THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRI L 25, 1 945 PAGE SEVEN giilar Moted on Market By Elmer C. Waller (United tnu Financial Editor) New York, April 25 IP An nf a nharn hike in mar- XIC1m!1LJ gin requirements possibly to 100 oer ceiiiu uuguv V6" decline in the stock market to day- ..;'."".: j The uumy giuup mwwgcu, however, to retain a minute gain cant its average to a new high since July 31, 1937. A few special issues gaiueu The main list lost fractions to - than a Tinint. '. i . . Wall street believed that a raise i martrins wouia nave nomine more than temporary psychologi cal influence on prices because I most of the buying to the market al the present time is for cash. iaWCVCl icauiiia ......... up caution signals and remained aloof from the list. Volume centered on such is sues as Continental Baking which made a new high; Gulf, Mobile 4 Ohio, Canadian Pacific, North ern Pacific, New York Central, rimmnnwealth & Southern. Col umbia gas, Socony-Vacuum, Wtt- lys-Overlana, June ana (.uras puu Sshing. Some of the chemicals T7ara firm with Tennessee Com. up fractionally. Pan American Airways and Eastern Air Lines were strong in tneir department. Tntornatinnal Railways of Central imprira pained more than 2 points. Lone Star Cement, Lig gett & Myers, public service is sues, and a few others rose 1 to 2 points. vrtRTi Aivin PitnniirF. Portland, April 25 U) A serf aic chnrtaap nf nntiltrv Is beinsr fill on the Portland dairy market n'H harrilv prtnuph chickens are coming to wholesale plants- to establish a price,; aunougn ur Aailinirc .nntinltp Producers are reported unwill ing to sell their chickens through established marKet cnanneis. Few turkeys are on the market. Prices remained unchanged Prices on dairy products: Rnttpr ruhp. 93 score. 42c: 92 score, 42 Kc; 90 score, 42c; 89 score, 41MiC pound. Eggs prices to retailers: AA, large, 44c; A, large 42c; medium, A, 39; small, 35e dozen. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., April 25 (IB Livestock: Cattle, salable 150, calves 25, market active, fully steady, but slaughter steers wnnri lifrht stock steers. '.$14.00? common-medium heifers S10.50-13; canner-cutter cows $7 lff.00; fat dairy type cows quot able to ll.Ut; DUlls scarce, goou nhiiw vpnlprR salable 15-16.00. Hogs, salable 150, active, steady, supply mostly farrows and gilts at $15.13 to ceiling; sows saiauie stunn- fppripf nies S7.50-8. choor, saliihlp 100. market stpariv. 'eood to choice wooled imh ci75t snrirtff lambs Quot able to $16.00; shorn ewes salable Beverage Taxes Are Distributed Salpm. rrp.. Aoril 25 111' A total of $54,198.07, the first quart erly apportionment of beverage taxes in Oregon, was distributed to cities and counties of the state this week, Secretary of State Robert S. Farrell, Jr., said today. The money is distributed on a nnnnlatinn hasis. Cities of 2000 Or less may make application to the . secretary ui aiaic iui Jdetermine their share in the ap f nnrtinnment. Included in the current quarter ly apportionment were: Counties Crook, $157,92; Des chutes, $334.93. Cities: Bend, $498,42; Redmond, $93.31. . LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes ALMA JACOBS, Plaintiff, vs. LESLIE DALE JACOBS. Defend ant, TO: LESLIE DALE JACOBS, DEFENDANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer, or otherwise plead, to the comnlaint of the plaintiff, filed herein against you, within thirty days from the date of the 1 lirst publication nereoi, io-wu. April 25, 1945. Upon ' your failure to appear and ansver, or otherwise plead, within said time, the plaintiff will apply , to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, towit: .. A decree setting aside, annul ing and cancelling the mar riage contract- now existing be tween plaintiff .and defendant, and for such otlwr and further relief as the Court might deem just In the premises. This summons is served upon you by publication, for four con secutive weeks, in the Bend Bul letin, a newspaper of general cir culation, published daily in Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, pur suant to an order of Honorable Ralph S. Hnmilton, Judge of the aftove entitled Court, made ami entered the 23rd day of April, N945. CHARLES E. BOARDMAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Of fice Address, Bank of Bend Build Spare Articles Can Be Classified Rates Local Paid in Advanea ' 25 Words One Time J5c Z6 Words Three Times 75c SO Words Six Times SLS5 All word OTr 15 add le per word tlmaa nwbar ( insartiana On month run. aama copy, Amy rat nuun nirp, sac LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c I Ckuulfled AdrrrtUinx. Cuh in AdTanca Dally Cloains Tim 11:30 V. M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W.M.Loy.W.P. Phone 2CXF-5 Marry A. Marshall, secretary co Bend Dairy Store FOB SALE NOW READYr PANSY perenni al and strawberry plants. An nuals and vetgetables in season. cantons Garden, 829 Ugden. BABY CRIB, size for 6" yr. old child, wicker baby buggy, baby play pen without pad. Inquire 33 Gilchrist. STEEL'S JUMBO pansy plants, perennials of all sorts, most an nuals are now ready. Pickett Gar dens: Phone 530, 6th at Quimby. PREWAR WICKER baby buggy, good condition. Call at 412 River front. 1941 CONTINENTAL TRAILER house 30 ft. lone. 8 ft. wide, 3 rooms. Electric brakes. $1450 or will trade. What have you? 1360 Cumberland. BE SURE you get original Rock. hill strawberry 26. Nickcll has them, 6c each. Mile south Pine Forest Grange Market road. Tele phone 22-F-4. 4 ROOM MODERN house com? pletely furnished, gas furnace and hot water heater, gas refrig- Apntrtr Mlpp wnrkshnn nn pn. closed back porch. Inquire 1414 Baltimore, rnone GOOD JERSEY cow, freshen May 21. Made 500 lb. B. F. last year. Karl Kiesow, Rt. 2, Box 79, on old Redmond highway. 4 ROOM house, furnished or un furnished. Has nice yard, wood shed and garage. Call at 1385 Ithaca Ave. STOCK OR WOOD trailer no springs. Good shape: Prewar bicy cle, 2-speed rear hub, generator headlight, see at wooaiano. 40 ACRES. 15 acres water, 5 acres Ladino clover, 5 acres chewing fescue, small house. 10 miles from Bend,Tumalo Project. Price $1000, M cash, balance easy terms. Write Ira Spires, 802 East M. St., Grants Pass, Oregon. C H A I R I S FOUNDATION gar ments, girdles and braziers, reas onable prices. Call for appoint ment. Phone 451-M. Ina F. Cram, 608 Broadway. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Steele's jumbo pansy plants, also perennials and glad bulbs, annual flower and vegetable plants in season. 1604 W. 2nd, corner Port land. 6 GOOD GENTLE work horses. Chas. S. Griffith, 2022 N. First. Phone 716-M. A STEAL, 6 LOTS, 2 semi-modern houses, barn, $1200.00; $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ON EAST EIGHT STREET, 6 large lots under fence, 4 room modern, 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors, good basement with laun dry room having stationary tubs. Outbuildings consisting of bam, chicken house, garage and shed. Approximately 1- acre of land. Dwelling of excellent construc tion and good condition. Total price $4,000.00, loan available if necessary. J. Sv Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. BRED GIANT WHITE docs. Some to kindle right away, some with young. One large white buck, 1 checkered buck. Call-at 147 E. Olney. - Central Oregon's Complete AUTO REPAIR SHOP Headquarters for BEAR Wheel ALINEMENT and BALANCING EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE Wall and FOR SALE 2 COOK STOVES, 2 wardrobes, at 1455 Fresno. WHEELOCK baby grand piano in nprfppt- pnnrlitinn. Also set Of Or chid pattern ivory china luncheon set for 4, $10.00; inquire jei ferson. 160 ACRES CLOSE in with 55 acres swalley water, good house and barn, land suitable lor anana and potatoes. A good buy for $4,800.00. Frank McGarvey, 118 Oregon Ave. VICTORY GARDEN galore Almnst nnp arm. 5 blocks from town, 6 room modern house, sew er connection, large chicken house, siuuu down jo month. Anne Forbes. 36 Oregon. phone 36-W. 2 GOOD MILK COWS, 1 Hoi stein and 1 Holstein-Gurnsey. Call after 6 p.m. or Sunday. Wal ter Johnson, Rt. 2, Box 237, one mile south of Deschutes school house-. . NEW HOME: Close to Allen School, 2 bedrooms, gas range and water heater, hardwood floors. A nice home priced at $5500. Gil berts Real Estate and Insurance. 1015 Wall Street. COZY" HOME, ALL furnished frieidair, electric stove, 2 bed rooms, shower, 3 large lots, love ly view, pine trees, only $22uo.oo. $500 down $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oreg., phone 36-W, BED AND BOX springs, 1 chest of drawers to match, l unfinish ed chest of drawers, 2 small stand tables, 1 davenport and chair, 1 breakfast set. Inquire 620 Ogden, 9 to 1:30. TWO BLOCKS EAST FROM ST. Charles Hospital, downstairs has 3 bedrms, large living room and kitchen, modern unfurnished. Upstairs modern three rooms and nooK lurnlsned with separate out side entrance." Wired for electric appliances, 75 xl40 lot has regu lar sewer connections into city main. Live in one and rent the other. Owner must sell. $3600.00 total price on reasonable terms. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. 3 BEDROOM MODERN house, west side on paved street. Im mediate possession, price $3,000. Can be handled for $1,200.00 down balance easy terms. Frank' Mc Garvey, 118 Oregon. MAN'S DARK BLUE suit, size 40 short, pair woman's black prewar oxfords, size 5-D. Pair woman's overshoes, size 8. 1477 Davenport. WOOD FUEL Prompt Delivery, load lots, city or country. Dry body or limbs, length desired. Order next win ter's fuel now. Consumers state ment necessary. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. 1 NICE GENTLE TEAM $65.00. I Hereford bull $125.00. 2 sad dles, 1 kid's pony, 1 saddle mare well broken. C. W. Rldgway, 1 mile north of Prineville Junction on Highway. WEINER PIGS 5'i miles south east of Bend near the old airport. Raleigh Aulman. TRAILER HOUSE, 1938 model, 21 ft. factory built, two beds, heater, range, fully equipped, new paint, double way lighting system, battery or electric. A real home, a real buy, $900 cash. Call evenings. L. T. Crawford, Sisters, Ore,, op posite post office. 15 ACRES FENCED, 10 acres Arnold, 4 room house, electricity, gravity flow water, outbuildings. $1800.00. S1000 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon,, phone 36-W. 7 ACRES CLOSE to city, 5 room practically new furnished house, private ditch C.O.I. Horse and cow, strawberries and alfalfa, 2 cisterns and new chicken house, loan available. $2800. Phone 379. FRYERS, 3'A to 414 lbs. route 1, box 107, quarter mile south on old highway. Keeu your car or truck in the best condition possible. With our large, completely equipped shop plus expert workmen we do the job RIGHT . . . according to factory specifications. So drive in for a thorough, efficienf job . . .'and re member ... "RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIE'S" Greenwood FOB SALE COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy. $10, good condition. Crib for 6 year old and mattress, $10. Call 363-W or Inquire 741 Florida after 5 p. ni. nipi. t u F R V BICYCLE, nearly new, celling price. Century Drive Service Station, narmon aim um veston. SMALL WASHING MACHINE, davenport and chair, platform maaLam o wnnl i.iic7q nnrl matR. iwrtcri, ...... . - t. - . unpainted cabinet, bedroom suite with mattress ana oux spring sci, steel bed, mattress, coil springs, 14 white curtain panels, 5 pair wide drapes, fruit jars, pre-war i . . i t.l.u ..U i XT'. in.i iranerioi anu ni&u wiau. thing must go. Come and see it at 1014 Columbia. ' . 4 ROOM MODERN house, good condition, 424 E. Third. TWO BEDROOM HOUSEt with two lots on West side. $1700. Terms. Gilberts Real Estate and Insurance. 1015 Wall Street. uE-CT StniT WfHTSFS: 4-rnnm mrvWn fnrnishprl S1S0O.0O. 8300 down, $30 month; 2-bedroom, shower, garden, garage, chleKen house, jsibuu.uu, muu aown, month. Anne Forbes. 36 Oregon Ave., pnone mw. 160 ACRE RANCH in Sisters Plainvtew country. All tillable and under irrigation, fair buildings. Priced at $3000 net for cash. See M. W. Knickerbocker, Redmond, LADINO CLOVER SEED, pas ture mix, reasonably priced. Sid Conklin place, on old Dalles Cal ifornia highway 1 mile north of old airport. Phone 3 GOOD MILK cows. Inquire 1304 Newport. Phone 8JB-M. 5 ROOM MODERN 2 bedrooms, well arranged kitchen, oil fur nace, double garage, wired for all electrical appliances, lot box 140, good garden spot, 4 blocks north of Allen school, immediate possession, $1000 down, reason able monthly payments, total price $3500. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. 1932 CHEVROLET truck, cattle racks, tHoroughly overhauled, ready to go. Also one large com bination circulator. Call after 6 p.m. 1443 West 7th St. . FOR SALE OR TRADE EQUITY IN 4 ROOM house and garage. , Inquire at Columbia Market. USED CARS 1931 HUDSON . SEDAN, good running condition, good tires, new battery. 1027 Albany, Phone 557-J evenings. FOR RENT 3 ROOM semi-modern, clean, fur nished house, indoor toilet and fireplace. Call at 147 E. Olney. 2 ROOM furnished modern house with complete bathroom, garage and lawn on back of lot, on bus line and paved street. Phone 1083 or call 623 Hill St. 2-3 ROOM MODERN furnished apartments. , Call at Columbia Market. TWO FURNISHED cabins. Room and board, also meals. Delaware Hotel. Phone 31-W. 2 ROOM furnished house, garage and woodshed. Inquire at 223 W Roosevelt or phone 1035-J after 5 p. m. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. VACANCY in JANSEN VILLA: Unfurnished apartment. Gas cir culating hearter, range, refrigera tor, and water heater. Laundry fa cilities. Inquire office, 407 Port land Ave. MODERN FURNISHED four room house, convenient to mills. Refrigerator, furnace, garage, woodshed. $35.00 month. Inquire 402 W. 12th. GOOD HEALTH Your Greafeif Possession ReoalD ft br bain? rallarad of Hamorrhoids (Pilas), Fia aura, Filtula, Haroia (Rup. tura). Our mathod of traat mant without hoipltal op arattoD auceeiiluflf uaed lor 33 yaara. Libarol or adit tarma. Call for nxamuiatlon oc aond foe fREE booklaL Opm froningi, Mon., Wad., fri, 7 le 9,30 Dr. C. J. DEAN CLiNIC Physician mnd Svrf m Jf. E. Cor. E. BuratlcU and Grand At. Tel phone EUt 3918, Portland 14, Oregon RED RYDER Turned Into WANTED WILL BUY ANY kind of cattle or hogs you have to sell; also some big springer cows and will pick mem up at your ranch. Phone 78-J or drop a card to W. R, Franks, Redmond, Oregon. SHELLS for a .35 Smith & Wes son pistol. Phone 852-W. WHEN YOU want wood sawed call McCann "The Buzz Saw Man." Phone 945-M. BULLETIN WANTS old rags, tairiy gooo size. Bring to Bend Bulletin office. IISEn Rjnin? Will -,n r. George's Radio Service. New loca- . I nn QOO ltrlf O ni nnn nun. .o wau oi. rnune auu. WILL PAY CASH for used piano priced reasonably. Phone 371 be tween 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. or see Chas. Porter at Bend Shoe Clinic. BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES WANTED-also frames and other parts. Especially need tricycle ana wagon wneels. we will pay top prices, and soon have them rebuilt into usable items much desired by children. Carl Austin, ureenwooo. IIELP WANTED WOMAN to help with general housework. Phone 319 or call at 425 Congress. TURKEY PICKERS TO PICK BREEDER TURKEYS START ING APRIL 26. CALL 120 RED MOND. WOMAN for general work. Room, board and $60 per month. Des chutes Cottage Hospital, 236 E. Kearney Street. Phone 415. A MAID wanted. Inquire at Downing Hotel. FRY COOK. Inquire Pilot Butte Inn. GOOD ALL ROUND mechanic lor steady position and good working condition, and salary. See Erlrlln at ITHHIp'e Culo A. Service. - WOMAN In Klpert in ranm utitU elderly lady and assist her at nisht Hnin-o frnm 1ft m m n in a. m. Prefer older v. Oman. Apply tan congress at., Detween 7 and 9 n. m. onlv. - 1 SITUATION WANTED PRACTICAL NURSE wants nome nursing, call 733-J. VETERAN DESIRES job driv ing, aoui w. 3rd., Apt. it . LOST .! ' BROWN LEATHER billfold, Lou is semen on inside. Currency Somewhere on Columbia St. Re ward. Return to. Bulletin office. SATURDAY ON WALL street, highly colored silk neck scarf. PnST'3"""'-01"8- BROWN LEATHER billfold con taming money and papers regis tered, S. A. Varbel, Culver, Ore., in or near Newberry's. Reward Leave at Bulletin. FOUND COCKER SPANIEL puppy. Can have for identifying and paying for ad. Inquire 346 DeKalb. miscellaneous" FULLER INSECTICIDE SCREEN PAINT Repels, or kills on contact, FLIES, mosquitas, gnats, moths, etc. Eliminate TICKS, fleas, bugs, spiders, roach es, etc. Phone 594. Lloyd Whea don, 1714 Steidl, Bend. FIRST ONE coming to 94 Port land gets a Chinese-Labrador pup py free. ORDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS Delivered BAKER FEED CO. Phone 188X Bedmond, Ore. Cash With a Want Ad MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane BIdg., or Box 164, Bend. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. FERTILIZER $4.00 Der vard. red cinders $7.00 per 5 yd. load, dark cinaers o.uu per o yd. load, top soil $7.00 per 5 yd. load. Dump trucks for hire. We fix driveways. Phone 275-J or contact at 1360 Cumberland. THOR WASHER SERVICE CER TIFIED GENUINE PARTS. Also repairing and factory parts for other washers. A. J. Palmer, Har mon and Galveston. Phone 275-J. LAWNMOWERS sharpened, keys made, saws filed, shears and Irnlvpa DivtimJ . t. : ... . i 6'wM, . guns, unyi-ics, locks repaired, soldering, locks Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check vour machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone (VT ill w r .. . io-i rtansas. MAKANDA. Remount Stud: Ree- istered thoroughbred, light bay, weight 1120, height 154, proven stre of quarter horse type. Fee $10.00. return privilege. Standlns. Brooks-Scanlon bai n, Frank Filey, aiienaant. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Nippons Gloomy (Continued rrom Page One) Admiral Chester W. Nimitz an nounced that marines had landed on Haenza island east of Okin awa's Katchin peninsula and on Knurl and Yabachi north of Mo lobu peninsula. The only opposi- WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OCT RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES SERVICE "LET A MECHANIC UNION 76 Gasoline TRITON Motor Oil AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert mechanical and electri cal work on all makes of cars anil trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING T1KK SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to Hudson-Duncan 1337 Wall I'hnne 812 BEAUTY SHOPS MOTHER'S DAY KOLD WAVE PERMANENTS Truly a Girt To I'leanA Hit! EXPERT OPERATORS May Laura Ardello Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 4S1 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OK QUALITY Repairs anil Hat Mocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Wall Phone Ml I CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Bent of Materials Furnished Our periodical Inspection will insure you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son ft Phone SfW W or ll-F-23 I tion was at Yagachi, where enemy remnants were being mopped up. uains Made American troops continued gains in the Philippines. On northern Luzon they drove within a mile and a half of Baguio, Japanese citadel, under strong aerial support. Northeast of Manila, 4drd di vision troops drove within a half mile of strongly-defended Mount Mapatad. Other American troops on Min danao island gained two miles east of the Kabagan road Junc tion in the drive toward Davao; Strategic bombers attacked For- luuaa again. Chamber Group Hears Veteran Redmond, April 25 (Special) His thrilling experiences while serving as a member of the 82nd paratroopers, were related yester day to members of the Redmond Chamber of commerce by Sgt. Sylvester Meigs, graduate of the Redmond union high school and former athletic star. Sgt. Meigs addressed the chamber members at their noonday meeting in the banquet room of the Redmond hotel. Sgt. Meigs, who was wounded several times and is now hospital-1 ized In the Barnes hospital, Van-j couver, Wash., was in combat service at Casa Blanca, Salerno Normandy beachhead and the Bel- i glum bulge. He recently married : an English girl, and he expects his bride to arrive in the states soon, to be near him while he is in the hospital. Redmond V.F.W. Post Organized Redmond, April 25 Members of the newly formed post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars here are scheduled to meet at 8 p.m. next Friday In the Townsend hall to elect officers for the organiza tion, It was announced here today. District Commander Ray Cooper and Francis G. Gates, junior vice department commander, both of STATIONS SERVICE YOUR CAR" Dyer's Auto Service George M. Dyer Complete Auto Lubrication Firestone Tires & Batteries Sales and Service 1108 Bond at Greenwood Phone 87 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring; Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights OE Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 98 WASHERS WRINGER ROLLS AUTHORIZED PARTS Servlcq on all makes of wash ing maclilnes and electrical ap pliances. Bend Washer Service 138 Orcenwontl Phone I5H3 Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam Fitting; . New Work Repairing Home Water Systems Sump Pumps Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing 822 Wall Phone 217-W Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia ! Specializing in 'Long Distance Household Grods Movement Bend, are slated to attend the meeting and assist in the election. The new Redmond post, with 20 charter members, was organ ized by Earl Culver, Portland, organizer for the Veterans of For eign Wars. This is the 17th new post formed in the past eight months, Culver revealed. . POUND NOTICE Notice is hereby given that un der and by virtue of Ordinance No. 120 of the City of Bend, I will on Monday, April 30th, 1945, at the hour of 10:00 a. ro. at the City Pound, on First Street between Greenwood and Franklin Avenues in Bend, Oregon, sell or offer for sale the following dogs, to-wit: Large red Irish Setter, male, old, has collar. Medium sized black curly hair ed dog, mixed breed, male. Small black and white dog, mix ed breed. Small black slick haired, mixed breed, male. KEN GULICK, City Poundmaster. Adv. See . ELMER LEHNHERR ' . For Liberal Cash Loans Qn AUTO Yo "r LIGHT TRUCK PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" MSB Awhr.y ltd. Trt. g.W Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond Mlniifot Phong WW LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Dy Of the Vear Phone 544 Trees Shrubs Vines Roses Evergreens and fruits. Extra hardy Mliuie sota Stock. Stock sold F.O.a nursery, delivered or planted. Free estimates for landscaping. Will compete with all catalog prices. HAINES NURSERY Cor. East 8lh and Norton Phone tWT Bend, Ore. INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO - F1HE LIFE Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 321 Drake Itoad Phone 316 John W. Smith, Agent 1388 Awhrey Rd. Phone 664-W FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP FARMERS AUTOMOBILE INTER-INSURANCE EXCHANGE TRUCK INS. EXCHANGE & FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE Be Safe Not Sony tfSTiv Insure Today Prompt Claims Service Standard For falter Eugene M.Bucknuni.Dist.Mer. . 1001 Bond St. Phone 331 Bv FRED HARMAIS) ing, Bend, Oregon.