THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1945 PAGE SIX Stocks on Market Reach 8 Year High By Elmer C. Walzer (United Press Financial Editor) Now York. Am il 21 ll'i-Stocks . rose to 8-year hiehs today on in creased turnover as Wall street awaited word of a junction of American and Russian forces on the Berlin front expected to her ald V-E day. War and peace stocks alike par tielnated in the eeneral advance. Railroad stocks led In volume and their average hit a new top since June 10, 1937. Utilities with small pains went into a new high since July 31, 1937 and the Industrial list was at Its host level since September 16, 1937. These gains lifted the general market average to lis highest point since Au gust 25, 1937. Sales crossed the million-share mark before 1 p.m. and the trading was fairly active for the rest of the (lav. New York Central, tip top in volume, made a new high on a gain of more than a point. Other top-ranking rails joined it. mgn and low-priced motors were strong with the latter active. Rail equip ments, liquors, steels, oils, chemi cals, and special issues moved ahead. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Apirl 24 tui Lives tock: cattle, salable 100, calves 15, earlv supply mostly cows, open ing sales steady, steers quotable stoadv at Monduy's ceni ae- cllne. Extreme top Monday $17.00: canner and cutter cows todav $7-9.50. shells down to $6.00 medlum-Eood sausage bulls, $10.5012.50; good beef bulls Mon day up to $13.50; good-cnoice veai ers salable $1516.00. Hogs, salable 50, market active, steady, few butchers $15.75, sows $16.00, feeder pigs, scarce, saiamc S17.&0-18.00. Sheep, salable 100, market ac tive, steady, good bu lu. spring lambs $15.00; good-choice around 80 lbs., quotable to $16.00; good choice number 3 pelts lambs $14.75; good-choice number pelts ewes $7.00. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., April 24 Ml Butter- production Is fractionally increasing but far below the make for last year. Lack of points also is contributing to the absence of butter in eating establishments and homes. Prices on pie Portland dairy market generally weje unchanged today. Butter -Cube 93 score 42c; 92 score 42!4c; 90 score 42c; 89 score ilMe pound. Eggs Prices to retailers: A A large 44e; A- large 42c; medium A 39c; small 35c dozen. I Tang Dressing pts. 23c qts. 39c Royal Pudding 3 for 20c Rinso pkg. 24c FoodSaving, IT -Jf INI II il I A I Saturday pupping" K Columbia's Payday Meat Savings Swiss Steak, Cut Thick lb. 40c Young beef, 9 ro(l Pork Roast, Shank End lb. 33c 8 rod Large and Medium Roasters and Stewers, lb. 47c Pork Chops, End Cut lb. 36c 8 ml Spare Articles Can Be Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time -33c 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Word Six Times $1.35 All wejda ever 35 add Ic par word llnt number of Inaertiona Ont month run, umi copy, Mi day rata Minimum marge, aae LINE KATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Claulrlnl Adtrllilni. cam in Aoranca Call? Claaliuj Tima 1J:SI P. H. FOB SALE NOW READY: PANSY perenni al and strawberry plants. An nuals and vetgetables in season. Fantons Garden, i9 ugaen. STEEL'S JUMBO pansy plants, perennials of all sorts, most an nuals are now rcaay. i-n-neu um- dens. Phone 530, 6th at Qulmby. 1941 CONTINENTAL TRAILER house 30 ft. lone. 8 ft. wide, 3 rooms. Electric brakes. $1450 or will trade. What have you? 1360 Cumberland. Own' 19n ntra Incnhnlor. A-l con dition, 1 new 300 chick electric brooder with 2 sepaarte thermo static controlled heat units. In quire at 1367 Elgin. 4 ROOM MODERN house com pletely furnished, gas furnace and hot water heater, gas refrig erator. Nice workshop on en closed back porch. Inquire 1414 Baltimore, Phone 1124-J. 4 ROOM house, furnished or un furnished. Has nice yard, wood shed and garage. Call at 1385 Ithaca Ave. 3 BEDROOM MODERN house, west side on paved street. Im mediate possession, price $3,000. Can be handled for $1,200.00 down balance easy terms. Frank Mc Garvey, 118 Oregon. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Steele's Jumbo pansy plants, also perennials and glad bulbs, annual flower and vegetable plants in season. 1604 W. 2nd, corner Port land. A STEAL, 6 LOTS, 2 semi-mod ern houses, barn, $1200.00; $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ON EAST EIGHT STREET, 6 large lots under fence, 4 room modern, 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors,, good basement with laun. dry room having stationary tubs. Outbuildings consisting of barn, chicken house, garage and shed. Approximately 1 acre of land. Dwelling of excellent construc tion and good condition. Total price $4,000.00, loan available if necessary. J 5. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave, mm mm A m vbb mm m m FOOD MARKET Payday Week Savings , Wednesday to Saturday, Inclusive Schillings Coffee 2 lb. 65c Sunshine Krispy Crackers 31c Whlto or Gradual Noodles. Frillets 16 oz. 24c Porter's Macaroni 15c Scuslicll Spnghi'ttl Self-Polishing Wax, Wilco, ph. 45c Ivory Soap, personal . . 2 for 9c Corn, H&D Kernel 17c Peas, Merrimac 15c String Beans, Dundee 14c Cream of Wheat, 25c Post-Bran Flakes. 10c Pep 10c Catsup, C.H.B. 21c BulkDills... each 5c Seaside Limas ... 15c 2 wardrobes, WHEEL.OCK baby grand piano In perfect condition. Also set of or chid pattern Ivory china luncheon set Cor 4, $10.00. Inquire 246 Jef ferson. 160 ACRES CLOSE In with 55 acres swalley water, good house and barn, and suitable tor anana and potatoes. A good buy for S4.800.00. Frank McCarvey, 118 Oregon Ave. 1 FAST GENTLE team of work horses and harness, $100.00. 1 sorrel mare, works or rides, and saddle, $80.00. 1 brown gelding work horse, fast. One black range mare, good walker, part hot blood. D. A. Rutherford, Rt. 2, Box 213, on Tumalo Reservoir road. VICTORY GARDEN galore Almost one acre, 5 blocks from town, 6 room modern house, sew er connection, large chicken house, $2500.00. $1000 down $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon, phone 36-W. TWO MILK GOATS, cheap for cash. Inquire at 126'4 Canal St. 2 GOOD MILK COWS, 1 Hoi- stein and 1 Holstein-Gurnsey. Call after 6 p.m. or Sunday. Wal ter Johnson. Kt. z, Box one mile south of Deschutes school house. NEW HOME: Close to Allen School, 2 bedrooms, gas range and water heater, hardwood floors. A nice home priced at $5500. Gil berts Real Estate and Insurance. 1015 Wall Street. COZY HOME, -ALL furnished frigidair, electric stove, 2 bed rooms, shower, 3 large lots, love ly view, pine trees, only $2200.00. $500 down $30 month. . Anne Forbes, 36 Oreg., phone 36-W. BED AND BOX springs, 1 chest of drawers to match, 1 unfinish ed chest of drawers. 2 small stand tables, 1 davenport and chair, 1 breakfast set. Inquire 620 Ogden, 9 to 1:30. TWO BLOCKS EAST FROM ST. Charles Hospital, downstairs has 3 bedrms, large living room and kitchen, modern unfurnished. Upstairs modern three rooms and nook furnished with separate out side entrance. Wired for electric appliances, 75 xl40 lot has regu lar sewer connections into city main. Live in one and rent the other. Owner must soli. $3600.00 total price on reasonable terms; J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. PRE-WAR baby buggy, collaps ible, in good condition. Phone 404-J. Food Savings for Friday Saturday Prem 35c Rice 3 lbs. 36c Walnuts .lb. 41c Syrup, Log Cabin pt. 25c Pancake Flour Albers..10 lbs. 69c Swaiudnwn Family Flour 49 lb. 2.19 2 COOK STOVES, at 1455 Fresno. llpp Crackers St$ 19c Turned FOR SALE BABY CRIB, size for G yr. old child, wicker baby, buggy, baby play pen without pad. Inquire 33 Douglas. WOOD FUEL Prompt Delivery, load lots, city or country. Dry body or limbs, length desired. Order, next win ter's fuel now. Consumers state ment necessary. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. 1 NICE GENTLE TEAM $65.00. I Hereford bull $125.00. 2 sad dles, 1 kid's pony, 1 .saddle mare well broken. C. W. Ridgway, 1 mile north of Prlneville junction on Highway. .. 4 ROOM house, 2 bedrooms and bath, good garage and woodshed. Joe Kelly, 1325 Davenport. WEINER PIGS 5'& miles south east of Bend near the old airport. Raleigh Aulman. TRAILER HOUSE, 1938 model, 21 ft. factory built, two- beds, heater, range, fully equipped, new paint, double way lighting system, battery or electric. A real home, a real buy, $900 cash. Call evenings. L. T. Crawford, Sisters, Ore., op posite post office. 15 ACRES FENCED, 10 acres Arnold, 4 room house, electricity, gravity flow water, outbuildings. $1800.00. $1000 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon, phone 36-W. ' JUST RECEIVED $400 shipment oi radio tuoes and parts. Guaran teed repairing. Luckey's Radio. 117 Lafayette. 7 ACRES CLOSE to city, 5 room practically new furnished house, private ditch C.O.I. Horse and cow, strawberries and alfalfa, 2 cisterns and new chicken house. loan available. $2800.. Phone 379. YOU GET VALUE received nr The BeaurV Quest. We use the best of materials. Our work as good as the best and better than the rest. Have your permanent for Mother's Day now while you may enjoy these prices. Monday and Tuesday only $3.50 for a $5.00 value. Also Creme oil machineless $8.50 value $7.00, $7.50 value $6.00 Monday through Wednesday. COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy, $10, good condition, crib for 6 year old and mattress, $10. Call 363-W or inquire 741 Florida after 5 p, m. DELIVERY BICYCLE, nearly new, ceiling price. Century Drive Service Station, Harmon and Gal veston. SMALL WASHING MACHINE, davenport and chair, platform rocker, 2 wool rugs and mats. unpainted cabinet, bedroom suite with mattress and box spring set, steel bed, mattress, coll springs, 1 14 white curtain panels, 5 pair I wide drapes, fruit jars, pre-war I trailertot and high chair. Every 1 thing must go. Come and see it i at 1014 Columbia. 4 ROOM MODERN house, good condition, 424 E. Third. I TWO BEDROOM HOUSE: with I two lots on West side. $1700. Terms. Gilberts Real Estate and 1 Insurance. V.015 Wall Street. ! WEST SHIR HOIISRS- d.rnnm : modern furnished, $1800.00, $300 down, $30 month; 2-bedroom, shower, garden, garage, chicken house, $1800.00, $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon Ave., phone 36W. ! 160 ACRE RANCH in Sisters : Piainview country. All tillable and i under irrigation, fair buildings. ! Priced at $3000 net for cash. See M. W. Knickerbocker, Redmond. LADINO CLOVER SEED, pas i ture mix, reasonably priced. Sid Conklln place, on old Dalles Cal ifornia highway 1 mile north of old airport. Phone 8F32. 3 GOOD MILK cows. Inquire 1304 Newport. Phone 838-M. FRYERS, 3'i to 4 Mi lbs. route 1, box 107, quarter mile south on old highway. 1 5 ROOM MODERN 2 bedrooms, well arranged kitchen, oil fur nace, double garage, wired for all electrical appliances, lot 50x . 140, 'ood garden spot, 4 blocks ; north of Allen school, immediate possession, $1000 down, reason able monthly payments, total price $3500. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon Ave. T932 CHEVROLET truck, cattle racks, thoroughly overhauled, ready to go. Also one large com bination circulator. Call after 6 p.m. 1443 West 7th St. RED RYDER y" There coyote r "1 ( r miss-ucoyoteOH I i reckon this,. "Ml H FOR SALE 2 EVENING DRESSES, size 18, pink, and size 20, blue. Call at 25 St. Helens Place. YOUNG COLLIE DOG, good heeler for handling cattle, $10.00. A. McLauchlin, Rt. 2, box 267A, Butler Market Rd., 1st house in Wells Tract. FOR SALE OR TRADE EQUITY IN 4 ROOM house and garage. Inquire at Columbia Market. USED CARS 1931 HUDSON SEDAN, good running condition, good tires, new battery. 1027 Albany, Phone 557-J evenings. FOR RENT 3 ROOM semi-modern, clean, fur nished house, indoor toilet and fireplace. Call at 147 E. Olney. . 2-3 ROOM MODERN furnished apartments. Call at Columbia Market. NEWLY DECORATED 4 room furnished, semi - modern house. Adults. $15.00 per month. Call 1038-J. TWO FURNISHED cabins. Room and board, also meals. Delaware Hotel. Phone 31-W. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent" Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. VACANCY in JANSEN VILLA: Unfurnished apartment. Gas cir culating hearter, range, refrigera tor, and water heater. Laundry fa cilities. Inquire office, 407 Port land Ave. , . 1, 2 AND 3 room houses, furnish ed with water and lights, $8 to $15 per month. Close in. 168 E. Irving. Phone 834-W. WANTED GOOD ALL, ROUND mechanic for steady position and good working condition, and salary. See Eddie at Eddie's Sales & Service. . USED PIANO will pay cash if reasonable, for good piano. Con dition of case not important. Phone 17. WILL' BUY ANY kind of cattle or hogs you have to sell; also some big springer cows and will pick them up at your ranch. Phone 78-J or drop a card to W. R. Franks, Redmond, Oregon. WHEN . YOU want wood sawed call McCann "The Buzz Saw Man." Phone 945-M. BULLETIN WANTS old rags, fairly good size. Bring to Bend Bulletin office. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. y YOU'RE MISSING SOMETHING ...if vou haven't tried Three Feathers at 1 J. X isiy2iiii Hitlit mistii. II anil. 60 Ulrica iia Mitral spirits. Tbni Futairs iislrtlitors. In, 1. 1. FEITIU HOI KESI...I0U THE WAI I0MDS 101 NT I WANTED BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES WANTED-also frames and other parts. Especially need tricycle and wagon wheels. We will pay top prices, and soon have them rebuilt into usable items much desired by children. Carl Austin, 220 Greenwood. A MAID wanted. Downing Hotel. Inquire at COOK OR WAITRESS. Inquire at the Smoke Shop. MAN for Bend City Parks. Make application at City Hall. TWO OR THREE bedroom mod ern unfurnished house. Must be close in. Address Bulletin 62. HELP WANTED WAITRESS or' bus girl. Coffee Shop. Pilot Butte Inn. TURKEY PICKERS TO PICK BREEDER TURKEYS START ING APRIL 26. CALL 120 RED MOND. ' ; FRY COOK. Inquire Pilot Butte Ion. SITUATION WANTED PRACTICAL NURSE wants home nursing. Call 735-J. VETERAN DESIRES job driv ing. 1601 W. 3rd., Apt. 2. LOST BROWN LEATHER billfold, Lou- j is Selken on Inside. Currency. 1 Somewhere on Columbia St." Re- ward. Return to. Bulletin office. SATURDAY ON WALL street, highly colored silk neck scarf. Finder please call Mrs. H. C. Ellis. Phone 42-M. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS -t- Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. , Fully Equipped For Modern Drugless Treatment - . Spinal ' Adjustment Physio Therapy Tox 1 Eliminator Diagnosis, X-Ray and Heart Graphing Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chiropractic Physician 124 Minnesota Ave. Phone 794 ' n " its pre-war best! MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZER $4.00 per yard, red cinders $7.00 per 6 yd. load, dark : i, im nAi- 5 vd lnafl tOD soil $7.00 per 5 yd. load. Dump f.,.. wo fiv drlvewavs. 07.l np .pnnlact at 1360 Cumberland: Turin uiSHER SERVICE CER TIFIED GENUINE PARTS. Also repairing and factory parts ior other washers. A. J. Palmer, Har mon and Galveston. Phone 275-J. LAWNMOWERS sharpened, keys madei saws filed, shears and knives ground, guns, bicycles, locks repaired, soldering, locks changed, grass shears sharpened. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota.. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg istered thoroughbred, light bay, weight 1120, height 15, proven sire of quarter horse type. Fee $10.00, return privilege. Standing, Brooks-Scanlon barn, Frank Filey, attendant. , a. 4. r a in tayon dresses (Sparkle" for ybursummer wardrobe,' bright rayon, allies in'smooth fitting styles. Short sleeves;' inter 'psting'necklines,. buttons down,"riewrcolorsk12-44Ji FefreihfngPrlnn .In Slmllar,Stylei .-. Va-VVJCajaj" New Shipment Lydia Grey Box of 500 Limit, I box per customer Great Pay-Day Value! Just arrived See our windows Men's Leather Jackets Durable, smooth leather in popular cossack style, A90 xipper fastened front. Sixes 36 to 46 Annual Rummage Sale '. Plans Made By Club i' The Emera club Will hold Its annual rummage sale Saturday April 28 at 9:00 a. m. The sale will be held in the Burlch build-ing-on Wall street. : . MILLION NAZIS TAKEN ' Paris; April 24 ill) -Allied troops captured more than 1,000,. 000 German prisoners on the west em front in the first 23 days of April, it was disclosed officially today. AUTHOR LOSES ARM Washington, April 24 HP) Col Robert S. Allen of the U. S. Third army staff, former co-author o me wasimiEiuii mci ry-uo rvuuuu tuiunuf, iuoi ma iuwer right arm by amputation after be. ing ' wounded April 7 south oi Ohrdruf, Germany, the war de partment announced today. SNYDER APPROVED Washington, April 24 Wi-Pres-ident Truman's nomination ol John W. Snyder of St.. Louis to be federal loan administrator was ap proved today by the senate bank ing' committee. . " j .... .! Facial Tissues .25 By FRED HARMAN