THE BEND BUlLETIN, BEND. OREGON, MONDAY. APRIL 2. 1945 PAGE SEVEN Lightest Trading Df Year Recorded By Elmer C. Walzer (United Pre Financial gditor) mpw York. April (IB Stocks iHuanced fractions to a point to- lay in the lightest trading of the Railroad issues made the best khnWlHl!. iliuuauuua uqu unu jfair-sized advances, while utilities firmed. ' ' f xraaers were uauuuus ui com Imittments because of the highly favorable war pews wnicn to wall Street reflected approach of V-E day and difficulties of the indus trial transition period. However, there was as much reticence in selling as in buying. Onlv moderate demand was suf ficient to send prices up. Steels "irally rose better than the so- called peace section. In the latter, motors were up fractionally and airlines around their best levels of the year. Liquors, which would be able to resume beverage alco hol making on at least a part-time basis after V-E day, strengthened. Names Selected For New Vessels Portland, Ore., April 2 (IP) Seven more Oregon names have been selected for tankers to be built at the Kaiser Swan island shipyard, according to a maritime commission notice to the yard. . They include Council Crest, Multnomah, Government Camp, Cannon Beach, Silver Creek, Grants Pass, and Steens Moun tain. Other Oregan names previous ly announced for ships yet to be launched are Fort Lane, Bradford -J.sland, Modoc Point, and Chem i, awir. - Flags Destroyed On Eve of Parley Hollywood, April 2 IP San Francisco today was faced with a flag-less United Nations confer ence. Conference officials had or dered dozens of the colorful ban ners of all participating nations for display during the meeting. But the warehouse of the Men ard and Tabery flag manufacture ing plant, where the flags were stored pending shipment, burned yesterday. PORTLAND MARKET Portland. Ore.. April 2 lU'i An active tone was reported in the egg market today, with receipts of disappointing volume.1 Dealers said a smaller egg output was the result of earlier slaughter, of chickens. Prices were unchanged. Buttpr Cube. 93 score. 42c; 92 score,1 42 V, c; 90 score, 42c; 9 score 4VAc pound. Eggs Prices to retailers: A A, large, 44c; A, large, 42c; medium A, 39c; small, 35c dozen. How Would You Like to Make $50,000.00? Don't be surprised, WILL BE DONE LIKE YOURSELF It can anil BY MANY who make plans today for a future In Alas ka. Right now small businesses in Alaska are clearing $25,000.00 per year, pioneer farmers, have netted over $10,000.01). If you have thought that this kind of money is a thin of the past you should investigate the almost unbeliev able. OnnnrtimlUi-s un North! NEW highways and airways have thrown America's Final Frontier wide open! Vast natural resources are under .development, villages are growing into prosperous young titles. (No one predicts a depression in postwar Alaska!) ;ET FACTS aliout free land. Farming, ilobs. Dealerships. Sur vey of small business and invest ment Opportunities. Travel Infor mation. Climate. Living Condi tions. Reliable V. S. copyrighted 68 page booklet, YOL'K ALASKA, has just been released . . SEND NO MO.VEY, simply mail name and address on slip of paper io Alaska Agency. Box 8063, Terminal Sta tion, Seattle 14, Wash., and nay postman roe dollar plus poslage (or enclose dollar for postpaid copy.) EYESIGHT IS PRICELESS No amount of money can buy hack your sight once it is gone. Don't wait for trouble. Have your eyes checked regularly. . Dr. M. B. McKenney npmMRTRlST Offices: Foot of Oregon Ave. Phone 465-W Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance o Words One Time 25 Words Three Times o words -Six Times . An wind ow IS add 1 pr ward number af Insertiona Om month run, une copy, U day -rata Chant. Me ONE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Classified Adrertiab, Caafc In Ad-ranea OaiUr Claainc Tiaa UiS P. U, FOB S-VLE RADIO, 13 tube Western Air Pa trol. Magic eye, push button and television connections. Good con dition. Inquire 58 Greeley. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL 4-room plastered modern. Good buy for $1000 down. PALATIAL HOME near high school. 9-room modern for $1000 down. Also sell furnish ed. See Daron, Arnolds Real Es tate, 126 Minnesota. WINCHESTER 12 gauge Mag num pump gun, fine condition with special checkered stock and fore-end and five boxes shells. 3 regular 12 and 2 Magnum, $125.00. Also 4 boxes 410 gauge to trade for 10, 12 or 16 gauge heavy loads, Call after 5 p. m. 540 Congress St. TWO HOUSES, one 4 room mod ern with range, and one one-room, semi-modern. Must sell by April loth for cash, inquire 154 Lafay ette. SIMMONS BED and springs, spring filled mattress. Norge cir culating oil heater. 312 E. 5th, cor ner 5th and Clay. Phone 619-J. 16 FT. COMPLETELY furnished house trailer, ice box and sink, newly painted, -clean inside and out. Priced at $300. 144 Roosevelt. NEAR ORDNANCE shop, imme diate possession, 2 bedroom mod ern house, large living room newly painted outside. $2100, $500 down, $30 month; Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone P6-W. THREE ROOM: East side. Corner lot. Immediate possession. Priced at $2050. Terms at Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. 40 ACRES with 31 acres C.O.I, water. Half in new alfalfa. Five room house with .electricity and water pressure and some out buildings. R. H. Marchand, Rt. 1, Box 293-A, Bend. SCHICK ELECTRIC razor, just like new. Inquire 219 Bond St. Phone 276-J. ROCKHILL strawberry plants, $6.00 a hundred, Gem Everbear ing, $2.00 a hundred. Phone l-F-2 or inquire at Greenwood Feed Co. GOOD MILK GOAT, milking near two quarts a day, very gentle, no horns. 1305 Albany avenue. FOLDING BABY CAB with disc wheels, good rubber, compound spring mounted. Steel tube con struction, covered with heavy durable leatherette. Exactly like new, less than UFA price. Also wicker cabs from $10. Uarl Aus tin, 220 Greenwood. 5 ROOM MODERN: With 3 bed rooms on east side. $1225 down, balance on terms. Priced at $2625. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. TRAILER HOUSE, 1938 -model, 21 ft. factory built, two beds, heater, range, fully equipped, new paint, double way lighting system, battery or electric. A real home, a real buy, $900 cash. Call evenings. L. T. Crawford, Sisters, Ore., op posite post office. WEST SIDE modern homes, 4 bedroom, $3500, some terms. 2 bedroom, $2600, $500 down, $35 month. 2 bedroom, 2 stoves, $2300, $500 down, $30 month. 2 bedroom, 2 stoves, $2100, $500 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. OWNER LEAVING, will sacrifice 4 room modern completely fur nished house, large lots, can keep cow and chickens. Only $1800, $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ONE 320 EGG incubator, one 60 egg incubator, one hog fuel burn er for 6 room house. Inquire H. C. Sutton, 1367 Elgin avenue. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond, Ore. SEMI-MODERN HOUSE, 3 bed rooms, furnished, 4 lots, $1500, some terms. Close in, very attrac tive completely furnished 3 room house, hot and cold water, $1200, $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. SMALL 4-ROOM modern house on bus line, $2100. Basement, ,,-ir-ori for electric stove, garage, nardrn spot and strawberries. 1135 Cumberland. Phone 1012-W, ACREAGE for sale near city lim its 7 acres improved ground. Pri vate ditch. C.O.I. water right. New 5-room house and outbuildings. Telephone and electricity. 2 cis terns Strawberries and alfalfa. i Cow and horse. All at nargain price. Loan avanaoie. rnune 21 evenings or Sundays. 5-ROOM MODERN house, garage and woodshed, large garden spot, shade trees, electric water tank, wired for electric range, septic tank, chicKen pen. j.o Phone 189-W. iHUNOLEL'M RUGS, good con dition. Wood bed. springs, mat tress and chest of drawers. In I quire Altaraunt, Apt. 3. FOB SALE WHEEL CHAIR, 2 pr. good coil springs, single bed and springs, leather davenports, enamelled range, coal circualtor, several wood heaters, baby Den, DaDy stroller, rockers, library tables, round and square dining" room tables, almost new aaveno, real cheap, floor lamp, book shelves, end tables, ice Doxes, gas Dam room heater, 2 burner gas hot plate, bumper hitches, Ice skates, V-puueys lor electric motors, line man's pole climbers, air tight heaters, kitchen cabinet bases, dresser bases, rural mail box. 350 Division. BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil. briquet Baker Feed Co., Phone 188-X. Redmond, Ore. WOOD FUEL Prompt Delivery, load lots, city or country. Dry body or limbs. length desired. Order next win ter's fuel now. Wood will be scarce. Brookings Wood Yard, Phone 767. HOT-POINT ELECTRIC range in A-l condition. 212 Yew Lane. MY EQUITY in 5 room modern house, and furniture. 358 Georgia, MEN'S SUITS and overcoats, ladles' coats and dresses, chil dren's clothing. 350 Division. MAN'S BICYCLE, used very lit tle. 304 Harrimam SHEEP FERTILIZER. Haul your. self or we will deliver. Inquire 130 Canal street. . A REAL BARGAIN, 4 bedroom modern house, east side, close in. plastered, clean, furnace, wired for electric ranee, laundry room. 4 garages. .Only $4000, $1000 down, $50 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. A LOVELY country home, mod ern in every detail, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, wired for electric range, 3 acres. $8C loan available. Shown by appoint- irient only. Anne Forbes, ,36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. : FOB SALE OB TRADE 1930 CHEV. coach, new. top, 5 tires, runs good. Will trade for furniture, chickens, cpw or pigs, 22 Lake Place. FOB BENT VACANCY . WESTONIA Apart ments. Close in, clean, comfort able, electrically equipped, wash ing facilities, garag, full base ment. Inquire Eslie A. Dunn, Apt. 7, 1601 W. 3rd. NEAT. 3 ROOM modern furnished house, garage, adults only. Apply 1255 E. Third. 4 ROOM newly decorated semi- modern house, furnished or un furnished. Has inside flush toilet, garage and woodshed. Inquire 72 McKay. ONE 3-ROOM modern furnished apartment. Water f u r n i s he d. Phone d-R-21 evenings. 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Clean light rooms, wood, water and light furnished. Hot water heat. Adults. Call after 5:30. 23614 E. Irving. VACANCY at Staats Apts, 509 Franklin. Modern and furnished, with laundry facilities. 3-ROOM MODERN furnished house, refrigerator and telephone. pnone d4-r-j. Third nouse from King's Market on south highway. 3 ROOM unfurnished house, and one 4 room unfurnished house with' large garden space. Inquire 1H14 Albany or phone oby-J. WANTED TO BUY Dodge or Chevrolet 1V4 ton truck, late model. Inquire 1445 Jacksonville. WILL GIVE $10 reward for infor mation leading to rental of mod ern 3 bedroom house, desirable location. Phone 615-W. WANT TO RENT unfurnished modern house, 5 or 6 rooms. Must have possession by April 15 or sooner. 2 adults. No dogs. One month's rent ready now. Phone 523. WILL PAY CASH for used sew ing machines. Write Singer Sew ing Machine Co., 640 Willamette St., Eugene, Ore., for appoint ment. WANT SOMEONE to care for two children, 5 year old boy and 2 year old girl, in your home by the nonth. Write No. 487 care of Bulletin. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St Phone 900. MODEL T one ton truck, differ ential gears. If you want your garden plowed call 838-M. BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES WANTED-also frames and other parts. Especially need tricycle and wagon wheels. We will pay top prices, and soon have them rebuilt into usable Hems much desired by children. Carl Austin, 220 Greenwood. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Eveningt by Appointment Office Phone 71 Re. Phone 819-W HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED fry quire Pilot Butte Inn. cook. 'In- GIRL with office and sales experi ence, either single or married, Phone 88. Geo. Childs Hardware. WOMAN for sales work. Apply at 852 Wall St. . EXPERIENCED WOMAN for General OFFICE WORK AND RECORD KEEPING Must be qualified as a STENOGRAPHER PERMANENT 40 HR. WK. , . - ' Inquire or write THE BEND BULLETIN WOMAN to stay with three chil dren for approximately one ween starting April 5th. Phone 743-J or call at 103 is. nawmorne. HOUSEKEEPER to keep house and care for children in mother less home. Good home and wages. Phone 815-R or write No. 597 care of Bulletin. PERMANENT ACCOUNTING and STATISTICAL positions with the State. Apply at 616 Mead Building, Portland 4. Final filing date April 21. Positions locally or throughout tne state. DISTRIBUTORS, Agents, Ga rages, wanted to sell the new Won der Car Polish, and Glaze, PER MA GLOSS and GLAZE. It will not gum or streak, leaves the hardest wax known to man, re duces time of a polishing job by 75, write for booklet and agen cy, send $l.ou lor a set, i car jod. PERMA POLISH CO. 337 E. Main St., Hillsboro, Oregon. PERSONNEL POSITIONS now open in the State Public Welfare Commission. Apply at 616 Mead Building, Portland 4. Final filing date April 21. SITUATION WANTED DRIVER WANTS work Cat, truck or tractor. Inquire 216 E. Kearney. USED CARS WE PAY highest cash prices for used cars. Halbrook Motors, Min nesota and Bond. 1930 BUICK 6 sedan, excellent condition. Phone 425-R. 1931 BUICK, $75. Inquire Ma lone's Station on north highway. 1936 LAFAYETTE coach, good condition throughout. Call at 780 Newport. Phone 406-W. WANT TO SELL our equity in late model Plymouth sedan in ex cellent condition. Inquire after 7 p. m. at M. and M. Cafe. LOST LOST in business district Thurs day morning "A" gas ration is sued to Eileen Crouse. Return to Bulletin office. AT SKATING RINK Friday night brown billfold belonging to Melba Hoselton. Finder keep money and return billfold to Bul letin. Contents valuable to owner. OREGON LICENSE plate 439-532. Return to Bulletin. No. 1 PAIR 2 strand white pearls. Reward if return to Bulletin. CHILD'S IDENTIFICATION bracelet, Initial "J" on one heart and "B" on other. Return to Mrs. Ivan Farr,,244 Woodland. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's. Garments repaired, nominal cost. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. WHY DRIVE a dirty car when you can get a good Simonlz job at 175 E. Irving. CLEAN THE EASY WAY With Fuller's all-purpose cleaner. An instantaneous safe odorless cleaning preparation that takes the drudgery out of household work. Phone 594, Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steldl, Bend. OPEN FOR BUSINESS, expert mechanical work and welding. Parts for cars, trailers made to ' order. Used cars, truck and pick-: up for assembling. Carroll Acres Wreckers. WASHING MACHINE service and wringer rolls for all makes., Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 .Green wood. Phone 583. IED RYDER By FRED HARMAN IH 'WkHuJto 60CDaLTlrr"L1CQE Ort,ACE-' S, 1 17 HEY' WHATS GOIN')l If HOLD OM THERE, 1 DiDN'T WB ' " DOZIM' BY V SDVrM A RoPE Otf jfjL JUAP OUT fife, V ON IN THERE L YU TV10' rAAR5HALj MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZER, $4.00 per yard, red cinders $7.00 per 5 yd. load, dark cinders, $6.00 per 5 yd. load, top soil, $7.00 per 5 yard load. Dump trucks for hire. We fix driveways. Phone 275-J. or contact at 1360 Cumberland.. .' SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED By certified Singer Representa tive. Write Singer Sewing Ma chine Co., 640 Willamette St.. Eu gene, Ore., for appointment. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., April 2 ilP Livestock: cattle 1550, calves 150. Rather slow, mostly steady. Good fed steers $15.50-16! two choice loads $17; common-medium $11-14.50. Heifers $1014. Good light heifers to $15. Canner- cutter cows S7-9.50. Fat dairy type cows $10-10.50. Medium-good beef cows $11-12.50. Young cows to $13-13.25. Medium-good bulls $11- 13.50. Good-choice vealers $15-16. Hogs 400. Steady. Weights above 160 lbs. $15.75. Good sows $15. Feeder pigs $16.50-17.50. Sheep 1,000. Lambs steady. Ewes strong to 25c higher. Good choice wooled lambs $16; common medium $12-14. Good ewes $8.50 8.75; one load fed ewes $9, new recent high. . VETERANS TO MEET The Veterans council will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. for the regular monthly meeting, in tne county court room of the courthouse. ; , . , Two collared rjeccaries in the DkiinjAinl.ta lnn.nn ,n Mnea Synopsis of -Annual Statement of the lomlon A lnrashlre Indemnity uomnany of America of New York. In the State of New York, on the thirty-first day of De-1 ccmbcr, 11144. maile to the Insurance Com missioner of the State of Oreiion, pursuant to lawl INtUMU Net premiums, received. $4,208,083.96. Total interest, dividends and real estate income. $177,681.13. income from other sources. $86,863.21. Total income. $4,473,628.30. . DISBURSEMENTS Not amount paid policyholders for losses, $1,817,266,117. Xosses adjustments expenites. $379,866.71). Awnts commissions or brokerage, $1, 006,023.47. Salaries and fees officers, directors, home office employes, $260,332,36. Taxes, licenses and fees, $126,616.66. Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash, none: stocks, $260,000,001, $250,000.00. Dividends paid or credited to policyhold ers, none, , All other expenditures, $647,640.08. Total disbursements, $3,076,666.16. ADMITTED ASSEffS - Value of real estate- owned . .(market value), none. . Ijoans on mortgages and collateral, ete., Value of bonds owned (or amortised), $4, 096.766.80. . , Vnlue of stocks owned (market .value), $1.2911,000.00. Cash in bunks and on hand. $1.107. 207. M. Premiums in course of collection written since September 80, 1944, $1,208,507.16. interest and rents due and accrued. $24, 791.22. , Other eta (netl ,-$6,388.36. ' Total admitted asset. $8,631,774.07. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHKR FUNDS Tola! unpaid claims. $2,807,968.23. Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpiiu claims, $100,000.00. Total unearned premiums on all unex pired risks, $2,341,039.18. Salaries,' rente, expenses, bills, accounts, fees. ets.. due or accrued, $5,000.00. Kstimott! emount duo or accrued tor taxes. $168,600.00. All other liabilities. $22,247.76. Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due and accrued. $818,761.09. Total liabilities, except capital, $5,763, 806.26. Capital paid up. $1,000,000.00. Surplus over all liabilities. $1.868.267J)I. Surplus as regards policyholders. $2,86B. 267.81. Total. $8,631,774.07. BUSINESS IN OHECION FOR TUB YEAR Net premiums received, $47,255.01. Net losses paid, $8,834.99. Dividends paid or credited to policyhold ers, none. Name of Company London 4V Lancashire Indemnity Company of America. Name of President. Ollbrrt Kingan. Name of Secretary, John Urmson. Statutory resident attorney for service, Dudley G. Allen. INVESTORS MUTUAL, INC. AN OPEN END INVESTMENT COMPANY Protpacfvt on request from Principal Underwriter INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNiAPOlli, MINNIfOTA ELMER LEHNHERR Local Representative 217 Oregon Phone 625 and open the door to their house In cold weather; peccaries are new world tropical wild pigs. Synopsis of Annual Statement of th Northwestern Mutual Llfa ln.uranca Com pany of Milwaukee, In the State of Wiscon sin on the thirty-firat day of December, 1044, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, purauant to law; Amount of capital Block paid up, (Purely Mutual). INCOME Total premium income for the rear, $166. 744,927.04. Interest, dividends and rents received durinir the year. 61.90!, 616.86. Income from other sources received dur inir tne year, ess.tuo.Ktu.s?. Total income. C62,060,144.87. DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses, endowment, annuities and surrender values. t6a.i7A.7ai. 11. Dividend paid to policyholders during the year, 134.047,107.97. mviuends paid to capital stock during the year, (Purely Mutual), none. Commissions and salaries paid during the year, $14.UH2,104.06. taxes, licenses and ices paid during the Amount of all other expenditures, 140, 8S7.a2.84. Total expenditure. I6S,565, 859.00. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market VBIUCIt e44.ill4.UZO.B2. Loans on mortKaarea. $218,748,876.07. SValue of honriu nurniwl fami.-tluulie $1,359,623,078.38. valua ur stock owned (market value). none. notes and policy loans, $94,749,- 120.61. Cash in banks and on hand. 1:I2.AA2.. Interest and rente due and accrued. $16, 816.036.86. Net uncollected and deferred premiums, 10,140,1110.111. Other assi'ts (net). $202,960.00. Total admitted aasuU. $1,767,666,104.29. A.UII71L.I i ir.s Net reserves. tt.H4d.R7MiOXH.ftn Reserve for installment nut vet due In settlement .ox death, etc., $227,- 804.0.16.00. Gross claims for losses unpaid, $11,471, 477.19. Dividends declared and In course of pay ments lo poiicynoioers, eas.uuz.MBn.m:, All other liabil ties. $21,401,850.14. Total liabilities, except capital, $1,642, lon.gsu.zo. uanltal nam un. IPllrelv Miltlt.11 none Special reserves for continitenoiee .under morutaite loans ana securities. $11,883, v.uu. Unapnortioned aurnlus retained general contingency reserve, $108,014,666.04, loiai. ai.fov.o&e.iuii.stf. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Not premiums and annuities received nuring tne year. l.46B,087.z. I Dividends paid during the year. $341, 876.02. Net losses and claims, endowments, sur- I year, $666,062.26. Name of Company, The Northwestern mutual L.lfe Insurance Cnmunv. Name of President, M. J. Cleary. Name of Secretary. H. tl Pjirrv. Statutory resident 'attorney for service L. K. Larson, American Bank Bldg., Port land, uregon. Strike out "market' or "amortized1 Seeuritles not subieet to amortisation are included at values determined by the iommiitee on valuations of the -National Association or insurance commissioners, EVERETT E. HUGHES , . District Agent Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co. Hend. Oregon WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES AUTO REPAIRING AUTO REPAIRS Expert mechanical and electri cal work on all makes of cars and trucks.- COMPLETE OVERHAULING TIRE SERVICE Dewyer & Knox Next to Hudson-Duncan 1327 Wall Phone 812 BEAUTY SHOPS KOLD WAVE PERMANENTS Assure the flattery of "natur al" curls styled to suit your personality. EXPERT OPERATORS May Iiura Ardcllo Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 4K4 CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Wall Phone 524 CESSPOOL SERVICE Complete Service Cesspool & Septic Tanks Best of Materials Furnished Our fruriodlcaJ Inspection will Insuro you more efficient op eration. B. F. Rhodes & Son Phone StiK-W or ll-F-28 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Contract Wiring Appliance Repair Electrical Supplies Fluorescent Lights GE Mazda Lamps Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 98 Speeches Feature Luncheon of Club ImDromDtu speeches by mem bers of the Bend Kiwanis club, whose names were drawn by the program chairman, featured the entertainment at the weekly club meeting at the Pine tavern this noon. Tom Brooks spoKe on den tistry, Everett Hughes on home building and Clyde M. McKay enumerated a few of the advant ages of being a Scot. Wilson George sang and JacK Burpee soloed on a harmonica. Ralph W. Crawford was in charge. Dr. Grant Skinner, president oi the club, announced that E. L. Nielsen had been appointed chair man of a committee which will seek contributions to the national cancer control fund. CARS ARE TAGOED Automobiles registered to Mrs. Earl Lang, 107 Oregon avenue, and Ernest H. Baughn, 606 Ari zona avenue, were tagged for overtime parking and in a loading zone, respectively, police records showed .today. Buy National War Bonds Now! LEGAL NOTICES i NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of William Chester Evans, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned executrix of the es tate of William Chester Evans, j deceased, io creanors ana au per sons having claims against said deceased to file them wltn the necessary vouchers within six months after the first publication i oi mis nonce ai ine on ice oi tjun ning & Brewster in Redmond, Ore gon, which said office the under signed selects as her address in all matters connected with the estate of the deceased. Dated at Bend, Oregon this 10th day of March, 1945. LILLIAN CAMPBELL, Execu trix of the estate of William Ches ter Evans, deceased. Date of first publication, March Date of final publication, April 2, 1945. 82-88-94-lOOc NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearing upon the final ac- WASHERS WRINGER ROLLS A . t AUTHORIZED PARTS . -K , Service on all makes of wash ing machines and electrical ap pliances, ' Bend Washer Service 136 Greenwood Phone 583 Heating Plumbing PLUMBING Steam Fitting New Work Repairing Home Water Systems Sump Pumps Plumbing Supplies Warner Plumbing - 822 Wall Phone Z17-W Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel, 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Gods Movement MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" IM5 Awhrey Rri. Tel. A29-M AUTO Keep Your Hudson or Terraplane in Top Shape With Our GENUINE HUDSON PARTS AND SERVICE WE HAVE PARTS ! DYER'S 213 Greenwood count of Mrs. REITHA FISH, administratrix of the Estate o DEE BROOKS, deceased, filed herein, will be held in the County Courtroom of the Courthouse in Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, at 2 o'clock in tl. afternoon of Wednesday the 25th day of April, 1945. and all persons Interested In said estate are notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why said final account should not be ap proved, the estate settled and closed, and the administratrix dis charged. DATED: at Bend, Oregon, this 19th day of March, 19-15. MRS. REITHA FISH, Admin istratrix of the Estate of DEE BROOKS, deceased. DE ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys at law, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon. i 88-94-100-106C Soft, Pliant, Perfectly Matched Skint CAPESKIN JACKET 14.95 Tan eapeskla of beautiful quality. Smart Cossack style. Rang of sizes for ma and older boys. Houk-Van Allen$ton Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St, Phone 60 j; Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Rmiil i Mlnntwiila Phnne MM LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dolly Service Every Dy Of the Year Phone 544 Trees Shrubs Vines Roses Evergreens and fruits. Extra hardy Minne Hota Stock. Stock sold F.O.U. . ......I .... -,ln..4.ul lliirm.-ry, uni,t-icu "i Free estimates for landscaping. Will coiniMsle with all catalog prices. HAINES NURSERY Cor. East 8th and Norton Phono 905 Bend. Ore. insurance "state farm mutual AUTO MRE LIFE Ed Sherlock, Dist. Mgr. 821 Drake Road Phone 316 John W. Smith, Agent I.W8 Awhrey 1M. Phone Wi4-W REPAIRS GARAGE Phone 87