PAGE SEVEN frocks and Bonds Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON THURSDAY, APRIL 19. 1945 lake By T. W. Klenlen (United Presa Staff Corresftndent) ipw York. April 19 (IB Stocks. londs and commodities turned town shortly before the close of rading today, alter me general itock list had risen to a further iev high for almost eight years. Lower prices generally reflected telling prompted by the highly fluid situation in uermany. Caution developed in the mar kets following the hurried visit to the White House of General of the Army George C. Marshall on the heels of Prime Minister Church Ill's indication to commons that His believed the-authority of the Pttrman government may disinte rate in a few days. Except for the utilities, all sec- liions of the stock list had moved flip substantially in the early hours 4,.r thn caccinn -Rails: hari roaVioH a new high since July 31, 1937 and the Dow - Jones average of 65 stocks a new top since Aug. 25, 1937. On the scale-down Chrysler had a net loss of more than a point after an early, fractional rise to a new 1945 high and similarly early gains were replaced by losses in American Tobacco B-, Santa Fe, U. S. Steel. Goodrich, Bethlehem Steel and numerous other leaders. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., April 19 ilPi Livestock: Cattle 100, calves 10. Active, steady to strong. One lot good stocker steers 14.50. Medium-good fed steers 15.00-16.00. Cutter heifers 9.00. Canner-cutter cows 7.00-10.00. Fat dairy type nws 10.50-11.00. One good heavy Hogs 50. Active, steady, Butch ers largely 15.75. Sows 15.00. Feed er pigs salable 17.50. Sheep 50. Few sales steady. Cull lambs 11.00. Good-choice wooled and spring lambs quotable 15.50 16.00. Odd good-choice ewes 9.00. Common ewes 6.00. ; PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., April 19 tui De mand and supply were about a standoff in the butter market today, the bulk of supplies being taken by the armed forces. Prices were unchanged. , In the egg market, demand for AA grade . exceeds the supply, with storage interests the chien factor in the demand. Prices were unchanged. Butter cube, 93 score, 42-Sc; Q score, 42!4c; 90 score, 42c; 89 score. 41 nnund. " ' Eggs prices to retailers: AA, large 44c; A, large 42c; medium A, 39c; small, 35c dozen. Good bread was made by the U. S. department of agriculture from 22-year-old wheat that had been properly stored. Sheep GUANO High potency natural fertilizer for lawns, gardens, etc. HEAT TREATED to kill all weed seed. Ground and sifted. 40 lb. bag 1.29 Houk-Van Allen Tircston Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St. Phone 860 See ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans On AUTO LIGHT TRUCK Your PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance 25 Words One Time SSc 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.85 All w.rds oyer 16 add lc per word timu number of Insertion! On month run, mm copy, dmy Ktt Minimum Charge, Sic LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20o Cuuilfled Adverthtnr, Cub in Ad.anc. Dallj Cloelnf Time 12 M P. M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-6 : Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. Jfc A. M. Special Communication Fri., April 20, 7:30 p. m. F. C. Degrees Also Examinations George Slmerville, Sec'y. FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM modern house, west side, shower bath, garden, wood shed, garage, immediate posses sion. $1800, $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. GUERNSEY COW, 4 years old, very gentle, nice milker, test 6.0, T.B. and Bang's disease tested. Rt. 1, Box 468. First road to left off Trap Club road. PANSY, PERENNIAL and Ever bearing strawberry plants. Fan- tons Garden, 829 Ogden. , $4800 BUYS 4 bedroom modern home, close in, pavement. $6000 Buys aarge duplex ana modern house, corner lot, close in on pave ment. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. ONE KIRBY vacuum cleaner, al most 'new. Call at 1490 Newport Ave. ' . RABBIT FERTILIZER at your own price. Call at 147 E. Olney. WELL LOCATED twelve unit modern auto court completely furnished, also has gasoline Dumps, excellent income property and just right for two people to handle. Price $25,000, terms half down, balance as you wish'. For further details see Frank McGar- vey, Bank or Bend, mag. RABBITS, bred does, some to kindle right away, some with young, 3.. bucks. Call at 147 E. Olney." " ' COOLATOR like new; Used six months. 451 Scott St. GOOD TENT size 12'xl4 $15. Also air gauge, 30 pound pressure. In quire 1335 Baltimore. CLOSE IN modern nicely furnish- ed home for small family, gas or I automatic gas water heater, gas I range, circulating oil heater. Only $2500, $1000 down, do montn. I Anne Forbes, , 36-W. 3b Oregon. Phone REAL BOAT and motor. Can be seen Saturday after 5:30 at 1255 Elgin Ave. .2 BEDROOM MODERN: Wired i for electric range, has basement, I electric hot water heater, large j lot, half block off pavement. Must sell at once. Make us an offer. Gilberts Real Estate.,1015 Wall Street. I , ; STEEL'S JUMBO pansy plants, perennials of all sorts, most an j nuals are now ready. Pickett Gar ! dens. Phone 530, 6th at Quimby. GIRL'S PREWAR bicycle in good I condition $45, high pressure 25 qt. size canner with can sealer and some No. 2 and 3 size cans, $20. : About 100 qts. home canned fruit. 6 miles east of Bend on Alfalfa ; Market road. W. E. Bostick. ! FOR FEW DAYS 3 pair pre-war i rust colored drapes S12, one gray ! fur scarf and muff $15.00, one 1 mirror S2.00, one piece new in ' laid linoleum size 6x19 'A ft. $10.00, I and numerous small articles. In ! quire 1567 Awbrey road. BABY CHICKS, Mcguire's Rhode Island reds, at store' Tuesday, j Wednesday and Thursday Open til 6 p. m. (Jreenwooci teca lo., Greenwood at Division. !4 ROOM house, furnished or un ; furnished. Has nice yard, wood j shed and garage. Call at 1385 Ithaca Ave. $5500 BUYS large modern home, j 2 b acres ground on highway. Irri-' gation and city water. A real; i home. $2000 down handles. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. i LYONS FLOWER GARDENS j Steele's jumbo pansy plants, also perennials and glad bulbs, annual j flower and vegetable plants in season. 1601 W. 2nd, corner Port land. A PEDAL SEWING machine. Phone 1076-R or call 937 E. 3rd. FARMERS NOTICE: I have ' about 250 sacks of good clean seed i potatoes free from disease, sort-j ed and sacked, $3.50 per hundred. I 6 miles east of Bond on Alfalfa , . Market road. W. E. BosticB. 2 ROOM MODERN: Completely furnished, close in. large lot. If you need a small home that is clran, and ready to go, and priced right at S1575, see Gilberts Rral Estate for terms at 1015 Wall St. ROUGH JACKPINE lumber. No priority needed. 361 Woodland iBivd. Lynn Hauck. i FOR SALE MASTADON strawberry plants,' 5c each. D. C. Dyer, Rt. 2, Box 95. BE SURE you get original Rock Hill strawberry plants .06c each. Nichols has them. Mile south Pine Forest Grange market road. Tele phone 22-F-4. ....... ONE STEEL frame collapsible baby buggy in good shape, one folding play pen with mat, one trainer, chair. Inquire 1214 Albany or call 869-J.' ... ONE YEAR, OLD trained sheep dog, 575.00. Write John RagUn, 743 Deer St., Prineville, Oregon. 20 ACRES. 15 acres Arnold, well built 2 bedroom house, gravity flow water, 5 acres alfalfa, large cistern, good outbuildings. $3500, some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon, rnone dtj-w WOOD FUEL Prompt Delivery, load lots, city or country. Dry body or nmDs, length desired. Order next win ter's fuel' now. Consumers state ment necessary. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. FURNISHED HOUSE, modern, convenient, four rooms and bath, garage, garden, three lots. 2143 East 3rd St. 2 BEDROOM MODERN: Near Allen school, large lot, newly dec orated. Low down payment Gil berts Real Estate and insurance, 1015 Wall St. TRAILER HOUSE, 1938 modol, 21 ft. factory built, two beds, heater, range, fully equipped, new paint, double way lighting system, battery pr electric. A real home, a real buy, $900 cash. Call evenings. L. T. Crawford, Sisters, Ore., op posite post otllce. A NUMBER of pure bred roost ers, White Giant, Buff Orpington, New Hampshire reds, and White Leghorns. Inquire 1304 Newport Phone 838-M. WEST SIDE, newly decorated 2 bedroom modern house, 2 lots, $2200, $500 down, $30 month. East side, completely furnished 3 bed room modern house, $2800, $1000 down, $40 month. Anne Forbes, 3b Oregon, phone 3b-W. PART JERSEY cow and 3 months old calf. Inquire 374 E. Seward after 5:30 p. m. ON RIVERSIDE a real home, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fireplace, new furnace, rumpus room, double garage. $7500, loan avail able. Shown by appointment only. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. j FOUR UNIT apartment house, good location, all furnished but one apartment. Good cement base- ment with good furnace. 4 good garages, call 89-M. GOOD YOUNG Guernsey cows, freshen soon, heavy producer. 644 Seward. 21 NEW ZEALAND White Giant rabbits, 18 young ones ready for market. Also two self-cleaning hutches. Call 175 E. Revere. CHILD'S CRIB and mattress, box spring and bedstead, dinette table, 4 chairs, bed daveno, wool rug, linoleum rug, 2 chests of drawers, dresser, baby swing, metal medi cine chest. 1224 Galveston. 4 LARGE LOTS, 5 room house and bath, newly furnished inside, new chicken house and park, woodshed, garage, and small house on back, garden, strawber ries, trees, and lawn. 351 W. Rail road St. 1 1940 CHEVROLET truck. One 1941 Crevrolet truck. Good tires, good condition. Call Union Oil Co. Phone 476 Prineville. ALMOST NEW Mue daveno. In quire at 1031 Portland avenue. FOR SALE OK TRADE HOUSE at 374 Bond. Will take car or pickup. Phone 987. FOR TRADE SOUTRERN OREGON ranch to exchange. We have a 15 acre ranch on highway in southern Oregon to exchange for ranch in Central Oregon. Shelley Real Es tate, The Dirt Merchant, Red mond, Oregon. Oregon Ltd. Contracting Wiring Power Light Commercial -and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliancet General Electric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 W4 Franklin Bend, Ore. FOB RENT 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment at $16 a month including water. 104 'Lava road, corner of Colorado avenue. Phone 68-W. CONSERVE FOOD . SAVE ON POINTS You may still reserve a locker the modern Frozen Food storage plant planned for Bend. QUICK FREEZE UNIT-500 Units 60 of lockers must be rented in advance. Order, yours now tele phone L. H. Helphrey, 857-J or 113 for details. 4 ROOM cottage, modern, fur nished. Also 2 room modern, fur nished apartment. 35 Hawthorne. Phone 39. VACANTIES, O'Kane building. Inquire at Hogan's Studio. ROOM modern furnished apart ment, electric range and refrig erator, hot water, lights and cook ing electricity included in rent. 141 Georgia. Phone 766. NICE LIGHT housekeeping rooms, all utilities -furnished. 608 Broadway. 7 ROOM modern furnished house. inquire 144 V4 Roosevelt, Between 2nd and 3rd, after 3 p. m. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, close in, gas equipped. Adults only. Inquire 21 Lafayette. Phone 1177. TWO FURNISHED cabins. Room and board, also meals. Delaware Hotel. Phone 31-W. 2 ROOM furnished house. Garage if desired, within easy distance to mills. Apply 207 Riverfront. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent, Drive yourself. Moving- Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458 or call 755-W. VACANCY in JANSEN VILLA: Unfurnished apartment. Gas. cir culating hearter, range, refrigera tor, and water heater.. Laundry fa cilities. Inquire office, 407 Port land Ave. It) ACRES spud ground for opera tion on shares. Inquire Mrs. Zen ner at Erickson's Grocery during day or Route 1, Box 1681 mile east Carroll Acres store. VACANCY WESTONIA Apts., with bedroom, modern refrigera tion, washing facilities, garage, full basement, close in. Inquire Apt. 7, 1601 W. 3rd St. WANTED r WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs you have to sell. Also some big springer cows and will pick them up at your ranch. Phone 78-J or drop a card to W. R. Franks, Redmond, Ore. WANT TO BUY small child's tri cycle. Phone 1174. USED RADIOS Will pay tpp prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WOOD, SMOOTH top restaurant range in good condition. Inquire 605 Congress. CURTAIN STRETCHER. Phone 621-J. Inquire at 624 Federal. HOUSE OR APT. suitable for couple with small baby. Refriger ator, washing facilities, and ga rage or what have you. Write care of Bulletin No. 21. FOR YOUR garden plowing call Earl Rodman, 29-F-3, or M. H. Quinn, 29 F-13. WILL THE PERSON who has our Vigoro spreader please re turn it Erickson's Food Market. BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES W A NTED-also frames and other parts. Especially need tricycle and wagon wheels. We will pay top prices, and soon have them rebuilt into usable items much desired by children. Carl Austin, 220 Greenwood. ROOM or room with 2 meals for man employed in Bend, perma nent. Address Bulletin 15. ROOM AND BOARD in private nome oy single man, age 20, em ployed in Bend. Address Bulletin 942. GOOD POCKET knife for boy overseas. I'lease call or write 1255 Elvin Ave. MEETING TONIGHT KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Masonic Temple II. C. DeBre (By Order of Commander) RED RYDER W 1G01 HArtLOfVS C5UN0'.iVy52-t)iWB HMLON.HIrt VVWSEl RjHERE HE G0E5' ifPl t HE COT ASW ACE HMLOtf , ItlMTlt: IAISS ELStARR-tT iiQP?-f ;!-!r4 fOU SOCK-m 10. 'Pry mi m. ii mrxr UOIO 1H' 5RU5H ' BAH ' TOO -1 WANTED TO RENT modern unfurnished two bedroom house. No children and will furnish references. Write Box 503, Bend, or Box 982 The Bulletin. WANTED TO TRADE 1939 V-8 85 business coupe, for 1941 5 passenger coupe or sedan. uasn amerence. Waldorf Barber Shop or 627 Georgia Ave. HELP WANTED WANTED STENOGRAPHERand typist, steady or part time. Call 1039 Wall St. or phone 67. HELP on small dairy farm, man or woman. Modern house and electricity supplied. Good wages. Milking machine, no heavy farm work. Call 119 or 940 from 9 to 11 a. m. or 5 to 8 p. m. WAITRESS or bus girl. Coffee Shop. Pilot Butte Inn. WOMAN for part time work. Ap ply at Alpine Lodge, or phone 200. SITUATION WANTED WOMAN will care for your chil dren anytime. Inquire 213 River side. LADY WILL care for child day or evening. Inquire Wcstonia Apt. 5, 1601 W. 3rd St. MEAT CUTTER wants job in Bend or viclnitv. Writo Ip Kvor. ett, Arcade Apts., Coos Bay, Ore gon. USED CARS 1939 BUICK coupe, good condi tion, heater and radio. Call eve nings at 414 Riverside. E. A. Gregg. LOST 5 NO. 4 RATION books, Howard Richards family, 1424 Davenport. Lost near Columbia Food Market. LADY'S LARGE envelope type dark blue purse between Sisters and Redmond. Contained money, ration books and papers in name of D. A. Rhymer. Return to Den nison's Store,-Sisters, or notify at Star Route, Redmond. ONE GOLD-LOOP earring with small pendulum stone. If found return to Bulletin office. Reward. MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZER $4.00 per yard, red i nn -I.. .fj . ' . V cinders $7.00 per 5 yd. load, dark cinders $6.00 per 5 yd. load, top soil $7.00 per 5 yd. load. Dump trucks for hire. We fix driveways. Phone 275-J or contact at 1360 Cumberland. NEED YOUR Victory garden! plowed? Phone 1-F-ll for plowing or other team work. Prices rea- sonable. u.v,,n77 ,- istered thoroughbred, light bay, weight 1120, height 15 Va, proven sire of quarter horse type. Fee $10.00, -return privilege. Standing, Brooks-Scanlon barn, Frank Filey, attendant. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brlnson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. LAWNMOWERS sharpened, keys made, saws filed, shears and knives ground, guns, bicycles, locks repaired, soldering, locks changed, grass shears sharpened. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. The light metal lithium many industrial applications not widely ! madc hof"r" ,np W!r; " ,anu'1 "s compounds are used in high-con- ductivlty copper castings, tin and silicon bronzes, aluminum weld ing, and in the heat-treatment of metals. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Offifi! Phone 78 Mm. Phomt R1!-W THIS CURIOUS WORLD VJJET Sx OF MANY SMALL BIRDS f W. WAV REACH - i"SV ' . COPft. 1MB BY NEA SERVICE. INC. T. M. REO. U 8. PAT. OFF. CAN BE USED EFFECTIVELY AS A1SSAGE FOB DISTANCES UPT3 ANSWER: Cardinals. Montreal Canadiens, South Pacific $5,000 Butterfly Collection Pendleton, Ore. ttl'i A rare col- lection of butterflies, appraised hv lenldonterisls at $5,000. has been catitured bv Cnl. Laurence McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. McDonald of Pendleton, whoiings are iridescent blues, purple, formerly was a soloist at the Little Church Around the Corner, in New York City. . The 16 trays of beautiful butter flies contain more than 150 varie ties and. were sent home to his parents. They were caught amid the muck and aiscomiort oi war- i f?r,e "somewhere In the South Pa. ' p rir "-hut nrnhnhlv oilher in New cillc," but probably either in New Guinea or some of the nearby is lands.' m T GIs .loin Chase "whe'n I first started out, I had to take a lot of ribbing, as you can imagine," Cpl. McDonald wrote his. parents, "but when I'd made a few sales to collectors and museums (some rare specimens have sold for as much as $75) and I had mounted a special collection j for Gen. O. W. Grlswold of the XIV corps, a lot of the fellows Joined the chase. Now It's quite SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATKMENT 0 Ihe MUTUAL BBNKFIT "KAI'TH ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION ot OMAHA. In tin 8tnl oi NKHUASKA on Mir J l liny of Dcrembcr. 1914. mm! to the In surance Commissioner ot Oie Htate ot Ore Bon, uurauant to jUjjj. Net prcmlnma received S41.743.S10.o8 ToUli Inlerent. dividend, and real cMata Ineorne Ji-!S2-I3 Income Irom other aourcja- B1.7J5 07 Total Income f a,6S0.05I.88 DIHBUHK.MKNTS Net amount unld pollcyhold- Lou adjustment expenses Avent commissions or brOK- Safarlcs Snd"reeofrtcenl7 dlrretora, home office em ployes Taxes, licenses and fees . Dividends paid to stockliou- era inr ionnn e l!03S.4 17.7.1 11,473.362.43 fintVfinl.o! 7U3.e02.S4 era None DlrMrni In nnHf pnM or creUltfd to policy no iters All ottici expenditure Total dlibnrsrmPntJi AllMITTKI SXt, 913.37X87 Value of rent cstntu uwncd I marKCl vaiur r - Loan on moriRaKM ami collateral, etc. 5 None 35,477.18 Valur ot bonds o w n e a R . H Value of storks owned (market value CnxU In tmnkn an'l on hnivl Premiums In coum of col lection written since Bp- ' tern her 30, 10-t4 Intrront and rents due onrt 7r)!.31O.O0 4.07'J.Olti.VO 3I!Vt)8l.ll aceruca - Oilier assets (net) lill Totnl admitted unset . .$:( -7351 lMK UAU1L1T1KH, BUllPUm A til) UTllKIt Totnl unpaid Halms -l 2,333.073.97 Kstlmarecl loss antuminrni expense for unpaid rlnima 612.Ofl4.80 on all unexpired HfKh. Salaries. rents, expenses, 8,312.500 02 bills, accounts. lees, etc., dim or rrrued EsUmniM amount due or accrued lor taxes Commiiuion. brokerage, or otticr charges due and accrued All other liabilities 127.972 97 064.876.21 Total liabilities, except enrntn) tturfUm rivor all ll;ihl)ltp . S2fl.4:M.3f tO 5 J-J. iui.i iu .no holders 12,.i01.1tl 88 Total :,'rr:7:r?riH.4M ntJHINKBR IN OKKOON FOK TIIK VKAIl Net premium received 1 ,!,, in t I Net losses paid. 80,1,460.01 Dividends paid or tredUud tn policyholders , Nono Narno of Company. Mutual Benefit Henllb A Accident Association. Name of President: C. C. Cristr Name of flecretary: C. K. Forbes. Statutory resident attorney for survtes; . !!. K. Cntfty. KW AT ATHLETIC TEAMS WON THE Green Bay Packers and St. Leuis Gl Sends Home amusing to me to see half the GIs in the camp dashing around with long-handled nets." : Muny of the butterflies have I lewel-coolred wings the color- tawny yellows, gold, tangerine, velvet green with white and rose bands, golden browns, blacks, tans and whites. Some show the gleam ing multiple shades found in pea cock feathers. In his collection there is a wide variety of designs and markings, and one, with green, black, and copper colors, is the second one of its kind ever known to be captur ed. Included is the- beautifully BACKACHE, LEG PAINS MAY BE DANGER SIGN Of Tired Kidneys If IWIcnrho nnd leg pafnn nre mnkins you triiMmilila, don't juit complitin unil do nothing tili)Ut thctn. Nultiro niny no woruiiigyuu titub your kidnoys nerd nttcntion. Naturo'soMnf way of tnkinic fx-ohs oriils and poisonmui wiute out of tlio Ihn1. Q'liuy help inoat pouplo poos about 3 Iintfl n day. 1 If I do 15 miles of kldnoy tulea nnd CTlra don't work wrll.poisnnnuti wnato mnttor ntfiys in i ho ll(Kx).'J'hiiw puiaoiw niny atnrt uamting Imcluiciirai, rliuiufltio puins, Ick paioj, Im of peri nnd energy, KiHtiiitf lip tiiitliU, wtllin, piifflnpiw u inter llioym()HiuU(!liM and dini nra. I ripir-titor Hcaiity pkmiikm! with mnarL iiiKBiid tiirtuiiRpi)iiiitiniMnliiWfi IhrrolsMumo ttiitiK wrunu with yuiir kidnryo or biiidder. Don't wii Hi Aik yonr drtiffffint for I Joan's Pillt, Uffd nuuruMiully ly miilionn (or over 4U yntn. itivo .nippy rrliff nnd will hrlp tlio 1.1 milr nf klditvy tulxis Hindi out pninrm ous wiulc from tlio blood. Gut luuu n 1'iIU. Registered Hereford Bulls 30 HEAD RANGE HEAVY BONED W. H. R. TRAMP ROYAL DOMINO BREED 10 HEAD PROVEN SIRES CANADIAN DOMINO 'MISCHIEF BREED , 5 HEAD CANADIAN PROSPECTIVE HERD SIRES W. H. R. ROYAL DOMINO BREEDING 4 HEAD NEBRASKA BULLS. ALSO PROSPECTIVE HERD SIRES SEE THEM AT THE STOCK YARDS IN BURNS R. T. BA1CER Burns, Ore. marked female "Victoria Regina" with nine-inch wing spread, and its male counterpart, slightly smaller, both with blue and black wings and gold-colored body. Also there are many almost unknown specimens of the -papilionids known as "ornithoptera" (giant winged butterflies) ; rare swallow tails, daniads, lycaenids, and even the acraea, the hard-to-get Tiger butterfly. - . "At times, when collecting, I hud to' be on the alert for an oc casional Jap sniper," Cpl. McDon ald wrote. "We were warned, too, to watch out for head hunters, who back in the hills still pursue their traditional practices. "There are many ways of net ting butterflies. One, not too sportsmanlike, is to smear molas ses and stale beer on a tree trunk. The molasses attracts trfcrrV'fihd the beer makes them giddy, so that they are easily taken. "Many tropical butterflies, par ticularly the most brilliant, pro duces a very exquisite perfume, presumably from androconia or scent scales on the wings. Some scents are spicy; others are like mignonette, heliotrope, violet, or sandalwood. Unfortunately, the perfume disappears when the in sect dies. The average age of the tropical butterfly is only about 1 eight weeks," he added. Portland Firemen Head Wrong Way Portluiid, Ore., April 19 (U-i Firemen battling a blaze in a downtown Portland restaurant were non-plussed when the eleva tor to the basement took them down when it was supposed to go up, and up when it was intended for down. They got a ladder stuck in It, too. So they used the stairway. WAR NOT OVER Vancouver. Wash., April 19 (Ui Polled and fire department phones worked overtime last night answering hundreds oi queries as to whether or not the war in Germany was over. The prolonged whiatle they heard was caused by a locomo- tive engine with a "stuck" whistle. BRADEN APPOINTED Washington, April 19 (IP) Pres ident ' Truman today nominated Spruille Braden, present ambas sador to Cuba, to be the new U. S. ambassador to Argentina. vV ,! 1 Fully Equipped For Modern Drugless Treatment Splnul AdjtiHtiiient Physio XlH'rnpy Tux Eliminator niairnoftls, X liViy and Heart Graphing Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chiropractic Phynlcian 134 Mlnncftoto Ave. Phone 794 AL By FRED HARMAN