The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, April 27, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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Blueprint of World Peace Setup
Court of Justice
international Labor
1 I International
M Monatary Fund
United Nation
Food and Agriculture
Huge Road Building Program
For Central Oregon After War
Mapped By Highway Officials
A big road builrlinjr program for Central Or&jfon after the
war, entailing an expenditure of approximately $2,943,000,
was announced today by the Oregon State highway commia
'ifnn. Thp nrnurnm a tentatively set, calls for the work to be
onrpnd nver a fhree-vear Deriod. and Drovides for the improve- P '
merit of eight midatate highways and secondary roads.
Proposed post-war highway improvementi for the mid- .
state are :
The Dalles-California highway between Madras and j
Crooked river, 86.000 ; the ;
Warm Springy highway be- funds, which funds were frozen
tween the forest boundary to i at the outset of the war. The'
the north and the Indian! program of forest highway work'
agency, ?ili.000; the Ucftoco' ia not yet developed and will not
highway between the fores t be until the fund9 arp appropri
boundary and the Jones ranch,! ated by the congress. The forest
$.'3,000, and the West Prinevillei highway program is selected
section, SHW.Ofifl; the Central j jointly by the state highway com
Oregon highway between Buehatv i mission, the public roads adminis
an and Juntura. $440 IW). and Uiej tration and the forest service, and
Kyssa section, 340.000. j the projects are contracted by the
Improvement Listed ' public roads administration.
Secondary highway improve-1 "fn selecting the program of
ment through oil-surfacing as pro-! postwar highway work, the com
posed is: ' mission took cognizance of the
The Madras - Prlneville road, ( probable allocation of forest high
SSolS.OOO: from Tumalo to Cline! way funds to respective projects.
Falls, S102.000; from Tumalo to! On certain highways, part of the
Deschutes. $60,000. work will be completed with fed-j
The overall picture of peace' eral aid funds, part with forest ! ly $3,300,000 were made on van-1 States beyond the initial three-for the remainder of the year,
time construction for the state is' highway funds. The tentative pro-' 0us sections of highway before! year period until these needs are1 the last hot lunch being served
g G""- ASHMM.T ? !Qil,r
J l , ... r-i 7 1
1 iu"!u"rir.'ur?. L I III 4 . f Rsvional' SKurity
Economic I Social 1 1 Other J
' 1 I t&Lr-, I
Ohtr Social and
Humanitarian AgenetM
Such as Educational.
Health, Cultural
International Bank
for Reconstruction
and Development
Economic Agencies
Direct relationship as defined in the Proposals BsasssBBBBsai
J Relationship to be determined by special agreements
j: i e- i ! ui.t.i nrftT icentvo In'nnoof feeder's etchings, exhibit.
home a week ago Sunday evening. ! one or the other of these safest ed at a recent faw-Jff
Mrs. Becker Jnd MrsT ScoireinJ solvents. i says , he is not angry-only flat-
both ha vine birthdays which were ,' Stains tend to become set with ; tered.
observed. I age. so stained garments should : ;
Mr. and Mrs Bob Young of; not be put away until sqme con- I oca Minister
Plainfcew. Mrs. E. O. Anderson; venient future time. It pays ito be ; w.wwai wi
and Alfred Hoffman of Pleasant j "Johnny on the spot' wnJx any, k .pJ DeleaaTe '
Hidge were Sunday callers at the spot, known or unknown. The lldilieu s-fcicyait?
S. I Hall ranch. sooner a spot or stain gets tne jt was learned here today that
Bob Young. and E. O. Anderson I right treatment, tne easier it is. Rev. r. h. rantice. minister or
assisted S. L. Hall In taking a j to remove.
truck load of cattle to Powell
Butte Thursday. They also took j
two truck loads of cattle to Plain-i
- Fort Worth, Tex. IP Dickson
Reeder is a proud artist. First
Mrs. Glen Montsomerv received 1 Diece of art ever stolen from the
word last week of the death of Fort Worth public library was
a brother-in-law at Walla Walla.
the First Presbyterian church.
was elected this week as commis
sioner from Willamette presby
tery to attend the annual general
assembly of the Presbyterian
church held this year in Minne
a polls May 21 through May 30.
&ertary Cmrat
- et Armed Forcas -
Lj or arrangements
Mrs. A. F. Camplan left for her
home in Portland Monday follow
ing several days here visiting her
I daughter, Mrs. Fred Shepard. and
i family. While here. Mrs. Camp
lan went to Plainview to see E.
E. Varco's- 3000 turkey poults.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Crawford
are planting 13 acres of potatoes
this week. Glen Montgomery turn
ed the water in the Tumalo irriga
tion laterals Thursday, it reaching
the north end of the project Friday
afternoon. It is planned to keep
tne water running trom now on.
Cement work on some of the can
als was delayed by the freezing
weather, which made it late gett
ing the water turned in.
Zo Cherish
This fa the international organization to preserve world peace as proposed at Dumbarton Oaks
the blueprint from which United Nations Conferees are to build a finished product.
given by ft. H. Ealdock, state high- gram now being announced by
way engineer, as follows: I the highway commission calls for
"The Oregon state highway' the expenditure of $33.!i00.000 of
commission announced tooay mat , a total or,U(XJ expected to
it has tentatively selected its be availahle. The difference rep-
three-year program of postwar resents a reserve for contingen-
highway construction. This pro-jcies, as prices in the future are
gram is to be financed by federal : quite uncertain.
and state funds in the proportion. Other Projects Listed
of fifl per cent of federal funds"
and 40 per cent of state funds. The
amount of federal funds available
during earh of the three years is
"Of this amount, project's esti
mated to cost $17,550,000 have
been programmed on tne primary
federal aid system, $12,200,000 on
approximately $7,100,000. This, to-! the secondary federal aid svstem,
gether with $4,900,000 of required I and $3,800,000 on the primary fed
state match money, brines the to- eral aid system in urban areas.
taL for each year to $12,000,000. In ! The program which follows uv
aecord with federal law, $6,315,000 1 dudes projects of the three class
is f this amount is to be expended Jes mentioned. The projects have
on the Drimarv federal aid hvs-i hmn nimmnH7(rl hv hinhwnvs
tern, $4,310,000 on the secondary I "In developing the program, the
ieoerai am system, and si jrs.uuo
I satisfied."
the war and war conditions have
prevented the completion of those
sections for the use of the people. I
Likewise an Investment ot ap- Tumalo, April 26 (Special)
proximately $1,500,000 has been I Mrs. rx. A. scoggin and son,
Friday, April 20.
"If you don't know what caused
a spot on clothes or table linen,
approach with caution," says Eliz
abeth H. Boeckli, home demon-
I from Portland Tuesday where he
J passed his physical April 20.
j A meeting of the Tumalo Com-
made on right of way for future! Fayet ..went CorvaUis Sunday , S SUnZy ate
projects, and this program con- ; b the regular services. Elders elec-
templates the completion of such LJ..2E i were: Arnold Sandwick for
Lloyd Thompson returned home "EL
projects which will make usable
an investment of approximately
$5,000,000 in addition to the new
monies to be expended in the post
war program.
Given Recommendations
"In preparing the program, the
commission had before it the rec
ommendations of the county
courts, chambers of commerce and
other interested citizens. These
Burgess, who became the bride
of Bernard Duberow. The wedd-
, a 3 year term and Lee Allen, for
. r ,V xrZ. i. ! t0 years. Fred Shepard is the
ng took place at Westminster ; hold over elder. Tnlss elected
may decide whether it comes out
or becomes a permanent fixture.
Many stains can be set with heat
from hot water or an iron, or
by alkali in soap or hard water.
Never take a chance on an un
known stain and plunge the
stained fabric in warm soapsuds.
Never press fabric until stains
are removed.
The safe way to deal with a
dubious stain is to sponge with a
cloth moistened in cool soft wa
ter, -if the stain is not greasy. If
on primary federal aid routes in
urban areas of municipalities
having a population greater than
five thousand.
Forest Funds Availahle
"In addition to the funds to he
trsed on this program, approxi
mately $3,100,000 of forest high
way funds will be available dur
ing each of the three postwar
years for expenditure by the pub
lic roads administration, this
amount being exclusive of ap
proximately $2,000,000 of previ
ously authorized forest highway
highway commission has endeav-! recommendations, with priority
ored to so select the projects as ; indicated, were requested by the
to best fit the needs of each sec- "tate highway commission at the
tlon of the state. In some cases time of an inspection of the state
this means a preponderance of highway system in 194a In many
Drtmarv federal aid Droieets: in cases the county courts and cham-
others, of secondary; and in still I bers of commerce indicated their
otners, or urban. One of the major
objectives of the commission in
the selection of the projects was
to provide completion for sec
tions of highway now partially
completed, to the end that the
past Investment on those sections
can be put to immediate use. Ex
penditures totaling approximate-
ZrSZ a':rvtU&dt3-"l;'were: Wesley McCullock. three
Diir.riiT. i ll, cT.,.J3..T. ; year term and Mrs. Gordon Wil
Pnnevtlle to Lebanon Saturday,:' , for th. t c
where they stayed overnight with : J0 Z f Vy
Mrs. Louis Bennett going on to j tee for another year. C. L. Allen ' the stain appears to be greasy,
Corvallis Sunday afternoon. . waa reelected church treasurer. sponge with cleaning fluid
Tom Fair, accompanied by Fay-1 ..,,. -.j o,....4 (crrease solvent i. Most common
I et Scoggin drove to Lebanon Sat- ,h rw,,i,,, -.,.., u
rive iers Day m Redmond Thursday.
Yi" . ,, .,, , . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ogle of Sweet . u:i.i . r i
Home were here last week look-1 tH a ,t ,ua hm
Allen Young, Proprietor
953 Wall St.
Phone A
Lavender Soap, 35c Shaving Bowl, $1
Night Cream, $1 Hair Tonic, 1.50
Foundation Cream, 85c; Toning Lotion, 85c
Complexion Milk, 85c
For Beautiful Hands and Skin
35c 60c 1.00
Plus 20 Federal T
Graduation and Mother's Day Cards
5c 10c 15c to 50c
Ing after the George Chamberlain j of Mr3 Peterson.s mother, Mrs.
ranch which they recently pur-Anna Wood.
chased. They plan to remodel j F t Scroggin enterta'ined a
the dwelling before movmg over j numbr of hisTriends at his home
here permanently ' I last Wednesday evening, the oc-
aiurvcy rwruora unuerwenc an rainn hi 17th hirthr1av.
preference for the construction of
roads outside their respective
areas In order to complete links
in routes which would shorten emergency appendectomy at th..tvtor and Richard Knhs
distances to markets and thus St. Charles hosDital Mondav after-1 .feI7;. .l,3 "H?
save them time and expense in
the movement of goods and serv
ices. The commission takes this
opportunity to compliment these
officials and public-minded citi
zens in advocating such a far
sighted policy, which Is a policy
that appears to the state highway
commission to be necessary in or
der to develop properly the road
transportation system of the state
of Oregon in a manner that will
bring about the greatest good rb
the greatest number.
"In making tl:is selection, the
commission is not unmindful of
the fact that some disappoint
ments will ensue. The total of the
requests made for the construe
tlon of roads by the people of the
state is many times the money
available for expenditure in the
postwar era: therefore, it has
been impossible to grant all re
quests. The commission hopes
St. Claries hospital Monday after-;also were ceiebrarmg birthdays
noon. She was stricken Sundaj)and tnfi hcstess, Mrs. H. A. Scog
n?Z r, n 0.;,...Uin. had hree birthday cakes for
Sunday dinner guests a week ago
at the B. F. Madsen ranch on the
Metolius river.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Starr of
Bend spent Thursday visiting at
the D. O. Stanton ranch.
North Tumalo Red Cross unit
will meet Thursday, May 3 at the
home of Mrs. Del Davis for an
afternoon meeting.
Tumalo grange Home Econom
ics club will meet May 2 at the
home of Mrs. Joe C. Henry for
a noon luncheon and business
meeting. Mrs. George Beimler
will be fhe assistant hostess.
Jerry Shepard has taken over
the janitor work far the grange
hall during the summer months.
Keith Shepard, who is a pilot
ot a u-i t witn tne stn airlorce in
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Becker were
glv qulk rail
ar your Manay bock
10cSoaarSl.M 1
at all dnic eanttara
mat &tfv
srs til l ir i i;i l
O 17 W
If your doctor is not able to
come promptly to your home
when you summon him, please
have patience. For civilian doc
tors, just as the docrors in the
Armed Forces, are in great de
mand. Therefore, whrn signs
Ot sickness appear, try ro call
your doctor early in the day
(except, of luune, in cases of
real emergency). You will help
him plan his day to better aj.
vantage and thus to help you.
rovi Main roun Mini
WISICIM r-4j nwaiciiT
Partners in Health Service
50c Ipana 39c
50c Colgate's 37c
40c Listerine 33c
50c Forhan's 39c
50c Kolynos 39c
25c Kolynos 21c
50c lodent 39c
60c Polident 49c
cleanses the air of ODORS
frtthem both lntcd.n cosalt, ale.
Distipl unpleasant odora imtantly and
complelely . . . thay vanish without a trace.
Doesn't simply perfumel Safe to use any
where in the house Irom attic to basement
. . . and in can and on clothes and shoes!
8 ox. $1 i oa. (iQC Atomlttr QC
that the congress will continue the i England, has been promoted to
present rate of authorization of ne ranK 01 r irsi Lieutenant. Lt.
federal funds for the building of ' Shepard has been overseas since
needed highways over the United 'ast September.
not mncnes at Tumalo grade
school have been dispensed with
Let Us
Take Over
when sorrow strikes. It is our
responsibility to take over
every detail of funeral pro
cedure for the bereaved.
You can absolutely rely on
our facilities and long experi
Delicate flavor that
won't bake out
whttm as wit
as eefurof gold.
A Keepsake) Is a ring of
incomparable loveliness ...
worthy of the) sacred sentiment if
symbolizes. As Authorized Keepsake Jewelers
we would consider it an honor to show you our
extensive collection of Keepsake Matched Sets . ,
wide range of designs- and prices.
Famous names in diamonds give assurance of the very finest.
If you prefer, you can select a mounting for the diamond of your
choice. A wide selection of smart, modern mountings in white
and natural gold.
Benson Building
th nt rnNMErrririrr. on th.
IlhfrtT-nrst tlay of lVcernbr. IS44. mJ
jtft th rnsmmrur Cnmmtttsfoaer of th
w viii. nnrian( to law:
pramlama nctivv T.JLSS4 28
Tot! IntorMt. dirtiinda
nf rnl Mtsrs laenm..
fncom from octiar marctm 174.SS0-.I2
fVotpecru cm reaves from
PritKipol IMwwrHtr
tocaj Representative
217 Oregon Phone 525
Judge, remember that place tip in the moun
tains where vre went trout fishing last year?"
"I sure do, George. We had a great time
up there, didn't we?"
"I'll never forget it But this will interest
you. Judge. I beard just yesterday that the
revenue men raided a big still right near
there. Guess that's where all that high
priced moonshine we heard about has been
coming from."
Wouldn't be a bit surprised. I saw in the
paper the other day where the Government
has raided thousands of such stills during
the past year."
"Sounds sort of reminiscent, doesn't it
Judge?" Exactly and it's not hard to figure out.
As soon as the distillers stopped making
whiskey and devoted their entire facilities to
the production of industrial alcohol for the
Government ... the racketeers muscled in
" I hate to think of how that might have
spread. Judge, if the Government hadn't
found it possible, without interfering with
our war effort in any way. to permit a
short resumption of legal whiskey produc
tion recently."
Total (acorn $ ,2A,?tt).S
NVt nmoaat pM policy
hold far IoMm . S.?rTC4
ijatmnt h?iimi., lt?.l(.U
AjTftnt com mission or
Sa!r!s snd fes nfflctTS,
dlriM-rors. horrt offle m
Tmxm. itfeR3a and fws.
r-'.Tidiisi paid to Stock
hnldn fCash f ;
tfwtr. . . . )
Dividend Mid or credited
to jwHcyo,dt- Nona
All other cxDendittirtt .... 1.1HT.451.1T
f 13,194 61
MS. 410. 14
TMst dlahqrwmntt . t Et45.I40.(t
A4mlttttl Astvta
Vtlue of MiMtm owned
fmark-T ralool Noo
f n n nn m irt o anil
t.ilatra!. te 111.835 43
Va!u of bonds own)
Vat ln of stneha owned
fmarkM !a n 9SS SSI. Oft
rash in banks and on hand. 2.942,1151. IS
P-"m!umi in cnarw of col-
lieftton writtfn sine Sep
terfber 3. t44. IS7.S1T.H
Inre-i""! nd rents das snd
crroed ? S;4.4t
Otlicr lotri rvet) 52.457 01
TiT1 Admitted ttwets t:s.4;.I4S of
9tn! not "mxrkft" nr "AmrtrilA."
fAuMlUi. rrpltm ood Other Tvmd
Total anmiil eiilni r12.14I.St
E't'mrd torn sdjastmeiit
vpnae for vnpatd claims C5.S02.Ot
Trtal nnesruod premiums
on Mi anexnlrsd r!ks... f,lS2.f0t.71
Se lre ren t m, n pen ees,
bills, aecAsMff. foss.
duo or sccroed lT.S0O.0t
Csfsmsted amount doe or
accrued for taxes !.?.
Cemm tsinna. brokeraa. or
other ebarpea dns and
ccrvd 41,TS 80
All other labilities, '.otlud-
Inr D tr Mends declared
and no paid to JBtoclc-
holders ISt.Mt.Ot
Total HaWIitlas, sxcspt
capita. $
Capital paid
up f
furolna ?tf
all natiUHte It.OlT. J?l l
S'ir?l'ia as records policr-
o:dtrs Stl.01T.nt01
rUt sssirMaisaif iiarirf by dmfgrtm f Ainhmhe Severer ImAatrim, Jmt
t :.9i;.!4S ot
niMtntMa hi Orewos for that Tear
!t premiums roceiTed I 41,:i 00
Net 'ws paid 10.11.
Div'dnde paid or errdlted
prtlirholders Notts
Ifm nt Company: The Conoettlent Fir
rneuratv CompaoF-
Xams ot Prealdeotr Georrs C. Lra. Jr.
pfm nt HeeretarT'- Percy f. Taylor.
CTara-.ory reef1nt aitorney fo aerTico:
or the pacific nationae. pibfs in-
CISCO, In the Stats of CALIFORNIA.
on th thirty-first day of December.
14. mad to itis Tnsuranc Commis
sioner of tho Stats of Oregon, pursuant
to law;
Net premium rscetred , t S.tEt.172.33
Total interest. dividends
and real eat at Incom . 2T0.1SS.
Income from other sources.
Total Incom
.....I i,D.s,i43.:i
Ket amount pa.d policy
holders for losses 11.1S.T
Los adjustment xpnss.. lt.5 T5
A a- e t a commlaatona
brokers re
SaJarta and fees offtcrm.
directors, bom offl-o
Taxes, licenses and. fees...
Dividends puld , to- stock
holders (Cash. None;
stock. Nonet
Dividends paid or credited
to policyholders
All other expenditures ....
l.5f.:T 16
Total dtsbarsmenta . I 5,33.51. a
Admitted Assets
Valu of real estai owned
(market valuer .... S 85S.S00.H
tsoana oa mortOsTe and
collateral, etc "lone
Value of bonds owned
.amortixed 4.3JS.3S
Valu of stocks owned
(market valus)
Cash la banks and oo hand 1140. I '4
Premiums In coure of col
lection written alnc Sep-
tembor 20. 144. 14S-
Interest and rents du and .
accrued SI tTT 3
Other aassta tat- 45. H-
Total admitted assets .SU.T -Z...
Strih out 'market" or "amort'ed.
t kllltl at .a n.ts-a. ITtniatS H
4.149341 H
Total unoatd claims
Estimated oas adjustment
expeos for anoaid ctaluia
Total unearned premium
o ail unexpired risks . . .
Salaries. renm, expenses.
b:'.ta account a fe. ate
du or accrued
Estimated amount du or
accrued for taxes
Com it isslmts, brokerag. or
other cbarv du and
Ail other Uabilltlea .......
101.016 :i
3100 0
Total IlabiUties. except
capital t T,6tl.a-
Capital paid
up .. 1 L 3
Surplus over all
Surpius as rerarila policy-
holder .9 2
Total ....ll.W.I"'-,T
BtlM 'la Oittti rr 14 1
et prfinmmi reced . S 12-'
N Imm ua;d i.W
Dividends paid or crdild
to polttiXQO
Name of Company: PACIFIC NATION
ffaoi of Prldnt: -A. K CONNIC..
Xisaraac C
i as at jaireiiw. i X. wwv