" THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND,. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1945 "' PAGE SEVEN j Stocks Suffer Severe Decline I By Elmer C. Walzer (United treM Klnnnoial Editor) New York, AprU 26 IP Stocks suffered their worst decline since March m in. tne eariy trading to day and then rallied substantially from the lows to finish irregular. Trading was fairly active on the decline and in smaller vol ume later when the list steadied. Eariy selling was attributed to further talk of possible margin increases and the subsequent re covery followed a statement by Secretary. Morgenthau that there might be some action, soon on tax relief. Union Pacific rose 3 points from its low to a new high for the year when, its. report for the lirst quarter snoweq nei prom ai (53.55 a share compared with $3.39 a share m me corresponding quarter of last year. This recov ery helped other rails regain part of early losses that had ranged to more than 2 pointsi Aircraf ts displayed outstanding strength from the early part of the session under the leadership of Douglas which rose more than 4 points to a new high on reports the company had received large new civilian orders. , ,! PORTLAND LIVESTOCK I Portland, Ore, April 26 HP f Livestock. Cattle, salable and total 150, calves 25, market active, I fully steady; good steers lacking, t common-medium grades $12.00 1 14.50; canner-cutter cows $7-10.00; fat dairy type- cows $10.50-11; I good beef cpws quotable to $13.00; v ) lew sausage bulls $11-12.00; good 4 to choice vealers. $15-16.00. nogs, salable J,ou, marKet ac tive, steady, butchers, $15.75, sows iMb.iK): feeder pigs quotable F$17 50-18. Sheep, salable 100, market ac- ttive, sieaay, meaium 10 gooa wool led lambs $15.00; common-medium ' Sll 50-13.00; good-choice salable to j $16 00; good shorn ewes salable 3 $6.75-7; wooled ewe,s to $9.00. I BIG HOTEL SOLD Spokane, Wash, April 26 IP J Sale of Spokane's world-famous 3 $3,000,000 Davenport hotel to Wil 'jliam Edris, Seattle capitalist and f president of the Olympic hotel i company, was announced late yes jftorday by Louis M. Davenport, 4 builder, owner and operator of the hotel. r.it " , : j JOHN COLLIER DEAD Portlapd, Ore, April 26 iU' v Funeral arrangements were pend ..: ing today for John A. Collier of i Portland, leading criminal lawyer or the northwest- who died Tues- day, after incomplete recovery of a heart attack suffered six montnsiknim) 6c each. Mile south Pine ago. He was 70. KOW SHE SHOPS i "CASH AMD CARRY" $ Without Painful Backache Many sufferer relieve nagging backache -i quickly, once they discover that the real l cause of their trouble may be tired kidneys, ' The kidneys aro Nature s chief way of lak--s Ing the excess acids and waste out of the blood. They help oiost people pass about 3 When disorder of Vidney function permits' poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains leg pains, loss of pep and enoray, getting up nights, swelling, puffinoss under the eyeit, headaches and aisiineas. Frequent or scanty pnaaogea with smarting and, burning some times snowa there is some thing wrong with your kidneys or bladder. , Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan s Tills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 16 miles of kidney tubes flush out poison ous waste from your blood. Get Doan s ruli. Fully Equipped For Modern Drugless Treatment Spin it Adjustment -Physio Therapy Tox Eliminator Diagnosis, X-Uay and Heart Graphing Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chiropractic Physician 124 Minnesota Ave. Phone 794 See ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans Or, AUTO yZ light TRUCK W PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned" Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 Spare Articles Can Be Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance) 25 Words One Tune .85c 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times Lja All nk .Ter 11 add 1c pr ward UaMe number of lneerUoas One meatll run. Mtn. copy, ft day tlU Minimum Charge, 3&c LINE RATE lOo CAPITALS 20c C Unified AdYertUins, Cash in Advance UaUr CkMlnsi Time U:Sa P. M. - MEETING of Loyal Order of Moose First and Third Fti- days. Ladies Auxiliary Second and Fourth Saturdays. DANCE for members, families and candidates every Saturday night, no charge. BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. A. M. Stated Communication Thurs, April 26, 8:00 p.m. Visiting Brethren Welcome George Sunervllle, Sec'y. , BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E; HaU W. M. Loy W. Pi - Phonb20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store FOB SALE NOW READY: PANSY perenni al and strawberry plants. An nuals and vetgetables in season. Fanton's Garden, 829 Ogden. SEWING MACHINE, old; prewar leather -daveno, 2 rockers to match, 1 rocker, 1 cot, small heat er, vilin, tenor banjo, Stevens double barrel shotgun, 12 ga. and some ammunition, 6'A ft.- Royal Chinook falling saw No. 513, din ing table, old. 629 W. 14th St. BABY CRIB, size for 6 yr. old child, wicker baby buggy, baby play- pen without pad. Inquire 33 Gilchrist. . STEEL'S JUMBO pansy plants, perennials of all sorts, most an nuals are now ready. Pickett Gar dens. Phone 530, 6th at Quimby. 4 LARGE LOTS, 2 bedroom house with bath, newly finished inside, new henhouse, small house on back, good garage, shade, lawn, berries, woodshed, garden ground. 351 W. Railroad. 1941 CONTINENTAL TRAILER house 30 ft. long, 8 ft. wide, 3 rooms. Electric brakes. $1450 or will trade. What have you? 1360 Cumberland. BE SURE you get original Rock. hill strawberry 26. . Nickell has Forest Grange Market road. Tele phone 22-F-4. 4 ROOM MODERN house com pletely furnished, gas furnace and hot water heater, gas refrig erator. Nice workshop on en closed back porch. Inquire 1414 Baltimore, Phone 1124-J. GOOD JERSEY eow, freshen May 21. Made 500 lb. B. F. last year. Karl Kiesow, Rt. 2, Box 79, on old Redmond highway. 4 ROOM house, furnished or un furnished. Has nice yard, wood shed and garage. Call at 1385 Ithaca Ave. STOCK OR WOOD trailer no springs. Good shape: Prewar bicy cle, 2-speed rear hub, generator headlight. See at 232 Woodland. 40 ACRES. 15 acres water, 5 acres Ladino clover, 5 acres chewing fescue, small house. 10 miles from Bend.Tumalo Project. Price S1000, 'a cash, balance easy terms. Write Ira Spires, 802 East M. St., Grants Pass, Oregon. I C H A I R I S FOUNDATION gar- ments, girdles and braziers, reas ' onable prices. Call for appoint ! ment. Phone 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 1 608 Broadway. I LYONS FLOWER GARDENS I Steele's jumbo pansy plants, also perennials and glad bulbs, annual : flower and vegetable plants in season. 1604 W. 2nd, corner Port i land. ! S1600 BUYS 5 acres, good 3 room houe, barn and chicken house, ! C.O.I, water, 1 mile from city lim. its, possession soon. C. V. Silvis, 1 118 Oregon. A STEAL, 6 LOTS, 2 semi-modern houses, barn, S1200.00; S300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ON EAST EIGHT STREET, 6 large lots under fence, 4 room modern, 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors, good basement with laun dry room having stationary tubs. Outbuildings consisting of barn, chicken house, garage and shed. Approximately 1 acre of land. Dwelling of excellent construc tion and good condition. Total price $1,000.00, loan available If necessary. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. NEW LOCATION WARNER PLUMBING Ed Warner Steam Fitting New Work or Repairs Home Water Systems Sump Pumps, etc. 822 Wall Phone 217-W FOB SALE COMPLETE WARDROBE for sale, am leaving for the Waves. Sizes 12-14, priced right for quick sale. Call at 49 Oregon Ave. 2 COOK STOVES, 2 wardrobe, at 1455 Fresno. WHEELOCK baby grand piano In perfect condition. Also set of or chid pattern ivory china luncheon set for 4, $10.00. Inquire 246 Jef ferson.' $5700 BUYS 6 room modern home and large ' duplex, corner lot. paved street, close in. All rented. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. 160 ACRES CLOSE in with 55 acres swalley water, good house and barn, land suitable for alfalfa and potatoes. A good buy for $4,800.00. Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon Ave. 6 GOOD GENTLE work horses. Chas. S. Griffith, 2022 N. First. Phone 716-M, 1 OUTBOARD motor and boat, 1 trailer, one 20x30 porcelain sink, 75 lb. ice box. Call Sunday. Jim Rogers, Sisters, Ore. .' VICTORY GARDEN galore Almost one acre, 5 blocks from town, 6 room modern house, sew er connection, large chicken house, $2500.00. $1000 down $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon, phone 36-W. BRED GIANT WHITE does. Some to kindle right away, some with young. One large white buck, 1 checkered buck. Call at 147 E. Olney. . $400 CASH BUYS 2 room house and 3 lots, west side. $1500 buys good 3 room modern, $300 down C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. 2 GOOD MILK COWS, 1 Hol stein and 1 Holstein-Gurnsey. Call after 6 p.m. or Sunday. Wal ter Johnson, Rt. 2, Box 237, one mile south of Deschutes school house. COZY HOME, ALL furnished frigidair, electric stove, 2 bed rooms, shower, 3 large lots, love ly view, pine trees, only $2200.00. $500 down $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oreg., phone 36-W. 29 MODEL A Ford, 2 wheel trail er. 1004 Roosevelt. TWO BLOCKS EAST FROM ST. Charles Hospital, downstairs has 3 bedrms, large living room and kitchen, modern unfurnished Upstairs modern three rooms and nook lurnlshed with separate out side entrance. Wired for electric appliances,. 75 xl40 lot has regu lar sewer connections into city main. Live in one and rent the other. Owner must sell. $3600.00 total price on reasonable terms. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. 3 BEDROOM MODERN house, west side on paved street. Im mediate possession, price $3,000. Can be handled for $1,200.00 down balance easy terms. Frank Mc Garvey, 118 Oregon. WOOD FUEL Prompt Delivery, load lots, city -Dr country. Dry body or limbs, length desired. Order next win ter's fuel now. Consumers state ment necessary. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. SICKNESS FORCES sale, now. $25,000 will purchase Helmick's By The Falls, on the Columbia River Highway. This is one of the best businesses in the interior; restaurant, gas pumps, curio shop. Amusement games grossed $10, 000 in one year. Large restaurant trade. Big gas gallonage, Write C. W. "Swede" Fox, agent, 516 S. W. 11th Ave., Portland (5), Ore gon. WEINER. PIGS 56 miles south east of Bend near the old airport. Raleigh Aulman. . TRAILER HOUSE, 1938 model, 21 ft. factory built, two beds, heater, range, fully equipped, new paint, double way lighting system, battery or electric. A real home, a real buy, $900 cash. Call evenings. L. T. Crawford, Sisters, Ore., op posite post office. 15 ACRES FENCED, 10 acres Arnold, 4 room house, electricity, gravity flow water, outbuildings. $1800.00. $1000 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon, phone 36-W. 7 ACRES CLOSE to city, 5 room practically new furnished house, private ditch C.O.I. Horse and cow, strawberries and alfalfa, 2 cisterns and new chicken house, loan available. S2800. Phone 379. FRYERS, 3'4 to 4'A lbs. route 1, box 107, quarter mile south on old highway. $5000 BUYS 4 bedroom modern home, paved street, close In. $3500 buys 5 room modern,- 'i acre ground, close in. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. Turned FOB SALE PLAY PEN, folding, with large rubber casters, biege color, with pad, $6.50. 1635 W. 2nd. SMALL WASHING MACHINE, davenport and chair, platform rocker, 2 wool rugs and mats, unpainted cabinet, bedroom suite with mattrtjss and box spring set, steel bed, mattress, coil springs, 14 white curtain panels, o pan wide drapes, fruit jars, pre-war trailertot and high chair. Every thing must go. Come and see At at 1014 Columbia. 4 ROOM MODERN house, good condition, ua inira. WEST SIDE HOUSES: 4-room modern, furnished, sisuo.uu, $duv down, . $30 month; 2-bedroom, shower, garden, garage, chicken house, $1800.00, $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon Ave., phone 36W. BLACK RUSSIAN pony coat. very nice, $85.00. Size 38. Inquire 334 Riverside. ' LADINO CLOVER SEED, pas ture mix, reasonably priced. Sid Conklin place, on old Dalles Cal ifornia highway 1 mile north of old airport. Phone 8F32.- LARGE SIZE lawnmower, ball bearing and self-sharpening, in new condition. 704 Georgia. 5 ROOM MODERN 2 bedrooms, well arranged kitchen, oil fur nace, double garage, wired for all electrical appliances, lot 50x 140, good garden spot, 4 blocks north of Allen school, immediate nossession. $1000 down, reason. able monthly payments, total price $3500. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. , CORNET and 'case in good con dition, $25.00. Inquire 1465 Fresno, 1932 CHEVROLET truck, cattle racks thoroaghly overhauled, readv to bo. Also one large com bination circulator. Call after 6 p.m. 1443 West 7th St. FOB SALE OB TRADE EQUITY IN 4 ROOM house and garage. Inquire at Columbia Market. USED CARS 1933 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan,' New battery, good tires, good run ning condition. See at Ben Graf fenberger Serv. Station on South Third. 1931 HUDSON SEDAN,, good running condition, good tires, new battery. 1027. Albany,. Phone 557-J evenings. FOB BENT 3 ROOM semi-modern, clean, fur nished house, indoor toilet and fireplace. Call at 147 E. Olney. 2 ROOM furnished modern house with complete bathroom, garage and lawn on back of lot, on bus lino and paved street. Phone 1083 or call 623 Hill St. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment. Adults. Close in. Phone 1177 or call at 21 Lafayette. 2-3 ROOM MODERN furnished apartments. Call at Columbia Market. VACANCIES, O'Kane building. Inquire at Hogan's Studio. TWO FURNISHED cabins. Room and board, also meals. Delaware Hotel. Phone 31-W. 6 ROOM modern house, $20.00 per month, lights and water included. 1371 Fresno. 2 ROOM furnished house, garage and woodshed. Inquire at 223 W. Roosevelt or phone 1035-J after 5 p. m. 4 ROOM modern house, furnished or unfurnished. Also 3 room mod ern furnished apartment. Inquire 65 E. Franklin. Phone 1149. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. 2 ROOM semi-modern furnished cabin, access to shower bath; wood, water and lights included. Phone 1083 or call 623 Hill. VACANCY in JANSEN VILLA: Unfurnished apartment. Gas cir culating hearter, range, refrigera tor, and water heater. Laundry fa cilities. Inquire office, 407 Port land Ave. MODERN FURNISHED four room house, convenient to mills. Refrigerator, furnace, garage, woodshed. $35.00 month. Inquire XV, ii'th. RED RYDER I M EXPLOSION rtAKETl TOH.' TRWfO C3KE ffV IT MS GOT TO 1 1 fT -MERGENCE ARAKES.V ' ' I ?rllA)DSLIDE OVES H VKRSCK ON) ROCKS V lSTOP-UiMT V II PETE A KID'S y I C i , LZ5Zf RAILROAD- TRACKS ' P -r-r TVh I -"a TA k FLAGGY' US M 1 T Ul WANTED WILL BUY ANY kind of cattle or hogs you have to sell; also some big springer cows and will pick them up at your ranch. Phone 78-J or droD a card to W. R. Franks, Redmond, Oregon. WHEN YOU want wood sawed call McCann "The Buzi Saw Man." Phone 945-M. 2-WHEEL TRAILER, prefer large box and 16" tires. Must be in good shape. Call 1065-W. DAY OLD calves, any breed. Phone ll-F-23 or call. Donald Kaye, Rt. 1, Box 437-A. BULLETIN WANTS old rags, fairly good size. Bring to Bend ouueun omce. USED RADIOS WW pay top rices tor good used radios, eorge's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. SHELLS for a .35 Smith. & Wes son pistol. Phone 852-W. ,! WILL PAY CASH for used piano priced reasonably. Phone 371 be tween 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. or see Chas. Porter at Bend Shoe Clinic. BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES WANTED-also frames and other parts. Especially need tricycle and wagon wheels. We will pay top prices, and soon have them rebuilt into usable items much desired by children. Carl Austin, 220 Greenwood. HELP WANTED MAN TO OPERATE bottle wash ing machine. Also man in ice cream department. Wages $176.80 per month. 6 days per week. Va cation with pay after 1 year. See Mr. Jenne, Medo-Land Creamery Co. WOMAN to help with general housework. Phone 319 or call at 425 Congress TURKEY PICKERS TO PICK BREEDER TURKEYS START ING APRIL 26. CALL 120 RED MOND. WOMAN for general work. Room, board and $60 per . month. Des chutes Cottage Hospital, 236 E. Kearney Street. Phone 415. A' MAID wanted. Inquire at .powning Hotel. FRY COOK.. Inquire Pilot Butte inn. GOOD ALL ROUND mechanic for steady position and good working condition, and salary. See Eddie at Eddie's Sales & Service, J t U 1 ' ' i. WOMAN' to sleep In room with elderly lady and assist her at night. Hours from 10 p. m. to 10 a. m. Prefer older woman. Apply 256 Congress St., between 7 and 9 p. m. only. SITUATION WANTED PRACTICAL NURSE wants home nursing. Call 735-J. VETERAN DESIRES job ing. 1601 W. 3rd., Apt. 2. driv. LOST REWARD. to finder of lapel watch, clasp is yellow and rose gold bow. Watch very small rose gold. Zell Bros, mark on face. Phone 707-R. BROWN LEATHER billfold, Lou. is Selken on inside. Currency, Somewhere on Columbia St. Re. ward. Return to Bulletin office. TOY GOLDEN Cocker Spaniel, harness, name tag Col. Maugh an. Finder phone Pilot Butte Inn. Reward. SATURDAY ON WALL street, highly colored silk neck scarf. Finder please call Mrs. H. C. Ellis. Phone 42-M. SILVER CHARM bracelet near the high school piny field. Return to Bulletin office or call 570-J. Reward. BROWN LEATHER billfold con taining money and papers regis tered, S. A. Varbel, Culver, Ore., In or near Newberry's. Reward. Leave at Bulletin. FOUND COCKER SPANIEL puppy. Can have for identifying and paying for ad. Inquire 346 DeKalb. MISCELLANEOUS FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT-Repcls, or kills on contact, FLIES, mosqultas, gnats, moths, etc. Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc. Phone 594. Lloyd Whca don, 1714 Steidl, Bend. Into Cash With a Want Ad MISCELLANEOUS FIRST ONE coming to 94 Port land gets a Chinese-Labrador nun- py tree. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, aien's and women s. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone boa or 2l-t -4. Mrs. tsrinson, O'Kane tilag., or box lot, bend. WASHING MACHINE repairing, ttenu Washer Service, 13b Green wood, f none 583. FERTILIZER $4.00 per yard, red cinuers $(.uo per 5 yu. load, dark cinuers $6.00 pur S yd. load', top sua 5i.(Xi per 3 yd. loacu uumy trucKS lor nire. We fix driveways. fnone 2Y5-J or contact at lotiO Cumberland. THOR WASHER SERVICE CER TlrihD GliiNulNK PARIS. Also repairing and factory parts lor otner washers. A. J. palmer, Har mon arm Galveston. Phone 275-J. LAWNMOWERS sharpened, keys made, saws tiled, , snears ana knives ground, guns, bicycles, locks repaired, soiuering, locks changed, grass shears sharpened. Henuerson s Repair Snop, 112 Minnesota. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls tor all makes. Let us check your maeliine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg. isterea tnorougnored, light bay, weight 1120, height 15 in, proven sire of quarter norse type. Fee $10.00, return privilege. Standing, Brooks-bcanlon barn, Frank Filey, attendant. PB1NTINO YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you. desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Wine-making in Peru dates back four centuries. LE&AL NOTICES NOTICE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Equalization of Des chutes County, Oregon, will meet at the Court House in the city of Bend on Monday, May 14, 1945 and publicly examine the assess ment rolls and correct all errors in valuation, description or qual ity of all property assessed by the County Assessor of said Des chutes County, Oregon. Petitions or applications for the reduction of a narticular assessment shall be made In writing, verified by the oath of the applicant or his attorney and filed with the Board within one week from tho above date and petition or application not so made, verified and filed shall not be acted upon by the Board. J. A. FOUNTAIN Assessor of Deschutes County, Oregon. 121-127-133-c SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Eullity No. 0477 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Des chutes. E. R. Westlako and H. J. West lake husband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs. Fred Jeske and all other per sons unknown claiming any right, title, estate or interest in the real estate described In Plaintiffs' com plaint, Defendants. To Fred Jeske and all other per sons unknown claiming any right, title, estate or Interest in the real estate described In Plaintiffs' com plaint, defendants. In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled suit within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof plaintiffs will apply to tho above entitled Court for tho relief prayed for in their complaint, to wit: for a decree of said Court declaring plaintiffs to be the own ers in fee simple of the lands de scribed in plaintiffs' complaint, as follows: Lot 13 in mock b ot High land Addition to the City of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon. And for a lurther decree declaring that said land be free and clear of any right or claim whatever on the part of said defendants or any of them, or on tho part of any other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In and to said real property, or any part thereof; and that each and all of said de fendants, and any and all persons claiming any Interest in said property by, through or under i them, or any of them, be forever I enjoined, restrained and barred from asserting or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest whatsoever, to or in said property or any part thereof, and that plaintiffs1 right to said premises be forever quieted and set at rest, and for such other and further re lief as the nature of this cause may require and as unto the Court may seem Just and equit able. , . This summons Is served upon you by publication, once a week for four consecutive weeks in The Bend Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in Bond, Deschutes County, Oregon by order of Hon. Ralph S. Hamilton, judge of said Court, made April 11, 1945, order .DRYINGS INTERIOR GLOSS 3.65 gl , Quart 1.09 Gof-fr. woiiaoe foiy flowing Nine bright, smart colors. Ideal, for walls that re ojilre frenuent washing kitchen, hath, broakf&at nook, etc A .-i. y M r n WU mm s WW WVfc . . H0UK - VAN ALLEN Tinstone Wall at Minnesota Better slop in today ice 're ready to con.' dition your cur for summer driving and to help make it perform better. W. B. Anderson Nash Co. 1173 Wall St. ing first publication to be made April 12, 1945. . ' " Dated and first published AprU 12th, 1945, last publication May 3, 1945. . A. J. MOORE, Attorney for Plaintiffs, Postoftice address. Bend, Oregon. 109-U5J21-127C Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort PASTBBTH. a, p!auantMuMnam acid) powdu-, hold lalia tactb nor ftrraly. To 6At and. talk la more com fort, Just sprinkle a little FABTEBTK on your plates, No gummy, looey, pasty taato o feeling. Checko "plate odor" (denture breath). Oet ffASTHJBTH at any druc a tore. Pint 79c Quart 1.45 faiy fo apply flowi freey Giro fceouffnt high gkn On coat coven Heal for fomiture, walls, woodwork, metal, etc. Avall able In 17 ooloxa. Dries in. 4 to 6 hours. Soft, Veve(y Finiih FLAT WALL PAINT q.85c It's washable and dries overnight. In 9 colors. Iorcli,Deeki Floor -Enamel qt. 1.09 - A tough enamel that can take a terrlfio beating from, ( sousing feet. Pries hard . ovemlgh .,. . ... HOME & AUTO SUPPLY Phone 860 PERHAPS ALL IT NEEDS IS A GOOD SUMMER TUNE-UP With tlic coming of warm weulhcr neglecting lo serv ice your car can mcuit all kinds of trouble burned out bearings, scored valves, clogged rudiutor, sludge uud don't forget to repaint. Phono 1110 Bv FRED HARMAN