pagYeksht' THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, bREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1945 Concert Is Held, Typists Honored Madras, April 20 (Special) The Crook county high school band from Prinevllle, under the direction of Dallas Norton, pre sented a very well-rounded and enjoyable program in the sctiool uucmonum nere last Friday night, ine Dana program offered a variety ol numbers including . ovum rvi:r pupuiur aiars ana Stripes Forever" and "El Capl tan." An added bit to the program was the chorus and mixed chorus which sang "Sweet Chariot" and "Here We Come Through the Kainbow," and the ever delightful "Ol' Man River," sung by Herbert iienry, wno later played a horn soio. "The Secret" and the "Light Cavalry Overture," with Welles Adkisson playing a xylophone solo was also enthusiastically re ceived. "Concert Overt ore In G Minor," by Lillyo, was of a more classical nature calling for real skill and showmanship on the part of the young musicians whose playing showed careful training. The local school offered two skits put on by the Madras union high school girl's drill team and the other by members of the French class. Charles P. Kupper, principal of the Madras union high school, be tween numbers announced the winners of the typing and short hand contests held previous to the concert. Glenna Nelson, Madras, won first place in typing. Suzzane Michel won honorable mention. In Truman Adviser Wo; Seen slated for an Important role In any.-"kitchen cabinet" which may gather about Presi dent Truman is Hugh Fulton, above former counsel for the Senate's Truman Committee. Mr. Trumnn put great reliance upon his advice during the committee's Investigations. A Man's Last Tribute ... is a reflection of hit en tire life. Our funeral service is designed to be worthy of the deceased, and a relief of all burdens for the bereaved. tr ' FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE . PHONE 118 Niswonger nc' Win slow Morticians shorthand Mary Graham of Prlne- ville was first and honorable men tion went to Shirley Bolter, Ra mona Sweet, Madras and Bonnie Stone of Prinevllle. . This was a return contest; the iirst Demg Held in Prinevllle sev eral weeks ago. Mrs. H. B. Stephens of Madras and Mrs. Vada Applegatc of ' Prinevllle were coaches. . Madras Seniors Set Graduation - Madras, April 20 (Special) Plans for Madras union high school commencement exercises were announced Wednesday by Charles P. Kupper, principal. Bac calaureate services will be held on Sunday evening May 13 and graduation will be the following Thursday evening at the school auditorium. MiiiiiiMiiiiiiuriuiriiMiMriiijniniiiuujituuoHimiami: li0ilIiiaiiiniipiiniuiiiniiBijiiiiiliiiuiiiuiu1iiaiBiiiMiimiimui'iiJiuiiiii OREGON STATEHOUSE JOTTINGS iiiiuiiiiimiiHiiiiiiiimiitsiii By Eric W. Allen, Jr (Uniud PrM Suff Correftpomleut Salpm, Ore., April 20 ill'i iJust is slowly gathering on n record of many human tragedies and come dies in a basement near the capitol building here. y You can see a crushed bicycle i cn wnicn a smaii ooy lost Ills life, lor a handful of preserved bed Ibugs. There's a model of an Ice I crushing machine in which a man Rev. O. R. V. Bolster, rector of i lost an urm. und a woman's slip- Trinity Episcopal church in Bend, I Pel - will give the sermon. Sei-vices I There's a defunct shotgun used will be held at the Methodist ! in a water-melon-patch fracas, and church. Rev. Mrs. Edward Carl-1 a set of obstetrical tools used in son, minister of that church will i an Illegal operation. assist. Since this is also Mother's These and many other objects Ltay this will be a double occasion. I and records are slowly mouldering Onrin.-.f inn nn Thr.,i. niv,( away in the basement of the su- will see the seniors receiving their I Premp, building here left- diplomas as P. D. Lewis, local i overs. from ,rla,s and appeals now Foreign Worker To Speak in Bend Rev. A. L. Hammond from Cam bodia, French Indo China, is to be the speaker tonight and Sun day at the missionary convention now being held at the Christian Missionary Alliance church in Bend, it was announced today. Rev. Hammond was one of the first missionaries to French Indo China, and has worked in that field 23 years. Rev. Hammond has translated the entire Bible Into the Cam bodian language, which is spoken by more than 3,000,000 natives. On Sunday, Rev. Hammond will speak at the 11 a. m. services and at the 7:30 p. m. services. business man and for some vears a teacher in the Texas school sys tem, will deliver the address. Valedictorian will be Leonard Sweet, salutatorian, Elna Degner. Several awards will be given, in cluding the Reader's Digest award and the alumni plaque. nv. j. r. Simmons oi tne Bap tist church' will give the invocation. Members of the 1945 graduat ing class are Elna Degner, Jessie DeLude, Aloha Lowrey Ferguson, Daniel Ferguson, Thelma Haber- sticn, Norman Hensek. June Her- lng, Evelyn Kellev. Vlreinta Me. uermou ana Leonard sweet. mostly forgotten. Arthur Benson, clerk of the supreme court, .took me through the basement. And it is a fascinat ing, if slightly morbid, place . full of old memories of murder and Injurv and anger. An old whisky bottle contains the bedbugs a leftover from a case In Portland where one dis- gnintied person presumably iuuiiu uiem in a oeu. There , are maps and photo graphs and decuments, all of them pertaining to cases at law where one person or another felt strongly enough to take the suit to the supreme court. i no most interesting exhibits to me, a layman, wore those con cerned with the cases of crimes of violence but the bulk of the evidence pertains to those cases which are less Interesting except to a lawyer. There are briefs and documents of all kinds. There are diagrams of accidents, and maps of dis puted property. In a corner of.the building rests a stone which fell on a man near a railroad track in Central Oregon. It is still here as no one ever claimed it. Many of the exhibits have been claimed by the original owners, while some have been requested by the lawyers who plead the cases. Police departments often like to keep as souvenirs the ex hibits in cases in which they have figured. But many stay in the supreme court basement and there they will remain, catching more dust. 6.94 County-Court Proceedings GLASS BREAKERS SOUGHT Bend police today were seeking several small boys who were re ported to have been breaking glass in an alley between Arizona and. Colorado avenues. A woman called officers and said that the boys were using slingshots ,ih breaking bottles. . - BEND DRUG CO. 953 Wall St. Allen Young, Proprietor ' Phone 4 PROTECT CLOTHING Against Destructive Moths t jitifll Moth Flakes .pkg. 19c Moth Crystals ........... pkg. 25c Moth Balls For Clothes Slorago 12 oz. 23c Moth Crystals and Vaporizer Both 75c Cedar Chest Compound 35c Apex Moth Crystals 10c 15c Moth Myst . . . . . . .pt. 69c qt. 1.23 Larvex, for clothes, pt. 79c qt. 1.19 Liquid Sprayers each 59c Metal Liquid Sprayer pt. 49c Metal Liquid Sprayer qt. 83c 1 We maintain fresh supply of pure, full strength drugs at all times. 2 Ncwesr drugs including important Sulfa Drugs arc here for use as directed by your doctor. 3 Promptness in filling prescriptions is second only to itnutnty. The Rcxill Jmhlt-thtik system insures absolute accuracy. 4 "Common. sense" prices prevail at the Rexall T...n Cmrm Itrlrmm .ha. Wrill ntl afflTtl BE IT REMEMBERED, That at a regular meeting of the County i-ouri nera April , 1H4&, all mem bers being present, the following business was transacted: In the Matter of Claims Against the County: The following bills wore pre sented and ordered paid: GENERAL FUND George Brooks, prisoners board $44.40 Don Shipley, janitor help...: 17.63 C. L. Allen, county Judge. postage .-. 5,00 A. E. Stevens, commissioner 36.40 E. E. Varco, commissioner 43.20 Burnlce Shumate, health dept., typist 56.75 Aubrey Perry, watermaster 190.88 Jesse Edgar, sheriff, deputy "ire 14 Kn W. F. McGregor, sheriff. deoutv hire A di Lucy Davison, P.H.N., mile- age 12.55 tima Mulllns, P.H.N., mile- - age .: : asan riazei v. Barclay, P.H.N., mileage 38.55 Gladys B. Cochran, P.H.N., mileage n.fis Glen W. Thompson, sanitar ian, mileage :b.7U I. M. Wells, Juvenile mileage 23.05; deputy sheriff mile age 20.20 43.25 Iva Johnson, jail matron 4.17 Iva Johnson, prisoners' meals 5.60 Helen M. Dacey, county clerk, Rectigraph 4.00 C. L. McCauley, sheriff: tel. ! 5.21; auto 18.96 24.17 Oregon Protective Society, Juvenile 5.00 The Bend Bulletin, health dept 7.50 Dairy's Supply Co., Inc., health dept 5.75 The J. K. Gill Company, health dept 5.27 Standard Oil C o m p a n y, sheriff, auto exp 1.08 Hogan Studio,' fingerprint ident , The Redmond Spokesman, tax loreciosure (personal prop.) :.118.30 City Drug Company, sher iff, supplies 1.20 Smith's Electric, courthouse exp 2.00 Geo. Child's Hardware, . courthouse exp. 18.00 Bend Auto Parts,. Inc., sher iff, auto 22.15 Mldstate Hardware Co., courthouse exp 4.00 Hornbeck Typewriter Co., D.A., typewriter repair .... 1.75 Bushong & Co., sheriff, sup plies 7.25 Pac. Power & Light Co., ' courthouse electricity 88.20 Bend Water Department, courthouse water 7 (10 The Miller Lumber Com pany, courthouse fuel 102 fin State Ind. Acc. Comm.. . peace officers 10.13; wa termaster 91c .....11.04 Pac. Tele. & Tele". Co., tele.,1 various offices 71.44 N. S. Rogers, State Forester, fire natrol & nrotection . ..402 si Eriksen's Stationery and Of- nee supply, county court 5.30; health deDt. 1.95: ! clerk, supp., 2.15; repair 11.00 ...a..... 20.40 The Bend Bulletin, sheriff 72.40; legal pub. 21.95 94.35 R. L. Lewis, T.B. & Bang's , indemnity 114.18 timer Lehnherr, courthouse ins 12.36 County Treasurer, general . assistance 182.47 TAYLOR GRAZING FUND Deschutes County Clerk, re- . cording easement 1.00 Bend Hardware, wire 485.00 GENERAL ROAD FUND Roy Allingham, salary 188.53 T. C. Daly, salary 196.83 Herbert Franklin, salary ....188.53 Lee Hollenbeck, salary 196.83 Geo. H. McAllister, salary....l99.53 T. C. Merchant, salary 175.63 D. D. Tussing, salary 188.53 Dan C. Wood, salary 188.53 Clarence Walker, salary 198.03 A. E. Stevens, commissioner 36.40 E. E. Varco, commissioner 33.60 Andrew Foley, Agent, P.L. & P.D. Ins 15.36 Central Oregon Motor Co., parts 259.49 Redmond Motor Co., parts 3.50 Halbrook Motors, parts 7.15 Bend Garage Company, parts 43.44 George Chllds Hardware Co., hdw 1.93 Union Oil Company, lubL.. 55.38 Columbia Equipment, Co., hdw B4.G1 Strawn and Company, gen. .exp 3.66 moty & van Dyke, Inc., ' parts . 3.07 miller Lumber Company, lumber 318.14 Minnesota Mining & Manu facturing Company, hdw. 63.15 Industrial Paint Works. hdw. J..151.90 Bend Water Department. water 1.45 i-"ac. power & L eht Co.. electricity. ...i 5.00 Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co., tele. 4.80 btate Ind. Acc. Comm., ins. 47.36 In the Matter of Deeds To County Owned Lands: The Court signed the following deeds: C. W. Nelson Lot 3, Block 4, Highland. $150.00. C. L. Hill SWHNWK, NW'4 SWW, Sec. 6, Twp. 17 S.R. 12 E. W.M. $1250.00. . Montie Griffin SE'4, SE"4 NE'4 Sec. 36, Twp. 17 S.R. 13 E. W.M. $200.00. In the Matter of Leaslner County Owned Lands: I he Court signed the followinc lease: - C. L. Hill SEW NWVi, SW4 SW'4. Sec. 6, Twp. 17 S., R. 12 E. W.M. $5.00 (Jan. 1, 1945r-December 31; 1947.) In the Matter of Sew er Connections: j Permission Is hereby granted I George Allison, who owns lots 9, ' block 9 North Addition, Bend, to connect a sewer line, said line to be approved by the City of Eend, to the line now serving the build ing owned by Deschutes County located on lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, block 24, Resubdlvision, Bend, Oregon. In the Matter of the Re-Sale of County CwncJ I.i'.nJs ORDER FOR SALE OP. REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, Deschutes County. ! Oregon, is the owner of the real property neremaiier uescnueu, and Die County Court deems it for the best interests of said county to sell said real property: THEREFORE, BE IT ORDER ED, that the Sheriff be, and he is, hereby authorized and directed to sell the following described real property, in the manner provided by law, for not less than the min imum price and terms set oppo site each tract, plus costs of ad vertising and recording the deed. Parcel No. 1 SMjSEW Section 29, N'iNEli, SUM4NEW, SE'A, (less 27.55 Acres Deeded to State) Section 32, NWViSWW, Section 33, SHS'z-i, Section 33, Twp. 19 S., R. 16 E.W.M. (20 down, bal ance in three equal annual pay ments,) S625.00 Terms. Parcel No. 2 Lots 4 and 5, Block 189. Third Addition to Bend Park. $70.00 Cash. Parcel No. 3 East 100 feet of Lot 1, Block 13, Wiestoria. $40.00 Cash. Parcel No. 4 S'A. Section 16, Twp. 21 S., R. 10 E.W.M. ($400.00 down, balance in three equal pay ments. ) 5640.00 Terms. Parcel No. 5 Blocks 151 and 156, Hillman. $40.00 Cash, Parcel No. 6 SE14NW4 (4 acres) Section 29, Twp. 15 S., R. 13 E.W.M. $15.00 Cash. Parcel No. 7 E'4 of Lot 3 and Lot 4, Block 23, Townsite of Red mond. $50.00 Cash. Parcel No.-8 SE'4NEH. Sec tion 24. Twp. 14 S.. R. 10 E.W.M., NE'4NWW, S'4NW'4, Section 19. Twp. 14- S., R. It E.W.M., NEMNW'4. Section 11 Twp. 17 S., R. 14 E.W.M. $320.00 Cash. There being no further busi ness, Court adjourned. C. L. ALLEN, County Judge E. E. VARCO, Commissioner A. E. STEVENS, Commissioner New 4-H Clubs Are Organized Madras, April 20 (Special) Several 4-H clubs have been or ganized in Jefferson county re cently by the Oregon State college extension staff here. Much in terest has been shown in the club work and a large percentage of club age children are taking part. Club leaders include: Mr. and Mi's. L. N. Otis, Mrs. Edith Wei ton. Mrs.C. V. Blanchard, Miss Rosella Richardson. Mrs. Boyd Overhulse, Mrs. John Beesley, Mrs. C. A. McKenzie and Mis. Opel Schneider of Madras, Mrs. Nick Welter, Warm Springs, Rich ard Tate, Mrs. Ruby TIagman, BRITISH HOSPITAL London tll'i British officers wounded in Europe soon may be sent to famed Monte Carlo to convalesce. Arrangements have been completed to provide as many as 2,000 beds for convales cents in the neutral state of Mo The salts found in the body fluids of most animals, Including man, are in the same proportion as that that predominate in sea water, with the exception of mag nesium, which occurs in only one- iourtn tne concentration. lCS MENDED iWHISKEY KnssSSflW ; proof -on Broi nnUa1 (rl . - 5Sy Corp, N. Y. C. i f Culver; Mrs.' Byron' Friend Achunrul. The communities In which if clubs are now functioning ati Madras, Culver, Ashwood J! Wurm Snrlnes. . The la ak! organized in the county cover ta following subjects: cooking, pig and sheep. PACKS 'EM IN Columbus, O. (UiWhen "OH homa!" played a week's enean ment here, every available tick! u ...i.ul n-i 1. .nrf was auiu wuuui 41 uuuits aj(t the show was announced. Son, enthusiasts had mailed in blan but signed checks months befort with orders to put them down k tickets if the show ever can here. J HAND HAMMERED ALUMINUM wear of unusual design unusual beauty ! : Hostess sett and separate pieces in this rugged and beauti ful, light and serviceable ware. You must see it to appreciate its individual charm I DOZENS OF BOWLS in every shape and size ' LARGE AND SMALL SERVING TRAYS SALAD BOWLS ROLL BASKETS FRUIT BOWLS RELISH DISHES TIDBIT TRAYS ASH TRAYS and many others, many with glass inserts. Lovely floral, fruit and pine-cone designs in hand ham mered aluminum. f Symons Bros. - 'The House of Beauty" : "' 947 Wall Street Phone 175 PAYROLL SAVINGS POSTEH 1 ' For Your Car Wow ... , WAVS "OUR X L- 'I CAR RUNNING Today's car will also lie M your car tomorrow alon't Central Oregon's Completely Equip ped Repair Shop Servicing to Fac tory Secifications. For more than a quarter of a century, the Bend Garage has been a service headquar ters for Central Oregon car owners. We take pride in maintaining a shop with the equipment that does a complete and better repair job. Trained men do the work to factory specifications. We stock genuine repair parts. Drive in we will gladly check your car. Buy Bonds Now BEBsfB .(SAEAGE CO. BUY NOW FOR THE B0(SEK 7th WAR LOAM Itsuuufi PcuyioU Soouifi Go to your employer tomorrow and ID)1JIBLE yoiir usual quota for April, May and June! this space courtesy South of Post Office Phone 193 PHONE 466