The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, April 24, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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Mindoro, Close fo Manila,
One of Wildest of Philippines
Washington. D. C. April 24
Mindoro has remained one of the
least developed of the larger is
lands of the Philippines through
out Uncle Sani's 44-year steward
ship of the group, says the Na
tional Geographic Society.
Ranking seventh in size among
the 7,000 islands. Mindoro Is half
as large as New Jersey. Krom
Mount Calavlte, rising 5,000 feet
on the peninsula at the island's
northwestern tip, a heavy wooded
ridge runs east to majestic Mount
Halcon, 8,488 feet, at the center of
Mindoro's northern coast. From
this crown, ranges run toward
to only nine miles between Es-
carceo and ftiaiacot roinis.
Because of its wild, highland in
terior, Mindoro is like New
Guinea. Deep penetration by op
nosinc? armies is difficult. The
island's only good road connects
Calapan, on the northeast, with
Bongabong, well south on the east
coast, tasewnere, coast iumc
and inland villages connect by
water route except for crude
mountain trails. A short railway
connects San Jose's sugar indus
tries with warehouses and
wharves on the coast at Camina
wit Point. The first airplane
landed at San Jose nearly two
Yankee Shortstop
the island coasts in all directions.' decades ago. Today it is reported
Forests reach to tne snore ot;tnere are eigm or muic ujii.iwv
the island at most points. Only
along pail of the east and In the
southwest portion are there gras
sy, coastal plains where cultiva
tion of sugar cane, manila hemp
(abaca) and sisal fiber, tobacco,
rice and other crops has been un
dertaken. Part of the eastern
lowlands are swampy, hot and un
healthful. The i'ank landings ,
along the southwestern shore are j
on the sugar-cane plains wnere
the climate is healthful and tem
peratures are moderate.
Center of this southwest plain
is San Jose town, six miles in
land. It is 150 air miles almost
due south of Manila. Escarceo
Point on Mindoro's northern coast
is only 75 miles south of Manila
and virtually within eyeshot of
railroad and highway at Batangas
on Luzon, leading directly north toj
Manila. Verde island Passage be-
nn thp island.
Tagalogs live along the north
mast of Mindoro: Visayans on
the south. In the interior are
dozen tribes, with the Mangyans
nriominant. Friendly ana un
spoiled, they are good musicians.
playing ukuleles strung wiwi Hu
man hair, and bamboo flutes.
They telegraph from village to
village on the resonant roots of
a tm whose SDluerilKe roois ma
meet in the main trunk as high as
20 feet above the ground.
Mindoro is another of the many
Pacific islands which Spanish ex
plorers gave names suggesting
the presence of gold. Its name
means Mine of Gold, but after
four centuries it has yet to live
up to its name.
The female shrew interlaces
leaves to make a root tor tne
tween the two islands narrows nest.
at Congress PAYDAY Thru Sat.
2 lb. jar
Asparagus Cuts Pg- 36c
Cut Sweet Com pkg. 23c
Chicken a la King -.pkg. 70c
Broccoli pkg- 33c
Cut Green Beans...... pkg. 23c
Brussels Sprouts pkg. 34c
Ice Cream ........ qt. 49c
Coca Cola .6 bottles 25c
or PEPSI COLA Plus Deposit
V-8 Juice ...No. 5 can 35c
If g Orange Juice No. 5 can 59c
lTQ Tomato Juice No. 5 can 25c
Prune Juice..... 1 qt. 33c
Apple Juice pt. 15c
Orange-Grapefruit Juice, No. 5 49c
Grapefruit Juice.... No. 5 can 33c
Pineapple Juice No. 5 can 39c
pkg. 12c
large pkg
Pie Cherries No. 2 can 25c
Sour nttcd Cherries
Pref. Stock Peas 2 cans 29c
No. 2 cans
Shurfine Spinach ...can 21c
No. 2(i can
Hunt's Hot Sauce 3 cans 19c
Noodle Soup Mix 3 pkgs. 25c
Betty Crocker
3 lb pkg.
Meat Specials .
Pork Steak lb. 35c
Shoulder cuts
Leg of Pork, Sliced lb. 42c
Center tills
Sirloin Steak lb. 39c
(iruili) A
Chuck Roast, lb. 29c
Tender Hteer lietrf
VIGORO . . .25 lb. 1.55 50 lb. 2.50
Canlcii mill I.nun lVrtllirr, riant 1'immI
for Girls and Women
Itlrh printed Jrrsoy tuftplivi. sim
KilU with hull! lei pontic, 7 rtrt
lW! 3i-3. - .OU
One and two plerckt.tlrs fur O QQ
women in colorful mht- . 0
8hrl for Knit 7 In II,
washalile whltex. ...
Short In red. yi-l- QQ n nrs
low, blur, uhllo .70 0 J. 70
rayon, all hln-n.
Sun Mill for QQ a g
llltlrt Ukno. 1 to 1. 70 m, .,.,
9, In crinkly urennrker.
1 1 111 lull, nil 11 1
ZIU oono.ri,t plono m
1 pytri ' H
4 ".., - j
1 ilnttf 1'li'fi'til 'MiM
Joe Buzas. new Yankee shorU
stop recalled from Newark, was
handicapped by a painful
throwing wrist as New orK
club pointed for opening in
Washington, April 16. A hard
drive . forced the bones of the
hand back.
Grange Hall
Grange Hall, April 24 (Special)
Ladies of the community, who at
tended Homemokers day in Red
mond, last Thursday, were Mrs.
Alex Walters, Mrs. E. W. Paul,
Mrs. Ole Olausen, Mrs. John
! Franks, Mrs. diet Johnson, Mrs.
i Lloyd Frasier, Mrs. E. P. Bigelow,
iMrs. Del Mattson, Mrs. W. L.
j Maker and Mrs. Walter Prlchard.
j Young school won the baseball
.-game last Friday afternoon with
: the Deschutes school at Des
i chutes. Mrs. Charles Boyd and
I Mrs. J. R. Haynes accompanied
' the children from Young school.
! Mrs. Arthur Robideaux return
' ed Irom Portland, Friday, where
she has been visiting her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Butler.
She reports her uncle, a former
resident of the community, is
much improved in health since his
illness several months ago.
' Mrs. George Erickson is in
i Portland visiting her daughter,
; Mrs. Hugh Kelley and family.
A meeting of the executive com
mittee of the Young school P.T.A.
how DOCS
Haven't you soeetiaes
wondered how a certain
acquaintance can hav
so many clothes, though
you know she dresses
on a budget?
This is ho shs do3 ,
itl (1) She shops by
catalog at Wards, and
(2) she chooses ward-
robe-sake rs that nix
welll For iastance. w
fcava a cavalry twill
sot of jtaper. sait and
slacks frea $3.S8 to
J-J.S3. tiat a smart gal
can faol th publio
with anytiael If you
vast sore details; ccaa
and bcrrcw a catalcg
fro a ,
7it 3'ST
Catalog Office
S1J W all Phone 970
will be held at the home of Mrs.
E. P. Bigelow, Friday, April 27,
at 2 p. m.
Tech. Sergeant Curtis Carlin
left Thursday for Riley field in
Kansas, where he is to report, fol
lowing a two week furlough he
spent visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Carlin.
Miss Loisteen Irvin left Thurs
day for Santa Ana, Calif., where
she will be employed by the tele
phone company. She is the niece
of Mrs. Daisy Smith.
The Pine Forest grange drill
team will be guests of the Eastern
Star grange at their regular meet
ing Tuesday night. They will put
on the third and fourth degree
Mrs. Homer H. Brown will be
hostess to the Grange Hall ladies
aid Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Charles Urunst and small
son, Ralph, of Portland, are visit
ing her parents, Air. and Mrs.
Nick J. Meyer, for a few days.
Leo Fischer and Alvin Keytes
have built new turkey brooder
houses on their ranches recently.
Mrs. Uscar bprlngate called on
Mrs. D. C. Cornwell last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson t-akman
were in Redmond on business
Mrs. Clarence Walker was a
caller at the Thomas Burton home
last Wednesday evening.
aire. Peder Pedersen has been
ill at her home this last week.
Feed A-Fighter 4-H garden club
met Wednesday at the Young
school. New members who Joined
that afternoon were Thelma Ev
ans, Violet Klobas, June Paxton.
Faye Evans, Betty Paxton. Lee
Paul, Lois Clark, Velrna Evans.
Richard Fix, Bobby Paxton, Lau
rel Davis, Delphine Walralh and
June Clark.
Grant Hilton, who has been a
patient in the St. Charles hospital
for six weeks, is much improved
and has returned to his home in
the Wells tracts.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Warner called
at the Hugh Dugan home Satur
day evening.
Frank Pepper returned to his
home last week from the St.
Charles hospital and is slightly
improved to health.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dugan and
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rosengarth
were Sunday visitors at the Nick
Meyer home.
Mrs. Harvey Drake is Visiting
with relatives In Colorado.
Louisville, Ky. HP Miss EI ma
Robbert, Loulsvile, is blind. But
she has spent nearly 500 hours
knitting for the Red Cross, de
voting jnost of her evenings to
making such articles as gloves,
sweaters, socks and helmets for
men in the armed forces.
U. S. Troops Hear
Russians' Voices
With V. S. Ninth Army, Ger
many, April 24 iUJ Troops of the
83rd division, seeking to arrange
a meeting with the Russians,
established radio liaison with Sov
iet tanks today, but by late after-
I noon no contact with the red army
had been made oh the Jsinth army
Women's voices could be dis
tinguished clearly in Russian con
versations on the tactical radio
this afternoon, indicating that
higher echelons rather than mere
spearheads were within range of
the Ninth army's radios.
United Press Correspondent
Robert Vermillion, who was with
the S3rd's forward elements seek
ing to contact the Russians, said
that by late afternoon they had
been neither sighted nor their lo
cation pinpointed.
Cultivated guayule, an Ameri
can source of natural rubber, is
ready to harvest in four to five
years if grown on good well-watered
soil; wild guayule in its arid
native southwestern home re
quires twice this time to mature.
Man o1 War, sire of two Ken
tucky Derby winners, never ran
the famed Derby himself. Two of
his sons, Clyde Van Dusen and
War Admiral, were Derby win
ners in 1929 and 1937, respectively.
American army flyers recently
discovered a sealed hidden valley
in mountainous Dutch New Gui
nea with some 50,000 natives who
had never seen or been seen by
white men.
"me $m &ejet foods"- Mridw
mt m .1-
Kellogg's Corn Flakes bring you
nearly all the protective food elements
of the whole grain declared essential
to human nutrition.
Bring Your Eyes
Out of the Dark
Van can. by having lis examine
tliein mill llien innko a pair of
RlaMx, for im Hint will cor
rect lsinn defect.
Dr. M. B. McKenney
Offices: Foot of Oregon Aw.
1'houe 463-W
Bon Ami 12.C. IV' - .w Mvr 1
IWwfom. tin ... W Qt Jg&l&SSr
Rain Drops24.9 J
Boroxo eon 19e - J-VsMSvVi f
Cleans dirty bonds ,. X TO V I
Soii-otf ot. 60 'Jk I
Ckorn lik mo9l bottlVW (rl k. laStSt
Sho. Polioll colors boMM W ?- JS f5 1 1 m
it always much easier when
you hove the proper equip
ment. Lood up on supplies
at your Sofeway-r-Nowt
For wuudwoik
Window cleaner
Mn. Stewart's
Stove Polish
Block Silk No. 6
Bleach Bleach
Easy o the fAe , ant 40c
hands qt. IW De-odorizer I
Lebsrlie kb-hu
(biu) Cleaner
Cfeonsalls, ft.rk. mml:
woodwork OC Cur!?nl 27
lightens labor. I V sparkling white,
Sierra PineOcokesIl
Toilcf Sana
Toilet Saop
It Roaster Fresh Coffeel
Airway 3.1b. tg Wc
MM. mellow, lb. bog 10
Nob Hill 2 lb bagA5C
F.lrn rU:h lb. baa 23c '
Palmolive, toilet soap, bath size 21 9c
Lifebuoy, health soap.... 3 cakes 20c
Edwards Coffee, drip or reg. 1 -lb. glass jar 25c
Chocolate Malted Milk, Borden's 1 -lb. jar 27c
. Canterbury Tea FVBE box of 16 bags 13c
Vanilla or Lemon c!S 4-oz. bottle 7c
Sunbrife Cleanser
Dry Cleaner
While King 1?diSr 3..
Tcmaf o Mac UbbyV
Tomato Juice No. 2 can ) 10c
Apple Juice, New West qt. glass 23
Grape Juice, Autumn qt.t3 )38c
Cera -SiS&W Ho. 2 can i2) W
Ccrn K,z 12-oz.canrai4c
Potfd Meat uv. Ho. V4 can CJ 6
Stids Tansies 16-ol glass 22c
Kraft Dinners pkg. 5
Mild, whole milk
IU') 35c
Krispy, soda crackers.. 2 lb. pkg. 29c
Hour, Kitchen Kraft 50 lbs. 1.99
Mrs. Wright's Bread
Ritz Crackers
Pancake Flour, Suzanna
Apple Butter, Libby's
Honey Butter, Dexter's
Fisher's Zoom, Instant Cereal
Kellogg's Corn Flakes
Chopped Olives, Libby's
1Mi-lb. loaf 12c
1 -lb. package 23c
3Va-lb. pkg. 19e
No. 303 jar 20c
1 4-oz. ctn. 29c
20-oz. pkg. 19c
18-oz. pkg. 12e
No. Va tin 13c
Full ( Vi;.. T
Pint 65c
Sausages " lb. 48
( hiniMk
Sliced, lb. 44c
Piece, lb. 43c
Minced Luncheon Meat..... lb. 37c
A.C. (6 pts.)
Asst. Luncheon Loaves lb. 48c
Type 2 (4 pts.) .
Liver Sausage (3 pts.) lb. 32c
Veal Loaf, Type 3 (4 pts.)... lb. 34c
Polish Sausage, Type 2 (5). .lb. 39c
Typ 2 A.C.
(4 pts )
lb. 34'
Rl.y Good
Sirloin Steak (11) AA...... lb. 49c
T-Bone Steak (9) AA lb. 49c
Rib Steak (8) AA 35c
Chuck Roast (6) AA lb. 29c
Leg of Lamb (7) AA lb. 39c
Shoulder of Lamb (4) A A... lb. 34s
lr Piflt
Mowif. &LU&&L, jjuwL'jjUkiL TLaveL
5 lbs. 49c
box 3.19
Full box 6.29
Lemons 5 lbs. 59c
Grapefruit ArS0rlTa lb. 8c
Local Rhubarb
Calavo Avocados
Red-Ripe Tomatoes
Fine for Pies
New Low
From Southern
Fresh Green
Bright Green
Tender on j
Local Spinach
New Green Peas
Hothouse Cucumbers
Green Onions
Tender, Cns-
G'CCn Utoh Type
IJC S--T--;nti
c-d Test
lb. 12c
lb. 49c
lb. 25c
lb. 25c
lb. 14c
pk. 23c
ou.. rkc.
lb. 18c
lb. 32c
lb. 20c
bun 8c
12 ei head
cr ever
RAT ICN KCISS: Sugar Star-p 2o good tay 1st. Roi 70 trtru X5; Blue Star.f9 C2 thru G2 expire) April 28th,