! 1 1 tility Stocks Solster Market By Elmer C. Walzer I New York, May 3 HP) Industri- II and utility stocks more than HOC -U(J U1CU llOCTB VI UIC M3l vo sessions in a strong, moder- tely active stock market session oday. The industrial average reached new high since September 9, 937 while the utility was at its est since April 21, 1937. Rails lso were higher but they-failed ;o make up, the sharp decline of jesday. . Grains advanced sharply under ie leadership or wheat. European pnds -spurted on anticipation of In early conclusion of the war in Jermany. The general recovery was as Tibed to an improved technical xsition after two sessions of con lolidation, to the Truman an louncement seeking a $7,000,000, XX) cut in war outlay, and to out ook for tax reductions for in iustry after V-E day. News con lnued favorable, Including a raise n car loadings, and several im proved corporation reports and iividend actions. Bethlehem steel led its depart ment higher and equaled its top. Chrysler rose more than two mints to a new high and led the . notors forward. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland. Ore.. Mav 3 (IP) I.Ivp. tock: Cattle 50, calves 25. Few f aies sieaay. cutter steers sii.uo. Jommon heifers $11.00-11.50. Can-er-cutter eows $7.00-9.50. Few ledium bulls unsold. Good veal rrs $15.00; choice quotable $16.00. f'ew feeder calves $14.50. I Hogs 50. Nominal. Barrows and fpilts ;all weights salable $15.75. jpows $15.00. Feeder pigs quotable S17.50-18.00. . I Sheep 50. Slow, following Wed yiesday's 25-50c lower close. Good Jspring lambs $15.00, best Wed nesday $15.50. Good wooled ewes S8'50. Shorn ewes salable $8.50 own. y PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., May 3 ilP Butter stocks today were reported to be accumlating among retailers and churners as consumers find it hard going to dig up the neces sary ration points. Prices were unchanged. V Trade in the egg market hold ifirm as prices remained at OPA Ruttm- Cuke S3 senrft 45.e. ' score 42ks: 90 score'?42c;- 8i core 41 c pound. I Eggs Prices to retailers: AA Jlarge 44c; A large 42c; medium A jS39c; small 35c dozen. 12 CHICKENS CUT SENTENCE f Mound City, 111. (IB Noah Wig ins received something new in She way of reduced jail sentences. Wiggins was sentenced to one $ear for chicken-stealing, but the jcourt recommended that for every . &owl returned, one week should Jbe cut from' the original term. 4The defendant managed to rake jup a dozen chickens, knocking 12 weeks from his sentence, but he's Sttill in jail for a long time. PLAN WELCOME FOR VETS O'FALLON, 111. (Ul Returning war veterans of O'Fallon will find fan extra-special welcome await- iing them. At a recent meeting ffarious civic and fraternal organ- SsTWplrnme Home Assn.. whose Dur- " ose will be to arrange suitable receptions ior tne local veieiaiis of World War II. 4,000 GALLONS FREE 'GAS' Stonefort. 111. (U'i There was ipasoline for everyone in the vil lage of Stonefort, all unrationed and free, when a gasoline tanK i i ruck belonging to the Lawrence- iville Cartage Co. overturned near the town. Enterprising citizens paraded past the gasoline toun J lain for four hour with every available bucket and pail in the i community in order to salvage as J much oi the 4.0UO gallons as pos sible. Largest and Most Complete Stock of Used Merchandise in Oregon 2-Piece Living Room Set..! $30 to $125 5-Piece Bedroom Set.... ....$49 to $69 5-Piece Breakfast Set ....$15.00 Full Size Bed, Complete $10 to $30 Chest Drawers $10 to $25 Dressers $15 to $35 9x12 Rugs $25 to $35 Throw Rugs $1 to $5 Kitchen Ranges $10 to $50 Heatrolas ......$40 to $50 Floor Lemps, Table Lamps, Bod Lamps and a Hundred Other Articles Come Up and See What We Have BROWN SUPPLY CO. Phone I6I-W Redmond, Oregon At the Trading Post Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates LocalPaid in Advanc 28 Words One Time 85c 25 Words Three Times .750 25 Words Six Times $LS5 All wd mr It ftdd le par wart Omm . number f InMrtloiu On. month run, urn, copy, Vfc iwj rsU Hlnimaa Chuie, tic LINE BATE lOo CAPITALS 20c Clualfled AdnrUiInc, Cuh In Adnuu. Dilj Ckalnc Tim. 12 iM P. U. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. Special CommunicaUon Thurs., May 8, 7:30 p.m. E. A. Degrees and Examinations George Slmervllle, Sec'y. MEETING of Loyal Order of Moose First and Third Fri days. Ladies Auxiliary Second and Fourth Saturdays. DANCE for members, families and candidates every Saturday night, no charge. FOB SALE ON SHASTA Place, 2 bedroom modern house, sleeping porch, new drilled hole, fenced. $2700, $600 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 5-TUBE RADIO in good condition. Inquire 1052 Newport. 2FRAME reversible honey ex tractor, new garden cultivator, twin laundry tubs, writing desk, double coil bed springs. Call after 5 p. m. 236 E. Kearney. Lillian B. McUne. - LYONS FLOWER ' GARDENS Steele's jumbo pansy plants, also perennials and annual flower and vegetable plants in season. 1604 W. 2nd, corner Portland. 3 ROOM modern with fruit room, woodshed, garage, work shop. 2 lots, nice garden Spot. $1668.50, $500 down. Wood in woodshed. On highway, 2410 N. 1st Street. ONE HIGH CHAIR, one mechan ical drawing set, 4 small size new Venetian blinds, maternity clothes. Basement at 137 St. Helens. t I WOOD FUEL Order next winter's fuelhow in load lots. Limbs or body. City or Country. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. FLAT BED 1934 Chev. truck, long wheel base, dual tires, ceiling price. On south highway, turn right at closed Texaco station, 3rd house on left. Any time after 5 p. m. DAVENPORT and chair, twin beds, good condition. Inquire 434 Riverfront. PARTLY FURNISHED 4 room house, hot and cold water, good range and bed, lot 50'xl3O"; 5 min utes walk from the mill, cheap. Call at 22 Lake place. ONE HEAVY DUTY home made tractor. Also one gentle cow suit able for family use. Phone 13-F-15. First place west of Eastern Star Grange hall". STEEL'S JUMBO pansy plants, perennials of all sorts, most an nuals are now ready. Pickett Gar dens. Phone 530, 6th at Quimby. A COMBINATION coal and wood "Estate" circulating heater. 1206 Elgin. Call after 5:30. C H A I R I S FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and braziers, reas onable prices. Call for appoint ment. Phone 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. 1 BLACK WORK horse, 9 years, weight 1600 lbs. One veal calf. 200 ft. of galvanized flume 10" half round. Phone 10-F-14. Homer Brown, Butler Market road. A THE FOB SALE HEYWOOD-WAKEFIELD wicker baby carriage in excellent condi tion. 524 Congress. Phone 641-J. ROCKHILL strawberry plants, $3 per hundred, $25 per thousand, dig yourself. Charles Burkart, 2 miles Bend-Burns highway. EAST SIDE, 4 lots, 2 houses, 1 modern 2 bedroom, 1 semi-modern on paved street, $3200 unfurnish ed. Furniture can be purchased. Anne Forbes, db Oregon. Phone 36-W. 1 JERSEY heifer with 2 months old white face calf. Phone 447-W. .32 COLT AUTOMATIC, new con dition with some shells. Call at 1355 Hartford after 5 p. m. 4-ROOM MODERN, good condi tion, furnace heat. 424 E. 3rd. 2 FAT HOGS for sale. 4 miles out on Butler Market road. Chas. Williamson. HAND MADE Iancy work, aprons, chair sets, table sets, towel sets, pillow cases and vari ous other articles. 1434 Daven port WEST SIDE houses, 4 room mod ern furnished, $1800, $300 down, $30 month. 2 bedroom, shower, garden, garage, chicken house, $1800, $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. PLANTS READY. Perennials, strawberries, cabbage, cauliflow er, brussel sprouts, broccoli, let- tuce. t anton s Garden, sza ugden. CANNED FRUIT, hem maker, tennis racket and 2 balls, xamp mattress, Whitman logger's boots size 8, new combination wood, coal circulator heater, mirrors, cross cut saw, 1 steel day bed, Ironing board, house coat size 12, fruit jars, goose feather pillows, bed spreads, dishes and cooking utensils, toys, and drain pipe auger. Inquire 1925 W. 7th. ROCKHILL strawberry plants, $3.00 per hundred if taken in next 10 days. Gervais Ranch, second place west Cox's Service -Station on south highway. 4 LOTS, 5 room modern, unfinish ed upstairs, shop, large garage, 2 chicken houses, rabbit hutches, 52850. Loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. PREWAR COOK stove, good con dition. Inquire 1245 Elgin between' 11:00 a. m. and 3 p. m. 2 THREE ROOM: Houses, one modern. Ranges, heating stoves. new. Three garages, three wood ! sheds, one boat house. Extra long i lots on river, east side. Must sell I at once. Priced for quick sale at ;$2625. Terms at Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall Street. 3 PIECE BEDROOM suite, nearly new. Inquire 448 Division. CLEAN 2 bedroom modern house on pavd street, 4 blocks from town. Partly furnished including Frigidaire and Montng range. Small down payment to right party. Call 915-M.. 2 YEAR OLD heifer coming fresh September. Bend Trap Club road, first turn to left, 3rd house on right. 16 FT. TRAILER house, good con dition, has ice box and sink. Must sell. Make offer. 144 Roosevelt. 100 EWES with lambs at side. 4 miles north of Ayre's store on old Burt Allison place. J. E. Nolan, Powell Butte. 50 SACKS POTATOES, 1 Oliver walking plow, 1 model A motor and transmission. H. E. Myers, Rt. 1, Box 389, Cram place. 3 ROOM modern two stoves, ce ment basement, new roof, newly painted, close to Kenwood school. Inquire at 104 Congress or phone 149-J. 4 BEDROOM: House on west side north of Portland Ave. Must sell at once. Priced at $3500 with $1000 down. For terms see Gilberts Heal Estate and Insurance, 1015 Wall Street. COMPLETE BED with coil springs and innerspring mattress. One man's prewar bicycle in ex cellent condition. 536 Ogden. See ELMER LEHNHERR . For Liberal Cash Loans On AUTO Your L,GHT TRUCK Your PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M333 217 Oregon Phone 525 BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 3. FOB SALE 80 ACRE RANCH, 40 acres water right, well ditched, full particu lars 3V4 miles Butler-Market road. Write Rt. 1, Box 358. TWO GENTLE Jersey cows, now milking, suitable for lamily use. Also one six months old purebred Jersey bull calf. Sawyer-Steiwer Ranch breeding. James T. Price, Rt. 2, Box 20-A. wo miles irom city limits on new Redmond high way. COZY HOME all furnished, Frig- idaire, electric stove, 2 bedrooms, shower, 3 large lots, lovely view, Dine trees. Only $2200, $500 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. NEW 4-ROOM modern house. In quire 365 E. Kearney. TOR SALE OB TRADE 1936 TERRAPLANE sedan, in A l condition. 1936 V-8, reconditioned motor. Will take old motor in on exchange. Also car parts for sale. 136 Greenwood. 1934 PLYMOUTH coupe with good tires.- $260.00 cash or will take good Ford model A roadster or pickup in trade. Must be in good condition with good tires. Frank R. Henderson, Rt. 2, Box 106. FOB BENT MODERN FURNISHED two room house on back of lot, nice shade and individual lawn and garage. Can furnish utilities. Phone 1083 or call at 623 Hill St. 3 ROOM modern house with bath, lawn. Inquire 216 E. Irving after Saturday.- VACANCIES, OIKane building. Inquire at Hogan's Studio. 3 ROOM modern cottage, electric stove and refrigerator, wood, wa ter and lights furnished. Also two 2 room modern cabins. Inquire Signal Station on south highway. VACANCY WESTONIA Apart ments. Newly decorated, modern, close in, electrically equipped, re frigeration, garage, washing fa cilities, full basement. Inquire Aflf. 7, 1601 W. 3rd. NEWLY DECORATED modern 3 room furnished apartment. 3 room modern furnished house. Refrigeration and washing facili ties, garage. Adults only. Close in. Inquire 42 Irving, Nygaard Apts. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. MODERN FURNISHED apart ment, automatic heat and laundry facilities, close in, at 509 Franklin, Staats Apartments. VACANCY in JANSEN VILLA: Unfurnished apartment. Gas cir culating hearter, range, refrigera tor, and water heater. Laundry fa cilities. Inquire office, 407 Port land Ave. 4 ROOM semi-modern furnished house, newly decorated.- Adults. $15.00. Phone 1038 J.-; NICELY FURNISHED modern clean 3 room house, sleeping porch, gas water heater, gas range. $35 month. Adults only. 34 Lafayette. Phone 36-W.' CLEAN i ONE room furnished house including wood and water, suitable for one or two people. $8.00 a month. Inquire 634 Ari zona, afternoons and evenings. hi ACRE potato ground and berry patch, share or cash rent. At E. 8th St. Call 905-J. 5 ROOM partially fm-nished house, semi-modern, nice garden. Call at 1069 Milwaukee. WANTED WHEN YOU want wood sawed call McCann "The Buzz Saw Man." Phone 945-M. DAY OLD calves, anv hrppH Phone ll-F-23 or call Donald1 Kaye, Kt. 1, Box 437-A. USED R A Dins Will now ..... prices for good used radios. jeurge s naaio service. New loca-1 tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WANT TO TRADE gas range on electric refrigerator, or pay cash I for refrigerator in good condi-1 tion. Write Box 1208, Redmond. I WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs you have to sell also some big springer cows and will pick them up at your ranch. Phone 78-J or drop a card to W. R. Franks, Redmond, Ore. RED RYDER Bv FRED HARMAN MHtRE ANOTHER B035J YEAH, LITTLE" 1 'ANT HOW, WE'RE X 1 1 7?ZZ7? A i UWHAT IS! BLAI3 !S .BUetCKl ASONSr &T& BEAVER -'J fTELLN' WSriERiFP (HEt.REDO (ANTf DUCHESS' ISHEDO'M'WlTH kl. VRED RYDERi7-fi5T0PPl, TrtV AftO'JT W EXPLOSION -CL! VTHAT WAGON J NST AEvT- "-vSTjir. RAILROAD YOU HEARD BEFORE ) V, f- Vv i-l -M iiVftk 4KUftH SURE HELPED V VTH' TRACKS WERE . XJ" . fT WANTED 34 BEDROOM modern house, preierawy on west side. Phone 714. USED CAR, popular make, un der $200. Inquire 245 Broadway. WANT TO TRADE Electrolux re frigerator for olfmtWo mfrlnara. tor. Write J. R. Bryant, Star nuuie, ousters, ure. GOOD ELECTRIC refrigerator, popular make. Not over 6 years old. Care of L. M. Kelly, Pilot Butte Auto Court. GOOD USED bath tub and com plete fixtures. Phone 1070-W or call 147 E. Olney. HELP WANTED OFFICE HELP Must be able to type. Write No. 344 Bend Bulletin. FRY COOK. Inquire Pilot Butte Inn. MAN WANTED to operate dairy ranch, must be experienced with machines. Good wages. Phone 324 or36F-21. COUPLE high school boys for gardening and yard work. Good wages. See Joe Slate at Slate's Barber Shop. HELP WANTED In housekeeping Pilot Butte Inn. Apply Housekeep- USED CARS 1933 CHEV. two door sedan, $275 cash. Good tires, swell heater, new battery. See Ben Graffenberger Service Station on South Third. 2 FORD dump trucks, one 1942, one 1939. Ceiling price. Traier P.ui k onen ataiion, iteamond, on 6th St. across from Hide and Wool building. MODEL A Ford, 16" wheels. In quire 1027 Newport. LOST SHOPPING BAG containing black patent leather purse with , papers In name of Mrs. Louis Dor- ( necker, Prineville, Ore., and some cash. Evidently picked up by mis-: take from customer's desk at Post Office. Finder return to Bulletin, i Reward. j MISCELLANEOUS WE HAVE a franchise with RCA Victor for a limited supply of all Popular and Western Hillbilly records that they release in th future and a sample of ea!h Clas sical Album. If they make it, we will have It. Come In and look our stock over. Bend Music Company, 114 Minnesota Ave. Phone 712. THOR WASHER SERVICE CER TIFIED GENUINE PARTS. Also repairing and factory parts for other washers. A. J. Palmer, Har mon and Galveston. Phone 275-J. IF YOU are feeling below par get I Pursin a preparation that sup-! plies essential vitamins and Iron. ! Improves appetite, increases pep. ; Guaranteed. For sale in Bend at the Owl Pharmacy. I FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Repels, or kills on contact, FLIES, mosquitas, gnats, moths, etc. Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc. Phono 594. Lloyd Whca don, 1714 Steldl, Bend. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. ! Garments repaired, nominal cost. I Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brlnson, : O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend.' ; WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. WASHING MACHINE repairing. '.end Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. FOR YOUR plastering, hi ick lay Ing, cement work and general re pair call 504-W. j MAKANDA Rpmnllnl Klnrl- Tina. istered thoroughbred, light bay, weignt iiaj, height 15', proven sire of quarter horse type. Fee $10.00, return privilege. Standing, Brooks-Scanlon barn. Frank Kllpv attendant. HUNTING YOUR LETTER! IEA DS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. 18.1.1 Di;i;i) i ii.KD Portland, Me. U'' A riwd transferring land in South Wind ham was registered here the other day. It was dated Sept. 3, 1833. 1945 Allies Storming Burma Capital Pnlnmhn Mnv 3 l!Pt 1 AlltArl troops stormed into Rangoon, cap ital of Burma, today in the final, phase of the campaign to liberate the British colony from the Japa nese Invaders. Thp rlrivp Intn tha Miv ti.Mtt. had a pre-war population of ap- piuAiumiuiy uu,uuu,was announc- Pd 111 RlwHill mmmiinimm rf tht finilthpact Aula nnmmanrl There were no immediate re ports whether the allied forces, Which POmnlptpd thp pnnltvtlampnt of the city yesterday with a para- iroup tanning zu miles to we cnnth wpra mnnttnn ami fnvm. .., . .n .uiuii li able resistance at Rangoon. civilians who had escaped from the city and liberated prisoners reported that high-ranking Japa nese military oficers and puppet government authorities had fled the city. CAMPBELL FUNERAL SET Funeral services for Joseph Campbell, who died In his sleep on a ranch near Bend, will be held at 2:30 p. m. Sunday In the chapel at the Niswonger 'and Winslow funeral home, it was an nounced today. Rev. Father Vinc ent. Kerwick will officiate, and burial is to be in the Pilot Butte cemetery. BICYCLE IS STOLEN Theft of his bicycle from the high school rack yesterday, today was reported to Bopd police by jerry iwupatricK, 4tb lUast Burn side street. Buy National War Bonds Now! Food Savings for Friday Saturday Friday Saturday Savings 0 Schilling Coffee 2 lb. 65c Tile C hcK'olulo Drink V-8 Cocktail No. 2 15c No. 5 35c mi fWv nemo feSsrJ 59c rr.-r. KriSP fW'T Cockers 2PS White or . ,rahum COLUMBIA QUALITY MEATS Roasting Hens, Heavy and Medium lb. 43c Swiss Steak, Cut Thick, Grade A lb. 40c .... 10 Kru 1 lb. Franks, 1 pt. Kraut both 35c Salt Pork, Med. Wt 1 b. 31c 7 Ked THIS CURIOUS WORLD ) are not such satrzva ? '" i ) GArrt evwAS as one . ) -t I IS LED TO BELIEVE ) k . L THEYOAW 6IVE A ) KSKSV K WARNING RATTLE BEFORE ' ( fj' I STRIKING AT A VICTIM ON SfS A W WHICH THEY INTEND TO Iz-SX VSf g. AK AAHeAi. TJW jdf ' c-VnS- 1 IT'S ONLY ENEMIES fo-TOCK V (TOSijra ' K CAPABLE OF INJURING Cti&MKBai "aVR I 7he s PyMrc CO PR. tMft 0Y NEA 6CRVICE. INC CHLOROPHYLL., THE LIPE-6IVIN SUBSTANCE OF PLANTS, HAS A CHEMICAL NATURE SIMILAR TO THAT OP BJ.OOO. ANSWER: The science of the The word is derived from Selene, Dr. Clarence T. Simon, profes sor of speech re-education at Northwestern university, says that 10 per cent of the nation's! FOOD MARKET Post Raisin Bran ...... .2 pkgs. 19c Tenderoni .3 pkgs. 25c WOOIIBUKV Toilet Soap Deal .4 bars 29c H&D Kernel Corn ...... .can 17c Merrimac Peas can 15c Staco String Beans can 15c Spinach No. 2 can 15c Minced Clams can 34c Soy King Pancake Flour. . .pkg. 17c H-D Peaches No. 21 can 28c Duffs Muffin Mix pkg. 25c Mustard, Best Foods, 9c Cream-of-Wheat 24c Fcls Naptha...4 for 19c Peet's Soap, large.. 29c Syrup pt. 23c t oidiiiiii PAGE SEVEN SELENOGRAPHY IS THE STUDY OF 0 PHOTOGRAPHY OF WOMEN RACETRACK STATISTICS TOPOGRAPHY OF THE MOON physical features of the moon. goddess of the moon. school children have speech de fects ranging from stuttering to inability to produce certain vowel add consonant sounds. Food Savings . for Friday Saturday . Albers Pancake Flour No. 10 Bag 69c Swans Down Family Flour. 25 Lb. $1.19 i5-3 rja T. M. WEO. U. 1. PAT. OtT. ,