THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON, MONDAY. APRIL 30. 1945 f : Local Neys TEMPEBATUKE Maximiun yesterday, 76 degrees Minimum lust night, 38 degrees TODAY'S WEATHER Tempcruiurc: ' 10 p.m., 33 de grees; 10 a.m, 61 degrees Velo city of wind: 10 p.m., 2 miles; 10 a. m., 2 miles. Sumner Deitrick, manager of the Bank of Bend and treasurer of the Independent Bankers as sociation, is in Seattle attending a two-day meeting of that, group. Deitrick was one of the principal speakers when the bankers from all of the western states convened there Saturday and Sunday. He expected to return to Bend to morrow. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baldwin were among Prineville visitors in Bend Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Taylor, of the Agency Plains, were visitors' in Bend Sunday. Anderson is an official of the' Jefferson , Water Conservancy district. Sgt. William J. LeBlue, Army air corps, left last night for Camp Davis, N. Carolina, after spend ing a 20-day emergency furlough in Bend with his wife, who was ill. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Larkin of Prineville, were Sunday guests at the Pilot Butte inn. Carl A. Johnson, William Nis kanen, Henry N. Fowler, Jerry Chester and G. R. V. Bolster went today to Klamath Falls to attend the 25th anniversary banquet to night of the Klamath County Chamber of commerce. An after noon conference between the Bend chamber members and the Klam ath group was scheduled for this afternoon. - J. H. Loomls, Deschutes county constable, reported today that he had accepted the position of hu mane officer for this area. A May day party for members of the primary department of the First Presbyterian Sunday school and their mothers will be held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the church, it was announced today. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt A. Seely urn LAST CHANCE TONIGHT Vlfer 4m if(t MARY BOUND PHILIP MEDIVALE NEWS CARTOON SPORT of Shevlin, were weekend guests at the Pilot Butte inn. L. Dunn, Portland, a represen tative of the Western Pine associa tion, was here today on business. George Tackman of Prineville, was a weekend visitor in Bend. Miss Helen Mi Cherry, of the editorial staff of the Madras Pi oneer, spent yesterday in Bend. Bert Huey, former Bend grocer now living in Los Angeles, is here visiting old friends for a few days. Ralph W. Crawford, supervisor of the Deschutes national forest, returned today from a two-day inspection trip in the Crescent dis trict. Mrs. A. L. Shelton and son of Gilchrist, spent the weekend in Bend. J- W. Student and family of Lapine, visited local friends Sun flay. 'ihe Triple-Link club of the Re bekah louge will hold a pot-luck luncheon at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Uddfellows' hall. All Rebekahs are invited to attend, it was an nounced today by Mrs. R. J. Lea der, publicity director. 'ihe Jaycee auxiliary will meet tonight at 8 p.m. with Mrs. D. J. Higgins, 1545 Awbrey road. ' 'ine Degree of Honor will hold an executive meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Douglas Ballantyne, 716 Harri man. It was incorrectly stated in Saturday's Bulletin that the meeting would be held tonight. Mr.' and Mrs. ' Jim Snyder of Gilchrist, were in Bend Saturday and attended the Shriners' dance at the Pilot Butte inn. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams and two children left yesterday for their home in Portland after spending several days visiting friends and relatives in Bend. Mrs.' Williams was formerly Opal Scarlett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Scarlett, 331 Riverfront.' The Baptist Women's union will meet a( 10 a. m. Thursday at the church for an all-day work ses sion, it was reported here today. Lester McKenzie left this morn ing for Colvllle, Wash., where he was called by the illness of his mother, Mrs. Lucy Purnell. Clair Leroy Olson of Gilchrist and Helen Louise Osburn of Sparks, Neb., made application for a marriage license April 28 at the office of the county clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bloomquist were in Bend Saturday from Shevlin. - Dr. Wayne S. Ramsay, county health officer, left today for Uma tilla to spend the week. Cpl. Charles Roberts arrived Saturday morning to spend a 10 day furlough with his wife and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Roberts of Bend. Mrs. Steve Yancy and daughter from Prineville were Bend shop pers Saturday. SM 3c Russell W. Washburn arrived Sunday to spend a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Washburn, 1071 Federal. The young sailor recently returned CROSBY HUTTON Sorny TUFTS in 1 TMC B mm COMING! COMING! THURS. FRI. SAT. mm ' Vl - IT'S A HOWLEROO!! .J? S -." T; -- N0.'-M Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Mid-States Insurance Company of Chi cago. In the State of Illinois, on the thirty-first day of December. 1944. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premloms received, $530,894.32. Total interest, dividends and real estate income. $8,786.18. Income from other sources, $4,527.91. Total, income. $544,208.41. . DISBURSEMENTS Net amount .paid policyholders for losses. $130,216.26. Loss adjustment expenses, $39,593.99. Agents commissions or brokerage, $87,844.16. ., , Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes, $30,487.10 Taxes, licenses and fees, $16,847.85. Dividends paid to stockholders, None. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. None. All other expenditures, $32,584.94. Total disbursements, $337,574.30. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). None. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. None. . , Value of bonds owned (amorUzed), $378,113.74. Value of stocks owned (market val ue). None. . , , Cash in banks and on hand, $268.- Premiums in course of collection written since September 30, 1844, $102,- 680.43. Interest and rents due and accrued, $857.28. Other assets (net), $7,088 04. Total admitted assets. $757,051.42. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims, $71,845.02. Estimated loss adjustment expense lor unpaid claims. $6,200.30. Total unearned premiums on all un expired risks, $279,061.19. Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, lees, etc, due or accrued, (485.00. EsUmatcd mihhmK due or accrued lor taxes, $8,933.55. Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due and accrued. $27JI74i. Total itabtUUes, except capital. $393, Om 35. Capital paid tip, $250.000.00. Surplus over U liabilities. $113,150 07. Surplus as regard policyholders, C363.150.07. otal. $757,051.42. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $93,589.01. Net losses paid, $33.926 92. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. None. Name of Company, Mid-States In surance Company. Name of President, William R. Sny- Name of Secretary, R. M. Cass. Statutory resident attorney for ser tce. Commissioner of Insurance. INVESTORS MUTUAL, INC. AN OPEN END INVESTMENT COMPANY Protptcfuf on rquf from Principal UndwwrUtr INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNIAPOUI, MINNUOTA ELMER LEHNHERR Local Representative 217 Oregon Phone !. from eight months at sea, having seen action In the Philippines. He is scheduled to report to Treas ure island lor reassignment May 22. Mrs. Littlefield was in Bend Saturday from Shevlin. Gerald W. McCann, electrician's mate 1c, left yesterday to report for duty after spending a leave with his wife, 335 E. Irving. First Lt. Alva C. Goodrich, Bend resident, Is now in Germany, having been shifted north lrom his former station in Italy, It has been learned here. Mrs. Goodrich and their three children, Gretchen, Rachel and Sylvia, are living in Monmouth for the duration. T. W. Powers of Madras was in Bend Saturday on business. Mrs. Maude Stevens of Douth it's returned to Bend late last week from Portland, where she had fceen called by the illness of her brother-in-law. Miss Alice Brown is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, 236 E. Kearney. Miss Brown, 1943 Bend high school graduate, is employed at Ft. Lew is, Wash. ' . Mr. and Mrs. M. B. O'Brien will leave tonight for Ontario, to be with their son, Richard N. O'Brien, member of the state po lice force who was wounded yes terday by gunmen in Weiser, Idaho. The elder O'Brien was called to his home in Bend from Diamond lake, where he is super intendent of the state trout hatch ery. Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien will be accompanied, to Ontario by their son, Tom. Joe and Norman Ballantyne, sons of Mrs. Esther Ballantyne, 1125 Harmon boulevard, left last night for Sun Valley, Idaho, where they will visit their broth er, Ronald, who is convalescing at the Idaho navy rest center fol lowing injuries received' In a storm aboard ship. Norman, like Ronald, is a navyman. ' Pfc. Rolland Keith Clark, who was wounded in Germany In Feb ruary, has arrived in New York and will visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clark in about a week, friends here have- learned. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, former Bend resi dents, now live in Dayton, Wash. Mrs. Clark at present is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Knickerbocker, in Red mond. Keith will be assigned to the hospital nearest his Washing ton home. Guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Birchard, 1604 East thifd, are their daughter, Mrs. Lee Barnett, FM 2c Carl Evans and Mr. and Mrs. James Barnett, all of Oregon City. The two girls are sisters-in-law. Mrs. Lee Bar nett, who Is employed as a chem ist in an Oregon City paper mill, will return tomorrow, while the others in the party will remain for the rest of this week. Evans, a brother of Mrs. James Barnett, is on a 30-day leave from the navy. He recently returned from 34 months overseas. Allawer f Previous Pussl Indians' Friend HORIZONTAL l,S Pictured U. S. Commit- sioner of Indian Affairs IS Instrumen talities IS Teemed IS Employ 18 Real .18 Organ ot hearing 19 Delirium tremens 20 Rude 21 Size of shot 23 Mine 24 Territory (ab.) 3 Hawaiian Islands (ab.) 4 He has a high regard for Indian 5 Cornish creel , 6 Submit to -' .7 Behold! 8 Timber ': 8 Within : 10 Dutch city . : II Paper v ,nh measure (aD ' 12 Mire 14 Arid 17 Railroad (ab.) 20 Meeting 22 Male relative 23 27 High explo sive (ab.) 28 She 30 Statute 31 Mystic ejaculations 35 Slacker 36 He has held his post years 25 Unit ot energy " Sum proved con ditions tor the red 43 In bed 44 Us 45 Garden tools 46 Lamprey 48 Narrow inlet 50 Pair 52 Near (ab.) 39 Frozen water 53 Nickel 40 Ram down (symbol) 42 He has 1m- 55 Either pronoun 29 Man's name 32 Seines 33 Set ot players 34 Track 38 Melts 37 Card game 38 Protuberance , 39 That thing 41 Negative .42 More abraded. 45 Him 47 Vehicle 49 Cain's brother 50 Pedal digit 51 Height " ' 54 Open vocal sound 56 Warded oft 57 God of love VERTICAL 1 Joke 2 Poem 1 f B ri l k it 1& H h ri-"r - r or--- rNya -tit ST- ?1 W !fy fi3 r ifpifl sr--r-r isrr ri5r "T" sr- i i I ii i i i r i i jz Checker Board Cafe will be closed Sundays beginning May 6: Adv. MACHINE IS FAMILIAR Wichita Falls, Tex. tU'i As a civilian, Warren T. Banner of Dallas worked for a company which installed dishwashing ma chines in the mess halls of army camps. As Pvt. Banner, on KP at Sheppard field, he is running one of the machines he installed. Buy National War Bonds Now! Joseph Campbell s Heart Victim ; . Joseph ("Scotty") Campbell, 65, was found dead this morning by his employer, George Barclay of the grange hall district, at his ranch 6 miles east ot town. He died in his sleep, victim of a pro bable heart attack. ' Sheriff Claude McCauley, Dis trict Attorney A. J. Moore and C. P. Niswonger, county coroner, who brought the body to Bend, report that Mr. Campbell failed to appear this morning for break fast, and Barclay discovered his death at 7.30 a.m. He had no known relatives, and although there were no credentials on his person, he was said to have been a veteran of the first world war, having served with the Canadian army. Mr. Campbell was known in Bend durinz the nast 20 vears. "having been on sheep ranches in mis area ana near Madras. Fun eral arrangements are pending, i of basc rule, fined $5, and $4.50 costs. ' 1 ' , Clothing (Continued from Page One) taught by Mrs. Olson. Second place went to the second grade, taught by Jean Webster. In the Allen school, the sixth grade, section 12, taught by Judith Rinnell, won first place; and sec ond place went to grade six, sec tion 11, with Ruby McCann as teacher. The third and tourth grades won first place in St. Francis school. The teacher is Sister Flor ence Marie. Second place went to the fifth and sixth grades, taught by Sister Noreene. It developed that each of the winning rooms had an average of 32 pupils, who will got their "treat" when It is convenient for the teachers and classes, it was said. Chairman Bush said today that much credit is due Boy Scout troops 21 and 25, who worked diligently with the Lions and Elks in the pickup yesterday.' Dorothy Foss, 32, Dies at Hospital Funeral services will be held from the Niswonger and Winslow chapel Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. for Mrs. Dcnothy Foss, 1472 Balti more, who died this morning at St. Charles hospital following a Short illness. She was 32 years old Mrs. Foss is surviveq by her husband, Andrew, two children, Betty and Leonard; her mother, Mrs. Anna Swartz, all of Bend; a sister, Mrs. Pansy J a y n e s of Prairie City, and three brothers, Joseph Hulda, who is with the ar my serving in Italy; Frank Hulda of Bend- and John Hulda of Seat tle. Mrs. Foss had made her home in Bend for over 20 years. - k ! Rey. Vincent Kerwick of the Catholic church will conduct the service. Burial will be in Green wood cemetery. .; 1 i CONTRACT APPROVED Washington; April 30 (liv Stabilization Director William H. Davis today approved the soft coal wage contract. He also authorized soft coal price increases expected to average about 16 cents a ton for the Industry as a whole. Official Records ' JUSTICE COLItT John W. O'Keefe, fined $2.50 on a charge of having concealed li cense plate on his truck. Glenn W. Angesley, fined $2.50 for having no tail light on his car. Walter E. Knouft, no tail light, fined S2.50. Bernard Lawrence Alexander, $2.50 and $4.50 costs, on charge ot using snag hooks while fishing in the Deschutes river. ' James Arthur Maggtti, violation Climax Is Near London, April 30 U'i -Russian tanks were reported poiulng into the Tiergarten at the center of an eight-square-mile pocket of re sistance In Berlin today and to the north other soviet farces drove within 51 miles of Rostock. German and Russian sources both agreed that the climax in the battle of Berlin was at hand. Mos cow dispatches said one more con certed lunge by the Russian siege forces would stamp out the last nazi resistance in the dying capl tal. ' Marshal Stalin announced this evening that Marshal Konstantln K. Rokossovsky's Second White Russian army had swept through five big road junctions between Berlin and the Baltic. Among them was Greifswald, on the coast al trunk railway 51 miles from Rostock and b5 northwest of btet- tin. Towns Seized Rokossovsky's forces also over ran Treptwo, 27 miles south of Grlefswald; Nuestrelilz, lit) north of Berlin; Fuerstendberg, 43 northwest of Berlin; and Grunsee, 37 northwest of Berlin. A Moscow dispatch forecast that Marshal Stalin will have his greatest symbolic victory of the war the capture of Berlin to present to the Russian people" for their May day celebration. SJ ill!! -""ir-- New Analgesic Tablet i?ain Roller) now released to public Thousands find it gives, quicker, safe relief from headache from pains of sinus, neuritis, neuralgia and arthritis FOR MANY YEARS aipirin has heen accepted by both the medical profession and the public as a safe, sure way to relieve pain. ( But many people who had complete confidence in aspirin did not find it kc. ci quick relief from blinding, maddening pain as they hoped for. Jlcncc in desper ation they sometimes turned to other remedies less well proved. To meet this situation i group of medical research men set out to tie haf could be done to speed up the analgesic or "pain-kjllinR action of anirin to make it bring their patients quicker re lief, without heart or stomach upset, Out of these researches came a really new kind of analgesic tablet, a combina tion of aspirin and calcium Ktutamate. In this new tablet, aspirin docs it old, 4fc job of rclicvinff pain. Hut through its combination with calcium glutamatc, ex tensive tests by physicians showed it ftve most people both? icker relief and greaitr rcliej from pain. Affar this extensive testing and use by mcmlrcrs of the medical profession as a prescription remedy, this new anlesic tablet has now been released for non prescription sale by eery driiRist. li is called Suptrin (from super-aspirin). Von can Ret its blessed, quick; relief from pain by asking your druffKist f"f bottle tod.iy 30 tablets for yn. Ask for Superin Sufier-irt. Prepared by Carter Products, lac, New York. t3g3&U& . . . Quick relief from pain with safety V H4 KKiiMfflf J Cou4 Ihuukeeptng Magazine Scat Nazi Admits He Killed 21,000 ; U. S. 12th Army Group Head quarters, April 24 (Delayed) Dr. Gustav Wilheim Schuebbe said today the Nazi annihilation institute at Kiev killed from 110, 000 to 140,000 persons "unworthy to live" during the nine months he worked here. Schuebbe, a crippled drug ad dict captured by First army troops recently, admitted he had murdered aboijt 21,000 persons. He told his story voluntarily and showed no feeling of guilt mul uL-cHKsiunuuy necame evasive when he appeared to sense that his actions might be viewed as crimes. . Buy National War Bonds Now! - I SALKIE to the music of ARICIE and His JOLLY COWBOYS Fri., May 4 Bend Roller Rink 9:00 p.m. Arkle Happy Smiley Hungry v Stars of Radio and Recording Winners in 1944 of KXL Tournament of Western Bands in fe Entjre Northwesf RICHFIELtVS SUMMERSHIEID SERVICE MAS BEEN DEVELOPED BY RICHFIELD TP GEJ YQUR CAR READY FOR SUMMER. ASK YOUR RICHFJELp pEALfR ABOUT HIS ONE-STOP SERVICE f . . HOW. SPARK PLUGS cleaned, ad justed and tested. ' AIR CLEANZR cleaned arid re-oiled. CRANK CASE drained, cleaned and refilled wiifi Richfield Motor Oil. DIFFERENTIAL dralnec', cleaned, refilled with Rich field Gear Cil. DATTEHY checked end filled, ccsc and terminals cleaned end csrrisr bolts lIitonsd. TjRES checked, inflated, cross-switched. FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS cleaned, inspected, lubri cated.' tRAOlATOR drained, cleaned and refilled. . " .' ' . " .' ' , CHASSIS completely lubri cated wjJh highest quality lubricants. TRANSMISSION drained, cleaned, refilled with Rich field Gear Oil. 8 D 1 ki i.'t lam r vi rt in U'ig m li" J1 : -fetfkfl . TV J V