THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, TUESDAY. MAY 1, 1945 PAGE FIVE Local News TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 73 degrees. Minimum last night, 35 degrees. TODAY'S' WEATHER . Temperature: .10 p.m., 49 de grees 10 aan., 86 degrees. Velo city of wind: 10 jlm, 2 miles; 10, 6 miles. L. E. Cornelius and son Lee, of Seattle( last night were guests at the Pilot Butte inn. Cornelius is a member of the C & H. Con struction company, which Is en gaged in moving the cold storage plant from Camp Abbot to Ho qulam, Wash.- F. B. Crandall of the traffic di vision of the state highway depart ment, was here today from Salem conferring with local highway de partment officials. E. S. Leach, examiner for the civil aeronautics authority, was NOW SHOWING MmmHBi.n 1 linn CM a mm COMING! COMING! THURS.-FRI.-SAT. HOWLEROO!! LOADED WITH LAUGHS Mm Mm nmm 1 I I DAD A, AIM I 2 HITS 9 NIGHTS 2 HITS HE WAS MONEY-SICK-BUT THE LOVE CURE W0RKED!- Millions for fun . . . vet he was fjk. bored with life . . . until he Ff" mat and almost lost the only f - girl who gave life a kick. I SEETHE LATEST PAIR OF SCREEN! 1 y j SSSrSmfl. BASED ON yyiWtek E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIH'S S XMr&)ffi' NOV El 4f f?ziFf$ Tt mmz quest f nr. tram jusr Afl BARGAIN NIGHT - . HIT - ""SS?25Lr 1 1 here today from Portland. He planned to hold examinations at ine Bend municipal airport for the possible issuance of pilots li censes. . , ; Hex Houtz, Burns logging con tractor, was in Bend this morning, on a business visit. With his brow er, Cecil Houtz, the Burns man was tormerly engaged in contract work on the Vvarmspnngs reser vation. Dr. Paul R. Needham, director of fisheries for the state game commission, sioppeu in benu last night en route to Crane prairie to inspect the taking of trout eggs. . Yesterday, Dr. Needham looKed over the proposed fish hatchery site at Wizard falls on the Metolius river. ..; 'A 'regular meeting of the Des chutes county Veterans" council will be hejd at 8 o'clock tonight in the Chamber of commerce of fices, it was announced. The Modem Woodmen of Amer ica will meet next Friday at 8 p.m. in the Sons of Norway hall, it was reported today., Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Moody, 615 Federal street, returned yester day from Palo Alto, Calif., where they visited their son, Pherrin Lloyd Moody, seaman 2c, who is stationed at San Bruno where he is taking advanced training for overseas aury. seaman Moody pre viously had been stationed at Mos cow, Ida., where he took a seven months' course Jn radio. George S. Fly, who served as sergeant In the Camp Abbot pub lic relations office prior to the vacation of the Deschutes canton ment by troops, is now with the u. s. veterans administration and has just opened an office in To- peka, Kans., it has been learned here. Mr. and Mrs. John Mellott are the parents of a daughter, Corlnne vera, born April 28 at the St. Charles hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Cothrell and Mr. and Mrs. C F. Pierce had as visitors over the week-end Mrs. Eula Olbcckson, Mr. and Mrs. Al den Burdick and two daughters, Janice and Sanderann, all of Eu gene, Also visiting with the local folks until today were Mr. and Mrs. Cass Heim and daughter, Jeanne, of Camas, Wash. Parents of Cubs, and those In terested in the movement and who reside on the eastside of the city. were asked today by Virgil Moss; assistant scout executive, to at tend a second organization meet ing tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Allen school auditorium. Moss, who estimated that there are about 50 parents and Cubs in the organization now, stressed that it is urgent that the organization be completed before school ends. Dr. R. D. Ketchum returned to day-from Portland, where he at tended the quarterly meeting of the executive board of the Oregon Association of Chiropractic Physi cians. Dr. Ketchum stopped at Al bany on the way home to visit his son-in-law ana- aaugnter, Mr. ana NEWS Society deadline on days of Ruthann La kin Attractive Ceremony Sunday In a setting of calla lilies and candles, Miss Ruthann Lakin be came the bride of John H. Shep- ard in an attractive ceremony at 1:00 o'clock Sunday in the Episcopal church, with Rev. G. R. v. Bolster officiating. , uver luu friends and relatives, Including many from Prineville, where the brme's family lived, were present tor the weuuing and the reception whicn followed at the Pilot Butte Inn. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. Robert lsham of Port land, and Dean Wonser acted as best man. The wedding party moved down the aisle to the strains of the wedding march from "Lohengrin," played by Mrs. K. E. Sawyer. H. R. Lakin gave his daughter in marriage. Mrs. Sawyer played ienuelssohn's weuuing march as a recessional and "Believe Me If All Those En- Gilchrist Choir Gives Concert At M.E. Church A choir of twenty 'Voices trained by Rev. John Morange, came to Bend Sunday from Gil christ and presented a highly well received concert Sunday evening at the Methodist church. Mrs. R. B. Ward of Gilchrist was the ac companist. Included In the program were a Mrs. Paul Wise and infant son. Mrs. Ketchum was in Albany, on an extended visit with her daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dewey and' children are in Bend from Port land visiting Mrs. Dewey's aunt, Mrs. Nadine Wills and family, 1223 Davenport, and her grand mother, Mrs. Pearl Farley. Dewey will return to Portland today, while the family will remain for two weeks. Chief John Elliott, ACM, is in Bend spending part .of a 30-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Colver of Carroll Acres district, and his sister, Doro thy Whetzel. Elliott is a veteran of south Pacific action, having reached Hawaii by plane from the war zone. He will go to Seattle to spend 10 davs of his leave, after which he will report to San Fran cisco to be assigned to pilot train ing somewhere in the United States. Mrs. Jack Hollenbeck will enter tain the Philathea club Thursday evening at her home, 19 Terminal. The meeting is set for 7:45 p.m. Mrs. Anna Jewell from Bemid- i ji, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Joe N. Wachter from Klamath Falls are guests of Mrs. Alice Soder strom, 856 Ogden avenue. Mrs. Wachter was formerly Mabel Soderstrom of Bend. Dr. James O'Dcil, medical di rector of Eastern Oregon Tuber culosis hospital, held fluoroscopic clinics in Prineville Monday after noon. When victory is officially de clared in Europe by President Harry Truman, there will be a prayer and thanksgiving service , at the First Lutheran church in i Bend, Rev. M. A. Thompson, pas- tor, announced today. The serv-j ices will be at 7:30 p.m. on V-Ei day. T5 William L. Neimeyer is vis iting in Bend with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. McKonney. Neimeyer, a brother of Dr. McKenney, is a veteran of the Saipan invasion. He recently returned from the Pa cific theater of war. , Walter Schaub, representative of the Brown Shoe company, was in Bend today from his home in Portland. Vclma Tonseth from Fort Rock was in Bend yesterday to shop. Paul Huston, manager ot the Stipe Prineville furniture store, is in Bend today on business. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Labaletto will leave late this week for an extended visit with friends and relatives in Des Moines, their for mer home, and other Iowa points. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Ilunncll have as their guest Mrs. Hunnell's mother, Mrs. Howard H. Gear hart, from Lebanon. Mrs. H. A. Riley from Madras was in Bend today shopping. Miss Betty Feurerstein return ed to Bend Monday after spending several days with friends and rela tives in Albany. Mrs. Hcdrien was in Bend Mon day from Gilchrist. Cpl. Lloyd Giersch has arrived in France for active duty, accord ing to word received this week by his wife, Penney company em- P Of the army air force officer who were here in February, about half have been sent to New f;ui . nea and half to Italy, it has been learned by local friends. Lt. C. J. i t r-iii.... ,. among those who arrived recent y in New Guinea in iiw Checker-Board Cafe will bej closed Sundays beginning May (i. i Adv. i hold their regular monthly meet BK.TTEU MAKE IT ONE-WAV ing at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Old Orchard Beach, Me. Ul'i , veterans' room of the county court Thieves broke into a railroad sta- j houw. il has been announced. Mrs. tion here and took only four j Iva Johnson ana Mrs. Fthel Obcr-round-trip tickets to New York. nolle will serve as hostesses. OF SOCIETY publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Is 10 a.m. CaU 66, The Bulletin newsroom. Is Bride in dearing Young Charms" following the ceremony. The bride wore a blue-green suit with a light blue hat and a blue orchid corsage. Her matron of honor was attired in royal blue with navy accessories and a cor sage of pink roses. A reception was held after the ceremony in the Blue room of the Pilot Butte Inn. Mrs- D. C. Hale cut the wedding cake, Mrs. Har vey H. DeArmond served ice cream, and Mrs. Ben Hamilton served coftee. Tfie bridal couple I tell umneuiaiuiy anei uii a ww ding trip to Carpinteria, Calif., where they will make their home. The groom owns an avacado and lemon orchard there, A group of the bride's sorority sisters, members of Beta Sigma Phi, gathered on the hotel steps and showered the couple with rice as they left on the honey- moon. pleasing variety of chorus and special numbers, featuring a solo, "God So Loved the World," by Mrs. L. W. McCaw. Members of the choir were: Sopranos, Misses Norma Jean V'ertz, Beulah Edgar, Martha Lou Brazeale, Clarice James, Virginia Garner, Patricia Hill, Margaret Guddatt and Doris Griffin. Altos: Mrs. Stenrson and the Misses Donna Fedish, Bonita Lockhart, Joyce Griffin, Evelyn Rigdon, Grace Lytle and Dorothy Houston. Mrs. Leonard McCaw was the tenor, and bassos included Rev. Morange, Robert McCaw, Stanley Shotts, Allen Guddatt and Carol Guddatt. Following the concert, refresh ments were served in the church basement. Mrs. Joy Walker was chairman of the hostess commit tee, assisted by Mrs. Antone Fos sen, Mrs. W. A. Wirtz, Mrs. M. B. Smith, Mrs. Marion Poor and Miss Mittye Vandevert. . . . m w . STATE OFFICERS TO VISIT Plans are being made by wom en of the First Christian church for a district missionary rally Monday, May 7, at the church. State officers will visit the local group at that time, it was stated. A luncheon honoring the visit ors will be held at one o'clock, Mrs. C. O. Entrikln, publicity di rector, announced today. '. ,,, . , i. . SOCIAL CALENDAR Tonight 7:30 p.m. Degree of Honor ex ecutive meeting with Mrs. Doug las Beliantyne, 716 Harriman. Wednesday 10:30 a.m. W. S. C. S. all-day meeting at Methodist church, pot luck luncheon at noon. 6:30 p.m. District nurses' as sociation, dinner meeting at Pine Tavern. 7:30 p.m. First Lutheran men's brotherhood, church parlors. 8:00 p.m. Circle 4, Catholic Altar society, with Mrs. Harold Honey, 97 Shasta. 8:00 p.m. Open meeting, First Presbyterian church. Mrs. Fred Tooze of Salem to speak. 8:00 p.m. U. A. V. and auxili ary, regular meeting, in veterans' room, court house.. 8:15 p.m. Business and profes sional women with Miss Lucy Davison, 1564 East Eighth street. Thursday 10:00 a.m. Baptist Women's union, all-day work session at the church. 1:30 p.m. Town and Country club, with Mrs. Hugh Fountain in Carroll Acres. 2:00 p.m. Women's Council, First Christian church monthly meeting al the church. 2:00 p.m. Evergreen Circle with Mrs. Stella Swagert, 1133 Newport. 2:00 p. m. Women's Mission ary society, Westminster Presby terian church, with Mrs. S. E. York, 2188 Awhroy road. 2:30 p. m. First Lutheran ladies' aid at the parsonage, with Mrs. Morris A. Thompson. 7:30 p.m. Camp Fire guard ians, Blue room of Pilot Butte Inn. 7:45 p.m. Philathea club with Mrs. Hazel Hollenbeck, 19 Termi nal. 8:00 p.m. Jr. Civic league with Mrs. Norman Gilbert, 1002 E. Third. Saturday 9:00 p.m. Cooties' dance, Pine Forest grange hall. Sunday 1:00 p.m. Jr. Hostesses, U. S. O., picnic for service men in Shevlin Park. WOMKN'8 COUNCIL TO MKKT t.lection of officers will he tl, ""y wnen mem - i "T " . 'l";.1W,"m''n s .C'jUn,;'1 " !p, t,,st Christian churqh hold their regular monthly meetinc at f-00 P- m. Thursday afternoon al ,the church. No program is plan - ne() becauw of ,np nalurc 0j th(, business, it has been announced K.A.V. AN NOt M KS MKKTINO The n.A.V. and auxiliary will Mother-Daughter Tea Is Sponsored By Girls' League Prineville, 'May 1 (Special) The annual mother-daughter tea was given by the Girls league of the high school- Friday afternoon in the high school auditorium. This is one of the outstanding so cial events of the high school year. About 200 girls, mothers and other guests sat at the tea tables, which were daintily decorated in pastel colors and spring flowers. Feature of the afternoon was the installation of the new officers in an impressive candle light cere mony. The officers installed were Georgiann Boyce, president ; Mary Louise Powell, vice-president; Al lyn Mae Grimes, secretary; Onlta McKinnon, treasurer. Mrs. Emery Carlin, the first Girls league pres ident in 1928 was installing offi cer. A response to the welcome by Margaret Sumner, retiring presi dent, was given by Mrs. Earl Laughlin. Musical numbers were rendered by the girls while ice tea and wafers made by the girls were served. - Another pleasing feature of the program was a style show di rected by Mrs. Fred Webb, home economics instructor. Dresses made and modeled by 35 girls in cluded print house dresses, plna-i tores, alternoon rayons, wool street dresses, suits and formals. Couple Observes i Silver Wedding In Bend Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Craven, 1448 West First street, quietly ob served their silver wedding anni versary Saturday, April 28, with a family dinner and theater party planned by their two daughters, Jacqueline and Patricia. To cele brate the occasion, the Cravens made a trip to Salem last week to visit friends and relatives. The H. K. Brooks residence, made festive with manznnita, rose buds and greenery, was the scene of the wedding April 28, 1920, when Miss Eleanor C. Little be came the bride of Lloyd Stevenson Craven. The impressive ring ser vice of the Episcopal church was read at 6 o'clock by Rev. George Van Waters. Attendants were Barbara Brooks, flower girl, and Tommy Brooks, ring bearer. " The Bend Bulletin for Saturday, May 1, 1920, reported that Miss Bonnie Stockwell played the wedd ing music, and after the ceremony the Wilson George orchestra pro .vided music for dancing. The couple's first home was at the corner of Broadway and Dela ware. ,cn 4-H Club Members Entertain Guests Grange Hall May 1 (Special) The Victory 4-H cooking club en tertained members, mothers and teachers at a lea, Saturday after noon at the home of their leader, Mrs. Waller Prichard. A regular meeting was conducted by the girls, each one having some part. Leona Hynes and Mary Lewis gave a salad demonstration. Those attending the affair were Miss Elizabeth Boeckli, home agent; Miss Harriet Harris and Miss Belly Arnsb Bend High home economic teachers; Mrs. Charles Boyd, Young school teach er; Mrs. F. C. lloyt, Mrs. Clarence Walker, Mrs. Nick Meyer, Mrs. Wm. Lewis, Mrs. J. R. Waynes, Bobby, Karen, Linda and Gerry Walker, Billy Boyd, Mary Kathryn Prichard, Patricia Lewis and the girls' leader, Mrs. Prichard. , Members of the club are Carol Hoyt, Thelma Walker, Dorlis Walker, I Mores Meyer, Mary Lewis, Edith llayncs and Leona flayne.s. Bend High Senior To Rule as Queen Of Annual Prom Ruth Ann Terlisner, attractive brunette senior, will rule as queen at the annual Junior-Senior Prom to' he held In the Bend high gym Saturday -night, May 5. Mary Alice Glatt will be hrr mald-rif-honor, and the following senior girls will complete her court: June Alfrey, Sally Schilling, Jean Kaddatz, and Iris Thomas. In charge of arrangements for the dance is Charles C'hristoffer son, junior. Olher committee heads are: Decorations, Jackie Moore; programs, Vilda Sultle; entertainment, Barbara Terlisner; j rrfrrshm(,nls u,.vl.riy clean up, Don McCauley. . . . I and jr Hostesses Arranqe ! CL ,7 ' j" C '. y ; Shevlin Park Outing Junior I'KO hostesses are plan- J ning a picnic for si-i vice men Sun I day in Shevlin park to take the place of the dance formerly an j nounced for Satuiday night. ! Miss FJizahcth Boeckli, presi dent of the hostess group, and j Mrs. Walter E. Kmai d. chairman for the USO senior group, arc in J charge of arrangements. Evergreen Circle Plans May Party special plans have been, made for the meeting of the Evergreen circle to be held at 2:00 p.m. . Thursday, May 3, at the home of Mrs. Stella Swagert, 1133 New port. Mrs. Lillle Pryor will assist the hostess. I Members of the entertainment committee for the occasion are Mrs. M. B. Smith and Mrs. Minnie Sanders, Each member will bring a May basket for exchange, it was announced. . . I I Camp Fire Leader's To Meet at Hotel All Camp Fire guardians In charge of Bluebird groups are urged to attend the . regular monthly meeting to be held Thurs day at 7:30 p.m. in the blue room of the Pilot Inn. it was announced today by Joe Elder) executive sec retary. A delegate will be chosen to attend the Camp Fire workshop in Portland May 11 and 12, it was stated. Plans for summer camp will' also be discussed. Mi's. Gail Baker, president of the guardians, will conduct the meeting. Auxiliary to Broadcast frogram Tomorrow Night "Cnlld Welfare" will be the subject of me monthly program' presented by the American Le-1 gion auxiliary, to be heard over KBND at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, according to Mrs. Craig Coyner,. who will represent the auxiliary ! on the broadcast. i Other representatives who will , speak will include Miss Mittye i Vandevert, religion; Mrs. enns Kostol, health; and Mrs. P. N. Armstrong, education. www I To Plan Party Members of the Business and Professional Wo-; men's club will meet Wednesday j at 8:15 p. m. at the home of Miss i Lucy Davison, 1564 East Eighth street. A program will be pre-! sentcd, it has been announced. ' All members are requested to be present as plans will be com-1 pleted for the card party to be: held May 18. ... Rummage Sale Planned A rummage sale will be held Wed nesday, Thursday and, Friday of this week In the Burich building by Circle 1 of the Catholic Altar society. . . ... Meeting Date Set The Town and Country club will meet Thurs day at 1:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Hugh Fountain In Carroll Acres, it was announced today. Soc'efe 7 e . - .. - - - if. yii tw n i ;i "J y i f ' 1 ' ' 1 f ' y ' 'S A f', ' : -1 Limited Number Cannon 81x103 inch On Sale Thurs.. 9:30 a m. Limit of one sheet to a customer FOSS FUNERAL SET Funeral services for Mrs. Doro- thy Foss, who died yesterday morning in Sti Charles hospital, will be held at 2 pjn. tomorrow llii JOLLY COWBOYS Fri., May 4 Bend Roller Rink 9:00 p.m. Arkie Happy Smiley Hungry Stars 'of Radio and Recording Winners in 1944 of KXL Tournament of Western Bands In the Entire Northwest v2--5- vi t' fc V- s-- xs Choose it Gift of Ciiocolais by ofbclefe' Your gift will have llin (klighlful asso ciation of many happy, memory-living occasions... l)Co';:ik'i-g with the thrilling on when she received that very first box of chocolates from her best beau! Ciocoafs for Mother's Day ...the Gift of Happiness IMPERIAL CANDY COMPANY SEATTLE 4, WASHINGTON if f , 1.65 In the Niswonger and Winslow chapel, with Rev. Father Kerwick officiating, it was reported today, Burial is to be in Pilot Butte cemetery. to the music of ARKIE and His