PAGE SIX Pine Waste Study Looms for Region Indicating that further exten sive research might be made ol ..- use of lodge pole and Ponderosa pine waste In Central Oregon, a ' telegram was received today by the Bend Chamber of commerce from U. S. Senators Wayne Morse and Guy Cordon, reporting the passage of a bill In congress pro . vidlng $1,228,900 for such experi mental work. Of this sum, ap , proximately $50,000 will be furn ished the Pacific northwest for est and range experiment sta tions at Portland, it was said. The senators explained in their telegram that the bill as originally submitted had been greatly slashed in the house, and that Cordon and Morse had appeared before the subcommittee on ap propriations and protested. When the measure reached the senate $227,520 was added to the appro priation. Returned to the house, It passed on a poll vote. Proponents of the bill had asked for $1,500,000. Telegram Received The telegram said in part: "Passage of the measure now will permit establishment of a forest utilization unit at the Pa cific northwest forest and range experiment station." The experiment station, oper ated In connection with the forest service, is headed by Dr. J. Alfred Hall, biochemist, and former as sistant director of the national wood experiment station at Madi son, Wis. The Madison plant had been concentrating largely on pro duction of alcohol from wood.. It was reported that the Bend ChamDer oi commerce ask Dr. Hall to stress research in lodge pole and Ponderosa waste, after the new unit is installed at Portland. Bend's Yesterdays ' TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (April 27, 1920) (From The Bulletin Filea) By a knockout In the third round, Ted Hoke of Portland wins In a boxing bout at the Hippo drome from Speck Woods of Bend. The building committee of the Methodist church announces that the building of the new church edifice at the corner of Kansas and Bond will begin within 30 days. School children have a narrow escape when a runaway horse, bolting from the Aupe barn, runs down the sidewalk on Bond street. A chimney blaze in the J. B. Heyburn home at the foot bf Ore gon avenue breaks the city's no fire record of 68 days. . w T Mpari Pnndnn shccDman. buys the 120-acre Lester & Payne ranch five miles irom cena ior 1 5 win i w v. mnrke. Tillamook dairy man, comes, to Bend in scach of suitable rancn lana 10 raise jit uhib nrt - i ' ' Jack Bannister from aisiey, takes a chair, at the Metropolitan barber shop:' l.liuen What can you spare that they can wear? Have It Bundled and Ready for the CLOTHING PICKUP Sunday. Starts 2 p. m. Put Bundles on Your Front Porch German Soldier Victim of Nazi I iW$Mi Mm Htnirlcan trooDS cut wire bonds from one of 11 doiman soldiers ordered bSX ne mayor or Schwelnfurt alter they had expressed a wish U n m ' surrender to the advancing American forces. Mrs T. V. fiarretson of Me- tollus, comes to Bond to shop. Louis Allen buys the residence nroDertv of John Haglln at Wall and Florida. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Sawyer plan to leave this week for their old home at Shelby, Ohio, which Saw yer has not visited for 10 years. pnnnQ Vntfkni-hnnknr. n tvnlni? UlllllC IfclllLl.k. uw....... 1 " student at the Bend high school, receives a oj-woru wruiivnu. from the Underwood Typewriter company. Seabee Veteran Back in Madras Madras, April 27 (Special) Vern B. Moore, who was county road foreman here, before nis en listment In the Seabees, resumed i,io iimvb uiTiifn with the countv Monday morning. Moore joined the Seabees in ucionnr ivu, re ceived his training at Camp Endl nnirfcutMn R T. and went overseas in January 1943. He saw action in the soum racim- mi more than two years. Last tan ne ..ntitvnarl Vinfti nn n IpHVP 1111(1 tilCn was hospitalized at Camp Ban ning, cam. several minima " he was given a medical discharge. Untiit-nlnrr In MlirlrilH with Ills wife and young daughter, he has been remodeling nis nome. E. R. Crowley acted as foreman In his absence. i TRAFFIC COUNTS FACED Various motor vehicle viola tions were charged to four per sons yesterday, according to police reports lonay. iurs regisieieu n Bruce Markell of 1104 Columbia avenue and C. V. Silvis, 118 Ore gon avenue, were tagged for over- v Arafat I liurlap skirts, Inste.iu ol rrai i.uu, hiiii no shoes, slockiiiKs or uiulerwrnr is the war-Imposed stvlc for this liiimrlrss (".reek hov and thousands like him. lo help pro ' tpct these war victims against cold and .n.-Anc ni,i,t t,,i nil vmir srrvireahlp SJt used cl'olliiiiK, shoes and beiUlinc (or the naiiunai iipiiiihk 1M THE Rule 4 tHVA TalnnUnln) Dutch Delegate IMKA 'Valnnhntni Vice Admiral Conral Emll Lambert Helfrich, commander-in-chief ol an Netherlands nrmy. navy and air forces In the Far East, pictured in . nftnr his arrival as member ot the Dutch delegation to the San Francisco uoniuicuto, time parking. John Wesley Coop cr of Venela, Ore., paid a $5 tint for not having a muffler on his m Ami Niililon A. Couch. Route 2, posted ?5 bail on a charge of fniiiiirr in vield right -of -way to pedestrians. Gallium, a little known chem ical element, Is ,50 times as abun dant as silver. Church Announcements ASSEMBLY OF COD (2nd and Greenwood) Rev. !.. II. Shectl. MinUler fim-wlnv Rewires: Slinrlav school 9:45 a. m. Devotional service 11 a. m. Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m Mlfl.vvmilr Rol-virp Pl-lfl.1V. 7-45 n. ni.. regular nroachlner ser vice. Radio broadcast, Thursdays 1 to 1:30 p. m. over KBND. Rev. Sheets and his eight year old Tune In Sundays the Old Fashioned Revival Hour KI1M) 10-11 p.m. I ionpl iirooucaii Chnrlrn E. Fuller, I) I red iir AITHOIUZKI) . . . and repairs on nil makes of washers. . . for a new Maytag after the war plnre your order now. .lust contact . . . I it A I Maytag Service ELMER HUDSON Toir n Urvnta 974 BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, daughter, Roma Jeanne, will be in charge ui mr u, C1IBISTIAW AND MISSIONARY ALlilAvn (b'ap Lav ft Road)' Willlatm Schwab, Paator Sunday school, 9:45; morn ing worship, 11 o'clock; young neoole's meating, 6:30 p. m. Evan- study and prayer, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 174& East Flnit atreet) RaTOiond E. KM. Faator Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Wor ship service, 11 o'clock. Junior church, 11 o'clock. Y. P. meeting, 6-45. Evangelistic service, 7:30. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 7:30. CATHOLIC (Franklin and Lava) Re. Edmund Ilrland, Rector Sunday services, 7,:30, 9 and 11 a. m. Masses on week days, 8 a. m. CHURCH OF GOD Corner W. Twelfth afreet and Freano Ave. Kev. Fred R. Decker, MlnUter Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Evening service, 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting and Bible study, Wednesday evening, 7:45. CHURCH OF CHRIST Nor war hall, Calvxton and Columbia) D. E. Scott, MlnUter Sunday services: Bible study, 10:00 a. m.; Preaching, 11:00 a. m.; Young Peoples meeting, 7:00 p. m.; Preaching, 8:00 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST (Irving and Oregon atreeta) Rev. Kenneth A. Toblaa Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wnrshlD. 11 o'clock (broadcast over KBND). B. Y. P. U., 6:30. Evening service, 7:30. weanesaay prayer service ai i:ou. FIRST CHRISTIAN fourth atreet at Newport avenue) W. I. Palmer, Paator T3ihlrt cnhnnl. 9:45 a. m. Mom- t.. .,,n.c-i,in 11 PVpnincr Rerviee. 7:30 o'clock.. Prayer service, 7:45 Wednesday, lonowea Dy cnoir re hearsal at 8:30. , FIRST CITURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST (15E1 West Pint atreet) Authorized branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Massachusetts. " Sunday service, 11 a. m. sunaay scnooi, niau a. m. Wednesday evening testimony meeting, 8 o'clock. Reading room In room 3, McKay Bldg., open to public from i:au p. m. to p. m., dailv except sunaays ana nun- days. . .. .: '; FIRST LUTHERAN (St. Helena place and Idaho) Morria A. Thomnaon. Paator Sunday school, 9:45. Worship Mpuna ni a m. i.uiner itrui'ue and fourth Sundays at 5 p. m. Ladies aid, first and third Thursdays, 2:30 o'clock. L,. D. R., third Wednesday, 7:30, In homes. FIRST METHODIST (Bond and LouUlana) Rv. Hnhert Mellvenna. Pastor Sunday services, 11 a. m. and 7. in r, m Phnreh school and fel lowship, 9:45 a. m., and 6:30 p. m. Mid-week services, 7:30 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (Corner Harriman and Franklin) R. II. Prentice, MlnUter CunJsu arhnnl 9:45. Momlne worship 11. Youth meeting at 6. TstpoHnv nnptrv and oreran medi tation broadcast at 1. Bible study Wednesday at iu a. m. ai me teu ton home. Youth choir practice cniiiau mnminp at 10. Services at Redmond at 9 Sunday morning and at mmaio 2:00 eacn ouuuaj afternoon. MOST PERSONAL (ED FITS A sparkling bit of jewelry a diamond ring, a brooch or pin or pearls what better way to express your love on Mother's Day than with a gift of exquisite jewelry chosen from our quality selection. Important thing is to CHOOSE SOMETHING something she'll like something beautiful. l JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES (Kingdom hall, aoutb of Bend, near eanal) Watchtower study Sunday 8 p. m.; Bible book study Wednesday, 8 p. m.; service meeting Friday, 7:45. , , : - LATTER DAY SAINTS (Corner Uill and Irving atreeta) Carl PowelL PrealdeM Sunday school, Sunday, 10 a. no. Sacrament meeting, Sunday, 6:30 p. m. Fireside chat, Sunday, 7-30 n m Pnllof annlaixt Tiincflav i p. in. ri unary, xnursuuy, p. m. MISSIONARY BAPTIST (East Greenwood) Elder L. B. Bsawell Cimilav enVinnl IH a vi Viwn " J u u. in. mill ii- ing worship, 11. Evening message, 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wed nesday, 7:45 p. m. Radio sermon, kbinu, sunaay, b to b.u p. m. PENTECOSTAL MISSION (218 Lafayette atreet) . Harriet E. Marling, Paator Cunrlnv cohnnl in n m HTnfm. ing worship, 11 a. m. Broadcast, 5:15 p. m. over KBND. Young people's service, 7 p. m. Evange listic service, 8p.m. Young peoples mootincr Ttioorlnv nlcrht VlfuH hug. day, 8 p. m., prayer meeting. Frl- aay, evangelistic service, e p. m. Saturday, children's church, 10 a. m. at 1414 Fresno. Saturday, street service, 7:30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN (Westminster Orthodox) (Newport avenue and Drake road) Robert E. Nlcholal, MlnUter TJl Mu anVinnl Q-dc, A m nfnrntno worship, 11 o'clock. Intermediate 1 . . . , . 21. Speak for Europe's 30,000,000 children who are in traffic need of cloth i nr. Give all the garments, shoes and bedding you can to ai 11 1L! ll ine unuca rtauonai vfuuiiiiK Lyuiic. Clothing Pickup Sunday Starts 2 P. M. Have Everything You Can Spare Bundled ON YOUR FRONT PORCH Space courtesy BEND ELECTRIC CO. 5 Perhaps she'd prefer something for the home Here you'll find a really extensive list of lovely things to please her. Fostoria Glassware Ceramics Franciscan Poftery Figurines Pjctures Frames Novelties -jrj Wooden-Ware SymOnS tirOS Hand Hammered Th, House of Beauty" Aluminum 947 Wall SW Phone lb 1945 and senior Machen league 6:30 p. m. .evening service, i:ou in Wpdnpurtav. 7:S(1 n. m.. uraver meeting and Bible study. PILGRIM ; (leorge tianka, Pastor (1916 Albany) Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morn ing worship, 11 a. m. Young peo- nlo'a Vinni- A-?in n m P.vanopllst i service, :au p. m. rrayer service, 1 Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST (Harriman and Franklin) Wayne A. Scriven. Paat. CnHhnth enhnn Q-dpi a. m. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Pray er meeting Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Head of Wall atreet) Rev. George R. V. BeUter, Rector , Wnltr Pnmmiinlnri Aneh Slindav at 8 a. m., except first Sunday al J.J. a. m. only, anu eacn vvcuuca day, with Intercession for Allied Fnrivio nt 10 a m. Mnminr nravor each Sunday at 11 a. m. Church scnooi eacn sunaay, senior, iu a. m.; Junior, 10:45 a. m. Young Ppnnlo'a TiVdlnweriln naeh Sundav at 7:30 p. m. Choir practice each weunesuay, at i :ou p. in. aar ilcms uolHnfrc nnrl nthpr SPY". vices by arrangement witji the rector. TRINITY LUTHERAN (Missouri Synod) (Oalveeton and Federal) Donald W. ninrlchi. Paitor Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Wor ship, 11 a. m. ' ...nH.M..lna aflw-AAtr vill'larO.' i ll V , Valley of Death .... s f 4 SSfflKS In the German town of Nordhausen, civilians wde Jjjttie "f. tary government to bury 2600 slain political prisoners carry a Nazi Tictur , past a death-filled ditch. IN V. O. PAGEANT University of Oregon, April 27 (Conlnll Rohhlfi E d w a r d S. rloitorViloi. nf TVtr nnrl Mrs. H. R. Edwards, 1070 Columbia, Bend, will take part in a water pageant. Here's Where to Go for fun for entertainment to soothe war- weary nerves for fine foods and needed relaxation. DANCING NIGHTLY Orchestra Saturdays I3EM3 POLLY'S CAFE Open All Nite Breakfast Orders Served 24 Hours a Day Good Coffee Fine Foods Good Service CAPITOL "THE BEST IN ENTERTAINMENT ALWAYS!" Continuous I to 1 1 Sat. Sun. Set Your Own 7th War Loan Employee Quota From This Table Col. I Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Average Average Average Maturity Wage Subscription Weekly Value of Per Needed Allotment Bonds Bought Month (Cash Value) 7th War Loan $250 & up $187.50 $15.63 $250 225-250 150.00 12.50 200 210-225 131.25 10.94 175 200-210 112.50 9.38 150 180-200 93.75 7.82 125 140-180 75.00 6.25 100 100-140 37.50 3.13 50 .Under $100 18.75 1.57 25 This would Include present allotment plus extra special 7th War Loan allotments and extra cash purchases for 12-week period In April, May, anil June. FORMULA (A) Aurertaain mvermgr ware irle of company and number of employee. (Bt Multiply numSrr of employee bf figure in Column 2. Thin wilt ie the eompny total itto Seventh War l,oan quota in dollar; iio arrive at fjuota in term of maturity Talue in Bond ue fiure in (C) To aurenaln NET amount to he ratted, deduct expected allotnenta from April, May. and June from total cro quota. Space Courtesy Broolcs-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. . and The Shevlin-Hixon Company "The Sailor's Dream," to be pre sented Saturday afternoon, May 5, by the Amphibians, women's swimming honorary, as part of the traditional program for junior -. weekend. I Dine and Dance Fried Chicken Dinners Sandwiches Glen Vista Club 3'2 Miles North on Bend-McKenzie Highway Phone 777-W FOUNTAIN Luncheons Sandwiches Home Made Pies OPEN EVERY DAY 'Til 10 p. m. The Dairy Store 135 Minnesota TOWER ALWAYS 2 HITS Continuous I to 1 1 Sat. Sun. PHONE 466 434 Kansas Bend