' THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 24. 1945 PAGE FIYE 4A t Local News Maximum yeM3ruy, oo uegrees. Minimum but night. S3 degrees. TOPAV'S WEATHER Temperature; XI) p. in., 48 de grees; 10 . m., 46 degrees. Veloc ity of wind: 10 p, m., 2 miles; 10 a, m,, 7 mites.. Mr& Calvin Smith, former res ident, visited in Bend over the week-end. She is the daughter-in-law pf Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Smith. The V.F.W. Auxiliary will meet at 8 p. m. Wednesday at the Moose hall. The newly installed officers will be in charge. Mrs. William Gibson, new president of the organization, has asked all members to be present. There will be, initiation of new members. Alice. Bogard of Burns, last Inight was a guest at the Pilot iButte Inn. D. W. Danielson and E. B. Em brey of the Standard Construction company, Portland, were Bend business callers today. Mr. and Mrs, George Tackman of Prinevtlle, spent the day in Bend. Ray Boyd was a Bend caller to day from Prineville. Lyle H. Johnson 6f the Eastern Oregon college at La Grande, was a Bend caller today. Glenn Stockton, representing the Standard Oil company at Prineville, was here today on business. Charles H. Overbay, assistant forester in the staff of the Des chutes national forest, is ill at his ihome. "' E. C. Caldwell, of Post, Ore., as in Bend today on business. Robert H. Lamott, scout execu tive of Klamath Falls, was in ;end today conferring with local leaders of Boy Scout organiza- ions. " ' . , Lyle Hibbard of John Day, has ssumed charge as mechanic in he Bend shops of the Deschutes latipnal iorest. The position had leen vacant since Herbert Nel- O NOW O Wont Tenter ffSfl fee x7l Moraarat O'BRIEN JOfl - J1MMT iUHf mini duukk - uirsoN son, former mechanic, entered the navy last summer. Hibbard plans to bring his family to Bend after school closes. .uB- Goodenough, engineer for the E. B. Bishop Construction company of Orland, Calif., stopped in Bend last night en routetQ Jefferson county where the Bishop company has a con tract for the digging of 10 miles of North Unit irrigation canal. C. W. Iremonger and R. M. Boyes of Fossil, were in Bend to day on business, and made their headquarters at the Pilot Butte inn. The Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble club will meet at 2 p. m. tomorrow at the home of Mrs. Eva Winters, 330 Riverside drive, according to an announcement to day. MrsjrDoris Abernathy, an em ploye In the Deschutes county courthouse, has been granted a notary's commission, , it was re ported today by United Press from Salem. Mrs. Howard Fox and daughter Joan, have left for Cincinnati, Ohio, where Mrs. Fox will join her husband, member of the Red's pitching staff. Fox spent the win ter in Bend. Mrs. Fox is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hoselton, of the Shady Nook auto court, in Bend. He was in the em ploy of the Medo-Land creamery while in Bend. Fox joined the Cin cinnati squad in March, for train ing. Jirn Fairchild, who was recent ly called into service with the army air corps, has been selected for cadet training, it has been learned here. Jim is stationed at Sheppard field, in Texas. He is the son of Mrs. F. T, Fairchild, Bend, and a graduate from the local high school. Mrs. Orr Royal, wife of a Red- mond contractor, was a visitor in Bend today. Lt. Cliff Blann, Bend ski cham pion a number of years ago, and who was slightly injured while in action in the Philippines, is here on a 30-day leave from the army hosiptal at Walla Walla, where he was sent after reaching the states. Lt. Blann is visiting his mother, Mrs. Lelia Gentry, at 1221 Fresno street. Mrs. John Wetle and son, Rob ert, and daughter, Mrs. Wayne Faddis returned yesterday from Oregon City, where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Wetle's broth- er, Frank McArtulty. i Fire Chief LeRoy. Fox, who es ! caped more serious injury when ! he jumped from a skidding fire ! truck several days ago, received a fractured rib in addition to other injuries, it developed today. All fathers and mothers resid ing on the east side, who have sons between nine and 11 years of age, were invited today to at tend a meeting at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the. Allen school audi torium, Virgil Mpss announced. Cub packs will be discussed and S(th meeting will be steered by Robert Lamott, scout executive from Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Newcomb and family returned to their home in Burley, Idaho, today after spending several days visiting with his brother-in-law, Allen Young. Mrs. Florence Taylor, manager of the Mode-O-Day shop, plans to leave for Seattle tonight to spend her vacation. Mrs. C. (J. Lovejoy NEWS OF SOCIETY (All society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later than 10 aan..on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.) ' - Girls' Leader To Visit Bend On Thursday Miss Eldora DcMots, Camp Fire Girls National associate field sec retary of the Northwest district will arrive in Bend, Wednesday noon, April 25 for scheduled meet ing with local Camp Fire Girls and their leaders. The first event will be the Grand Council Fire Wednesday night at the Bend Roller rink at 7:00 p. m. Members of the. Red mond, Shevlin, Prineville and Bene groups will participate. Girls taking part are to be at the rink at 6:45 p.m. attired in their Service costumes. On Thursday Miss DeMotts will meet with Bend leaders for Indi vidual conferences. A dinner will be held' at the Pine Tavern at 7:00 p. m. for all Council members in this district. Friday Miss DeMotts will spend with Camp Fire workers in Prine ville. ' The Camp Fire Council Wed nesday evening at the rink will be open to the public. Reservations for the dinner thursday night are to be made through Mrs. Joe Elder at 603-J. Mrs, Anderson Honor Guest at Surprise Party Mrs. Bob C. Anderson was ihe honor guest at a surprise bridal shower given Friday night by Mrs. Helen Markus and Miss Jackie . Howard at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Anderson. The table was decorated with an umbrella made of pastel col ors and set in a bowl ot yellow daffodils. In front of the umbrel la was a miniature bride and groom. From the umbrella hung cards . which told where gifts could be found. Present were Mesdames C. K. Anderson, Hubbard Day, George McCarthy, Bertil Nelson, Julia Garlington, Helen Judy, Arline Roberts, E. J. McCarthy, C. H. Thompson, K. B. Cox, C. P. Cox, J. C. Mayer, James D. Stevens. Misses Betty Nelson, Helen Larsen, Maxine Anderson, Shirley Anderson, Phyllis Robinson, Dor othy Sterns, Betty Vale, Barbara Friyrear, Shirley Meagher, Bertha Thompson, Anna Mae Rymah, Betty Corbin, Jane Nash, and the nostesses. Those who were unable to at tend but sent gifts were Mes dames Ray Shaver, Ivor Garland, Charles Birge, Lenis Anderson, J. D. Morrison, A. L. Harrington, Walter Knoff, Leo Leonard and Bessie Kroch. , Mrsi Anderson is the former Elaine Day. She was married late in March. Anderson is serving in the U. S. army. BARGAIN NIGHT TONIGHT TOMORROW 'tf ' ' Any Scar M ummoKmirmmrmmmm i ' " -HOgnBKJIMJUWn . rf7 T.rjr jiimi.-."'''" tr -' ' -' JL2r SOCIAL CALENDAR V Tonight 8:00 p. m. Social Pinochle club at home of Mrs. Joseph Egg, 811 Georgia. 'Mrs. Ray Walters, hostess. , r 8:00 p. m. Degree of Honor drill and officers practice at Nor way Hall. ',. . Wednesday 6:30 p. m. North End club at home of Mrs. Theodore Tweet, 157 Underwood avenue. 7:00 p. m. Grand Council Fire for Camp Fire girls, at roller rink. 7:00 p. m. Job's Daughters will meet at the Masonic hall. 8:00- p. m. V.F.W. auxiliary at Moose hall. 8:00 n. m. U.S.O. party for service men and wives at parish hall. 8:00 D. m. Pythian Sisters. Sons of Norway hall, for practice. Thursday 2:00 n. m. Thursday after- noon bridge club at the home of Mrs. W. M. Montgomery, liZi West Third street. - 7:00 p. m. Chapter AI P.E.O. Sisterhood, at the home of Mrs. Howard George, 1375 Harmon boulevard. Supper meeting. 7:00 p. m. Dinner meeting at Pine Tavern for all Camp Fire council members in the district. Reservations, Mrs. Joe Elder, 603-J. 8:00 p. m. Westway club at home of Mrs. Agnes Burrows, 650 Roosevelt. 7:30 p. m. The Women's Fel lowship of the Presbyterian church at the home of Mrs. R. H. Prentice, 1433 West First street. - . Mrs. Mary Shaap Honored at Party A farewell party honoring Mrs. Mary Schaap was given at the home of Mrs. Flora Gough on Friday. , Mrs. Schaap, who is 87 years old is leaving Bend soon to go to live with her daughter, Mrs. Lora Zimmerman at Jordan, Montana. Miss Maureen M i s n e r enter tained with several selections on her. xylophone. Refreshments were served to the following neighbors: Mrs. Prudence Eld- ridge, Mrs. Lucy Mayer and grandson, "Skipper" Harris, Miss Maureen Misner, Mrs. Schaap and the hostess, Mrs. Flora Uougn. Canton Has. Meeting The regu lar meeting of the Canton Des chutes No. 19 and ladies auxiliary was held Friday evening at the I.O.O.F. hall. Ed Abbey, captain of the Deschutes Canton and Mrs, Ruth Barnes were In charge. owner of the shop, will be in the store during Mis. Taylor's absence. CARD OF THANKS I take this opportunity of thanking my many friends for their many acts of kindness dur ing my illness, for beautiful flowers and numerous cards, also financial aid, for which I am grateful; thanking The Peoples I Store and its employes; also to Mr. and Mrs. H. ti. uucKwortn into whose home I was welcom ed. Mrs. Etta Ripley. - CARD OF THANKS Our grateful thanks to our friends for their kind sympathy, floral offerings and help during the recent loss of bur baby. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Yeoman Mrs. Mildred Wanichek. Shirley Perry, Former Bend Girl, Weds in South Miss Shirley Perry, former Bend girl, and daughter of Mrs. J. W. Perry, now of Shatter, Calif., was married on April, 19 to V. H.: DeWitte, captain with the Wasco, Calif., fire department, at the home of his parents at an outdoor ceremony, under arcs of light and flowers. The bride wore a wedding dress of blue lace and net over, satin, wjth a cprsage of roses.' More than 100 guests were present for the colorful wed ding, at which Rev. Robert Klaudt officiated. Many beautiful gifts were received by the couple. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitte are at home at Wasco, where he is stationed. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Arnold Perry. Captain DeWitte is the son of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. DeWitte, of Wasco. Mrs. DeWitte attended grade school and high school in Bend. Sgt. Jack Perry, South Pacific veteran, is a brother of the bride. Mrs. Perry moved to California from Bend in February. OfN.O.CIub Has First Meeting The O. N. O. Pinochle club, a newly organized group composed of ladies of the Eagles, held their first meeting at the home of Mrs. Walter McFadden. Twelve mem bers were present. High score was won by Mrs. Vina Hartwig, low by Mrs. Millie Meistad. Refreshments were serv ed by the hostess. The next meet ing of the group will be Tuesday May 1, at the home of Mrs. Meis tad. Fellowship Plans l nil vnni XAeefssn The Women's Evenine Fellow. ship of the First ' Presbyterian church will meet at the home of Mrs. R. H. Prentice.V 1433 West First street, on Thursday, April 26. MemDers are asked to be there promptly at 7:30 p.m. for the elec tion of officers. All members are, urged to be present. P.E.O. Sisterhood To Meet Thursday ' Chapter AI P. E. O. Sisterhood will meet at the home of Mrs. Howard George, 1375 Harmon Blvd. 7 p. m., on April 26. It is to be a supper meeting. Mrs. Barbara Steinhauser will give a program on the New He brides. . Grange Hall Folks Honor Veteran; Cards Are Played Grange Hall, April 24 (Special) Pvt. Douglas J. bodge, who is on furlough here after serving in Italy and North Africa, was guest of honor at a pinochle party given at the home of Mrs. Edith M. Beach. Prizes were won by Mrs. Ocrtll Fix, Mrs. Wilson Eakman, Mrs.. Elizabeth Mac Donald, Peder Pedcrsen, Paul Christofferson, and Pvt. Dodge. Other euests included R. J. Dodge, Pvt. Dodge's father; Oertil ix, wuson Eakman, Mrs. Paul Christofferson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frissell, Mrs. Marion Dubuis and Mrs. Walter Prichard. Junior Hostesses Plan for Party The Bend Junior USO hostesses will hold a get-acquainted party at the Episcopal parish hall Wed nesday eevnlng at 8 p.m. All serv ice men here on leave or furlough, and their wives are Invited to at tend. Miss Elizabeth Bocckll is the newly-elected president of the group. Prizes will be awarded win ners of games, Mrs, Craig Coy. ner, USO director, has announced. Lodge To Meet The Rebekah lodge' will meet Friday at the I.O.O.F. hall at 8 p.m. The refresh ment committee is composed of Mrs. Chester Johnson, Mrs. M. H. Kittleson, Mrs. M. J. Kelley, Mi's. R. J. Leader and Miss Kathryn Kelley. Club To Meet The North End club will meet Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. Theodore Tweet. 157 Underwood Ave. The meet ing is scheduled for 6:30. Club To Meet The Westway club will meet Thursday April 26, at 8 pjn. ' at the home of Mrs. Agnes Burrows, 650 Roosevelt. ANY OLD CLOTHES TO SPARE? Millions are destitute ' and cold in war ravished coun tries. The clothes you no longer wear may save their lives. Bundle it up take it to the collection depot basement of LYDICK'S Recreation (Formerly Leedy's) Do It NOW! Like Something New to tyear? You can find it at Wetle's just the new suit, dress, coat, blouse, sweater or what-not to pep up your summer wardrobe. ' For additions or replacements to your list of wearables, look to Wetle's. Time for Slacks Slack Suits See our fine selection of slacks and slack suits denim to smooth strutter cloth, ' every color. CARD OF THANKS The Norwegian Ladies club wish to thank all their friends who so generously donated and al tended the sale for Norwegian Relief. PATRIARCHS ATTENTION I Important meeting Wednesday. Degree work, eats. Women with PILES Get DOCTORS' Tip You know, without askinp. that this formula tor distrew of pil? MUST ba th1 bpft. It's th Fomq one ud by i DOCTORS, adjunctive for men and women patients at noted Thornton & Minor Clinic. Surprising QUICK pallia tire relief of patn. itrh. ornfa. Hip . aoften find tends to shrink swelling. Gt tube Thornton Sc. Minor' Rectal Oint , merit or Thornton & Minor Rental fctip : post tori pa. If not thrilled at quirk re - liults. the low cost rofunded on rtqueaL 4t ail good drug store everywhere. If you need to RGOBtLCGO! Due To Monthly Losses ; If you low so much during monthly : period that you feel so weak, "dragged) : out" Oil may be due to low blood -iron : o try Lydla E. Plnkham'a tablets one of the greatest blood-Iron tonics i you can buy. Plnkham's Tablets are ' also famous to help relieve symptoms 1 of monthly functional disturbances, i Follow label directions. :Lifi:aL Para's TAD tTS the Opening of a New FOOT RELIEF DEPARTMENT Cuboid 3-Way Fitting RELIEVES foot aches and paint. STRENGTHENS weak feet, tones muicles. AIDS CIRCULATION, relieves foot cramping. HELPS ALLAY fatigue, walkina or standing. . PROMOTES good posture and appearance. MAKES SHOES wear longer, look better. FEATHERWEIGHT, no metal, interchange-cb'e. 9 t:t HOiDS arc the new way to make hon tit the tote ot the foot, u weii ai tor length and width. Thry are "not Jutt another arch supuort," hut a new principle ot correct toot and body balance that makes walking a plea sure. for Men, Women and Children Come Sn for. FREE Demonstration of these Modern Foot Balancers liliBsMte YOUR PENNIES COUNT! (Tooki1 ' at thf TJU It's smart to be thrifty in these times. Here are values to help you make every penny count. Remember, our store U Thrift headquarters, six days a week. . . Savings For Payday to Saturday, Incl, Shortening Swifts Jewel 3 lb. ctn. 69c Try it Lunch Meat Can 35c Sunshine Krispys Crackers' 2 lb. ctn. 31c Grade A Largo Doz. 33c Baking Powder Calumet 25 oi. win 25c SwaiiMliiwn Cake Flour pkg. 26c Noodles . . . . . . , . . . 1 lb. pkg. 19c MKsltui Salad Dressing pt. jar 25c Taiuj Wesson Oil.. pt.btle.32c Syrup 11 lb. btle. 15c Siuicy's Golden Tuna Fish ..... .... .... can 32c Shredded, Oregon Allmrore Cocoa 8 oz. ctn. 35c Van Iloulen's Pumpkin 2 cans 29c Folded Towels : . . . . . 2 pkgs. 25c 100 In puckage Floor Wax ..... pt. 39c; qt. 69c Liquid Veneer, self ttliine "i gallon BHo Cooked Lima Beans 2 35c Seaside No. 2 Cans 1 L. ; , , , Carnation Milk 3 29c Mop Sticks each 19c Brooms each 85c 5 fie, (minted luiiidlc PALM OLIVE SOAP Itrgular Size 3 bars 20c It u III Slzn 2 bars 1?c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP 3 bars 14c SUPER SUDS Ige. pkg. 23c PEETS SOAP KfOAiyl Ige. pkg. 26c Potatoes 10 lbs. 39c 100 ll. xiu'k 8.50 IJ. S. No. Is Marmalade Tropical 2 lb. jar 35c Coffee Kmprcvs Drip or regular 1 lb. jur 29c Tomato Juice Suirmnciitu l.urgo 11 oz. can 25c III i Sin i . v. iMMWUmwirm phone 82 Jgroceryl. 1HssHHMiiaBMHMSSSSSSSSW j 917 WaU