THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, FRIDAYAPRIL 20, 1945 PAGE SEVEN, 15 is- in em iBy Elmer C. Walzer (United titm Financial Editor) New York, April 20 t'lPi Stocks iened and closed on a note of egularlty. A 'rally sandwiched tween these periods lifted all erages and Sent the utility av age to a new high since July 31, 37. " : : When the opening Irregularity iled to bring in new selling, the t rose easily but the recovery eked support of volume and ti hen week-end evening-up opera tions devetopea late in tne flay the market was unable to absorb r piling, trices annea down irom he best levels of the day, and lie ft Lany leaders finished at losses. I : Volume Is Noted . Leading railroad stocks turn- shed a relatively large volume. I'hey headed the midday recovery ivith Santa Fe . making a new high at 98, up two points. Nickel 'late, Pere Marquette, and Alle ghany Corporation issues had . wide gains one to six points, ; the later in Pere Marquette Prior preferred. Santa Fe subsequently ; lost most of its rise and the high grades slipped back, some to net flosses. Heaviest trading of the i group centered on New York Cen i tral and Chicago Korth Western certificates. - - PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., April 20 IP Livestock: cattle 10, calves 10. Mostly nominal ' with demand broad. Week's top fed steers $17.00. Best heifers $16.00. Can- ner-cutter cows salable $y.uu-iu.uu. Medium-good beef cows quotable ,11.00-13.00; Medium-good sausage ulls salable $10.50-12.50. Heavy el bulls Quotable to $13.50 or m rre gular V i above. Good vealers $15.00-15.50; choice salable to $16.00. Hogs none. Quotable steady at ceiling prices. Butchers eligible at $15.75. Sows around $15.00. Good-choice feeder pigs salable $17.00-18.00. Sheep- none.. Normal. Gpod cholce wooled and spring lambs salable $15.00-16.00. Good-choice wooled ewes salable to $9.00. Shorn ewes $6.75. LT. KNIGHT KILLED Chicago, April 20 (U'i First Lt. John S. Knight, 22, son of the publisher of "the Chicago Daily News and newspapers in Miami, Detroit and Akron, O., was killed March 29 in a German ambush near Muenster, Germany, it was disclosed today. " Pnnner sulfate, in a concentra- libn of l'to 100,000. In watetfwill destroy typhoid and cholera geims in approximately : four hours. V Makes Old Tires Safe! Tire Reliners Full size Firestone tire relining provides your tires complete protection right up to the bead. 3-ply cemented and painted. Passenger Car Sires . 4.75t5.00. to 7.00x17 $2.75 up Firestone Cord Cross Patch Made of new gum-dipped cord, for cold repairs or vulcanizing. (, Sizes, 25c to 1.15 OVAL PATCHES Fit Your Casings Houk-Van Allen Tirtonc Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St Phone 860 See ELMER LEHNHERR For ' .'" Liberal Cash Loans AUTO On Your LIGHT TRUCK PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Monttis to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time S5e 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.85 All word, 8Tr 23 add lc per word tians ' nuiabtr of iiuci-tlons On month run. mbi eopr, day rata Minimum Chare, IS LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Cluatfied AdTertUtnf, Caah In Adranca Uailr Claalnc Tim. f. M. MEETING of Loyal Order of Moose every Friday night. DANCE for members and families every Saturday night, no charge.' BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. HI. Special Communication Fit; April 20, 7:30 p. m. I' C. Degrees Also Examinations George SirnervUle, Sec'y. FOB SALE 2 BEDROOM modern house, west side, shower bath,' garden, wood shed, garage, immediate posses sion. $1800, $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. - 1 ' SOMETHING DIFFERENT, mod ern 5 room stone house, newly papered and painted, stone ga rage, barn, 5 acres, 5 acres Arn old, alfalfa. $5000, terms. Anne Forbes 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. PANSY, PERENNIAL and Ever bearing strawberry plants. Fan ton's Garden, 82? Ogden. . , WEST SIDE, newly decorated 2 bedroom modern house, 2 lots, $2200, $500 down, $30 a month East side, completely furnished 3 bedroom modern house, $2800, $1000 down, ' $40 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. $4800 BUYS 4 bedroom modern home, close in, pavement. $6000 buys large duplex and modern house, corner lot, close in on pave ment. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. $2750 BUYS 40 acres, 22 ..acres C.O.I., fair buildings, 5 miles out. $2000 buys 80 acre, 31 acres Swal lcy water, small house and barn. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. RABBITS,, bred "does, some to kindle right away, some with young, 3 bucks. Call at 147 E. Olney. $3600 BUYS 2 modern 4 room houses, west side. $1400 buys 3 room modern, north side, $300 down,. $200 cash', .buys 3 room semi-modern. C. V. Silvis, 118 Ore gon. " ' ; FURNISHED HOUSE, modern, convenient, four rooms and bath, garage, garden, three lots. 2143 i East 3rd St. ! G E N E R A L MERCHANDISE I store doing fine business. Re quires only small investment. I Good opportunity to get business ! for yourself. For details see Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. REAL BOAT and motor. Can be seen Saturday after 5:30 at 1255 Elgin Ave. STEEL'S JUMBO pansy plants, ! perennials of all sorts, most an- nuals are now ready. Pickett Gar- dens. Phone 530, 6th at Quimby. LARGE MODERN house with fireplace, basement, hot water heater, lawn and garden. Hospital bed, ice box, circulating heater. Call 593-W. 1258 E. 2nd after 6 p. m. GIRL'S PREWAR bicycle in good condition $45, high pressure 25 qt. size canner with can sealer and isome No. 2 and 3 size cans, $20. I About 100 qts. home canned fruit. 6 miles east of Bend on Alfalfa ! Market road. W. E. Bostick. 4 ROOM house, furnished or un furnished. Has nice yard, wood shed and garage. Call at . 1385 Ithaca Ave. ' 5 ROOM modern house, electric hot water heater, wired for elec tric range, gas, garage, 4 lots, on south highway, next to White Tower, 315 Yew Lane. ' $5500 BUYS large modern home, 2'4 acres ground on highway. Irri gation and city water. A real 1 home. 52000 down handles. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. I LYONS FLOWER GARDENS j Steele's jumbo pansy plants, also j perennials and glad bulbs, annual . flower and vegetable plants in season. 1604 W. 2nd, coi ner Port-; land. . j i A PEDAL SEWING machine.! j Phone 1076 R or ca II 937 E. 3rd. j FARMERS NOTICE: I have j about 250 sacks of good clean seed : potatoes free from disease, sort ed and sacked, $3.50 per hundred, i 6 miles east of Bend on Alfalfa: Market road. W. E. Bostick. ROUGH JACKPINE lumber. No i priority needed. 364 Woodland Blvd. Lynn Hauck. - i IGOOD CAR JACK and pump, round wick kerosene lamp with shade, 2 largo galvanized tubs, ladv's hlghtop boots sie 5HC, a diamond wedding ring, sweet heart bracelet. Inquire 228 Flor- ' ida. ' 7 ROOM modern 'house, partly ! furnished or unfurnished. Garage, , woodshed, large lawn. Down pay :ment and resi like rent: Posses ' sion soon, owner leaving. Inquire 1 1925 W. 2nd. 1 OR SALE MASTADON strawberry plants, 5c each. D. C. Dyer, Rt. 2, Box 95. COOLATOR like new. Used six months. 451 Scott St. ONE STEEL frame collapsible baby buggy in good shape, one folding play pen with mat, one trainer chair. Inquire 1214 Albany or call 869-J. ONE YEAR OLD trained sheep dog, $75.00. Write John Raglin, 743 Deer St., Prineville, Oregon. SLEEPING TRAILER, good for fishing, mattress and springs in cluded. Any time Saturday, 11 to 4 rest of week; Inquire 202 Thurs ton. ' WOOD FUEL Prompt Delivery, load lots, city dt country, Dry ooay or nmDs, length desired. Order next win ter's fuel now. Consumers state ment necessary. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. GOOD TENT size 12'xl4' $15. Also air gauge, 30 pound pressure. In quire 1335 Baltimore. EVERBEARING STRAWBERRY plants, lc each. 3 miles north and H mile west Tumalo. Mrs. Paul Hansen. TRAILER HOUSE, 1938 model, 21 ft. factory built, two beds, heater, range, fully equipped, new palnt.double way lighting system, battery or electric. A real home, a real buy, $900 cash. Call evenings. L. T. Crawford, Sisters, Ore., op posite post omce. PART JERSEY cow and 3 months old calf. Inquire 374 E. Seward after 5:30 p. m. 21 NEW ZEALAND White Giant rabbits, 18 young ones ready for market. Also two self-cleaning hutches. Call 175 E. Revere. 4 LARGE LOTS, 5 room house and bath, newly furnished inside, new chicken house and park, woodshed, garage, and small house on back, garden, strawber ries, trees, and lawn. 351 W. Rail road St. V FOB SALE OR TRADE HOUSE at 374 Bond. Will take car or pickup. Phone 987. FOB TRADE SOUTRERN OREGON ranch to exchange. We have a 15 acre ranch on highway in southern Oregon to exchange for ranch in central Uregon. Shellev Real Es. tate,' The Dirt Merchant, Red mond, uregon. FOB BENT OB SALE 4 BEDROOM modern unfurnish- ' ed house, except furnace, close in. tee btipe at Bend Furniture Co. FOB BENT VACANCIES, O'Kane building. Inquire at Hogan's Studio. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment at .$16 a month Including water. 104 Lava road, corner of Colorado avenue. Phone 68-W. 4 ROOM cottage, modern, fur nished. Also 2 room modern fur nished apartment. 35 Hawthorne. Phone 39. NICE LIGHT housekeeping rooms, all utilities furnished. 608 Broadway. 7 ROOM modern furnished house. Inquire 14414 Roosevelt, between 2nd and 3rd, after 3 p. m. TWO FURNISHED cabins. Room and board, also meals. Delaware Hotel. Phone 31-W. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive vnnrself Mnvlnir pnpK house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. VACANCY in JANSEN VILLA: Unfurnished apartment. Gas cir culating hearter, range, refrigera tor, and water heater. Laundry fa cilities. Inquire office, 407 Port land Ave. VACANCY WESTONIA Apis., with bedroom, modern refrigera tion, washing facilities, garage, full basement, close in. Inquire Apt. 7, 1601 W. 3rd St. WANTED WANT TO BUY small child's tri cycle. Phone 1174. Oregon Lid. Contracting Power Wiring Ueht Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies . and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 &11 Franklin Bond, Ore. WANTED WHEN YOU want wood sawed call McCann "The Buzz aw Man." Phone 945-M. ' TO BUY h.p. BrlggsStratton gasoline engine in gooa cunuiuun. Phone 905-R. i : USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 wail si. fnone auu. WOOD, SMOOTH top restaurant range in good condition. Inquire 605 Congress. - HOUSE OR APT. suitable for couple with small baby. Refrlger; ator, washing facilities, and ga rage or what have vou. Write care of Bulletin No. 21. FOR YOUR garden plowing call Earl Rodman. 29-F-3, or M. n. Quinn, 29-F-13. WILL THE PERSON who has our - yigoro spreader please re turn it Erlckson s Food MarKet. BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES WANTED-also frames and other parts. Especially need tricycle and wagon wheels. We1 will pay top prices, and soon nave tnem rebuilt into usable items much desired by children. Carl Austin, 220 Greenwood. GOOD POCKET knife for boy overseas. Please call or write 1255 Elvin Ave. TO RENT modern unfurnished two bedroom house. No children and will furnish references. Write Box 503, Bend, or Box 982 The Bulletin. HELP WANTED WANTED STENOGRAPHERand typist, steady or part time. Call 1039 Wall St. or phone 67. WOMAN for light janitor work See Joe Slate at Slates Barber Shop. HELP on small dairy farm, man or woman. Modern house and electricity supplied. Good wages. Milking machine, ho heavy farm work. Call 119 or 940 from 9 to 11 a. m. or 5 to 8 p.-m. WAITRESS or bus girl. Coffee Shop. Pilot Butte Inn. WOMAN for part time work. Ap ply at Alpine Lodge, or phone 200. TURKEY PICKERS TO PICK BREEDER TURKEYS START ING APRIL 26. CALL 120 RED MOND. ' ' SOMEONE to care for two small children during office hours. Room and board if desired. Call at 27 Mueller. Phone 859-W between 6 and 8. FRY COOK. Inquire Pilot Butte Inn. 1 ' SITUATION WANTED WOMAN will care for your chil dren anytime. Inquire 213 River side. LADY WILL care for child day or evening. Inquire Wcstonia Apt. 5, 1601 W. 3rd St. ' MEAT CUTTER wants job in Bend or vicinity. Write Lee Ever ett, Arcade Apts., Coos Bay, Ore gon. . ' EXPERIENCED ranch cook with character references wishes work for summer where she can have invalid sister with her. Reason able wages. Write No. 37 Bulletin. USED CARS 1933 CHEV. tudor sedan, new bat tery, good tires, good running condition. See lt at Ben Graffen berger's Service Station on So. 3rd. .- 1935 CHEV. deluxe coach, good condition, good tires, radio and heater. Can be seen at Hill's Ga rage, 202 Greenwood. LOST 5 NO. 4 RATION books, Howard Richards family, 1424 Davenport. Lost near Columbia Food Market. LADY'S LARGE envelope type dark blue purse between Sisters and Redmond. Contained money, ration books and papers in name of D. A. Rhymer. Return to Den nison's Store, Sisters, or notify at Star Route, Redmond. ONE GOLDLOOP earring with small pendulum stone. If found ' return to Bulletin office. Reward. ONE BLUE ROAN, AK brand, , one black, brand H on jaw. Please notify E. B. Daugherty at Des-; chutes. Reward. Rt. 2, Box 30, ! , Bend. RED RYDER I rtMOfv WAS IN SlICk V AnJD TrE . nurri n; ll j l n- i i i MI5 HJR5E BEHIfvQi V SULE.' II rT , MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZER $4.00 per yard, red cinders $7.00 per 5 yd. load, dark cinders $6.00 per 5 yd. load, top soU $7.00 per 5 yd. load. Dump trucks for hire. We fix driveways. Phone 275-J or contact at 1360 Cumberland. FREE FERTILIZER for haulinc it away. Call at 147 E. Olney. NEED YOUR Victory garden plowed? Phone 1-F-ll for plowing or other team work. Prices rea sonable. MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg istered thoroughbred, light bay, weight 1120, height 15Mi, proven sire of quarter horse tvoe. Fee $10.00, return privilege. Standing, isrooKs-scanlon bain, Frank Filey, attendant. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress ana surgical, men's and women s. Garments repaired, nominal cost. PhnnA AM nr Mrc Hrlncnn O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. ' WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. ... WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. FEINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore, April 20 IIH Local production of butter was slowly increasing today, while a good movement into civilian and government purchasers was noted. Prices were unchanged. Egg receipts were holding up well, with demand sufficient to take all offerings. Prices were un changed. Butler Cube !)3 score 42 c; 92 score 42!4c; 90 score 42c; 89 spore 41 Vic pound. Eggs Prices; to retailers: AA large 44c; A large 42c; medium A 39c; small 35c dozen. NO LET-UP ON FURLOUGH Fort Wayne, Ind. iui When Gunnery Sgt. Nell Shober spent 30 days at home, he found him self just as busy as while fight ing with the Second marine divi sion on Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Sal pan and Tinan. 'Not only did ho get married, but on every day he was home he worked as a street car.; Qperator "to . relieve .oyer; uMit-IrnH rnmilnt Hi'lvnr " . MIDGET OWLS BID MICE . Lansing (IP" Farmers who want to get rid of mice in barns should keep an Acadian or saw whet owl around their outbuild ings, Oscar M. Byrne, farmer-or-nithoiogist, advises. The midget Acadian owls, less than eight Inches in length, are rated as ex cellent mouse-killers by Byrne. LONG WAIT ENDS Fort Worth, Tex. (Ill Three years after the date originally set, Pfc. William II. Barker and Ann McDonald are renewing plans for their wedding. An un avoidable circumstance set the event behind schedule Pfc. Bark er was delayed for three years at Ihe Cabanatuan prisoner of war camp in the Philippines. GI DRAFTED HIMSELF 'Smoky Hill Army Air Field, Sallna, Kan. Hi'i Sgt. Joseph Schard can't blame anyone but himself for being In the army. Before entering the service, Sgt. Schard was a director of a local draft board in Philadelphia. When his number came up he drafted himself! & THE BEND BULLETIN ing REACH FER CLOUDS. RlDERJ) 1 CAUGHT - YlJH AT ft. M LAST.'J A V THIS CURIOUS WORLD VJgT a CRUISING FROM THE fcOT2224H v3jpf tmUTt a WEST COAST OP THE &TFf,IJl i. YJ4L. KilW ' W UNITED STATES K4?SES:VN 3?. of Vi COM. 1946 BV NEA SERVICE. INC. H differ gre.y ini shape, But they're aTwaks composed . of- mee i.An.7. T.M. EO. U. I.MT. OFT. ' Political Aide Probably the closest political aide President Truman has is Robert ,. Hannegan, above, chairman of the Democratic National Committee and fellow Missourinn who engineered the Presidents nomination for the vice presidency. It is consid ered not unlikely that he will become postmaster general. Matches have been made with a non-poisonous sesqui-sulfido of pnosphorus since 1911, when the. formula was discovered bv Wll-' nam a. fairnurn anu made avail able to match manufacturers; poisonous phosphorus had been used previously. LEGAL NQ1 ICES NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that hearing upon the Final Ac count of H. II. DeArmond. Ex ecutor of the last will and testa-! ment of Peter Nelson, deceased, filed herein, will be held In the County Courtroom in Bend, Ore gon, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of May 17th 1915, and all persons interested in said iff, ' """"V. Jv "I May Be Green," Says Rookie Elides. "But I Know What's Good: the Classifieds!" They ought io malte you a general for that, Private Blides. But on the other hand, maybe not, because probably every man in the army knows that there's nothing so effec tive as a Classified ad (except may be a Garand rifle). Especially Bul letin Classifieds. They're inexpen sive, quick and productive. Try us- thorn. RcDD.DMT &A,rW?5HAL.' fWSHAL KNIFE CV.MAVER 15 BURKE-' "EVERY TWELVE INCHES IS A FOOT, BUr EVERY FOOT ISNT TWELVE INCH Ely .Aaw NINE-YEAR-OLD 6ETTV EISENSREIIM, estate are notiticd to appear at said time and' place and show cause, if any they have, why said final account should not be ap. proved, the estate settled and closed, and the executor discharg ed. DATED and first published this 6th day of April, 1945. ' H. 11. DE AKMUNU, Executor. . 104-110-116-122C SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County , of Deschutes ALBERTA ROSE, Plaintiff, VS. ROLLA F. ROSE, Defendant, TO ROLLA F. ROSE, DE FENDANT: ; " IN THE NAME OF THE STATE. OF OREGON, you are hereby required to appear in the above entitled court and cause on or before thirty days from the date of the first publication of this summons and answer or other wise plead to the complaint on file herein, and upon your failure, to appear, plaintiff will take a Judgment and decree for the relief Time to Change "Underwear" No one wears "longies" in hot weather. You don't drink hot beverages in the summer. You eat lighter foods. Wei); your car needs a different grade of oil for hot weather driving. So turn into our driveway and let us do a thorough, clean job for you before you demand a summer workout from your car. Complete Lubrication Service Radiator Battery Motor Tuneup Overhaul Weaver Wheel Alignment W. B. Anderson Nash Co. 1 1 73 Wall Street Vacs hanlon 1 reckon i owe ioo Vme&bs i owe Yj i 100. QXJ 1 AN APOLOcV FOR A YOU OiE FOR - i l ai penf n mr xi S1 prayed for in the complaint; tc wit, awarding to the plaintiff a decree of divorce, the care, cus tody and control of the minor child of plaintiff and defendant; $50.00 per month iot- the support of said child and $50.00 per month alimony. This Summons is served upon you by publication in the Bend Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation, published daily In Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, pursuant to an' order made and entered herein on the 11th day of April, 1945, by Hon. Ralph S. Hamilton, Circuit Judge, which order requires that you ap pear and answer or otherwise plead to the plaintiff's complaint within thirty days from the-date of the first publication hereof. DE AKMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys for Plaintiff.Resldence; Bend, Oregon. ' 110-116.122-128C NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the County Court of Deschutes County, Ore gon, entered on the 18th day of . April, 1945, the undersigned Sher iff will on the 19th day of May, 1945, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M., at the front door of the Court House In Bend, Oregon, sell to the highest bidders for cash or terms as hereinafter stated,- the following described real property, located in Deschutes County, Ore gon, provided no bid shall be ac cepted for less than the amount set opposite each respective tract, which Is the minimum price fixed In said order: plus cost of sale etc. Parcel No. 1 Lots 5 and 6, Block 31, Center Addition (20 down, balance In 3 equal pay ments, 6 Int.) $40.00 Terms. Parcel No, 2 Lots' 10, 11 and 12, Block 1, Orokla. $30.00 Cash. Parcel No. 3 West 20 ft. Lot 4i biock yy, uena rarK tau down, balance due June 19, 1945, at 6 int.) $20.00 Terms. ' Parcel No. 4 Lot 4, Block 32. Northwest Townslte Co's. Second Add. $35.00 Cash. i" Parcel No. 5 Lot 7, Block 33. Northwest Townsite Co's. Second Add. $80.00 Cash. Such sale shall be subject to the right of any municipal corp oration claiming an unpaid assess' ment lien for local improvements thereon to purchase such prop erty within 20 days after notice of such sale. ' 1 C. L. McCAULEY, Sheriff. 116-122-128-134C Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Office Phnna 78 : Rett.' Phona 810-W Phone 700 . By FRED HARMAN