The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, April 18, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Local News
'Booper' Makes Its Bow
jlliVA" --- V F 0
Minimum Ust night, 36 degrees.
Temperature: 10 p. m., 45 de
crees ; 10 m., SI degrees. Veloc
ity of wind: 10 p. m., 2 miles; 10
a. m., 5 miles. :
Word , has been received here
that Enalgn Garn E. Thalman,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thai
man, formerly of 1240 Milwaukle,
Bend, and now residents of Utah,
was killed recently .in an airplane
crash at Nashville, Tenn. Ensign
Thalman was ine Dromer oi Mrs.
Arnold Olson, 48 McKay, Bend.
C. M. Gulovson of Brothers,
was a guest today at the Pilot
Butte Inn.
R. R. Taylor, general agent for
the Western Pacific railway, was
here today from Klamath Falls
transacting company business.
L.esier auuius uiiu n. rxraiu
of the Llnfield college, McMinne
ville, were Bend callers today.
T. J. Dowd, representing the
Union Pacific railway, was here
today from Portland on business.
Mrs. O. M. Caselman was a
Bend visitor today from Merrill.
Lt. J. R. Lindsey, who has been
here for - two months releasing
IV corps army maneuver areas
to their owners, left today for his
headquarters in San fcrancisco.
He said that the project office in
the Penny building would remain
open, and that he planned to re
turn in a month.
The First Lutheran L.D.R. will
meet in the church basement at
7:30 o'clock tonight, with Mrs.
Peter Jackson acting as hostess.
and Mrs. Ralph Adams in charge
of the program; it was announced
today. ' 1
The First Lutheran Ladies aid,
with Mrs. Fritz Wallen as hostess,
will meet in the church parlors
'tomorrow at 2:30 p. m.. it was re
ported today. Mrs. Ray Anderson
is to have charge of the program.
Lt. R. C. Williams, in command
of state police district No. 1,
which includes Bend, last night
returned to his Portland head
quarters after spending two days
here on a routine checkup.
Members of the Bend Eagles
lodge will hold a shadow social
tomorrow night at 9:30 o'clock in
their hall on Bond street, it was
announced today. Ladies attend
ing were asked to bring lunches.
Leo Eriksen, who operates a
ranch near Redmond, was here
today on business.
Lt. Merwin Hans (jg), a gun
nery officer on an aircraft car
rier, spent the week-end here vis-
Iv" -TV J
4 4 v t 4h
The national scene Is threatened by a new sartorial blitz, Intro
duced by Cleveland, Ohio, highschoolers. In the form of the
"booper bow," a king-sized ear tickler that the lads think is
"knotty, but nice." Above, Sanford Weinberg has his booper bow
'adjusted by friend Rhea Berkiwitz, who also helps his mother
. make them.
.' '
vftm NIN
iting his aunt, Mrs. E. C. Qlaab,
635 East Marshall street. Lt. Hans
le'ft for Iowa to visit his parents,
and planned to return to Bend in
about two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Edberg of
Seattle, are guests at the home of
Mrs. Edberg's brother, Richard
Aysta, 222 Hill street.
Sgt. Van G Burl.eigh, son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Burleigh of
Blakley Heights, today was en
route to the Santa Ana army air
base after spending 21 days here
visiting his parents. Sgt. Burleigh,
who flew 50 missions as a tail
gunner with the famous Burma
"bridge busters," visited his broth
er, Cpl. Donald L. Burleigh, in
China before returning to the
Phil Brogan, Bend high school
student body president who was
called to active service in the
army air forps 10 days ago, has
been assigned to training at Shep
nard field, Texas, and reached his
new station yesterday, from Fort
Lewis. Other Bend boys at the big
Texas field are Jim Falrchild and
Bill Halvorson.
Rev. and Mrs. Robert McIU-
venna returned last night from
Portland, -where they were with
their daughter, Mrs. Glenn Gout
hur. a patient at the St. Vincent
hospital. Mrs. Golllhur Is reported
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer-Jensen of
Kirkland. Wash., are the parents
of a son, Clifton Wayne, born In
a Seattle" hospital on April 12, ac-
S . : 1 1 u., T 1
CUrUUlg IU WU1U 1CIX1VCU ujr .uii
Jensen's parents. Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Martin of 1475 Baltimore
Caroline Cook, age 4V4, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cook
of 441 Riverside drive, and who
was injured yesterday when she
i ran into the side of an automo-
League Discusses
Congress Trends
The proposed reorganization oi
the congress of the United States
was discussea ai a syiuiv""
meeting of the League of Vv-omen
Voters last night at the Pine Tav
ern, with Juage Ralph S. Hamil
ton, Mrs. William iisitiic c
Mrs. Harry beach taking part in
the discussion. Judge Hamilton
touched on the present organiza
tion of congress, and Mrs. Beach
and' Mrs. NisKanen reviewed pro
posed reorganization,
In his brief talK, Judge Hamil
ton paid tribute to Oregon's pres
ent congressional delegation, and
nroriirlml that tne Slates senate
learn, uuy otuou "
Morse, may even prove to be a
more powerful unit than the team
composed of the late Senators
Charles u. MciNary aim rit:i.
Steiwer, two of uregons out
ctanrMncr lenders of earlier years,
Mm to W. Williamson presided
at the dinner meeting of the
league, and Mrs. Niskanen was in
charge oi me symposium. us,
Crosby L. Shevlin is league presi-
VaHnus Questions relative to
the proposed reorganization of
congress were asked by league
Mirer 4 PrrvloM Pn.l
SU. S. Naval Leader
1.7 Pictured Vent
commander of Ide
to Bend after visiting their sister,
Mrs.' Maud Catlow, who is a pa
tient at a Portland hospital.
Harry Sala has returned to Bend
after visiting his parents In Har
rison, Ida. Sala, who resides In
Bend, is employed in a Redmond
Miss Elizabeth McClaih of 23
Irvine avenue, has returned to
Bend after spending nearly a year
in Seattle, where she was em
ployed. !
Mrs. William, uiant oi anevun,
is receiving medical care at the
St. Charles hospital.
Father Thomas Mcieigue oi
Prlneville. last night underwent
an operation at the St. Charles
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Smith were
In Bend last night, returning to
their home in Burns from a trip
to Portland.
Reed J. Howard Sc. aviation
radioman, has completed his train
ing at the naval air gunnery
school in Purcell, Okla. and is now
stationed at the naval air Held in
Bunnell, Florida for operations
training. He Is a graduate of the
Bend high school class of 1944 and
the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. n.
Howard, of 1459 Cumberland St.
Circle 1 of the catnonc Altar
society will held the second in a
series of public card parties at the
Parish hall Saturday at 8 o'clock.
Bridge and pinochle will be
Miss Naomi Miller, member of
The Bulletin news staff who has
been ill this week, entered the St.
Charles hospital today.
Dance every Friday night at
Carroll Acres. Music by the Night
Owls. City bus will leave hall last
time at 12 midnight. Adv.
Will all members of the Eagles
ran unjj tne siue ui an auiuiuu-i , :,, ,::)ou tainea ui iwu tames ui uttiuuiiie
bile near her home, was reported Lodge who have signed or ' wish L y ncluded i !.ii c to sign un for the proposed drill L. ,
N. W. Redmond
Northwest Redmond, April 18
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Burgess
returned from Portland bunoay
evening.- Mrs. Burgess has been
a patient in Emanuel hospital for
the past two weeKS. ivirs. dui
gess is recuperating nicely from
a recent operation.
Mrs. C. X. Peden and daugnters
Terry and Mrs. Earl Armsmeier
were Bend business visitors Fri
day. . .
Cpl. William parson, on iui
lough after 37 months of service
In Africa and Italy, is visiting at
the E. E. Burgess home this week.
Larson is well known in this com
munity having been formerly em
nloved bv Burgess.
Mrs. Clarence Killingbeck and
daughters Clarene and Carolyn
and Mrs. D. I. Penhollow and son,
Michael, were Bend business visi
tors Friday.
Miss Jean Park and Mrs. Irene
Burgess were Monday evening
visitors at the E. E. Burgess home
Miss Mary Elizabeth Barber
was a guest oi Rev. ana Mrs.
D." L. Penhollow and boys Wed
nesday evening.
Rev. and Mrs. L. L,. fennouow
and sons Bill and Mike were din
ner guests at the Clarence Killing'
beck home Tuesday.
Mrs. H. H. Hughltt and grand
son Warren were Sunday dinner
guests of Mrs. Velma Holdaway
and son h.sten.
Mi", and Mrs. Amos Parker and
daughter Laura and Mrs. William
Meek of Sisters visited at the Pen
hollow home Saturday evening.
Clarence Killingbeck assisted
Jas. Underwood in butchering
Mrs. Velma Holdaway enter
tained at two tables of pinochle
Pacific Fleet
Air Force,
13 Entertained
14 Drug
15 Placed
16 Exit
19 Florida ab.)
2ft Moist mass
22 Long fishes
23 Equable
24 Consume
26 Every'
27 Set
29 Bards
32 Abraham's'
33 Id est (ab.)
34 Area measure
35 Hawaiian
Islands (ab.)
36 Rod
38 Beverage
40 Be seated
41 Compass point
42 Metal plate
44 Pain
48 Former Rus
' i sian ruler
51 American
54 Lyric poem
55 Colonize
57 Inn
59 Chopped
60 Vegetables
5 Driving
6 Rim
7 Cryptogamoits
8 States of
in the ' 43 Notion
23 Flower dealer 44 Mimicked
nrosDPritv 25 Larceny 45 Channel
(slang) 26 His forces Islands (ab.)
9 Rhode Island proceed 46 Him
(ab.) , 27 Vehicle . 47 Reverberate
30 Intensive 28 Skill 49 Arabian gulf
bombardment 30 Article 50 Units of
11 Gudrun's hus-31 Courtesy title resistance
band (myth.) 37 Property 52 Malt drink
12 12 months 39 Discoverer of 53 Eternity
17 Music note Mississippi . 56 Thorium
18 Cloth measure river . (symbol)
21 He operates 42 Rush 58 Yes (Sp.)
1. t li It lb lb" "I 17 18 II 110 III 12.
s for
is "S iTId rjiT
i 11 i4U MsiaM
27TT ? f ' soTT
m kj $T 4i m IU iti W 150
55 li" 5r
55 W -5TT
j-g -
' I I I 1 I I I I I I I jja
Dr. Dencer, Bend
Pioneer, Is Dead
Dr. PhlllD H. Dencer. 88, who
came to Central Oregon In 1908
and homesteaded on a claim in the
vicinity of Pilot butte when Bend
was still a village, died tnis morn
ing In the Salem General hospital,
following a lingering illness. He
was removed to the hospital sev
eral weeks ago, from Bend.
A native of Winona, Minn., Dr.
Dencer came to Oregon in early
days. After filing on his Central
Oregon claim, he practiced dentis
try in Bend, in 1908 and 1909.
Dr. Dencer was preceded In death
by his wife, Elizabeth, in 1917.
Mrs. Paul H. Hosmer, uena, is a
niece. Other relatives are one
brother, Edward 'Dencer, Salem;
and two sisters; Mrs. Barbara
Lorence, Monmouth, and Mrs.
Lucy Kasper, Newberg.
Funeral services will be held
from the W. T. Rigdon chapel In ,
Salem on Friday at 1:30, and cre
mation will follow. The ashes
will be brought to Bend for grave
side services Saturday at 4 p.-m.
Final depository of the ashes will
be his wife a grave.
The Christian Science church
will be In charge of the Saturday
afternoon services in Bend.
Pawtucket, R. I. iU') Mrs. Dor
othy Glannecchinni had the thrill
of her lifetime recently when she
took her first airplane ride. The
pilot was her grandson, Pvt. Louis
J. Marcucelll of the army air
forces. The ride took place on
Mrs. Giannecchinni's 80th' birthday.
were Sunday dinner guests at the! have rented the forest service land
Lloyd Bussett home in Powell
Fletcher Marsden is working in
Madras this week. The Marsdens
live on the McGuffie place.
Olo Zimmerman was a visitor
at the D. L. Penhollow home
Grange Hall
Just off the Butler road and have :
started farming this week.
Trpno Rarclav and Bll v Lewis
......a akedni f fTV cfthnnl thill WMk I
because of illness.
Bllll 111 O. UlUtfU LU1IUIIIUI1 ... Wl. I - I U thlc
leaill JJltdf,; W ItrauilL Dl .ilia
week's meeting. Adv.
Charles hospital today. Surgeons
planned to take X-rays tomorrow
to determine whether her skull
oy JW isaiiailiyiie, wiiu wao
onerated by police.
Rev. Edgar Purdy, former min
ister In charge of the Bend Meth
odist church and now superinten
dent of the Salem district of his
church, recently suffered a heart
attack and Is reported seriously
ill at his home in Salem. Rev.
Purdy was stationed in Bend
when the present Methodist
church was constructed here.
Dr. J. C. Vandevert and sister,
Mittye Vandevert, have returned
The Eagles Lodge will have a
shadow social at their regular get
together April 19. All ladies are
requested to bring lunch for two.
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Peden, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Winke, Mr. and Mrs.
Adrian Smith and Clarence Mac-
Clyde Carroll and Bill Penhollo,w
All I.W.A. Members are urged
to attend their Job-branch meet
ings at the Union hall this week.
Matters affecting every member
are to be discussed. Both Brooks
Scanlon and Shevlin-Hixon em
ployees are affected by recent de
velopments, and every member
should attend. Adv.
5 i
Fun...nnyEST, dierriest nin-RST
i-uidi c eucciES
Odd Fellows, Rebckahs and
their friends, Fishermen's Frolic
Dance at I.O.O.F. Temple Satur
day night, April 21, 9 p. m. Music
by Old Time Serenaders. Adv.
Income Returns
Not All Opened
Salem, Ore., April 18 U'i It
will probably be another two
weeks before all state income tax
returns are tabulated, Earl Fish
er, tax commissioner in charge
of Income taxes, said today.
There were nearly 50,000 un
opened envelopes cont a i n i n g
mailed-ln returns yesterday, he
said, following the Monday mid
night deadline.
About 450,000 returns were sent
to taxpayers this year. Total In
come tax receipts may total more
than $12,000,000 this year. Fisher
Two Bend residents today had
posted $2 bail after warrants had
been issued for their arrests on
charges they ienored overtime
r WH'V-. H
r 2
; " v
L if -,
f 'UB.
Grange Hall, April 18 (Special)
Mrs. Julius Pedcrsen and son,
Willis, were obligated in the first
and second degrees at the regu
lar session of the Eastern btar
Eranee last Tuesday evening. Mrs,
Marion Dubuis was obligated in
the third and fourth degrees. Mrs.
Eugene Ackley was elected musi
cian and Clarence Torkelson was
elected steward to replace John
Franks,' who is unable to attend
meetings. John McLaughlin, past
imaster, acted as Installing officer.
The Pine Forest grange drill team
has -accepted the invitation to put
on th third and fourth degree
work at the next meeting on April
24. Mi's. Olo Olausen was in
charge of the refreshments. Six
teen members were present at the
I Alberto Charleswortli of Seattle"
spent the week end visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Walters.
A short memorial 'service for
Franklin D. Roosevelt was held at
the Young school, last Friday.
The teacher, Mrs. Charles Boyd
was in charge.
, Tech. Sergeant Curtis cariin
Wns honor guest at a dinner, Sun- j
day, at the home of his parents,.
Mr. and Mi's. Dave Carlin. Guests I
included Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Friedley, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wnni-j
chek, Mrs. Emil Pinclu and son,
Mr. and Mrs. Del Mattson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben De Witt of
Stauffor were overnight guests at!
the Alex Waller's home, last Mon-
day. I
The Grange Hall Ladles aid meti
at the homp of Mrs. Del Mattson,
last Thursday afternoon. Four
teen members and two guests,.
Mrs. II. F. Tycer and Mis. J. R.
Haynrs were present. The ladies
answered roll call with short reci
tations and worked on quill blocks
during the afternoon. Mrs. Homer
H. Brown will be hostess for the
next meeting on April 2i.
I Mrs. William lewis was a visi
tor at the Young school last lhurs
day afternoon. !
Mrs. Lyle Carrington and herj,.p l.Vn1 T.-mlifn wr-nl tn
I Portland, last Thursday, where1
Mr. Tapken received medical:
treatment. Charles Carrington !
stayed with his grandmother;
while his mollior was gone. ;
Mrs. Marion Dulmis of Prine-i
ville visited two days last week
i'wilh her daughter, Mrs. Walter
Prlchard and lamliy.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil dc of Bend
were Sunday callers at the Nick
l Meyer home.
I F. J. Mannon and son of Salem
88 Are
At Bend Services
Elnhtv-elcht children and
adults, second largest class In the
historv of the oarisn, were con
firmed at services held last night
in St. Francis Catholic churcn.
with Bishop Joseph F. McGrath
of the Baker city diocese aamin
istering the sacrament of confir
mation. Included in the class were
69 children and 19 adults.
Present for the services was a
congregation that filled the spa
cibus church to capacity.
Tonight at 7:30 o'clock, the sac
rament of confirmation will be
administered to a class in Red
mond, and tomorrow night at the
same time there will be confir
mation services in Prlneville.
Accompanying Bishop McGrath
orr'his trip into Central Oregon
is Father Thomas J. Moore, of
"The Joy of Cooking"
comes in being able to use
pure, fresh ingredients. Good
cooks depend on Me do-Land
milk for successful baking.
Tender milk rolls fine grain
ed cakes and smooth pud
dings made with Medo-Land
meet the family's taste test!
Maiden, Mass. till Amy Nurse
of Maiden is an army nurse.
OBeUt Marine Corps Photo
Oil-duty fun. War Bonds helped
provide Marine Corps Rehabilita
tion Center, Klnmath Falls. Orn ,
where Ensign Frances Ann Steve,
nnrkintr tic-kpts. K. W. Van Matre. ! nurse, relaxes bv skiinff on the
345 Columbia avenue, posted bail! mountain. . u. S. Trmurj Deinui
following his arrest on a warrant,
and II. J. Ilelzer, 216 Willow lane,
put up a similar amount on an
overtime parking charge.
Redmond, April 18 Pfc. John
Fulton of Redmond, has been re
ceived as a patient at the Madigan
General hospital In Washington,
according to word received here
today. Pfc. Fulton was one of
30 patients received there, and
who had been wounded in the
European war theater.
A half-inch rope made of nylon
can support a load of three tons.
a Famous to relim MONTHLY
f misery eats:
AI FIm StMnothic TmM)
Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com
pound U famouM to relieve not only
monthly pain but also accompanying
nervous, tired, htRhstrung feeling
when dufl to functional periodic dis
turbances. Taken roKularly lt holj.
build up resistance against such dis
tress. Pink ham 'a compound hlp$ na
ture Follow label directions. Try at
, . . and repairs
on all makes of
. . . for a new
Maytag after the
war place your
order now. Just
rimtui'l . . .
Telephone 274
434 Kansas Bend
Metul Fly
11 Sprayers 11
k 50c JJ
Milk ofV
Magnesia Vl
J These, too, are
In the compounding of
prescriptions, there is no
margin for error. Each
prescription must be pre
cise and exact. Our skilled
Mineral Oil 59c
Agarol, med. size.. 83c
35c Vick's Vaporub, 27c
35c Menrholatum.. 27c
65c Albatum 47c
$1 Milk of Mag
nesia qt. 69c
Aspirin Tablets, 200 69c
registered pharmacists,
guarding the health of the
home front, give their full
lime and close attention
to the work for which
they are trained. You can
safely trust them with
your next prescription.
First Aid Kits.-S9c-1.98
Air Mcil Sta
tionery 50c. 51
Game Sale ....... 79c
( holer (J- j; , . ullles to !.7-
50c Pond's Cream.. 39c
$2 Jergen's Mckcup, $1
Unicaps...100 tsbs2.96
ff Maltonic
If An Ideal Spring 11
U. 1.25 M
Long-lasting Nail Lacquer
This is (he ncsv make-up thai su
fin oh I so Ionic without chipping!
Twenty hreath'IJkinK oriental
slutk-s. Ii'sourgucss-you'vcnever
seen your nails nearly so lovely as
Chen Yu will make them.
Duo-Caps 100 tabls 3.39
All I'urpiwn
0 White, 50 Dark
Vitamin B Com
plex 50 for 1.69
Iron Compound
Tablets ..100 for 1.00
Vita Kaps, new
low price, 100 for 2.96
A larci- Helrrtinn In all
Kt.vlft. Ideal for sifts for
J I it" everyday uite.
$1.50 to $15
The vaccine that protects even suckling calves for life! Once
vaccinated with Blacklegol you Itiow your calves are safe. Why
tako chances on ordinary vaccines? ,
Ant Arid
49c 89c