Local News , TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 67 degrees Minimum, last night, 33 degrees . TODAYS WEATHER Temperature! 10 p. m. 38 de grees; 10 a. m. 4,5 degrees. Velo city of wind: 10 p. m. 2 miles; 10 a. m. 21 mile' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chittim, 597 Hill street,- left for Boise. Idaho, this morning". In Boise, Chittim is to take over the duties of divis ion superintendent for the Trail ways bus system. He was assist ant superintedent here. Loren Hanellne and family of , Shevliih. were guests today at the Pilot Butte Inn. Hanellne is with lin. City Attorney Ross Farnham Is spending the week-end in Port land. Miss Elizabeth Beaver, secre tary in the Bend chamber ol com merce offices, today left for Port land to be with her mother, Mrs. Anna Beaver,, who yesterdtay was discharged from the St. Vincents hospital, where she had under gone an- operation. Mrs. Beaver "THE WISEST MEN (AN BE LED BY A DANCING dL" (Proverb) ft Works Today, Too! News ' Color ' Cartoon Ends A ABBOTT Tonight "LOST 1 i '-J&E0 Continuous Show From 1 P. M. A J Awl' Ends 'Follow Tonight "Mark DlannpH A , , ahont .. " m Portland for gout a week before returning to ofJ?J?f TayIdr and Leon Lassen h SUite dePartment oHd Se a?ent',1'irS-,E,thel FortnerTof ine state school for blind, were here today from Salem confer- ofHceV COUnty publie heai& Miss Ravhnn- r... . sUtanT TCT.I. a 'wiem, stair as sion nf H,the chiId welfa" divl sion of the state public welfare eortfrred Ce4y .I5S3rr pubUc wei- the University of Southern Call- cnnrtT - j irom tne south yesterday for a visit with her Sister Wn, r. rr, . . viH.. r ' Mine nooDins. JJpoSaT StPPed e" rUte Portland 6 m 8 mp 10 Miss Jean Lancaster arrived here today from the Washington the spring vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Lan caster, Gateway Motel. , iauuux, cox swain, u s. navy, has returned to San Francisco, Calif., after spending a 21-day leave at the nome of his fiancee, Miss Eva 3 DAYS STARTING TOMORROW CONTINUOUS I TO 1 1 P. M. GH mi -1 ; Hi' mmm and COSTELLO IN A HAREM" 2 DAYS ONLY STARTING TOMORROW The Fleet" and Of The Whistler' rr i St, Church Prepares Easter Cantata A feature of evening services at the Methodist church Sunday will be the presentation of an Easter choir cantata, "The Story of Easter According to St. Math ew", by Ellen Jane Lorenz. This cantata will be presented by the church choir, directed by T. D. Sexton. The cantata will start at 8 p. m., with the following taking part: Solo parts: Mrs. Edith Whit comb, Mrs. George F. Euston, Miss Marthena Marten and T. D. Sexton. Readings are given by: Miss Shirley Fossen and Miss Marten. Those taking part are: Miss Mina Rasmussen, Mrs. Fred Hall, Mrs. George Euston, Mrs. Robert Mcllvenna, Mrs. Mildred Strunk, Mrs. Edith Whitcomb, Mrs. M. F. Lyons, Miss Maureen Lyons, Miss Shirley Fossen, Miss Anna May Ryman, Miss Marthena Marten, Miss Helen Larson, Mrs. C. V. Silvis, Randall Craig and Don Hirtzel. Organist, Mrs. T. D. Sex ton; director, T. D. Sexton. 1 a. Take Up Thy Cross! b. Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken. 2 Prophecy of Easter week. 3 a. Palm Sunday, b. All Glory, Laud and Honor. 4 Conspiracy of the High Priests and Judas. 5 a. The Last Supper, b. Bread of the World, in Mercy Broken. 6 Peter's Promise. 7 a. Gethsemane. b. Go to Dark Gethsemane. 8 a. The arrest, b. The Accusa tion, c. The Verdict. 9 a. Peter's Denial, b. In the Hour of Trial. 10 Judas' Repentance Offertory, Were You There, Lorenz. 11 a. Pilate and the Multitude, b. Beneath the Cross of Jesus. 12 a. The Death, b. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. . 13. The Resurrection. 14. Worship of the Risen Christ. 15. The Easter Benediction. Benediction. At the First Baptist church, Floyd Arnold will- conduct the closing series of the spiritual life crusade held there, and at 11 a. m. will speak on "The Resurrec tion and Life." There will be spe cial closing services at 2:45 p. m., with "Sins Against the Holy Spirit" as his topic. From Bend, Rev. Arnold will go to Redmond Sunday night to conduct services in the Baptist church. D.odson, 155 Delaware. Maddox, who was aboard a hospital evac uation ship, just returned to the states after 17 months overseas where he took part in the inva sions of Palau, Saipan, Leyte and Luzon. Coxswain Maddox will re turn to the Pacific some time in April. He attended Bend high school and enlisted in the navy Aug. 8, 1943. Wilma Jacobson, member of I tne Bend high school teaching staff, returned to Bend today af ter spenamg tne spring holiday visiting her parents In Eugene. Mrs. Jack L. Chute and daugh ter, Jackie, returned last night from Portland, where they visited with relatives over the Easter holidays. C. Dale Robbins, director of music in the Bond schools, return ed on Friday evening by bus from a trip to Portland. Miss Elizabeth Brnnnan arrived last night from Stillwater, Minn., for a visit in Bend with her sister, Mrs. Otis S. Lammnrs, 740 River side. Miss Brennan is recovering from injuries recently received in an automobile accident. She has visited Bend on several other occasions. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jewell have returned from Portland where they spent several days of the spring school vacation. Jewell is principal of the Bend high school. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chambers have returned from Walla Walla I Wash., where they visited their I son. TSet. Boh Chnmhers a na. tient at the McCnw hospital. Wounded in Luzon fighting, Set. Chambers was brought to the mainland by airplane. His condi tion is ronorted pnnri anH ho nv. ! poets to visit his home here in a ! few weeks. Funeral services for Mrs. J. I.. Samples will be held Sunday after noon at 3 p.m , from the Mission ary Baptist church and burial will 1 be in the Greenwood cemetery. : Mrs. Samples, 73, died Thursday following a long illness. Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday nights. Ladies free. Adv Vacation Over; ; Schools to Open With-the knowledge that there will he no more vacations until school is out on May 25, some 2,000 Bend school children today, were preparing to resume their j studies next Monday when the schools reopen after a week of spring vacation. Howard W. George, city super intendent of schools, said that the return of the students to both the grade and high schools on Monday will not be marked by any special events. "Just settle down to work," he said. FA NET SMITH DKAII Eugene, Ore., March .'II HI''' Miss Janet Smith, known to nun-' dreds ot University of Oregon students as employment secre tary of the school since 1933, died , today alter a lengthy illness. i THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON, SATURDAY. MARCH 3 1, NEWS OF (All society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later than 10 a.m. oil me days ol publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.) Concordia Chapter Honors Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Madras. March 31 (Special) In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of Concordia chapter which was organized .March 27, 1919, a large group of Masons, Eastern Stars and Invited guests attended the dinner program sponsored last Saturday evening. Following a potluck dinner for the Eastern Stars and their fam ilies, a program was presented for members and guests. Charter members were escorted to seats of honor, after being greeted by Mrs. Edna Taylor, worthy matron. Readings were given by Miss Ro sella Richardson and Mrs. Ken nett W. Sawyer, the grad school girls' glee club presented two numbers and the audience joined in group singing. Gives Background Worthy Patron A. D. Anderson sketched the history of the chap ter, reporting that when a group of 39 Masons and future Eastern Stars met on the evening of March 27, 1919, in the identical room In which the local group was meeting, Worthy Grand Pa tron Earl Kiddle and Worthy Grand Matron Alberta S. Mc Murphy organized the Order of the Eastern Star In Madras. At that first session installing offi cers were: Mrs. Bessie Cutlip, worthy grand secretary; Mrs. Ada F. Roberts, worthy grand or ganist; Mrs. Olive B. Fuller, worthy grand chaplain. Those installed as the first of ficers for Concordia chapter were: Fannie J. Kane, worthy Girls' League Figures in School Events Prineville, March 31 (Special) Important events proceeding the close of the school year oc curred recently at the Crook county high school with the re sults of the Girls' league election leading the pre-vacation parade. The most impressive list of honors ever conferred on girls by the Crook county high were announced recently with the nom ination of Georglann Boyce as president-elect of the league. Averaged senior scholastic stand ings place Carl Ahel as valedic torian and Jean Graffenherger, salutatorian. The student council nominated Suzanne Michel to serve as editor of the Blue and Gold Banner. Sponsors Dunce The Girls league also figured in providing the high light of the high school social calendar with the spring formal dance staged last Friday in the school auditor ium as couples danced in a setting of Easter muliffs and spring colors. The grand march was led by patron and patroness, Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Hunter. Jean Graffen bcrger and Gilbert Baker were awarded first prize for the smoothest waltz and second and third honors went to Mariel West berg and Herbert Henry and Su zanne Michel and Ward Sybouts, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Otis McKinnon provided the dance music. Royal Neighbors To MeeJ The Koyal Neighbors of America are to meet in Norway hall on Monday, April 2,' officers have an nounced. On the entertainment committee will be Mrs. Mark Ma zar, Mrs. Maude Miller and Mrs. N. T. Murray. Members of the entertainment committee are Mrs. M. B. Smith and Mrs. Roy Walter. Union Comity Couple Marry Two residents of Union county, Arthur R. Wilson and Sylvia Dora Blacker, were united In marriage Thursday by Justice of the Peace Wilson George. BUCKAROO PAMCS Sisters Gymnasium Sisters, Oregon Sat. Nite March 31 Music By Rusty MadrcH'sOrchestra Sponsored by Sisiers Rodeo Association Shevlin Quality PONDEROSA PINE f Lumber and Box Shooks SOCIETY matron; D. E. White, worthy patron; Joyce L. Tellefson, asso ciate matron; Blanche Hender son, conductress; Ada J. Brown hill, associate conductress; How ard W. Turner, secretary; Martin Tellefson, treasurer. The remain der of the official staff was named by the worthy matron: Addie Hannon, chaplain; Ray L. Jackson, organist; L. May Turn er, Ada; May B. Arney, Ruth; Grace Shugert, Esther; Hettie Paxton, Martha; Sallie O. Bab cock, Electa; Martha M. Farrell, warder; L. H. Irving, sentinel; Walter D. Arney, marshall. Com mittees were: by-laws, L. May Turner, May B. Arney and A. D. Anderson; finance, Mrs. Lou B. Holcomb, Agnes White and L. H. Irving; relief, Mrs. A. F. Saugert, Mrs. Phoa Pearce and O. L. Bab cock. Nine Members Remain Of the 39 members taken into the chapter that night 25 years ago, 13 are dead, 7 transferred, 1 10 dropped. The following nine I charter members are still active j ly participating In Eastern Star functions and were present Sat urday evening: Mrs. Hattie Pax ton and Mrs. Edythe Babcock Sharlnghouscn, both of Portland; Mrs. -Perry Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. William Brownhill, Mrs. Wil liam Thomas, Howard W. Turner, L. H. Irving and A. D. Anderson, all of Madras. Bend, Prineville, Redmond and Antelope chapters were guests at the anniversary celebration. Former Bend High Student Recently Wed At a double ring ceremony per formcd Sunday, March 4, in Youmans, Florida, Miss LaVerne Futch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Futch, became the bride of Cpl. Harold Allingham, son of Rex G. Allingham of Portland. Rev. Don Miley read the service in the home of the bride's parents. The bride wore a blue wool suit with white accessories and an orchid corsage. Her maid of hon or, Miss Genillc Cunningham, was attired in a pink wool suit with black accessories. Her corsage was of pastel pink sweet peas. Sgt. Howard Ernstes served as best man. Cpl. Allingham graduated from the Bend high school in 1937 and was with the Western Union Tel egraph company until he entered the armed forces. He is now serv ing with the signal corps of the air corps at Dranc field, Florida. The newlyweds arc at home In Plant City. Church Roster Increased By 30 Members Thirty members were added to the membership roll ot the First Presbyterian church Thursday night in a candle light service. Twenty five came on confession of faith. A half hour sacred con- fcert precceding the service, was played hy Mrs. Hilda Bush. The holy week pageant of lighted and extinguished candles will be re sumed at the Easier morning ser vice. Dinner Is Planned The East ern Star plans a dinner for (!:30 p. m. on April 9 at the Pine Tav ern, it was announced today. Mrs. Kathet ine Folger, associate grand conductress of the grand chapter of O.E.S., will he honor guest. ROUND-UP 1945 SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday 2:30 p. m. Episcopal guild, home of Mi's Carl Johnson 424 Congress .. 8 p. m -Annual Easter bridge party sponsored by the Trinity Episcopal guild In the parish hall. Public invited. Obtain tickets from any guild member or call Mrs. G. A. Horstkotte, 264-W. ' Tuesday 8 p. m Degree of Honor lodge executive meeting, home of Mrs. Clifford Brown, 1237 Cumberland. Wednesday 2:30 p. m. .W.S.C.S. will Meet at the Methodist church. Devo tions will be read by Mrs. L. L. Hirtzel and Mrs. M. F. Lyons will be in charge of the program. Host esses will be group three, and the subject is to be "Hast Thou Not Known?" 7:30 p. m. D. A. V. and auxil iary In special invitation meeting in the veterans' room at the court house. - Thursday 7:30 p. m. Meeting of Camp Fire Guardians at Pilot Butte Inn. Catholic Group to Meet Circle No. 4 of the Catholic Altar society will meet Wednesday at 8 p. m. with Mrs. Wilfred Joanis, 1212 Milwaukie. I 1A ya .x- " jl t1js ORDER FUEL NOW! FOR USE THIS SPRING AND FOR LATER . . . H&EEK SLA Per Load BUY BONDS NOW! Your purchases of E Bonds during April, May and June will help to make our quota in the Seventh War Loan. Cuy all you can. The Miller Lumber 821 Wall Street War 2 Veterans j Get Invitation Veterans of World War II who are In this community at the time are Invited to attend a special meeting of the Disabled Ameri can Veterans and Its auxiliary next Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. in the veterans' room at the court house, It was announced today by Mrs. Willard Higglns, president ot the auxiliary. Willard Higglns Is commander of the post, and he urged all members of the organi zation to attend the joint meeting. Accordion music will feature the evening, as well as perform ances by a sleight-of-hand per former. Louis H. Helphrey, veterans' service officer for Deschutes county, and a veteran of this war, will be principal speaker, It was announced. TAVERN OPERATOR FINED A charge ot unlawfully selling liquor to a minor lodged against W. H. Hannon, Sisters tavern op erator, resulted In a $250 fine plus court costs levied against him by Justice of the Peace Wilson George. The complaint, filed by W. F. McGregor, deputy sheriff at Sis- BANNER BREAD $300 (200 Cubic Foot Loose Measure) PAGE FIVE ExtensionOrdered InCoalWagePact Washington, March 34 (IB The war labor board today ordered an unlimited extension of the soft coal waga contract which expires at mtanignt wan fun retroactive pay to the miners for any wage increases finally agreed upon. The board specified that "the parties shall continue the unin terrupted production of coal." The contract extension, the order said, shall run "until the differences that now separate the parties are peacefully and finally resolved." The board also asked both the mine union and the operators to report ta it next Saturday on what progress they have made in continued negotiations which will resume next Monday morn ing. it negotiations break down, WLB said it would fix a hearing date before the board for final settlement of the disputed issues. ters, purported that Hannon pro vided the liquor to Jewel Denver France, 16, also of Sisters. i' r- 6 'i 1 A Company Phone 166