J page six THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 16, I945 Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time SSc 25 Words -Three Times 75c 25 Word Six Times $L85 FOB SALE GOOD WOOD cookstove, also size bed with springs and mat tress. ihone 1066-R. All woldi orcr 15 add le pr ward Umtt number Qf liucrtioni una month run. uu copy, H day rata Minimum Cnartf, SSc MNE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Claulfltd Adv.rlUlnr, Cain In Advanca Dally Cloaini Tuna 12:10 P. M. FOB SALE 4 LARGE LOTS, 5 room house and bath, newly furnished inside, new chicken house and park, woodshed, garage, and small house on back, garden, strawber ries, trees, and lawn. 351 W. Rail road St. ONE NICE gentle team $70. 3 sad dles, your choice $45. Some milk cows ready to freshen, several dairy type heifers. Hereford, Dur ham bulls. Phone 78-J, W. R. ranks, Redmond. $1500 BUYS good 3 room modern nouse on Revere, terms. $300 cash buys 3 room house and 2 lots on west side. C. V. Silvls, 118 Oregon. REAL BUY: Four room home near South Third street. Almost new. Newly painted. Good lawn. 52200, $700 down. NEAR TOWN: Good 4 room modern, basement, hot water heater, two stoves. $3500, terms. See J. F. Arnold or Daron, 126 Minnesota St. TRAILER HOUSE, new paint, nice interior with ice box and sink. Fully furnished. Priced to ko at Kaw. iin nooseveit. SHIPMENT of large shade trees Just In. 8' to 10". Inquire Haines Nursery. Phone 965. FOB SALE OB TBAOE 1935 PLYMOUTH de luxe coupe, in better than average condition. $250, or wll trade for model A or older Chevrolet. 710 E. Qulmby. rnone ua-n. s i iLi i iiNti arbor bench saw. Will trade for small cement mix er. Also have child's sidewalk bike for sale. George Belmlcr, Rt Box 156, Tumalo District. FOB BENT 6 MILES from Bend on good road. Seven room modern house, ' large barn, 80 acres deeded land with 68 acres C.O.I, water, also 200 acres Taylor grazing land. 18 acres In alfalfa, 30 acres good spud ground. Must be sold soon. A real bargain at $6500. Terms $3000 cash, balance $500.00 per year. Frank McGarvey, Bank of Bend Bldg. WINCHESTER MODEL 70-3006 with scope, 50 shells. 32 volt mo tor, Vt h.p. 32 volt vacuum clean er. Trade electric refrigerator for good 20 gauge pump or auto matic. Schuman Auto Electric. VACANCY IN JANSEN VILLA UnfnrnluhpH flnnrtmnnt CZaa nl. culating heater, range, refrigera- iui , anu waier neater, launory la cllitles. Inquire Gilberts Real Es uiie. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, $20 per month. Gilberts Heal Estate, 1015 Wall. 1. 2 AND 3 rnnm hniiuna fnrnluh. ed with water and llphta 9. mort. em, ciose in, a.uu to $5.00 per mrnim. (au job irvmcr. nonp OJ1-W.. 3 ROOM modern fnrntahpH nnurt. mnnr rfilrtcrnrulni- anrl iiioat. nn facilities $90 not mnnth tnniili-A museum or wonders, north h eh way. ATTRACTIVE 2 rnnm mnrWn furnished house. Third house from King's Market on south highway. Phone 34-F-3. 200 LARGE HANSEN leghorn nens, laying 80. 'A mile east. mile south of Bend Trap club. Rt. i, box 141. .tiert Kussell. PANSY, PERENNIAL and Ever bearing strawberry plants. Fan ton's Garden, 829 Ogden. A FINE CATTLE RANCH, fif teen hundred acres deeded land with adequate range rights to run head. Has 200 acres hay land, good house and two large barns. A splendid buy at $11,000. Terms can bo arranged. 100 head cattle may be purchased. Frank McGar vey, Bank of Bend Bldg. 1941 CONTINENTAL trailer house, 30 ft. long, 8 ft. wide, 3 rooms. Will sell or trade. What have you. 1360 Cumberland. WOOD FUEL Prompt Delivery, load lots, city or country. Dry body or limbs, length desired. Order next win ter's fuel now. Consumers state ment necessary. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, electric range and refrig erator, hot water, lights and cook ing electricity included in rent. 141 Georgia. Phone 766. FURNISHED, MODERN, two bedroom house. Inquire 1305 Elgin. SMALL MODERN cottage, large yard and garage, close In. Call 237 St. Helens. FURNISHED ROOM in private home with all home privileges. suitable for lady alone or man and wife with small baby. Adults, no pets. 412 Riverfront. CLEAN FURNISHED modern 3 room house with full size bath. near Kenwood school. Phone 1083 or call 623 Hill St. CLEAN 3 room semi-modern fur nished house, close In. Inauire 164 E. Irving. STANDARD POOL table, three quarter size. Phone 551-W. 3 BEDROOM modern on paved street. Good furnace. Priced $3,000. Terms $1,200 down, bal ance $40.00 per month. Possession soon. Frank McGarvey, Bank of tsenu siug. TRAILER HOUSE, 1938 model, 21 ft. factory built, two beds, heater, range, fully equipped, new paint, double way lighting system, battery or electric. A real home, a real buy, $900 cash. Call evenings. L. T. Crawford, Sisters, Ore., op posite post office. 3 TEAMS of work horses, har ness, saddles and saddle horses. One stallion, !i Morgan and Ara bian. Inquire at old Gllss place on Tumalo Reservoir road. D. A. Rutherford, Rt. 2, Box 213. WEST SIDE 3 bedroom modern 4 year old house, asbestos shingles, 2 lots all fenced, garden, addi tional 3 room building, woodshed, fuel, garage, possession soon. $3900, $1700 down, balance $35 a month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-VV. TRAILER HOUSE. Has sink, Ice box and 22 gallon water tank, also daveno, gas stove and heater. Inquire Lucy Lucas, 10814 Cas cade Place. MAN'S BICYCLE. Inquire 425 Columbia. PRE-WAR DAVENO, full spring construction, in good condition, $35.00. Also diabetic scale, $-1.00. 20 Hood Place. 1934 CHEV. coupe, good tires, mo tor runs good, $175, or will trade for furniture, 16 laying hens, gui tar. 22 Lake Place. LOVELY LARGE HOME: 9 room modern, east side, new Lennox furnace. Fireplace, new drilled hole. $4500, $1000 down. Also sell furnished. J. F. Arnold or Daron, 126 Minnesota St. ELECTRIC JUNIPER tame lamp, car radio, 9x12 rug in good con dition $15, new glass churn, 3 burner gasoline stove, range, a small kitchen range, single bed, overstuffed chair, davenos and davenports, dresser and buffets, wicker chair and Ice boxes, chest of drawers and dresser bases, ' bookshelves and library tables, vanity dresser and canvas camp cots, gas Iron and baby strollers, breakfast table and gateleg tables, metal top kitchen table, gas bathroom heater, kitchen chairs, child's table, kerosene heater, bird cages, good coll springs, bedsteads, electric corn popper, dripolator, sanitary cots, daybeds, new garbage can, new washtubs, axes and shovels, car pump, half gallon and gallon crocks, 350 Division. BEEHIVE TBIIrifS fnr rant Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458. 4 ROOM modern furnished house, 2 lots, barn, $25 a month. 5 room modern house, stoves, $20 a month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. VACANCY COYNER apartments. Inquire Room 8, O'Kane Bldg. LARGE SLEEPING room, steam heat, 114 blocks from Bend Ga rage. 640 Congress. GOOD HOUSE, 5 miles east of Bend, water and electricity, gar den spot and pasture for one cow. Write Wesley Newton, Box 942, Redmond. ROOM AND BOARD, convenient location, like home. 29 Oregon. Phone 928-J. 2 ROOM furnished house, garage and woodshed. Inquire at 223 W. Roosevelt after 5 p. m. or phone 1035-J. WANTED STATE INCOME tax returns to prepare. Twenty years experience. Ten years auditor for Oregon State Tax Commission, Income Tax Division. Under the law, April 15 is the deadline, however, since April 15 falls on Sunday, returns postmarked before mid night April 16 will be accepted without penalty. Henry Kiessen beck, 1107 E. Greenwood Ave,, near Pilot Butte. TO GIVE AWAY: 7 months old Springer Shepard mule pup to rancher or farmer, ck?e at 1301 Galveston, Bend. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion. 838 Wall st. Phone 900. USED FISHING tackle, rods, reels, lines and baskets. Call Houk Van Allen. Phone 860. BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES ! WANTED-also frames and other parts. Especially need tricycle ! and wagon wheels. We will pay I top prices, and soon nave them I rebuilt Into usable Items much j desired by children. Carl Austin, I 220 Greenwood. E-nnNTSMFn APARTMENT or house In desirable location, must be near downtown Bend. Adults. Write The Bulletin. SITUATION WANTED COLORED WOMAN wants house work, prefers work at summer re sort. Inquire Aunt Kate, li Franklin. HELP WANTED WOMAN for" a few hours in the morning 9 to 12:30 to do house work, no cooking, no laundry Phone 119 between 5 and 8 In evening, 8 and 10 In morning. HELP WANTED USED CARS MISCELLANEOrS WOMAN to care for children in motherless home. Route 1, Box 475. A. M. Shipley or call 815 R. LOST ICIIEV. '33 tudor sedan, engine in ! good condition, Willard battery, rubber very good. Cheap for l quick sale. A. Stuart, 1305 Albany, I Bend. BLACK ENGLISH Morocco bill fold, between downtown Bend and Arnold District. Contains social security card and other papers registered to Philip M. Fredrick son, Rt. 1, Box 167-B.- BROWN BILI.VOI.n ivlih -,umr. had student hrwlv tir-k,. cmn rency, was Doris Motley's. Call 411-W. MISCELLANEOUS NEED A LOCKER FOR YOUR FOOD STORAGE? Modern all-metal 500 locker plant planned for Bend. Reserve yours now. For complete Information TELEPHONE L. H. HELPHREY, 857-J or 113. ALL LOCKERS RE SERVED IN ORDER OF APPLICATIONS FERTILIZER $4.00 per yard, red cinders $7.00 per 5 yd. load, dark cinders $6.00 per 5 yd. load, top soil $7.00 per 5 yd. load. Dump trucks for hire. We fix driveways. Phone 275-J or contact at 13G0 Cumberland. MISCELLANEOUS j NOTICE. I will not be responsible I for any bills contracted by any- lone other than myself. A. D. ! Lewis. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164. Bend. washinr MACHINE service i and. wrineer rolls for all makes. i Let us check your machine no i i obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone ZY4. 4.w Kansas. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be, made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin.' Lt. Linse rli 50th Mission 15th AAF In Italy, April 16 Second Lt. Paul H. Linse, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Linse, Bend, Ore., recently flew his 50th combat mission with a veteran B-24 Liberator group based in southern Italy. Lt. Linse, 15th air force bom bardier, arrived overseas in Au gust of 1944 and was assigned to a group that, took part in thefc' - vusiuu ui soumern ranee, ah;: In hnmhlntr nttnnlro - from Lyons, France, to Salonika jieeL-c. rinses Iirst mission were over the Balkans whew h helped reduce the vital Ploestl n fields. In later months he pur pated in long range missions tha his important German industi-S installations in Llnz, Vienna, nt' nieh, Brux and Salzburg. A graduate of Malin hfe' school, Lt. Line entered the aj, forces in February, 1943. Latp1 he won his wings after intenslv. 1 training in the air. ; - ji rr- : Wfh 'L w54 -r" sLm ' From one store, known to only one small commu nity, to over 1600, known in every State! All this in. the space of 43 short years! That one small store j homey, friendly and helpful expanded into more than 1600 by year-in-year-out Fair Dealing! RE-SUMMER LANKET EVENT Fortunate indeed, we are to be able to offer you this grandest se lection of blankets ever to be shown in Bend. Stop and shop for thrifty values, and warm winters ahead! Due to the shortages of merchandise and our desire for equal dis tributions to our customers, we are placing the following restrictions: Phone Orders No Lay-Aways. Please! i it Polar Star All Wool Blanket An extra long solid color blanket wifh striped border, loomed to special specifications fcUARAN I fccD FIVE YEARS AGAINST MOTH DAMAGE, big 6 pound weight of 100 pure virgin wool. Luxurious quality, tops in appearance! 14.75 Penney's Blankets the Nation! Iceland 100 Wool, 11.90 Golden Dawn quality ICELAND single blanket, solid color with striped border, generously sized, moth-protected, luxurious quality! 5-Year Guarantee Against Moths 72x84 Generous Double-Bed Size Golden Dawn Single. 11.50 A rich, beautiful, big 4 pound EXTRA LONG double bed size blanket of 100 pure virgin wool, with lustrous Acetate rayon satin binding. Lovely solid colors to compliment your bed room, a truly great Penney blanket value. Golden Dawn Luxury, 10.90 Feel the luxurious quality of this fine 100 wool blanket. Close, firm weaving of all wool yarns means strength and wear. Dense nap creates millions of tiny air cells, resulting in great warmth. Lustrous beauty, approved colors! 72x90 extra long! Golden Dawn Cloister Blanket 5.90 A solid color, double woven blanket in big 72x90 double bed size fine dyes and all new materials, close, firm double weaving combined with core yarn. Golden Dawn Double Blanket 3.98 Size 72x84, woven in one long piece; when folded it is a generous double bed size. A scientific blend of wool and selected cotton weighing 4', lbs. All-American Sheet Blanket 1.39 Big 80x95 single white sheet blanket of soft Ail American long staple cotton. Woven for long wear, sized to please you. All-American Sheet Blanket 1.19 Same high quality All-American cotton in this sheet blanket, this one 70x95 length for tucking-in still the right i'