Local News TEMPERATURE! Maximum yesterday, 62 degrees. Minimum. last night, 38 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: '10 p. m., 41 de crees; 10 a. in., 03 degrees. Veloc ity of wind: 10 p. m,, 2 miles;. 10 a. m., 13 miles. Mrs. Randolph Baker was ab sent from her duties at Wetje's. ; today because of iUnesu. Lt. John .EV Sellers, navigator on an army B-24 bomber, arrived in the Philippines this week for active duty, according to word received here by his wife, the O NOW O CONTINUOUS TOMORROW 15 A PRIVATE ait. 6 NOW Continuous Tomorrow TWO FEATURES GENE AUTRY nUVTUM PLUS nniimri Let 's Go stem Just In! 2ND HIT IT'S A HI-DE-H0 HEPCAT I HOLIDAY! JgL KA ran Checked Suits .Cf SuitsinColors 26.75 to MJi Soft crepes and coverts, mandarin or cardigan styles, in all these gorgeous spring colors-beige, brown, blue, aqua, powder, red, gray, fuschia, gold and black. Siies 10 to .18. You May Charge . ' n ' rv.. IT or V5B vur Lay-Away Plan former Ramona Bockman. . Mrs. i Sellers returned to Bend 'some time ago,: after 14 months in! guuui Carolina with her husband, she- and 8-months-old daughter Susan live at 34 ft Allen road. Levy Ernst and son Carlton, ranchers of the Powell Butte dis trict, were Bend business callers today. Mrs. M. P. Cashman and Mrs. James Arbow left yesterday for Portland to spend the week-end. Mrs. Carmen Ferns from Shev Un Was shopping in Bend today. Mrs; Kenneth Binder was in Bend Thursday from Madras. Mrs. Esther Emory and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Dale Em ory, were in Bend today from .Silver Lake visiting friends.' Ila Silvis Grant is assisting on the news staff of The 'Bulletin and is handling society news. Mrs. Fred Spivey and daughter, Lois Kay, left recently for an ex tended'visit with relatives in Sac ramento, Cal. Mrs. P.' M. Gibson, 1306 East First street, returned recently from, a week's visit spent with her parents and other relatives in Portland and Barlow. Ralph. W. Crawford, supervisor of the Deschutes national forest, left today for the Crescent district for a two-day check-up of condi tions in the forest there with Dis tnpt Ranger Marshal Stenerson. James t;. Maxwell, representing the national housing - authority, with' headquarters in Portland, stopped over in Bend today from a business trip to Lakeview and Madras. While here he conferred with U. S. bureau of reclamation officials on housing conditions in the Madras district Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Stewart and daughter, frnm th uhito Horse ranch, Ore., last night were guests at tne Fllot Butte inn. mi-, ana ivirs. Matt vetscn, mem-, berS Of the PnrtlnnH WnnnloH posse, were Bend callers today. , Dr. Richard P. Saunders,, from USO headquarters in San Fran cisco, was p. Bend visitor today. The Sons of Norway will hold their regular meeting at 8 p. m. tomorrow in the Sons of Norway hall, it was reported today by Mrs. Edna Skjersaa. " Refresh ments will be served, it was re ported. A. Bertrand will be in Bend un til Monday visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Willsey, Route 1. He arrived Wednesday from Portland. John H. Shepard of Carpinteriai Calif., and Miss Ruthann Lakin of Bend made application for a marriage license at the county clerk's office Thursday. 1 Capt. G. M. Briggs, pilot from March field, Calif., made a stop over in Redmond yesterday en rnlltA tn MrThftrH fialri with an army plane, and spent the night wun ins parents, ivir. ana ivirs. G. M. Briggs, 311 Wall street; in Bend. Capt. Briggs was accom panied by Lt. . Gonzolas. , Miss Thersa Gerttula from Kernville, Oregon, is spending a few days in Bend with Miss Mary Elizabeth Dacy. Mrs. Charles Christy drove in from Cloverdale today for a visit with her daughter, Miss Mary Christy, staff member in the of fice of the home demonstration agent. J. D. Donovan, manager of the Lumbermen's hospital,' is in Eu gene where Mrs. Donovan under went an pperation -Wednesday night. : Ed Lydick, proprietor of.Ly dick's, is in Portland receiving treatment for an injury suffered when a knot flew out of some lumber being snwed at .the Shev- Cardigans Mandarin Style 29-75 Smart new checked, suits in choice of . Mandarin,, One-Button Style or Cardi gan, brown-white or .black-white checks ...'100 wool.. Smart and neat! Mandarin style has smart braid edging. , Sizes. 10 to 20 . . . and with the suit you choose, you may also select ... Coats 6 Match 29-75 Same checks, same colors. Styled to go well with either suit, well lined, of quality ' materials. Three-quarter checked cardi gan coats, too! RATH'S tr- ri..L - t C 831 Wall. , : P.hone 282 THE VAB BD1IDS i 1 (. S. Signal Corps Pbota Retreading goes to war. Ord nance' tire repair1 men put new treads on worn battle shoes in 1 hour and 45 minutes' with equip ment War Bonds helped to buy. ' If. 5. Treasury Dtparimtni lin-Hixon Company plant, striking him in the eye. tie received -emergency treatment at the Lumber men's hospital and went to Port land for a check-up. W. J. Coleman, sawmill, super intendent for The Shevliri-Hixon Company,' was suddenly stricken yesterday evening and is a pa tient at the Lumbermen's hospi tal. His condition is considered serious. v Dance every Friday night at. Carroll Acres. Music by the Night Owls. City bus will leave hall last time at 12 midnight. Adv. Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday nights. Ladies free. Adv. All members of the I.W.A. are invited to attend a pot-luck lunch and social at the Union hall, Sat urday, April 28, 1945. Any mem-, ber may bring guests. There will be suitable entertainment for chil dren, . and dancing for . adults. Bring what you pleuse for lunch. Adv. CARD OF THANKS The Bostick family wishes to thank their many friends and neighbors for the farewell party given them. It's been a great pleasure having so. many friends. We want to take this way-to say good bye to them all. ; , Afiv. DANCE TO BE SEMI-FORMAL The dance being sponsored by the Bend Shrine club at 9 p. m. tomorrow in the Blue, room of the Pilot Butte inn, is to be semi-formal, members of the committee announced today. All Masons who have attained the E.A. degree, and their wives, are eligible to attend, it was said. Music for the dance will be furnished by the Larson Russell orchestra, and entertain ment will be provided throughout the evening. Tickets may be ob tained from any Shriner or at the dance, it'was said. ' , CELEBRATES CITIZENSHIP Rawlins, Wyo. npi -Lambrinos John Koulroubadakis has a new name, following his naturaliza tiom.It's Harris Cutras. BOY I fP LjpyCMy p FROM CENTRAL OREGON'S MOST MODERN BAKEKr I ! '- UcLiHiiV QrniiT shops r - J w : And Official Girl Scout Shoes Boy I-ss . ,WABl ' 'jr.: Sy - Official Boy Scouf ROOS' dr ' OXFORDS . ' . Site 6 to II Xylj ffi r . "! i rh gS ' GIRL SCOUT SHOES U&A iGY Plain Toe Oxford ........ . . .&.5 S 'jlffjll 0 A V1 Low Hid, Leather Solo : I .N jS? (ft ' V ' - I Official LoalFer ....5.S5 j ! tWft-, -.A -,J' .... .LlM2.i IV . vJWiZM BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, Co. I Veteran Sgt. Ralph B. Matson, a veteran of Co. 1 who served overseas for three yearsand took part in three major engagements, was back in Bend today, prepared to. take up life as a civilian following the re ceipt of a medical discharge. Sgt. Matson was in army hospitals for the past five months, most of the time on Biak. island, but came here from the convalescent hospital at Colorado Springs, Cold. ,' Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A'. Mat son, 227 Greeley, avenue,, Bend, Sgt.. Matson is one of five broth ers who saw or are seeing serv ice In world war II. Buck D: Mat son, one of Mr. and Mrs. Mat son's five service sons, is now in the Philippines theater of opera tion, and John is in the army air corps, at Douglas, Arizona. Homer and Fred, hke.Ralph, are now back in civilian life. : Wears Six Stripes Although never wounded in ac tion, Sgt. Ralph Matson took part in some of the taiighest fighting in .the Solomons and southwest Pacific. He wears six overseas stripes, and with a total of .four years and seven, months to his credit, he displays one reennsi ment stripe;- Just at present, Sgt. Matson-has no immediate plans for the future other than to continue his con valescence. Purple Heart Is . Sent Bend Mother Mrs. Lonhie Rhoades, '1245 Dav enport avenue, who has been a resident of Bend for ftvci montns, today was in receipt of a purple heart award her son,. Billey Howard Copeland, a coxswain in the USNR, who was killed 'In ac tion in the Pacific on Nov. 29, 1944. Before meeting his death,: Coxswain Copeland had served two years and two months in the navy in Pacific waters. Mrs. Rhoades. has two other sons in the navy, Dewey and Huey Rhoades, whose homes are in Saxton, Mo. Selective Service Calls More Men Another group of selective serv ice inductees left Bend today for Fort Lewis where they will be as signed to duty in. the army, navy or marine corps, depending on re- milrpmpnttx it wns nnnnunppd nr the Deschutes county selective j service board. In the group were: Henry Lisius, Joe Lisius, James Albert Farmer, Earl Leroy Fuisl man, Darrold Milton Barber, Ger. aid R. Benson, Lawrence Martin Gales, Bengt V. Hedlund, William Ray Nickels, Jr., Wayne J. Hunter, Elmer D. Moore, Clyde Shaver, Edward E. Brennise, Hartey Can dell,. James A. Keener, Donald R. Ari.s, Ervin Chester Maynard, Philip George Aris, Clifford Harry Pratt, Warren Arthur Vance and Kenneth Charles Moor. BOSKS FAIL TELEGENIC TEST Chicago ill'i Flowers, like peo ple, must be-telegenic, according to demonstration lesis matte iy WBKB viedo engineers of radio station WBKB. Experiments show- j ed that fthile white flowers, such as calla lilies and carnations, took well, rosi's looked like cabbages on the television screen and blue stocks like weeds. FOR SCOUT SHOES Scout Shoes JhM2r- I WiW5 at your y W -SV XS Gunshot Wound" Victim Is Dead Redmond, April 27 (Special) Funeral services for Ralph Mor rison, 2G, who (lied yesterday in tne Medical-Dental hospital irom an accidentally inflicted gunshot wound in the abdomen, will be held tomorrow at 9- a. m. in St, Thomas Catholic church, it was reported today. The body will be sent to Portland by the Irving mortuary;-where graveside serv ices will be held Monday- at 10 a. m.- Mr. Morrison was struck bv a bullet from a small caliber revol ver as he was strapping on a holster preparatory to going on a fishing trip from his Cow canyon home. 2 Bend Fliers Given Licenses Two Bend fliers today held of ficial pilots licenses as a result of examination conducted yesterday at the Bend municipal airport by Edward Leach, examiner for the civil aeronautics authority,, from Portland. ' .- Ward Coble received a private license, after completing 35 hours of solo flight; and Larry, Lermo obtained a commercial pilot's li cense after completing 200 solo hours.' Both men flow with the Tilse flying service. A 12-inch well 900 feet deep In the dry 'area near Roswell, New Mexico, has a rated discharge ca pacity of 13,000,000 gallons of water every 24 hours and can throw a six-Inch stream 50 feet into the air. I A I ri V J- X H. v "X m I ' 1"TT-- "I . 1 1" 1 11.11 I I I t I II I I I i x- III .Bi "V v m I i I I Ml mwtsaws I Vt ( .s7 ( J'i i I V 1 ' The Uiloml coat (toes tinily I V Sf-' &4l I I frmininet Solid color MshUi I Ny ' JUS 3 u' ST 7 1 I Lyn !Min Hyon in tprini Bower . " I I color, lourhnl up with eyelet P I eaibroidrfy. Boy IUim, Sea Foain ' r I ' I Aqiu. New UIk, BelU k Ir55; I ' ' c, io tim IB to 24. I ASK FOR IT BY HhUHL Ask your grocer . ' ifl CJSs. for Hake-Kile J&f , A &M l ' PTt nSia?V fresh white '' ! I fOJ V A?AI. bread. Ifslho- T ,v' "Uvs fWTONA V 1 ?5& 'WH'hV ' Flve.S(nrf " ' S Z lX BANK OF BEND A HOME OWNED INSTITUTION 1945 For Cabinet? Edward Pauley, above, Califor nia oil man and treasurer of th Democratic National Commit tee, is considered , poasible choice by President Truman for -Secretary of the Treasury. . 3iL OVERSEAS FIGHTERS BACK -ffCK k'S33 C?rl V '- , Two Central Oregon fighting fTVsJ'ifl J 1 ' men were believed to be en route I : : V S'-P, VV r-l A ' back to their homes today on fur- t ivl'ji'.f 4 " l j loughs, after being returned from ' j r'iy Vl - I V the South Pacific and European r TV Wlf, , ' , theaters of war. The two were ILi?! FAfl V members of a group of 66 Wash- it A 1-tI Ol B ) ' ington and Oregon men to . be 'v fxLI I t . . ! granted furloughs after being K i,,'T . ' I processed at Fort Lewis. They are M "A U - ' I Sgt. Arthur M. Dunn,, Rt. 2, Bend, M a? W Y . and T5 Arthur Chrlstrhari of Red-mood. SHIPS TOPS IN COMFOBT London tlr" "Best ship In the British merchant navy,' hs the way the Kingfisher, a 541-ton cargo ship was described by ber captain, Charles Gaada. Besides having a superb kitchen, she has a cabin for each man, with spring mattress, folding bed, and gay rush matting on the floor. There are shower baths, and drying rooms for sea-sprayed clothes. This is only part of "a sailor's dream come true," designed for the comfort of its crew. Two ol her lifeboats have motors, and all are launched from . mechanical davits. She rode the winter gales like a cork. . SOKORITY GIKIJS SMART, TOO Denton, Tex. tu'rhe popular notion that sorority girls are good A ' si ',1 fl SI r. - Mother'i Dsy'U May 13 remember liar wilh a lovely giff from Wetlp'i. BUy her jdmothing jhe ha wanfod, bur hain't bought for hertelf. Theia are but a few of tha many sugrjoitioni you'll find iri our itoclt. Spring Millinery . 3.98 o 12.95 Chic new ;(ra-.ys it. white and colors folts, tool in tha charm. ing new shapes. Handbags 2.98 to 19.40 Cordei, leathers, patents and simulated leathers in .a grand array, all now shapes, colors to match evory costumo. Luncheon Sets WET Lt' 0H PLACE TO TRADE IPAfeB FIVE to look at but not very bright, is contradicted by the academic records at North Texas State. A report compiled by the registrar ol the college shows that 25 per cent of the sorority members ara on the honor roll.. ALL FOR THE HOUSE ' Houston, Tex. 'IP This thief obviously wanted to set up light housekeeping. He robbed' the Houston home of Mrs. E. N. Good, ell of a basket, electric toaster, , waffle iron, chair, two potholders, ' bread, bacon, eggs and a cream whlpper. VET IN SEWING CONTEST r Houston, Tex. ilrt Alvin Ray, '26-year-old former suidier, is a top contestant In the annual sewing contest of the Huston Press. His entry consists . of five tiny gar ments "whipped up" for his daughter. . a l : ki-il l ixememuer ivioiner: Costumo Jewelry