THE BEND BULIETH BEND. OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1945 PAGE SEVEN Equipment FILING CABINETS We've a good stock in inexpensive to top quality filing cabinets handy built right 1o? use end good looking! DESKS Desks to meet your most critical require ments. Large ones, small ones, all hand somely finished. Typewriter Repairs 4 Carbons Papers Personal Stationery Greeting Cards Mimeograph Equipment Pendaflex Fries Office Supplies EIUKSEN'S STATIONERY and OFFICE SUPPLIES Next to Chamber of Commerce ! Phone Ml Highest Type of . Auto Machine Work BRAKE DRUM GRINDING CYLINDER REBORING (Up to 7'2 in. bore) .. PISTON REFINISHING MOTOR REBUILDING BEtAKE'S AUTO SHOP - ' Behind Stage Depot I0S8 Bond Phone 795-J Especially designed Business Cards ... Wou will be remembered long after you have. gone if you left behind a smart looking business card. We You won f pay a lot ; can gjve yOU an attract;ve foragoodiobotThe ,ayoufi neat c,ear cuf im. Bulletin. pression on a business card that's sure to leave a last ing impression. THE BEND BULLETIN Telephone 56 OUR STOCK ' ' Of '::--V- BICYCLE ACCESSORIES SUPPLIES PARTS COMPLETE Carl Austin . REPAIR SHOP 220 GREENWOOD We FIX 'em! Complete Auto Repair Auto-Lite BATTERIES Complete line dependable batteries for every make of automobile. To keep your car giving peak performance, bring it to us- for attention while your troubles are. still small. Motor, battery, radiator, transmission, tires, or just lubrication, we can do the job right. GATES TIRES - AUTOLITE BATTERIES Central Oregon Garage WALT NELSON EARL ZEEK Greenwood & Harriman Phone 240 I v I fm - (THIS'IS GETTING TO BE I'LL BET THE WmiS . . d n - WM ' A HABIT --THIS MOTE irmrr! l LITTLE THINGS J ' 7" I 0-H''xf pW" J W BUSIMESS FROM WILLIS? I I lRe STARDjfia(4!SS m fl w Pr yilL . $ y I J. R. Williams . tr,c I I mml I , THIS IS THE FOURTH TIME WILLIS HAS )JiP ( THEY'LL RUM RIGHT FOR. . mmnwmTymrm MY GOSH, MY IlSZmpTrr -J6v ffc ' LEELI 1XJJPTD METO FEED! HIS. r-r Zi. ZZ WOHE WOODS, I IMAGINE-- J RABBITS A WUW3Sm mX &32 RABBITS IF HE DOESN'T CARE J v I I II fH Tm AMP-THEM' WE'LTrAtL7 ?y ' '" f : tGOT-AWAY.' J VWZh ffl JfcNSi I MY RABBITS ARE GOWE,X THOSE CUTE LITTLE I WE'LL HAVE MORE CHANCE s -v -eT WHY, YES, LILLIAN, I DID LI L EITHER. SOMEONE J THINGS? COME ON, IF WE SEPARATE YOU GO . I ( OKAY ) EE SOME RABBITS.' LET THEM OUT y-r I'LL HELP YOU FIND 9 THAT WAY s S . mMa' JKI S,n fN A-PURPOSE OR- JT' THEM.' THEY'RE PROB -J WtMMM. AND I'LL . ' : 1MI Bl RArOPP A ! rg, . the doorJ-V ably around fffiW'-T go this;.. ; CJIJIJ mW:M Sii-coME. CAME rfZCl ( THE NEIGH- L rm PkV4Kr-i 19 1 : MJWE'LL ' gN lS ''' i f THIS IS WHERE I SAW TOKAY-BUT BE THAT MEIGHBOR. DOWN) ) VEAH -AMD BUTCH iTniiWirmrnTrTTm HEAVE MS.' ) 1 A lff W THEM--THEY'RE PROB" SURE YOU'RE THE STREET WAS r'KWEW RIGHT WHERE FIVE OF EffeB lWJ) 1W ff ABLY STILL UMDER THIS QUICkL WITH TH1 VERY NICE ABOUT TO LOOK." AND WAS HE II THEM 7 TPl AW VJ 'IrW?iwri BRUSH .'GO AmrTTvT BAS- HELPING QUICkl WITH THAT BUSH- Iramami r- -riKT CdwATl )a nJSI '1 Wfflr feVAHEAD AMD iWMvKET.' ME HUNT ) EL BASKET WE HAD HH PtH l' 2-. ....-r l i