PAGE EIGHT THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 8, 1945 Wacs Run Mess For 2,000 GJs at Base in Calcutta By McQuown Wright . (UntU-d J'rma Staff Correspondent) Calcutta lU'i Enlist cd person' nel at Eastern Air command head' quarters near Calcutta recently have been getting the nearest thing to home cooking available In the Far Eastern theaters of opera' . tions. . The reason 15 Wacs have charge o( the kitchen and food preparation for nearly 2,000 men. This is the only mess operated by Wacs in either the India-Burma or Chinese theaters. The results reports of "grip ing" about army food at the base are on a steady decrease and praise for the, cooking on almost a parallel increase. More than three tons of food daily, including fresh ' foods bought here, frozen moat, as well as field ration A supplies, are pre pared daily at the mess. This means it is on a 24-hour basis and while one meal is being eaten preparation for the next one has begun. Each enlisted man and woman gets 4,000 calories per day. Hire Indian for KP In addition to the Wacs there are 10 enlisted men and about 30 Indians. One of the jobs for which the Indians are hired is dishwash ing and such tasks as peeling po tatoes, making this mess one of the few at which there is no KP. Capt. Roslyn Katz of ( 13G Mans field St.) Hartford, Conn., is mess officer. She explains that in addition to better general preparation of the food, work of the Wacs has meant the appearance of such delicacies as pies, cakes and cinnamon rolls on the menu which were seldom or never seen when lust GIs and Indians had charge of the mess. "The food is now flavored more to American tastes," Capt. Katz continued. "The Indian cooks tend to overflavor. The Wacs now do all that work." Mess personnel is divided into three shifts, under the direction of a shift leader, each of which re mains on duty for 24 hours. The shift also has the responsibility of serving the food which is done cafeteria style. The bakers work at night. - Varied Peacetime Jolm . Peacetime occupations of the . Wacs who handle this mess vary from cooks and housewives to beauticians, cloth-cutter and clerk typist. One, Sgt. Claire M. Parriott of (554 34th St.) Oakland, Cal., was a restaurant manager. The mess sergeant, TSgt. Edna L. Posslel of (383 Union St.) Jersey City N. J., was a home economics teacher. Near relatives In forces of these enlisted women total 12 brothers, a sister, a son, and three hus bands. SSgt. Margaret L. frasus of (3006 West 60th St.) Chicago, 111., ii BUS" Anderson's '36 Hudson "6" Sedan A reliable car, Completely overhauled, low mileage, heater, good rubber. See these! We buy 'em, fix 'em, sell 'em. Top cash prices offered. Appraisal with out obligation You'll Go Farther on GATES TIRES Full Line of Passenger Car Sizes MOTOR TUNE-UPS Are Our Specialty Complete Mechanical Service Good Supply of Parts Lubrication Wheel Alignment Radiator Battery Tires W. B. Anderson Nash Co. 1173 Wall St. Truman Pledges Mia ivmv Jr 4, ' (NEA Teleihotn) Before former Senate colleagues and Rouse members assembled in a joint session in the House chamber, President Harry S. Truman declares that this nation, along with Its Allies,' must shoulder the "grave responsibility'' of making secure future peace. , is the mother. Her son is Cpl. Ed ward Brasus, a marine stationed at Charleston Navy Yard, S. C. . Other members of the staff are: SSgt. Helen C. Robertson, (300 Lowenhill Ave.) Pittsburgh. Pa.. shift leader; Sgt. Ira E. Harrison, (701 Hlnes St.) La Grange, Ga.; shift leader; Cyl. Leota L. Hinkle, Bloomington, Ind., baker; Cpl. Anna S. Kovach, (1504 East 28th St.) Lorain, O., cook; Pfc. Minnie Bohlander, Pekin, ID., cook; Pfc. Claire R. Kouba, (1213 Washing ton St.) Hoboken, N. J., cook; Sgt. Sophie T. Kiewlak, Shenendoah, Pa., assistant mess sergeant; Sgt. Helen Matson, (6 Welsner Park way) Methuen, Mass., cook; Cpl. Florence L. Benfield, (2621 Mont gomery St.) Louisville, Ky., cook; Cpl. Dorothy E. Schaefer, (522 East 38th St.) Baltimore, Md cook; Pvt. Marcia Cavell, Laurell, Iowa, cook; Pvt. Theresa T. Sa rabla, Wlnslow, Ariz., cook. iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmniiiminiiimiiiiiiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Victory Garden Notes Shallow cultivation for weed control In victory gardens is al ways preferable to deep cultiva tion, County Agent H. G. Smith advises Deschutes county people who again this year are helping in the food production program by growing a home garden. Deep cultivation Is almost cer tain to cut off root systems of the plants and interfere with their growth, Smith points out. He ad vises , these shallow cultivations as often as necessary to keep the garden free of weeds, and also following rains regardless of the Phone 700 Lasting Peace presence of weeds. Weeds are most easily killed when small and if allowed to grow to more than seedling size they compete seriously with the vege tables for soil nutrients, water, light and air. Smith adds. A single cultivation will kill prac tically all weeds one inch tall, but they are difficult to control when four or five inches tall. A sharp "scuffle" hoe is recom mended as a convenient cultiva tion tool for scraping the surface and killing sprouting weeds by cutting them off at the soil sur face while they are still small. Larger weeds may have to be hand pulled. It Is also suggested that mechanical cultivators like wise be set for shallow cutting. Realty Transfers April 6 Deeds . Joseph Miller to Anna Miller, M Interest lots 9, 10 and 11, block 3, Deschutes. Henry A. Aulman to Jesse B. Capps, lot 10, block 5, Mill addi tion. Joe F. Burich to Church of Naz arene, lot 1, block 20, Bend. April 6 Mortgages Jesse B. Capps to Deschutes Federal Savings arid Loan associa tion, lot 10, block 5, Mill addition. Church of Nazarene to Bank of Bend, lot 1, block 20, Bend. April 0 Mortgage Releases Equitable Savings and Loan' as sociation to Clarence L. Scott, lot 2, block 9, Redmond. State Land board to W. C. Coo ley, portions of 33 and 34-17-1-1. April 7 needs Earl Taylor to Elsie Marie YVes terlund, lots 3 and 4, block-4, Red mond. April 7 Mortgage Release U. S. National bank to George H. Brewster, lots 10, 11 and 12, block 7, Mt. View. April f Deeds Nettie Mohley to Camilla Pnpe, lot 7, block 14, Kenwood. I. John Bell to Bridget Gilbride, lot 24 and part of lot 23, block 10, : ltiverside. terrace. I W. Frank Dougherty to Jack iKargmnn, S'.li lot 3 and lot 4, i block 13, Redmond. I Charles J. Leveret t to C. T. i Samples, parts of 23, 26 und 27-1612. April 9 Mortgage ! R. E. Lynds to William Nartz, 1 portions of 15 and 22-14-9. I April 9 Mortgage Releases P. A. Erlckson to Wilbur F. Car- lln, NWViNE'-i 11-17-11. Deschutes Fofloiul Savings and Loan association to Leonard C. McDow, lot 2, block 10, Statits ad i dltlon. ,1H IH V U... Illl.. Blasting Japs on Corrrcidor. Rear Win. R. S. Bcrkey. USN, watches miiscrs and destroyers that Wai Bonds helped to build, drive the en ! eniy from famous Philippine rock. WAR ODIIDS V ' ' : Alida Bowman to Christ man. lots 5 and 0, block 10, Red mond. April 10 Deeds Kenneth Ferguson lo R. J. Walker, lot 7, block 20, Ellinger's addition. . Grace M. Quigley to D. F. Ross, E'.-i lots 13, 14, 15 and. 16, block 34, RfUmond. E. Vernon Starr to Hugh Stew art, N'iNWM 7-16-12. Lulu Rose Amundsen Graham to Lawrence J. Hansen, portion of lot 1, block 3, North addition. Deschutes county to Clarence W. Nelson, lot 3, block 4, High land. ' Earl E. Fills to John Garrison, lots 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32, block 45, Wiesloria. . ' April 10 Mortgages - Lawrence J. Hansen to A. B. Estebenet, portion of lot 1, block 3, North addition. John W. Garrison to Deschutes Federal Savings and Loan associa tion, lots 28, 29, 30, -31 and 32, block 45, Wlestoria. : April 10 Mortgage Releases L. W. Franks to R. J. Walker, portions of 20-14-13. Gertrude Munz to Esther O. Inks, lot 9, block 16, Redmond. April 1 1 Deeds , . H. C. Dodds to Paul Larson, lot 10, block 35, NWTS Second addi tion. James- Fisher to Mary Hentgos, lots 3 and 4, block 17, Wiestoria. Charles S. Marrin to Ernest E. Arthur, ' lot 9, block 3, NWTS First addition. Bruce P. Gilbert to A. B. Este benet, lot 11, block 28, Park addi tion. , Deschutes county to Montie Griffin, portions of 36-17-13. April II Mortgage ' Grant E. Barney to State Land board, 11 and 13-22-23. Cloverdale Cloverdale, April 18 (Spccfal) Mrs. Leslie Wills returned home Friday after a week's visit in Heppner at the home of her par ents. Mrs. Wills went to Portland first where she met her two sis ters, then all went to Heppner to spend a week at home during their brother's furlough. Seaman 1c Edwin Brown is here this week visiting his father and brother. Brbwn is stationed at a base in southern California. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goodrich and Mr. and Mrs. George Billlngsley attended the Eastern Star-Masonic dinner last Wednesday night in Redmond. The annual potluck dinner spon sored by the Home Economics club will be held Sunday at the community hall. Mrs. Ross Kel logg and Mrs. George Coombs are making arrangements for the din ner, i Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hammack, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. McDaniell, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goodrich and Mrs. Charlie Christy, who went to Portland last week as blood don ors, were all present Friday eve ning at a dinner party given for Anthony Roach In Sisters. Roach sponsored the trip to Portland. It is the third time he has sent a bus load of blood donors and he plans to send others in the future. Mrs. Jess Edgar and daughter Karen, spent several days last week at the Boyd Simmons homo. - Robert Johnson is in McMinn ville this week where he is visit- lwehaveaYnack Ml e i Tor lfA ' if L 'We've learned to do the job right, the "XJ.&' way. II your tires are wearing smooth, bring them to us now. We'll build you a recap job that will make your tires look like new. They'll be back for thousands of miles of He service with extra pro IBs Shoop & Schulze Tire Service 1291 Wall Mixed Emotions r. r run Home In the U. S. A. after three years in the Jap prison-camp of Santo Tomas, Manila, 3-year-old Scotty Morris doesn't seem too happy about it all.' In contrast ore the happy faces of his mother, Mrs. Katherine Morris of Washington, D. C, and his sister, Mary Ann, 6. They were among 800 recently repatriated civilian. Daddy, Lieut. George Morris, li still a prisoner of war. ing relatives. Mrs. W. Boyd Simmons attend ed the American Legion auxiliary luncheon in Redmond Monday given by Mrs. Austin Olsen and j Mrs. George Blllingsley. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeWitt of Redmond were callers last week I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I Frank Arnold. The DeWitts lived for a couple of years on the old I Tom Arnold place. I Mrs. Hugh Cavette returned last week from the valley where she had been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Trow bridge and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mack are new members of the Plainview grange. 102, CREDITS HER BREAD Bangor, Me. HP) Celebrating her 102nd birthday, Mrs. Parthe- . nia Cameron said she attributed J her long life to plenty of home made bread which she baked her self. I LEGAL NOTICES I SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes MAUD E. EATON, PLAIN TIFF, VS. WILLIAM DALE & JANE DOE DALE, Husband and wife; and the unknown heirs of William Dale; also all other per sons or parties unknown, claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate describ ed in the complaint herein, DE FENDANTS. ' TO: WILLIAM DALE & JANE DOE DALE, husband and wife; and the unknown heirs of William Dale; also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any i D. iecappiny tection of a good, sure-footed, non- skid design. BUY WHERE YOU SEE THE 8 $. TISt SIGN TIRES ARE SCARCE. RECAP IH TIME! Phone 565 Haws? 47 VJnUV K C-fJi f lis; L. i'MWAw I '4 Patterns Fresh as Spring TOWN-CLAD SUITS Fancy tick weave,' 0,75 sharkskin, and mml gabardine. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Under Your Dresses! Smooth Slips 1.98 Lovely rayons, cut to fit without a wrintle. Soft pastels, trimmed with lace. Adjustable straps. SPECIAL - Thursday, NEW SHIPMENT COTTON right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, AND TO EACH OF YOU: IN THE NAME TDF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are re quired to appear in the above en titled suit and set forth the nature of any right, title or interest you might have in and to the follow ing described premises, to-wit; , the East half, of the Southeast Quarter (E'iSE'i); the South east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE'iNEH) of Section Thirty-five (35); the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW'iSWU) of Section Thirty six (3G) In Township Twenty-two (22) South. Range Nine (9) East of the Willamette Meridian, and situate in Deschutes County state of Oregon, within thirty days from the date HORNBECK Typewriter Co. Authorized Agent for ROYAL Sales and Service Roytype Rilihans and Carbon K. C. Allen Adding Machines All Makes Typewriters Serviced Phone 12 122 Oregon Ave. INVESTORS MUTUAL, INC. AN OPEN END INVESTMENT COMPANY Protptcfm on requeif from Principal Undwvrrhtr INVESTORS SYNDICATE NINNIAPOUS, M1NNISOTA ELMER LEHNHERR Local Representative 217 Orefron Phone 5 Jo M, .nd For Subtle figure Flattery Accentuate the smartness of your wardrobe with soft rayon frocks in solid shades and picture-pretty prints. Delightful full skirted rayon jerseys, delicate sheers with pert ruffled pockets; clever print-and-plain combinations, 2 piecetylefc PRINTS of the first publication hereof, which day has been designated as the 28th day ot March, 1945, by the above entitled Court, or suffer judgment to be taken against you by a decree declaring plaintiff to be the absolute owner in fee of the above described premises, and declaring you and each of you to be forever barred from asserting any right, title or interest in the said real property or any part thereof, adverse to the rights of the plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as the Court might deem just in the premises. CHARLES E. BOARDMAN. At torney for Plaintiff, Post Office Address: Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon. ' 96-102-108-114c This Is "CLEAN OUT YOUR CLOSET WEEK" CLOTHING NEEDED By the 125 million men, women and children in war-ravaged Europe. Give Every Single Garment That You Can! Collection Headquarters: LEEDY'S BASEMENT , - Entrance on Oregon, off Wall Drive Sponsored by Lions Club This advertisement courtesy Broolts-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. and The ,Shevlin-H!xon Company M,L Cuc. .f Peftwjw". in print J.90 9:30 a. m. yd. 39c There are over 100 different kinds of horse-hair worms. Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly r,;X . ??.m "nimlH nrthrltW or SSii.KP,i':u'' ",u ,","" lnarMlv bono recipe thoui&nds are lulnit. Opt a ptrk r.Ke of Ku-Kx Compound, a two-week BliDUly. 111 1S JL. ?.0It " " No trouble at all and pteuant. ou newt only 3 tableenoon- oblalS f? "'iyt--.pnn,nd mult, are If 11,6 PU,M do nt qulckiv leave and I! you do not feel better retum thS fT l .1"ck"1 .M Ru-K " t yoTnot?,- j ii, Tr 7J."LdS2S0diau e; wwi rnaruidcy ana drug stores everywnere