The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, April 12, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAGE six
.Society deadline on days of puhllrallon, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, is 10 a.m.
Call Tlie Bulletin newsroom.
Annual Homemakers Day Set
As Event in Redmond Hall
At the 14th annual Homemakers day scheduled for Thurs
day, April 19, in the Townsend hall at Redmond, James Millar,
D.D., world traveler and speaker, will appear for the main
address of the afternoon, officials of the event announced
The 'complete program will be staged in an allied nations
atmosphere with the decorative arrangements following a
foreign nation theme.
Registration of all extension unit members, program
leaders and guests will be in progress from 11 a.m. until
12:15 p.m., it was reported,
with luncheon following im
mediately. Reservations for
the luncheon must be obtained
before Tuesday, April 17, by
telephoning the home demon
titration agent's office, 10C7 and
tickets will be purchased upon
arrival ut the affair.
- Awards To Bo Presented
Musical entertainment will be
featured during the afternoon
program which will begin at 1:30
o'clock. Highlight of the day will
be the presentation of certificates
of achievement to qualifying units
while a symbolic gavel, the high
est honor, will be awarded to the
unit passing the greatest number
of requirements. The Carroll
Acres extension unit holds the
award for achievement last year.
Mrs. Vic Her of the Carroll
Acres extension unit, will preside
at the gathering. Serving as the
advisory group for Miss Eliza
beth Boeckli, home demonstration
agent for Deschutes county, is
her home extension committee
comprised of the following: Mrs.
V. Iler, chalrmnn; Mrs. McKinley
Stofel, Mrs. Del Mattsen, Mrs.
led Covey, Mrs. John Susac, Mrs,
Child care will bo provided for
mothers with their youngsters, it
was revealed.
7 p.m. P.E.O. meeting, home of
Mrs. P. N. Armstrong. Supper
meeting, mis. m. a. coenran win
be in charge of the program.
8 p.m. W.B.A., Norway hall.
10:30 a.m. Boyd Acres exten
sion unit, home of Mrs. Vernon
Stevenson, Boyd Acres.
1 p.m. Women of the Moose
executive meeting, Moose hall.
2 p.m. W.C.T.U., Christian
church. Devotlonals, Mrs. Ward
Coy and Mrs. Charles Entrikin.
Public welcome.
2 p.m. I.H.S. group of the
Women's council of the Christian
church, home of Mrs. Harold Han
son, 201 Harriman.
' 2 p.m A. V. auxiliary Red
Cross sewing, home of Mrs. E. E.
Johnston, 444 Riverside.
p.m. women of the Moose.
regular meeting, Moose hall.
7 p.m. S.O.S. club, not luck din-
Louis Robertson and. Mrs. Ernest ner at the home of Mrs. Oscar
Hanson, 1475 Fresno.
7:30 p.m. Townsend club meet
Ing in old Labor temple on Hill
street. Public pinochle party to
rouow business session.
8 p.m. Sons of Norway, Nor
way hall. Coffee will be served.
. 8:30 p.m. Benefit dance and
card party, Tumaio grange hall.
Public patronage Invited. Pro
ceeds to Red Cross.
2:30 p.m. , Trinity Episcopal
Ladies guild at the church.
Girls' League
Dance Staged
In High School
Redmond, April 12 (Special)
The Redmond high school Girls'
league annual dance held in the
school auditorium recently was
complemented by a faculty-staged
program of readings and musical
Coach Chick Peden presented a
banjo solo and William Tweedle
played a violin. The ladies trio,
composed of Mrs. J. C. Line, Mrs.
William Clang and Mrs. William
Tweedie, sang several numbers
as did the men's trio, consisting
of Chick Peden, A. Larive and
William Tweedie. Mrs. Delia
Nance gave a reading.
Committee in charge of the
dance Included Mrs. Dorothy
Hofstetter, chairman ; B e r n I c e
Schrunk, Helen Ross, Mary Put
nam and Joanne Wyckoff.
Honor Society Plans
Inter-Class Rivalry
Redmond, April 12 (Special)
The honor society of the Redmond
high school, under the direction of
Mrs. William Clang, Is planning a
talent assembly for the near fu
ture with inter-class competition.
ftt'Ws Calumet Baking Powder....! lb. can 18c
LflM GMrardeBI's Chocolate.?: .... .1 lb. 3 le
Baker's Cocoa ......
Fluf-Tex Pudding ....
..8 oz. pkg. 11c
pkg. 11c
Chase &
lb. 29c
Swansdovn Flour 50 b- bag 2.29
2 lbs.
Dark Karo Syrup ...... 5 lb. jar 42c
Grandma's Molasses jar 17c
Tea Garden Jelly 12 oz. jar 22c
S&W Marmalade 21b. jar 37c
: a i ll :i -
Wheat Flakes carnation 3 " pi. 25c
Nalley's Mayonnaise pt. 33c
Tang Dressing pt. 25c
Sweet Relish ..jar 19c
Hamburger Relish ....jar 19c
?Pli 1lb
Ll 57c
Pork and Beans vancamPs 2 29c
Jumbo Site
Cream Corn 2 cans 27c
HA I), 80S Can
Fancy Peas 2 cans 33c
USD, No. 2'B
Sliced Beets 2 cans 25c
Valley View, No. 2's
Tomato Juice can 25c
Sacramento, No. 5
Grapefruit Juice can 35c
Orchard Garden, No. 5
Apple Juice qt. 25c
pf Asparagus ... .pound 17c 1 'ar9e
fefP Green Onions . . .2 bu. 15c 23c
Radishes 2 bunches 15c 'feUff
Daffodils doz. 30c 3 bars -rr l,
Kin Alfred gl U M
Arizona Grapefruit 6 f or 29c 20c
Shellhart's Grocery Toilet Tissue
929 Wall - Free Delivery Phone 24 GEM 3 rolls 14c
Card Party,
Dance Funds
For Red Cross
A benefit dance and card party
with all proceeds earmarked for
the Red Cross is being planned by
the Tumaio grange as an event
of Saturday, April 14, at 8:30
o clock in the grange hall.
Bend business firms donating
prizes to be awarded at the eve
ning's entertainment are Wetle's,
Bend Hardware, Claypool's Furni
ture, Bend Furniture, J. C. Pen
ney company, Square Deal furni
ture and the Firestone lire com
committee Named
Mrs. Thomas Deal is in charge,
aided by Mrs. Ole Grubb, Mrs.
Lee Allen and Mrs. James Cham-
lln. The dancing committee is
comprised of Thomas Deal, Wil
liam Vandevert and James Cham
berlln. They have secured Slim
Ellingham's orchestra from Bend
for the affair.
Refreshments will be provided
by Mrs. A. C. Suhre assisted by
Mrs. viua Andrew, Mrs. D. O.
Stanton, Mrs. Clarence Cook and
Mrs. Henry Meyers. Mrs. Velma
Buckingham, with the aid of
young grangers, will handle dec
orations. Pinochle and bridge games will
be arranged by Mrs. Hubert Scog
gin and Mrs. Chamberlin.
Literary Club
Elects Officers
At Last Meet '
Redmond, April 12 (Special)
Mrs. L. A. Larsen entertained the
Juniper Literary society at her
home last Wednesday evening.
Mrs. H. W. Rogers, vice-president
presided in the absence of the
president, Mrs. M. F. Roberts.
The ' program committee for
1945-46 was announced with, Mrs.
P. M. Houk, president, as
sisted by Mrs. Grace Quigley and
Mrs. L. A. Larsen.
The program of the afternoon
was divided into two parts. Mrs.
H. W. Rogers read the short story
and Mrs. C. H. Irvin reviewed the
book Northern Nurse, Elliott Mer
rick. ...
Grange Members
Attend Luncheon
Retiring and incoming officers
or tne iumalo grange were hon
ored at a lunheon of grange ladies
last Wednesday at which Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Chamberlin served as
host and hostess.
Mrs. Ole Grubb and Mrs. Joe
C. Henry assisted at the buffet
which featured spring decoration,
Twenty-three guests enjoyed the
social occasion.
Officers present were Mrs.
George Bimmler, retiring chair
man; Mrs. Thomas Deal, newly
elected chairman; Mrs. Gordon
Wilcox replacing Mrs. Deal as
secretary; Mrs. Grubb and Mrs.
Henry Meyer, board members.
Members Attending
Members present for the busi
ness meeting Which followed
were: Mrs. D. O. Stanton, Mrs.
Hubert Scoggin, Mrs. Terence
Moody, Mrs. E. N. Putnam, Mrs.
Delbert Davis, Mrs. Winona Kribs,
Mrs. Louis Telefson, Mrs. Fred
Shepard, Mi's. Joe C. Henry, Mrs.
John Hopper, Mrs. Ole Grubb,
Mrs. Thomas Deal, Mrs. George
I Belmler, Mrs. Carl Mitchell, Mrs.
Lu Allen and the hostess.
Ladies Guild Announces
Scheduled Meeting
The Trinity Episcopal Ladies
guild will meet Tuesday at 2:30
p. m. Officers announce, with
! Mi's. Frank R. Prince, and Mrs.
Ward H. Coble serving as co-host-'
esses. The meeting will be at the
I Prince home.
Dr. Granf Skinner
1036 Wall Street
Evenings by Appointment
Offlc. Phone TS
lln. Phon. 81 MV
Sat., April 14, at
Fully Equipped
For Modern Drugless
. , Treatment
X ltay and
Dr. R. D. Ketchum
Chiropractic Physician
124 Minnesota Ave. Phone 794
Group Wanted
By Red Cross to
Aid Veterans
Urgently, needed hospital gar
ments for wounded servicemen
are cut and ready for distribution
at the Red Cross office in the
Bank of Bend building. The pro
duction quota attained a new high
this spring. Red Cross officials
Officer Vote
At Last Meet
Bend Geologists
Professional Women's club in the
report, and volunteer workers are I dining room of the Pilot Butte inn
required to meet the challenge i (,i,, Rnwns re.
voiceu uy in 1 1 1 i u r y nuspiidis
where wounded men are cared
Oregon are Invited, will start at
about 7:45 ,.. .
a I A riiciiuiinn Ul EUU UCti. -
Meetina Toniaht lature of Central Oregon will fea
CClinvj IW,H5 11 " . meeting of the local out
Tonight's meeting of the Des-; jure the meet g
chutes Geology club, at the home ; some memj0n of the theory of
of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carter, 1124 , uitia violet light, in its applica-
Newport avenue, will be preceded ! tion to mineralogy. Phil K Biogan
Tabulations following election by a potluck luncheon, at fa: JU 1
of officers held last night by o'clock, officers of the group an- America has over half
members of the Business and nouncea loaay. inc ru'" "V. the world's known supply of bi-
mg, lO UHIU icaiuoio 1 ,.. .,)
terested in the geology of Central ""Vinous coal. ..
Townsend Members Will '
Sponsor Public Pinochle
A regular nusiness meeting to
be followed by a pinochle party
open for public attendance has
been announced by officials of the
Bend Townsend club as an event
of next Saturday, April 14, in the
old Labor temple on Hill street
which has been rented for the
ceived the majority of votes for
the presidential office.
Mrs. Hazel V. Barclay will serve
as Vice-president, Antoinette Blais
as recording secretary,- Mrs. T.
Abernethy as corresponding sec
retary and Elma Mullins as treas
urer. Tentative arrangements were
made for the sponsorship of a
card party May.ll to raise funds
for the China relief agency. The
social date of the month was an
nounced as an event of Wednes
day, April 25, at the home of Miss
Lucy Davison, retiring president.
The group moved unanimously
to support a Medical Wac cam
paign throughout Bend. Further
' plans will be announced later tot-
Madras, April 12 (Special)
Mrs. Margorie Wewa Parton died
April 6 at the Warm Springs hos-j lowing correspondence with the
pital. Mrs. Parton was born at main recruiting office in Port-
Warm Springs on March 13, 1926. iand.
She grew up there and attended .".
the Warm Springs Boarding . '
school. She was in San Francisco; evergreen Circle Meets
lor some time doing defense work,
In 1943 she was married to Nel
son Parton in Oklahoma city.
With Mrs. Earl Webber
The Evergreen circle met re-
Mrs. Parton is survived by her cently at the home of Mrs. R. P.
husband, who is overseas, her 15 ; Jones. 720 Portland, with Mrs.
day old daughter, :Arlene her per-! Earl Webber as assistant hostess,
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wewa of j Mrs. Margaret Zufelt and Mrs.
vvbiiu piinK, a oiaii-r onu iwu steiia swaggert turmsned tne en
brothers also in Warm Springs tertainment.
and another brother, Melvin, i The next meeting will be at the
overseas. I home of Mrs. Rollin Rhlnehart.
Funeral services were held Sun- 1051 Federal, with Mrs. Eva Win-
day at the Warm Springs Mission ters, Mrs. William Weiser and
with burial in Seekseekpua ceme- Mrs. Frank Nelson assisting the
tery. hostess.
Mighty Good Eating
Kellogg's Corn Flakes bring you
m nearly alt the protective food eie- I TA.A
ments of the whole grain declared I ' fT..
essential to human nutrition. - . " ' ""'
vis ii iv mrr
rLHhbS (Mm
o sir mm?
si ti ri iiaiuii t3i i
Ljil This innocent-looking easy LgJl II lit I s sSSt LJ
Watch Out!
This innocent-looking easy
chair conceals a half pound
of TNT. It's the kind of
Booby Trap our soldiers
must watch out for after
capturing enemy territory.
That's why our troops re
ceive special training in
detecting them before an
accident can happen.
Hidden from sight in your car is a
possible Booby Trap that you call a
battery. Like the easy chair, it looks
innocent. But Watch Out! It can
cause a lot of grief. That's why Shell
checks it carefully during Shellubri
cation service . . . just as other vital
parts are serviced and tested.
a Safety Shell ub rica tion Today!
In every car are dozens of Booby
Traps . . . ready to cause trouble,
expense, even death for the un
wary. To combat these dangers
of wartime Stop-and-Go driving
... to delay the day your car
will become a "junker" . . . start
the protective care of Shellubri
cation service.
Shcllubrication goes much
fu rthcr than a mere "grease job."
During the process of protecting
vital parts with proper amounts
and grades of approved lubri
cants, the operator tests and in
spects for hidden Stop-and-Go
wear. Your Shellubrication re
ceipt tells what he finds. ..shows
you the Booby Traps before
they "explode."
Don't drive a Booby Trap!
Protect yourself and your family
with a safety Shcllubrication.
Warm weather will soon be
here. Be sure your oil is clean,
summer-grade Golden Shell
for fullest protection against
PANY, Incorporated.
Core for your Car
for your Country
Mate a cafe for SHEUU8RCITtOM 7bcayi