The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, April 28, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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Society deadline on days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Is Ifl
Call SO, The Bulletin newsroom.
Gilchrist Parenl -Teacher Unit
Receives Conference Report
Gilchrist, April 28 (Special)
The Gilchrist Parent-Teachers as
sociation held its last meeting or
the season In the library room of
the school on Tuesday, April 24.
The program opened with the
singing of "America" by the
group, followed by a recitation,
"Trees." in commemoration of
Arbor day, by fourth grade pupils.
The delegates to the regional
conference reported on their trip
to Eugene April 19. The delegates
. were Mrs. M. R. Stenerson, Miss
Grace Lyttle, Mrs. Esther Guddat,
and Mrs. Verne I. Brader. The
delegates gave a round table dis
cussion of the Eugene conference.
New of fleers for the year were
elected and installed in a cere
mony led by Mrs. Verne L. Bra
der, the 1944 president. Mrs. M. R.
Stenerson was installed presi
dent; Mrs. Ray Ohlerich, vice
president; Mrs. Guy Ferguson,
secretary; and Mrs. C. E. Shotts,
treasurer. After the ceremony the
new officers were presented cor
sages of pink carnations by the
past president. Mrs. Brader also
presented corsages of white car
nations to the following last
year's officers and workers who
had been Instrumental in making
the year a successful one: Mrs.
Esther Guddat, past vice-president
and program chairman; Mrs.
Guy Ferguson, membership chair
man; Mrs. C. E. Shotts, treasurer,
and Mrs. L. Shelton, past secre
tary. Miss Dorothy Houston and
Miss Lyttle were presented cor
sages in appreciation of their out
standing asistance as teachers.
Mrs. M. R, Stenerson presented
Mrs. Verne L,. Brader wan tne
past president's pin and bar as a
token of the association's regard.
The meeting closed with refresh
ments of cookies and coffee serv
ed by Mrs. C. E. Shotts and girls.
Concert to Be
Given Sunday
At M.E. Church
A sacred concert will bo pre
sented at 7:30 Sunday evening in
the Methodist church by a young
peoples choir of 25 voices from
Gilchrist, assisted by Mrs. Craig
Coyner at the organ. The choir
Is directed by Dr. John Morange,
pastor of the community church
at Gilchrist.'
The prelude will be Chopin's
"Nocturne." The hymn, "Come O
Thou Traveler" will be followed
by "The Golden Key," a prayer
hymn. . -
Chorus numbers will follow,
Including "The Strife Is O'er," by
Giovanni Palestrinn: "Follow Me'
with H. G. Tovey's harmony and
"Somebodv's Praying for You,"
by Caustin Miles.
The offertory selection will be
Deep Kiver, followed by a solo,
"God So Loved the World," by
Mrs. L. W. McCaw.
Dr. John Morange will be the
speaker, with "Singing" his ser
mon topic. The closing group of
choral numbers wll Include "He Is
Mine," by J. Lincoln Hall;' "Awak
ening Chorus' by Charles H. Gab
riel and "Hear Our Prayer, O
Lord" by George Whelpton.
Following the benediction, Mrs.
Coyner will play "Land of Hope
and Glory," by Elgar as a post
lude. After the. concert the visiting
musicians and the local choir will
be entertained at a social in the
church basement, with. W. S. C. S.
members as hostesses.
Enlistee Honored
At Farewell Party
Miss Roma King entertained a
group of friends Thursday eve
ning at her home In Carroll Acres,
who recently enlisted in the
Waves. Miss Macnider, former
ly employed by the Farmers' In
surance agency, will leave soon
for New York, where she will be
Those present at the party
were Miss Betty Nelson, Miss
Barbara Isham, Miss Kathy -Ang-
land, Miss Louise King, .Miss
Ravoe King, and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Roy. The guests surprised
Miss Roma King with a handker
chief shower, and the evening
was spent playing cards, ne'
freshments were served by the
D.A.R. President
Redmond Speaker
' Redmond, April 28 (Special)
Mrs. Howard P. Arnest ot Port.
land, vice-president general of the
national society of the Daughters
of the American Revolution, ad
dressed members and prospective
members of Deschutes chapter of
the D. A. R. Friday, following a
luncheon at which Mrs. C. W.
Helm was hostess at her home
here. Twenty five guests were In
attendance. Mrs. Arnest used as
her theme "Freedom With Secur-
ItyA'. She spoke of seven blood
donor centers In the United States,
all of which have been furnished
and equipped by the Daughters of
the American Revolution. At pres
ent, beside the continuance of the
blood donor centers, another war
effort being financed by the D. A.
R., is the mobile X-ray equipment,
to be used in the navy, and its
branches In the service. Certain
army and navy hospitals are be
ing equipped with radios and ear
phones for every bed in the hos
pital. Other regular D. A. R. projects
are financial support for schools
In the mountainous sections of
honoring Miss Jane Mucnlder, the south, and scholarship loans.
Shriners Plan
Dance Tonight
Committee members In charge
of the semi-formal dance tonight
in the Blue room of the Pilot
Butte Inn announce that plans
have been completed for the in
vitation affair, with dancing to
start at 8:30 to music by the Rus
sell-Larson orchestra. Hal Ed
wards, president of the Bend
Shrine club, pointed . out that
members of Masonic bodies and
their wives are eligible to attend,
and may secure tickets from. com
mittee members or at the dance.
Committee chairmen who have
assisted with arrangements for
the affair include Walt Howard,
George W. Ager, George Ban-, N.
E. Gilbert, and Lewis M. Lan
W.S.C.S. Planning
All-Day Meeting
The W.S.C.S. will hold an all
day meeting Wednesday, May 2,
In the Methodist church parlors,
with several special features
planned for the occasion. The ses
sion will open with an executive
board meeting at 10.30, followed
by devotions, and a pot-luck
luncheon will be served at noon.
Thos? planning to attend may
bring salad, main course dishes,
or breads, it was pointed out, with
dessert to be provided by mem
bers of Group 1. -
Following the luncheon, music
win be provided by a sextet from
the Baptist church choir. Mrs.
Fred Tooze, state president of the
Women's Christian Temperance
union, win speak at 2 p. m. Mrs.
Carl Erickson and Mrs. Fred Hall
are In charge of program arrange
ments for the day, according to
Mrs. K. E. Johnson, W.S.C.S. pres
ident. ,
Elizabeth Link
Party Honoree
Friends of Mrs. Elizabeth. Link,
654 Norton avenue, Thursday
gave her a surprise party in ob
servance of her 74th birthday.
Five friends appeared at the Link
home with gifts and congratula
tions, and three more who could
not attend sent birthday remenv
brances. Refreshments were
Those surprising Mrs. Link by
their visit were Mrs. Arlelgh
Anes, Mrs. Edward Glaab. Mrs.
Roy Ullrick and Mrs. Antone Fos
sen. Those unable to attend were
Mrs. Lawrence Llsenbury, Mrs.
Charles Haynes and Mrs. Ella
Aid Meeting S-t The First Lu-
theran ladies' aid will meet at the
parsonage next Thursday at 2:30
with Mrs. Morris Thompson as
hostess. A reading on Martha
Clausen will be presented.
Ruthann La kin
To Wed Sunday;
Parties Held
Miss Ruthann Lakin, who will
be married Sunday to John H.
Shepard of Carpinteria, has been
the Inspiration of several parties
Mrs. R. W. Faddls and Mrs.
Fred Schafer III honored Miss
I,akin at a festive shower party
Thursday evening at Mrs. Faddis'
home, 310Mi Congress. Guests in
cluded Miss Ann Staples, Mrs.
Norman Partridge, Mrs. W. R.
Nance, Mrs. Bill Barton and Mrs.
S. Croghan of Redmond. Two
tables of bridge wei-e In play dur
ing the evening.
'Office employes of the Bend
telephone company feted Miss
Lakin at a party last week at the
home of Mrs. Minnie Livingston.
Miss Eva Susac was assistant
hostess, and others who attended
were the Misses Eunice Lindley,
Catherine Sullivan, Bessie Wei
shons, Pat Keleher, Pauline Dren
nan, Lucille Wood, Myrtle New
land and May McCallum. Numer
ous shower gifts were presented
to the bi ide eiect.
Bosticks Surprised
By Many Friends
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bostlck of
the Alfalfa district were surpris
ed by friends and neighbors Mon
day evening, when 64 guests ap-
yeared at the Bostick home to
say their farewells and wish the
couple success in their new ven
ture. Tne Bosticks will move
soon to their former home In
Brownwood, Texas, having sold
their farm to R. L. Burt of Port
land, after living here 6 years.
Their three daughters, Juanita,
Shirley and Geneva, are Bend
high school students.
The Six Corners club, of which
Mrs. Bostick is a member, pre
sented the couple a tablecloth as
a farewell token. Mrs. Earl Wil
liams was In charge of plans for
tne party.
Mrs. Ruth Tooze
To Visit Bend
Redmond. April 28 (Srjeclal)
Mrs. Ruth Tooze of Portland.
state president of the W. C. T. U.,
will be a guest of the local W. C.
T. U. group Thursday, May 3, at
a 12:30 o'clock luncheon, to "be
held in the parlors of the Chris
tian church. Mrs. Tooze will ad
dress the meeting at 2 d. m. A
cordial invitation is- extended to
the public to attend.
League to Meet Mrs. Norman
Gilbert, 1052 E. Third, will he
hostess to the Junior Civic league
at the regular meeting Thursday,
May 3, at 8 p. m.
To Hold Lodge The Sons of
Norway will hold their regular
meeting tonight at 8 p. m. in the
Norway hall, It was reported to
day by' Mis. Edna Skjersaa. Re
freshments will be served. . ,
Auxiliary to Meet Mrs. Don
Hlggins, 1545 Awbrey, will enter
tain the Jaycee auxiliary Monday
evening at 8 o'clock.
- Tonight
7:30 p.m. Townsend club meet.
Ing'at Labor temple, followed by
puuiii- varu party.
8:00 p.m. Card Dartv at Parish
hall sponsored by circle 4, Catho
lic Altar society.
8:30 p.m. Shrine dance, Blue
room in tne Pilot Butte Inn.
9:00 p.m. Sons of Norway,
regular meeting at Norway hall.
8:00 p.m. , Javcee auxiliary
with Mrs. E. W. Williamson, 27
Glen road.
7:30 p.m. Degree of Honor ex
ecutive meeting with Mrs. Doug-'
ws uananryne, ue Harnman.
8:00 p.nj. O. N. O. Pinochle
club, with Mrs. Millie Melstad,
750 Division.
'8:00 p.m. Women of the Mooso
DUblic card party with Mrs. Alice
Soderstrom, 856 Ogden".
10:30 .m. W. S. C. S. all-day
meeting at Methodist church, pot
luck luncheon at noon.
6:30 p.m. District nurses asso
ciation, dinner meeting at Pine
7:30 p.m. First L u t h e r a n I
Men's Brotherhood, church par
lors. 8:00 p.m. Circle 4. Catholic
j Altar society, with Mrs. Harold
noney, vi snasta.
Thursday '
2:00 p.m. Women's Missionary
society, Westminster Presbyter
ian church, with Mrs. S. E. York,
2188 Awbrey road.
2:30 p.nwFirst Lutheran la
dies' aid at the parsonage, with
Mrs. Morris A. ThomDSon.
8:00 p.m. Junior Civic league
with Mrs. Norman Gilbert, 1052
E. Third.
... "
D.A.R. Dignitaries
Visit Local Group
Mrs. Howard P. Arnest of Port
land, vice president general of
the national society, D.A.R., and
Mrs. A. L. Berkley, state board
member, were special guests of
the local chapter at a meetlni?
Thursday evening at the home of
Mrs. Albert E r I k s e n. repent.
where the group adjourned for a
business session following dinner
:u tne Pine Tavern.
Mrs. Arnest outlined the or
ganization's urogram of war proj
ects for local members, stressinei
the society's $45,000 contribution
for Red Cross mobile vehicles.
Membership In the society shows
a marked increase, she pointed
out. with about 150,000 members
at the present .time.
Women who are eligible for
membership are asked to see Mrs.
Myrtle Thompson, registrar of the
local chapter, or Mrs. Eriksen, it
was announced. ...
Society to Meet The Women's
Missionary society of the West
minster Presbyterian church will
meet at the home of Mrs. S.- E.
York. 2188 Awbrey road, Thurs
day, May 3, at 2 p. m. Mrs. P. E.
Morrison will review "Martin Nie
moeller," by Basil Miller.
. Announce Card Party The
Women of the Moose will sponsor
the first in a series of public card
parties next Tuesday at 8 p. m. at
the home of Mrs. Alice Soder
strom, 856 Ogden.
WCTU President
To Visit in tend
Mrs. Fred Tooze of Salem, state
president of the Women's Christ
ian Temperance union, will be in
Bend and Redmond May 2 and 3
on an official visit, according to
Mrs. Fred Hall, local WCTU presi
dent, who today announced the
speaker's schedule for the two
Mrs. Tooze will address pupils
of Kenwood and Allen schools
Wednesday morning, and at 2 p,
m. she will discuss the aims and
accomplishments of her organi'
zation at the regular meeting of
the Women's society of Christian
service, at the Methodist church
At 8 p.m. Wednesday she may
be heard at the Presbyterian
church. The public is invited to
attend both the afternoon and
evening meetings, it was stressed
by those in ccharge of arrange
Thursday, local WCTU mem
bers will accompany Mrs. Tooze
to Redmond for an all-day county
institute and conferences with of
ficers of the organization.
Redmond Couple
Married Friday
Miss Kitty Oakes and Ralph
McCauley, both of Redmond, were
united in marriage at a candle
light ceremony Friday, April 27,
at 8:00 p. m. at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. John Oakes,
1222 Davenport. Rev. R. H. Pren
tice officiated.
The bride was attended by Miss
Dorothea Hodge of Sisters, and
Everett Rail of Redmond acted
as best man. The bride was at
tired in a jade green suit with
matching accessories, and Miss
Hodge's costume was black silk.
Mrs. Oakes wore a light blue suit.
The ladies wore corsages of white
flowers. The ceremony was at
tended by members of the fami
lies and a few close friends.
Local Phone Operators
Hold Regular Meeting
The monthly meeting of the
U.T.E. of O. joint group commit
tee was held Thursday, April 19,
at the home of R. C. Stennett.
Patricia Kelleher was elected sec
retary of the group, succeeding
Mary Finley. A social evening,
with refreshments, followed the
business meeting.
It was announced that the com
mittee will meet bi-monthly dur
ing the summer season, unless
special meetings are called as the
occasion demands. The next meet
ing will be June 21, It was stated.
Meeting Announced Circle 4 I
of the Catholic Altar society will
meet at 8:00 p. m. Wednesday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. Harold
Roney, 97 Shasta.
Brotherhood to Meet The
Men's Brotherhood of the First
Lutheran church will meet Wed
nesday at 7:30 in the church par
lors. Holger Christiansen will be
To Play Cards The O. N. O.
Pinochle club will meet next Tues
day at 8 p. m. with Mrs. Millie
Meistad, 750 Division.
300 Girls Join
tn Local Meeting
Culminating lone of the busiest
weeks in local Camp Fire girl
history were the dinner Thurs
day evening at the Pine Tavern
for guardians and counselors and
the council fire Wednesday eve
nlncr ar the skatlne rink, with
over 300 girls from Redmond,
Shevlin, Prineville and Bend tak
ing part.
Miss Eldora DeMotts, Camp
Fire gills' national associate field
secretary for the northwest dis
trict, addressed some 40 women at
the dinner meeting and exhibited
a colorful display of beaded and
appliqued headbands and other
handwork made by ' Camp Fire
girls. Miss DeMotts touched on
the Japanese question with the
observation that many Japanese
children now in relocation centers
have known America as their only
home, and that youth organiza
tions will have a definite responsi
bility in molding their character
in the post-war era.
Mrs. Joe Elder, executive secre
tary for this district, . was toast
mistress at the dinner. She intro
duced Mrs. J. R. Roberts of Red
mond, Deschutes county presi
dent, who presented the speaker.
Mis DeMotts left this morning fw
Portland. ' . - - ' ;(
Nurses Plan Dinner
Lucy Germain, field represent?
tive of the American Journal ot
Nursing, will address the District
Nurses' association at a dinner
meeting at 6:30 p. m. Wednesday,
May 2, at the Pine Tavern. Reser.
vations may be made by calling
Miss Mary Hunter, 736-J.
Call Executive Meeting The
executive board of the Degree of
Honor will meet Tuesday at 7:30
p. m. at the home of Mrs. Douglas
Ballantyne, 716 Harrlman.
i - .
Augusta, Me. IR In, the 1890's,
Theran D. Reed struggled as a
clerk at the Augusta State (Men.
tal) hospital and studied law In
his spare time. Now a successful
lawyer in Ferndale, Cal., he re
cently sent the institution $10,0w
to set up a patients' recreatlort
fund. -1
Butler, Pa. UB The maternal
Instinct of animals was demon,
strated when a sow escaped from
a local- packing house with her
litter of 15 squealing new-born
The Time Is Near!
Hear the facts presented by
Representative of Watchtewer Society
Sunday, April 29
3:00 P.M.
Rt. I, Box 66 I Block South of Carroll Acres Grange Hall
Keep Your Basement Filled!
This is the Time to Get
Your Supply of Fuel for
Next Winter!
Place Your Order For
(200 Cubic Foot Loose Measure)
What Can You Spare That They Can Wear?
Take yours to Lydick's basement (formerly Leedy's).
Don't wait do it today!
The Miller Lumber Company
821 Wall Street
Phone 166
NOW in our showrooms
New 1945 Dodge Trucks
Job-rated power for essential users
Give your car a
Spring Tune-up
Don't let the weather fool you it's spring, and
there is hot weather driving ahead. Let us make
your ear right!
Mechanical Service
All Makes of Cars
Motor Rebuilding
New Motors
For Dodge and Plymouth passenger cars . . . ready
to install, 12 months to pay. New car power, and
Speedy Says:
These new Dodge job-rated trucks
are super . . . and you can buy one
if you have the priority. We've
two of 'em now, and more to come
. . . and that reminds me
that it miqht not be TOO long
until we'll have a few Dodge and
Plymouth passenger cars, too, so
it might not be a bad idea to place
your order NOW for the D or P
you'll be wanting, and get your
name near the head of the list.
We'll deliver them, when they
come, in numerical order.
825 Bond St.
Distributor: Dodge-Plymouth Passenger Cars
Dodge Job-Rated Trucks
: J. L. VanHuffel
Phone 26
Place your clothing on your
front porch and a Lions-Elks
collection committee will pick
it up after 2 p. m. Sunday.
Space Courtesy The Bend Bulletin
Sef Your Own 71h War Loan
Employee Quota
From This Table
Col. Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4
Average Average, Average Maturity
Wage Subscription Weekly Value of
Per Needed " Allotment Bonds Bought
Month (Cash Value) . 7th War Loan
$250 & up $187.50 $15.63 . $250
225-250 150.00 12.50 200
210-225 131.25 10.94 15
200-210 112.50 9.38 150
180-200 93.75 7.82 125
140-180 75.00 6.25 100
100-140 37.50 3.13' 50
Under $100 18.75 1.57 25
""" urauae present allotment plus extra special Tin
War Loan allotments and extra cash purchases for 12-week
period tn April, May, and June.
(to mrw Ivf mP""' !! rroai Sfr.nlh War Loan quota ,n dallara
Colum" ) " '" "rm ""rtlr r.lue In Bond-ut iimr i
April, May, and Jant tnm total froaa Quota.
Space Courtesy Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc.
and The Shevlin-Hixon Company