thE &END BULLETIN, Mn&, QHCOH, TUESDAY, XPRIL 3, 1945 PAGE SIX, Stocks Advance For 6th Session By Elmer C. Walser ' (Uiiitad fmt Financial Editor) ' New York, April 3 IP Stocks "advanced today for the sixth con secutive session with volume above the previous session. All groups Joined with upturn although near closing time some of the advance was eliminated by realizing. At the tops, gains In leading issues ranged from frac tions to more than. 2 points, in a few Instances, they were larger. Superior oil ot California, rose 5 Hi points. Railroad issues generally were strong, santa e gained more than a point and other leaders rase fractionally. Nickel Plate end Pere Marquette issues had gains of a point or more. Other war stocks maintained a firm tone, notably steels. Motors, utilities, oils, mercaa tile shares, radio issues and cop. -pers had small gains. Radio Cor poration led in turnover and a relatively large volume came Into Crane company, Commonwealth Edison, Northern Pacific and Graham Paige. New highs were made by Ancnor Hocking Glass ana uwens Illinois uiass. Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want ACL Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance 25 Words One Time S5c 23 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words 61x Times $1.35 All wolds over 25 add Ic par ward tlmaa nanbar of Inaertlona Ona nonth run. nm copy, da? rata Mlnlnam Charge, )5c PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., April 3 UliA decrease In butter output nation ally with the west coast even more seriously hit was reflected today in the U. S. department of agriculture report. Unfavorable weather on the Pacific slope was held to be a factor in the decline. Prices were unchanged. Demand for eggs continued greater than the supply, which Is below previous years. Prices were unchanged. Butter Cube 93 score 429.0; 92 score 42Wc; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41 'ic pound. Eggs Prices to retailers, A A large 44c; A large 42c; medium A 39c; small 35c dozen. Soldier's Dog, Dinah, Missing There's a call sounding through out Bend for Dinah to come back home. For her name has been added to the roll call of the bureau of missing dogs. Strangely enough, as her owner would testify if he were here, Dinah was not one to stray, and In all of her three years had not wondered unbidden irom tne home yard. A sable collie of registered stock, Dinah lived with Mr. and . Mrs. Dietrlck at 1518 West First while her master, Pfo. Brent Die trlck, is on duty with the army niginecrs at f ort Lewis. Mrs. Dietrlck reported thnt when she l-eturned home yesterday after noon about 2:30 Dinah had dls appeared. A neighbor testified that in the early afternoon she saw a car drive by with a laro-n gold and auburn-haired dog in the1 oacK seal. , i Dinah will bo welcomed buck the family declares, with any prodigality overlooked. For they feel that her master's change from khaki to civilian clothes will not be the same II Dinah is not around to witness it. LINE RATE lOo CAPITALS 20c Claoifiad Advartlalnf. Cath In Adfanc Dally Cloalnt Tim. 12 sit P. M. FOB SALE FOB SALE MODERN C room home, 3 bed rooms, located at edge of town, 4 large lots, good garden, small barn and chicken house, also city water, owner leaving, priced for quick sale. $2900. Frank McCar vey, 118 Oregon avenue. BULLS of all kinds, Hereford, Guernsey and Jersey. Some nice milk cows ready to freshen, sad dle horses and saddles. Franks Service Station. Phone 78-J, W. R. Franks, Redmond. 5 ROOM modern, 2 bedrooms, basement, furnace, good founda tion, two full lots, ideal spot for fine garden and chickens, 2 blocks from Kenwood school. $2900, loan can be secured. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Oregon avenue. RADIO, 13 tube Western Air Pa trol. Magic eye, push button and television connections, l.oou con' dltlon. Inquire 58 Greeley. ) BABY CARRIAGE, excellent con ditlon, with weather cover. 304 Harriman. THREE ROOM: East side. Corner lot. Immediate possession. Priced at' $2050. Terms at Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. . $5000 BUYS one acre, modern 5 room home, and 2 four-room houses, rented. $3500 buys 5 room modern, vii acre ground. C. V. Si) vis, 118 Oregon. 40 ACRES with 31 acres C.O.I, water. Half In new alfalfa. Five room house with electricity and water pressure and some out buildings. R. H. Marchand, Rt. 1, Box 293-A, Bend. USED DELCO light plant, with batteries, 800 watt, 32 volt. In quire 2425 E. First pr phone 447-R. GOOD MILK GOAT, milking near two quarts a day, very gentle, no horns. 1305 Albany avenue. $800 CASH buys 5 acres, C.O.I, water, small house and outbuild ings, 2 miles from city. $2000 buys 80 acres, 31 acres Swalley water, small house and barn. Immediate possession. C. v. Silvis, 118 Ore gon. JAYCEES TO MEET Members of the Bend Junior Chamoer of commerce will hold their regular monthly dinner meeting at 8 p. m.- tomorrow in the Pine Tavern, Bruce Gilbert, president, announced today. Syd ney King, director of the safety division ot. the Oregon secretary of slate's office, will he guest speaker. The speed of sound Is somewhat less at high altitudes than at the surface of the earth because of the lower temperature and lower air density. ORDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS Delivered BAKER FEED CO. Phono 188X Redmond, Ore. 5 ROOM MODERN: With 3 bed rooms on east side. $1225 down. balance on terms. Priced at $2625. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. 2 DRESS FORMS; game board, 54 games, $4.00; day bed with pads, $10.00; large mirror, $5.00; large roll-top desk, $15.00; odd chairs, carpentry bench with vice, $4.00; hand Saws; ladders, 12 ft. $1.50, 20 ft. $2.00; lawn hose, lawn sprays, garden fence wire, garden tools, iron pipe, stove Dine. 15 sal. keg. Call at 554 Newport, 8:30 to e:uo p. m. . BROODER STOVES and parts- Electric, oil. briquet. Baker Feed r.. Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. WANTED WILL PAY CASH for used sew ing machines. Write Singer Sew ing Machine Co., 040 Willamette St., Eugene, Ore., for appoint ment. ; i TO BUY 2-bedroom modem house. Write No. C3C care of Bul letin giving loctaion, description, price and terms or call 1125-J. USED CARS 1932 FORD sedan. Phone 17 F-3, Tumalo Store. . 193G LAFAYETTE coach, good condition throughout. Call at 780 Newport. Phone 400-W. LOST WANT SOMEONE to care for two children, 5 year old boy and 2 year old girl, in your home by the nonth. Write No. 487 care of Bulletin. I LOST DOWNTOWN, five stone diamond wedding ring. Reward. Phone 404-J. 518 Hill St. CONSOLE RADIO in good condi tion, $30.00. Inquire 408 Hill street. WOOD FUEL Prompt Delivery, load lots, city or country. Dry body or limbs, length desired. Order next win ter's fuel now. Wood will be scarce. Brookings Wood Yard. Phone 767. FOUR ROOM modern furnished, two bedrooms, inside fireplace, a comfortable little home, situated on Franklin avenue west of South 3rd street. Possession in two weeks. $3200, some terms. Loan available. J. S. Davis Co., 124 Ore gon avenue. MY EQUITY In 5 room modern house, and furniture. 358 Georgia. ON BEAUTY WORK save 25. Buy Bonds with the savings. All -this week $6.50 permancnta $5.00; $7.50 macnmeless or machine $6.50; $8.50 for $7.50. Expert work lots ot curls, any style. Beauty Quest, Jo Ann Thomas Manager, 81 Oregon, or teleph. 170 now for appointment. SHEEP FERTILIZER. Haul your self or we will deliver. Inquire 130 Canal street. , FOB RENT 160 ACRES, 40 acres potato land. 3 miles north, 'A mile west Tum alo. Cash or share. Renter must put in at least 40 acres potatoes on share basis. Route 2, Ben F. Craig. VACANCY WESTONIA Apart ments. Close In, clean, comfort able, electrically equipped, wash ing faculties, garage, lull Dase ment. Inquire Eslle A. Dunn; Apt. 7, 1601 W. 3rd. BEEHIVE TRUCKS for rentT Drive yourself. Moving. Doug's Super Service. 1174 Wall. Phone 458. ' USED RADIOS Will pay top prices ior kooq usea radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion. 838 Wall St Phone 900. MODEL T one ton truck, differ ential gears. If you want your garden plowed call 838-M. WANT TO BUY one small piano in good condition for use in First Baptist Sunday school beginners' department. Phone 488-M. BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES WANTED-also frames and other parts. Especially need tricycle and wagon wheels. We will pay top prices, and soon have them rebuilt into usable items much desired by children. Carl Austin, 220 Greenwood. HELP WANTED MAN AND WIFE couple to Los Angeles. My car. Pilot Butte Inn, Rm. 332. Apply be tween 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. EXPERIENCED fry cook. In quire Pilot Butte Inn. WOMAN for sales work. Apply at 852 Wall St. WOMAN to slay with three chil dren for approximately one week starting April 5th. Phone 743-J or call at 155 E. Hawthorne. HOUSEKEEPER to keep house and care for children In mother less home. Good home and wages. Phone 815-R or write No. 597 care of Bulletin. v TRAILER HOUSE; 1938 model, 21 ft. factory built, two beds, heater, range, fully equipped, new paint, double way lighting system, battery or electric. A real home, a real buy, $uoo cash, call evenings L. T. Crawford, Sisters, Ore., op posite post, oiuce. $3600 BUYS two modern 4 room houses, west side. $1500 buys good j room moacrn, nortn side, terms. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. QUALITY CHICKS and DOUlts. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red- mono, ure.. ACREAGE for sale near city lim its, 7 acres Improved ground. Pri vate ditch, C.O.I, water right. New 5-room house and outbuildings. Telephone and electricity. 2 cis terns. Strawberries and alfalfa. Cow and horse. All at bargain price. Loan available. Phone 3-R- 21 evenings or Sundays. . 5-ROOM MODERN house, garage and woodshed, large garden spot, shade trees, electric water tank, wired for electric range, septic tank, chicken pen. 132 Scott St. Phone 189-W. THREE BEDROOM house on South 3rd; also 3 room cabin on back of lot. $3800 takes It. See Johnson, Bend Realty, 957 Wall St. NEAT 3 ROOM modern furnished house, garage, adults only. Apply 1255 E. Third. VACANCY at Staats Apts, 509 Franklin. Modern and furnished, with laundry facilities. BOARD AND ROOM, sleeping rooms. Meals served. 50c. Dela ware Hotel, 803 Delaware. Phone 31-W. 3-ROOM MODERN furnished house, refrigerator and telephone. Phone 34-F-3. Third house from King's Market on south highway. 3 ROOM unfurnished house, and one 4 room unfurnished house with large garden space. Inquire 1214 Albany or phone 869-J. DISTRIBUTORS, Agents, Ga rages, wanted to sell the new Won der Car Polish, and Glaze, PER MA GLOSS and GLAZE. It will not gum or streak, leaves the hardest wax known to man. re duces time of a polishing job by 75, write for booklet and agen cy, send $1.50 for a set. 2 car Job. PERMA POLISH CO. 337 E. Main St., Hillsboro, Oregon. - AT SKATING RINK Friday night, brown billfold belonging to Melba Hoselton. Finder keep money and return billfold to Bul letin. Contents valuable to owner. LOST OR STRAYED Spayed female collie dog. Gold color with white collar and feet. Answers to name of Dinah. Property of serv ice man. Reward. Notify S. Deit rick, 1518 W. 1st St. Tel. 754-R. OREGON LICENSE plate No. 439-532. Return to Bulletin. 1 PAIR 2 strand white pearls. Reward if return to Bulletin. CHILD'S IDENTIFICATION bracelet, Initial "J" on one heart and "B" on other. Return to Mrs. Ivan Farr, 244 Woodland. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER" SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men s and women s. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone fifiS nr 51.P.4 Mr Drininn O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. CLEAN THE EASY WAY With Fuller's all-purpose cleaner. An instantaneous safe odorless cleaning preparation that takes the drudgery out of household work. Phone 594, Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl, Bend. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. Reds and Blues Value SameTime In order to make it easier for housewives and the trade to re member when new ration stamps become valid, both red and blue stamps hereafter will become good on the same date the first of each calendar month Fred eric F. Janney, district OPA ra tioning executive, announced to day. Blue stamps and red stamps will be validated in blocks of five, making a total of DO blue points for canned fruits and vegetables, and 50 red points for meats-fats, for each month, or 150 points each quarter Now rationing periods when point value changes take effect always begin on a Sunday and will continue to do so, for the convenience of retailers who have to take inventory and remark their stocks. Plan Explained The new plan, Janney pointed out, will also help the housewife to budget her use of points be cause she will always have the same number of points each month. The new method of validating red stamps for meat-fats will re sult in a reduction of about 6 per cent in the actual number of red points housewives receive, Jan ney said, but the reduction will be reflected in the point values. Both red and blue stamps will expire for use by consumers on the last day of the fourth month after their validation, he added. No change is being made in the length of the rationing periods. They will continue to be the same rwo 4-week periods and a 5 week period in each three months. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. FERTILIZER, $4.00 per yard, red cinders $7.00 per 5 yd. load, dark cinders, $6.00 per 5 yd. load, top sou, $i.uu per a yara load. Dump trucks for hire. We fix driveways. Phone 275-J or contact at 1360 Cumberland. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., April 3 Hi') Livestock: caltle 150, calves 25. Steers slow. Steady with Monday's late 25c decline. Few loads fed steers $16.00-16.75. Other classes steady. Common heifers 10.00 11.50. Cannercutter cows $7.00 9.50. Medium-good beef cows $11.00-13. Medium-good beef bulls salable $11.00-13.50. Good-choice vealers quotable $15.00-16.00. ' Hogs 100. Steady. Butchers SITUATION WANTED MAN, WIFE and boy 14 would like job as sheepherder, east Of Cascades. Write wages and loca tion to Ed Carr, Box 212, Coosi Bay, Oregon. USED CARS 1930 BUICK 6 sedan, completely overhauled. 1662 W. 5th. WE PAY highest cash prices for used cars. Halbrook Motors, Min, nesota and Bond. , ,- J 1936 STUDEBAKER, 4 door, radio and heater. Cabin No. 3, Shady Nook Auto Court. 1931 BUICK, $75. Inquire Ma tone's Station on north highway. PARTLY MODERN 2-room nished cabin. Phone 31-W. fur- WANTED 25,000 LBS. SEED potatoes. Call C. C. Dennis, 13 F-22, Route 1, Box . 324, Bend. WILL GIVE $10 reward for Infor-1 mation leading to rental of mod-i em 3 bedroom house, desirable location. Phone 615-W. WANTED TO RENT on or before April 21st, 3 bedroom or two large bedroom house, furnished or un furnished, residents of Bend for 16 years. Phone 646-J. ONE OR MORE day old calves. Call 13 F-22, Rt. 1, Box 423. YES EYESIGHT IS PRICELESS No amount of money can buy back your sight once It Is gone. Don't wait for trouble. Have your eyes checked regularly. Dr. M. B. McKenney OPTOMETRIST Offices: Foot of Oregon Ave. Phone 486-W mmmm It's CARE That Will Save YOUR CAR A BEAR check-up on your car may cut costly repair bills and save your tires end vital gasoline. Wheels our of aline ment and out of balance ruins tires and cuts mileage. Drive in for a genuine BEAR check-up . . . it's the one way to find out. COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE In our completely equipped shop, manned by factory trained repairmen, no job is too large or too small. We'll do the work to factory specifications . . . and always remember . . , "RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIE'S" WASHING POLISHING GREASING EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE 390 Greenwood CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Phone 64 - 15 Chtrry Blossom Pattern DINNER SKKVICE 94 Piece Set $29.95 You'll enjoy this refnshlng cherry blossom d.sign mora evory time you use this dainty lot. Light wolgut. Will not "chock." Houk-Van Allen T.reronc Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St Phone H60 Say, Fellows: The only way we can really help those boys on their road to Berlin and Tokyo is BUY MORE BONDS. Remember your pay roll deductions for the next sixty days count on the present drive. Let's support the won derful job they are doing. Halbrook Motors .... i , c COOKY CRISP COTTONS FOR SCHOOL GIRLS So gay and fresh in bright summer colors with no their full skirts and spotless while collars and M" cuffs. Some stripes, florals, and solid colors. m SPORT COATS THAT AIM TO PLEASE He'll want 'em these smooth plaids and solids fk OA in a deluxe-construction, summer sport coat! JJ SLACKS THAT ARE TOPS IN STYLE .They rate checks with the gang; these grand 0 aq gabardine slacks, pleated, in hep new shades. .mj, V On Sale Wed., 9:30 a. ni. t I New Shipment Boys' Waist Overalls Rivet Style, AQ Sanforized pr. I Mmt 300 Yds. Only White Outing Flannel 36 Inch H Ac 4)re ' Width, yd. I 7 and mO above lfiO lbs. $15.75.' Good sows $15.00. Foeilos nitrs srni-pp nunt. able $16.5017.50. Sheep 300. Steady. Medium good wooled lambs $14.5015.00. Good-choice grades salable $15.50 16.00; one load good No. 2 pelt shorn cues $7.25. Wooled ewes up to $9.00. I j..,,.u , it-u wiiu ifujie spuaKing many different tongues, several times V as many as the 53 regularly print- r ed languages in Europe alone. Latin a fin lntnn.jtfnnn1 ; iary language is again suggested; postwar developments will be con Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evening, by Appointment Ottlct Phono 73 Raa. Phona 819-W Brooks'Scanlon Quality Pine Lumber Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. Mercury CCp Lincoln Company Inc. 11' Bond and Minnesota Phone 680 I I ' j I " RED RYDER - T ACE . HLOtf eCAF.XjmfM L0.M6 AS 1 CAN'T FIX ) ( NOW 1 KMOW W1HT PART Cf Th1 J , 1 llLMUU-ll, .. HARMAN HIL lr iML CMM'-- i1LL HAtfDCUFF THERE WERE TW ?t!S JTcVE ESCE WHEN UWVW J