PAGE six THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, MONDAY. APRIL 30, 1945 1 -'Pacific Veteran ' fS i Pi I i iim nn in rsnnn LllJIIIIIIll IIJ IJl.llll .;" With the 32nd Infantry Division , fangaslnan Province, Luzon, April 30 Technical Sergeant liar- ""old O, Pedersen, son of Mrs. Julia Pedersen, Route I, Bend, Oregon, is returning home on rotation fur- "lough after three yeai-s service ....overseas with the i2a infantry tiv vision. . Sgf. Pedersen, holder of the combat. Infantryman badge, (lis . tinguished unit award, and the (lis ""llnguished service cross, a ma- , chine-gun section leader, Is a bat- -Mle-wlse veteran of six campaigns. Entering the army in January, 1942, ho had basic training at Camp Roberts, Calif. He came , overseas in April, 1942 with the 32nd "Red Arrow" division to take J part in the epochal 52 day march over the Owen range and the bat- tie at Buna that crashed the Japa- I nese threat to Australia. He re- celved the D.S.C. for "extraor- dinary heroism In action" near ; sananda, a bloody strip or uis- puted ground on the enemy llanK at Buna. J Japs Attacked The citation reads: "Volunteer- ing with three other men for an attack on a fortified enemy posl , .tion, Sergeant (then private) Pe- dersen, with complete disregard ' for his personal safety, advanced , through heavy machine-gun fire, attacked a section of r r in y trenches with hand grenades, and engaged the remaining defenders in a liandto-hund struggle. The patrol killed seven of yie enemy ana occupied tne enemy trencnes, and by this daring action enabled their unit to consolidate its posi tion. The part Sergeant Pedersen took in this vigorous and coura geous attack was an inspiration to the of his unit." That attack took place, on the night beiore i.nristmas, linn. In addition to the Buna cam paign, Sergeant Pedersen has seen action at Saidor and Aitane, New Guinea; Morula!, Neither- land East Indies: and Leyte and Luzon in the Philippine islands. when asked how it feels to be going home after three years of action overseas, Sergeant Peder sen said: "When I left there weren't any USO's, Wacs, Zoot suits, or ration books. I imagine it will be strange to see all the changes." 1 DKIVKKS CITED Driving a coupe with four pas sengers in the scat caused the arrest of two Bend youths over the weekend, according to police. Cited Into court for the offense were Dean Smart and Baxter Johnson Nabors. Officers also arrested Nels Ped- erson, 13C4 Ithaca street, for as scrtedly driving over 35 miles an hour on Galveston avenue, and issued a ticket to Alyme Dimmick for overtime parking. No. 1S-29 : Synopsis of Annual Statement of the New York Life Insurance Com- : pany of New York, In the stale or New : xorK, on tne tnirty-iirsi aay or uecem- ' ber, 1OT4, made to the Insurance Com missioner of the State of Oregon, pur- auant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up. None. INCOME Total premium Income for the year, , I t2B8.M1.028.l4. a Interest, dividends and real estate ln- a come received during the year, $121,- , 209.34t.81. a Income from other sources received . during the year 1116.068.948.92. : Total Income, M04.840.324.57, ' DISBURSEMENTS a Paid for losses, endowments, annul- Ilea and surrender values, $146,623,531.- 68, ' Dividends paid to policyholder! dur- ng the year, $33,406,265.04. a Commissions and salaries paid during a the year, $27,536,032 05. a Taxes, licenses and fees paid during a the year, $9,805,239.61. Amount of all other expenditures, . . SKO BQ7 AM AM Total expenditures. $27S,378,118.04. ASSETS 2 Value of real estate owned (market value) $36,976,144.08. . . Loans on mortgages, $393,464,736.09. Value of bonds owned (amortized or '.Investment), $2,786,704,388.00. 1 Value of stocks owned (market val- ,ue). $72,621,851.00. , Premium notes and policy loans, 1188.189.417.76. Cash In banks and on hand, $36,387, 783.64. Interest and rent due and accrued, $24,123,580.78. ; Net uncollected and deferred pre miums. $30,692,338.50. Other assets (net), $1,182,601.99. luiaj aamiuea assets, aj,0JU,,Jti,40.-. :74. Securities valued at $47,866,889.00 are .. deposited with governments and states . as required by law. LIABILITIES Net reserves, $2,538,919,256.00. , Gross claims for losses unpaid, $16, .094,123.87. ' All other liabilities, $783,868,238.59. ' Tout liabilities, except capital, $3 . 339.681.618.46. -, ; Capital paid up. None, j Surplus over all liabilities, None. ' Surplus reserved for general con tingencies. $230,857,322.28. AOiai, 3,37U,73S,B40.74. BUSINESS IN OREGON I rUH THE YEAR - Net premiums and anuultles re- celved during the year. $2,886,207.28. Dividends paid during the year, $305, '643.61, Net losses and claims, endowments, - 'Surrenders, and annulUea paid during Edouard Herriot Reaches Moscow Moscow, April 30 HI1) Edouard Herriot, thrice premier of France and former president of the French chamber of deputies, ar rived in Moscow with his wife to day after being liberated by the red army from the Germans near Berlin. The 73-year-old French states man was freed April 22 and was brought here on a special plane placed at his disposal by soviet military authorities at Berlin, Herriot said he was in good health. Ho appeared in good spir ts. He said he would remain in Moscow for a few days as guest of the French ambassador and hen return to France. Herriot had been confined to a anatorium near Berlin. He. said he gestano officer who was to have laken him to Berlin ahead of the Russians disappeared and he was rescued by the red army. The statesman originally was arrested by Vichy French police after he had criticized the coliafch oratlonist policy of the Petain government. When allied armies ran over France, the Germans took him to Germany. Soil lost by water erosion from deforested areas is sometimes 10 to 20 times greater than that BTNOPSH or ANNlYXt," 'siTATBMBKT Of TUB f'Al.lPOHNIA 1M.SUHA.NTB COMPANY of KAN IrRANnsrn in .- nut. f cALii-oii.MiA, on the thirty- from a forested area rirat day of December, 1 1)44. made to I tha Insurance Commissioner of the Wat. ureaon, pursuant to law I Inrnnia I Not premiums received ... .11,747.44.8 ' Total Intercut, dividends and , rent ealrite tnconio Mn,7?1.94 I income from other sourcea , S.oOO.HS ' No. 3-3 Tolal Income $2,017,19.0$ Illnhnraefnenta Net amount paid oolltr- liolders for losses f.oea adjuatment exneiMca .. Agents commlaalona or hrokerfla-e Salaries and foee offlcora. nirectora, noma ornue employee Taxes, llcensea and fees .... Dividend! paid to etoek- holders rCnnh, 9106,000.00; ntork, $ None) Dividends paid or eredited policyholders All other expenditures .. 44.Mt.41 431.SM.M 904,956.99 79,099.06 100.9SO.B9 None 901,336.0:1 the year. $1,705,045.60. Name of Company, New York Life 'Insurance Company. Name ot president, George L. Har rison. Name of secretary, C. J. Myers. : Statutory rCBldeni attorney for ser vice, R. A. Durham, Public Service Bld'g., 820 S.W. 6th Ave., Portland 4.. No. 9-S . " Synopsis ot Annual Statement of the , Employers Casualty Company of Dal las, In the Slate of Texas, on the thirty-first day ot December, 1944, , made to the Insurance Commissioner ofthe State of Oregon, pursuant to INCOME , get premiums received, $4,105,667.42. Totar Interest, dividends and real es ' tate Income, $165,024.16. Income from oUicr sources, $140, 693.32. ' Tolal Income, $4.402.284 80. DISBURSEMENTS JSiff Loss adjustment expenses, $258,657.05. Wm'toVm com'nUBlon brokerage, Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes, $101,730 25 Taxes, licenses and fees, $407,326 79 .Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash, ,wy.w. oioi-K, nonet, - .. P'v'ends paid or credited to policy, holders, $288.880 04. s"i All other expenditures. $521,431.31. Total disbursements, $3,618,418.70. ADMITTED ASSETS V.Tu"c).$Ol'.,550'100MU,t Wn!1 im"M efe??16.3B3.87"rl,,agM oU1I. $3 WtVMe'a """ y""4 "morUMd. uey.alii,60il9'oSClU 0WnKl (",""t V 030 28h ba"k 011 h,nd' Premiums In course of collection 448 00" Soinemb . 1M4, $Vo6,- $37n3"4o! nd "nt n1 ccn"'. " SvS'f ai,e.t. iBcl) W.0-'M.24. Total admitted assets, 48.172 706 47 IJABIUT1ES. SUHPLUa AND ' , , OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims, $1,848,440 13 Estimated loss adjustment ex Dense for unpaid claims. None. ' Toui unearned premiuma on all un expired risks, $1,878,735.88. Salaries, rents, expenses. bilU. ac 0?1 Si ' etc" due or $10, Estimated amount due or accrued aor taxes, $251.320 41. accrued Commissions, brokerage, or other chargea due and accrued. $ll;.3l5 4ti. All other Uablllties, $:64;43li Contingent fund, $302,000.00. fm26j!o4.'"b !";ci" CPIU1' Capital paid up, $500,000.00. urplua over ell liabilities, $1.004,. $liw4rP423,43 " "4rd" PoU'yholders, Total, $6,172,708.47. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR , THE YEAR yS&tSSi or cw-lte t0 nrComDaCnymPflny' Ca, iJff or President, A. F. Allen. Wame ot Secretary, Ben H. Mitchell Statutory resident attorney for tier vice, Seth B. Thompson, Wan Commissioner. TotnJ dlbiirnftnentM ...11,880,849.60 Vftliin of run! rtato oivneil' (mfirhttt valuo) 8 J 1,4 . 71 Loans on moriKiiae mtta cat iRtoral. tlo Valii of bonda owned (eniortlitfxl) 3,3J9,033.ltf value or tockn owned (mnr kt value) Convention ... OhMit lo banks antl on hand. Promlnma in courna of col lection wrlttpn itnce Sep tember 10, 1044 Interest and rents duo and accrued Other assots (net) I, OS 1.9(10. W 3 J C. 7 HI. Si 2B1.S68.M 2rt,SB?.S4 39,960.07 Total admitted asMts ..96.646.120.90 Strike out "market" or "nmnrtlfed." I.lahllltlM, Stiriilna and Othor FiiikK Total unpaid claims 3,,377.00 Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims 20,174,04 Total unearned premiums on all unexplrod risk 1,861,7M.TI Saint I cs, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, foes, etc.. due or accrued 6,1 GO. 00 Kfltlmnted n mount due or arc rued for taxes IT. 800.00 Commissions, hrokernfte, nr oilier charges due and accrued 16.SR0.00 All othor liabilities 68.316.73 Total liabilities, except canltal 3,349,098.44 Capital paid Up $1,000,000.00 Surplus over all lubiiittcs .... 3, son, o::. 40 Surplus as renimls policy holders 93,304,023.46 Total 9fl.64iU2O.90 HiiMliMfis In Urrffon for the Vir Net prumluins reoolved ... . 4S,1!N3.34 Nft losres paid 16,304.72 Dividends pnld or credited to policyholders None Wume of Compuny; The California In surance Company. Nnme ot President: J. C. ttunynn. Name of Secretary: William Mullet. intutory resident attorney for sarvlea; Instiranca Commissioner. No. 29-16 Synopsis, ot Annual Statement of tho foe tor v Mutual Liability Insurance Company of America, of Providence, sr. 4,n itt.i. n UIn,U lElnnrl nn tUt lilrty -first day of December, 1944, nado to the Insurance Commissioner the State ot Oregon, pursuant to law: income: Net premiums received, $2,210,194.37. Total Interest, dividends and rcul estate Income, $242,lti4.!4. income trom tuner sources. s53,4WU.4a, Total Income, .2,riMMK.79. DIS13URSGMKNTS Net Amount oaid Dolicvholdera for tosses, n08,511.1J ioss aojustment expenses, ?i32,B(i.60. Ailents commissions or brukei-aue. (25.44 Salaries and fees officers, directors, borne office employes, $;t80,7S7.43. laxes, Jtcenscs ana ices, siu,z41.30. Dividends paid to stockiiotdeis. None. Dividends untd or credited tn nsillcv. holders. $744,1U.G7. All other expenditures, $1RUM.45. Total disbursements, $2,042,1)1)3.10 ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real cstuto owned, market value). None. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc., None. Value of bonds owned (amortized). $12,334,372.72. Value of stocks owned (market val ue), $l,6im,25u,UU . Cash in banks and on hand, $1,203. 41)1.02. Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 104-1, $22,. Interest and rents due and accrued. $29,lt)ti.U5. Other assets (net) Tension Fund, Total admitted asset, $16,337 232 u LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND w OTHKR FUNDS Total unpaid claims. S2.10B,G3H t!0. Lstiinated loss adjustmeiu expense lor unpaid claims. Jtu.oai 00. Total une.iiiH pieiuiutns on all un expired risks. Jij;iy.957.ij3. .salaries, rents, expenses, bills, nc- B4485 'ee" !tC" tlUC Ur accrui;d' Estimated amount due or acerued for uxes. fio.2.44. Coininissloits. brokcroKe, or otnei Cnnrttes due and aeeuied. N.uie All othei liabilities mcluduiK Pension Fund Reserve. 94,, $3.4tit),r01 til loJaL Jities except Cuiiiuutet Fund, ,,335.flf)0.03. ' ouaraniee rund paid up, $250,ooooO Surplus over all lubllitles. $0,731.- til. Surplus as regards $U.81 .242.81. Total, f lfl.337.??!2 nt BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THIS YEAR I Net premiums received. $1,010 60 ! Net losses paid, $110 50 ! lJwJSrSiiVSSr1 or crc,I,lcd pollcy Name of Company. Factory Mutual Liability Insurance Company of Amer- Synopsis of Annual Statement of the bunsei Liiie insurance company of America, of Olympia, In the State of Washington, on the thirty-first day vi ueceiuucr, iun, mnae to ine insur ance commissioner of the state Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid tip, INCOME Total premium Income for the year, 9010, till. 11, Interest, dividends and rents receiv ed durinif the vear. $29,854.69. Income from other sources received during tne year, $J3,7jo.ui. Total Income, $412,300.01. DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, annui ties and surrender values, $38,538.00. Dividends paid to policyholders dur Ina the vear. SU.147.47. Dividends paid on capital stock dur ing uie year, none. Commissions and salaries paid dux- Inff the vear. 497.403.20. Taxes, licenses and fees paid durinj Amount of all otlier expenditures 140.782.31. Other payments to policyholders and oeneiiciaries, s.tuo.oa. Total expenditures, $200,496.04. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (markel vaiuej, in one. Loans on mortgages and collateral, vie, i4u,iio.ia. Value of bonds owned (amortized), $580,535.50. Federally Insured Shares, Sav. & jijoan Assn., .w.oou.n. Policy loans. S10.326.4a. i Cash In banks and on hand, $56,705.40. jmciftn anu renw aue ana accruea, 4J,1ZU.J(. J Net uncollected and deferred prenv Other assets (net), -$855.03. Total admitted assets. $1,326,630.10. LIABILITIES i Net reserves, $793,999.00. Gross claims for losses unpaid, $10, 859.00. All other liabilities. S14.414.M. Other Dnllcvhnlrliaf fnnris Slid atftft 7ft Total liabilities, except capital,' $099,- Caoltal paid ud. 2sn non no Surplus over all liabilities, $120,888.80. ouiptus as rcgaras . policyholders, Total,' $1,328,630.10. business in Oregon for THIT. VRAR Net premiums and annuities receiv ed during the year, $122.20. Dividends paid during the year, $6.43. Net losses and claims, endowments, miiciiuuiB, uiiu uiimuues paia uunng he year, None. Name of Company, Sunset Life In- urance company or America. Name of President. John J. Morlartv. Name of Secretary, Robert D. W fl ams. Statutory resident attnrtiAv - Ice. Insurance Commissioner, State of Pastor Criticizes ' Russians' Vodka r Spokane, Wash., April 30 IPi ShlDinent of vodka by tho Rus sian tit-legation to the. San Fran cisco peace conference drew the criticism of Dr. Charles Mac Caughey, pastor of the Central Methodist church here, last night. In a sermon entitled, "Can Vod ka Diplomacy Save the World?" the minister declared that "liquor befuddled brains" have no place at the conference, which should be a meeting "of the best minds of the world in a dead-ln-earnest effort to save humanity." "We . . . are proioundly dis turbed by the news that the Rus sian delegation had brought along a shipload of vodka and other potables, and that other del egations had followed their ex ample, Dr. Maccaugney said. "It was our thought that this confer ence was anything but a festive occasion or a political conven tion." India Spokeswoman War Briefs (By United Press) Eastern Front Red armies hapimer last defenders of Berlin info eight square mile death pocket. Western Front Seventh armv troops cut down elite guards in Munich and race into alpine re doubt within 27 miles of Brenner pass. $9,731, policyholders. No. 28-15 Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Pacific Automobile Insurance Company, ol 15.10 South Olive St.. Los Angeles IS, in tho State of California, on the thirty-first day of December, 1944, made to the Insurance Commis sioner of the Stale of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid up. $201,335.70. INCOME Net premiums received during the year. $1.153. Mil. 45. Interest, dividends and rents re ceived durinu the year, $20.8(19.20. Income from other sources received during the vear, $3.1141.31. Total Income. $l.l83.971.f)fl. OISBUKSKMENTS Net lotses paid during tho year In cluding adjustment expenses, $607, U73.H6. Commissions and salaries paid during the year, $3116.5U0.H3. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year, $U2.9ya.65. Dividends paid on capital stock dur inu the year. None. Dividends nalH tn nnllrvhr.lrl.M-a dur. ln the year. $H.475.ii2. Amount of all oUier expenditures, $17,133.08. Total expenditures, $1,042,838.84. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market Value!. $52,000.00. Loans on mortuatfes and collateral, etc.. None. Value of bonds owned (amortized) $(!80.472.27. Value of stocks owned (market Value), $fl3,fl(19.fl2. t'ash in banks and on hand, $490,- Premlums In course of collection written since September 30, l!44, $214.- 4t;:i.77. In tors-mi nnrl r.nti rinn anA tmii $2.47.: """" inner assets (net). None. Total admitted assets. $1,523,784.96. LIABILITIES C.ross claims for losses unpaid, $531,- Amnunt of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks. $449,207.00. Due fur commission and brokerage, None. All other liabilities. Reinsurance Pay able, $2,200.11; Heserve for Taxes, $.iA, HiODO; Keserve for Cuntuiceuciea, $40. IKXHXV Total liabilities, except capital, $1,- Capital paid up, $201,335.70. Surplus over all liabilities, $260,433.13. Surplus as regards policyholders. $'Uil,77().B3. Total. SI. 523.784.96. BUSINESS IN OREGON tun i'JIK YEAH Net premium! received during th, 11 1,110 HO, " Net losses paid during the year, $4,- No. 27-14 Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Western National Indemnity Comoanv of San Francisco. In the Stat of California, on the thirty -first day ui ueucmuvii iwft, juuue iu uie insur ance Commissioner of the State of Ori sun, pursuant 10 iaw; INCOME Net premiums received, $3,907,689.01. Total Interest, dividends and real SUJ;jWIISI. LM . Tr Hi Co. I Soldier In Philippines Tells o f People Co. I boys who have been bat' Redmond Redmond, April 28 '(Special)- Mis. Howard Hartley and brother, Barton Helliwell of Yoncalla, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hart ley the past weekend. Mrs. Leo Shelley has returned ! tling' In the south Pacific these iiuiii oaiem, wneip sue was caneuimany years and who are now In on account of the serious illness I the Philippines consider that they of her brother, who is much m-!are really back in civilization, a piuvc-u. Metier received by Mrs. J. J. Berri- Mrs. William Glang spent thejgan from her son, Bill, Indicates, past week end in Portland. She I "The neonle here are verv civil. was the guests of Mrs. Russell Ized and intellfL'pnr. and thev are Martinus and Miss Kayi Zimmer-; not at all like the natives we en- man, countered in New Guinea," the Mrs. Daisy Brown is visiting young soldier relates. He added: (NEA TelephotoJ Sole representative of India's Na tional Congress at the San Francisco Conference Is Mrs. vijaya Lakshmj Pandl, pictured above dining at her notei. Italy British Eighth army drives within 58 miles of juncture with Yugoslav forces reported iigniing in iriesiei Pacific American Sunerfort' resses attack Japanese homeland again. American troops split Min danao in two. Burma British drive within 36 miles of Rangood. estate Income, 1224.300.72. 021.98. Income irom other sources, $166,. Total Income. S4.388.011.71. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid policyholders for losses. $1.519,21517. Loss adjustment expenses, $245,262.74. Agents commissions or DroKerage. $622,811.01. Salaries and fees officers, directors, nomc onico employes, s.iyti,7Zj.22. . Taxes, licenses and fees. S260.762.23. Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash, uu,uw.iru, BlUl-K, 11UI1C,, aiUV.UUU.W. Dividends paid or credited to pollcy- uuiuera, nunc. All nthsc ovnanrfHnm V. !7fUI Total disbursements. ( ' I ADMI1TED ASSETS I Value of real estate owned f market valuer, lions. Loans on mortgages and collateral. etc.. None. Value of bonds owned tamortlzeril. $4,692,330.48. Value of stock, owned (market vuiuei. a.Doo.juu.uu. Cash in banks and on hand. SU17. 455.65. Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 1944, $578,- Interest and rents due and accrued. SZ3.UB5.U5. utner assets (net), S22.096.S7. Total admitted assets. $9,300,994.73. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unnald claims. S3.5h9.086.22. Estimated loss adlustment axtwiu. ior unpaid claims, ajs,oou.uu. Total unearned premiums on all un expired risks, S1.110.C37.41. balaries. rents, expenses, bills, ac- counts, ices. etc.. due or accrued. S4B. 050.96. Estimated amount due or accrued for taxes, $509,434.83. Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due and accrued, 3111,634.11. Ail oiner iiaoilllles, sjzu,oy.33. Total liabilities. exceDt caDital. S5. 734.550.86. Can tal Dnld ud. Surplus over all liablllties. S2.508. s.i.o. Surplus as regards policyholders, $3, 666.443.87. Total, J9.300.094.73. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received, $74,002.24. Net losses paid, $10,114.57. Dividends Dald or credited io nollcv. holders. None. Name of Company, Western National jnucmnuy company. Name of president, Charles C. Hannah. Name of aecretarv. w. Stanley Penrce. Statutory resident attorney for ser vice. Insurance Commissioner Stats tf-uregon, , "NSl!Of ANNUAL STATEMENT n..?7 ""I'ADRI.PIIIA of PMII.A ??i.P.",Ai '" th PENNSYL VANIA, on tha thirty-first dar of D ;mber. 1944. maile to the Inauraare commissioner of the state of Oreeon ourauant to law: lneom ' Vet premiums received..,.! S.S47.E29.ST miaresi. a viuenda and real estate Income.. 44s sat sa 'ncome from other sources. Totat'lncome 4.474,346.30 Dlaboraemente fet amount paid policy holders for losses $ 1,I45,99S.3S t.oBs adjustment expenses taenia commlsslona or brokeraae talarles and foes officers. oireciora, ooma omce employes Taxes, licenses and fees :. ?ivilenla paid to Htock- holders (Cnah. S3&0.000.00, stock. None) Dividends paid or oredltcd to policyholders 411 other expenditures .... 97,140.13 !7,07.50 2C3.SSfi.a3 None 4!4,770.CS friends and relatives in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hartley and Mrs. William Glang attended the Central Oregon musical contest held In Bend Fridav. The remodeling and interior decorating of the store building on Sixth street, to be occupied by Hugh M. Amsberrv's electrical and repair shop, is completed and will be opened in the very near future. Mrs. D. W. Orme was a Riiest of Mrs. Jack Hartley Friday, Her home is In Eugene. Aii-s. and Mrs. Robert Dimt were Some of the Eirls here are really beautiful." Bill told of the receipt of the news 01 tne death of President Roosevelt and added: "It sure was a great loss to the country, espe cially at a time like this." Still Hopeful In an earlier letter home, Bill mentioned that he missed church Palm Sunday, because he was in combat, but cot to eo to church on Easter Sunday. He added: "I remember getting out of class one afternoon at Allen school to see "Sign of the Cross." What a long I time ago that was! where Mr. Dant looked after bust' Bin still hopeful he will run ness interests. acroi& nis .sailor brother, Pat, one V. H. Clark of Vancouver U n 1 business caller in Redmond. In 77ffvRomiA the interest of the Pant and Rus. miRANcli $.. Vrmhi sfu nimoer concern. MARtNC Hf RIOHMfiNn In tsW Rial of VIKitlNlA . (hA hM.u. Uay of Icint4r. Uii, mod fto tH T. '""r rommiiiioMr or w BtaH of these days. He says he scans the number of every destroyer that comes into port. Firemen Answer Three Fire Calls A brush fire, a burning stump and a blazing fence caused Bend city firemen to make three runs over the weekend. The fire fighters were called to the east end of Miller street Sat urday afternon where they spray ed 480 gallons of water on burn ing brush. Yesterday they answer ed a call to the Bend recreation center where a section of fence burned, and they later were called to Fourth and Seward street to extinguish a burning stump. Buy National War Bomb Now! orfn, p.rm.r.1 to uwV ' Nt trMnlsaraa rskcivi . Total ltitrt. dlvttlMtJi i rftl !( In own ..... Iiivouit from ollttr mmtow -THOPRTL- OF ANTCTTAt, TAT1QltR?T Or THB KANOVKR PIRK INolTRANCB CO.. or NHJW YORK. In Mi ittftl of NEW YORK, on tho thirty-ftrtt Any of Ptcembor. 1944 m1 to th limursnro com mlMl onr of tho St to oc Ofgom, pursuant io law! . Incomo Not premium recelvM. . , . $ ,;T.t.J Total fn tere t. dividends and real eatate Income,. 675,746.24 lacomo from othor aourcea. . l,4e?,33.tfl S.KM.M Total lacome U,f,81.44 2O.04.1 TT0.SS4.TO 4S3.6S5.93 48 .. Nona C8.9M.lf Total dlsbtirnements 4.085,409.10 Admitted AnaHa fftlu of real estate owned (market value) None Loans on morteatres and collateral, etc None 'Value of bonds owned (amortised) t 3, 649, 677. 3D ralue or atocka owned (market value) "ash In banks and on hand Premiums In course of col lection written since Sep tern ber 30. JDJ Uerent and rente due and accrued Other assets (net) 7.S63.887.64 l,3G3, ll.0t.O3 3fl.4fl0,83 8.660.fl8 Total admitted assets. .118,096.136.64 Strike out "market" or "amortised." Liabilities, Surplus turf Other Funds Total unpaid claims $ 1,383,623.94) estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims fetal unearned premiums on all unexpired risks... Balaries, rents, expense. bills, aocounts, fees, etc., due or accrued Estimated amount doe or accrued lor taxes Commissions, brokerage, or other chargea aue unu acrud All other HabHltlea 4S.490.99 S.MI.8M.67 8, SI 9. 90 189.939.M 23,400.00 449,614.06 Total UUIH4ls. except ssnnltnl I S.iW.M.t Capital paid up ll.OM.OOO.M Surplus over all liabilities ....96.699.237.88 Surplus as reBari policy- holders . Net amount pnld policy holder a for losss t 4.17S.6M.M Xaoss adjustment expenses. A trentn commissions or brokerage Salaries and fees officers. directors, borne office employes Taxes, licenses and fees.... Dividends paid to stock holders (Cash. 9469,000; stock, t None) Dividends paid or credited to policyholders AH other expenditures ... Total dlnbureements. , . .f 9,b34,I1.ES Admitted Ass Value of real estate owned (market value) Loans on mortgagee a ad collateral, etc ' Nona Value of bonds owned ( a mort Ixed ) f . M,1.0 Value of stocks owned (market value) 11,S13.36.M Cash In banks and on hand 1,741,379.81 Premiums In course oc col lection written since Sep tember 30. 1944 1,10994.14 Interest and rents due. and accrued 89,433,89 Other assets (net) 8 U. 432.95 Total tacom St,tMH.M tM)wre4Mtm4 Net amount paid poicy holders for uiMHa . Lo. adjustment expenses Airents commission or brokerage Salaries and fees officers. uireciors, noma office ru-ployes Taxes, licenses and fees .... uiviiiemis paid to stock holders (Cash. 149,000,90: stock. 8 None) Dividends paid or credited to policyholder All other expenditure (See Me low j I9l.t19.79j 17,131.49 394,90,11 T1.TM.86 69, 093. n Nom 141.344.91 . 'Total disbursements ,...$ 977,797.91 Admitted Assets Value of real ettate owned (market value) Xsonns on mortgages and col lateral, etc 4. 090. 09 vame ot bonds owned (Amortised) 3.361.878.61 value of stocks owned (mar- net value) convention ... 861. 777.29 rash In banks and on hand. 236,179.81 fremiumi in course of col lection written since Sep tember 80. 1944 194.493.69 Interest and rents due and accrued 33.201.49 Other assets (net) ......... 6.360.37 Total admitted asisU. .8S4.441.768.74 strike out "market or "amormed," Liabilities. Surplus sad Oteter Faeida Total unpaid claims 3,67fi,94.0 Estimated loss adjoatment i expenses for unpaid claims MS, 74)0.99 Total unearned premluvM on all unexpired risks 7,H-9,3.M Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc due or accrued 1C.949.909 EatimataW amount d-o or accrued for taxes 946, 94w.l Commfsalons, brokerage, or other oharces dao and accrued 99, 99.99 All other Hnbllltlea (uehsd Intr Voluntary neeoTve 1126,900) 3,38. 946.71 Total ItobHtUoa, eiooept capital Capital paid up 9. 99. 09. 09 Surplus over aH labilities . . 7,W.&.& Surplus as regnnVe pctUcy Tolal admitted assets ..$3,672,190.97 Strike out "market" or "amortised." Liabilities. Snrntus and Other PosKta Total unpaid claims 141,(63.09 Estimated loss adjustment exnense for unnald claims 9.799.99 Total unearned premiums on all unexpired risks 1.994,398.90 Salaries, rents, expenses. bills, accounts, fees, etc due or accrued Estimated amount due er accrtied for taxes Commissions, brokerages, or other chargea due and accrued All other liabilities Total UabHKIes. except capital I Capital paid up 31.909.990.9 Surplus over all liabilities ..... 1.433.963.V7 Surplus as regards poMcy- 8.969.99 34. 9 4. Ifl9.0 1,460.90 holders .1 8,433.963.99 .(44, 494, 644 ,M holders . $14,936, 642.U Total 9S4.441. 26.74 HiiHlnese la Omco for 9be er Net premiums received ...$ 107.343.79 Not losses cald 64. 736. 04 , ( $13,096,196.61 j Name of Company: Tlie Hanever Fire Bns4nr In Own ,. ' Nini. at President; K. Elmer Sammonn. recetveu... - - . , . , Total' $3,672,190.97 nnslriMi in OrMM tor tne xeatr Net premiums received.. 12.B8S.4t Net losses paid 6,866.49 Dividends Dald or eredited. to policyholders none Name of Company: Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Co, 1019 E. Mam at Richmond. 11. Va- Name of President! C. D. Minor. Nnmt or Secretary: n. C. Lewis. Jr. Statutory resident attorney for service: Insurance commissioner, oaten. wr. R. J. Burke, RA ' VII Wlkox Building VortlaBd, Orecoa Iet premiums Net losses paid Name of Crtmnnnv Paciri Aiitnmn. W biie Insurutice Company. ZZlJS-S I) A. Wear vico. m.,.,,0,. com ss.r" , ' 7.: ' ..'-W.'SS.S" liiiig.. Portland, Cie. Name of Prealdettt, Dc Forest State ol Oregon. No. 30-17 Svnonsis of Annual Statement of the American Mutual Liability Insurance Company of Boston, In the State of Massachusetts, on the thirty-first day or ueccmocr. 1H44. made to tne insur ance Commissioner of the State ot Oregon, pursuant to law: l n 1 A La Amount ov Guaranty Capital. $200.- uuu.uu. INCOME Net premiums received during the year. $:i5.153.556.42. Interest, dividends and rents receiv ed ci urine the venr. 11.355.1)62.61. income irom oiner sources received tiring the year, $ 134, 1)36.43. ioiai income. 5Jti.044.;t,'i3.. DIsnURSMENTS Not Iossm nnirl Hurint? th vrar tn chiding adjustment expenses, $20,054,-928 Commlt.qinnBi nnrl snlnrtM naid riur. n ine year. s,iuu.2ui.o. Taxes. licenFes and fees naid durinu the year, $1.120.439.sS, utvidends Da id on Shareholders. 114 . Dividends paid to policyholders dur irut the year, td.516.437.46. Amount of all other expenditures. Total expenditures, $S2, 478,6 1B.23. ADMITTFO AKSRTS Value of real estate owned (market VOIUl'l, Ultf.D3U.Uf, Loans and collateral, etc., $90,000.00. vaiuc ot oonds owned (amortized), Valuo of stocks owned (market val ue). J4.800.6Hfl.00. Cash in banks and on hand, $7,394,-106.71. Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 1944, $2t- von,.iiu.10. interest and rents due and accrued, sj4:i, iIM.tHl. Other assets (net). $33,105.62. 'Jotal admitted assets. $08,867,726.64 U1AMIL.11IKS Gross claims for tosses 8e Loss Ad justments Unpaid. $37,976,596.00. Amount of unearned premiums or an uuiManamR riSKS, sr.HZY.7ti!!. in. Due for commission and broker ace $12,085.23. All otlier IlAMIittfut 115 sso qrr i Total liabilities, except capital, $58,- Guaranty Capital. $200.000 00. Guaranty Fund. $800,000 00. Surplus over all liabilities, $9,791.- $10 "ritt-f. 99flS reBards PoltcvhoIdcrs Total. 968 .'867,726.84. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR TIIR VPAH Net prrmlums received dtiriiitf th year. $4,270.91. Net losses paid during the year Name of Company. American Mutua Liability Insurance Company Name of President, Charles E Ilodsrs. Name of Secretary, Frank R. Mul laney. statutory resident nttornev for ser vice, Insurance Commissioner. IMTldends paid or credited Cot Companyi The AIManc la-ur- aeice company m Kama of President! John A. Dlsmjjd. Name of Secretary: J. Kenton Mlses Statutory reatdea aUoraw fe aYNOPflia OP ANNUAL STATEMENT of the CALEDONIAN -AMERICAN IN SURANCE COMPANY of NEW TORK, In THB STATE OP NEW YORK, on the 31st day of December. 1944, mnde to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Dremhims received I 7is.ona rr Total Interest, dividends and rAl tMtntN Inrntno R"i A91 OA Income from other sources. I6,loo!os Btatutnrv reaMeitt aUorsey for W. St. MoOonald, PorMaad, Or. J. S. Davis Company Rend, Oregon 374,397.78 S16.296.68 48.737.41 39,962.53 40,000.00 Total Income $ 789,922.11 DIHRURSEMRNTH net amount paia puiicynoia- . eri for losses I $ Agenis commissions or oroK-erace Salaries and fees officers. uireciors, nome omce em-nloves Taxes, licenses and fees - uiviaenas paia to swcKnoia ers (Cash. 140.000. Dividends paid or eredited to policy nowers ivone AU other expenditures .... 83,477.69 Total disbursements $ 827,133.52 A nMITTED ARKKTS Value ot resi estate owned (market value t None Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc. 11,144.00 Value of bonds owned (market or amortised) 1.201.880.00 Value of stocks owned (mar- ket value 437.990.00 Cash In banks and on hand 111,260.31 Premiums In course of col lection written since sept. 5tn iQi 172.209.65 Interest and rents due and accrued 8,3S!M,? Other assets (net) 22,546.46 Total Brimmed aets $1,965,471.14 LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHKlt miNDit Total urinAld claims $ 126,197.10 Estimate! loss sojusimeni ex rense ior unpaiu ciniuiB--al unearned premiums on all unexpired risks - Salaries, rents, expenses, bills. accounts, lees, sic uus or iwmpd Estimated o mount due or ao .iniosi fnr taxes Commissions, brokerage, or ' ?j;S C""K "." 9.800.00 AU other liabilities 84,043.03 988,113.38. J".' 500.000.00 Surplus over IS, "U- 977.357.76 ' I Surplus aa , policy holdtri 9TT.35T.T8 Total .$1,965,471.14' BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received ?i22 zl Net losses paid 16b 88 Dividends paid or credited to poh . icvholders v.vfnftvii v Name of Company: CALEDONIAN AMERICAN INSURANCE CO. Name of President: HENRY CARTER. Name of Secretary: CHAS. L8CHW EI9. Ftalutorv resident attorney for service. INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. Saiem. Or., 6, 000. 00 751,873.16 30000 . 17,000.00 No. 15-1 Synopsli of Annual Statement ot tht Bankers Life Insurance Company of Nebraska, of Lincoln 8. In the State of Nebraska, on the thirty-first day of December, 1944, made to the In surance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount ot capital stock paid up, $500,000.00. INCOME Total premium income for the year, $3,663,043.66. Interest, dividends and rents receiv ed during the year, $1,019,563.10. Income from other sources received during the year, $1,459,648.16. Total income, $7,043,154.92, DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, annui ties and surrender values, $1,554,987.41. Dividends paid to policyholders dur ing Uie year $669 046.13. Dividends paid on capital stock dur ing the year. $40,000.00. Commissions and salaries paid dur ing Uie year, $938,981.67. Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year. $89,491.74. Amount of all other expenditures. $1,296,272.21. Total expenditures, $4,588,779.10. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market Value), $3,410,986.99. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. $6,864,743.55. Value of bonds owned (amortized). $28,876,797.06. vame of stocks owned (market val ue), None. Premium notes and nollcv loans. S3. 948.171.73. Cash in banks and on hand. $884.- 468.16. Interest and rents due and accrued, .1522.676. 16. Net uncollected and deferred prem iums, $445,368.64. Other assets (net) Credit. $38,179.99. Total admitted assets. $44,915,032.30. LIABILITIES Net reserves, $37,215,247.04. 1 Gross claims for losses unpaid, $121, 135.69. ' All other liabilities. $2,792,193 53. Total liabilities, except capital, $40, 128.576.28. Capital paid up, $500,000.00. Surplus over all liabilities, $4,286, 456.02. Surplus as regards policyholders, $5.611,163 02. Total, W4. 9 15.032.30. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums and annuities receiv ed during tl: year, $65,626.37. Dividends paid during Uit year. $10. Net losses and claims, endowments, surrenders, and annuities paid during Uie year. $32.198 62. Name of Company, Bankers Life In surance Company of Nebraska. Name of President. H. S. Wilson. Name of Secretary, Fred M. Sanders. Statutory resident attornev for ser vice. B E. Newell, Corbett Bldg- Port land 4, Oregon. SYNOPSIS' OP AMMltAT. rtitpuovs Of the ORIENT INSITRANPE PfiM. PANY of HARTFORD. In II. nt9i. CONNECTICUT, on the thlrty.firafc day of Decern bor, 1944. mnd to the Insur ance Commissioner of the State of Ore gon, pursuant to law: Ineome Not premiums received ....$3,137,944.73 Total Interest, dividends and real estate Income lEK hi com e from other sources.. 6,021.70 Total Income 12,291,774.41 IMMbtwuemratii Hot amount paid policy holders for losses t Loss adjustment expenses.. Vfrents commissions or brokerage Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes Taxes, licenses and fees.... I Dividends pnld to stock holders (Cash, f ; stock, t ) Dividends pnld or credited to policyholders AH other expenditure SYNOPSIS OP ANNUAL BTATEMENT OF THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA of Newark. In the State or New Jersey, on the thirty-first day of December, 1944, mads to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oreeon, pursuant to law: Capital Amount of capital stocK paid up U) . . Notts Income Total premium Income for v the year (8 and misc. 20) I 772,211,433.06 Interest, dividends and rents received durinu tha year (21 and misc. 30).. 189,878,010.28 Income from other sources - received during the year (0 lo 12 incl.. 22 to 28 . Incl., 28b leas misc. 20 and 30) 107,403,660.80 Total Income (29) $1,009,493,134.82 Disbursements Paid for losses, endow ments, annuities and sur render values (1 to 8 , incl. and miC. 17) $ 309,8fl0103I.4 . Dividends paid to pollcy- wiuco uur.iig uie year v and mic. 02) Dividends paid on capital stock during the year . . Commissions and salaries paid during the year, in cluding medical fees and Inspection of risks (14 to 20 incl. and misc. S3, 33, Taxes," iicefises" "and" " fees paid during the year (25, 20b and misc. 40, 48b). . Amount of fell other expend itures (11, 12i 13, 21, 22, 23. 24. 26a. 28 to 34 Incl. and bal. of misc.) 70,900,243.44 Nona 113,356,857.14 77,141.941.25 Total expenditures (30). $ 698,719,001.83 Assets Value of real estate owned (market value) (l plus 22 tJ.e! 3 -- 71,784,830.81 ioana 0n mortgnges ar.d collateral, etc. 2 and 3). 1,081,181,655.22 Value of bonds owned (amortised) (6 bonds plus 23 leri 44) 4,149,805,813.11 Value of stocks owned ".".. (market valimi i-it tiuiir " plus 23a less 44a) Premium notes and pollcy loans (A nlllfl Aa nl,.. less 41) Cash in banks, on hand and t less 42l Interest and rents due arid ajued (21 less 44b and Net uncoifeVtedVnd dVfVVred premiums UJ, 29, 29a Other assets Yne'tV(9aV 9b 24, less 39, 40, 44 d) . 98,283,011.00 273,91 8, 203. 2 27, 02,124.91 48,007,397.09 , 107,099,724.45 1.422.229.95 Total admitted assets ' ) $3, 858,880, 814. 84 Liabilities Net reserves (7, 8, 9, 11, 34 mini OK mm n ... Oross cTalm. tir"o.s-Ua. --""" Dividends declared payable In 1945 (31, 32 misc. 33) (3,109,895.60 Apportioned to the credit of ." ME.erreu aiviocnn poilClea DSVahl. Mft.P 1Q.A t1t . An. Ann nn All other liabilities io. l; , ""'""" and balance ol mlac.) ... 328,009.832.81 Total liabilities, except-" c.p, .i-paid ip-(43r::::::w'"-'"iJftS Surp us over all liabilities ' 8S,T44,596.84 Surplus ss remrds pollcy. . holders 41) -S 83.744, 6.4 'o1"' (45) .5.858,880,814.84 Baslness In Orevnn n th. Vn. Net casualty premiums received. S 16.160.49 Net premiums Including annul- -1- . j "."""s 10 ov. -.36.88 Dividend," paid d'unnj ,'h.",Vs: """"'"a annuity aivldends Net"and Vlaims"."Vn'd'ow: Jm'"3 3t .urn, a, anrrenoers, and an nuities paid during the year. 839,501.19 CO.lllANV OF AMERICA FRANKLIN D'OLIER. Pres. Insuiinc. fcommlsiioner: r "n"c' 924.92.8n 84,787.83 494,493.89 1S9.041.2T 92,197.28 14S.O00.M None 331.679.79 Tolal diaburn-menta ...12,199.139.88 Adntltled AsaeSa Vahie of real eatate owned (market value) 334,964.71 Loana on mortaaaee anu col. lateral, etc none 'Value ot bonds owned (mar ket or amortised) J.7W.SS1.07 ni ilnnki owned (mar ket Value) I.I50.S3S.!H Cash In banks and on hand. 4B6.T&4.92 Premiums In course of col lection written sine. Sep- SO. 1944 369.SS1.SS Interest and rents due and accrued ""J" Other asswa (net) 16.33S.S3 Total admitted aeeela ..17,169.181.99 Strike out "market" or "amortised.' Mabllltire, Surplus and Other Funds Total unpaid claims 9 37s. 997 69 Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims 1S.660.69 Total unearned piemlums on all unesplred rlek 1,686.956.93 Salaries. rente, expeneee. bllla. accounts. lees. eic. due or accrued Estimated amount due or accrued for taxea Commlaslons. brokeraae, or other cliarsea due and accrued All other llabllltle Total Capital P11 up 91.M9.466.60 Surplus over all liabilities aa rearara. holdera 9.666.66 9J.500 11,166.00 49.419.69 .94.169.166 11 17.K91S1. 19 Total . . . . , ' ,,,1 venr Uu.lnes i -premiums received v,.. loMfi paid Nam. of Company: S.441 34 OR1KST INS1IR fITNOPSTfl OW ANNUAL STATWMKNT TRINITY UNIVERSAL IN8UR- VL -"-,-a 1 or HAN ANTONIO, m a Stai" of TEXAS, on the Oilrty irst day of Decemhoi. mil , a. .a.. Insurance Cammi.inna. .... ,!. Oregon, pursuant to low: , Income Net nrainliimss,...i a . ... Total interest: iMKnaiii"-"""-" real estate Income S48.S69.84 Income, from other sources , 122,371.78 Total Income I.2I3,267.8 lil b n tu man ft aa Net amount onid nollcv. holders for Insse I2.4S1.907.B3 Loss adjustment expensos... 388.C69.07 Agents commissions or brokerage 1.521.841.21 Salaries and fees officers. directors, homo office etn- P10 310.214.59 Taxes, licenses and fees ... 2S2.4G0.90 Dividends pnld to stock holders (Cash, $.1 ; t10Jck 12S.000.00 Dividends paid or credited to policyholders None . All othor expenditures 772,213.69 Total disbursements . . .$$.834,394.89 Admitted Assets Value of real estate owned (market value) 196,763.12 Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc 847.SM.70 Value of bonds owned (market or amortised) .. 1.74S.44S.43 Valuo of stocks owned (mar ket value) 3.225.913 S Cash In banks and on hand. 1,191.113.42 Premiums fn course of col lection written since Sep tember SO. 1944 1,028.851.62 Interest and rents- due and accrued irns? in Other assets (net) 310.721. 73 Total admitted assets. . .Is. 970, 730. Strike out msrket" or "amortised.' Liabilities, Snrplus and Other Fnnrt Tottil unpa'd claims ..... I3.403.B37.22 Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims 16,304.00 Total unearnt.l premiums on all unexpired risks 3,792,198,31 Salaries, rents, expenses. bills, accounts, fees, etc., duo or ar-crued f, 600.00 Estimated amount duo or accrued for taxes 430.702.02 Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due and accrued aott.064.7J All other llabllltle 252.306 13 Totsl liabilities, except ClOltel 17 SOJt.701.40 Capital paid up 81.000.000 00 burplus over all liabilities .... 1.762.0S9.1C Surplus as regards policy- Holders ,. .13.762.089.16 Total t.970.T99 limitless In nrftnti for I ha Vear Net premiums received 8 T5. 059,67 Net losses paid 33.9t;!).73 Dividends paid or credited to policyholders Nona Nam of Company :Trlnlty Universal In surance company. Name of President: Edward T. Harrlsoa. Name or Secretary: w. O. Daniel. Statutory resident attorney for service! commissioner of Insurance, Salem Oregon.