THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1945 PAGE SIX Motorists Urged to Save Cars By Careful Summer Proofing Tnniiinirntinir their annual Summor - proof campnimi, Mobilgas ami Mobiloil dealers of this city today joined in- . . . . i .-.i i : 4U: ........ uustry in urging local moiorisis 10 avoiu uiiviiik uitn mi laid up temporarily or permanently because of some mechani cal defect or breakdown. "This is the fourth war summer," stated Al Nielsen. "Few of the new cars have come inlo the market In that time, that It will be dimcuit or n . 1. NIELSEN the majority of our cats today are nearly 10 years old. Many have left the highways already, and It is more Important than ever to keen those that are left on the job so that workers may use them to keep on the Job. Transportation Is vital to our war effort. "Several fac tors indicate the wisdom of greater care to prevent at least a temporarily laid un automo bile. Automotive dealers are unan imous in their statements that the parts shortage will be acute this summer. liven now it is impos sible to get many parts, and where they can be gotten there is often a delay of weeks or months. Coupled with this is the fact that there are fewer mechanics to serv ice cars, ,-Ind with all cars older, mechanical service has been in creased many times. That is why it sometimes takes a week to a month to get a car repaired, even where no new parts are involved. "You may feel there is little danger of your car going off the road before the war's end. But there is great danger .that you may have a mechanical break down, and your car may be laid up anywhere from a week to sev eral months before It can be put back on the road again. "In many cases this can be avoided by proper care of your automobile; and pummer proofing js designed to do just this. Realiz- some cases im possible for work ers to keep on the job unless they keep their cars on the job too, dealers have organized to give prompt and effective service to prevent tne ureaKuowns anu in lays which may follow if auto mobiles are not given proper pe riodic care." home of Goodrich's mother, Mrs. Delia Goodrich. Mrs. Ray LeBlanc and daughter are spending a few days at the Boyd Simmons home. Leslie Wills started work this week on a new potato cellar which he Is building on his ranch. The gasoline shovel belonging to Squaw Creek irrigation district was used lor tne excavation Mis. Olga Johnson accompanied by her son Robert made a trip to Portlnna last weeK wnere tney spent several days. G. A. Rlcker of Redmond Is, at the George Billlngsley ranch where he Is doing carpentry work. Miss Mable Llvesay of Redmond was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Boyd Simmons on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Powers of Bend came out to the community dinner on Sunday. Tires, Batteries Must Have Care "You can't keep your car on the job unless you keep your tires anrt hnltprv rtn th tnh1' la Un warning of Al Nielsen, local Mobil gas and Mobiloil distributor, "No car can run without these vital accessories, and Indications are that along with most other civil ian commodities they are going to be scarcer than ever. This is particularly true because so many criticnl mittprl;ilI. Ktlnh na motile and rubber, are used in these pro ducts, n 1 . . "That's why dealers are urg ing customers now tn luUo t,,n advantage of their tire and bat tery Inspection service which helps make these accessories wear ; longer, and catches small defects before they disable the accessory completely. "Particularly in the case of tires is it necessary to avoid the need for.a new one. Proper inspection to keep foreign materials such as nails, glass, tacks, etc. out of i the tread ; occasional cross-switch-' ing and recapping before tires are too far gone, may mean the dif-j ference between the use of your- car and having It laid up in the garage for weeks or months." . Silicone resins, in which silicon is combined with organic com pounds, are establishing them- j selves in many uses, particularly j in electrical insulation.. 1 See us for EXPERT AUTO MAINTENANCE Drive In for Summer-Proof. Inspection I Depot Service Station John Klussen Greenwood at Division I 1 i. IWl'J 'iHlff M Ual ; I J., mill 1 JI. 11 "KNOW-HOW" is our specialty. Drive in for t'ui SUMMER-PROOF Lublication Tire Inspection and Service Radiator Spark Plug Cleaning G.P. Tires Batteries COURTHOUSE! Service Station Wall and llouil Phono -158 Bend Flier Now Overseas Pilot The 31st Air Transport group, England, April 25- Flight Officer Jasper A. Livingston, son of Mrs. H. L. Livingston- of 937 east 3rd St., Bend, is a pilot with the 31st Air Transport group, an air force unit in England, engaged in flying vital war supplies to the front-line airports of Europe. A former flight school operator with the Portland flying service, FO Livingston entered the serv ice June 27, 1!M4 after being in the enlisted resei-ve, and arrived in England October 15. The group (o which he Is attached operated the first landing strip on the Nor mandy beachhead and has since evacuated thousands of American casualties from France and Bel gium to base general hospitals in England. Flight Officer Livingston is married and his wife, Mrs. Alieel Livingston resides at 937 East 3rd St., Bend. Cloverdale Cloverdale, April 25 (Special) Miss Ines Johnson and her sister, Mrs. John Johnson, arrived from , Oakland, Calif., on Thursday to spend the summer visiting at the i home of their mother, Mrs. Olga j Johnson. ! Norma Ridgeway of Deschutes i started working last week at the . George Coombs ranch. ! . Ernest Wiegand made a trip to Corvallis last week, where he spent a couple of days. About 75 people were present at the Community dinner held on Sunday at the hall. Edwin Brown and Robert John son fished the Deschutes river on Monday, but reported poor luck.! Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goodrich I spent Sunday in Sisters at the! Dependable Car-Maintenance Service The kind that helps you guard every mile of your car's life 7 C. I), winn S 5tZ7 JMobilgasl MOBIL SERVICE Bond and Franklin Phone 333 Summer-Proof Headquarters We'll help your car, your tires, your battery SEE YOU THROUGH R. Graffenlierger Ben Graffenberger General Petroleum Service Station 502 South 3rd. Phone 1041 Fi We Ire iv-4f! Specialists Clark Fungltorn Drive in f or a SUMMER-PROOF INSPECTION Clark's Service Station NEXT TO SHOOP & SCHULZE 1273 Wall Phone 1042 Summer- Proof ' Now- Help avoid long, bother- . some delays for repairs SEE THESE DEALERS at the Sign of the Flying Red Horse Clark's Service Station, 1042 Wall Depot Service Station, Greenwood at Division Courthouse Service Station, Wall and Bond Ben Graffenberger, 502 South Third King's Market, Carroll Acres Everett Powell, Lapine Eldon Mills, Redmond H. L. Palmer, Redmond . Merle Wells, Sisters AL NIELSEN Distributor General Petroleum Corp. For Recti l tit. Call on any of the following dealers tn G. P. Batteries AND Federal Tires Clark's Service Slulion 1013 Willi Depot Service Station Greenwood at Division Courthouse Service Station Wall anil Komi Ben Grafrcnlx-ricer fiO'i South Third King's Market Carroll Acres Everett Powell Ijiplne Eldon Mliis Kedinond II. L. Palmer Kcdmond Merlo Weill! Sisters Al Nielsen DISTRIBUTOR Mtl'iHtfiVlvT BMP') HOI WW wMfi ' m&MTsM urn il ' Keep Your Car and "fffleSI on the Job? Hot weather driving takes a toll on tires. Are yours all set to stand the gaff of Summer driving? Better have them checked now by your Mobilgas Dealer. Any battery that's weathered the past war winter with short trips and frequent cold Starts should be checked now. Make sure if does its job during hot Summer months. If your battery needs servicing, or if you need a new one-your Mobil gas dealer is your man. If inspection shows your tires need recapping, or thar you need a new tire-again, he's your man. Checking and servicing battery and tires is an important part of Summer-proofing. see roem. r MOB ' -AT THE SIGN OF THE FLYING RED HORSE Mobilgas . i f0: i 1 It takes .constant care to keep our war machines battle -worthy. Your car, too, must be kept in condition if you expect to keep it on the job. I EVER before has it been so important to you to Summer-proof for protection because your car faces its 4th crucial war summer. Your Mobilgas dealer can help add to the life and efficiency of your car by giving it a complete check now for proper lubrication and other needed services to keep it on the job. Combat hot weather wear and tear on your car with Mobiloil and Mobilgreases. DSIVE IH AND SUMMW-PROOf NOW... DON'T BE TOWED IH fOX REPAIRS IATIKI SEE YOUR MOBILGAS DEALER at ths sign of TNE FLYING RED HORSE obilgas SDCDNY-VACUUM 1 1, f