yi-:VrV.-.'.';,!-!-:''j PAGE TEN THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 3, 1945 Major Huntting Back in States Dover Army Air Field, Dover, Del.. Mav 3 Major Roland C. Huntting of Everett, Wash., for merly a building contractor at Bend, Ore.,-who recently returned to the United States alter ser ine 26 months in the Nortn Am- can and Mediterranean sectors has been named base unit execa tlv at the Dover army air field. according to announcement by his commanding . officer. uoionei Harold J. Rau. The malor is the Son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Huntting of Napa, Calif. His wife, the former Florence E. Dyke, and their two children, Jerry D., 14, ana iau Ann, 11, reside at Route 3, Everett. Served At College Major Huntting received his original commission in the in fantry reserve alter serving in me ROTC at Oregon state college. He was called to active duty in the air corps at Paine Field, Wash, in February 1942. Sent to Franco Morocco in De cember 1942 he also served in Algiers, Tunisia, Sardinia and Corsica before returning to the United States in January 1945. The major graduated from Ben- son Polytechnic high school, Port- gon State college in 1927. In his assignment at Dover air field, Major Huntting serves as Uaison between the base com mander and the commanding of ficer of the several squadrons of officers and men. land, Ore., in 1923, and from Ore- ranch. Clover dale Cloverdale. May 2 (Special) Alvin Cvrus spent Saturday in Redmond visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry craD- tree, and his cousin, Isom Way mire, who is here from Idaho, Waymire made his home for a couple of years with the Cyruses in Cloverdale. Bryan Boswell, who has been employed in Vancouver since last iau, was nere mis ween iuuiuiik after his ranch which he has rent ed this summer to Charlie Chris ty. Boswell visited at the Frank Arnold place while here. Seaman Edwin Brown left Sat urday for California after spend ing a couple of weeks here at the home of his father, Homer Brown. Pvt. Leland Hayes, who is sta tioned in California, was home on his furlough last week. Leland is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayes, who are now living in Red mond. Chuck Christy, who has been given a medical discharge from the army. Is in Indiana visiting relatives. Christy plans to return here soon where he will work dur ing the summer on his father's For FRI. and SAT. ICE CREAM ...quart 49c Mcrio-Lantl, In Bulk Assorted Cookies 15c to 39c urn 2 lb, box 31c PREM ........can 35c Peanut Buffer ......lb. jar 32c Moody's Oval Sardines ........can 15c Grated Tuna can 29c Cream Cheese lb. 38c Wax Paper ...........roll 19c Jello ....... 3 pkgs. 23c Baby Food 3 cans 23c Hem Strained Chopped Foods 3 for 25c Noodle Soup Mix... 3 pfcgs. 25c upumg Pabfurrt pkg. 37c Sunsweer Prune Juice ..qtv 29c IMO 1'OilllH Arizona Grapefruit ................ ...ea.- 5c Fresh Asparagus 2 lbs. 29c Veg. Salad I Fresh Pineapple PEE 2pkgs. 21c Pkg. 13c Each 25c MEAT SPECIALS T-Bone Steak lb. 49c Tender Grade A Sirloin Steak... lb. 39c Beef Roast lb. 30c Arm or Itliwlo C ul -1 l'olnts Assorted Lunch Meats... lb. 39c t 1'nluis 3 lb. jar 73c Lovely Gifts for Mother's Day May 13 For perfume, powder, etc. Glass Dresser Sets , . .1.95 up 'Savon Sachet 4 cake box 1.50 ! Scverul I nisraurc.i Lingerie Bath Set 1.19 I'owHrr and Colncm-. (.ill Itnvid Follow-Me Set 1.19 CutexSet 1.19 Big Selection Costume Jewelry Add 20 T'fo Cosmetics FOOD MARKET LJ 4iu uongren Thona 360 Mr. and Mrs. Roland Grldley of the Willows ranch in Sisters, were visitors on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goodrich. Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Milton of Redmond were callers Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George (JoomDs. Johnny Christy Is the leader 01 the 4-H Calf club which was form ed this spring with Cloverdale and Plainvlew memDers. iney neio. a meeting Monday night at the Wells home In Plainvlew. Eugene Clark of Redmond re turned home Saturday after a visit at the home of his son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kehogg. Robert Johnson and Edwin were fly fishing on the Deschutes river on Friday. Sisters Sisters, May 3 (Special) Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Blanehard, parents of Verne Blanehard. were over- ninht guests at Verne's horde Thursday. Mrs. D. E. Blanehard and Mrs. Verne Blanehard and children, spent Friday morning visiting Mrs. D. E. Bianchard's sister, Mrs. Bill Segar, who lives east of Bend. Li. T. Chawford moved to ban Pedro. Calif., Monday. Mr. and Mrs., Verne is. aiancn- ard and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Blanehard, Mr. and Mrs. James Chandler and son, Willis, Clifford Scott and James Glover were re lent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glover. Mary Callaway of Madras, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly. Harvey Brandon, who is em ployed at Sorensen's service sta tion, is quite ill. June Fuller and Capt. Don Mc Millan of Portland, visited in Sis- ters for a few days. Capt. McMil lan has been in the Kuropean war theater for the past three years. Jerry Benson left Friday morn ing for Fort Lewis to enter the service. James Trushlem was a guest at the home of Jack Wilkinson Sunday. Mrs. Kelsay Berland of Enter prise, Ore., and sons,- Joe and John, are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. C. N. Sorensen. Herb Allen, Bud Ward and A. Snyder of Redmond, have moved to Sisters and are employed at Roy Branton's mill. June Dobklns, Herb Allen and Earl Lyman went to the show, "30 Seconds Over Tokyo," at Red mond, which was given Sunday night. Mrs. Floyd Dobkins received a letter Friday from SSgt. Lewis Jones, who is In Burma, saying he tlew by plane trom Assam, India and followed the Burma road part way. His time will be up in two weeks and he expects to be home in July. HA 1c Lyle Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Davis, is home on a 30-day leave, He has been con- tinea to a hospital for quite some time. Mrs. Barney Nixon of Arling ton, Ore., who was former Sunday school superintendent at the Christian church In Sisters, sent a bouquet of lilacs to the Sunday school class last Sunday. They were pretty and the children en joyed them very much as did the older folks. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Roach and Charles Goforth went to Port land on business Sunday and will return the fore part ot this week. Emmett Campbell is in charge of Charles Goforth's dairy while Goforth is absent. Lois and Billio Crawford oi Spray, Ore., are visiling their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hitchcock. GLASS I I Fully Equipped For Modern Drugless Treatment Spinal Adjustment Physio Therapy Toy Klli'iiinalor liliiKimMs, X Hay and llcnrt Graphing Dr.R.D.Ketchum C'hlropracUe Physician 121 Minnesota Ave. riionn 7!l Bill Doolin returned to work af ter two weeks' Illness. Mrs. Alta Madsen of the Cold Springs ranch, near Camp Sher man, will spend a week in Port land, thence to visit Allen Mad sen. MM 2c, in the coast guard. and wife, at Port Angeles, Wash. Rev. Benedict will be tempora ry minister in the Christian church, beginning May 6. Dale Nichols cut his thumb with an axe Saturday while split ting wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Campbell and family nave moved to Bend as the home they occupied was sold. Mr. and Mrs. James Bement have moved to Hitchcock's mill where he is employed as mill wright. Mr. and Mrs. Dobklns went to Bend Friday and brought back Mrs. Dobklns' father, Wiiliam Co burn. . Sisters Townsend club will have a "fish pond" at their regular meeting Friday evening, May 4, to help raise funds for the treas ury. Club members have raised the $74.00 necessary to help get the Townsend dally paper. Mem bers cut wood and those who were I unable to work gave donatio: Mrs. Albert Haines, who has been in the hospital for a week, is now at home and feeling some ueuer. i Mrs. Daniel Davis is in charge of the household duties at the Raines home while Mrs. Raines recuperates. Mrs. Bertha Wilson is at home after spending' a week in the Red. mond Medical-Dental' hospital. Alma May went to Portland with some friends Friday after noon and spent the weekend there. " GIVES SCHOOL 1906 BAT Athoi, Mass. (Ill When Athol high school needed baseball bats, George' Foye came to the rescue. Foye, who played ball for Athol in 1906, presented the athletic derjart- ment with a bat he had used. And it seems to be in as good condi tion as it was some 40 years ago when Foye was home run king of Athol high. know," he said. "Americans will go anywhere but to the rear end of a streetcar!" MARINE TELLS 'EJ San Francisco UP) The follow ing pithy comment on the trans portation crisis here was made by a be - ribboned , marine: "Y o u La pine ' Lapine; May 3 (Special) Wei- burn Parker and Cecil Stearns brought in a load of cattle from Prineville the first of the week, Mr. and Mrs. Jim- Emory and children of Sevlln were in Lapine Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence stm ana family spent Sunday in Bend at tending church services. . The Sunday school will hold a snort program on Mothers day. All mothers are invited, and as many others as can possibly come. uarney ueterow oi crescent, visited at the Johnson home Mon day, evening. Mr.- and Mrs. Billy James and Mrs. Monroe made a business trip through the valley the last of the week. . Those who have been ill' this week are Leonard Flaniiery, Au drey Freeman and Billy James. The Girls' Sewing club met at the home of Eva May and Juanita Candle this week. They will meet at Carman Fern's next week.- r.-sf was VWAvr-"-! Invest in War Bonds now wU assure your future happines. EDWARDS COFFEE Blch, wlney flavor, 1-lb. Jar 2M rtg. or drip (rrlnd. t-lb. Jar 49c -If hole Bean Cojfees-- NOB HILL iib.b2e I-lli. bait 45c AIRWAY i..b b20 S-lli. b 58e Puffed Hcnsins, Sun Maid I5-oz. pkg. 14c Kadota Figs, Sundown Kadotas WSSs 15c Pudding Mix, Fluf-Tex l4-o2. pkg. 10c Pancake Flour, Suzanna 20-oz. pkg, 9c Morning Glory Oats 3-lb, pkg. 26c Cream of Wheat 23-oz. pkg. 22c Nabisco 100 Bran 1-lb. pkg 17c Ralston Whole Wheat, Cereal pkg. 20c N.B.C. Wheatswortiu Cereal pkg. 17c Dry Oatmeal and Cereal GJlyf- X' 15c Kitchen Craft Flour so-ib. i nn 2 iS-lb. t no nek l.V& Golden West Mb. Reg. ond Drip Coffee- jor Chdse&Sanborri 1-b. Delicious Coffee bog Hills Bros. 1-lb- Red Lobel Coffee jar Molted Milk Mb Thompson's Chocolate P9- Canterbury Tea Vfc-lb. Orange Pekoe, black . pkg. Beet Suaar ' C CnwHnnH nnJ W IbS. Brown, 1-lb. pkg. 8C Stamps JS 8. Jo Honcy,strained 5-lb. $-tS Frnm California ior I Grace Preserves 303 Libby Brand jor Fresh Bread !-b- f Oc Mrs. Wright's loaf I A 32c 33c 37c 43c 32c 25 (-10 ptt.t 2t can (30 pts.) J!1 eait (80 fUj I'M caii (30 pt.) 43-oz. cart t Qi 20pt. 1 7C 3gc 23c 26c 16 c Libby Cherries, Royal Ann Highway Peaches, Halves Firland Pears, Standard Choice Prunes, Red Tag Tomato Juice, Sunny Dawn Gardenside Tomatoes, Standard 14C Sugar" Belle Peas, 2, 3, 4 sieve o'ipt.T 15c no. i can i f 2 cans (10 pU.) No. 2 con 10c t Baby is King ... and royalty must be served. Safeway has all the foods to please his Majesty . . . Packed full of goodness that makes for strength, growth and well-being. Clapp'! Foods for llaby InsUn't md Dry Cereal i-lb.pkg. ISe" Strained Baby Food can 7e Junior Baby Food can' 8 evs-oz. Qw Heinz Jr. Baby Food ;td BabyFocJd lT 7c Gerber's Baby Pood .4S!T7cJ Pablum 1 BABIES plK- 39 c Cut Beans, Green Spot Sliced Beets, Green Tag Country Homo Corn Gardenside Spinach Diced Carrots. Blue Tag i CREAM No. S run 1 I-i (ZOpta.) 303 can 10b Canned Milk Dorden's, Nestle's-, Spec. Morning' l'2R. A toll AQc pis. per con & Cans W Cherub Milk 2" tall caris I7c SUGAR W hile Satin i Stamp 33-36 10 lb. bag 57c RAISINS Seedless 4 lb. pkg. 39c TANG Lunch Meat 6R) 12 oz. tin 29c Kellogg Pep 8 or. pkg. 9c Wheat Puff Nuvila 6oz.pkg.7c IVORY SOAP ....med. bar 6; personal, 2 bars 9c SWAN SOAP, fine for babies - 3 large bars 29c DUZ, SOAP POWDER 21 or. pkg. 23c SWEETHEART SOAP, toilet soap ..1 2 bars 13c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, 14 oz. can 2 for 15c GROUND BEEF Guaranteed Fresh lb. 25c U points . PORK SAUSAGE JJnlhlnij Added lb. 27c (i points Sliced King Salmon ..... .lb. 41c King Salmon, by the piece, lb. 39c Nates Spiced Prawns 1.02 - 1 1 oz. jar Fresh Oysters .pint 65c Salt Mackerel . . ... . . . . . .lb. 31c American Cheese . . 5 lb. br. 1.65 (U poinlM Wciners, easy to fix lb. (6 pts.) Liver Sausage .lb. ( 3 pts. ) Minced Luncheon Meat, A.C., lb. (6 pts.) Spiced Luncheon Meat ...lb. (8 pts.) 37c 32c 37t 53c . VI tin Safewnyvproduc is) rushed from lafm to stdrc . . . guaranteed ; to please you or your mortcy refunded' iri fun. ix cxjuviii irrtisnLDrn c, Fresh Peas Sweet and Tender.' 2 lbs. 29c Local Green Onions 2bu.15c ; Iieal Crisp Radishes 2bu.15c yes, siuy had me wswe? VX1 SlWtS TALK about rue nace Of FOOO! WHY I W KNOW, MOM- NOWACWVS NO ONE fffeCTS wTTV rwc to Rt SOOlRT- CMfAR . ..But AS I WAS SAVK SALLy. THIS fAMIl. SrtNOt TOO MUCH roaocfeieSAND I SVStAl? I OON T UNO," what to CO Afour IT I SI I fTV. JSZ I we A STORE III .AV3MW WUU FIND T "zT1 '",0 F C I rVya "no rrs cost you J ?&... My ORr i, itwi.SiS'fR Susan WE HAVE A W WHtRE I SAVT- Ihe CobI . Bushed to our piodu irclions lor yom table direct liom Tjhi Plump, lull yellow ejiw-jeletled loi iweetnen. Price ii rejioiubli! Cucumbers lb. 32c Hot House Grown, Crisp and Mild Rhubarb, local lb. 7c Makes Delicious Pics Cabbage, green lb. 7jc - , Sweet, Solid Heads Asparagus ..lb. 15c Oregon and Washington Grown , . Winescip Apples lb. Crisp ami Juicy, Extra Fancy and Fancy Fresh Dates lb. pkg. 32c Naval Oranges 5 lbs. 54c; box 3.45 Desert Grapefruit lb. 9c Desert Grown Sunkisf Lemons ..... S lbs. 57c Hefp Our Wounded Soldiers That's Hie oppeol. I V" heart big enough to oW it? Your'WAC Recruitinfl Office is woitinj for you- SAFEWAY r