PAGE TWELVE THE EEND BUL-IETIH, BEND, OREGON, THURSpAY, MAY 3, 1945 Capt. Dave Silven Wins Bronze Star With the 32nd Infantry Division in Pangssinan Province, Luzon, P. I.) May 3 Capt. David C. Sil ven, whose wife, the former Kath leen Duffy, lives at Bend, Ore., has been awarded the bronze star medal for meritorious achieve ment in connection with military action against the enemv on Ley te, In the Philippines. The cita tion reads: "As commanding officer of a headquarters company, Silven co ordinated the activities of his plu toons, much of the time under enemv fire. His pioneer and am munition platoon worked tireless ly in keeping a constant flow of supplies to the front line troops. His anti tank platoon did remark- nble work, and was credited with knocking out two Jap 47MM field pieces. At all times his communi cation platoon provided a never falling svstem or communications within the battalion. The effi cient manner In which his entire company performed its duties re flects great credit upon Cam. Sll ven's leadership and his ability to handle men. In addition to his responsibility as a tactical com mander, he carried out the ad ministrative functions as battalion S-l In a siiDerior manner." Capt. Silven, formerly an at torney In Baker, Ore., has done extensive work as defense council, trial judge advocate and law mem ber of both general and special courts martials. Graduating from the University of Oregon in 1938 with an ROTC commission, he entered the serv ice In June, 1942. Overseas since January. 1543, Capt. Silve- . 23 seen action in the Altape and Leyte engagements and is now lighting with the nsna "nea Ar row" infanti v division on Luzon His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Silven, live in BaKer, ure. No. 11-9 j Synopsis of Annua) Stat.m.ntl ef the Pacific Coait Fire Insurance Company of Vancouver, in me aiaie ... Initial. rv.lnrr.hln All triA Ihll'tV- f lrt day of December. 1944. made to we insurance commissioner ui mo - State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received, $485,890.21). Tatal Interest, dividends and real es tate Income. $45,096.60. . Income from other sources, $7,304.47. Total income. $538,091.38. I DISBURSEMENTS i Net amount paid policyholders for ; losses. $150,385.47. , Loss adjustment expenses. $11,778.86. Agents commissions or brokerage, ; $124,804.12. I Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes, $16,437.04. I Taxes, licenses ana rees, - Dividends paid to stockholders, None. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, None. All othei expenditures, $33,922.84. Total disbursements, $334,050.34. ADMITTED ASSETS I Value of real estate owned (market value), None. ...,'' Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. None. Value of bonds owned (amortized),; $1,160,385.39. Value of stocks owned (market Value), $418,500.00. Cash In banks and on hand, $183,- Premlums In course of collection written since September 90, 1944, $100,- 828.05. Interest and rents due and accrued, $9,831.94. Other assets (ne), $9.856 05. Total admitted assets. $1,881,850.06. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND I OTHER FUNDS ' j Total unpaid claims, $283,243.27. Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims. $7,010.05 Total unearned premiums on aat un expired risks, $367,978.80. Terrebonne Terrebonne, May 2 (Special) Plans were made by the Terre bonne Parent-Teachers club at its recent meeting for an open house ami tea to be held on Friday, May 11. Mrs. 1-ester Knoi r, chairman, conducted the club meeting, and it was announced tiuit at the open house, oueii to all Interested, there will be a program from each room of tile Terrebonne school and ex hibits of school work. Mrs. John Hansen's 4-H cooking club will be In charge of the tea. Officers of the club for the coming year were elected as follows: Mrs. Ruth Smith, president; Mrs. C. Svarve- rud, vice president; ana Mrs. Crystal Henderson, secretary treasurer. Mrs. John Hansen entertained Wednesday afternoon at her home for her son, Billy, on his Cth birthday. Guests present were Billy Knorr, Diane Hansen, David Bodtker, Patsy Hansen, Carolyn and Vernon Svarverud, Billy and Bobby Eskew, Johnnie, Dannie and Jimmie Williams, Mrs. Char les Svarverud, Mrs. M. Eskew, Mrs. Frank Williams, Mrs. Andy Bodtker. Mrs. Duffy Knorr, Mrs. Al Suratl and Mrs. Bill Clark of Red mond called at the Hirsch and Knorr homes Tuesday. Mrs. Art Carr and Mrs. Neil Davidson made a business trip to Klamath Falls Wednesday. The Terrebonne homo extension unit held its regular meeting Wed nesday at the club hall with a pot luck dinner. The subject of the day was "Kefinishing t urniture. 'Mm. iva Drew, chairman, con ducted the meeting. Election of officers was in order for the com ing year. Mrs. Glen Shortreed was elected chairman; Mrs. R. David son, vice president; Mrs. Norman Smith, secretary treasurer. The last meeting of the year will be May 23. "Cleaning and care of clothing" will be the subject. The Juvenile grange held Its regular meeting Tuesday evening witli Master Harry Larson in charge. Mrs. John Hansen is mat ron. Alter the business meeting games and songs were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. (Jleu rseison oi Redmond are moving to their home In Terrebonne. The Terrebonne grange met Tuesday at the hall with Master B. C. Allen conducting the.busi ness meeting. The charter was draped in memory of George Junker, a member of the grange for a number of years. Doris Wil liams, Arthur London, Jimmie Smalley and Roger Dexter were obligated to the first and second degree work. Ronald MacGregor, acting as installing officer, gave the obligation. Bill Hall of the agricultural committee, gave a re port on the Irrigation water situa tion. H. E. club chairman, Mrs. J. J. Phillips, reported on club work and lead a letter of thanks from the children's hospital for tne scrap dook made try the club. The next H. E. C. meeting will be May 3, at the home of Mrs. O. V. Stockton. Mrs. Crystal Henderson served supper to the group. r Eastern Governor Answer it ffeflooe ftKei- rf-$i HORIZONTAL 54 Nostrils . 1 Pictured U. 56 TvP of moth S. governor. " Behavior VERTICAL 1 Existed 9 Any 1 a irAl.hol UArea measure 2 poker tak 1 2 Birds' homes SSI S. W. Redmond ifllxriffs. rents. exDcnses. bills, ac counts, fees, etc., due or accrued, $2, Estlmnted amount duo or accrued for taxes, $30,132.38. Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due and accrued, $8,380.00. All other liabilities, $30,214.19. Total llabiliUes, except capital, $749, $71.70. Statutory Deposit, $300,000.00. Surplus over all llabiliUes, $631, S79.28. Suiplus as regards policyholders, $1,131,979.26. Tutal, $1,881,830.96. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $9,787.59. Net losses paid, $1,342,119. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, None Name of Company, The Paciflo Coast Fire Insurance Company. Namo of U. S. Manager L. J. Tillman. Name of secretary, Roland Gwyn. statutory resident attorney for ser vice, John Schibel. No. 20-26 Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Twin City Fire Insurance Com pany oi Minneapolis, In the State of Minnesota, on the thirty-first day of lAMmhar 1M44. mane m uie inuruni-e Commissioner of the fatalo oi uregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received, $372,540.43. Total Interest, dividends and real es tate Income. $74,072.78. Income from other sources, $13,4991. Total income. $400.113 02. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyholder! for losses, $199,000.84 Loss adjustment expenses. $5,829.68. Agents commissions or brokerage, $110,258.27. Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes. $7,533.73. Taxes, licenses ana lev, .i.ouo.m. Dividends uatd to stockholders (Cash, $30,000: slock. None), $:)0,ooo.oo. Jjlvjcieniis paid or creuiiea 10 policy holders. None. All oUier expenditures. $37,736.43. Total disbursements, $3115.524.47. . ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). $31,630.28. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. $8,742.05. Value of bonds owned (market); $1,- 982.915.81. Value of stocks owned (market value). $501.700 00. Cash In banks and on hand, $83,- 773.58. Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 1944, None. Interest and rents due and accrued, $10.11111 31. Other assets (net), $1,600.00. Total admitted assets. $2.201 .388 83. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims. $128,390.62. Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims. None. Total unearned premiums on all un expired risks. $334,494.38. Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, fees etc due or accrued. None. Estimated amount due or accrued for taxes. $211.1155.00. Commissions, brokernire. or other charges due and accrued. None. All other liabilities. $119,170.(10. Total liabilities, except capital, $582, 218.08. Capital paid up $500.000 00. Surplus over all liabilities, $1,209, 170.15. Surplus as regards polk-yhoklers, $1, 709.170.15. Total, $2,201.388 83. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received, $3,487.46. Net losses paid, $452.44. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. None. Name of Company, Twin City Fire Insurance Company. Name of president, C. S. Kremer. Name of Secretary, L. 11. Van De Wall. Statutory resident attorney for ser vice, Insurance Commissioner, of Ore-don. S. W. Redmond, May 3 (Spe cial) ivir. anu Mrs. nova Holt entertained last Sunday with a oirtnoay dinner honoring their son, Richard, and his grandmoth er, Mrs. Walter Holt, on their anniversaries. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Mllfred Wallenburg and daughter, Lois; Walter Holt, Doris Jean and Laurence Holt, the guests of honor and the host and hostess. Ruth Spencer and Ethel McLeod were Saturday overnight guests at the home of Laurel Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ridgeway and family moved recently to the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ritter. The Ridgeways for merly lived In the Deschutes com munity. Mrs. Robert Denton. Ethel Mc Leod and Laurel Brown were guests Sunday at the home of IS That one 16 Entreat 19 Symbol for erbium - 20 Exclamation 21 Like 22 Id est (ab.) 23 French article 24 Mental capacity 26 Dance step 27 Jokes 30 Wave t 32 Exist 33 Lubricant 34 More unusual 36 Inner courtyard 38 Seniors (ab.) 39 Type of bean 40 East Indies (ab.) 41 Symbol for tantalum 43 Place (ab.) 45 Giant king of Bashan 47 Symbol for tellurium 48 Pleasure boat SO Hawaiian bird U Pertaining to the cheek 53 Whirlwind 3 Toward 4 Silkworm 5 Rodents 6 Cloth measure 7 Gust 8 Before 12 He is gov ernor of 13 Great Lake ' 14 Be quiet! 16 3.1416 17 Exclamation . of sorrow 18 Battle ship 23 Czars . 26 Pur skins 28 Town (Cor nish prefix) 29 Weight of India 30 Policeman (slang) 31 Narrow Inlet 35 Operatic solo 37 Particle 41 Ye 42 Near 43 Needy 44 Misplaced 45 Mystic syllable 46 Acquire 49 Food fish 52 Land parcel 54 Negative 55 Type measure rrF7 r gp iir cryr pi" nr w ft a WW 3 WM rri WW? -pE fpz ir-r lar-gsr-sP n Z I - Z Z -1 - Z r"" I I I I I I I I I I 3 Ruth Spencer, at a birthday din ner in ner nonor. Mrs. Charles Wilden has been spending the past week in Ta coma visiting her son-in-law and daughter,. Mr. and Mrs. Alaric Matelienan, and with relatives in Portland. Sunday morning callers at the Owen Brown home included Adele Oleson and Alice and Lois Spen cer. Redmond grange voted Fridav evening to sponsor a 4-H club scholarship to the summer school at Corvallis. Announcement was made of the Pomona meeting at Pine..Forest grange hall May 12. Ladies were reminded to bring Pie. Games were supervised ,by Mrs. John Viegas, lecturer, and refresh ments were served. I N. W. Redmond Northwest Redmond, May 2 (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ring rose of Portland were Monday vis itors at the E. E. Burgess home. Mr. and Mrs. Hamy Jordan, Mrs. Wayne Chase and Mrs. Clyde Hutchins were visitors at the E. E. Burgess and D. L. Penhollow homes Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Underwood attended the fifth Sunday rally of Central Oregon Christian church es in Culver Sunday. Warren Hughitt of Bend visit ed with Mrs. Velma Holdaway and son Sunday. Miss Mary Elizabeth Barber. Mrs. Purl Arnsmeier and Guinn and Gene Peden were visitors at the Penhollow home Thursday evening. , Mrs. . B. Adams was a visitor at the E. E. Burgess, home Tues day afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Dick Woodard and children enjoyed a ride with the Saddle club at the Davenport ranch Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Peden and children, Mrs. Irene Burgess and Mrs. Purl Arnsmeier were visit ors at the E. E. Burgess home Fri day evening. Percy VV i n I s h u t of Warm Springs was a Friday visitor at the Penhollow home. Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Fitch visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Ditter line and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bur gess Friday evening. Frank McDonald was a busi ness visitor at the D. L. Penhollow home Monday. Tery Peden and Mrs. Earl Arns meier visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Z. Peden Friday eve ning. ,C. Johnson returned from a business trip to his ranch in Hood River Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Woodard and children were Thursday evening visitors' at .the E: E. Burgess home. Toastmaster Club For Bend Is Goal Aspiring public speakers and In terested clubmen are being inter viewed by C. E. Bush, local in surance agent, with the view of organizing a toastmasters' club as an affiliate of the international fraternity. Bush attended the speech con test of the Toastmasters' Interna tional, district 7, held Monday evening in the Chamber of com merce offices in Portland. Par ticipants included speakers from Columbia Empire, Hillsboro, Port land and Timbertine. Chalmer Blair of Timberline, a brother-in-law of Bush, was one of the contest speakers. Another brother-in-law, Leslie Blair of Portland, was on the honorary committee. NEW FLAVORS FOR GIs Kansas City, Mo. Ui The army will get its ice cream in eight new flavors this summer, according to officers at the Kansas City quar termaster depot. The auarter master corps is providing the reg ular ice cream mix powder, and special recipes for additional fla vors to be secured from the stand ard "B" ration. No. -25 j Synopsis of Annual Statement' of the Zurich Fire Insurance Company of New York, of New York, in Uie State of New York, on the Uilrty-ftrst day of December, 1944, made to the Insur ance Commissioner of the Slate of Ore-. eon. pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received, $883,804.23. Total Interest, dividends and real es tate Income, $50,415.32. Income from other source, $480,-' 670.30. Total Income, tt.11S.flM.0S. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyholders for losses, $475,505.39 Loss adjustment expenses. $21,835.99. Agents commissions or brokerage, $248,298.78. Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes. $93,787.48. Taxes, licenses and fees, S28.524.tl7. Dividends paid to stockholders, None. Dividends paid or credited to policy (holders, None. All other expenditures, $38,574.87, Total disbursements. $0011.017.16. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (marke1 value). None. Loans on mortgages and collateral to.. None. Value of bonds owned (amorUred). 41,929.800.74. Value of stocks owned fmarkel Value), $221.800 00. Cash in banks and on hand. $607. 619.49. Premiums In course of collection written since September 30. 1914, $41, 301.21. Interest and rents due and accrued, r$10.077.35. Other assets (net). $10.752 34. I Total admitted assets. $2.71itl.!l!itl 43, LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS ; Total unpaid claims. $172,000.00. Estimated loss adjustment expense tfor unpaid claims. $4,500 00. Total unearned premiums on aH un expired risks, $345,543.90. Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ae (Counts, tecs, etc., due or accrued. None. Estimated amount dac or accrued ifor taxes. $26,500.00. Commissions ornkerace. or other charges due end accrued. $7.5u).O0. Alt other liabilities. None. Total llabiliUes. except capital, $3M. 103.90. Capital paid up. $1.000.000 00. Surplus over all liabilities. $1,243. 892 49. Surplus at regards policyholders, $2, $43,892.41). Total, $2,799,!)!)n.4B. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOH THE YEAR Net premiums received, $659.85. Net losses paid, $1.374 27. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. None. Name of ComDany. Zurich Frra In surance Company of New York. Name ol vice president, Harry B. Fuller. , Name of comptroller, Chaa. P. Baier No. 22-8 Synopsis of Annual Statement of the American Mutual Life Insur ance Company of Des Moines, Iowa, In the State of Iowa, on the thirtv-first day of December, 1944, made to tile In surance Commissioner ot the Stute of Oregon, pursuant to taw: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid Up, Mutual Companv, None. INCOME Total premium Income for the year. $2,442,570.95. Interest, dividends nnd rents received durliiR Hie year. $1,423.(141.18. Income from other sources received durini! the year, $478,952.13. Total Income. $4.344,ft(i4 28. DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses endowments, annui ties and surrender values. $1,853.350 50 Dividends paid tn policyholders dur ln tile year. S174.3K0.U4. Dividends paid on capital stock dur ing the year None. Commissions and salaries paid durlnB the year, $472.518 .12. Taxes, llccnsi's and fees paid during Amount $628,241.82. Total expenditures. $3,208,329 23 ASSETS Value of real estate owned market Value). $1.4111.733.16. Loans on min igagci and collateral, etc.. $1.3119.020.110. ' Value ot bonds owned (amorUred), of all other expenditures, Value of storks value). None owned (market Premium notes and policy loans, $4 . 51 1.757.68. 401V banks and on hand, $307,- Interest and rents due and accrued $3111.033 65. ' Net uncollected and deterred pre miums. $L11.689.87. Oilier ussfls (net). $0.001 04 (red) Total admitted assets. s:i3.1'iX).24j 47 I.1AI1II ITIKS Net reserves, $20,til8,.1u4 48 j'i'oss claims for losses unpaid. $144,. All other liabilities-Premiums and Intel est pd. In Ailv.. $421.402 74 $965,"7t7l,4V',Wy V''" ,"-0000OI 549 7h3 3!l'bl'',lr' eXI"CP' "P'lal. W.- Cnpitai' paid up. Mutual Companv. 462 08 Vet " '''""" $1,650, Surplus as regards policyholders, $1.-' Total, $33.a.24S.7. 1U.8iNK.SS IN CHFTCON KOH TUB YKAR Net premiums nnd nnnutttei received during the. year $54,651.37. 4a"8idends pald durins t16 y" Net losses ant cUUim. endnwments. iurrender. and annutllei paid during the year. M.0U0 00. Name of Company. American Mutual Life Insurance Company. Name of president, fe. B. Mountain. Kant of secretary, R, B, Reynold. Smart Tips Hats Suits - For Spring Coats Ties Ready For A- Busy Season Whether you're in the market for just a tie, a hat ar a complete new spring wardrobe, you'll find satisfaction here. Quality and workmanship is our by-word. " Sport Coats Smartly styled tans, blues, irreys and browns in plain colors, plaids unit checks. MEN'S SPRING HATS Alexander... 4.95-5.95 Hardeman 5.95 Stanford 7.50 Stetson Stratoliner, 7.50 Stetson Premier 8.50 Stetson Royal . 9.95 Weatherbuck Wool Felt HATS Special 2.95 Hart-Schaf fner & Marx Suits The suit any man is proud to own new spring single or double breasted patterns. 45 49.50 Curlee and other nationally-known suits. 29.50 39.50 Botany and Grayco Ties $1.00 CASHiMN'S Bend's Clothier To) T7 77S fTS T7 V? I IT U Vii Vii VmO Hi Ho Crackers lb. 21c Krispy Crackers 2$. 31c DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR 25 lb. sack ....... . . .1.23 101b. sack 53c ' . Sperry'$ Kix Cereal p leg. 12c I Puffed Flakes Macaroni spa9. pkg. 22c Mission, 27 oz. pkg. Honey 5 Pa" 1.29 Sanford's Cream Corn can 12c Dundee, 12 ox. Can ' Raisin Bran 10 oz. pkg. 11c Po$t'$ Grapenuts Flakes pi9.9c Gum Drops pkg. 9c Folger's Coffee lb. 33c Glass Jar Tomato Sauce can 6c Hunt's, 8 oz. Can Apple Juice quart 38c S4W, Quart Bottle Fruits and Vegetables NEW PEAS lb. 15c Green Onions . . .bunch 7c Radishes ....... bunch 7c Asparagus, No. 1. 2 lbs. 35c PILAND'S MARKET Leg of Lamb Grade A lb. 37c Cheese Spread lb. 38c Brookfield Hens .lb. 42c Fresh Local Corned Beef ..... .lb. 33c Boneless, Sugar Cured Ground Beef .lb. 27c N'o Cereal Added Sausage ... ..... .lb. 27c Country Style