The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 03, 1945, Page 11, Image 11

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Powell Bufte
Powell Butte, May 2 '(Special)
Minotv.five Beople attended the
vtmrniinitv CnrfsUon church serv-
Sunday rnorninrf and 42 local
members attended the fifth San-
day rally ox central uregon
Christian church at Culver in the
afternoon' and evening, with a
potluck dinner at 6 o'clock. Those
attending worn nere tnciuaea Mrs.
Avery Sherman, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Flock, Mr. and Mrs. Orlo
Flock and Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Covey, Albert and Marie
Covey, Mr. Moore, Mr. and Mrs.
H. H. Mustek, Dorothy, Louise,
Carolyn and Ruth Mustek, Mrs.
Luke Reif, Edith and Ardith Reif,
Coryene Robinson, Orval Mc
Dowell, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lind
quist, . Eleanor and Bruce Lind
qufst, Mrs. Shelburn Ayres and
son Bobby, Grace Pauls, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Minson, Rev. and Mrs.
D. L. Penhollow, Clyde, Carroll,
Billy and Michael Penhollow, Mrs.
Ivan Copley and Mrs. Glen Ridge
way and daughter, Vickey, and
Mr. and Mrs; Lloyd Lewis.
The Sorosis club met last Mon
day afternoon with Mrs. Lloyd
Bussett as hostess. The fourteen
members in attendance made final
plans for the annual Mother's
Day meeting to be held at the
school house May 9. This will
be no-hostess.
Eleven year old Kenneth Hart
suffered" a frnrti
... v- enuu 1IIUIT
day afternoon when he was hit
in me neaa by a swing at the
school. He was running past the
s wnen me accident occurred
and was immediately taken to
his home by Mr: Emil Reed and
later removed to the Prineville
General hosrrftni wIum i
ported that hi is recovering nice-
. ne mones nis nome wjtn Mr.
and Mrst George Sheppard at the
U(llIn.w 15 w .1-1 -
T.i.uajii xuiuiiui place.
Joe Turner was absent from
school all last week due to Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jarrett of Ore
gon City came last Monday to
visit their niece, Mrs. Sam Rltfer.
Mrs. Eva Woodington of Port
land left Monday morning to visit
spending two weeks here with
ner sister, mra. u. u. vice ana
MrC T r MWnn TIT,
Woodington attended the Mother-
Laugnter lea at tne nign school
in Prineville Friday afternoon.
Tm ! Tt Pen Wnmari ottAndofT (na
demonstration on short cuts in
cookery at the school house last
Tuesday afternoon under the
leadership of Mrs. Dorothy Beck
from the County Agent's office
in Prineville. Cup cakes, French
dressing and fruit salad were dem
onstrated. Lawrence- Copley took a truck
InflH nf hnllcA hftlrt f titnltuA 4t
Portland last Monday for Mr. and
1 fefiksteu&frtatf
Kellogg's Corn Flakes bring y6U
nearly alt the protective' food ele
ments of the whole grain declsted
essential to human nutrition.
. . . . ....
From where I &it4y Joe Marsfo
Black Market Versus
Brighter Meats
I guess our town doesn't like
rationing any better than other
folks. But when a fellow went
from door to door the other day,
peddling butter, cheese, and ba
con without points, he didn't
find a single taker.
Ed! Carey's missus, Sarah,
summed it up. "I'd Jnst be
ashamed to have that butter on
my table," Sarah says. "I'd a
heap rather have my family ana
' guests pat up With what I can
serve honestly, thnn give -em a
treat from the Black Market"
These days, most people are
agreed that a simple menu of un
rationed foods and substitutes
is a badge of honor ... no apolo
gies required!
And from where I sit, house
wives can brighten limited meata
with cheerful table decoration,
sparkling rider or tangy iceedld
beer, or side dishes of home
made preserves and fruits and
nuts. Those little touches can be
mighty helpful to the. appetite.
No. IIS tf a Series
Copyright, 104S, United Stata Brtum Fmtndaao
Mrs. Dee Northeutt who recently
; sold their ranch.
Mrs. Roy Snabel Is enjoying a
visit from her mSther. Mrs. Nellie
Buhn of Portland.
Grange met Friday evening
with' a full house. Dr. James
Dreher of Prineville was present
and made a short talk- in the in
terest of the Mood donors trip to
Phrtlanrf fin Mntr 9 nnft wab ann.
cestui in getting nine .more sign
Tne applications for niember-
cMr. nf M- nr,A Vw I3lni. il
J ' (J w -I. BIIU ....... .KUJJI1 1.
christ were received and Mr. and
Mrs. ueorge tieignes, Mr. ana
Mrs. Carsten Follose, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Raynes, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Morrison, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Parsons, Mr. and Mrs.
TMolc ITuncon ont TlAi. niY Ti.f t-o
J. D. Watson were given the first
ana secona aegree obligations.
A committee was appointed to
SAO nhnitf tfaiinfnnlntT ia fnclrfa
of the hall in the near future.
The lecture s program consisted
of group singing, roll call on the
ber prefers, and a discussion of
tne &an Tancisco conference by
Loyd Wyatt.
The next meeting will be held
on Thursday evening instead of
Friday because of the Pomona
meeting' on Saturday. Mert are
asked x6 bring hammers for build
ing tables forfhe Pomona meet
ing. Jeanette and Peggie Northeutt
are staying witn Mr. ana Mrs.
ii a -arier wnue xneir parents are
gone to Rochester, Minnesota.
Mrs. Dale McKenZie is staying
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Carter. Her hus
band, Lt. Dale McKenzle, report
ed last week to Kearhs, Utah.
Mrs. Lester Maley and two
children moved from Redmond
last week and are at the home of
her brother, Bill Snabel.
Herbert Post went to Ashwood
Thursday Where he Will be em
ployed building a house for Mr.
and Mrs. Willis Nartz, whose
home was recently destroyed by
John Robinson of White Sal
mon, Washington was an over
night guest Wednesday at the
home of his sisters, Mrs. Glen
Ridgeway and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waife of
Prineville and daughter, Mrs. Ed
McCann and her daughter, Sheila
Ann of Portland were visitors
Thursday morning at the Glen
Ridgeway home.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Weigand
made a trip to Portland and back
. Mrs. Jack ShumWay went to
Portland last Tuesday to be with
her mother-in-law, Mrs. Lillian
Shumay, who is a patient at St.
viuix-ms nospitai wnere sne und
erwent a major operation.
Mrs. Frank Foster and daugh
ter and grand daughter are visit
ing at the home of the formers
mother, Mrs. Nirta Elliott. They
are moving from New York to
Mert Shutriirn returned to the
home nf his iaff Mm f m
Hall last Thursday after a month
spem in r-ortiana.
Norman and Rollo Weigand and
Mrs. Neva McCaffery moved their
Cattle to the marginal grazing
land last week.
Doris Marie TVTPn rarir vi..
ed trpm Portland Sunday evening
Hirer spending tne week end there.
Mrs. A. C. Heston ahd Mrs. Fred
MeC!af fprv RitnnrtaA a k.;lnl 1 ...
. .- . . n uiiuaiauuw'
er In Redmond Friday evening
uuiiuriiig miss ueiiy wnlte.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vance and
hiA Rfsfer. Mrs Warran Ir 11
and her daughter. Rose, of Bend
were ivionaay aiternoon visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Loyd Wyatt.
Mrs. A. V. Stevens, Mrs. J. A.
Rices and Mrs. .Inhn Kirir i-d.i
ed Mrs. T. C. Haynes make dough
nuts for the school children last
Mrs. Rnv Rnherttf ratnrnaH loot
week from Portland where she
had been visiting for several
Fay Foster Of Portland arrived
home Wednesday where she will
spend several weeks.
Betty Braly of Redmond was
an overnight guest Saturday of
Vickey Ridgeway.
The hard time dance at the hall
Saturday night Was very succes
sful with prizes for best costumes,
of dressed chickens going to
Henry Cooper and Mrs. Nels Han
sen, both of Powell Butte, and one
to Elris Cannon of Prineville.
Luke Reif and son, Leland spent
Sunday on Combs' Flat at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Reif
and also visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank J. Reif Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Merritt
were Sunday dinner guests at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Ira Car
ter and family. , ,
Word was received here Friday
of the death of Frank Gutermute
in Eugene on Thursday. Mr.
Gutermute and his family- were
former Powell Butte residents
having sold their place here about
a year and a half ago and moved
to Eugene for his health. Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Rickman drove to Eu
gene Sunday to attend the funeral
on Monday morning and expected
to return in the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hudson
left Monday to spend a week in
Willamette valley points. They
recently sold their ranch here to
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fischer and are
looking for a new location. Jean
ette and Ruth Hudson are staying
with Mrs. John Kirk during their
parents absence.
Mr. and Mrs. t. S. Hall and
Mrs. Ed Anderson of Tumalo were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Kissler.
Portland, Me. (U Municipal
building Inspector Warren Mc
Donald revealed a request for al
terations by a homeowner who
wanted to "raise the roof so I can
stand up straight in the bathtub."
War flrefs ---
; (By Unlua rml ' ,
Western Front Germans sur
render big port of Hamburg and
flee SchleswlgHoIstein by sea,
presumably for last stand in Nor
way; Doenitz declares Prague, in
southern redoubt, hospital city.
Eastern Front' Soviet troops
search rubble of captured Berlin
for bides of Hitler and- Goebbels.
Italy New Zealand troops oc
cupy Trieste on Adriatic; peace
settles over rest of front.
Burma Allied troops storm
into Rangoon, Japanese-occupied
capital. . - ,
Faoifie Australians fan out
over Tarakan island off east
coast pf Borneo; B-29's blast Kyu
shu airfields again; Americans
hurl two more division into bat
tle for southern Okinawa.
Stoneham, Mass. (in A high
stepper is 70-year-old Louis N.
Young of Stoneham whose latest
exploit is to scale the 175-foot
steeple of the First Parish church
in Cambridge. Young said that it
was all in a day's work. He has
been steeple jacking for 40 years;
L i ? -
mm urn
Fredi and full flavored o
wonderful treat because
they are Soblnli'ed the
remarkable new method
that means belter, fresher
potato chips at leading
oroeera. Ask for Blue Bell
,ha yoo wont that grand
' Bcvo7
Potato Chips
Savings ERICKSON'S Friday - Saturday
GrapenuK Flakes, 7oz. pkgs. . .3 pkgs. 19c
Post Bran Flakes 7 oz. pkgs. . .3 pkgs. 20c
Campbell's Tomato Soup . . . . .3 cans 25c
Skippy Peanut Butter. ...... 1 lb. jar 33c
. .. rW' " ...
Chicken -Noodle Soup. Rancho, 3 cans 29c
Tomato Soup, Rancho ...... .4 cans 25c
i m m m. m , i a w mm i mj
- -
Lamb Roast .... ...... , 35c
Choice Lean Shoulder 4 Point '
Lamb Steak .......... . . lb. 39c
Grade A 3 Points '
Hamburger ... . . . .. . . m . . 59c
Fresh Ground,' N Cereal fl Points '
Pork Chops . Jb 38c
: Selected1 Cut ''
Bologna 3tc
Swift's or Del Montel Point's
Spiced Herring . ....... ... .jar Ait
Fancy Eastern Point Free lA oz.
Boraxo pkg. 14c
Borax.. 2 lb. pkg. 25c
Powder, 5 lb. pkg. 59c
Borax Chips, Ige. pk. 23c
GRAPEFRUIT JUICE . . . . . . No. 5 can 31c
Sweet Peas 3 cans 29c
Lavoreti No. 803
Wh. Kern. Corn, 2 cans 29c
Three Sisters No. 2
String Beans . . .2 cans 25c
Fountain, Cut No. 3
Beets ...2 cans 25c
Dundee, Sliced or IU-cd No.' 2
Spinach 2 cans 29c
No. 2 Cans
Mackerel . . .15 oz. can 15c
Val Vila
Sardines. . . .15 oz. can 12c
Val Vila
Ocean Chief Tuna, can 24c
Gold'n West Tuna, can 43c
Solid Whllo Aleut
Wet Pack Shrimp, can 34c
Tomato Jce., No. 5 can 25c
Walla 'alla (No. 2 Cun 2 t'aiw 23e)
Clam Juice, 24 oz. bot. 23c
Orange Jce., No. 2 can 22c
Blended Jce., No. 2 can 19c
Pineapple Jce., No. 2 . . 15c
Sliced Peaches . . .can 15c
No. I Tall
Kadota Figs ..... .can 16c
No. 1 'lull
Bartlett Pears . . . .can 27c
No. Vi uu
Whole Apricots ..can 24c
iMindee No. 2 fan
ASPARAGUS . .lb. 15c - 2 lbs. 25c
Wi .
rRcSH 5PINACH Ib. 10c
ARIZONA GRAPEFRUIT each 6c doz. 65c
CALIFORNIA BEETS bunch 5c 3 for 14c
SUNKIST LEMONS .dozen 1i9c
FRESH TOMATOES 19c -2 for 35c
FRESH PEAS Ib.15c 2lbs. 25c
Calo Dog Food, Reg. 10c Size......... eat! 5c
Italian Prunes, 50-6( Size 14c
Deluxe Plant Preserves, Libby's.....303 jar 33c
Pure doneord drape Preserves Libby's 303 jar 29c
Pure Apple Juice, Hood River qua. r 25c
Church's Grape Juice . ..... . u ... . pint 1 1c
Maraschino Cherries .......... 8 oz. bottle 27c
Dude Ranch Cane & Maple Syrup. .24 61. (ug 1H
Sno Sheerf Cake Flour. pkg. 26c
Ginger Bread Mix pkg. 22C
Satisfaction Cereal j..pkg. 27c
Giant Poast Toasties..2 pkgs. 25c
Calumet Baking Powd. 1 lb. carf 18c
Pudding .pkg. 5c
Junket fee Crearn Pdwder 3 pks. 29c
Schneider's Chbd. Syrup 2 Ib. jar 45c
Hemo Malted Milk,.,.! lb. jar 57c
Borden's Malted Milk-.1 lb. jar 29c
Cocoa Malt .umA Ib. jar 43c
Hershey'S Cocoa. lb. pkg. lit
Purex gallon 25c
Vano Cleaner ..mj..... quart 25e
Ball Bluing ........pkg. 9c
Rinso, Dui, Oxydof...lge. pkg. 23c
Lux, Camay, Palmolive..3 bars 20c
Lifebuoy Soap 3 bars 20c
Swan ...... ..3 bars 18c
3v V.
a i.:'., n 11, iV