.i , PAGE F3HT THE EE?3 EULIETSN. EFtA CSEGCH MCfOAY. PH. ?. T94S - , .-.- tif i i' i vi- ArUra in fpfcii Icland Landing lomentous taster weeKena 'r0"""'; inds Allied Armies Circling! WMlMMmMM lazis, Japs With Steel Ring; BlKjM la x aa:eK!U3f fctr -si us sJSad A:n sJii tat ir iesfii. Arsrj cu.1 i.ii9 js iib Bi&r. vsjrx ! e TLB 2 t5 j. ii rjeaa f s5Sl : 1 . 5 ejw ria.s Liif f . '- m ia EtSea. ferula fcrass re si yaat-rit&a Gen. BKa fir y.; i ,si-5; jSL ar u' Huqhes Is Name SKOGCha.rman . -IT s-! l-a tii rvvrr Etr Sca fcit ' B'ifi. Swat W ur . CTC:t:.-y. rtie As."juejs Ji4 Sun-,. CSjirit Orje. te'.T nd .: - i !. -1 T Saw-Jr . . ZSZtxtZZ. . ffl.s aws r fa f"10398 J732: ifir-w sJubb S c sS rJi a4 was3ycostM- , skiafii. S&snstC o sacfSKEf4 ' 1 j acr srfi toHstertBsi - X Rpnrl Girls i- U Cat Siaoso Et&r Bsc D.(ler siJa- prrf jws twter swiana Wfl llOnOr l05Ter 5 liiaaii. taouS ftemra- Usnvnr of Ortia. Bojire, -kg Avcii BatOr ' ' AprS 2 jjt! Cbf fet ; Wi comafflEiarau r?re -uvMjri Haj aurf Ytoce & feiJf br tfl r nskrioef ivd co it mister Mrsn : ria4 asiaw, sorre OK wr rcda i!fe (T4r fa awr-j fiatj csiTr omaTWKxut , f 3.V) or inter. Oasiextt i tj!iBrtj feaT g i owtxt-: dtsfMier t4 Kr. aid Mr. E-s c.it fa4 5r ; tntt Hb. Jusrf Yrocc is li " hatio a m Jies. Votesawed ''tcr of Kr. and Mr. EarlJ Jsjajaw firiiKr fisM mere 2e. I iz Esaauaa wmc iry i-j , ton n4 Kmn. Sows tnork.) r7e rOfBil Hitting the Beach on Cebu Island 4: 1 Fait maw Asaeiaa Dfrrtitea fctaearsaea tramj tcacii c Can l&ixd as temtc caial aid oa- tardaest aafjes cp J9 rateacce w feaaai Jcnsena inwn -t Aftiaxea li Ji vert eaagis e rr to ifc L"-t- U icanr Kadco se ciMtl tmu mcpa na icsc teny ccr-Ar toe. gcai t? ij2) and caw powtmes Laced Uaj Okinawa Battle (Coctteoed IKxa Pase Oe) . "groajwi gvn err.pUceroects mere .'described as btt more than iwmxien pigmyts. Tbe mreckage ' ol Japanese fUaes lay scattered across tee captored ajrfieida. at testing to Use electtveness ol use LTe-tovasioti bmrJbardroent and smxes. Norman Pa :?e. Blue netm-orSc correspondent, reported from Ofo nava that Japanese ctviiians have i benii surrersdertr. "in crm es. iry seerneo giiao to give tcecir seives up. Paige saL) Red Top Canvas Gloves Hudy I-CZ. camas, snug red" wrists. Urt!t 2 pain to a ontofrer. w,5r3' KIT. I M I Carrol JUret, Apr3.2 SperiaHIIClawn namcu - 1s SVn ltm JIJWVUJF aPlfc Bk bbk . ! mow. Yet Kf LriS CJ. UlStflbUtOf Itere were W w iAji . " L1T : aw Kts as ttoe toSamL Pa4 e P1) UaKr the cooperati-e merger. U Jzuane tef-rsal 'S f8?? :'e!ith Sast meei. ol the Gil- "ZTZgr a Hit .1 OU into -.A.ta on ngui- .w vtm m rhk Hir ia. Mr. Lou Gles and cciVm.M'n art Omml Pepj4m , r,, . . aMvwm ., ., ! -jt , were iLiitftn or cufimi'.trrj suki ascKjfJi a Ckinama fx Jrorae U and Joferaiy dartrtbutor servking cectraj Ore-; OTn we cawured. w tw.A. .fcit. h ne coenhec a eoD4e meek in ilnree mere captureo. I i-if a Ti Ftiml rtiM Tiiiifei ifon. U mas anwMjneea oy. . The hardest lighting raged tn mtxAe Vrf!2.?tl?J : vfvT M fTv ar3 Deschutes. he -te41a4- tonh ol Naha. ?D LV'L? LJL!SZ:ck and pwi, ol Jrfler aJ rne ob)e ol tto arnpfub SaW n JZ; m5 . trip to Soo ovr the meek Krru.h . o operaUoo on t rgtar reep. Cteioama te naeri bl Jafan wtU. TV Toij fm. imith Japanese prepared posiUocs The penalty lor fcoww. -d rl amej keen a trtp to the vatey to see their K th comoiJatsorL Neil-'and machine gun iesrs. Roads death! MJ2(B el IV ponJ ,w mmj mm i. r rrr.oioyed as dLttribotor mere heavily mined. But mhen1 At least. tha: s what or com use ABenoa inrawan oi iar r. f-. Prtrnieum and has the mines mere neutralized, soi ! in Eend mas slated to discover. P.vakvttt and caiiem It of Ttiwe- roruarw recemuy pwrcnaCT ine :; ,,. -i- vs- ,--f pHrt. i th va k r,. ded serwne " The Iniiu- C od Ka'wn al JT"Z l 10 CWgUy Irorn Pay- in on buuWrs to thple Ite Boanote avenue called police oo', ,h. eraJ Tokyo daily Voraiuri Hcai Mr. aI Mrs. (nhrSvxr Mr. and X liUaJ fanC idUi ol the roads. V ! several occasions todav, cW.pUia-; Jtr, h.M.iitai ihslniu att itommMn Henrv mere here durin the etie. iajm in im . i tanv arrwa Z 'Tia w:i.n i,h -no honerholWir, r,f Tamn Ahh MrT and " resided in Bewl tor three " .Mik..n.nl thmar "iur , mill l .itor farm momns ai i v.or.gre. ni. mne, .f ; disappointed mhen lisrur.z m - - . arv4 iwa rhiMren. Siilv and Craiz i"1""" imj ousaore roost 01 ir.e rugm naa oisiuroea h..t fw)n la utrt ol the R'-ukyu opera-:hich they parchased last year afw tmo cniraren. aj vaig. i,ivM..i t,.fhOT -,. f mere not av-aijaWe out temporary , . i -xi crfMiM k uiAiiMm rare in Eeno aisa . L " . . .... .. . . .'measures mere to be ta:en later 9 TV, A TV?- NEW 1 rffj fin Print MISSES' RAYON SHEERS AND JERSEYS 1. ? 7.90 pr. 21c YouB find these dresses the smart answer to the perpetual question "What shall I wear?" Two-pieceri to serve as warm-weather suits. Prints with floral motifs slitlfuPy made to spread out in graceful slirts. Soft rayon jerseys, too! Dainty Rorals Styles. Piece rs Prints . Splashy . . Slim, Graceful One-Piecers . . . Two . . Summer Colors! r 1 c :i mgthataccwmastengclinedj rdzie aro ere U r. . ftoagara?- and that iu bamling ! mted when fo.g licersses OetS MOTe OllOW EYES! -r..., A-rt iwbv arvt '. i. . dj, 1 t. Operators ol the former Oil- started lire in the mideiipread ttcini at non-combat hatful ' n a' 'i!? V,rgil Jakajima-Muslsashirw aircralt en- in the inUlippinea. The naiure ot,Umal1 aftd pn" M"C"C1XK pne lactory. -his Illness has no been ascertain-; ! r On the m-est front, the German ed by his mile Mrs. Wiima Lome, jtatebe, mediciRe gasoline, army rntiich sacrificed its UstMrM is resident ol Carrol Acres. coaJ, kerosene and i-harcoai ithe great force in northwestern Ger- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berg made jg, common horse beating fuel! many- r.r, f a ,r,P to ,he nUy 10 Ineir are all rationed in Japan: gas and from i1VjO 10 1 troops, in Jimmy, last me. ! electricity are not allowed for the sJOfrsguare mite Ruhr trap., jy udlrs of the Church of heating. .iMHMK 'Christ and (heir Iriends, mith , Mrs. W. M Cndermood and Mrs. Bow Ixwe as hostesses, held a Joint stork shower at the home of Mrs. Denton Scott honoring Mrs. Phil Hymes and Mrs. Denton Scott. The afternoon mas spent in sewing. Many gifts mere re ceived. Those present mere: Mrs. Cora Jeppe and son Jimmy, Mrs. Pearl Dealhridge. Betty Death ridge, Mrs. Matson, Mrs. Joe Al tizer, Mrs. Lester Kramer, Mrs. Frank Bockman. Mrs. Phil Hym es. Mrs. W. M. Underwood, Mrs. Bob Lowe, Mrs. Denton Scott, Mrs. Harry Lowery. and Mrs. Wiley Seems. Luncheon was serv ed. 1 The Juvenile grange met Satur day. Plans mere discussed lor the Mother's day tea and the organi zation of a baseball team. After ,the meeting, a birthday mas cele : orated by Joan McMilH.in. gets in front of advancing army' Officers talked to the owner of and marine infantrymen. They' the com-, and mere advised that drew anti aircraft fire from the she tvas to be slaughtered tonight. Japanese. j Vak-ns saw one Dauntless dive lJ . . C 1 1 D.. bomber make an emergency land-! ICOry Olllclt IXUIl th to land there. m the day. The game comrruss:on issues non - corrirnercial licetsses and the fish commission cotrjner- ciai permits. on Kadena airstrip. It mas'l C J first large American plane; LOOlTlS in OdnaV Apnl 2 lf f The run looked ' from the bridge. Faster Sunday snow fell to deoths ranging from sLx to 10 1 . inches along the summit ol the Cascades, it mas reported today to the local offices of the state high-', !: day department. Highway condi- depth in that region to 75 inches. For a distance ol 10 miles east of the divide packed snow was on the highway, it was reported. Maintenance men on the San tiam highways, reported that six inches of new snow fell there, makine a total depth ol 90 inches. SOMETHING! FOR YOUR SOMETHING! FOR YOUR EARS! SOMETHING! FOR YOUR HEART! CARMEN MIRANDA'S DANCE-DAZZLING TUNE TORRID TECHNICOLOR MNSICAL hit "Something For The Boys" CAPITOL-Wed.. Thu, Fri Sat. - !- ORDER QUALITY BABY CHICKS POULTS Delivered BAKER FEED CO. Phone m Redmond, Ore, SOMETHING! FOR YOUR EYES! SOMETHING! FOR YOUR EARS! SOMETHING! FOR YOUR HEART! CARMEN MIRANDA'S DANCE-DAZZLING TUNE TORRID TECHNICOLOR MNSICAL HIT "Something For The Boys" CAPITOL-Wed., Thu.. Fri., Sat. I I'nr I , Ota Kadena mas reported to be a'T :t c!oi i around the Smiss lake d-el!!n?s of the day on the Willamette hich- Japanese defense "bluff."" L'nder-I Sandy river today, mith state po-t tne Neolithic age; elate. 7j B. C-' way summit, bringing the total lice announcing that fishing will not be allmw until after rrin- Rv-nthoti nihlwr nlanta in the ""' sions tnis morning mere reported Lmted btates, in addition to ruo ; as normal, and mith the meather : ber, have produced more than clear. ; 25.000.000 gallons of ethvlbenzine Walnuts have been found i en inches of new snow fell in and about 4.000.000 gallons of cumene used in making aviation fuel. We Want Small Accounts Reasons Why: If we were aked to express a choke bet ween one account mith a balance of S10.000 and 50 accounts with an average balance of $200 each, we would declare for the 50 smaller accounts. The reason 50 accounts will make the Bank stronger, and are not subject to sudden changes to such an extent as the larger ac count would be. Besides, there are possibilities that many of the smaller accounts will grow to larger proportions. No matter how small your ac count may be, it will find a welcome here. BANK OF BEND A HOME OWNED INSTITUTION f LOOKS! Government Planes Now For Sale Surplus Property Available April 6, 1945 s875to $2,400 depending on condition Average cost new to Government approximately $9,000 Approximately 3,000 Primary Trainers Meeting Rigid Army and Navy Specifications To Be Offered For Sale on a Price-Tag Basis by Reconstruction Finance Corporation With This Amazing SELF-POLISHING FLOOR WAX! Some rainy day, why act take tunc out to poiith jour Boon? j Lirttrou ftoort are yyurt in a I jirTy if yrxi use WATERSPAR j SELF-POLISHING WAX. li t ( ttmpte to mppiy nd dries ia a frm minutes to a high gUjtemng loai. Quart. i SIMPSON PAINT STORE 123 Oregon Phone tl j eotonsTMnjafaprrsstHTT$svoi ; You can new own your own plane. These Primary Trainers have been de clared surplus property by the Army and Navy. Every plane will bear a price-tag, giving essential information such as make, mode!, price, and conditions of sale. What you buy is listed in biacic and white. Made for the Government by rationally-known manufacturers, all the planes . are single-engine, two-place models. Per formance records have indicated cruising speeds in excess of 90 miles-per-hour. If two or more people should want the same plane at the same time the purchaser will be decided by clrawir lots. For inforrr-ation on where thsse Pri mary Trainers may be seen, get in touch with your nearest Sales Center listed immediately below, or consult your near est RFC Disposing Loan Agency. Western Skyways Service Portia id-Troutdale Troutdale, Oregon Each Price-Tog Gives this Information SeiHcg Price Make, mode!, manufacturer's aerial number Service identification number Make tad horsepower of engine Cocditicoj and terms of sale RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATION OlSrOSNO 10AN AGENCUS AT Atbma . Bokot Curfct-t . Orirr OnUsd Mia , Domr Detroit Hmrtm . KuiU City. Mo. Urn Aaftla Mnanpda Nr OcKam . Kr York . Onuha Ptotadelphi. PortUnd. Orm Richmoo St. ln. . UH City . Era Ajeo . 5n rrmcio E.ttl. I