report that the t uishrftf gov in nushed steadilv
ahead through Austria and the
last corner of Bavaria. The Third
army, which took Hitler's birth
place at Braunau, sped on toward
Berchtesgaden without meeting
."I.-. . .... ..(inline.
ment 01 iorway-wu iii-;...
surrender of the Germane there.
Nazis Lose Heart '.
The announcement of AcYm Hit
ler's death, followed quid ly by
ik fnii nf Timlin and tht' sur
render of nearly 1,000,000'
1 r .
Savor Salt
the seasoning that adds
new goodness
tNEA Televhotol
Prince Faisal lbn Abdul Aziz, chairman of the Saudi Arabian delegation to
UNCIoT accept? a gift of flowers from little Helen Wilson as he and I mem
ben ot tus colorfully costumed delegaUon toured San hnMUta
Gate Park. Standing beside him is his brother, Prince Amir Pahad lbn
Abdul Aziz.
' Germans Surrender - '
In the northern redoubt, the
Germans were surrendering by
the tens of thousands. The British
and Americans under Field Mar
shal Sir Bernard L. Montgomery
were merely rounding the Ger
mans up and disarming them at
most points. Almost 100,000 pris
oners were handled by the Ameri
can 82nd division.
Troops of the British Second ar
my linked up with the Russians
in-Wismar, clearing the Baltic
coast of Germany and creating a
final, dwindling pocket north of
Berlin. The Canadians captured
Oldenburg at the southwestern
corner of the redoubt, hut place
and names meant little any more
In the general collapse.
Amidst all the confusion, the
whereabouts of the new fuehrer,
Admiral Doenitz, was not clear.
London believed he was seeking
a new refuge somewhere in the
north now that Hamburg and
Luebeck are gone. The British
Press association said it was "fair
ly certain" he was in Denmark
or had gone on to Norway. The
Press association previously
thought he might have been at the
naval base of Kiel, which was
under heavy British, air attack
during the night.
Where Is Hlmmler?
There was like mystery about
other leading, including
Heinrich Himmler. The latest re
port on Propaganda Minister Paul
Joseph Goebbels was one from
Moscow which said he as well as
Hitler had committed suicide. The
information was volunteered by
Hans Fritsche, Goebbels' deputy,
who was taken prisoner.
In the war against Japan, allied
troops entered Rangoon in the
final phase of the campaign to
liberate Burma. The by-passed
Japanese remaining in central
Burma were entirely cut off from
escape into Thailand.
American Superfortresses re
newed the offensive against Japa
nese suicide plane bases on the
home island of Kyushu'in support
of the campaign on Okinawa. Two
more American divisions were
sent into action to speed up the
cleanup of the Important south-
K ,, M I. .
How oo you KEEP
-j- irtklI- lAfJJITP ?
fust Clokox!
' ' I
V'V cloROX is Extra-Gentle In bleaching. It AJ
'2Z makes white eottoni and lineni snowy- L
while (brightens fast colors), makes laun- r
drv fresh, sanitary. And Clorox lessens IIA X
tPriFp) rubbin8-,hot prolon9in9 llf8 of fab,ic, I FpTv'jL" " I i T
i It
up to guest towei 'an bleachinq with Clorox does away with the
to linen,. Clorox is ul.ra-refined,
for Sanitary Kitchens! Use Clorox In
routine cleansing of refrigerators,
sinks, droinboards, china and glassware,-
dishcloths and dish towels;
floors, garbage containers . . . o an
added safeguard to health. Clorox
is extra-efficient in disinfecting, it
also deodoiiies and removes stains.
for Hyglenlcally Clean Bathrooms! Bac
teria thrive in bathrooms unless
hygienicolly cleansed. Play safe-. . .
reduce chances of infection. Use
Clorox in routine cleansing of wash
basins, bathtubs, toilet bowls; tile,
enamel, linoleum, wood surfaces.
Simply follow directions on the label.
When its a0R0X-CLAN..JfsHygencay.Cean!
ern end of that islam).
Australian invasion forces
fanned oul on Tarakan off Bor
neo, rapidly overrunning that oil
rich Island.
War Budget Cuts
Please Congress
Washington,' May 3 IP Con-j
gressional leaders disclosed today
that President Truman's recom
mended cuts in war agency bud-'
gets marked the big turning point
in heavy war spending. They said ,
further reductions would come at
a speeded-up pace.
Truman yesterday asked con
gress to pare more than seven
billion, dollars from budgets of 10
top war agencies as part of the
adjustment from a two-front to
a one-front war.
Members of both houses
promptly applauded the presU
dent's action and praised him. for
taking the lead. They said con
gress would act quickly to effect
savings in the nation's spending.
The president's action came too
late to make much of a dent In
the current year's record spending.
Big Drop Noted
The highest outlay for war
costs in any one month of the
war occurred in March of this
year when the treasury checked
out $8,246,000,000. It fell off sharp
ly to $7,139,000,000 (B) in April
and was expected to drop at a fast
er rate thereafter.
Total war cost for the fiscal
year ending June 30 has been esti
mated at $90,000,000,000 (B), com
pared to $89,000,000,000 (B). for
the previous fiscal year. The late
President Roosevelt estimated
that fiscal 1945-46 war costs would
be $69,400,000,000 (B).
Leominster, Mass. ui Pfc. Her
bet L. Mitchell of Leominster
agrees that anything can happen
in the army. Mitchell was under
going treatment for a throat ail
ment in a hospital on the western
front. When the medical officer
arrived, it proved to be Maj. John
J. Curley, his family physician,
who had brought Mitchell into the
world. .
Boston iu? Here's one to con
found Massachusetts income-tfx
records. A Somerville school
teacher . sympathized with'' Gov.
Tobin's tax problem, so she left
the state a 13-cents tip wnen sne
paid an 87-cent income tax. The
postscript read, "Keep the
To hold their vitamin C, carrots
must be kept both cold and moist.
-v, R
Things that
She'll welcome are
Hera are caa tips
ar slips
. .. T iy
easy to find,
If yew keep
Vi f Irit In your mlnai.
1 &V)
Imv term investments these
lively printed cottons that look
run nnd neat. DaintV white' bl
tons, fullness, cool, short sleeves.
NOTICE is hereby given that
the Board of Equalization of Des
chutes County, Oregon, will meet
at the Court House in the City
of Bend on Monday, May 14, 1945
and publicly examine the assess
ment rolls ana correct an erron
In valuation, description or qual
ity of all property assessed by
the County Assessor of said Des
chutes County, Oregon. Petitions
or applications for tne reduction
of a particular assessment shall
be made In. writing, verified by
the oath of the applicant or his
simrnpv nnd filed with the Board
within one week from the above !
date and petition or application
not so made, verified and filed ;
shall not be acted upon by the j
Board. . i
Assessor of Deschutes County, j
Oregon. 121-lZMdd-c
6.00 and 7.00
Many Choice Spring Coats to Choose From in
Our Balcony Store
blouses' Hr '
"Oh, that'i something
I always need," ii
Mother's remark
when the opens the
package to find one
of our tailored. Bleat.
eo or aressy meer orotuui 2.98
Mother puti the fam
TMjJ ily in cotton for turn
JafgTVnier became It's to
ltVJT icooL and freah and
yUlj waahable. So a
w V cheerful cotton
rock it a fine idea for a Moth,
er't Day gift and these at
Penney'i will pleaie the mott
discriminating manual 12.98
13.98 $4.98
Mather won't lay,
"Oh, now why did'
you do that?" when
you give her a rayon
lip I It's plain at day
you did it because
you want her to have nice things
. . . and something she'll be ture
to usel S2.98 .'
What I No glamor In
her life? Then your -gift
to her should be
a lace trimmed gown I
They appeal to the
luxury loving aide of
any mother . . . and the pastel
shades, are flattering I f 2.91 '
Mather may do tame
visiting this summer
to many families
are scattered these
days! A rayon gab
ardine housecoat in a
wraparound style it nice for trav
elers or ttay-at-hometl Popular
colors piped in white satin. 9.90
ffi & A crystal-like Vanity
Y'S V Se wi" 8 hcr that
fi, ,ff?v cared-for feeling! It
i-SiS&Jj comes in four pieces
VStytSSC a tray, powder jar,
ttrz and two bottles to
hold her perfumes! $2.98 -
You're, not sure of
her size? Then give
her tomething you
are aure about
pictures, for instance! .
They come Doxeo
in pairs 8x10" with gilt finish
moldings. $1.00
land Addition to the City of Bend,
Deschutes County, Oregon. And
for a further decree declaring that
said land be free and clear of any
Equity No. 6477
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Des
chutes. E. R. Westlake and H. J. West
lake husband and wife, Plaintiffs,
vs. Fred Jeske and all other per
sons unknown claiming any right,
title, estate or interest in the real
estate described in Plaintiffs' com
plaint, Defendants.
To Fred Jeske and all other per
onns unknown claiming any right,
title, estate or interest in the real
estate described in Plaintiffs' com-,
plaint, defendants.
In the name of the State of Ore-,
gon: You are hereby required to I
appear and answer the complaint ;
filed against you in the above en-
titled suit within four weeks from .
the date of the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail j
so to appear and answer, for want
thereof plaintiffs will apply to the ;
above entitled Court for the relief
prayed for in their complaint, to-;
wit: for a decree of said Court '
declaring plaintiffs to be the own-.
ers In fee simple of the lands de-
scribed in plaintiffs' complaint, as
follows: Lot 13 in Block 6 of High- j
Tired Kidneys
Often Bring V,;
Sleepless Nights
Doctor My your kidneys contain 15 mile
of tiny tubt or 6Ilr which help to punfy tha
blood and keep you healthy, .when they net
tired tid dun1 work rijtht In th dnytims,
many people hnva to wt np niithta. Fluent
or scanty pam-tin with sntartin and burning
omclimes hoa tbfre is something wrong
T.-.ta your Kiancya or Dimmrr. iwn hi-kicv.
this condition and ltxw viduaM. restful sleep.
When disorder of kidney function permits
poisonous matter to reiWtun to your blood, it
may also cause natunng backrtnhe, rheumttio
pains, leg paiw. Ions of pep and Mercy,
welling, pnffineoa under th eye, hoadachea
asd diiiinees. .."
Don't wait! Ak your dnuorfst for Doan s
Pilb, iisrd ucceafully by million for ow 40
x-eara. They gi-e happy relief and will help
the, IS mito of kidney tube flush out povon
oua waste from your blood. Get Uoas Pwa. ,
And it's just about
as. easy to use,
tool "Trimz" wall
pafper now comes
ready to put up. . .
all you do is
moisten the paper,
roll it on the wall
and smooth
it over.
Slick as
a sail
or's whistle 1
You need
no tools,
no muss.
you make
Come in,
choose from the 24
colorful new pat
terns just in, and
see how cheaply you
can have a lovely
new room. A FREE
SAMPLE of Trimz is
waiting for you in
Catalog Office
813 Wall
I'hone 970
right or claim whatever on the
part of said defendants or any of
them, or on the part of any other
persons or parties unknown,
claiming any right, title, estate,
lien or interest in and to said real
property, or any part thereof;
and that each and all of said de
fendants, and any and all persons
claiming any interest in said
property by, through or under
them, or any of them, be forever
enjoined, restrained and barred
from asserting or claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or interest
whatsoever, to or in said property
or any part thereof, and that
plaintiffs' right to said premises
be forever quieted and set at rest,
and for such other and further re
lief as the nature of this cause
may require and as unto the
Court may seem Just and equit
able.. This summons is served upon
you by publication once a week
for four consecutive weeks in The
Bend Bulletin, a newspaper of
general circulation printed and
published in Bend, Deschutes
County, Oregon by order of Hon.
Ralph S. Hamilton, judge of said ,
Court, made April 11, 1945, order
ing first publication to be made
April 12, 1945.
Dated and first published April
12th, 1945, last publication May 3,
A. J. MOORE, Attorney f or -Plaintiffs,
Postoffice address, i
Bend, Oregon. 109-115-121-127C
Guaranteed to
give quick relief
or your money back
10c, SOe or $1.00 V
t all drug counters
to the music of
and His
Fri.. May 4
Bend Roller Rink
9:00 p.m.
Arkie Happy Smiley Hungry
Stars of Radio and Recording Winners
in 1944 of KXL Tournament of Western
Bands in the Entire Northwest