PAGE EIGHT Lt. Sam Peoples ,15 Air Force In Italy, April .,1 First Lt. Samuel R. Peoples, ui., 44, ui uena, ure., a F-51 Mus tang fighter pilot, participated in the longest escorted heavy bomb . er operation ever flown over Eu rope when, on March 24, his group uvvwuitHtiiiea inin air iorce neav ies on their historic 1,500-mile ' yuiiu-mp mgnt to Berlin. This was the first time In. the history of the war! that the 15th air iorce had attacked the relch capital and It was a record escort flight for the Mustang fighters. . The bomber target was the Daimler-Benz tank works in the south eastern section of the city. Pilot with one of the oldest fighter groups in combat service, and one .which holds a distin guished . unit citation and the . Mediterranean theater record for shooting down 102 enemy planes in 30 days, Lt. Peoples has par ticipated In 18 missions over en- , emy territory, sharing largely in me uesiruction or motor ana rail .transport and the disruption of vital enemy communication lines, for which his group Is responsible. He holds the air medal with one oak leaf cluster. Trained at Lulra Entering upon aviation cadet : training In February, 1943, he completed his advanced pilot training In December, 1943, at Luke field, Ariz., receiving his wings and commission as a sec ond lieutenant. Lt. Peoples is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Peoples, Sr., 70fc Riverside boulevard, Bend, Ore. He is a graduate of Bend high school and was attending the California Institute of Technol ogy prior to entering the service. Rubber is used in airplanes in tires and tubes and also In de icers, gasoline tanks, hose, oil lines, life rafts, life vests,, and' many other items. Keconverter Henry P. Nelson, above,-of De. troitVvPB aircraft division tfH rector, will also serve as ooordjir nator of reconversion for Itba automobile Industry. No "czar,1! the former . International Har vester Company executive will head a WPB staff to guide the auto industry on the roud to civilian production; : Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring UgM Commercial ' and Industrial Wiring Supplies , and . Appliances General Electric Dealer .Sales and Service Phone 159 644 Franklin . Bend, Ore. See . ELMER LEHNHERR ' For Liberal Cash Loans 0n AUTO vn LIGHT TRUCK : PICK-UP Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay Quick Service .Oregon Owned ; 1 Motor Investment Co. Jtf-333 ... 217 Oregon Phone 525 l Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance 25 Words One Time ....35c 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.35 All ward OTtr M add w par ward cli nambar at Inaertlona Ona Month run, aana cupy. M day rata ninimnm marca, aac LINE RATE lOo CAPITALS 20c ClaaaHiaa Adr.rtUIni, Caib In Adtanca Dallr Cloaina Tina P. M. BEND f-ODGE, NO. 128 I. O. O. F. Meets Every Monday Night I. O. 6. F. Temple 265 Franklin Avenue D.Ray Miller. Phone 1079-W, Sec'y D. R. Sullivan, Noble Grand FOB SALE $2750 BUYS 4 room modern, large garage and woodshed, 4 lots, west side, Immediate possession. C. V. Sllvls, 118 Oregon. ; ONE NICE gentle team $70. 3 sad dles, your choice $45. Some milk cows ready to freshen,, several dairy type heifers. Hereford, Dur ham bulls. Phone 78-J, W. R. Franks, Redmond. REAL BUY: Four room home near South Third street. Almost new. Newly painted. Good lawn. $2200, $700 down. NEAR TOWN: Good 4 room modern, basement, hot water heater, two stoves. $3500, terms. See J. F. Arnold or Daron, 126 Minnesota St. TRAILER HOUSE, new paint,' nice Interior with ice box and sink. Fully furnished. Priced to go at $275.00. 144 Roosevelt. , WHEEL TRAILER, 16 inch Wheels. Can be used for wagon. Westonla Apt. No. 3. W. 3rd and Portland. . " WINCHESTER MODEL 70-3006 with scope, 50 shells. 32 volt mo tor, 54 h.p. 32 volt vacuum clean er. Trade electric refrigerator for good 20 gauge pump or auto matic. Schuman Auto Electric. 200 LARGE HANSEN leghorn hens, laying so'b. u mile east, Vt mile south of Bend Trap club. Rt. 1, Box 441. Bert Russell. ' "Oregon-Bred Chicks" the year around. For eggs or meat they can't be beat Oregon State Hatchery Box 328 Klamath Falls, Ore. $4800 BUYS 4 bedroom modern home, basement and furnace, large lot, paved street,, close in, immediate possession, C. V. Sllvis, liS.Oregon. 1941 CONTINENTAL trailer house, 30 ft. long, 8 ft. wide, 3 rooms.' Will sell or trade. What have you. 1360 Cumberland. CLOSING OUT all our stock of 'hew fur coats at drastically re duced prices. Look them over now. Lelghton Furrier, 554 New port. SEMI-MODERN: We have a nice selection of low priced semi-modern houses. If you want a home of your own with a small invest ment, don't fail to check with Gil berts for an Inexpensive home. We also have choice vacant lots for sale. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall street. . WOOD FUEL Prompt Delivery, load lots, city tr country. Dry Doay or nmns, length desired. Order next win ter's fuel now. Consumers state ment necessary. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. INCOME PROPERTY: Do you want a duplex, apartment house, hotels, or restaurants? Now Is the time to put your surplus capital to work. Check up on what your money will buy at Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. 3 TEAMS of work horses, har ness, saddles and saddle horses. One stallion, H Morgan and Ara bian. Inquire at old Gliss place on Tumalo Reservoir- road. D. A. Rutherford, Rt. 2, Box 213. MOVING PACKING, CRATINqx tTOHAGE l0cU CARTAGt DISTRIBUTION ?! coro-irao H"-? PHONE 788 210 Irving Ave., Bend . FOR I THE FOB SALE SPLENDID BARGAIN, 3'a miles 1 LARGE SLEEPING room, steam from Bend. 80 acres, 71 Arnold. , heat, 1 ',4 blocks from Bend Ca Good foundation and lumber to ; rage. 640 Congress. build house. Well constructed barn for 16 cows. Larm cement cistern, 18 acres alfalfa, fenced. 2 mum 1 4nin fn mn,.l.lA.u cows. 1 team, farm machinery. Only $3000. Loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. WEST SIDE 2 bedroom modern 4 year old house, asbestos shingles, a iuis an -lunceu, guruen, auoi tional 3 room building, woodshed, fuel, garage, possession soon. $.3900, $1700 down, balance $35 a month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. TRAILER HOUSE. Has sink, ice box and 22 gallon water tank, also daveno, gas stove and heater. Inquire Lucy Lucas, 10854 Cas cade Place. 6 LOTS, 5 room house, good foun dation, splendid view, barn, out buildings. Only $1200. $400 down. $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. REAL BARGAIN in slightly used clothing, ladles coats and dresses, iormais, mens suits and over coats, children's clothing. Also some real bargains In used shoes. Open evenings. 350 Division. GOOD WOOD cook stove with colls. 1438 Cumberland. ROOM house, with chicken house adn garden soot, terms. In quire 661 McKlnley avenue. EIGHTEEN LAYING HENS. 661 McKlnley avenue. MAN'S BICYCLE. Columbia. Inquire 425 LOVELY COUNTRY home mod ern in every detail, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, wired for electric range, 3 acres. $8000, loan available, snown by appoint ment only. Anne Forbes. 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. PRE-WAR DAVENO, full spring construction. In good condition. $35.00. Also diabetic scale. S4.00. 20 Hood Place. 5 MONTHS OLD Jersey bull calf, good stock, weight about 250 lbs. Rt. 2, Box 20-A, 2 miles from city limits new Redmond highway. SEWING MACHINE, waffle iron, 4 qt. glass roaster, and dripolator. Inquire at 31 Norton. SHIPMENT of large shade trees just In. 8' to 10". Inquire Haines Nursery. Phone 965. FOB SALE OR TRADE 1935 PLYMOUTH de luxe coupe, in better than average condition. $250, or wll trade for model A or older Chevrolet. 716 E. Qulmby. Phone 905-R. FOB RENT VACANCY IN JANSEN VILLA: Unfurnished apartment. Gas cir culating heater, range, refrigera tor, and water heater. Laundry fa cilities. Inquire" Gilberts Real Es tate. 1, 2 AND 3 room houses furnish ed with water and lights, 2 mod ern, close in, $8.00 to $25.00 per month. Call 168 Irving. Phone 834-W. TWO BEDROOM furnished house, garage and large lawn, close In. Inquire 237 St. Helens place, 3 ROOM furnished house on city bus line. Inquire at 1475 Balti more Ave. Phone 358-J. ATTRACTIVE 2 room modern furnished house. Third house from King's Market on . south highway. Phone 3I-F-3. CLEAN NEW 2 large room fur nished house. Inquire 1434 Dav enport. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, electric range and refrig erator, hot water, lights and conk ing electricity included In rent. 141 Georgia. Phone 766. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rent. Drive yourself. Moving. Court house Service, 1174 Wall. Phone 458. 4 ROOM modern furnished house, 2 lots, barn, $5 a month. 5 room modern house, stoves, $20 a month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 4 ROOM newly decorated semi- modern house, furnished or un furnished, has Inside flush toilet, garage and woodshed. Inquire 72 McKay. VACANCY COYNER apartments. Inquire Room 8, O'Kane Bldg. Methodist Church Rev. Robert Mcllvenna, Minister 9:45 a.m Bible School 1 1:00 a.m. Worship Theme: "What Is Man?" 6:00 p.m Youth Groups 8:00 p.m. Worship, Topic: "His Glorious Names." Miss Eda Williams, Speaker BEND BULLETIN, BEND; OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL FOR RENT MODERN. CLEAN 3 room anart- j ment. Wood, water, lights furnish- I nH Arlnltannlv AnnlvQJl? Cun. ed. Adults only. Apply 945 E. Sec ond t. GOOD HOUSE, 5 miles east of Bend, water and electricity, gar- i den spot and pasture for one cow - write W Wesley Newton, Box 942, Redmond. ROOM AND BOARD, convenient location, like home. 29 Oregon. Phone 928-J. 2 ROOM furnished house, garage and woodshed. Inquire at 223 W. Roosevelt after 5 p. m. or phone 1035-J. WANTED STATE INCOME tax returns to prepure. Twenty years experience. Ten years auditor for Oregon State Tax Commission, Income Tax Division. Under the law, April 15 is the deadline, however, since April 15 falls on Sunday, returns postmarked before mid night April 16 will be accepted without penalty. Henry Kiesscn beck, 1107 E. Greenwood Ave., near Pilot Butte. TO GIVE AWAY: 7 months old Springer Shepard male pup to rancher or farmer. See at 1304 Galveston, Bend. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. USED FISHING tackle, rods, reels, lines and baskets. Call Houk Van Allen. Phone 860. SECOND HAND refrigerator in good condition. Mrs. jvi. L,. Heard, Culver, Oregon. BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES WANTED-also frames and other nnrtR. Esnopi;tllv npprl trlov,lo and wagon wheel3. We will pay top prices, and soon have them rebuilt into usable Items much desired by children. Carl Austin. 220 Greenwood. FURNISHED APARTMENT or house in desirable location, must be near downtown Bend. Adults. Write The Bulletin. WILL PAY good price for good producing Jersey or Jersey Guernsey cow and calf. Must be Bang's and TB tested, easy milker and gentle for woman to handle. Phone 314-J. SITUATION WANTED YOUNG LADY will take care of your children in your home or mine. Inquire at 304 Harriman or phone 766. Mrs. Ann Logan. COLORED WOMAN wants house work, prefers work at summer re sort. Inquire Aunt Kate, 231 Franklin. HELP WANTED WOMAN to care for children In motherless home. Route 1, Box 475. A. M. Shipley or call 815-R. WOMAN for a few hours in the morning 9 to 12:30' to do house work, no cooking, no laundry. Phone 119 between 5 and 8 In evening, 8 and 10 In morning. MISCELLANEOUS . NEED A LOCKER FOR YOUR FOOD STORAGE? Modern all-metal 500 locker plant planned lor Bend. Reserve yours how. For complete information TELEPHONE L. H. HELPHREY," 857-J or 113. ALL LOCKERS RE SERVED IN ORDER OF APPLI CATIONS Super-Dooper LtrWtfijSU A.r -51. . H One of the newest of the Navy's new super-destroyers, the 2200 ton U. S. S. Harlan R. Dickson is pictured steaming into New York harbor. Recently completed at U. S. Steel's Federal Shipyard, Kearny, N. J., It is faster and more heavily armed than previou types and will soon head for the Pacific theater. ! RED RYDER , , ByRlrjKAATT- THIS CURIOUS COPR. IMS BV NCA SERVICE. INC. At - - 3,000 kind; of lizards IN THE WORLD, ONLY TWO ARE POSOVOUS (THE GILA MONSTER AND THE ' A1EXIAN BEADED LI7ARO f ANSWER: Martin Marion, MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE. I will not be responsible for anv bills contracted- bv anv- ; one other than hiyself. A. D. ! Lewis. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. I FERTILIZER $4.00 per yard, red cinders $7.00 per 5 yd. load, dark cinders $6.00 per 5 yd. load, top soil $7.00 per 5 yd. load. Dump trucks for hlre.-We fix driveways. Phone 275-J or contact at 1360 Cumberland. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. CLEAN THE EASY WAY With Fuller's all-purpose cleaner. An instantaneous' safe odorless cleaning preparation that takes the drudgery out of household work. Phone 594, Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl, Bend. PRINTING YOUR LETFERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. I-'DR PORTRAIT SHOWN By courtesy of Mrs. J. F. Arn old, a large colored portrait of President Roosevelt was placed on display today in the window of Wetle's store, In observance of his funeral. More candy was produced in the United States in .1944 than during aiw other year, according to Philip P. Gott, president of the National Confectioners' Assn. A total of 2,750,000,000 pounds was manufactured, eight per cent more than in 1943. Destroyer - I IS I I 14. 1945 WORLD 9y WBtaM fmpmm MOST VALUABLE PLAYER IN THE NATIONAL LEAGUE LAST YEAR "WAS AIAROV MARrV , AIAROV MA&rM 1 . iv'iwnan St. Louis Cardinal shortstop, Redmond Honors Late President . Rpdmond, April 14 (Special) Redmond joined the nation today In observing the memory of Franklin D. Roosevelt, with all flags at half staff and with local places of business to be closed be tween 12 and 2 p.m. Redmond schools held appropri ate exercises yesterday. U. S. combat units are now being supplied with an all-steel, water-tight type of trailer which will support a 500-pound load and float with six inches freeboard. F s I WHO'S WHO in BEHD AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OS" RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert mechanical and electri cal work on all makes of cars and trucks. COMPLETE OVERHAULING TIRE SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to Hudson-Duncan 1327 Wnll Phone 812 BEAUTY SHOPS MOTHER'S DAY KOLD WAVE PERMANENTS Truly a Gift To I'leaso Her! EXPERT OPERATORS May C Laura 9 Ann-He Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phono 4X1 . CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Wnll Phone 1524 CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Host of Materials Furnished Our periodiral inspection will insure you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phono SIISW or 11-F-JS ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wirinr Appliance Repair Kleetriral Supplies , Fluorescent Lights GK Mazda Ijtmps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 98 SIGNS LOOK G.L'S IN EYE Camp Atterbuhry, Ind. IP When food-saving signs posted regularly on the walls didn't seem to have any effect on the soldiers, Lt. Col. Carroll D. Funk innovated eye-level signs which hang promi nently above each table. The G.I.'s don't have to stretch their necks to read the signs any more, and, worse yet, they can't say, "I didn't see It." 40-YEAR DEED FILED Portland, Me. itii A deed re corded before a deputy U. S. con sul in Liverpool, England,' 40 years ago has been filed in the registry of deeds here. It trans fers a plot of land on Long Island to a Portland man. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Directors of Arnold Irrigation District have . made a computation of the whole . amount of money necessary to be ! raised by said District for 1945-46 for all purposes, ;ind the amount I to be assessed against each tract of land, and that the Board will ' mpet as a Board of Equalization In the office of J. F. Arnold, Sec- j rotary,, at 126 Minnesota Street, ! Bend, Oregon, on the 1st day of May, 1945, for the purpose of re-, viewing and correcting said as sessment and apportionment, and, in the meantime, such assessment list will remain in the office of the Secretary for inspection by all -persons Interested. j DATED this 14th day of April, I 1945. 1 J. F. ARNOLD, Secretary. ' 111-117C : NOTICE TO CREDITORS j Notice is hereby given that the : undersigned has been appointed administrator of the Estate of I Anna May Bicunas, deceased, by j the Honorable C. L. Allen, Coun ty Judge, and all persons having , claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to ; present the same duly verified to ; the administrator at his office in ; the Bank of Bend Building, Bend, ! Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publi-1 cation of this notice. j W. F. COSHOW, Administrator I of the Estate of ANNA MAY BI-1 CUNAS, Deceased. 93-99-105-lllc i WASHERS WRINGER ROLLS AUTHORIZED PARTS Service on all makes of wash ing machines and electrical ap pliances. Bend Washer Service 136 Greenwood Phone 583 Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam Fitting New Work Repairing Home Water Systems Sump Pumps Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing 822 Wall Phone 217-W Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing in Long Distance Household Ggds Movement , MONUMENTS R. C.CARYL "The- Monument Man" I Sits Awhrey Rd. Tel. fi2-M AUTO Keep Your Hudson or Terraplane in Top ShaT With Our GENUINE HUDSON PARTS AND SERVICE WE HAVE PARTS ! DYER'S 212 Greenwood NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned administra tor of the estate of Dan J. Daly, deceased, has filed in the Cpunty Court of Deschutes County, Ore gon, his final account in said estate, and said Court has fixed the 30th day of April, 1945, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock p. m. and the Courtroom of said Court as the time and place for hearing of ob jections, if any, to said final ac count and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published this 31st dav of March, 1945. I JOHN BELL, Administrator. A J. MOORE, Attorney for Ad ministrator. 99-105-111-117C Tme Favorite. MELTON JACKET 11.95 100 reprocessed wool with heavy plaid flannel lining. Roomy pockets, gathered back. Sizes 36 to 46. Houk-Van Allen Titt stent Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St Phone 860 Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Servica On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Rond Mlnnmntn Phone 8X8 LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every DT Of the Year Phone 544 Trees Shrubs Vines Roses - Evergreens and fruits. Extra hardy Minne sota Stock. Stock sold F.O.B. nursery, delivered or planted, Free estimates for landscaping. Will compete with all catalog prices. HAINES NURSERY Cor. East 8th and Norton Phone 965 Bend. Ore. INSURANCE STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO FIRE LIFE Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 321 Drake Road Phone 316 John W. Smith. Agent 1S8 Awlirey ltd. Phone li(S4-W REPAIRS GARAGE Phone 87