THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, TUESDAYAPRIL 24, 1945 PAGE TEN Red Gross Chapter Selects Leaders For Coming Year Committees that arc to super vise American Red Cross activities In Deschutes county for the com ing year have been announced by Kruno Jtath, chapter chairman. Names of directors and commu nity representatives have also been compiled. Serving with Rath this year are Mrs. I.. T. Slandlfer, vice-chairman; Sumner Deilrick, treasurer, and Miss Olive Jamison, secretary. Other members of the executive committee are H. C. Kerron, B. A. Stover and Ben Hamilton, all ot Rend, and Roy Carpenter, Red mond. Directors for the 19-15-48 year follow: Ralph S. Hamilton, Joe Ross, Richard Scott, Robert W. Sawyer, Bruce Gilbert, Mrs. Alex Walter, Carl A. Johnson, John Cuffin, Kenneth Sawyer, Howard George, Mi's. Lloyd Magill, Mrs. A. E. Stevens, Mrs. K. W. Brandis, Miss Maren Grlbskov, John Wetle, C. G. Relter, Ralph Adams, Ken neth Longballn, Rev. Robert Mc- Ilvenna, Rev. G. R. V. Bolster, William Baer, Mrs. L. IT. I Id Phrey, W. K Coshow, Mrs. W. I Palmer, George Childs, Mrs. Hans Slagsvold and Mrs. Krank Prince, nil of Bend, with the following rep resentatives from the various communities: Heads Listed Mrs. J. R. Roberts, Mrs. Francis Munkers, Mrs. Jesse Tetherow, Mrs. Joe E. Brown, Mrs. Carl B. Hoogner, Mrs. E. D. Hallock, Mrs. Ernest Wilson, Lloyd Baker. Mar vin Davidson and Jack Hardison, Oil of Redmond. John C. Johnson, William Fox, Lapine; Pete Lelthauser, Maurice Hitchcock, Mrs. Meredith Bailey, Lewis Farleigh, Sisters; Mrs. James Chamberlln, Mrs. C. A. Al len, Tumalo; H. M. Eby, Terre bonne; John Helfrich, Brothers; William A. Rahn, Milllcan, Carl Schuholz, Lower Bridge. All service committee chairmen ere also members of the board. These chairmen follow: John Mogan, accident preven tion; Ben Hamilton, camp and hospital; Mrs. H. E. Beach, nutri tion and canteen; Don Peoples, disaster; Mrs. Ward H. Coble, dis play; Lester McKenzle, first aid; wmm mm POST'S fi?sr BRAN GOIDEN El AXES OF tfWEAT AAfO BRA A combmed mm SUGAR-SWEET TENDER RASMS delicious NEW breakfast idea Taste it. ..and you'll agree. Post's Raisin Bran is a magic com bination! Made from real Post's 40 Bran Flakes, plus seedless raisins that stay tender, thanks to Post's exclusive Tcnder-Sured process. Ask your grocer for Post's Raisin Bran today. Oregon Ltd. Contracting Wiring Power Ught A Post j ! lWYsMm SPCtD THB VICTORY BUY WAR BONOS Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Deale Sales and Service Phone 159 ' 64 1 Franklin Bend. Ore. Mrs. L. W. Franks, home nt: ' :g: Mrs. A. L. O. Schueler, home serv ice, water safety; Mi's. C. W. Ileim, home service (Redmond); Mrs. R. W. Diandis, Junior Red Cross; Mrs. Ross Faiiiharn, office as sistance: Mrs. Sumner Delrlck, prisoner of war; Mrs. Eugene Ackley, production; Phil lirogan. publicity; hill liarton, rauio; miss Lucy Davison, recruitment; Mis. Ben Whisenand, volunteer spe ci;il services: Mi's. C. II. Irving, production Redmond i; Mrs. Chal mers Nooe, first aid and waler salely I Redmond I. Mrs. R. W. Hemingway Is execu tive secretary of the Deschules county chapter. Bowling Notes FINAL STANDINGS V l Pet. .1.41 MS .522 .Ml .48!) .478 .407 .4511 Minlo-Laml .... lieiid-Porllund I'epsl-C'ola I'iland's iMkt. Superior Cafe Bend Bulletin 4 41 48 4'i 47 48 4i 44 44 IIS IH 47 42 48 (iutowny Lunch Bend Iteereullon 41 ll Medo-Land Creamery keglers became Industrial league champ ions for 1944-45 last night as they edged out Bend-Portland by u single game, in the final night of play. The race first place was so close that it was not decided until the last pin had fallen. Pepsi-Cola gained third place honors. In last night's matches, Super ior cafe shot high series for the evenintr. 2594. to win three games from The Bend Bulletin; Piland's dfVtlCw. I : v.-: - . - ---- - . ...fell . market won two from Medo-Land, uun,i . Pm-tland won two fiom Gateway lunch and Pepsi-Cola won three irom neno. necreauon. rimcn Hiriwn shot an Individual total of u'41, a new high series for the season, itesuiis oi me guim-.i follow: - Bend Recreation n rini-iiineclif 149 143 12G 418 y. Smith 154 158 135447 B. Fields ....122 151 141 ia ....176 147 174501 G. Norcolt Absentee .. ...145 145 145-135 Handicap 18 18 18 54 Total "!-740 7(il 739 2246 Pepsi Cola II. Douglass ...179 149 199-527 Musgrave 149 170 170495 Pards 143 174 155-472 Lewerenz ........107 ' 198 173538 W. Douglass . 217 177 153547 Total 855 875 850 2579 inland's Mkl. 139 146456 136 172474 145 145-35 202 174554 130 133404 31 31 93 783 801 2416 O All 171 J. Chabot 166 Absentee .. B. Koller .... E. Piland .. Handicap Total '... 145 178 141 . 31 832 Metlo Land Creamery B. Douglass ....190 145 211546 L. Potts ...174 174 157505 M. Nehl 146 154 172472 D. Lay 159 136 156451 S. Blucher ...150 161 190-501 Handicap .... 3 3 39 Total 822 773 889 2484 Bentl Portland C Piland 181 . 138 164483 L. McConnell ..156 161 127-444 Absentee 145 145 145435 R. Nedrow 170 182 168520 E. Brown 197 251 193641 Jiifthoelectnic Powei electric energy from the Inexhaustible flow ol mighty rivers, this West Is 1h Power House of the nation. With Its rich, varied natural resources and low-cost plentiful power, economists predict that It will lead the world in diversified manufacturing, particularly in light metals and plastics. During the war, the hydroelectric power oi this region has led to the establishment ol West Coast aluminum plants with a production double that oi the entire nation before Pearl Harbor. In the post-war period, regional planning commissions estimate that this territory can support la luxury three times its present population with all Its mills, mines, factories, farms and homes electrically powered, lighted, and heated at the world's lowest rates. Hydroelectric Power is the key to the West's fullest development and prosperity SICKS' BREWING COMPANY SALEM, OREGON At the m Youth 00 mad spree, with Con Handicap .... 2 2 26 Total 851 879 797 2523 Gateway Lunch G. McClennan 154 G. Heley 168 Absentee ........145 L. Smith 139 H. Barfknecht 179 Handicap .... 37 Total 822 117 158429 134 120-422 145 145 435 146 149434 156 198533 37 37111 725 807 2464 Superior Pete Sevy 137 W. flurrell 155 T. Loree 149 W. Howard ....145 P. Loree 165 Handicap .... 29 Total 780 Cafe 191 195523 191 150496 150 188-487 158 137440 193 193553 29 29 67 912 892 2584 With the world's mightiest power dams creating hydro Tower Sue Collins, David Reed, Eric Sinclair, Bend Bulletin H.'Rlce 142 117 182441 M. Sutherland 100 192 132-424 A. Kaufman ....170 218 203591 E. Fenton 127 112 131370 B. Benson 167 203 170540 Handicap .... 25 , 25 25 75 Total ...731 857 843 2431 Fuel shortage In Switzerland Is acute because German coal is no longer available, local anthracite can not meet demands, and peat production in 1944 was 40 per cent less than In the preceding years. A new American standard for sound level meters, used for meas uring the Intensities of noise and other sounds in order to evaluate their relative effect on the ear, trial Ule. A Sicks Quality Product my has been approved by the Ameri can Standards association. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned has taken up the fol lowing described horses, found running at large on his property, and unless these horses are re deemed on or before the time of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the date of April 30th 1945, the said horses will be sold at tnat time, ranch of C. F. WILLIAMSON, on the Butler Market road, Des chutes County, Oregon, to satisfy tha Aamaaaa encta Of Oicking UP. advertisement and keep ot the said horses. ... These horses are descrmeu as follows: 1 Black gelding, long roach mane, white spot on forehead, white snip on nose, white hind feet, backward L on left shoulder, approximately 1450 pounds in weight, 8 or 9 years old. 1 Black mare, white strip on forehead, white stockings on hind legs, blemish on left hind foot, ap proximately 1250 pounds In weight, about 6 years old. No discernable brands. - 1 Black mare, 4 white stockings, blazed face, white nose and white lower lip, approximately 1300 pounds in weight, about .6 years old. No discernable brands. 1 ; Aged black mule, approxi mately 900 pounds in weight. No discernable brands. These horses have been taken up under provisions of Deschutes County livestock District Numbar 2. . Signed: C. F. WILLIAMSON. . . 113-119C Brewed in Oregon Sicks' SIct on ol America's finest betn. Is also on ol Ore gon's payroll builders a pel tnanent part ol Oregon'! Indus i? no wno with Specials PAYDAY Thru Saturday Fisher s Zoom pkg. 20c Soda Wafers 2 31c Snow Hills Coffee lb. 27c Blue Kraft Dinner 3 29c 712 Gloss Starch pkg. 9c Staley's Cube Corn Starch pkg. 8c Staley's cream SWANSDOWN FLOUR 49 lb. bag 2.29 10 lb. bag 50c. 5 b. bag 29' Cleanser Old 0'Cedar Polish 45c 12 Gingham Tissue 3' 14c Nu-Bora Fruits and Onion Sets, ' Walla Celery Green PILAND'S MARKET Short Ribs ...... lb. 19c Steer beef Ground Beef . . . . . .lb. 27c 100 Beef No Cereal Added Corned Beef 33c Boneless Sugar Cured Leg O' Lamb .... lb. 39c Grade A Pork Chops 35c ' Lean Loin . I iMITIirift TMh mtstnCHunrvLrvvw Flalces Label oz. pigs. 12 oz. pkg. I lb. pkg. 2"15c Dutch oz. bottle 3 ib pkg 49c Vegetables Calavos . . each 23c Parsnips . . 2lbs.15c 2 bunches 29c Walla Sweets lb. 17c crisp BEEF ROAST Boneless, No Waste lb. 35c 3 "'iYiM--'-