THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, SATURDAY, AfRIL 2 1 , 1945 PSGE THREE Wl flj Company Employee Payroll Quotas PLAN OF 7th WAR LOAM The Seventh War Loan will be one of the two great War Loans planned for 1945. More money will have to be raised in this War Loan than ever before. That money is needed first, of course, to help pay for the war. Just as important, however, is the fact that with incomes up, employment high, and consumer goods scarce, it is vital that we get every possible excess dollar into War Bonds NOW. It is the plan of the Seventh War Loan to pay particular attention to the sale of E Bonds to workers through the medium of the Payroll Savings Plan. The Payroll Drive will start in April, and all regular Payroll buying PLUS BUYING THROUGH CASH or increased allotments during the months of APRIL, MAY, AND JUNE will be credited to the Seventh War Loan Drive. COMPANY EMPLOYEE QUOTAS Experience has demonstrated the need for and value of a specific company employee quota. In previous War Loans it has been the practice of the Treasury to establish an over-all NATIONAL quota based on the same average purchase for all people in all industries. However, this method has in some instances set an unobtainable objective for some and a not-high-enough goal for others. So in approaching the Seventh War Loan we have set up a new quota system which has been designed: (a) To raise the amount of money the Government needs. (b) To distribute the job among companies and their workers according to wage scales and other pertinent considerations. I ' BEND EMPLOYEE QUOTAS FOR 7th WAR LOAN As Compiled From Records Furnished By State War Bond Committee Firm Name Allen's Cafe Anderson's Garage Associated Oil Co. Aune's Feed Store . Employees Quota $ 1,000.00 500.00 .. ..... 375.00 .'. .... 375.00 Bake Rite Bakery 1,000.00 Bend Furniture Co 750.00 Bend Amusement Co 1,800.00 Bend Dairy Store - 750.00 Bend Dairy Plant 1,750.00 Bend Bulletin 2,752.00 Bend Auto Parts 500.00 Bend Pilot 250.00 Bond Street Food Market 625.00 Bank of Bend .' 1,600.00 Brandis Thriftwise 500.00 Bend Garage 1 1,500.00 Bear's Jewelry 375.00 Bend Drug - 875.00 Bend Troy Laundry i 2,500.00 Bend-Portland Truck 1,800.00 Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. 76,1 25.00 Bureau of Reclamation ' 3,250.00 Bend Iron Works 750.00 Buster Brown Shoe ... 250.00 Consolidated Freight 1.000.00 Central Oregon Garage 500.00 Columbia Food Market 500.00 Columbia Food Store 800.00 Coiy Hotel 625.00 City Cleaners 1 ,000.00 Consumers Gas 500.00 Central Oregon Motors 500.00 Copeland Lumber Co ' 625.00 Coca-Cola Bottling Co 750.00 Claypool Furniture Co 500.00 Congress Grocery 625.00 Cashman's Clothing Store 625.00 Childs Hardware Co 500.00 City Hall (combined) 2,750.00 D and D Club 500.00 Checkerboard Cafe 375.00 Downing Hotel 750.00 Douthits 500.00 Delaware Grocery 375.00 Deschutes Federal Savings 500.00 Lumbermens Ins. Co 500.00 Eriksen's Stationery 375.00 Firm Name Employees Quota Erickson's Grocery $ 1,250.00 Evans Fly - 375.00 Elite Beauty Shop 500.00 Eddies Sales & Service . 750.00 First National Bank of Portland 1,750.00' General Grocery 1,000.00 Gilbert's Real Estate 375.00 Gorhkes Meat Market 500.00 Gregg's Banner Bakery 1,250.00 Greenwood Grocery 375.00 Hauks Wholesale 375.00 Hogan's Studio '. 375.00 Hudson Duncan Co - 1,250.00 Jo Ann's Beauty Shop 375.00 J. C. Penney Co 2,500.00 KBND Radio Station 875.00 Lydick's 750.00 McCann's Sign & Stg 750.00 Medo-Land Creamery 2,250.00 Miller Lumber Co. 1,350.00 Michaelson's Grocery 375.00 Midstate Hardware Co. .: 375.00 Minnesota Hotel 375.00 Mission Service Station 375.00 Mastercraft Cleaners 500.00 Montgomery Ward & Co 750.00 Moty and Vandyke . 1,250.00 Modern Barber Shop 500.00 Magill Drug Co 625.00 Neibergall Jewelry Store 375.00 Newberry's 1,625.00 O'Donnell's Market 500.00 Oregon Trail Box Co 2,000.00 Oregon Equipment Co 375.00 Owf Pharmacy 375.00 Pacific Fruit Co 1,250.00 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co 5,1 25.00 People's Store 500.00 Pine Cone 625.00 Palace . 1,000.00 Piggly Wiggly 1,000.00 Pilands Market 375.00 Pepsi Cola 750.00 Pilot Butte Inn 3,750.00 Paul's Cafe 500.00 Pacific Power and Light 1,250.00 Pacific Power and Light (plant) 1,875.00 Firm Name Employee Quota Powder Puff $ 500.00 Pondereoa Cafe 500.00 Pastime 500.00 Pine Tavern .................... 1 ,500.00 Pacific Trailways 2,450.00 Polly's Cafe - 1,500.00 Rath's 375.00 Superior Cafe 2,425.00 Superior Club 375.00 Symon's Jewelry 500.00 Simpson Paint Store 800.00 Simpson Tobacco 500.00 Smoke Shop 800.00 Safeway Stores 1,000.00 Sanitary Barber Shop 250.00 The Shevlin-Hixon Company 122,000.00 Smith Electric Co Silhouette Dress Shop ... State Liquor Store State Police Dept S & N Men's Shop Slate's Barber Shop Shellhart's Grocery Store Stilwell's Cafe 375.00 500.00 625.00 875.00 375.00 625.00 500.00 ...... 500.00 Trailway Coffee Shop 1,000.00 Top Notch Cafe 500.00 Woolworth's 1,250.00 Western Union Telegraph Co 500.00 Waldorf 500.00 Western Auto 375.00 Wetle's Dept. Store 1 ,750.00 U. S. Employment Service 1,000.00 U. S. Forest Service 1,625.00 U. S. Post Office 2,875.00 Ordinance Service Command Shops. 20,875.00 800.00 500.00 875.00 800.00 625.00 500.00 375.00 625.00 250.00 Square Deal Furniture Co 1,000.00 State Public Welfare West Side Tavern Scotty's Food Market & Feed... O-So-Good Ice Cream '. Local Ration Board 8591 Deschutes County Library ..... Doug Ward's Service Station... Standard Stations Inc. No. 1315. Standard Stations Inc. No. 819. Setting The Company Employee Quota Seventh War Loan company quotas should be set for the . total purchases by employees during the months of April, May, and June. The oficial ACCOUNTING period will extend from April 9 to July 7, inclusive. COMPANY EMPLOYEE QUOTA GUIDE Col. I Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Average Average Average Maturity Wage Subscription Weekly Value of Per Needed Allotment Bonds Bought Montfc (Cash Value) 7th War Loan $250 & up $187.50 $15.63 $250 225-250 150.00 12.50 200 210-225 131.25 10.94 175 200-210 112.50 9.38 . 150 180-200 93.75 7.82 125 140-180 75.00 6.25 100 100-140 37.50 3.13 50 Under $100 18.75 1.57 25 Thls would Include present allotment plus extra special 71 h War Ixmui allotments and extra cash purchases for 12-vcek period In April, May, and June. . FORMULA (A) Ascertain average wage scale of company and number of employees. (B) Multiply numbor of employees by figure in Column 2. This will give the company's total gross Seventh War Loan quota in dollars (to arrive at quota in terms of maturity value in Bonds use figure in Column 4.1 (C) To ascertain NET amount to be raised, deduct expected allotments from April, May, and June from total gross quota. (This chart anticipates that deductions or sales will start FIRST PAY DAY in April and will extend over ALL PAY PER IODS IN APRIL, MAY, AND JUNE.) SPECIAL NOTE ' While these are the quotas we must reach, it is important to understand that they are agregate company employee ob jectives. In planning to reach its assigned aoal. each companv : or plant will naturally AVERAGE ITS OWN HIGH AND LOW BUYERS. (Corporate purchases are NOT to be included) I he above listing is compiled trom data available. If thfra is a discrepancy, reflgure your employee's quota and notify fit committee. If your business is not included, it is because bsic quota tigures were not available. In this case figure your qi t trom the formula and please notify the committee. This Page Is a Contribution to America's AH Out War Effort by the Following Local Concerns in Cooperation With the Deschutes County War Finance Committee. Bank of Bend Bend Garage Company Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. Cashman's, Bend's Clothier Central Oregon Distributors Gregg's Banner Bakery Lumbermens Insurance Agency The Miller Lumber Company Niswongcr & Winslow J. C. Penney Co., Inc. Deschutes Federal Savings & Loan Assn. Erickson's Food Market Coca-Cola Botting Co. of Bend The First National Bank of Portland, Bend Branch Staples Optical Pacific Trailways The Shevlin-Hixon Company Superior Cafe, 1047 Bond St. Wetle's I I 'r-