PAGE EIGHT THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1945 mAKE HE EASTER 'MMCRABIB TVTTH 1 - w ...YOUR GIFT OF mm m m IllilP Opening Night Perfume will say just die nicmt things for yoll lo her for Easter. $6.50 310 lift i 3 V lill Ml 9 Penthouse Perfume pays tributtyto her moods four delightful fragrances un der a penthouse roof. 13 $5.50 1 Indiscrete Toilet Water Is an extravagant gift to receive Biiggesta to ber your joyous Easter greet ings. 2.50 $3.50 Lucicn Lelong's Talc an nftcr-hath luxury so stlkcn soft, so subtly fra grant sbe'U be thrilled to receive it. f 1 51 JndiAcrete Perfume-a dashing fragrance that pulses Hilh youth and laughter. She'll think your taste is marvelous. $5 $7.50 Extra Votes for Big Nations Expected to Result in Biiter Fight at San Francisco Parley By R. II. Shackford (United PrtM Surf Corrwini).nf Washington. March 30 U.E) The Biir Three's secret agreement on extra votes for Russia and the United States in the world assembly pointed clearly today to a bitter fight between the big and little nations at the ban francisco conference. It is certain to stir up a violent controversy among the American public and to split the U. S. delegation on the eve of the conference to create a world organization for keeping the peace. Tmmpilinfo llnnffinlal i-nor-tinn tuna rlim'llllsinnmpnt. Spn. I JoseDh II. B a I 1. R.. Minn.. J ous slap at the small nations-" I bens. Arthur H. Vandenberg, !K.. Mich., and Wallace II. I White, Me., denounced it and opposed extra votes for the United States as much as for other countries. If Hie deal agreed to at Yalta is i approved, Russia and the United I States will get three votes each in the assembly. The British em,- pire will have six through the united Kingdom, the to u r do minions, and India. All other no Hons will have one each. Stalin Makes Proposal mo first proposal for more I than one seat on the assembly : was made by Premier Josef Sta- l lln, who, a year ago, granted a degree of autonomy in foreign ! affairs to his lb soviet republics. atann now wants separate rep resentation in the world organiza tion for the Ukrainian and White Russian soviet republics, At the Crimea conference. Pres Ident Roosevelt agreed to support Stalin provided the United States also should have three seats. No explanation of Stalin's proposal was given, but it was assumed that he wanted the other, two ! powers to come closer to match- Ing the British empire's strength. China May Oppose In addition to bringing bitter protests from the smaller na I tlons, the agreement may be op- I posed by China and more certain ly France, the other two of the "big five." France, too, has for- i eign territorial holdings and could oy me same logic join tne demand j for extra votes. One of the more explosive aues; I i tlons behind the entire agreement is wnat attitude Russia will take If the San Francisco conference turns down its request. Few are sd optimistic as to think a new league of nations could work with out Russia. All immediate reaction to the deal made at Yalta early in February . and kept secret until now-was unfavorable. Back Minus Kick -41 r BRITISH SURPRISED London, March 30 MM Authori tative quarters indicated some surprise today at the Washington announcement tnat tne united States and Russia each would seek three votes at the San Fran cisco conference. These quarters expressed com plete Ignorance of any plan to give the United States three votes and said that their understanding was that only the three votes for Russia had been discussed at the Yalta conference. They noted at Yalta the prob lem of three votes for Russia had been settled by deciding to issue invitations to the Ukrainian and White Russian republics. They also expressed wonder at who would get the other two American votes whether they would all go to Washington or whether some territorial arrange ment similar to Russia's would be suggested. These British quarters agreed that the British empire had six votes, but pointed out that the dominions frequently didn't vote the same way as London. It was suggested China might want two votes if the Russian and American requests were approved. FRENCH EXERCISED Paris, March 30 (U'i - French quarters expressed themselves as surprised and somewhat exercised at the American and Russian pro posals that each of these two powers get three votes in the In ternational security organization. They said this was another Yalta decision of which France previously had been uninformed. TaiUpiii' Dusting Pow drr is a marvrlous powder villi die rich fragrance of ill famous perfume. A beautiful gift indeed. (2 prim phis iaxet Bend Drug Co. 953 Wall Phone 4 OPEN SAT., MAR. 31. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Tenderoni 3 pkgs. 25c SSI Giant 111 37c is 15c OS Orange Juice . . .can 22c; case 4.50 HJtD, No. 2 Cans No. 5 Can 49o, Case $5.43 Corn. . .can 17c Peas. . .can 16c HAD Tomato Juice No. 2 can 11c Saorumt'iito No. fl Can 23c COFFEE Maxwell House 1 lb. jar 33c Drifted Snow Flour 50 lb. 2.29 l I I). Bui? $1.19 SB Pka- 3 23c Ige. pkg. jCJJPSjfl 27c luj Medium 3 bars Milk ...2 tall 19c All Brands 19c Camay 3 bars 19c BUY-RITE GROCERY 6th and Rovers Phone 7I9 Beauteous Russell is bouncing Rosalind back on the screen after a six-month session with medicos, but this time without the "kick-in-the-ponts" scenes characteristic of her last pic ture. She collapsed after com pletion of "Roughly Speaking," -the film made from Louise.. Randall Pierson's rowdy-dow j biographical story of the 1930 depression. Jerusalem Holds Holy Week Rites' Jerusalem, March 30 UP) Msgr. Luigi Barlassina, Latin patriarch of the" Holy land, en tered the gate of the basilica of the Holy Sepulcher this morning followed by hundreds of pilgrims along the "way of the cross," to start Easter services. The sun shone on the old city's streets. Throngs of civilian and uniformed pilgrims came to the Holy city to celebrate Easter. Among them were hundreds of British and American soldiers, some of whom came from as far as Morocco and Burma. Four special planes brought 112 American Jewish soldiers to Palestine Wednesday for Pass over and. then returned them to their mid-east camp, making the l .. i - .. t i . . . : i. .'i.t nip iMLn iu iiui usaiciu wmi iiiub- tian soldiers who are spending Easter here. New OPA Order Explained Here Designed to release a greater quantity or cotton textiles and household furniture for public use, OPA price regulation MPR 580, as explained last night by Miss Bertha Singer, price spe cialist from the Portland office, to approximately 40 retailers from the Bend district, will bring back additional clothes and furnishings in the lower-price bracket to store shelves by summer. -. Before a large group in the council room of the Bend city hall, Miss Singer stated that the new order requires each retailer to pre pare and file with , the district OPA office by April 20 a pricing cnart rjased on the costs and selling prices of goods offered for sale on March i9. The price rollback is to be at the manufac turers' level, and due to the dis tance of western retailers from eastern manufacturers, the lower prices will not be felt by -local buyers for several months. She assured the retailers that the OPA, working through "price clinics" and trade meetings would give them all possible help in meeting the provision of the new regulation which freezes Indi vidual mark-ups of each store to the base date of March 19. , Miss Singer remained in Bend today, consulting with various merchants who will be affected by the new order. Easter Forecasts Get Special Study District weather forecasters to day checked barometric readings, studied low pressure areas out In the broad northwest Pacific, charted "fronts" and issued a five day forecast which Indicates Ore gon may experience fair weather over the Easter nouuay. The five-day forecast, issued by the district office in Portland, calls for no rain until the first of the week, on Monday or Tues day, and if precipitation falls then It may be light. The regular fore cast calls lor partly cloudy weath er tonight and Saturday. There Is no special mention of Sunday weather, other than the fact that no precipitation appears to be In he offing until Monday or later. Two Are Cited on Liquor Charges Charges of selling liquor1 to minors, were faced yesterday bv Jewel Denver France and W. H. Hannon, both of Sisters. The com plaint was signed by Dale Mc Meen, state liquor inspector. France, himself a minor, en tered a plea of guilty to the charge and was fined $100 plus costs and 30 days In Jail. Then Hannon, a tavern opera tor, was arrested for releasing liquor to France and bail was posted yesterday at $250. Jewish Services Held in Germany ,.Wlth Ninth Army In Germany' March 30 u More than 1,500 soldiers attended a Passover fes tival in Krefeld last evening. marking the first time services had been held in a Jewish chapel : in uermany m many years. "At this scene in the midst of i crumbling ruins and desolate; 1 proof of human fallibility, we re: dedicate ourselves to the faith of our fathers and to the wisdom of j divine guidance," the rabbi leader ! said. "Appropriately we mark this time as a restoration of religious i freedom to a people long blinded i by hate, by fear, by greed and by ' pagan symbolism." I Buy National War Bonds Now! yScjni at ocr er Vps.' All the information you want about the color and fabrio of most of the fine articles of wearing apparel found in Wards new Spring Catalog. We have five large sample books in which we shbw a piece of the actual materia used and the precise colors of each of these items. Come in and use these books often. You can feel the fabrio . . .you can match the 121... so you know exactly what you're going to get, when you order at Ail MONTGOMERY WARD Catalog Office 812 Wall Phone 970 WLB Summons Miners, Operators WashingtonMarch 30 (IPt The war labor board today called the United Mine Workers and soft coal mine operators to a public hearing at 10:30 a. m. tomorrow to explain their refusal to con tinue working under an extension of their existing contract. It ex pires at midnight tomorrow. The board's order for the hear ing technically called on the UMW and the operators to show cause why they should not extend their present contract until they agree on a new one. It also called on them to show cause if any why they should not agree on a retroactive date from which any benefits finally agreed to would be effective. Pre sumably that date would - be April 1. Failure of the miners and oper ators to agree to continue work under terms of the existing con tract undoubtedly would lead to quick government seizure of bitu minous mines to prevent a strike, it was believed. Prineville Class Aids Paper Pickup Prineville, March 30 (Special) Through the efforts of the freshman class of the Crook coun-1 ty high school, assisted by the Lions club, a carload of salvage paper has been shipped from , here to Portland, it was reported i today. The car contained 80 tons of paper, representing one of the largest paper pickups In Prine ville. Previous drives for salvage pa per had been conducted by Boy Scouts, assisted by members of the Lions club. The Lions had furnished trucks for the periodi cal pickups. Other drives for pa per will be conducted as long as the salvage Is required for thei war effort, it was announced. FORTNA PROMOTED With the Fifth Army, Italy SSgt. Jack L. Fortna, whose wife, Juanita, lives at 452 Florida avenue, Bend, Ore., has been pro moted to technical sergeant on the" Fifth army front In Italy. He is a platoon sergeant with the 87th mountain Infantry regiment of the 10th "Mountaineer" division. HIS OWN FIREMAN Greenville, N. H. (U'i Clyde Eaton of Greenville discovered a L DIAMOND RINGS You've seen them In your favorite magazines, now see these incredibly brilliant diamonds on your finger. Our collections of famous Multi-Facet Diamond Rings and matching wedding bands are extensive and exquisite. The ring of your own dreams is among them; see it, select it now. Last Minute Easter Ideas Lockets and Chai sins 'Gold Crosses Rosaries Easter Candle Novelties Sterling Silver Barrettes , Lapel-Spray Pins Earrings BEAR'S JEWELRY STORE Benson Building chimney fire at his home recent ly, and rushed out to ring in an alarm, Finding the box wouldn't work, he rushed to the fire sta tion, took the engine to his home and had the blaze under control before volunteer firemen arrived. New chemical uses of phos.f us compounds are being V-. ed regularly, some for desSr purposes In phosphorus sheS some for constructive uses i,?4 ergents, drugs and vitamin Schilling Garlic Salt Keal garlic flavor this easy way ' : I WINES FOR EASTER KTM. ' . . . t. . ... Y . - r.s or your dinners. vJur stocks are complete. Burgundy, 5th . ... ...... 95c Sauterne, 5th ......... 1.05 Claret, 1 gal. . . . . . . . . . .1.90 Golden Empire Champagne BEND VINTAGE SHOP I20 Oregon Ave. ; .a -jf St Easy driving is always important but now it's essential as it means your car will last. YOUR CAR NEEDS REGULAR SERVICING . AND CHECKING ON: CARBURETOR AIR CLEANER GAS LINE SPARK PLUGS TIRE INFLATION WHEEL ALIGNMENT AIR PRESSURE COMPLETE CHASSIS LUBRICATION OUR SERVICE IS SKILLED Bend Garage Co. South of Postoffice Phone 1 93 Shevlin Quality PONDEROSA PINE Lumber and Box Shooks 03c V