THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRitl 1 ; PAGE SEVEN Market Session : Firm and Quiet (United Press Financial Editor) .... New York, April 21 IIP) Strength In a few individual, is sues of the railroad liquor and steel sections today featured a firm, quiet stock market session. Railroads naa gains ranging to two points in i-ere oiorqueue which along with its preferred made a new high. Kansas City Southern issues rose a point and more with the common equaling its high and the preferred a new high. Morris and essex made a new top. Santa Fe rose-nearly a point and Chicago Northwestern certificates more than a point. In the liquors, new highs were made by Hiram Walkeri and Schenley on gains of a point each. Bethlehem with a rise of more than a point-featured the steels. Hudson rose more than a point to a new- high in ah 'otherwise quiet but firm motor section. Commonwealth and Southern easily held leadership on volume aided by a 10,000 share block at the opening and another of 55,500 shares later, the first at one and the second at. 1, unchanged. Columbia gas and National power also were active in a steady to firm utility group. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., April 21 (IP) Weekly livestock: Cattle 2050, calves 230. Compared week ago, fed steers strong to 25c higher, bulls unevenly lower, other clas ses steady to strong. Good fed steers $15.50-16.00. Several good to choice loads $16.50-17.00. Com mon-medium $11.5015.00, similar heifers $10.50-14.00. Good heii- ers $14.50-15.50. Choice lot to $16.00. Canner and cutter cows $7.00 10.00, fat dairy type to $11.75, medium-good beef cows $11.00 13.00; medium-good sausage bulls $10.50-12.50, few good heavy beef bulls to $13.50-13.70. Good and choice vealers $15.00-16.00. -. - Hogs 575. Week's trade un changed with demand urgent throughout on all classes. Nearly all barrows and gilts $15.75, the ceiling, few light lights down to 15.C0, good sows $15.00, good sows $15.00; stags $13.50-14.00; feeder pigs $17.00-18.00, heavies down to $16.00. Sheep 255. Week's extremely light run sold steady. Few good choice wooled lambs $15.50-16.00. Culls down $11.00; spring lambs lacking. Good yearlings to $13.50; good-choice wooled ewes $8.50- 9.00, two year olds to $9.50. Memorial Rites Set for Sunday Memorial services for Lt. Leon ard C. McCauley, who was killed in action while serving with Gen. George S. Patton's army in Ger many, will be held from the First Presbyterian church in Bend to morrow afternoon at 4:dU, witn Rev. R. H. Prentice in charge. Percy A. Stevens post of the American Legion will present the colors and Wilson George will be soloist. Lt. McCauley, a graduate from the Bend high school with the class of 1939, was the son of Sher iff and Mrs. C. L. McCauley, of Bond. He is also survived by his wife, Betty, of Colbrado Springs Colo., and a small son, Michael Don McCauley, Bend high school student, is a brother. ; CAP Sets Field Day for Sunday The Civil Air patrol will open its summer training program wim an early morning field day to be held tomorrow morning at the Bend municipal airport, officials announced todav. Transportation to the field will be available at headquarters in the Bank of Bend building at 6:30 and 6:45 a.m. for those cadets who do not have their own, it was said. The schedule for the day will include roll call at the field at 7:15 a.m., a breakfact for all mem bers at no charee. military drill and flights. All CAP members were urged to attend. Argentina is p'anning to pro duce 300,000 tons of linseed oil for fuel this year because of the shortages of other fuels. . See ELMER LEHNHERR For . Liberal Cash Loans On AUTO Your LIGHT TRUCK Your pick-up ; ' Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Thone 525 Spare AirticlesGm Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time .85c 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times JLS5 All wolds otr 25 add le per word times number of insertions On month ran. same eopr, Ifc daf rata Minimal Charge, Sao LINE KATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Classified AdTertisint, Cash In Ad'anca Dailr Closinai lima U:a p. M. MEETING of Loyal Order of Moose every Friday night DANCE for members and families every Saturday night, no charge. BEND LODGE, NO. 128 L O. O. F. Meets Every Monday Night I. O.O.F. , Temple 265 Franklin Avenue D.Ray Miller. Phone 1079-W, Sec'y D. R. Sullivan, Noble Grand FOB S4LE STEEL'S JUMBO, pansy plants, perennials of all sorts, most an nuals are now ready. Pickett Gar dens. Phone 530, 6th at Quimby. LARGE MODERN house with fireplace, basement, hof water heater, lawn and garden. Hospital bed, ice box, circulating heater. Call 593-W. 1258 E. 2nd after 6 p. m. 1 ONE 320 egg incubator, A-l con dition, 1 new 300 chick electric brooder with 2 sepaarte thermo static controlled heat units. In quire at 1367 Elgin. 4 ROOM house, furnished or un furnished. Has nice yard, wood- shed and garage. Call at 1385 Ithaca Ave. MASTADON strawberry plants, 5c.each. D. C. .Dyer, Rt. 2, Box 95. 5 ROOM modern house, electric hot water heater, wired for elec tric range, gas, garage, 4 lots, on south highway, next to White Tower' 315 Yew Lane.- SADDLE HORSES for sale and hire. Also unbroke ponies for sale. S. L. Miles. 3VS miles south on Dalles-California highway. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Steele's Jumbo pansy plants, also perennials and glad bulbs, annual flower and vegetable plants in season. 1604 W. 2nd, corner Port land. 2. WHEEL TRAILER, suitable iospeeiaily-for -boat, hauling. Ph. Trm-M. - :: - - - GOOD CAR JACK and pump, round wick kerosene lamp with shade, 2 large galvanized tubs, lady's hightop boots size 5'4C, a diamond wedding ring, sweet heart bracelet. Inquire 228 Flor ida. 7 ROOM modern house, partly furnished or unfurnished. Garage, woodshed, large lawn. Down pay ment and rest like rent. Posses sion soon, owner leaving. Inquire 1925 W. 2nd. 1 FAST GENTLE team of work horses and harness, $100.00. 1 sorrel mare, works or rides, and saddle, $80.00. 1 brown gelding work horse, fast, One black range mare, good walker, part hot blood. D. A. Rutherford, Rt. 2, Box 213, on Tumalo Reservoir road. 2 BEDROOM modern house, west side, shower bath, garden, wood shed, garage, immediate posses sion. $1800, $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. " BINOCULARS, Alpine Stereo, ,stze 8x30. Fine ones, $50.00. H. E. Jones, 137 Irving Ave. SOMETHING DIFFERENT, mod ern 5 room stone house, newly papered ana paintea, stone ga rage, barn, 5 acres, 5 acres Arn old, alfalfa. $5000, terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phono 36-W. PANSY, PERENNIAL and Ever bearing strawberry plants. Fan ton's Garden, 829 Ogden. TWO MILK GOATS, cheap for cash. Inquire at 126!ti Canal St. WEST SIDE, newly decorated 2 bedroom modern house, 2 lots, S2200, $500 down, $30 a month East side, completely furnished 3 bedroom modern house, $2800, S10O0 down. $40 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. $2750 BUYS 40 acres, 22 acres C.O.I., fair buildings, 5 miles out. $2000 buys 80 acres. 31 acres Swal Jey water, small house and barn. C. V. Silvis, 118- Oregon. TREADLE SEWING machine, Montgomery Ward Damascus. Also fruit Jars. Inquire 65 Lafay ette. RABBITS, bred does, some to ; kindle right away, some with young, 3 bucks. Call at 147 E. Olney. S3600 BUYS 2 modern 4 room nouses, west side. $1400 buys 3 room modern, north side, '$300 down,. S200 cash buys 3 room semi-modern. C. V. Silvis, 118 Ore- ,gon. ("; ENER AL MERCHANDISE More doing fine business. Re quires onlv small investment. Good opportuniiy to get business for yourself. Kor details see Frank McCarvey. Eank of Bend Bldg. REAL BOAT and motor. Can be seen Saturday alter 5:j0 at 12oj ! Elijin Ave. FOB SALE PRE-WAR baby buggy, collaps ible, in good-condition. Phone 404-J.- . . . SLEEPING TRAILER, good for fishing, mattress and springs included-. Any time Saturday, 11 to 4 rest of week. Inquire 202 Thurs ton. "Oregon-Bred Chicks" the year around. For eggs or meat they can't be beat Oregon State Hatchery Box 328 Klamath Falls, Ore. WOOD FUEL Prompt Delivery, load lots, city Dr country, ury Doay or itmos, length desired. Order next Win ter's fuel now. Consumers state ment necessary. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767., HEYWOOD-WAKEFIELD wicker baby carriage in excellent condi tion. 524 Congress. Phone 641-J. GOOD TENT size 12'xl4' $15. Also air gauge, 30 pound pressure. In quire 1335 Baltimore. 4 ROOM house, 2 bedrooms and bath, good garage and woodshed. Joe Kelly, 1325 Davenport. EVERBEARING STRAWBERRY plants, lc each. 3 miles north and 'A mile west Turoalo. Mrs. Paul Hansen. TABLE MODEL Philco radio. 2 men's suits, gray and blue, size 36, almost new. 2 sleeveless all wool sweaters, white and tan, size 34-36. 1 snort coat, black and white check, size 36. Call at 107 Riverfront. TRAILER HOUSE, 1938 model, 21 ft. factory built, two beds, heater, range, fully equipped, new paint, double way lighting system, battery or electric. A real home, a real buy, $900 cash. Call evenings. L. T. Crawford, Sisters, Ore., op posite post office. , wHEELOCK baby grand piano in periect condition, aiso pre-war daveno, rose colored, like new. In quire 246 Jefferson. 4 LARGE LOTS, 5 room house and bath, newly furnished. Inside new chicken house and park. woodshed, garage, and small house on back, garden, strawber ries, trees, and lawn. 351 W. Rail road bt. JUST RECEIVED $400 shipment oi radio tubes and parts. Guaran teed repairing. Luckey's Radio, 117 Lafavette. ' 10 TURKEY POULTS, 2 weeks old, $1.00 each. 118 Cascade Place. YOU GET VALUE received at The Beauty Quest. We use the best of materials. Our work as good as the best and better than the rest. Have your permanent for Mother's Day now while you may enjoy these prices. Monday artd Tuesday only $3.50 for a $5.00 value. Also Creme oil machinoless $8.50 value $7.00, $7.50 value $6.00 Monday through Wednesday. I OK SALE OK TRADE HOUSE at 374 Bond. Will take car or pickup. Phone 987. " FOR RENT OR SALE 4 BEDROOM modern unfurnish ed house, except furnace, close in. See Stipe at Bend Furniture Co. FOR RENT MODERN 2 room furnished house with complete bathroom. Phone 1083 or call at 623 Hill St. VACANCIES, O'Kane building. Inquire at Hogan's Studio. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment at $16 a month including water. 104 Lava road, corner of Colorado avenue. Phone 68-W. 1, 2 AND 3 room houses, furnish ed with water and lights, $8 to $15 per month. Close in. 168 E. Irving. Phone 83-1-W. ATTRACTIVE newly decorated apartment with bedroom. Close in, modern, electrically equipped, refrigeration, garage, full base ment. Inquire No. 7 Westonia Apts., 1601 W. 3rd St. 7 ROOM modern furnished house. Inquire 144 '-a Roosevelt, between 2nd and 3rd, after 3 p. m. Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring L,Kht Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 fttl Franklin Bond, Ore. FOB RENT NEWLY DECORATED 4 room, furnished, semi -modern house. Adults. $15.00 per month. Call 1038-J. TWO FURNISHED cabins. Room and board, also meals. Delaware Hotel. Phone 31-W. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W.' VACANCY in JANSEN VILLA: I Tnfui-nicharl nnnrtmpnt Has cir culating hearter, range, refrigera tor, and water heater. Laundry fa culties, inquire omce, wi i-urir land Ave. WANTED USED PIANO will pay cash if reasonable, for good piano. Con dition oi case not. important. Phone 17. WHEN YOU want wood, sawed call McCann "The Buzz Saw Man." Phone 945-M. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices tor good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion. 838 Wall St Phone 900. MAN for Bend City Parks. Make application at City Hall. WOOD, SMOOTH top restaurant range in good condition. Inquire 605 Congress. WANT TO BUY small child's tri cycle. Phone 1174. GOOD POCKET knife for boy overseas. Please call or write 1255 Elgin Ave. HOUSE OR APT. suitable for couple with small baby. Refriger ator, washing facilities, and ga rage or what have you. Write care of Bulletin No. 21. . TWO OR THREE bedroom mod ern unfurnished house. Must be close in. Address Bulletin 62. FOR YOUR garden plowing call Earl Rodman, 29-F-3, or M. H. Quinn, 29-F-13. WILL THE PERSON who has our Vigoro spreader please re-. turn lt Jirickson s 00a Market. BicYC LeFTnd-tricycles WANTED-also frames and other'1' parts. Especially need tricycle and wagon wheels. We will pay' top prices, and soon have them rebuilt into usable items much desired by children. Carl Austin, 220 Greenwood. . , , , HELP WANTED SALESMAN who has earned not less than $5,000 a year needed for vacancy in Bend and nearby. Line established over 60 years. Weekly advance against commission, Good man can earn over $l,000:aJrf c - k A' month. World War II veteran pixAX OOflS lYllSSinQ 1 'r-i 1 -r-i r. . I it'i nj. nil xvi-uiptri-juuiuas .uui- pany, Cincinnati 12, Ohio. 1 WANTED STENOGRAPHERand typist, steady or part time. Call 1039 Wall St. or phone 67. WOMAN for light Janitor work. See Joe Slate at Slate's Barber Shop. HELP on small dairy farm, man or woman. Modern house and electricity supplied. Good wages. Milking machine, no heavy farm work. Call 119 or 940 from 9 to 11 a. m. or 5 to 8 p. m. WAITRESS or bus girl, Coffee Shop. Pilot Butte Inn. WOMAN for part time work. Ap ply at Alpine Lodge,.or phone 200. TURKEY PICKERS TO PICK BREEDER TURKEYS START ING APRIL 26., CALL 120 RED MOND. FRY COOK. Inn. Inquire Pilot Butte SITUATION WANTED WOMAN will care for your chil dren anytime. Inquire 213 Riverside. NEW LOCATION WARNER PLUMBING Ed Warner Steam ' Fitting New Worle or Repairs Home Water System' Sump Pumps, etc. 822 Wall , . Phone 217-W RED RYDER THE marshal has mcnaver. tiUl AKEN T YOU AFRAID ACE HANLON WILL KE IURN TO GET S-vTOU, RED.' rp( J VZyVriSi BUSINESS 'J. 1 1 SITUATION WANTED MEAT CUTTER wants Job In Bend or vicinity. Write Lee Ever ett, Arcade Apts., Coos Bay, Ore gon. . EXPERIENCED ranch cook with character references wishes work for summer where she can have invalid sister with her. Reason able wages. Write No. 37 Bulletin. USED CARS 1933 CHEV. tudor sedan, new bat tery, good tires, good running condition. See it at Ben Graffen berger's Service Station on So. 3rd. 1935 CHEV. deluxe coach, good condition, good tires, radio and heater. Can be seen at Hill's Ga rage, 202 Greenwood. . LOST 5 "NO. 4 RATION books, Howard Richards family, 1424 Davenport. Lost near Columbia Food Market. 6NE BLUE ROAN, AK brand, one black, brand H on Jaw. Please notify E. B.. Daugherty at Des chutes. Reward. Rt. 2, Box 30, Bend. MISCELLANEOUS NEED YOUR Victory garden plowed? Phone 1-F-ll for plowing or other team work, Prices rea sonable. BEFORE PLANTING that vic tory garden, warm the ground with barnyard fertilizer. Yours for the hauling. 2000 E. 8th St. Phone 989-R. MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg istered thoroughbred, light bay, weight 1120, height 15 Vi, proven sire of quarter horse type. Fee iMU.00, return privilege. Standing, Brooks-Scanlon barn, Frank Filey, attendant. ' SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical; men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. fnone bbs or m-r-4. Mrs. urinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Lend. DO YOU want a Victory Garden of potatoes ? ave lot 50x110 that can be put to such use. Phono 1089-J on week-ends or after 6:30 ft. m. ' WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. r WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. ,Let us check your machine no ihlitratinn. Kltnpr Hudson, nhnne rV T3 PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. , - " In One Family Medford, Ore., April 21 (ll'i i The ElvertonjR. Claflin family of Medford today Had two sons re ported missing In action within a few weeks and a third came home on emergency leave. Sgt. Lynn E. Claflin of the ma rine corps is missing after action in the Pacific area while Sgt. Ce cil Claflin is reported missing on a B-25 flight over the Brenner pass in the Italian theater. The third son, Flight Officer Vincent Claflin, was given un emergency leave from his Texas field. ROAD IMPROVEMENT SEEN Prineville, April 21 Early con struction of the six-mile section of the PrlnevilleMitchell portion of the Oehoco highway along Marks creek is Indicated in a com munication received by Asa W. Battles, chairman of the highway committee of the Prlncvlllo Chamber of commerce. The letter was from H. C. llulett, supervisor of the Ochocn national forest, who said that .$.'100,000 had been earmarked by the forest service for the work. 1 af NeI5HlJk Ht LnANoE-U VT'M MlGHTf tHERSST!N' REMINDS ME I'D M if v7 pKwlo UN intiK yyw- I ,-j FOR A WHILE, FETTER GET bAGs . J m w ' x. n v c rx 1 lvl l.u lju lwwih s s i ri i v- p i v i ni nam v xio - i i ft WAR BONDS twiitoitifi t'i r -i omcui U.S. Ntr riwt Old Glory serves. Philippine Americans use flng to identify them selves when seeking food and muni tions on Navy L1C. War Bonds helDed' buy the supplies they re' Ceived. V. S. Tnasurn Dtportmtnt BUS DRIVER QUITS Portland, Ore., April 21 Mi Irate passengers called up the bus company after their driver be came irate at a passenger stop ped the vehicle at a busy intersec tion and abandoned it. "You can say he doesn't work here any more," said the bus com pany. JUNCTION BELIEVED NEAR With U. S. Ninth Army, Ger many, April 21 till The U. S. Ninth army has been put on the alert for a junction with Russian spearheads near the Elbe river, it was revealed tonight. Buy National War Bonds Now! WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OP RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES SERVICE -LET A MECHANIC UNION 76 Gasoline TRITON Motor Oil AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert mechanical umi electri cal work on all muken of curs and trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING TIRE SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to Hudson Dimt-un Vffl Wall Plume 81'5 BEAUTY SHOPS MOTHER'S DAY KOLD WAVE ' PERMANENTS Truly a Gift To Please Her! EXPERT OPERATORS May Laura Ardellu Powder Puff Beauty Shop I'lKiiie IHt CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hut Mocking Ccpitol Cleaners H27 Willi 'hone r,ii CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Brt of Materials Furnished Our periodical Inspection will Insure you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone SiiliW or Jl-P-'-iS KOI AFTER 1'vE TOLD W I fiuT TnirtSS WERE SPEAKING OF INTEREST CP Old Tombs Used By Isle Refugees Okinawa, April 21 (Via Navy Radio) U'i Thousands of elabor ate burial tombs carved into the hillsides of Okinawa were turned into air raid shelters by the na tives of the island crowded in among the bones of -their ances tors when U. S. navy planes and snips began bombing and sneiung. Ray Coll, Jr., war correspondent of the Honolulu Advertiser report ed that the tombs provided excel lent cover from artillery and mor tar fire. Thousands of civilians stayed In the crypts when Ameri can troops moved In, he said, and had to be coaxed out. The G. I.'s had been warned to respect the burial vaults and avoid dosecratlng them. However, notrv lng had been said about their tak ing cover there themselves so long as they did not disturb the dead. ! The tombs saved them the trou ble of digging foxholes on many occasions. , STATESMEN CONFEB Washington, April 21 iu Brit ish Foreign Minister Anthony Eden and Secretary of State Ed ward R. Stettinius, Jr., conferred for more than an hour today. SMUGGLER FIRST TO SWING I Burlington, Vt. 'IP) Vermont's' first public hanging took place here in 1808, when Cyrus Dean,; a smuggler, was executed before a crowd of 10,000 persons. Too much dirt accumulated In the bag of a vacuum cleaner in terferes with the flow of air and the machine will not pick up ad ditional dirt properly. i LEGAL NOTICES ' I NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Directors of Arnold Irrigation District have made a computation of the whole amount of money necessary to be raised by said District for 1945-48 STATIONS SERVICE YOUR CAR" . Dyer's Auto Service George M. Dyer Complete Auto Lubrication Firestone Tires & Batteries Sales and Service 1108 Bond at Greenwood Plume 87 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Kluctrleul Supplies m Fluorescent LIkIiIh (ili Aluzila Lumps Smith's Electric 1 183 Wall Phone 1)8 WASHERS WRINGKR ROLLS AUTHORIZED PARTS Service on all makes of wash iiiK liiuehlnes and electrical ap pliances. Bend Washer Service Greenwood Plionn r83 Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam Fitting New Work Rewlrliir Home Water Systems Hump Pumps Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing Sll Wall Phone KI7 W Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 1 68 839 Columbia t Specializing in 'Long Distance Household Gfods Movement for all purposes, and the amount to be assessed against eacn tract of land, and that the Board will meet as a Board of Equalization in the office of J. F. Arnold, Sec retary, at 126 Minnesota Street, Bend, Oregon, on the 1st day of May, 1945, for the purpose of re viewing and correcting said as-, sessment and apportionment, and, in the meantime, such assessment list will remain in the office of the Secretary for inspection by all pei-sons interested. UAirJD this wtn day of April, 1945. J. F. ARNOLD, Secretary. 111117c NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned administra tor 01 the estate 01 Dan J. Daly, deceased, has filed In the County Court of' Deschutes County, Ore gon, his final account in said estate, and said Court has fixed the 30th day of April, 1945, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock p. m. and the Courtroom of said Court as the time and place for hearing of ob jections, if any, to said final ac count and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published this 31st day of March, 1945. I. JOHN BELL, Administrator. A. J. MOORE, Attorney for Ad ministrator. 99-105-111-117C Bring Your Eyes Out of the Dark You can, by having us examine thorn and then make a pair of glasses for you that will cor rect vision defects. : Dr.M. B.McKenney OFTOMETBIST Offices Foot of Oregon Ave. Foone 480-W MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" IS-Sft Awhrpy fat. Tel. ffij8-M Refrigerator Service All Type ot Mechanical Servic On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. ttnnit to IVIInnffwotjt Photic KMM LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every D? Of tbe Year Phone 544 Trees Shrubs Vines Roses Evergreens and fruits. Extra hardy Minne sota Stuck. Stock sold F.O.B. nursery, delivered or planted. Free estimates for landscaping. Will compete with all catalog prices. HAINES NURSERY Cor. Fast 8th and Norton Phone WW Bend, Ore. INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO - FIRE LIFE Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 821 riniko Head Phone 316 John W. Smith, Agent 'H8 Awhrey Rd. Phone BM W FARMERS INSURANCI CROUP FARMERS AUTOMOBILE INTER-INSURANCE tXCHANGE & TRUCK INS. EXCHANGE I FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE Be Sale Not Sry Insure Today Prompt Claims Service Standard form aaUr ' Eugene. M.Kueknuin.lMst.Mirr. 1(1.) 1 Itond St. Phono 331 By FRED HARMAN U-n-rV SHE JUST f 11U nrt Ml ISU-I fff S UV-AA'A u t ur riL-n-LWtfc INTEREST, ME WK-UrV OUb-UUS'ED'