THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1945 PAGE SEVEN I' .osses Recorded By T. W. Kienlen (United tfrtu Staff Corraapondant) New York, May! (IP) Stocks vac II mpH thpir decline latn in the I'session today after, an abortive rally had raised the main list for time to new nigns lor more than eight years. Toward the Sclose losses ranged to more than ia point in the leaders. Wall street Interpreted the sell loft primarily as unsettlement re sulting from the new Hood of irumors revolving around the war fn Germany. . .' Announcement from San Fran cisco that Foreign Commissar V. M. Moioiov soon may leave the iUnited Nations, conference and eturn to Moscow was viewed as nautral consequence of war de- elopments requiring his pres nce at home, and not a sign of displeasure with events at San !jrancisco. Market analysts emphasized that all the favorable factors that helped the list rise to a new high at Monday's close since Aug. 21, il937 still are present. Good March v, quarter corporation earnings re: Sports, a major bullish factor in jrecent days, continued to appear Jtoday. " - " PORTLANB LIVESTOCK ' Portland, Ore., May 1 (IPi Live ' tstockr Cattle 100, calves 25; Slow ' on lower grades. Fed steers scarce, closed slow Monday. Few (common heifers $11.00-11.50. Can f ner-cutter cows $7.00-9.50. . Fat jSdairy type cows held above $11.00. J Good-choice vealers $15.00-16.00. sCulls slow, salable down to $5.00. Hogs 50. Active, steady. Bar rows and gilts, all weights, $15.75. , tSows $15.00. Feeder bigs salable 1 jsi7.50-18.00. ... 1 1 Sheep 100. Active, steady. Good- ehoice 99 lb. wooled lambs $16.00; icommon. 77 lbs., $12.50; good Jchoice spring lambs salable $150- AiD.uu. anorn ewes $Y.uu down. Wooled ewes salable to $9.00. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland; Ore., May 1 pi in. crease in butter production is less man expected lor this time of the year. Butter and egg prices are un changed! Butter 'Cube 93 score 42c: 92 score 42 Wc; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41',4c pound. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA large 44c: A larce 42e: medium A 39c;. small 35c dozen. ' Fuel Rationing Rufes Modified , (Seattle, May 1 ttB-UThe' OPA said today that wider a'r Special exception householders in Wash ington, Oregon and northern Ida ho may now order their full needs for firewood and coal for next winter for. delivery before Aug. 31. W. J. Cannon, regional OPA fuel rationing executive, said 80 percent of the annual require ments was the limit in other parts of the nation. He. said orders would be filled when dealers' supplies permit de liveries. Health Schedule For Week Given Members of the Deschutes coun ty health department today an nounced a schedule of activities for the week, with clinics to be held in both Bend and Princville. The first in a series of classes for the expectant mother will be held tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. in the office of the health department in the court house. "Baby Bath Demonstration" will be the sub ject of the lecture. Thursday the health staff will hold an immunization clinic in Princville for school children, pre school tots and infants. The regular weekly immuniza tion clinic in Bend will be held be tween the hours of 1 and 3 p.m. Friday in the health offices. Yesterday . tick -r immunization shots were given in Brothers and vicinity. ( A I LIME UP NBEAR Eddie s Is Central Oregon Headquarters for Genuine Bear Service Car Washing and Polishing EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE 390 Greenwood CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Phone 64 Spare Articles Classified Rates Lo" Paid in Advance" 20 Words One Time 83o S Worm 'rtiree i'Uiiesi 7do 28 Words btx Times Uid vr SS add le w ward - Biuafaar i uuaruuna una noata rua, aana cuuy, a daj rata ; Muumaia tkaraa, 3ftc LINE RATE lOe CAPITALS 20e Ulaaauies Advaruainc. las in Advance uailjr Claain liaia U:4 a. M. FOR SALE LYONS FLOWER GARDENS bteeies jumbo pansy plants, also perennials ana annual ilower ana vegeiaoie plants in season. Ibu4 Vv. 2na, coiner Portland. - 3 ROOM modern with fruit room, wooushed, garage, worK shop. 2 lots, nice garutii spot. iboo.50, $otxj aown. wood In woodsnea. un higrivvay, 2410 N. 1st Street. FINE MODERN;; two bedroom suburban' home, nas city waier, new lurnace,' goou outuuiluings and several acres oi grounu. uouble garage. An ideal country home ouiy two miles irom city Uraiis on nignway. can be Dougnt tor $o,5u0 on reasonable terms. Frarut McGarvey, lis Oregon St. FLAT BED 1934 Chev. truck, long wneel ouse, dual tires, ceiling price. On south highway, turn iignt at closed lexaco station, oTd house on lelt. Any. time alter 5 p. m. ONE TRAILER house top, cheap. 14 mile easr, i mile south Bend Trap , cluo. Bert Russell, Rt. 1, Box 441. - PARTLY FURNISHED 4. room house, hot ana cold water, good range ana bed, lot bO'xiau', 5 min uies waiK from the mill, cheap; cail at 22 Lake place. - NEAR . EAST THIRD: Almost new tour room home. Lawn, white tence; Sell at a sacrifice as owner is moving. S2U0U, $00 down, bee Vv aiter oaron pr JacK Arnold, 126 Mmnesota. ON SHASTA PLACE 2 bedroom modern house, sleeping porcn, nouf nrtlluri hnln tanrpil. .7Ki. $6U0 down, $33 month. Anne Forbes, 3b Oregon, pnone db-w. 3 ROOM HOUSE, good condition, completely furnished, on corner lot, also , garden- and chicken house, immediate possession. $950 cash. Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon St. , STEEL'S JUMBO pansy plants, perennials ofjhll sorts, most art- nuals are now .readyPickett Gar dens, pnone mu, bin at yummy. 16 FT. TRAILER house, good con dition, has ice box and sink. Must sell. Make offer. Also .32 Winches ter special, 35 shells and ammuni tion belt. 144 Roosevelt. $2400 BUYS good 4 room modern home, west side, immediate pos session. $1600 cash buys close in modern 3 room. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. A COMBINATION coal and wood "Estate" circulating heater. 1206 Elgin. Call after 5:30. C H A I R I S FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and braziers, reas onable prices. Call for appoint ment. Phone 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. SIX MILES from Bend, eighty acres with full water right, good two bedroom house, large - new barn, forty acres alfalfa, small orchard, beautiful view. $6,500. Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon St. RABBITS Young does with first litters $4.0Q. Bred does $3.00, bucks $2.50 and $3.50. Also two setting hens. Call 147 E. Olney. 4-ROOM MODERN, good condi tion, lurnace neat. vx il. jra. HOMELESS: See this lovely West Side Home. Almost new, 4 room modern. Pembroke plumbing. Au tomatic sprinkler system. $4000. Terms arranged. Walter Daron, 126 Minnesota St. Don' Put It Off Have a Bear Wheel Alinement CHECK-UP NOW Only wth Bear equipment can you be sure that your car's line-up is right. Wheels must be balanced and in line to give proper driving service . . . that's exactly what Bear equipment does. REPAIRS that PAY Eddie's shop is one of Oregon's best equipped ... no job is too large or too small. Drive in for a check-up and an estimate on any needed work. And al ways remember . . . . "RIGHT'S RIGHT AT ESDIE'S" FOB SALE PLANTS READY. Perennials, strawberries, cabbage, cauliflow er, brussel sprouts, broccoli, let tuce. Fanton s uaruen, 82 ugaen. ROCKHILL strawberry plants, $3.00 per hundred if taken in next 10 days. Gervais Ranch, second place west Cox's Service Station on south highway. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, 2 bedroom house with shower, west side, garden, woodshed, garage, chicken house. $1800, $300 down, $25 month.' Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. FARM with nice modern home, 5 rooms, 4 miles out on Butler Mar ket hard road, 40 acres land, 25 acres C.O.I, water, large barn and garage, chicken' house, brooder house and brooder, somi farm ma chinery, 4 acres alfalfa, 8 acres pasture, balance good lor pota toes and small grain. $4500. One half down, balance easy terms. Call after 5 p. m. John Cantrell, Rt. 2, Box 253. 140 ACRES, 35 acres water right, 15 acres alfalfa, 3 acres pasture, about 5 acres rye. 5 room house. $4500, terms. 2Vt miles east of Bend, Bend-Burns highway, mile north of Four Corners. Rt. 2, Box 304. Pete Klobas. Phone 37-F-15. 3 PIECE BEDROOM suite, nearly new. Inquire 448 Division. 2 YEAR OLD heifer coming fresh September. Bend Trap Qub road, first turn to left, 3rd house on right . 2 BEDROOM MODERN: Wired for electric range. Has oil circu lator and ultra modern wood range. Basement, electric water heater, l'A lots, double garage. Close in and priced right at $3250. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. 100 EWES with' lambs at side. 4 miles north of Ayre's store on old Burt Allison place. J. E. Nolan, Powell Butte. WOOD FUEL Prompt Delivery, load lots, city or country. Dry body or limbs, length desired. Order next win ter's fuel now. Consumers state ment necessary. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. NEW 4 ROOM modern house. In quire 365 E. Kearney. SEED POTATOES $3.00 per hun dred, eating potatoes. 2','j miles east ot Bend on Bend-Burns high way, & mile north of Four Cor ners. Rt. 2, Box 304. Pete Klobas. Phone 37-F-15. 1 2 ROOM MODERN FURNISH j ED: Between the mills and busi- ness district. Completely furnish led including large new refricer- j ator and radio, etc. Large lot, full wooasnea. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. EAST SIDE 4 lots, 2 houses, one modern 2 bedroom, semi-modern on paved street, $3200 unfurnish ed. Furniture can be purchased. Anno Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 3 ROOM modern two stoves, ce ment basement, new roof, newly painted, close to Kenwood school. Inquire at 104 Congress or phone 149-J. TWO GENTLE Jersey cows, now milking, suitable for family use. Also one six months old purebred Jersey bull calf. Sawyer-Steiwer Ranch breeding. James T. Price, Rt. 2, Box 20-A. Two miles from city limits on new Redmond high way. 1 FOR SALE OK TRADE 1936 TERRAPLANE sedan, in A-l condition. 1936 V-8, reconditioned motor. Will take old motor in on exchange. Also car parts for sale. ldb oreenwood. 1934 PLYMOUTH coupe with good tires. $260.00 cash or will take' good Ford model A roadster or pickup in trade. Must be in good condition with good tires. Hank R. Henderson. Rt. 2. Box 106. FOR RENT 2 THREE ROOM furnished houses, sinks and cold water, close in. Inquire West Apartment, 164 E. Irving. "See ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans AUTO LIGHT TRUCK PICK-UP On Youi Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Orcson rhonp 525 Can Be FOR RENT VACANCIES, O'Kan building. Inquire at Hogan's Studio. RANCH, close In, C.Q-I. Plst, oniiinnori spm! Rnuds and seed grain. Furnished house, prefer someone interested m uujuis later. Rt. L Box 203. , TWO FURNISHED cabins. Room and board also meals. Delaware Hotel Phone 31-W. , - BEEHIVE TRUCKS ,ior rent. Drive yourself. Moving, Court house Service. 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. : -V GARDEN SPACE to renV also room. Inquire 1305 Kingston. THREE ROOM and 2 room houses, not modern, furnished, ga rage If desired, close to mills. Ap ply 207 Riverfront. VACANCY in J AN SEN VILLA: Unfurnished apartment. Gas cir culating hearter, range, refrigera tor, and water heater. Laundry fa cilities. Inquire office,.; 407 Port land Ave. . . .' " CLEAN TWO ROOM modern fur nished cabin, wood cook stove, wood, water and lights included. Phone 1083 or call 623 Hill St. MODERN furnished house, with shower, garage and woodshed, on Albany. Adults wanted. Call 21 Columbia. - SMALL FURNISHED modern house, adults only. 34 Lafayette. FURNISHED MODERN cabin with oil circulator. Just right for a single person. One block from Post omce. $20uu per month. Gil berts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. ONE ROOM furnished apartment luectrlc range, automatic heat. Shower bath and large clothes closet. Washing facilities. Inquire 123 Franklin Ave. Phone 343-W.. : 2 AND 3 room houses, furnished with water and lights. $8 to $15 a month. Close in. Call 168 E. Irving. Phone 834-W. !4 ACRE potato ground and berry patch, share or cash rent. At E. 8th St. Call 905-J. 5 ROOM partially furnished house, semi-modern, nice garden. Call at 1069 Milwaukee. WANTED A LAWNMOWER in good condi tion. Call 712 or 864.. WANTED TO RENT block and tackle or chain hoist for a few days. Call Jacobson, phone 176. WANT TO BUY good car jack. Call Jacobson. Phone 176. WHEN YOU want wood sawed call McCann 'The Buzz Saw Man." Phone 945-M. 6 ROOM size oil circulator, goqd condition. Bend Washer Service: 136 Greenwood. f DAY. OLD calves, any breed. Phone ll-F-23 or call Donald Kaye, Rt. 1, Box 437-A. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good useckradios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wail St. Phone 900. USED CAR, popular make, un der $200. Inquire 245 Broadway. GOOD ELECTRIC refrigerator, popular make. Not over 6 years old. .Care of L. M. Kelly, Pilot Butte Auto Court. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hnPU Vnil hVO tn tinlt alvn enmn big springer cows and will pick uitnn up ai your l'none io-J or drop a card to W. R. Franks, Redmond, Ore. GOOD USED bath tub and com plete fixtures. Phone 1070-W or call 147 E. Olney. CURTAINS and lace table cloths to launder in my own home. Mrs. Moody, 615 Federal. Phone 963-M. '40 OR '41 COUPE or "sedan urgently needed by private parly. Room 1I8. Pilnl Rlllta Inn Will pay cash. HELP WANTED WOMAN for niuht work Anniv 852 Wall. FRY COOK. Inquire Pilot Butte I Inn. I Bend Abstract Co. nne insurance-ADstracts Phone 188X I Walt Peak Phone 174 J Redmond, Ore. j . ' By FRED HARMAN ' iJ'"r,,!' Orttf GOT" 0fl LANDSLIDE fXOCKSV LANDSLIDE Yl f&& BOO S1ART-LVN) f rtE&BE W WD IS V'jJ KiDS T5REr UP l! DOLLAR ROC FOR f J J trO TRACES AND THAW NOT JUST ) ( LANDSLIDE-' ttE" J RloHT-' BUT WHY STUFF SCMF-TlPNES? 1 "SjPKJF 1 "l 1 Ufi SXHISLl?,BU5!CK-iC. V. HAPPEN-J SSS MiVJ RlD J WCULD AWBODT TRY IV WE DCN'I KNiOVJ Turned Into HELP WANTED - COUPLE high school boys for gardening and yard work. Good wages. See Joe Slate at Slate's Barber Shop. FIRST CLASS Irrigator. Top wages. Call 13-F-58 Redmond. OLDER WOMAN, good cook and nousekeeper. m family oi 2. No washing or baking, lair wages. rnone -21 between 3 and 11 a. m. . A WOMAN for house work sev eral mornings a week. Good pay. Call 119 mornings 8 to 10, eve nings o to a. . USED CARS 1937 FORD V-8, recently over hauled, ceiline Drice. Wrire F S ruuer, oox hi, -sisters, ureg MODEL A Ford, fair shape, good tires. Inquire Rt. 1, Box 380. , MODEL A Ford, 16" wheels. In quire 1027 Newport ' - LOST SHADED-BROWN Shaeffer foun tain pen. Somewhere between irat National bank and ration board. Notify Mrs. M. S. Phelps. nuuie luoo-w. ttewaru. SHOPPING BAG containing Diacit patent leatner purse witn DaDers in name nt Mis. I jinia rinr. necKer, Pnneville, Ore., and some casn. evidently picked up by mis- tatce frnm PIlsfnmAI-'a riaa at tnn Office. Finder return to Bulletin. Reward. - . MISCELLANEOUS WE HAVE a franchise with RCA vicior ior a limited supply of all PoUUlar and Western Millhlllu recoras that they release In the mime anu a sample or eacn Clas sical Album. JLt tney maKe It, we Will have It. Pnme in nnH stock over. Bend Music Company, " inmefuia, Ave. fnone iiz. . THOR WASHFR SRRVTrE f i-tj. TlFliSD GtiNtJllNE PARIS, Also repairing ana lactory parts for mon anu Galveston. Phone Z75-J. IF YOU are feling below par get rursin a preparation that sup plies essenual vitamins and iron, improves appetite, increases pep. Gtiaranteea. For sale, in Benu at trie Owl Pharmacy. FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Kepels, or kills on Contact. FLIK.S. mnsnintuu gnats, motns, eic. Kuininace llCJKS. tle'aa. but?. snirWo rnunn. es, etc. Phone oat. Uoya Whea- uvii, xix oieicu, aeaOi .. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Pnone bod or l-i--. Mrs. Drinson, u-itane Biug., or ttux lot, Beuu WASHING MACH1NK renairlnir Benu Washer Service, 13b Green wood, pnone st. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls lor all makes. Let -us cneck, your machine no obligation. Elmer Huason, phone 274. 434 Kansas. MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg istered thoroughbred, light bay, weight 1120, heignt 15!, proven Aire nf nilarter hnran (vnn ITaA $10.00, return privilege, landing, oruuKs-acanion Darn.tranK Filey, attendant. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be TTiaiit flnv BiVA vnil rlouirn tifif-h Han. j wu u.uu - '' atlU ni'ltltilltl irmi liL-n L'ctlm.itmi -"J fx a j i liia JUM UfWa JUaDUHJaiCa gladly given. Tne Bulletin. From six deer released a few years ago on the artillery range at Fort Bragg has developed the fin. est deer herd in Nortb Carolina. ORDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS Delivered BAKER FEED CO. Cash With a Want Ad Lions Are Told Of'TB'Control Oregon is badly in need of facili ties to care for itinerant travellers suffering from tuberculosis and uncooperative patients. Dr. J. M. Odeil, director of the tubercu losis sanitarium at The Dalles, told members of the Bend Lions club at their noonday meeting to day at the Pine Tavern. In the war against the disease, Dr. Oaell said that better success is being had in analyzing and treat ing stpble residents. 'Plans for a statewide X-ray of the state's population to deter mine the presence of tuberculosis were told by Dr. Odell. He said that mobile equipment is now available, and that technicians with this setup will spend four or five days In Bend later in the year. These X-rays are at no cost to the individual, and provide phy sicians with a permanent record of all cases examined. Control Plans Told The .visiting speaker told the Lions of plans for controlling tu berculosis in the state, after the general X-ray survey has been made. . . Burt Stevens, a member of the S JLcl0.thJn.g salvage, commit- weeks more than 12 tonsof usable h lu 1. Deen gathered here, and that this amount greatly ex ceeded expectations. He said that a tremenrintm enrtinn nnj lob yet remains at the salvage ucpui, ana ne urged all Lions to assist in the work. He estimated that anDroximntelv fmir nnB Hn main to be packaged for ship- George Simervllle, membership chairman,. announced plans for a Lions Bet-nrniialntjiri nnntADf ' a ne loiiowing were taken into the eltlh an Irpv mnmhna- Tom., Branaman, Farley Elliott, Bruce Gilbert, Ewart Jewell, Wilfred jossy, ueorge aimerville, w. EVEN EFFECTIVE MAY V 5 US.R0YAL , Today, only a handful of people aro eligible to buy new tires. Whether you are one or not, we think you should know what "U.S." is doing to give you constantly Improved tire performance nt lower cont. Since the Hummer of 1943, U.S. Royal DoLuxo prices hnve Rono from $17.11 for the 6.00 x 16 to $15.20 . . . a reduction of more than 10. VOUR TIRES N lint mmy nw a, 'J'Jj i" " ' "".'"plala. Un "' lataactlao. Shoop & 1291 Wall Street Van Alien, John Wetle and I. M. Wells. Deschutes Lags In Paper Pickup Deschutes countv ' is lagging further behind in the production of salvage waste paper for war use, it was revealed today in a statement from Oregon state sal vage headquarters in Portland. The report shows that the county nas dropped back from seventh to eighth place in the state, whereas it consistently stood at fourth place for a number of months. The report shows that only 22 tons ot old paper were gathered in the county in April, or a cer capita production of 44.5 pounds. uicewise, utook ana Jetterson counties were dropping behind, the report showed. Last month no paper was produced in Crook county, and Jefferson gave only one ton. PURSE IS STOLEN Theft of her knitting bag con taining a purse, wallet, $15 and some valuable papers from a writ ing table tn the postofflce here, today was reported to Bend police by Mrs. L. Dornecker of Prine- ville. Mrs. Dornecker said that someone stole the bag while she was mailing a letter. ELOPERS. 14 AND 17. RETURN Hammond, Ind. mi The return of the nrodleals this time two of them was welcomed by their parents. Norma Jean Keith, 14, and Robert R el pins tine, 17, eloped seven months ago and had not oeen neara irom until recent ly when they came home. AIRMAN HAS 600 PHOTOS Sweetwater. Tex. IIP! If Pfc. Vance Jobe of the U. S. marines feels like reliving his exDerlences in the war, he'll have a good chance to do It. An aerial pho tographer in the marine corps, Jobe has taken more than 600 photographs of his battle experi ences. . . . , . , GREATER VALUE! 1, 1945 "U.S." ANNOUNCES NEW LOW CEILING PRICES' GUARANTEED ME DTD J inn 5ERVIWB choci, y build" v'"""a),. EVERY SERVICE, U. S. TIRES Schulze Tire Service Ten years of experimentation preceded the release to the public by the U. S. department of agri culture of the first hybrid onion variety which greatly increases the yield per acre. GET yOUR traiT 00NUS! 2 Red Point for each pound of uaed fata turned in to your butcher. Keep Saving Used Fats For the Fighting Front and Home Front. Fully Equipped For - Modern Druglen Treatment - Spinal Adjustment Physio Therapy .. Tox' Eliminator Diagnosis, X-Ray and Heart : Graphing Dr.R. D.Ketchum ChlroDractlo Physician 124 Minnesota Ave. Phone 794 I Co"''"g Price I J 7520 L ,r"tW TAX I During the same period, U.S. Roynl DoLuxo, always a quality lcnrior, has consistently in creased its mileage performance. Keep this in mind . . , whether you aro eligible for tires now, or must wait until later, you'll always find the price of U.S. Royal DeLuxo surpris ingly low for the quality U.S. Royal DeLuxe represents. aw. EXCEL! Phone 565 ,4