The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 03, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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Play Day Is Held
For Two Schools
Redmond, May 3 (Special)
High school "play day" was held
in Redmond Monday, May 1, with
Prineville and Redmond high
school girls participating. Bend
was, unable to attend. The girls
brought their lunches, and ice
cream was served by the Red
mond G. A. A. girls who were the
. hostesses. ......
Results of games follow:
Track meet Huella McDanlel
(R), first; Nadlne Towner (P),
second; Doris Grubb (R), third.
50 yard dash Artlce Gage (P),
first; Darlene Hart (R), second;
Mary Ann Bliss (R), third.
Baseball throw Dorothy Mof
fitt (P), first; Mary Ann Bliss
(R), second; Joan Moody RJ,
Broad Jum p Allyn Mae Grimes
(P), first; Patty Muir (P), sec
ond; Kate Osborn, Doris Grubb
(R), tied for third. .
High lump Irene Johnson (P),
first; Huella McDaniel (R), sec
ond; Virginia Minks (HI, Lms
Simmons (R), tied for third.
Relay Redmond first (Darlene
Hart, Huella McDaniel, Jean
Thornton, Mary Ann Bliss.)
Baseball throw Doris McFad
den (R), first; Dolores Clark (P),
second; Huella McDaniel (R),
Redmond won the tennis match
es and Prineville won all bowl
ing matches. There was swim
ming In the afternoon, and a
beauty contest was held. Girls
were judged on posture, poise,
beauty and symmetry of body
proportions. Dorothy Hofstetter
of Redmond won this contest.
Society deadline on days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Is 10 a.m.
Call SU, The Bulletin newsroom.
Engagement Announced
At Formal Sorority Banquet
Celebrating the 14th anniveisa-Katie Wise, Geraldine Arney,
Pacific Veteran
Is Again Civilian
Madras, May 3 (Sneclal)
Francis Crews, local boy, returned
home several days ago after more
than four years in the South Pa
cific. Francis enlisted before Pearl
Harbor and was there when the
Japs raided. He has also seen ac
tion In New Zealand, Now Cale-i
donia, New Hebrides and Samoa.
Crews has had malaria six times
and has been In the states In sev
eral hospitals for the past nine
About ten days ago he was
given a medical discharge and is.ver young
now assisting
his father raise
rv of (he national organization,
members of Beta Sigma Phi held
a formal banquet Tuesday eve
ning at the Pilot Butte Inn. Miss
Eleanor Bcchen was presented a
gift in appreciation of her service
as director of Hie group. The pre
sentation was made by Phyllis
A special feature of the affair
was Miss Mary Ellen May's an
nouncement of her engagement
to Russell Washburn, SM 3c, U.
S. N. No dale has been set for the
wedding. Signalman Washburn is
now in Bend on leave, and will
report to Treasure Island for as
signment May 27.
Four new members who were
pledged by the sorority were1
Bend Delegation
Attends Meeting
At Culver Church
The Central Oregon assembly
of the Churches of Christ met
April 29 in the Culver church,
with Rev. 1). L. Penhollow and his
congregation as hosts.
About 150 people attended the
afternoon and evening services,
climaxed by a banquet served In
the culver Odd f ollows hall. A
chartered bus carried representa
tives from Bond to the meeting.
William Boegll, pioneer church
man, was program chairman.
Mrs. Charles Entriken was assem
bly president and Mrs. W. C. Bar
ber was chairman of the Culver
hostess committee.
Dr. E. R. Moon, pastor of the
Redmond church and former mis
sionary to the Congo, was the
principal speaker. Other speak
ers included C. F. Swandcr, state
missionary secretary; Ed De
Wees, state secretary of the "99"
men's movement, and Walter My
ers, national benevolent worker.
A musical program was pre
sented, including numbers by Cul-
peopie, with Richard
Ruth Yielding and Elizabeth May,
Members who accepted the ritual
of jewels include Dorothy Apple
gale, LaVerna Ballard, Catherine
Ilor, Vlnconta Grino, Carola May
and Margaret Dougherty.
Others present for the occasion
wore Phyllis Olsen, Lueuala Sand
ers, Joan Watson, Elizabeth Beav
er, Mary I-ou Partridge, Pat Kel
leher, Eva Susac, Mary Ellen May,
Lucille Wood, Ann Staples, Leola
Olson, Lucille Hedstrom, Helen
Faddls and Eleanor Bcchen.
Following the banquet a pro
gram was presented, featuring a
duet by LaVerna Ballard and Pat
Kallaher. The local chapter of the
sorority was organized eight
years ago.
A finished hog ready for mar
ket has eaten over 900 pounds of
leed. i .
Tate as soloist. A quintet from
Powell Butte sang "Rock of
Ages" and Wayne Hamilton of
Bend sang "Beyond the Sunset."
Plans were made for a number
of activities for the summer, in-t
eluding a boys' camp on the Turn-
alo, a camp for older youths at
Suttle lake, and a "99" men's baa
quet In the Powell Butte church.
Ministers of the district who at
tended the assembly included Rov.
Penhollow, Culver and Powell
Bulto; Dr. E. R. Moon, Redmond,
and Rev. Wendell Small, Madras.
Miss Lucy Germain, field repre
sentative of the American Journal
of Nursing, was presented as
guest speaker at a dinner meeting
held last night in the Pine Tavern
by the District Nurses' associa
tion. The occasion was a special
Plan Card Party The Women
of the Moose will sponsor a pub
lic card party at 8:00 p.m. Satur
day at the home of Mrs. Nathan
Murry, 429 Staats street. Mem
bers of the committee In charge
are Mrs. Alice Soderstrom, Mrs.
Bill Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Walter
B. Hyde.
Masonic Bodies
Announce Date
For Gay Party
Open house will be held by the
uruer ot tne tasteri star and the
Masonic lodge at 8:30 p. m. Sat
urday, May 5, at the Masonic
temple, for members of Masonic
bodies, their families and house
guests.' This is the concluding
party in a series wnicn nave fea
tured dancing, cards, and floor
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hunnoll arc
joint chairmen for the affair, as
sisted by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dud'
rey and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wirt
Mrs. George F. Euston and Mrs.
wnson George are planning a spe.
Cial Dmpram for th nnnaainrt
Refreshments will be served by
Mrs. Frank Bockman, matron of
the local OES chapter, assisted by
mis. r. c. moore ana Mrs. Mark
J. Howbrook.
Frank Davis and Frank Bock-
man are in charge of prizes for
Driuge ana pinocnie, and Jim
cnamDeriin Is music chairman.
ine social committee of the
tastern star, headed by Mrs. J,
C. Chamberlin, chairman, spon.
sorea tne series of Darties. Mrs
W. A. Hunnell and Mrs. Isahoiio
amitn are other members of the
Luncheon Planned The Facul
ty Dames will have a pot-luck
luncheon Tuesday, May 8, at 1:15
p.m. at the home of Mrs. Harold
Carlisle, 631 Columbia, it has been
announced by Mrs. Paul Smith,
president-elect. Mrs. Ford Hun
nell has been president of the club
during the current school year.
Hostesses Named Mr.r .limn
cnamDernn, Mrs. Harrv Hamll.
ton, Mrs. Leo Cox and Mr rim
Ryan will be hostesses for the
meeting or the Emera club at
l:dU p.m. Saturday at the Masnnlo
i empie.
Lodge To Initiate Tho Rnvol
Neighbors of America will meet
Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Norway
hall, with Initiation to be held
and State Supervisor Mae Logan,
of Portland, to be present. Mem
bers of the refreshments commit
tee win be Mrs. Earl Webber.
Bernadine Besson and Mrs. Eva
Winter. On the entertainment
committee will be Mrs. R. P.
Jones and Mrs. Lucy Blladeau.
To Meet Tonight The Neigh
bors of Woodcraft will meei to-
night at 8:00 p.m. In the Moose
hall. Officers announce that spe
cial Dusiness win be considered
and all members are requested to
De present. - ,
You can't be bad and
beat Alan Ladd!
Maybe you have what it takes to make Alan Ladd
accept a back scat in M.J. B's Coffee Quiz. Anyway,
here's your chance to find out and a moment of
recreation in your busy day. Run through the quiz
questions about coffee printed here. Decide which
nswer you think is right for each. Then look below
nd see how Alan Ladd did on these questions.
Af U. S. Army pods the number of cupt of
coffee consumed at each meal per man aver
age!... Q 1 cup 3 cups . 2 cups
A musical comedy In praise of coffee was
once composed by . . .
I I Johann Sebastian Bach
I I William Shakespeare
Oliver Goldsmith
The 99 of flavor-stealing air removed from
container by M.J. B's vacuum-pack is . . .
an aid to national defense
I a closely-guarded secret
highest of any coffee
As a general rule, coffee trees produce full
crops for how many years?
1 1 years 15 years 27 years
an aid to national defense i 'tC ' 'iVfv"
Surprise Shower
Held May First
By Large Group
Belying the maxim,- "daisies
won't tell," the daisy-bedecked
home of Mrs. E. S. Hiltorl, 123
Thurston, was tho scene of a sur
prise shower Tuesday evening
honoring Mrs. Wayne Scriven. In
keeping with the May day theme,
a bouquet of daisies presented to
tne nonor guest disclosed thevna
ture of the party.
Games provided entertainment
for the evening, and refreshments
were served by the hostesses,
Mrs. Clayton KOnzack and Mrs.
Clyde Madsen. Mrs. Clyde Beau
lieu sang "Sweet and Low," ac
companied by Mrs. Florence
Aimee, and Miss Alma Lewis, ac
companied by Mrs. Clayton Kon
zack, sang "Mighty Like a Rose."
Many dainty gifts were presented
to Mrs. Scriven.
Other guests at the affair In
cluded Miss Joy Hilton, Miss Alma
Lewis, Miss Dons Quinn. Mrs.
H. Seiss, Mrs. Paul Hundley, Mrs.
Goldie Campbell, Mrs. E. David
son, Mrs. N. B. Meeker, Mrs. Mar
cus Qulnn, Mrs. Fred Tuprner.
Mrs. Earl Rodman, Mrs. R. Hough,
Mrs. Auorey ji. t-erry, Mrs. Alvin
Turner, Mrs. Charles Burkhart,
Mrs. Gerald Schlaman and Mrs.
May Watson. -
.(Alan Ladd answered 3 out
of 4 questions correctly in the
above Coffee Quiz, Correct
anwers, in order, are: 2 c i
johann Sebastian Baib: high
est oj any coffee; 1 5 years.)
Your search for the right coffee will come to full
stop once you discover M.J.B. Here's full, mellow
rich flavor brought to you at peak freshness. NV'e
guarantee there is no finer coffee. All the special
goodness of this grand blend is locked in by M.J.B's
vacuum-pack, the highest vacuum protection of any
coffee. Try M.J. B and sec if this isn't your coffee!
Make coffee with the same care you've used in the
past... then you'll know-
Double your money back if you don't agree
the finest coffee you ever tasted!
7:30 p.m. Camp Fire and Blue
bird guardians, Pilot Butte Inn.
7:45 p.m. Philathea club with
Mrs. Jack Hollenbeck, 19 Terminal.
8:00 p.m. Junior Civic league
with Mrs. Norman Gilbert, 1052 E.
8:00 p.m. American Legion,
veterans' room, courthouse, for
nomination of officers.
8:00 p.m. Neighbors of Wood
craft, Moose hall. I
8:00 p.m. USO council, cham-!
ber of commerce offices. I
Friday '
8:00 p.m. Jay H. Upton camp
and "auxiliary, U. S. W. V,, veter- i
ans' room, courthouse.
1:30 p.m. Emera club, regular
meeting at Masonic temple. i
:uu p.m. Public card party
sponsored by Women of the
Moose, with Mrs. Nathan Murry,
429 Staats. .
8:30 p.m. Open house. Masonic
temple, for Eastern Star, Masons, :
families and house guests. - ;
9:00 p.m. Public dance. Pine
Forest grange, sponsored by
Cooties. !
Sunday ' !
3:30 p.m. Junior hostesses. 1
USO, picnic for service men in i
Shevlin park. I
Monday I
10:00 a.m. All-day missionary !
rally at Christian church. Potluck ;
luncheon at noon.
7:30 p.m. Royal Neighbors of
America in Norway hall.
1:15 p.m. Faculty Dames, pot-
luck luncheon with Mrs. Harold
Carlisle, 631 Columbia.
4:00 p.m. Juvenile Degree of1
Honor in Norway hall.
8:00 p.m. Degree of Honor, 1
drill and oficors' practice, Norway
hall. i
8:00 p.m. American Legion
auxiliary with Mrs. W. H. Coah
ran, 525 Lava road.
Auxiliary to Meet The auxil-1
lary of tho Percy E. Stevens unit
No. 4, American Legion, will moot
Tuesday, May 8, at the home of
Mrs. W. H. Coahran, 525 Lava
road. Mrs. George Brick will be
POST'S ftrsff BRAN
delicious NSW breakfast idea
It'samagiccombinationof crisp
Post's 40 Bran Flakes plus ten
der, sweet, seedless raisins . .
right In the same package ! You've
never tasted anything so delicious.
Ask your grocer for Post's Raisin
Bran in the big blue-and-white
package today.
Two Groups Plan
For Friday Teq '
Redmond, May 3 (Special)
The Girls' league and home econ
omics department of R. U. H. S.
will be Joint hostesses for the
annual, mother-daughter tea Fri
day afternoon, May 4, at the high
Guests will meet In the assem
bly room at 2,0'cloek, where the
high sciiool string ensemble and
girls' trio will present a musical
Following the entertainment
the girls will escort their mothers
to the home economics rooms,
where tea will be served. Mrs. M.
A. Cunning and Mrs. Ray Rog
ers will pour.
Garments made by the girls in
sewing classes will be on display.
To Picnic in Park All Junior
hostesses are requested to meetl
at USO headquarters at 3:30 p. m. j
Sunday, when transportation will ;
be provided to Shevlin park,
where the group will entertain '
service men at a picnic. I
Banquet Slated A banquet
will be held in the Pino Tavern, j
Tuesday, June 5, at 6:30 p.m. for:
members and friends of the De-I
gree of Honor. Reservations forj
the dinner must be made before
the last lodge meeting in May, it:
was announced by Mrs. Leslie
Chapman, publicity director.
Meeting Announced The De
gree of Honor will hold a regular j
meeting at 8:00 p.m. Tuesdav. i
May 8, at Norway hall. There will ;
be drill and officers' practice, it
was stated. On the refreshment
committee are Mrs. Clifford
Brown, Mrs. Betty Walker, Mrs.
Lillie Walker and Mrs. June Al7
frey. ' .
Juniors To Meet The Juvenile
Degree of Honor will meet Tues
day, May 8, at 4:00 p.m. in Nor
way hall.
Madras, May 3 (Special) Si
Taylor is now sole owner of Dick's
cafe, having bought out the Inter
est of his partner, J. F. Stone. The
two men purchased the restaurant
last December from Al White
book. Taylor was a chef at the
Benton hotel in Corvalils before
coming here. Stone was in the
restaurant business In Washing-Ion.
' Two small boys bent upon gath
ering night crawlers for fish bait,
last night proved to be "prowlers"
reported by Ardin Smith, 1059 Co
lumbia avenue. Smith called offi
cers when he said strangers were
on his property, causing members
of his family concern. Officers, in
vestigating immediately after tho
call, found the boys on their bait
hunt, and advised them to go
Clearance Sale of Hardy
We have over ten million rrowlnr plants, many in bloom, mt our mammoth
nunery in Iowa. In order to clean out our field for aummcr planting and at the
same time rive you an opportunity to fte our itrontf, field- n flowers, we
make this amazing offer:
For $2.00 we will ship the following postpaid:
12 Belladonna Delphiniums, stately light blue.
12 Bellamosum Delphiniums, very dark blue.
12 Oriental Poppies, bright red flowered to nine inches across.
12 Coreopsis, brilliant yellow sunshine flower.
12 Giant Shasta Daisies, very hardy.
12 English Marguerites, beautiful old'fashloneil favorite.
72 rrowlng one and two-rcsr-dld perennial flower planta, all ready to aet 0ut
in your yard, delivered poatpajd for $2.00. Right now la ideal time to trans
plant, sold only in assortments exactly aa listed above. Safe arrival guaranteed.
fiVK-I.V RnSR .nswv plants, TWO Tfl
Attach two one-dollar bills to this ad, write your name and address below, and
Route 1, Box 734
Cash Encl.,
Send COD.
Lei us help you add variety to daily menus. It's easy to find plenty
of tempting appetite teasers from our well-stocked shelves.
SAVINGS for Friday Saturday
ffttfC! 17) FLOUR 1 Hi Ho
I SI'' JSp ' Drifted Snow - CrackefS
EkJ Kjfl $2.29 Bipkg.19c
2 pkgs. 19c
2 pkgs. 15c
Slaley's Corn or Gloss
3 pkgs. 25c
Hot Sauce .3 cans 19c
Salad Dressing . . .pt.25c qt. 39c
Tomato Soup ......... .3 cans 25c
Farina .pkg. 19c
" Alhers
Pep ..pkg. 10c
Raisins ............ .4 lb. pkg. 49c
Thompson's Seedless
Pancake Flour .21 lb. pkg. 27c
Aunt Jemima
Rain Drops ....... .24 oz. pkg. 23c
Water Softener
Vano quart bottle 29c
Palmolive Soap 2 bars 19c
Bath Size
Kraft Dinner . . .pkg. 10c
Coffee ... 1 lb. pkg. 27c
ell? I
"TO. . iljm J
Celery 19c
Fresh Peas ..2 lbs. 29c
Asparagus 2 lbs. 33c
Washington No. 1
Green Onions .2 bu. 15c
Radishes .2 bu. 15c
Oranges .2 doz. 55c
Apple Juice
Hood River
qt. bot. 25c
Tomato Juice
No. 5 can 25c
phone 82
J grocery!
J 917 Wall