THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON THURSDAY. APRIL 19, 1945 PAGE FIVE Local News TEMPERATURE t Maximum yesterday, 1l degrees Minimum test night, 84 degrees . TODAY'S WEATEB Temperature: 10 p. m., 45 de grees; 10 a. m., 68 degrees Velu city of wind; 10 p. m., 4 miles; 10 a. m., 6 miles. Charles 'Scribner of Bend and Miss Birdie M. Hatfield of Nampa, Idaho! were married last night at the Methodist parsonage, .with Rev. Robert Mcllvenna officiat ing. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil M. Miller were attendants. The Modern Woodmen of Amer ica will meet at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Sons of Norway hail, it was announced today. J. A. Nelson and George J. El- lingson, representing the Oregon News company of Portland, were Bend business callers today. P. J. Lesmeister of Klamath Falls, agent for the Great North ern railway, was here today con ferring with local representatives. Mrs. Wjlraa Pearson . of Red mond, last night was a guest at the Pilot Butte inn; Mrs. Mary' E Snook of the University of Oregon medical school, Portland, was in Bend to day. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mays of post, were Bend callers today. J. W.. Points, representing the 2 'HIT' FEATURES ofltxCwkcyj I mm I 1 r TOiiArn J 1,1 IHK7WHsV I' 1 f.l IkfSmarffttHofje Xj, J z 3jrz1!!fi 1 ft- -i mmfwif tin 70 PLUS 2ND 'HIT' FEATURE Ha9f-brufe! Half -Human! Mr -Trrf-- 1 ni"f '' Wabash railroad, was here today i from Portland transacting business.- Mr. and Mrs. S. Freeman of Red mond called on Bend triends to day. . Elmer Olson was a guest today at the Pilot Butte inn from Red mond. Technical Cornnral misky, wife and son, Gary, are visiting here from Paso Robles, Calif., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. GpnrfTI Ravni-aft C . poral Kamisky is stationed at -anip nooercs, uuu, iney will visit here for two weeks. Wilbur Haines from nis visited in Bend today. Haines is siuLKinan, ana nas extensive nold-i tngs in Harney county. . Alec Hanlpv nf .Tnntnra wqg In Bend yesterday, on his way home ium a irip iu western uregon. Dagmar Wanichek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clando Waniot and a fifth grade student at Allen scnooi, suiierea a broken leg yes terday Whpn sh fpll fmm hnr hi. cycle. The little girl was reported iuuay 10 oe getting along nicely. Mrs. Gilmer Mustain left this mominff for THnhmrtnrt Plif where she is to join her husband, is 1 agi. jviusiain. sne lias been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Kimsev. Set. Mustain was stationed at Camp Abbot, and later at Fort Lewis. : Mr..and Mrs- Maurice Hitchcock and children wpiv visitnr herp yesterday from their home near oisiers. . B. L. Rennolds of Redmond, was in Bend this morning. TONIGHT CONTINUOUS SATURDAY Mrs. J. F. Arnold today was bed ridden at her home, 25 Irving ave nue, suffering from a cold. Clardon umiss, teaman ic. is spending a short leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Corliss, 1405 Lexington ave nue. He plans to leave r naay tor a California base. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Olson and son left last night for Aurora, Utah, where the funeral of Ensign Garo E. Thalman will be held Sat urday. Ensign Thalman was killed in an airplane crash at Nashville, Tenn, He was the brother of Mrs. Olson. The Eagles Lodge will have a shadow social at their regular get- together April l. All tames areinual Smarty farty in me gym requested to bring lunch for two. 'on Saturday, April 21, with danc- There will be a Sodality meet- ing Thursday evening at 7:30 at the Catholic school. Every mem ber please try to be there. Adv. All I.W.A. Members are urged to attend their Job-branch meet ings at the Union halt this week. Matters affecting every member are to be discussed. Both Brooks-. Scanlon and Shevlin-Hixon em ployees are affected by recent de velopments, and every member should attend. Adv. Mrs. Brinson of the Spencer Corset Shop will be in Portland until Monday morning. Adv. ATTENTION ODD FELLOWS! Odd Fellows, Rebekahs, and their friends. Fishermen's Frolic Dance at I.O.O.F. Temple Satur day night, April- 21, 9 p. m. Music by Old Time Serenaders. Adv. Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday nights. Ladies free. Adv. Dance every Friday night at Carroll Acres. Music by the Night Owls. City bus will leave hall last time at 12 midnight. Adv. Will all members of the Eagles Lodge who have signed or wish to sign up for the proposed drill team please be present at this week's meeting. Adv. CLINIC IS HELD Redmond, April 19 (Special) Between 35 and 40 children re ceived vacinnations for diptheria whooping cough and other child ren's diseases at -the recent clinic held in the parlors bf the Christ ian church. Miss Cocheran assist ed by Mrs. Geo. Fairfield conduct ed the clinic in the afternoon at the grade school. Dr. A. R. Ram say held conferences with parents and examined children. Buy National War Bonds Nowl SPECIAL NEWS SCOOPS ENTIRE UNIVERSAL NEWS DEVOTED TO TRIBUTE TO OUR LATE PRESIDENT PLUS 1000 FT. NEWS : 1. INVASION OF 2. PREPARE FOR 3. BRITISH TAKE SHOWS 7 &' 9 f. PLUS CARTOON AND FILM VOD-VIL NEWS OF SOCIETY (AU society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later than 10 a.m on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.) Girls to Give Smarfy Party On Saturday The Girls' League of Bend, high school will sponsor its "as decorations and programs will feature that motif. Fern Grindle, president 01 the Girls' league is in charge of ar rangements and has appointed the fallowing committee chairman; decorations, Sally Schilling; re freshments, Shirley Meagher; pa- tions and patronesses, rieien Petronovich; and" clean-up, Mar- garet Stevens. Patrons and patronesses will be Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Grindle, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Raddatz, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Schilling, Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Johnson, Mr. and Mr.s Howard George and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jewell. Women of Moose To Hold Parties Women of the Moose at their recent meeting decided to spon sor another series of card parties, in various homes, and Mrs. Joe Egg was named chairman in charge of arrangements. Her as sistants are Mrs. Roy Walter and Mrs. A. B. Estebenet. The date arid place of the first party will be announced later. There will be prizes and refreshments. Officers of the group report that the home making committee chairman, Mrs. Harry Hayse, is working on her chapter night pro gram, to be given on April 27. The executive board, consisting of the senior regent, junior re gent, graduate regent, chaplain, recorder and treasurer will hold a meeting on April 20, at 2 p. m. in the Downing hotel. Canton To Moet -Canton Des chutes No. 19 and ladies auxiliary will meet at the Odd Fellows hall Friday evening at 8 p.m. Mrs. Tommie Daron, Mrs. D. ;N. Gra ham, Mrs. Fred Gibson and Mrs. Carl Johnson are on the refresh ment committee. TONIGHT Continuous Saturday OKINAWA FRISCO MEET MANDALAY THE (fatfeAt, PKTURII wlUi GAIL RUSSELL ' DIANA LYNN CHARLES RUGGLES DOROTHY GISH BEULAH BOND I JAMES BROWN BILL EDWARDS -v SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday 2 p.m. Westminister Presby terian sewing circle, at home of Mrs. S. E. York, 2188 Awbrey road. 8 p.m. Canton Des. No. 19 and ladies aux. at Odd Fellows hall. , Rp, an-lmond nlgn honi band. aaiuruay 1:30 Meeting of Emera club, 'parish hall. Circle No. 1 in charge. 9 p.m. Girls league Smarty party in high school gymnasium. Monday ' 8 p.m. Eastern Star Chapter at Masonic hall Social evening and initiation. ' Tuesday 8 p.m. Social Pinochle club at home of Mrs. Joseph Egg, 811 Georgia Mrs, Ray Walters, hos tess. Circle No. t To Hold Card Party April 21 Plans were completed for the second in a series of card parties sponsored by Circle 1 of the Cath olic Altar society when the group mot at the home of Mrs. R. B. O'Leary last night. Bridge and pinochle will be played with the party scheduled to start at 8 o'clock Saturday night in the Par ish hall. The public is invited and tickets may be obtained at, the door. . In charge of the event are: chairman, Mrs. W. J. Eagan; cards and tables, Mrs. I. T. Powell Mrs. Richard W. Brandis and Mrs. J. L. Cunningham prizes, Mrs, Kent Richcns; decorations, Mrs. I Sam Scott and Mrs. D. C. Silven; refreshments, Mrs. John Mogan, Mis. Dan P. Dacey, Mrs. George H. Baer and Mrs. T. E. J. Duffy, . Veterans to Hold . Initiation Party .Veterans of Foreign Wars and auxiliary are to sponsor a meet ing Saturday night at the Pine Forest grange hall that is to be featured by the installation of of fleers, preceded by a dinner to be served at 7 p.m. Dancing will elbse I he evening, with music by Ailing ham's orchestra. All members of the post and auxiliary and fam ilies are being invited, with a spe cial invitation being extended to I service men. Mrs. Ralph Hensley I will install auxiliary officers. Mrs. William- Gibson will succeed Mrs. i:ecu unoacis as auxiliary presi dent. Mrs. Rhoads has asked that all officers be at the hall by 3 p.m. Saturday to take part In a prac tice. f bli WM'Md I'llllUI To Speak Saturday Deschules county grangers and members of their families inter ested in the Dumbarton Oaks plan for world peace are being invited to hear Dr. James Millar, field representative of the Oregon Council of Churches at a meeting to be held in the Tumulo grange hall Friday night. Dr. Millar is to speak at H p.m. The Redmond union hlRh school; hand is to present a program at 8:30, James Chambeilin, Rrange I master, has announced. Visiting i granRe members are being asked to bring cakes, for the social hour that will follow the meeting. Legion Auxiliary Meets in Redmond I Redmond, April 1!) (Special) Mrs. George llillingsley and Mrs. Austin Olsen were Joint hostesses to the American Legion auxiliary at a lunneheon meeting at the home of Mrs. Olsen Monday. j Mrs. IJillingsley is president of the group. Mrs. Roy Rogers was the past president. Easfern Star Chapter To Meet on Monday J There will be a meeting of thv ISastorn Star chapter on Monday at 8 p.m., at the Masonic hall, of ficers ol the group announced I today. I . In addition to a social session, ' there will be an Initiation of candidates. SHOP IIOl'US CIIANCM) Previously open every after noon, the Trinity Episcopal guild thrift shop Is to be kept open on only two days each week, on Wednesdays and Saturday, front : I to 5 p.m., it was announced today. Circle Meets Friday The Westminister I'reshyteiian church' sewing circle will meet Friday at 2 p.m. at the home of Ml S. i:. York, 218X Awbrey road. Kmcru Club To .Meet The Kmera club will meet Saturday afternoon at the Masonic hall at 1.30. Hostesses for the occasion will bf? Mrs. W. II. Cnahran, Mrs. rr...rt Clmmimc M,u 1 f CImith Seeing is believing and right nere, you ll see plenty ol convinc ing proof that there's been uo "price Inflation" at BramlU. Most oi your favorite natloually adver tised breads are still selling at pre-war prices and some are even, lower. I BROMO m SELTZER t mtui I I fights I) O rn fri $100 Air Mail Stationery 59c Wall Mirrors, 20,,x12" $1.39 Percolator . ... ..... .$2.50 (Glass Never At A Loss For Words A prescription Is mure than just words-it's your doctor's diagnostic skill set down on paper. It's assuring to know that we are never "at a loss for any drug, your doctor writes Into a prescription. If on very rare occasions, wo do not have an Ingredient In our slock of fine quality drugs, wo know where to obtain it quickly. Minutes save:l in getting the medl cine, may save hours of dis comfort. Social Chili To Meet The So ciiil club is to inept fit the home of Mrs. Joseph Err, Kll Georgia avenue, Tuesday at 8 p.m. Mr.s. Hoy Walters will he I he hostess. Frank McAnuIty Dies at Age of 57 Krank H. McAnuIty, 57, died at his Oregon City home this morn- inc, his sister. Mrs. John Welle, i was notified. Kuneral services will be held Saturday morning from St. Johns Catholic church, in Oregon City. Mrs. Welle, her son Robert and daughter, Mrs. Wayne I'addis, .are leaving this afternoon for the Clackamas city, to attend the funeral. Mr. McAnuIty Is survived by his wife, I'earl; one daughter, Doro thy, and a son, Krank Morris Mc AnuIty .who is serving overseas with an Infantry unit. Other sur vivors include three sisters, Mr.s. Charles I.ivesay, Mrs. Kdwln E. Mayer and Mrs. I-csler l'aulshon, and one brother, James McAnuIty. Mr. McAnuIty was the victim of a heart attack. He had been ailing tor some time. Ernie Pyle Known To Local People Death'from a Jap sniper's bullet of Krnie I'yle, ace reenter of world war H, today brought to mind of two Central Oregon ht sons their association with the I'yle-family years ago in Indiana. Mrs. George Elder, residing on the Elder ranch on the old Hond Redmond highway north of Bend, remembered that she had gone to school with the famed writer's parents In Dana, Ind., but did not recall Ernie except as an infant. Mrs. E. M. Thompson. 831 Wall street, whose late husband was an early day Rend business man, Is a cousin to Ernie. She said that his mother is now dead, hut that I'ylc's father still resides in Dana. ( III l II BF'.I.NO KMWIltKII I Redmond, April in (Special) -! Repair work and a complete In- terlor redecorat ion Is being done to ' the Chrlstion church, which 'suffered a fire causing smoke, water and other damage a few weeks ago. C. F". I'ctcrs has the '....nlt - fir. frtf r.,,.n ,.l,tt i,.n .f Ihiu Bake) 200 McKesson Aspirin, 49c $1.25 Caroid & Bile Salts 98c 75c Carter's Pills . 57c $2.50 Serutan.:.... $1.89 $2.50 Saroka...... $1.96 Fleet's Phospho Sedg. 98c 55c Lady Esther Powd. 39c 55c Lady Esther Cream 39c Rubinstein Powder., $1.00 Translucid Cream Tone ......,. $1.00 Pancake Make-up.. $1.50 Solitaire Make-up.... 60c Dr. Charles Smith Dies in Portland Portland, Ore., April 1!) mi Dr. Charles J. Smith, 80, one of Oregon's best known physicians, former state senator and former mayor of Pendleton, died at his home here early today. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Dr. Smith had lived In Oregon; K.A II.. ....... nm.lil.tnl ' of the Oregon Medical association and of the Portland board of health, and served for 21 years on the state hoard of health. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lillian Smith. 1TY0 COTTAdK Pltlsford, Vt. mi it was In the Drake homestead, a gray-green cottage still standing here, that the mother of President Millard Klllmorc was born In Revolution ary war days. Incendiary hombs, dropped from planes to destroy enemy g" wEi, "r is Z'dbV'sca?' From 9 to 11:55 Every Friday Night Night Owls Orchestra CARROLL ACRES HALL Wonderful Maple Floor City Bus Service Until Midnight HYPERACID DISTRESS You must set fast, effective HKI.IKF' with TKBSIN from miserable, discomfort, or your money buck. (lt free information on TKBSI.N Powder or Tablets, In Bend at Itruiidls Thrift Wise Drug 1 ()'!( Wall Street I'hnne 137 Enjoy post-war economy toduy and every day by shopping here for products that help you to feel your best . . . look your best . . . work your best. Check your needs now and take a good look at these good old pre-war prices that mean SAFE SAVINGS for you. ir DR. WEST'S 1 J I Miracle- Zuft t m TOOTH J 7 I j j I BRUSH Bt for Quick ft6f Vj of Poto Ou. Li Simpl. H.adoch. Mr ANACIN.l" WHEATAMHJ Brand TABLETS MULTI-VITAMINS I AND MINERALS .00 . Add 20 ' Federal excise tax to Cosmotics, Jewelry, Luggage tered 100 feet: the flaming goo sticks to the sides of buildings. More Comfort Wearing FALSE TEETH Here In a pleasant way to overcome loose plate discomfort. FASTJSGTH an Improved powder, sprinkled on upper and lower plates holds them firmer so that they feel more comfortable. No gummy, ftoooy, pasty taste or feeling. U'b alkaline (non-acid). Poes not sour. Checks "plate odor" (denture breath). Get FASTEttTH today at any drug store. PIMM? from loss of GIOODWJ? Girls t Women) If you lose so much dur ing monthly periods that you leel weak, 'dragged out"-this may be due to low blood Iron. 80 try Lydla K. plukhain a TABLrroone cX the best home ways to help bulla up red blood In such cases. Pink ham's Tablets are one of the great est blood-Iron tonics you can buy. Follow label directions. j tydia . Pinkham-s TASICTS jand Mrs. Rees brooks. I work.