PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON. TUESDAY,-APRIL 1 7, 1945 On Stock Mart : By T. W. Klenlen (United Presa Staff Crrelon(lent) New York, April 17 (in The stock market extended Its advance for the third straight day today anu reacneu a further new high since 1937, although the rise was cnccicea momentarily when presl dent Truman asserted his inten- tion of carrying out the public power policies of the late Mr Itoosevelt. Mr. Truman's statement at his first press conference in the White House brought a flurry of seiung in tne utilities, but the reaction was short-lived. Going into the final hour of trading utilities as a group were just under their best levels for the day with prices unchanged or slightly lower in most instances. Elsewhere in the stock list the more prominent peace shares met demand. In this category the farm equipments were a particu lar favorite scoring gains ranging to. more than two points In inter national harvester. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., April 17 (in livestock: cattle 100, calves 25. Active, steady on kinds available. Few common steers unsold. Good choice fed steers salable $10.00 17.00. Extreme top heifers Mon day $16.00. Cunner-cutter cows 7.00-9.50. Medium beef cows to $11.50. Bulls unevenly lower for two days.. Medium-good sausage bulls salable $10.50-12.50. Good beef bulls quotable to $13.00 or above. Good-choice vealers $15.00 16.00. Hogs 100. Steady... Butchers $15.75. Odd light lights $15.25. Good sows $15.00. Choice 81 lb. feeder pigs $18.00. Sheep 50, quotable steady. Good-choice wooled and spring lambs salable $15.50-16.00. Best wooled ewes Monday $8.50. Shorn ewes salable $6.75 down. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., April 17 (Hi- Butter production, although gain ing' nationally during the week, declined in the west compared with a week ago and a year ago, according to government reports. Production of cheese was seen as a factor in the shortage of but terfat for churning. Prices were unchanged. ,' Egg prices were unchanged. ' Butter cube 93 score 42&e; 92 score 4214c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41!4c pound. Eggs prices to retailers: AA large 44c; A large 42c; medium A 39c; small 35c dozen. The Bonin Islands got their name from the Japanese expres sion, "Munln To," meaning "empty of men," according to the Encyclopedia Brltannica. The is lands were not inhabited perma nently until 1830. NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that -the undersigned has taken up the fol lowing described horses, found running at large on his property, and unless these horses are re deemed on or before the time of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the date of April 30th 1945, the said horses will be sold at that time, at the ranch of C. F. WILLIAMSON, on the Butler Market road, Des chutes County, Oregon, to satisfy the damages, costs of picking up, advertisement and keep of the said horses. These horses are described. as follows: 1 Black gelding, long roach mane, white spot on forehead, white snip on nose, white hind feet, backward L on left shoulder, approximately 1450 pounds In weight, 8 or 9 years old. 1 Black mare, white strip on forehead, while stockings on hind legs, blemish on left hind foot, ap proximately 1250 pounds in weight, about 6 years old. No discernable brands. 1 Black mare, 4 white stockings, blazed face, white nose and white lower lip, approximately 1300 pounds in weight, about 6 years old. No discernable brands. 1 Aged black mule, approxi mately 900 pounds In weight. No discernable brands. These horses have been taken up under provisions of Deschutes County livestock District Number 2. Signed: C. F. WILLIAMSON. 113119c See ELMER LEHNHERR For Liberal Cash Loans AUTO On y LIGHT TRUCK y PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service Oregon Owned Motor Investment Co. M-333 217 Oregon Phone 525 Spare Articles Can Be Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 3Sc 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $L35 All words ever 25 add le per word line HHIlhr a I ln rtinna Ono nonth run. tamo copr, Vfc day rale minimum unarg-e, soo LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Claimied AdrtrtUinff. Cath In Advance Dollj Cloalnf Time 12:30 P. M. FOR SALE GUERNSEY COW, 4 years old, very gentle, nice milker, test 6.0, T.B. and Bang's disease. Rt. 1, Box 468. First road to left after Trap Club road. $1500 BUYS good 3 room modern house on Revere, terms. $.W0 cash buys 3 room house and 2 lots on west side. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. WELL LOCATED twelve unit modern auto court completely furnished, also has gasoline pumps, excellent Income property and just right for two people to handle. Price $25,000, terms half down, balance as you wish. For further details see Frank McGar vey, Bank of Bend Bldg. TRAILER HOUSE, new paint, nice Interior with ice box and sink. Fully furnished. Priced to go at $275.00. 144 Roosevelt. CLOSE IN modern nicely furnish ed home for small family, gas or automatic gas water heater, gas range, circulating oil heater. Only $2500, $1000 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. . WINCHESTER MODEL 70-3006 with scope, 50 shells. 32 volt mo tor, V h.p. 32 volt vacuum clean er. Trade electric refrigerator for good 20 gauge pump or auto matic. Schuman Auto Electric. 2 BEDROOM MODERN: Wired for electric range, has basement, electric hot water heater, large lot, half block off pavement. Must sell at once. Make us an offer. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. 200 LARGE HANSEN leghorn hens, laying 80. Vt mile east, M mile south of Bend Trap club. Rt. 1, Box 441. Bert Russell. BABY CHICKS, Mcgulre's Rhode Island reds, at store Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Open til 6 p. m. Greenwood Feed Co., Greenwood at Division. PANSY, PERENNIAL and Ever bearing strawberry plants. Fan ton's Garden, 829 Ogden. LYONS FLOWER GARDENS Steele's jumbo pansy plants, also perennials and glad bulbs, annual flower and vegetable plants In season. 1604 W. 2nd, coi ner Port land. A FINE CATTLE RANCH, fif teen hundred acres deeded land with adequate range rights to run 200 head. Has 200 acres hay land, good house and two large barns. A splendid buy at $11,000. Terms can be arranged. 100 head cattle may be purchased. Frank McGar vey, Bank of Bend Bldg. 2 ROOM MODERN: Completely furnished, close In, large lot, If you need a small home that Is clean, and ready to go, and priced right at $1575, see Gilberts Real Estate for terms at 1015 Wall St. WOOD FUEL Prompt Delivery, load lots, city or country. Dry body or limbs, length desired. Order next win ter's fuel now. Consumers state ment necessary. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. A NUMBER of pure bred roost ers, White Giant, Buff Orpington, New Hampshire reds, and While Leghorns. Inquire 1301 Newport. Phone 838-M. For Your Victory Garden The "Square" lor All Plait. VIGOIIO 25 lbs. 1.40 For healthier, more luxuriant lawns, ahrnbbery, flower or vegetable gardens. A complete plant food. Use It generously for fine results. Sheep Guano Garden Hose Garden Seeds Full line of fresh vegctalilo, flower anil lawn Noetls. Gladiola Bulbs doz. 98c H0UK - VAN ALLEN ftrotont HOME & AUTO SUPPLY 1 Well at Minnesota I OR SAI.K BE SURE you get original Rock Hill strawberry plants .06c each. Nichols has them. Mile south Pine Forest Grange market road. Tele phone 22-K-4. STANDARD POOL table, quarter size. Phone 551-W. Ihree- 20 ACRES. 15 acres Arnold, well built 2 bedroom house, gravity flow water, 5 acres alfalfa, large cistern, good outbuildings. $3500, some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. 3 BEDROOM modern on paved street. Good furnace. Priced $3,000. Terms $1,200 down, bal ance $40.00 per month. Possession soon. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. 2 BEDROOM MODERN: Neur Allen school, large lot, newly dee. orated. Low down payment. Gil berts Real Estate and Insurance, 1015 wall St. - TRAILER HOUSE, 1938 model, 21 ft. factory built, two beds, heater, range, fully equipped, new paint, oouDie way iigntmg system, battery or electric. A real home, a real buy, $900 cash. Call evenings. L. T. Crawford, Sisters, Ore., op posite post oi i ice. WEST SIDE, newly decorated 2 bedroom modern house, 2 lots, $2200, $500 down, $30 month. East side, completely furnished 3 bed room modern house. $2800. $1000 down, $40 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon, Phone 36-W. 3 TEAMS of work horses, har ness, saddles and saddle horses. One stallion, M Morgan and Ara bian. Inquire at old Gllss nlace on Tumalo Reservoir road. D. A. Rutherford, Rt. 2, Box 213. SELLING ALL rock plants 5c apiece this week only. No phone calls. Mrs. A. E. Ault, 705 S. Third St. 1934 CHEV. coupe, good tires, mo tor runs good, $175, or will trade for furniture, 16 laying hens, gui tar. 22 Lake Place. ON RIVERSIDE a real home, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fireplace, new furnace, rumpus room, double garage. $7500, loan avail able. Shown by appointment only. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. OUR UNIT apartment house, good location, all furnished but one apartment. Good cement base ment witn good furnace. 4 good garages. Call 892-M. LOVELY LARGE HOME: 9 room modern, east side, new Lennox furnace. Fireplace, new drilled hole. $4500, $1000 down. Also sell furnished. J. F. Arnold or baron, 126 Minnesota St. GOOD YOUNG Guernsey cows, freshen soon, heavy producer. 641 Seward. GOOD WOOD cookstove, also size bed with springs and mat tress. Phone 1066R. CHILD'S CRIB and ma'ttress, box spring and bedstead, dinette table, 4 chairs, bed daveno, wool rug, linoleum rug, 2 chests of drawers, dresser, baby swing, metal medi cine chest. 1224 Galveston. 4 LARGE LOTS, 5 room house and bath, newly furnished Inside, new chicken house and park, woodshed, garage, and small house on back, garden, strawber ries, trees, and lawn. 351 W, Rail road St. , CABINET RADIO, Motorola. In quire 469 West Greenwood ( East Newport.) 1 1910 CHEVROLET truck. One 1941 Crevrolet truck. Good tires, good condition. Call Union Oil Co. Phone 476 Prlneville. 40 lb. sack 1.29 25 ft. coil 2.95 YIG0R0 ' MtlMIWH (r Garden Spade 1.29 Round Nose Shovel 2.19 Hot Caps 25 for 50c Plant Boxes each 1c Acme Bait 'Em 98c Pruning Shears... 98c and 1.49 Trash Burner 1.49 Magic Plant Bowl 49c Phone 860 FOR SALE SHIPMENT of large shade trees just in. 8' to 10'. Inquire Haines Nursery. 'Phone 965. ALMOST NEW blue daveno. In quire at 1031 Portland avenue. FOR SALE Oil TRADE 8" TILTING arbor bench saw. Will trade for small cement mix er. Also have child's sidewalk bike for sale. George Beimler, Rt. 2, Box 156, Tumalo District. FOR RENT 10 ACRES spud ground for opera tion on shares. Inquire Mrs. Zeh. ner at Erickson's Grocery during day or Route 1, Box 1681 mile east Carroll Acres store. VACANCY IN JANSEN VILLA: Unfurnished apartment. Gas cir culating heater, range, refrigera tor, and water heater. Laundry fa cilities. Inquire Gilberts Real Es tate. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, $20 per month. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall. CONSERVE FOOD SAVE JDN POINTS You may still reserve a locker the modern Frozen Food storage plant planned for Bend. , QUICK FREEZE UNIT-500 Units 60'Jf' of lockers must be rented in advance. Order yours now tele phone L. H. Helphrey, 857-J or 113 for details. ATTRACTIVE 2 room modern furnished house. Third house from King's Market on south highway. Phone 34-F-3. VACANTIES, O'Kane building. Inquire at Hogan's Studio. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, electric range and refrig erator, hot water, lights and cook ing electricity included in rent. 141 Georgia. Phone 766. CLEAN FURNISHED modern 2 room house with full size bath, near Kenwood school. Phone 1083 or call 623 Hill St. FURNISHED, MODERN, two bedroom house. Inquire 1305 El gin. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, close in, gas equipped. Adults only. Inquire 21 Lafayette. Phone 1177. SMALL MODERN cottage, large yard and garage, close in. Call 237 St. Helens. FURNISHED ROOM In private homo, with all home privileges, suitable for lady alone or man and wife with small baby. Adults, no pets. 412 Riverfront. 2 ROOM furnished house. Garage if desired, within easy distance to mills. Apply 207 Riverfront. CLEAN 3 room semi-modern fur nished house, close In. Inquire 164 E. Irving. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, '1174 Wall. Phono 458. WANTED WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs you have to sell. Also some big springer cows and will pick them up at your ranch! Phone 78-J or drop a card to W. R. Franks, Redmond, Ore. TO GIVE AWAY: 7 months old Springer Shepard male pup to rancher or farmer. See at 1304 Galveston, Bend. CURTAIN STRETCHER. Phone 621-J. Inquire at 624 Federal. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion. 838 Wall St. Phone 900. ORDER QUALITY . BABY CHICKS POULTS Delivered BAKER FEED CO. Phone 18.HX Redmond, Ore. '-WS ; ; , By FRED HARMAN p illiy Turned WANTED FOR YOUR garden plowing call Earl Rodman, 29-F-3, or M. H. Qulnn, 29 F-13. BICYCLESAND TRICYCLES" WANTED-also frames and other parts. Especially need tricycle and wagon wheels. We will pay top prices, and soon have them rebuilt Into usable Items much desired by children. Carl Austin, 220 Greenwood. ROOM AND BOARD in private home by single man, age 20, em ployed in Bend. Address Bulletin 942. WANTED TO TRADE 1939 V-8 85 business coupe, for 1941 5 passenger coupe or sedan. Cash difference. Waldorf Barber Shop or 627 Georgia Ave. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED SHOE clerk. Write qualifications, stating age, care of Bend Bulletin No. 964. WOMAN for a few hours In the morning 9 to 12:30 to do house work, no cooking, no laundry. Phone 119 between 5 and 8 in evening, 8 and 10 in morning. WOMAN to care for children In motherless home. Route 1, Box 475. A. M. Shipley or call 815-R. irruATiON wanted COLORED WOMAN wants house work, prefers work at summer re sort. Inquire Aunt Kate, 231 Franklin. LOST BLACK ZIPPER coin purse con taining $12.00 cash. Return to Bulletin office. BROWN BILLFOLD with zipper, had student body ticket, some cur rency, was Doris Morley's. Call 411- W. USED CARS CHEV. '33 tudor sedan, engine in good condition, Willard battery, rubber very good. Cheap for quick sale. A. Stuart, 1305 Albany, Bend. MISCELLANEOUS i NEED A LOCKER FOR YOUR FOOD STORAGE? Modern all-metal 500 locker plant planned for Bend. Reserve yours now. For complete Information TELEPHONE L. H. HELPHREY, 857-J or 113. ALL LOCKERS RE SERVED IN ORDER OF APPLI CATIONS MAKANDA, Remount Stud: Reg istered thoroughbred, light bay, wegiht 1120, height 15'A, proven sire of quarter horse type. Fee $10.00, return privilege. Standing, Brooks-Scanlon barn, Frank Filey, attendant. . A REPAIR SHOP THAT DOES THE JOB RIGHT For "RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIES ! " BEAR ALINEMENT SERVICE Don't drive a car with wheels out of line. Eddie's is Central Oregon's headquarters for genuine Bear Alinement Service. EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE 390 Greenwood CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Phone 64 Into Cash With a Want Ad MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZER $4.00 per yard, red j cinders $7.00 per 5 yd. load, dark cinders $6.00 per 5 yd. load, top; soil $7.00 per 5 yd. load. Dump trucks for hire. We fix driveways. I Phone 275-J or contact at 1360 Cumberland. i SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. LAWNMOWERS sharpened, keys made, saws filed, shears and knives ground, guns, bicycles, locks repaired, soldering, locks changed, grass shears sharpened. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. NOTICE. I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by any one other than myself. A. D. Lewis. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Children's Clinic j Set for Thursday j The spring crippled children's clinic, under the joint sponsorship j of the Deschutes county health; department and the University of ; Oregon Medical school, will le i held in the offices of the health ; department on Thursday, April 19. j All children who are to be seen ; must have a referral from their private physician. Dr. Lawrence Noall, the exam ining' orthopedic physician, has spent considerable time at the University of Minnesota studying the Kenny method of polio treat ment, working directly with Sis ter Kenny. HEALTH ACTIVITIES Wednesday Child health con- j ference, by appointment only! I Thursday Crippled children's clinic, by appointment only. i Friday p. m. Regular immu nization clinic at 1 o'clock. j Classes for the expectant moth er will be started by the Des chutes county health department, May 2. The first class will be a demonstration baby bath. All in terested persons are advised to register for the class by writing , or calling the Deschutes county health department as soon as pos sible. Buy National War Bonds Now! as always mm GOOD Shoes for Boys! S Sturdy Extra Wear for School !' , 0.98 0.49 Prices from m to J depending en size A corded moccasin of Goodyear welt con struction that means belter fit through out constant wear. Pliable glove leather . uppers. Sanitized linings that retard the detrimental effects of foot perspiration. Sizes 1 to 6, 6 to 12. Just In New Shipment COTTON GLOVES Yellow Monkey-Face, 2 Styles Knit Wrist. 25c This Is "CLEAN OUT YOUR CLOSET WEEK" CLOTHING NEED By the 125 million men, women and children in war-ravaged Europe. Give Every Single Garment That You Can! Collection Headquarters: ' LEEDY'S BASEMENT Entrance on Oregon, off Wall Drive Sponsored by Lions Club This advertisement courtesy Brools-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. and The Shevlin-Hixon Company i Gauntlet Style ... 34e ED if