The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, April 24, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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Big Three Delegates, on Eve
Of Conference, Fail to Iron
jOut Difficulties Over Poland
; By Lylb C. Wilson
, (United Frew Surf CorrDomlnt
: San Francisco, April 24 (U.E) The United Nations con
ference on international organization was jeopardized today
before it began as the American British-Russian dispute over
Polish participation was transferred here for adjustment.
Tho first plenary conference session is scheduled for 4 :30
' ...r , UIIIL fli.n Ol VlMlfO
p. m., rWT tomorrow. IUI BI.-UI ueijr inuic hkhi .- "uio
'to iro. the "Big Three" found themselves in the embarrassing
position of being unable to settle a misunderstanding which
Ithey thought they had cleared up last winter in the Crimea.
, Efforts to adjust the dispute "
!in preliminary Washington! White House announcement
'dismissions have failed. Some that discussion of the Polish ques-
here counted that failure a
ominous prelude to the great
international elfort to guaran
. tee future peace.
Deleeatos o( other nations anx-
'iously awaited the arrival of the
! top diplomats of the big powers.
It generally was conceded that
Jlhe United States, Great Britain
and the Soviet Union must adjust
this dispute among themselves if
the United Nations conference is
to have the hoped-for opportunity
to write a post-war security cnar-
Invitation Asked
The Russians demand an invita
tion to this conference for the Po
lish eovernment established In
Lublin under soviet auspices. The
United States and Great Britain
have reiected that demand. Wash
Jngton and London do not regard
the present Lublin government to
be truly represeniauve 01 an
democratic Polish elements.
Britain's Foreign Secretary An
.thonv Krien and U. S. Secretary of
State Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.,
have been Insisting that the Soviet
Union live up to the Crimea agree
ment that the Lublin government
"be reorganized on a broader
democratic basis with the Inclu
sion of democratic leaders from
Poland itself and from Poles
That was the sense of the Cri
mea report on Poland and It was
signed by the late President
Roosevelt, Prime Minister Win
ston Churchill and Marshal Josef
V. Stalin.
Arrive By Air
Stettinius, Eden, Foreign Com
missar V. M. Molotov. of the Sovi
et Union, and Foreign Minister T.
V. Soong, ot China, are coming
here separately by air. Soong
joined the Washington conference
of foreign ministers yesterday
after the other three had tabled
the deadlocked Polish question.
Dairymen interested
in a higher "M.Q." (milk
quota) for each individ
ual cow and for their herd
as a whole will do well
to investigate the Larro
Feeding System. Larro
is designed to supply the
milk-making nutrients
high producing cows must
have. It is made only from
sound, wholesome ingre
dients of high quality
from a formula tested on
General Mills' Larro Re
search Farm. Ask about
the common sense feeding
directions outlined in the
Larro Plan.
I fill 1 1 jlV tISTEN MON.THRU FRI.
jSrS 5:15-5:30 p.m.
Aune's Feed Store
Bend, Oregon
Crook County Warehouse Co.
Prinevillr, Orrgon
Central Oregon Farm Supply Co.
Redmond, Oregon
tion was beinir transferred here
explained that the Interval would
eive Molotov an opportunity to
consult with his government. That
may indicate an Anglo-American
counter proposal of some kind.
But It likewise may mean that
Stettinius and Eden are standing
nat. Either way something has to
give in London, Washington or
Moscow and soon if the United
Nations conference here is to have
the best possible chance of suc
Russians Arrive
The Russians here are saying
nothing but they are the talk of
the town. The mere fact that the
10th floor of the St. Francis hotel
has been tnken over by the Rus
sian delegation has San Francisco
punchy with curiosity.
t he American ueiegaies await
ed Stettinius' report and tne ar
rival here of their No. 2, colleague,
Chairman Tom Connally, D., 'lex.,
of the senate foreign relations
The smaller nations are begin
ning to sound off. Eelco N. Van
Kleffens, the slight young man
who is foreign minister of the
Netherlands, announced his In
tention to submit seven amend
ments to the Dumbarton Oaks out-
ine of a post-war security charter.
The Dutch are of the "middle
group" here, neither big powers
nor little.
Five Day Forecast
Five flay forecast, Tuesday aft
ernoon through Friday night:
Oregon and Washington west of
Cascade mountain divide: light
showers middle and toward end
of period. Normal temperatures.
Idaho, Oregon and Washington
east of Cascades light showers
on Wednesday and again toward
end of period. Near seasonal tem
"F4Mn-14J" it rffitrd
tiidc-msrk of General Mill, Inc.
Odd Fellows Plan
For Convention
The Central Oregon convention
of the I. O. O. F. lodge will be
held on Saturday, April 28, in
Redmond, with the Redmond
lodge as host, it was announced
by Bend Odd Fellows today as
final plans for the convention
were outlined. Present for the
Redmond convention will be grand
officers of the lodge. Ivan NovaK,
noble grand of the Redmond lodge
and secretary of the convention,
Is In charge of tne program.
Ralnh L. Russel grand mas
ter of the grand lodge of Oregon,
is expected to be present irom
his home In Roseburg and will be
speaker of the evening.
R. H. Anderson, patron patri
arch of the grand encampment, Is
also expected, from Klamath
To Present Cup
LeRoy Acschleman, special dis
trict deputy grand master of dis
trict No. 13, will present the Mer
chant cup to the lodge making
the largest gain in membership
this past year. Memorial services
will be held for Odd Fellows
killed in action. '
The convention business ses
sion Saturday will start at 2:30
p.m. The convention banquet will i
be served in the I. O. O. F. hall I
by the Redmond Rebekahs, at i
6:30 p.m. A short closed meeting
in the evening will be followed
by an open meeting, with a pro
gram and dance. Delegates from
all central Oregon lodges are ex-
War Briefs - -
(ily United Prau)
F.astern Front Russian encir
clement of Berlin reported com
pleted; Moscow dispatch says fall
Is imminent.
Western Front Third armv
roils tnrough breach in Bavarian
defense line 109 miles from Berch-
Pacific Nimltz reports Okin
awa three-quarters conquered;
B-29's bomb aircraft plant In To
kyo area; American troops split
Japanese force on Mindanao and
drive nearer Davao.
Italy Fifth army closes In on'
La Spczia naval base.
'Conchies' Lose.
In Writ Appeal '
Portland, Ore., April 24 (111
Federal Judge James Alger Fee
today filed denials on applica
tion for writs of habeas corpus
submitted by Alex Penner of Bre
merton and B. L. Gilln.aa, Borger,
Texas, r. , , ..
The two alleged in their peti
tions they have been misclassified
by draft boards as conscientious
objectors instead of ministers and
tiiat their detention In the Lapine
civilian public service camp is il
legal. Choice Potted
Hydrangeas Violets
Aialeas Primroses
Cyclamen begonias
Flower Shop & Garden
Phone 530 629 Quimby
We telegraph flowers
Shuler at Truck
Wheel in Italy
With the Fifth Army Italy
Corporal Albert L. Kerwln of Fall
City, Wash., and Pfc Leslie L.
Shuler of Bend, driver for tha
31fith Combat Engineer battalion
I have wheeled six-ton trucks from
I Anzlo to the last peaks .before Bo
logna, naiy.
They heard the first sniper's
bullet sing at Velletri where the
316th's Company A received its
baptism of fire.
The drivers, who are members
of the 91st "Powder River" divi
sion, have often found themselves
moving over small roads . and
trails built only for fighter ve
hicles. . .
Shuler's address is 44 Cascade
place, Bend.
Los Anceles. AnHl 24 (IPi Im
mediate execution faces nearly
15.000 White Russian auislinirs
who acted as nazi spies or agents
during the German occunatlnn nf
Russia when the red army cap
tures Berlin, Russian-born author
Victor Alexandrov predicted today.
Here are the best food buys for the weekend low-cost, low-point values and
at our markets, they're in plain sight and right at your fingertips. They're fea-
hired in our displays just as they are featured in this invitation to quick, easy, Why look all for foods when you can fill your
entire order by looking over these BIG VALUES and the scores of others at your ;
fingertips at our stores. v , .
Cocomalt . . . 1 lb. jar 43c
Dill Pickles qt. fruit jar 29c
Pard Dog Food ...... .3 pkgs. 29c
Twistie Noodle Dinner, 1 lb. jar 15c
Kerr's Jellies. No. 6 jar 89c
Sanford's Honey ... .5 lb. can 1.29
Egg Noodles .1 lb. pkg. 19c
Corn, Beans, Peas, 2's . .2 cans 25c
Clam Chowder . . .jar 33c
15 Ounce Jar
Mackerel, No. 1 can 15c; Oval Sardines, can 15c
Greenleaf Spinach, 2's 2 can 29c
Tomato Juice : .No. 5 can 25c
Dainty Dimple Peas ......No. 2 can 16c
Dry Cleaner.. gal. 69c
Paint Cleaner, qt. 65c
Old English
Rug Cleaner.. qt. 65c
Sunshine 1'oain
wmm l
3gg& 89c
Vole of ;
Central Oregon
Affiliated With Mutual
5:00 Sam Hayes
5:13 Superman:
5:30 Tom Mix :-
5:45 Night 'News Wire
6:00 Gabriel Heatter .
6:15 Jimmy Fidler
6:30 American Forum of Air
7:15 Lowell Thomas -
7:30 Red Ryder
8:00 Treasury Salute
8:15 Cote Chorus
8:30 Tony Pastor's Orchestra
8:45 American Cancer .Society
9:00 Glenn Hardy News
9:15 Rex Miller
9:30 True Detectlvo MuoioW
10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr.
xv.-uj vuuii. ousie s urcnesira
7:00 News . ' .
7:15 Frankie Carle's Orchestra
7:30 Spotlight on Rhythm
7:45 Morning Melodies
Dude Ranch, Maple Flavor
1 lb.
29c . Illl
Don Lat Broadcasting System
8:00 Neil Bondshu's Orchestra
8:15 News
8:30-VTake It Easy Time
8:45 Today's Bulletin Board
8:50 Cote Glee Club
8:55 Lanny and Ginger
9:00 William Lang anoV the .
News j '
9:15 Morton Downey
9:30 Rationing News
9:35 Old Family Almanac
10:00 Glenn Hardy News
10:15 Luncheon With Lopez
10:45 News of Prlneville
11:35 Lhdy About Town --. '
11:40 News
11:45 Traffic Safety .. .- : '
12:00 Willard Amison
12:10 Sport Yarns ,
12:15 Singing Sa::aphones
12:30 News ' J.
12:45Farmer's Hour .
1:00 County Agent
1:15 Elsa Maxwell's Friends
1:30 George Olsen's Orchestra
.1:45 Handy Man .. '
2:00 News .
lb. 37c
tag 2.29
Kernel Corn
No. 1 Can
2 Cans
Hot - Caps
rrotert growing plants
25 in pkg. 48c
Crown Reg. Lids, pkg. 5c
VI regular jar lids
No. 63 Lids... 12 for 5c
Coffee jar lids
Crown Reg. Caps pk. 10c
1? complete.
Qf. 25c
gal. 49c
Qt. 60c
gal. 1.00.
2 lb. boxflPg
3ic- iisy
2:J5 Concert Hall
2:45 OPA Talk
.3:00 Griffin Reporting
3:15 Famous Belgians
3:30 Miniature Concert
3:45 Johnson Family
4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr.
4:15 Rex Miller
4:30 Central Oregon News
4:35 Opening World Security
. Conference President Tru
man. 5:00 Sam Hayer
5:15 Superman
5:30 Tom Mix
.5:45 Night News Wire
6:00 Gabriel Heatter
6:15 World Security Conference
6:30 Brownstone Theatre
7:00 The Feeling is Mutual
7:15 Lowell Thomas
7:30 Lone Ranger
8:00 John Kirby's Orchestra
8:25 Your Navy
8:30 Fresh Up Show
9:00 Glenn Hardy News
9:15 Cecil Brown
9:30-r-Northwest Neighbors
10:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr.
10:15 Sonny Dunham's Orch.
Nearly 40 per cent of the work
ers in aircraft production are women.
Radishes, Gr. Onions . . .2 bun. 15c
Fresh Spinach ........ J. 3 lbs.; 29c
Texas Grapefruit ... . .7. . .lb. 10c
Sunkist Lemons . . . ... . . . .doz. 35c
Sunkist Oranges .... . . .3 doz. 98c
Onion Plants ........... 2 bun. 29c
v Walla Walla Sweets
8 oz. pkg. . . . . .10c
Reg.pkg. 19c
Large pkg. .. ..33c
rNallsTang,. . . ..qt.39c
wjSweet Relish ..;.,pt. 19c
Table Queen Salad Dress'g, qt. 29c
Ida Dell
Del Monte Cr. Corn No. 2 can 17c
Pref. Stock Peas -....,.. ...I.. No. 2 can 16c
Fountain Sliced Beets No. 2 can 11c
Sacramento Hot Sauce can 5c
Larson's Veg-AII No. 303 glass 18c
Tomato Soup .........3 cans 25c
CampucQ's ,
V-3 Vegetable Juice . . . . . . .No. 5 can 29c
' . No. Cans 2 Cans 39c
H.R. Apple Juice . .... r... quart 25c
Grapefruit Juice ......... .No. 5 can 31c
Dundee Bartlett Pears .........No. 2 can 28c
Fountain Sliced Peaches .......No. 1 can 25c
Pork Roast ...... J lb, 33c
Pork Chops , , . ; 39c
Loin C(iis . . ,
Frankfurters ... . . . . . . . . . . .b. 33c
Liver.... 20c
. Tender Pig Liver I Point
Chili Bricks . . . . ..... . . . .each 23c
Salmon Oysters Smelt
Crab Meat Fillet of Red Snapper
Cash Loans
0n AUTO.
Private Sales Financed
Simple Credit Requirements
Complete Privacy
12 Months to Pay '
Quick Service
Oregon Owned .
Motor Investment Co,
- M-333
217 Oregon Phone 525.
Buy National War Bonds Now!
2 cans 29c