The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, April 23, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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Delegates of United Nations
Assemble in San Francisco as
'Big 3' Leaders Hold Parley
:'By Lyle C. Wilson v:
(United Prau Staff CorrMpomlentV '
m Francisco, April 23 U.P The united nations aasem-
07 on the shore of the Pacific, but attention was fixed
on Washington where the first Big Three discussions since
Yalta were testing the basic brick of the world peace structure
which fcan Francisco was expected to produce.
Every train crossing the high Sierras and dozens of planes
poured united nations delegates and their advisers into the
city where the first world peace deliberations since 1919 will
open Wednesday.
the principals in the conference still were' absent,
in Washington, President Truman and Secretary of Stale
Edward R. Stottinino t- -J
roreign secretary Anthony
Eden and Soviet Foreign Com
missar ,V. M. Molotov were
deep In consultations on the
thorny Polish problem. The chiefs
o( the other two top delegatins,
Foreign Minister George Bldault
of France and Foreign Minister
T. V. Soong of China also have not
yet arrived.
Stage Being Set
San Francisco had assumed the
aspect of a stage, partly set, but
with the principal actors still In
the dressing rooms, arguing about
the lines of the first .act.
With only 48 hours to go be
fore the scheduled opening of the
conference, indications weregrow
ing that the Washintgon discus-
Dr. Grant Skinner
1036 Wall Street
Evenings by Appointment
Office Phone 73
Res. Phone 819-W
slons would not produce a settle
ment of 'the Polish question before
the opening conference session.
Stettinius had planned to leave
for San Francisco tonight. It was
thought likely that the United
States, Britain and Russia would
transfer the scene of their Polish
deliberations to the conference
Since the initial days of the
meeting are to be filled with minor
matters of procedure, .a breath
ing spell of a week or more would
be afforded the foreign secretaries
in which to grapple With the prob
lem. '
Issue Drawn
The Folish issue has been
squarely drawn. The Russians not
only back the Warsaw govern
ment for a seat at San Francisco,
thev have rplnfnrrprf thpir nnattlnn
by signing a treaty of alliance and
inenasnip wun Warsaw, une
Americans and British have been
eauallv firm. ripctino- a spmnd
Russian request for Warsaw rep-
Here's your
Smuts Arrives for Conference
V- ff ?
War Briefs
(By United Pren)
Eastern Front Soviet armored
forces battle in heart of Berlin.
Western Front Third army
sweeps into Danube valley 125
miles from Berchtesgaden in
drive against nazidom's last re
doubt in Bavarian Alps.
Italy British and "American
tanks surge north from Bologna
toward Po river.
Pacific Air forces strike new
blows at Japanese over week-end;
marines land on two Islands of
Okinawa; U. S. troops continue
advance across Mindanao in Phil'
ippines. r
(NEA Telephoto)
Field Marshal Jan Christian Smuts. Prime Minister of South Africa, swps
Domo bay doors of RAF Liberator which brought mm w San FM
ctoco as head of South Africanelegatkm to Conference on International
oreanteatlon Admitting his optimism over peace prospects. Smuts said
SFSSShtto MwSd was now ready for an organization to see peace
-.. maintained.'
Tires getting thin? Bettor see us today
for Dependable Extra-Mileage Recap
ping that looks, so good, costs so lit
tle, lasts so long. We'll quickly give
your old tires a tough, long-lasting
Goodyear tread design that develops
extra traction for extra safety over
thousands of extra miles. No certifi
cate needed.
Most Motorists
6.00 x 14
First choice of millions of
motorists everywhere is
the new Goodyear, the tire
of extra quality, extra
value, ready to give you
long, low cost mileage.
Superior in tread, in body
... In performance.
resentatives and publicly affirm
ing their unity on the rejection un
less and until the Warsaw gov
ernment Is reconstituted along the
lines agreed dpon by the late Pres
ident Roosevelt, Prime Minister
Churchill and Marshal Stalin at
The Polish issue hung over the
pre-conference activity like a dark
cloud. But there were other con
troversial. Issues shaping up.
One was the problem of "trus
teeship" of colonial areas, par
ticularly regions seized from
enemy powers.
This involves the United States,
particularly regions seized from
enemy powers.
To Keep Islands
This Involves the United States,
particularly in the Pacific where
the U. S. navy and other defense
authorities have made plain their
determination that strategic is
lands won from Japan must be
Incorporated into the American
defense sysem.
It also involves Britain, partic
ularly in the Mediterranean where
the British admiralty has made
no secret of the necessity of con
trolling bases which, in the future
will protect the security of its
"life line" to the middle east and
Russia is concerned through the
strategic necessities of her west
ern frontier and should she be
come involved in the Pacific war
in her possible demand in the
far east.
The French are concerned over
the fate of Dakar, West African
base which President Roosevelt
once described as the key to the
approaches of South America,
and ,to a lesser degree, over her
North African possessions and
French Indo-China.
Ten Cars Tagged'
Here on Saturday
In a drive on overtime parking
Saturday afternoon, Bend police
issued 10 tickets, and all but one
of the accused drivers posted bail,
it was reported today at police
headquarters. Merle Clark, Route
1, box 380, posted $2 bail follow
ing his arrest on a warrant charg
ing that he had failed to appear
on previous citations. '
Cars registered to the following
were tagged Saturday for over
time parking: Bend garage, N. E.
Gilbert, 1052 East Third street;
Shorty Austin of the Smoke shop;
W. J. Howbrook, 442 Wye lane;
Paul Sevy, 1654 West Second
street; Everett Hammond, 506
Roanoke street; Mrs. Cliff Kribs,
Route 2, Box 28-A, and Mabel
Prichard, 234 Jefferson place.
Clubmen of Bend
Ancient Rituals
Held at Celilo
Celilo, Ore., April 23 (iPi Celilo
Indians are in the second day of
their three-day annual chinook
salmon feast, a ritual they cele
brated in the Columbia river coun
try long before the coming of the
white man.
Visiting Indians were Nez
Perce, Flatheads, Bannocks, Yakl
mas, Colvllles, Warm Springs,
Umatlllas, and others to a total of
400 from throughout the north
west many in colorful tribal
The 80-year-old Celile chief,
Tommy Thompson, opened cere
monies Sunday.
Then followed feasting on the
first chinook taken from the Co
lumbia this year, prepared by
hard-working squaws who also
served roots and herbs.
Patriotic and tribal rituals Of
yesterday were followed today
with a business ' session with
chiefs conferring on fishing prob
lems. The tumbling Celilo rapids near
The Dalles is reserved for salmon
fishing by the Indians. They use
Crippled Children
Set Aid at Clinic
Forty-seven children from Des
chutes, Jefferson, Lake and Crook
counties were examined In the
assembly room of the courthouse
Thursday, in the biennial crippled
cnuuren s clinic. The clinic, held
under the joint sponsorship of
the Deschutes county department
of health and the University of
Oregon Medical school, was con
ducted by the personnel from the
children's division of the medical
: Dr. Lawrence Noall, Portland,
examining orthopedist, was in
charge of the clinic. He was as
sisted by Dr. Joseph H. GiU, Port
land, orthopedist, Mrs. Mary
Snook, physiotherapist, Portland,
and public health nurses from
this county. Mrs. Virgil Lyons',
Mrs. Eddie Piland and Mrs. James
Burgess, Junior chamber of com
merce auxiliary members, acted
as volunteers.
Fluorescent lighting has been
Installed in a railway coach in
Patton Strikes
(Continued from Page One)
cave-studded Hare mountains in
side the first and ninth army
All organized resistance had
been stamped out in the mountain
pocket, but the U. S. eighth arm
ored division sent us tann ana ar
mored reconnaissance crews
scouring through the area on the
off chance that the fuehrer mignt
actually be there.
- .
Monday, April 23: Tick immu
nizations. Brothers and vicinity.
Tuesday, April 24: Child health
conference and immunization clin
ic at Ashwood.
Wednesday, April 25: Bend
child health conference held all
Friday p. m., April 27: Regular
immunization clinic irom l p. m.
to 3 d. m.
Registration for classes for the
expectant mother, to be held
Wednesday, May 2, In the health
department offices, is still In '
progress.-.-. v.-. ..1.)
Interested persons are advised
to telephone 355 or write to the
Descnutes county health depart
ment, Courthouse, Bend, Ore. -
50 GOOPf
Mrs. Mary Krugur, dairy coun
cil representative, urged a Ki
wanis club audience at the Pine
tavern this noon to "eat essential
foods then suit yourselves as to
the rest 61 your diet." She rated spears, nets and lines from the
milk at the top of the list of es-1 Jagged rocks to make a huge
sentials and -referred to its popu-1 catch of salmon for their future
larity in the armed services. She i food supply. Thousands of per-
was introduced by Lauren Kim
sey. In charge of the club pro
grani. Lt. Jim Hosmer, home for a
short visit before reassignment,
was introduced and spoke briefly.
He is the son of Mr., and Mrs.
Paul H. Hosmer of Bend.
Soldier Injured
In Europe War
sons annually gather to watch the
tribal festivities of the dwindling
number of Indians.
Alleged to have been begging
money and drinks in Bond street
recreation centers. Frank Osborne
Koontz, 41, of Ontario, was ar
rested late Saturday by Bend po
lice on a charge of vagrancy, and
was being held today for Investi
gation by FBI agents. Police said
that Koontz' selective service pa
pers did not appear to be regular.
One more Central Oregon sol
dier has been wounded In action,
while another hn heen tnken
prisoner by the Germans, it was I LEGAL NOTICES (
by the office of war information.
Pvt. Pete Osburne, husband of
Mrs. Edna Osburne of Prineville,
was wounded in Eupore; and Pfc.
Bert J. Smith, son of Samuel B.
Smith, Box 115, Culver, was taken
prisoner while fighting in Ger
many, according to the report.
Official Records
. Marriage licenses: Paul H.Jack
son, Redmond, and Jeanette Gad
dis, Redmond; James A. Elder,
Bend, and Ethel Gerking, Redmond.
British Bombers
Blast at Bremen
London, April 23 IUI RAF
bombers have smashed at Bremen
twice in the past 24 hours in sup
port of British armies assaulting
the great German port, it was
announced today.
The air ministry communique
aiso reported KAr intruder air
craft attacked German airfields.
Two bombers and one fichter
were missing.
The odor of celery seed is "ap
parently due to derivatives of se
danolic acid.
Notice is hereby given that on
the 9th day of May, 1945, at 2:00
p. m. of said day, at the ranch of
J. E. Allyn. Bescrlbed as the,
Southeast Quarter of the South
east Quarter of Section One,
Township Eighteen South, Range
Twelve E.W.M. Deschutes County,
the undersigned will sell at public
sale the following described live
stock, to-wit;
One white mare, age approxi
mately Thirteen years, weight
1300 pounds, no brand or mark of
identification on said animal
to satisfy cost of picking up, dam
age, keeping and feeding of this
animal, unless redeemed before
the above date of sale.
This sale is made under the pro
visions of Section 32-1613 O.C.L.A.
under Livestock District No. 2 of
Deschutes County, Oregon.
J. E. ALLYN 118124c
GIRLS! Dp you
suffer from,
On "CERTAIN DAYS" of. tba nootb
? ? ? ?
Do functional periodic disturbances
make you fuel so nervous. Jittery, high
strung, cranky, tired et such times?
Then don't delay try this great medi
cine Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable;
Compound to relieve such symptoms.
It helps HATTJBEl
Plnkham's Compound Is famous hot
only to relieve such monthly pain but
also accompanying nervous, restless,
weak feelings of this nature. Taken
regularly lt helps build up resistance
against such distress. A very sensible
thing to do)
Also a grand stomachic tonic I Follow
label directions. Buy today I
has been developed by RICHFIELD
engineers to get your car ready for
summer driving. Ask your RICHFIELD
dealer about this one-stop service for
summer at one special price . . . NOW.
SPARK PLUGS cleaned, ad
justed and tested.
AIR CLEANER cleaned and
CRANKCASE drained,
cleaned and refilled with
Richfield Motor Oil.
cleaned, refilled with Rich
field Gear Oil.
BATTERY checked and filled,
case and terminals cleaned
and carrier bolts tightened.
- o
TIRES checked, inflated,
cleaned, inspected, lubri
cated. RADIATOR drained, cleaned
and refilled.
CHASSIS completely lubri
cated with highest quality
cleaned, refilled with Rich
field Gear Oil.
JT a A. I i aanouc acia. I Delivered I only to relieve such monthly pain but I " ,mshhsu . w i fmsmtsms I
JFJ.jtfF'' . Afa I -" 11 ' - " ' -1 1 I Also accompany) ni nervous, restless. I Assss"". rf1" . L 4 u ft M k 1 1 1 6. I
G 0 (F ) 1 I C A r g I ' ' ' VEGETABLE COMPOUND I '
J (L3 ' -.1 2 r P
Bend Garage Company
709 WALL ST.