jWii - 0. w-v fly -irv vAfoww vrft;w hsJmM sJSe.( THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1945 Local News TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 48 degrees. Minimum last night, 25 degrees. TODAY'S W'KATUEK . Temperature: 10 p.m., 81 de grees; 10 a.m., 52 degrees. Ve locity of wind: 10 pan., 2 miles; 10 a.ra 6 miles. The Trinity Episcopal Ladies guild will meet at 2:30 pxti. Tues day at the home of Mrs. A. W. Williamson, 27 den road, it was announced today by Mrs. G. R. V. Bolster. Eugene D. Wilmoth, ranger of the Bend district in the Deschutes national lorest, is in Portland re ceiving medical attention. City Attorney Ross Farnham was back In Bend today from a business trip to Salem. 1st Sgt.K. H. Wood and Mrs. Wood are here from Fort Lewis visiting Mrs. Wood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Haupt, 364 East Greenwood avenue, and other rela tives and friends. Mrs. Wood is the former Ruth Haupt. Sgt. Wood expects to be assigned overseas soon. - . Mrs. Herbert Riley left this week for Prineville to visit her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Breese, who operate a large Crook county stock ranch. Bill Niskanen and Myrl Hoover of Pacific Trailways will return tomorrow from a business trip to Boise. j . Dr. Grace Young of The Dalles stopped In Bend yesterday to visit friends. She was on her way to uauiorma. Miss Marjorie Stidoloh of the local telephone company office stall lelt today to spend the week end in Portland visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. N. G. McDanlel, former Bend residents now liv ing in Pasco, Wash., will be in the city until Sunday conducting busi ness. They are the guests of Mrs. Alice Soderstrom. Mrs. Florence Stout and Mrs. George Nelson went to Paisley today to spend the day. George S. Lynch and A. E. Schuman left this morning to spend 10 days in Wheeler. Dr. W. G. Manning went to Portland today to attend the funer al of Charles E. Bailey, frequent Bend visitor who died Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. Mr. Bailey was com missioner of public docks in Port land. The funeral will be held from St. John's chapel Friday aft ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy of Redmond will move Monday to Santiam Junction, where Murphy nill be employed by the state high way commission. Murphy is a cousin of L. C. Kimsey of Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weller of Mcadvile, Pa., have been the guests of Mrs. V. A. Smith the past week. They will go by bus tomorrow to Klamath Falls, and will continue the trip by train. Mrs. Don Nettleton and daugh ter were in Bend yesterday from Rrlneville to attend the Camp Fire council fire. Mrs. Nettleton was formerly Lois Porterfield, a mem ber of the teaching staff at Ken wood school. Circle 4 of the Catholic Altar society will sponsor a party Satur-1 day night in the Parish hail, it announced today. The social eve ning is to begin at 8 o'clock. Klamath Falls, today were guests ; ruui nuue inn. Nelson rep boardU S' social E. S. Leach of the civil aero nautics authority, was here today from Portland on business. A. C. LarnheA nf ua u t land railway, was in Bend today lYiaumui rails. Lt. Del B. Dixon of the Red mond armv air fielrl loot nioht was a guest at the Pilot Butte inn. narres m. overbay, who had been ill at hiS hnmo fnr eaiural days, resumed his duties today as waiBuiiu lorester in the staff of the Deschutes national forest. Col. Art Allnnrl a. V- ' aiuiiuncu ai tilt Redmond army air field, visited iw:hi inenas last nignt. With trip nnpntnfr rtf ha Cn.ttti Santiam hiuhwav. Paeifte tyu. ways today resumed the regular iuaiiy scneauie. Capt. Jack V. Ferguson, who left the States enrlv in Ant-il ic now seeing service in he Mari- annas, according to word received by local relatives. Capt. Ferguson was formerly employed by The Shevlin-Hixon Company, in the shipping department. the regular meeting of the Bend Townsenrl Huh will ho Vmirf Saturday night in the Labor tem ple. There will be a brief business meeting at 7:30, followed by a public card party. Funeral service for Dr. J. Edgar Purdy, who was stationed in Bend as minister in charge of the Meth odist church from 1919 to 1922, will be held from ie First Meth odist church in Salem Friday at 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ryan have returned from a visit in Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Willsey hflvp as thptr crtmct A RArtrnnr) Portland, Mrs. Willsey's brother-, in-iaw. Mrs. Shelley was in Bend from; Redmond Wednesday to shop. 1 : Mrs Almirn Hnvf flrriuoH this week from Chehalis, Wash., for a, visit with her son-in-law and aaugnter, Mr. and Mrs, iiarl rar ley. Mrs. Viola Galvln, proprietress of the Orange Mill, left this morn ing for Seattle to visit her sister. She expects to return May4. Mr. and Mrs. John Falkowski of Shevlin, are visiting their daugh ter, Miss Lee Falkowski, 137 Irv ing. They will leave Monday for Wisconsin, where they will make their home. PAbE FIVE Dance every Friday night at Carroll Acres. Music by the Night Owls. City -bus will leave hall last time at 12 midnight. Adv. Eagles Auxiliary regular meet ing Thursday evening, 8:00 p. m., Moose Hall. Nomination of offi cers. All members urged to at tend. Lunch after meeting. Adv. Not responsible for any debts contracted by anyone but myselt , DAVID SHOUGH. Adv. 2 FEATURE HITS TONIGHT CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 1 Rhythm-Studded Adventure Story 1 10 GEI1E nurov with SMILEY BURNETTE ARMIDA and MONTE BLUE MELODIES BY THE OKLAHOMA OUTLAWS 2ND HIT FEATURE! imPX. JACKKMOHAN PAT PARRISH l tr-'""""" 3 Ex-Foresters On War Fronts Three former members of the Deschutes national forest staff have written to local headquar ters of the forest from widely scattered sections of the world, telling of thrilling experiences in the war. Each expressed a desire to be back "among the pines." From a rest camp somewhere In the south Pacific, W. E. Nelson, former guard and lookout, -and now a pharmacist's mate 1c, writes of his participation in the sanguinary struggle on little Iwo Jima island, which he likened unto a "cinder pile." Nelson, son of Mrs. Ernest Nelson, Bend, is a former track star at the Oregon State college and distance run ner. 1st Lt. Richard P. Bottcher, who was construction superintendent for the Deschutes forest, writes in a more humorous vein from somewhere in Europe. He is with a combat engineer unit, and tells of crossing the Rhine at Worms, which gave him an idea he'd like to do a little fishing "but we were too busy." 2nd Lt. Joe Laihmi, former ranger in the Bend district, re ports that he has been transfer red to another location in Italy with a combat engineer unit. He describes visiting the leaning tow er of Pisa, and the famous cathed ral in the same Italian city. Music Festival Continued from Page One) ro from "Eine Klelne Nacht Music", Mozart. Klamath Falls or chestra, John Best, director. 7:48: "The Blue Swan", Mueller. "A Spirit Flower", Tipton. "Eze kiel Saw ie Wheel", Cain. Bend Girls Glee club, C. Dale Robbins, director. 8:00: "Lift Thine Eyes", Mendel ssohn. "A Robin in the Lilac Bush", Nevin. Redmond Girls Glee club, Mrs. L. C Line, direc tor. 8:12: "The Green Cathedral", Hahn. Prineville Girls Glee club, Miss Sophie Messenger, director. 8:24: "Ours Is the World", Mor gan. "Swing Low Sweet Chariot", spiritual. Prineville choir, Miss Sophie Messenger, director. . 8:36: "The Night Has a Thou sand Eyes", Cain. "As Torrents in Summer", Elgar. "Rain and the River", Fox. Bend a cappella choir, C Dale Robbins, director. 8:48: "Tenebrae facte Sunt", Palestrina. "Roll, Chariot Roll", Cain. "Gloria in Exqelsis", Mozart. Klamath Falls a cappella choir, Andrew Loney, director. ' 9:00:- March, "NormaFV Ben nett. Selections from "The Merry Widow", Lehar. Redmond band, William Tweedie, director. 9:20: March, "Normal", Ben nett. Concert Overture in G Minor, Lillya-Isaac. Prineville-band, Dal las Norton, director. 9:40: March, "The Thunderer", Sousa. "Bogar" fantasy), Geary. Bend band, C. Dale Robbins, direc tor. 10:00: March, "Hall of Fame", Olivadoti. "Seounia" (trine nalnt. I ing). La Gassey. Klamath Falls band, Andrew Loney, director. " NEWS OF SOCIETY (All society Items should be reported to The Bulletin not later than 10 aon. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.) non-smokers Bangor, Me. (U'l Less than 2 per cent of the Methodist clergy smoke, Methodist Bishop Lewis O. Hartman declared here. Paul Danielson To Take Bride In Portland Miss Georgia Kisor will become the bride of Sgt Paul Danielson at a ceremony to be held Monday, April 30, at the North Baptist church in Portland, according to Invitations received by Be n d friends. i Miss Kisor is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kisor ol Portland. Sgt. Danielson, who has returned from over two years of overseas service with the U. S. marines, is the son of Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Danielson, who left Bend about a year ago. Rev. Dan ielson, now pastor of the North Baptist church in Portland, served 12 years as minister of the First Baptist church in Bend. Sgt. Danielson graduated from Bend high school with the class of 1939. He was an outstanding student in music, and was a mem ber of the high school band, glee club and orchestra. He took part in the play presented by upper classmen in 1938, and in his senior year he played the lead in the school operetta. Sgt Danielson received training at ban Diego following his return from overseas duty, and is now spending a furlough in Portland. Newlyweds Feted At Shower Party : Monday Evening Mr. and Mrs. Darrold M. barber were honored at, -a shower party Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Barber. The bride is the former Betty Mae Campbell. Games provided enter tainment for the evening, alter which many gifts were presented to the couple, and refreshments were served. r Those attending the party in eluded Mrs: Clyde Beaulieu and children, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Mom cal, Mrs. H. L. Barber, Mrs. C. D. Sholcs, Mrs. H. A. Hufstader, Mrs., Arthur Pack, Mrs. C. A; Corliss, Mrs. Elmer Pack, Mrs. .Clara Hundley and son, Glen Ray Camp bell, Dorothy Stearns, Shirley and Betty Hasson, Mrs. Goldie Camp bell and twins. Bonnie Huffman. Mrs. George St Onge and daugh ter artd Mrs. Betty Lu and dangh-, ter. .. ; ... Dorothy J. Hodge Weds Lieutenant Madras, April '26 (Speclal)--Word has been received here toll ing of the marriage ot Miss Dor othy Jean Hodge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Hodge of Pen dleton, to Lt. Gilbert F. McFad den of Redmond. .The wedding took place in Liberal, Kansas, on April 11. Mrs. McFadden attended Redmond high school as did Lt. McFadden. The Hodges lived in Redmond and Madias before Mr. Hodge was transf orrod to the Pen dleton district of the state high way department. 1 3 DAYS ONLY STARTING TONIGHT CONTINUOUS SATURDAY Luscious Lana's most glamorous role ... as the bewitching bride who was inquisitive about men ... men ... men t I4F 1 M WANTED If H TO LOOK I II GLAMOROUS 1 II IN THE t 1 ANOTHER I MAN'S I 1MB 111 c 3 f .-;"ipM IS A PRIVATE rait. PLUS LATEST NEWS SUBJECTS SOCIAL CALENDAR Toulslit 7:00 p.m. Chapter Al P. E. O. Sisterhood, with Mrs. Howard W. George, 1375 Harmon. 7:00 p.m. Dinner meeting at Pine Tavern for Camp Fire coun cil members. 7:30 p.m. Women's Fellowship of Presbyterian church with Mrs. R. H. Prentice, 1433 W. First 8:00 p.m. Westway club with Mrs. Agnes Burrows, 650 Roose velt. ' Friday 1:30 p.m. D. A. Y. Auxiliary, with Mrs. Kenneth Bennett, 1684 W. 5th. 8:00 p.m. Rebekah lodge, I. O. O. F. hall. Saturday 8:00 p.m. Town and country club card party with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKay, Boyd Acres. nri citiLirsjj 1 1 Deodorant 1 W 50c M 3J5 I 63c jtf Note Paper 3 23C IN Pastels R .89c ifi m ll J I Brand TABLETS h l T,VMMINS ft AND MINERALS,) :.rJI';-iooJI9 I; v- Shevlin Girl ; Wed Sunday j In Corvallis At an afternoon ceremony April 22 at Westminster House tn Corvallis, Miss Rosanna Irene) Burgess became the bride ofi Bernard G. Duberow of E r i e, i Penn. Rev. R. Wilbur Simmons1 officiated. i Mrs. Russell Humphreys, aj cousin of the bride, sane "At Dawning." The wedding music was played by Miss Anntonnett Cissman. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Burgess of : Shevlin, Ore. Her father gave her : in marriage. The bride wore a white crepe gown trimmed in hand-made lace with a finger tip veil falling from a bonnet brim. She carried a cas cade bouquet of white orchids, roses, and sweetpeas. Mrs. Wallace L. Coleman, ma tron of honor, wore a blue taffeta and net gown and a veil of blue net. Miss Juanita Steward, the bridesmaid, wore a Doach taffeta and net gown with peach veiling-! Both girls carried dainty nosegays of sweetpeas. Marshall R. Stenerson was best man and Wallace L. Coleman at tendant. The reception was held in the parlors ot Westminster House. Those pouring and assisting were Mis. Clara Edaburn and the bride's sister, Mrs. Omer W. Har ris. After a week at the Jcoast, the "couple will be at homo in Crescent, Ore. ... Women of Moose To Hold Program l Home Making chapter night will j be observed by the Women of the ! Moose with a special program at j 8 p.m. Friday at the Moose hallj The guest speaker will be Official ; Visitor Mrs. Jewell ueiger, grad uate associate regent of the Col lege of Regents, Eugene. Mrs. Harry Hayse. will be program chairman or the occasion. Mrs. Fred Carter will serve as chairman of the refreshment com mittee, assisted by Mrs. Carl Strom and Mrs. A. B. Estebenet. Redmond D.A.R. Plans Meeting Redmond, April 26 (Special) Mis. C. W. Helm will entertain the Daughters of the American Revolution of Deschutes chapter and prospective members at a 1 o'clock luncheon at her home Fri day afternoon. ' The guest of honor will be Mrs. Howard P. Arnest of Portland, vice president general of the Na tional D. A. K. Mrs. Arnest will address the group following the luncheon. ItINNi:i PAKTV HHI.lt Mrs. Dorothy Norton enter tained at dinner Monday evening at hrr home, 213 Revere, honor ing Miss Ethel Knfriken, who left yesterday on an extended vaca tion. Mrs. Edna Howlanri and Mrs. Dan Sullivan completed the four some. Following the dinner, the party attended the show. 'ard Party Slated The Town and Country club will hold a cud party Saturday at H p.m. at the; home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKay in Boyd Acres. i lifJIMOMI I'.K.O. MI.KTS Redmond, April 2fi (Special) -Chapter AQ of the P.K.O. .Sister hood met this aftern'Hin at the home of Mrs. C. H. Irvin, with Mrs. William Glang assist ing as co-hostess. The program was given by Mrs. Jack Hartley. Women do you suffer SIMPLE (ti'MM Due to Loss of Blood-Iron? You ElrlJ who suffer from itmplo anmnla or who Ua to much during monUiW periods you tool llrwl, wck, 'drutiird out" tins may l)it due to l"W blood-iron bo tr I.yUl f; pinkhnm TAliUiTS at once. Mnkliam ' Hbleu arc one of the very best home way to help butid up red blood u Hive more trench and energy In aucu c.-u,e. Plnkhama Tableta are one ot tno Treated nlood-lron tobtia you can buyl Follow label direction Our Baby Department is completely tocked to supply the GROWING NEEDS of your child. In it you will find the products your doctor recommends for baby's health and comfort because they measure up to every professional standard for quality and dependability. Make it your headquarters for INFANTRY up. plies, and watch your savings grow when you buy your -child's GROWING NEEDS at our daily low prices. Lucite Picture Frames 98c' ro $2.89 McKesson's Aspirin 2 Bottles of 100 Both for 49c law 6S Pick A Number You may have had reason to believe that prescriptions are priced by the druggist picking a numlrer at ran dom. Nothing could be far ther from the truth in our Prescription Service, Our prices are figured according to sot formula which taken into consideration tile ami of Uie Ingredient) and the actual time spent In com pounding them. To this we add a small, legitimate prottt ana price tire medi cine right to the penny! Baby's Own BATH NEEDS $1.00 Mennen's Oil 89c 50c Albolene Oil, 39c 50c Johnson's Oil, 43c 50c' Johnson's Powder ...... 43c 25c Zinc Stearate, 23c I I II I I II II I II I ' H BABY FOODS 50c Cerevim .... 39c ECc Pablum . . . 25c Pcbena . . . 75c Dextri Maltose 25c Biolac .... 1 Lb. Similac. 21 Lbs. Lactogen $1.99 Deluxe Gift Box $1.75 ( Johnson & Johnson) Esmond Blanket, $2.69 Bottle Warmer, $2.29 .Baby Rattles .... i9c Add 20 Federal excise tax to Cosmetics Juniper Liferary Society Meets Redmond, April 20 (SpecinD Mrs. Grace Qululey was hostess Wednesday afternoon to the Juni per Literary society at her home. The short story was read by Mrs. L. E. Smith. Mrs. T. J. Wells was in charge of the program. She Introduced Mrs. Harold F. Hansen, chief clerk of the local OI'A board, lio gave an address in the function of tiro OPA. The hostess served refreshments. EverETeen Circle To Meet Members of the Kvcrgreen Circle will meet Thursday, May 3, with Mrs. Stella Swager, 1133 Newport. Plan Itiimmage Sule Members of the Kmera club will hold ft rummage sale Saturday, April 28, in the liuiich building on Wall street, it was announced today. i Sewing Meet Scheduled The I). A. V. Auxiliary will meet at I :.'(() Kriday afternoon with Mrs. Kenneth Uennctt, 1W1 W. 5th street. The project for the day will l lied Cross sewing. UUI sggP' j lydia I Pinkhara's TA816TS CAHD OI' THANKS Our heartfelt thanks to all who extended comforting sympathy and help in our recent sorrow., For the beautiful service, floral offerings, and other kindnesses, we are deeply grateful. Mrs. F.lva Kline and datigh ' ters Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Leo Arnold and family. Adv. Official Records IIONOKABI.K DISC IIAKGKS The following honorable dis charges have boon filed in the Husbands! Wives ! Want new Pep and Vim? ThmiMiwI. rtf mp) nr. ..ilk. tm-oul. h.iit 't i!Hy iir. an-. Iii-lr H-tit. 1 nw Tim, vitality, try IMr- Torn. ThI1i.. Hultpllm lnti vi.it, Kw. ttiity til fiirpt-ir. priiiyl.ellr.JtiM ylt.tt.iti It,. t.H 4.'jtiirr.liti-iirr HiHtnuw aly Atfl. 1 gr u M ll drtrfiwm wyUr. office of the Deschutes county clerk: U. S. marine corps to Alex E. Logan, Terrebonne; U. S. ma rine corps to Lee Elmer Hilliartl, Bond; United States army to Wil liam W. Newton, Redmond. Sale I Buy Your Summer Supply rS DEODORANT CREAM A fluffy-soft crcum dcotioront that kenps you feeling well groomed, sclf-coirfirlcnl! Clrctks tinrlcr-arin pcrs)iralion ...iltics awavvith odor. Men like Tussy Dcodnranl Oram too! Buy yours now and save halt! lingular autl Ceiling I'ritx, $1 SALK I'KICE f j J ' .lus lax I.I Mir Eh II ME! ml L u svocsaacixi DISTRESS Vou must get fast, effective KKMEF with TEBS1N from tniHorahle dlscomiort, or your money back. Oct free lirriirniatltin on TKBSIN I'mvder or Tulilt'ts, In Bend at Bratrdis Thrift Wise Drug 1020 Wall Street Phone 137