THE BENU BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 143 PAGE SEVEN I is Mortar Shells led By Yank Bv Sergeant Jack Vincent If Marine Corps Correspondent) llwo Jima (Delayed) A gr L, us and smiling destiny seemed h guide the feet ol this young (anne. Cpl. Harry D. Baker, Portland, re., took shelter in a hole blast by a heavy Jap mortar shell m marines aavancea siowiy fccross the northern end of the land. He decided to move out, think ig lightning might strike in the me place, tie naa just ten wnen other Jap sneu cropped square into the hole. Baker then moved back in the lie. but then left it again, and the enemy put another mortar ahell in the same spot. Later he vas down in the hole a third time hen nis instinct 101a mm tnat e Japs must have a fixed mor r zeroed in on the spot. He hastily evacuated, just a w seconds before another shell runched the same spot. Three times was enough. He ug his own foxhole. Sgt.A. S. Ludi jAdds New Star I An Eighth Air Force Aerial Re connaissance Station, England, Iarch 30 Sgt. Alfred S. Ludi, fiusband of Mrs. Harriet Ludi, ai34 Cumberland avenue, Bend pre., recently added a second bat tle star to his theater of opera tions ribbon. It signifies partici pation by the Seventh photo graphic group in the Normandy campaign. His first star repre- i lie air offensive over Europe. gt. Ludi is a photo laboratory axutiuiiuiau uj. a ymuugiapnic re connaissance squadron at this station commanded by Lt. Col. ueorge w. Humbrecht of St. Louis, Mo.- He has been in the jEuropean theater of operations since iNovemDer, iai, I I PORTLAND LIVESTOCK I f Portland.. Ore.. March-3(1 (IB Livestock: cattle 25, calves 10. Mostly a- clean-up market. De mand rather narrow late. Steers and heifers scarce. Few canner- cutter cows- steady at $7.00-8.75. Medium bulls $10.50-11.25. Com monmedium vealers $10.00-14.00. Oood-choice vealers salable $15.00- lo.uo. Hogs 25. Demand broad. Few sales steady at the ceiling. Weights above 180 lbs. $15.75. Good sows. $15.00. Good -choice ilceder pigs quotable $16.50-17.50. sneep so. Quality poor. Few Liaies steady, common - medium wooled lambs $11.00-13.00. Good choice grades salable $15.50 16.00. Common yearlings $11.00. Medi um ewes $7.50. Good ewes salable $8.00-8.50. - PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., March 30 UP A steady demand was noted in the butter market today with slow in crease in production. Prices were unchanged. Demand for eggs was keen, with supplies being moved as rapidly as they reached dealers' floors. Prices were unchanged. Butter Cube, 93 score, 42 c; 92 score 42lic; 90 score, 42c; 89 score, 41'4c pound. Eggs Prices to retailers: AA, large, 44c; A large, 42c; medium A, 39c; small, 35c dozen. Asbestos mines recently discov ered in Vermont contain a consid- able auantitv of sliD-fiber chry- sotile some of which measure up to 12 inches in length; the fibers are so lorg that most of the pres ent spinning equipment is unable to handle them. How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat ot the trouble to help loosen nd expel (term laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed 'bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to hnvp vnnr monev back. 5REOMULSION f Couehs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Maytag Service Genuine Maytag Farts, prompt, guaranteed serv Ice. Factory trained. 20 years experience. ELMER HUDSON Telephone 274 434 Kansas Bend Spare Articles Can Be Turned Into Cash With a Want Ad Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance 25 Words One Time S5e 25 Words Three Times .75e 25 Words Six Times $1-85 AH wwiim are II Ai lc per wora llM n Hrtu af luMrttoM Ob awMll rma, imi casjr, V 7 lata Mlnlwm Chan Ue LINE RATE 10c -CAPITALS 200 , ClMtUM AdnrtUnc, Caak la jUtuh Oail; Cbaina Tim 1J:1 P. H. FOB SALE GENTLE 1400 pound horse, brok en to work, single, or double or to ride. Inquire Bert Torkelson, Rt. 1, Box 200, 1A. mile east of Bradetich Dairy. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL plastered modern. Good- buy for $1000 down. PALATIAL HOME near high school. 9-room modern for $1000 down. Also sell furnish ed. See Daron, Arnolds Real Es tate, 126 Minnesota. . ONE COMPLETE set of black, smith tools. Must sell complete set. Write Box 152 Mitchell, Ore., or phone Lapine 82. TWO HOUSES, one 4 room mod ern with range, and one one-room, semi-modern. Must sell by April 10th for cash. Inquire 154 Lafay. ette. BUY YOUR children a bunny for Easter. Get them from Hubert Bartlett, Rt. 2, Box 273, in Boyd Acres off Butler Market road. NEAR ORDNANCE shop, imme diate possession, 2 bedroom mod- ..-. hnitca 1 -i .nn lltriner )ttnm: newly painted outside. $2100, $500 down, $du montn: Anne roroes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 5 BEDROOM modern house, fur. nished or unfurnished, with elec tric water heater. Inquire 213 Riverside. '36 FORD coupe, radio, heater and defroster. 3 h.p. Champion out board motor. 1232 Milwaukee. FOLDING BABY CAB with disc wheels, good rubber, compound spring mounted, bteel tube con struction, covered with heavy durable leatherette. Exactly like new, less than OPA price. Also wicker cabs from $10. Carl Aus tin, 220 Greenwood. ACREAGES AND FARMS'. We have some fine farms for sale. Come in and let us show you what your money will buy. We.-have places from 2 acres up to 3891 acres. Come in today to Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St., Bend, Oregon. ... .. : WEST SIDE modern homes, 4 bedroom, $3500, some terms. 2 bedroom, $2600, $500 down, $35 month. 2 bedroom, 2 stoves. $2300, $500 down, $30 month. 2 bedroom, 2 stoves, $2100, $500 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ONE 2-YEAR old white face heif er and two yearling heifers. G. E. Lanier, Route 1, Box 303, 5 miles east and 1 mile south from Bend. HOT-POINT ELECTRIC range in A-l condition. 212 Yew Lane. MAN'S 17 jewel watch, rose gold case and flexible band, $40. Phone 936-M or 1070 Union. OWNER LEAVING, will sacrifice 4 room modern completely fur nished house, large lots, can keep cow and chickens. Only $1800, $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. WINCHESTER 32 special and box of shells. Inquire 1232 Albany after 5. ONE 320 EGG incubator, one 60 egg incubator, one hog fuel burn er for 6 room house. Inquire H. C. Sutton, 1367 Elgin avenue. MAYTAG GASOLINE washer, A-l condition. Phone 274. 434 Kansas. QUALITY CHICKS and poults. Baker Feed Co. Phone 188-X, Red mond,Ore. SEMI-MODERN HOUSE, 3 bed rooms, furnished, 4 lots, $1500, some terms. Close in, very attrac tive, completely furnished 3 room house, hot and cold water, $1200, $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. LATHAM and Indian Summer raspberry and Gem Everbearing strawberry plants. J. W. Rarick, Route 2, Box 20. 2 miles north on Redmond highway. SMALL 4 ROOM modern house on bus line, $2100. Basement, wired for elcctrip stove, garage, garden spot and strawberries. 1135 Cumberland. Phone 1012-W, WHITE ENAMELLED wood rancn with rnnner mils. Also two ', burner electric plate. Inquire 1660 ' ...i 1 4 ROOM MODERN: Home in1 I good condition, new garage with S ; cement floor. Large lot. Easy : i terms at Gilberts Real Estate, ! 1015 Wall Street: GUITAR and 3 cords of green! body and limb wood at a bargain. 22 Lake Place. 4 ROOM semi-modern house, ga rage, woodshed, chicken house, $900, $300 down, $20 month. 1422 Ithaca. 5-ROOM MODERN house, garage and woodshed, largo garden spot, shade trees, electric water tank, wired for electric range, septic tanK, chicken pen. 132 Scott St. i Phone 183-W. PAPTAR1 E pml. tahla In sood condition, ' baby stroller, ooil springs, rocKers, uorary. lauies, book shelves, round and square dining room, tables, magazine racks, kitchen chairs, 2-burner gas hot-plate, ice boxes, walnut dining room- sex, reaucea prices uu ux uinnl ranoAs kpmfipnci heaters. day beds,, and single beds. 350 Division, - BROODER STOVES and parts Electric, oil. briquet Baker Feed Co, Phone 188-X. .Redmond, Ore. A REAL BARGAIN, 4 bedroom modern house; east side, close in, plastered,, clean, furnace, wired for electric range, laundry room, 4 garages,. Only $4000,. $1000 down, $50 month: Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. AUTO COURT: For sale Good location on highway. Real income property. For details see Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall. Street. 2 LINOLEUM RUGS, good con dition. Wood bed, springs, mat tress and chest of drawers, In quire Altamont, Apt. 3. 5 ROOM MODERN! With base ment, furniee, wired for electric range. Has electric water heater. Utility room with laundry trays. Septic tank1 and. drilled well. Double garage. Close to business district and school. $3750; with $1750 down, balance monthly pay ments. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. A LOVELY country home, mod ern in every detail, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, wired lor electric range, d acres. $auuu, loan available. Shown by. appoint ment only. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W- SMALL METAL rowboat, light weight, good condition, priced reasonably. Also boat cushions. 1645 Awbrey road. Phone 876-M, 16 FT. COMPLETELY furnished house trailer, ice box and sink, newly painted, clean inside and out. Priced at $300. 144 Roosevelt. FOR RENT TWO 3-room furnished apart ments. Adults only. Call at 21 Lafayette or phone 1177. VACANCY WESTONIA Apart ments. Close in, clean, comfort, able, electrically equipped,, wash ing facilities, garage, full base ment. Inquire Eslle A. Dunn, Apt 7, 1601 W. 3rd. , 2 ROOM furnished house on Al many '. Ave. Double garage: In quire at. 1375 Albany or 355 Fed eral. . THREE ROOM not modern, on west side with two big lots. Nice garden ground. Might consider selling on easy terms. See John son, Bend Realty, 957 Wall St. VACANCY IN JANSEN VILLA: 3 room apartment now available. Has gas stove, circulating heater, and gas refrigerator. Unfurnish ed. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. 2 BEDROOM-modern house. Adults only. Inquire W. Phipps, Ponderosa Cafe. 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Clean ngnt rooms, wood, water and i light furnished. Hot water heat. Adults. Call after 5:30. 236V4 E. Irving. : WANTED TO TAKE care of children while parents work. Inquire 1429 Aw brey upstairs.- TO BUY Dodge or Chevrolet 1V4 ton truck, late model. Inquire 1445 Jacksonville. HOMES WANTED for two dogs. Either would make fine farm doy or child's pet. Call at 1425 Daven port or 1438 Cumberland. WANT TO RENT unfurnished modern house, 5 or 6 rooms. Must have possession by April 15 or sooner. 2 adults. No dogs. One month's rent ready now. Phone 523. LARGE QUANTITIES Pine Cones, large or small. Quote prices f.o.b. shipping point, earli est shipment. Niedermeyer-Mar-tin Co., Spalding Building, Port land, Oregon. INVESTORS MUTUAL, INC. ' AN OPEN END INVESTMENT COMPANY fVospaerus en r qua it from Principal Underwriter INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNIAPOUS, MINNISOTA ELMER LEHNHERR Local Representative 217 Oregon Phone 535 Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Off ica Phona 71 . Phona Slt-W WANTED WILL PAY CASH lor used sew ing machines. Write Singer Sew ing Machine Co., 640 Willamette St, Eugene, Ore., for appoint ment ' USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St Phone 900. WANT TO RENT or buy sewing machine. Phone 749-M. 2 KITTENS. Will give them a good home. rnone iho-m.. SEWING MACHINE in goo dcon ditlon, either electric or treadle. 1124 Baltimore. WANT SOMEONE to care for two children, 5 year old boy and 2 vear old girl, in your home by the nonth. Write No. 487 care of Bulletin. BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES WANTEDalso frames and other parts. Especially need tricycle and wagon wheels. We will pay top prices, and soon have them rebuilt into usable items much desired by children. Carl Austin, 220 Greenwood. SMALL PUPPY, spaniel, collie, or shephard. Will give it good home. Call 354. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED fry cook. In quire Pilot Butte Inn, SECRETARY tor manager of manufacturing plant, Technical experience helpful, some . book keeping experience desirable. A responsible position in an essen tial industry now, with .excellent post-war future. Phone Redmond 10-R-l or write Great Lakes Car bon Corporation. Decallte Dlvl. sion, Terrebonne, Oregon. WAITRESSES DISHWASHERS COOKS MISCELLANEOUS HELP APPLY . TRAILWAY COFFEE ' SHOP WANTED AT ONCE, beauty op erator. High salary. Guarantee plus commission, 50 and 60. Jo Ann Thomas, Beauty Quest, phone 170. 81 Oregon. SOME ONE to trim trees. Inquire 1825 West Second. Phone 1066-M. HOUSEKEEPER to keep house and care for children. Good home and wages. Phone 815-R or write No. 454 care of Bulletin. f EXPERIENCED WOMAN for General OFFICE WORK AND RECORD KEEPING Must be qualified as a STENOGRAPHER . PERMANENT 40 HR. WK. Inquire or write THE BEND BULLETIN GOOD IRRIGATOR. Steady Job, ceiling wages. Phone 13-F-58 Red mond. C. B. Adams, Terrebonne, Oregon. WOMAN to assist with house work part of two days a week. Modern apartment upstairs at 831 Wall St., next to Tower Theater. STENOGRAPHER-CLERK, some time keeping. Call 10-R-l Red mond or write Great Lakes Car bon Corp., Decallte Division, Ter rebonne, Oregon. . j SITUATION WANTED DRIVER WANTS work Cat, truck or tractor. Inquire 216 E. Kearney. USED CARS CHRYSLER convertible sedan, A-l condition. See Hubble at Bend Garage between 8 and 5, after 5 1232 Albany. . 1935 TERRAPLANE sedan, heat er, good tiros. Inquire at 1452 E. Second. WE PAY highest cash prices for used cars. Halbrook Motors, Min nesota and Bond. 1930 BUICK 6 sedan, excellent condition. Phone 425-R. LOST SCOTTY DOG Two white front feet, wears wide tan collar. An swers to name of "Mac." Please phone 718-W. Reward. LOST in business district Thurs day morning "A" gas ration is sued to Eileen Crousc. Return to Bulletin office. GOLD STRETCH band for lady's i watch somewhere on Wall St. or Minnesota. Return to 604 River side. Phone 412. Reward. RED RYDER ' 'THIS IS RED RTDR'5 FRIEND.) KiD5 CArt L1TUE MARSHAL J V &E WRO,) HE SViS RYDER ) ( fMSS LOST LADY'S SMALL yellow gold Bulova wrist watch either at Pilot Bitte Inn or Capitol theater. Re ward for return to Mrs. R. Smith at inn. FOUND BANK BOOK in Tower Theatre, name of Joe Huber, on Klamath Falls bank. Owner may have same by calling at Bulletin and paying for ad. LARGE SUM of money. Owner may have same, on proper identi fication and payment for adver tisement. Call L. C. Edmundson, 314 Division. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical, men's and women's Garments repaired, nominal cost Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Brinson, u Kane mag., or Box 164, Bend. IF INTERESTED in a mixture of oats, common vetch, barley, and rye nay, Daied, at 27.U0 per ton or $26.00 in load lots, delivered, in quire Greenwood Feed Co. Phone 78-J. WHY DRIVE a dirty car when you can get a good Simoniz job at 175 E. Irving. CLEAN THE EASY WAY With Fuller's all-purpose cleaner. An Instantaneous safe odorless cleaning preparation that takes the drudgery out of household work. Phone 594, Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steldl, Bend. OPEN FOR BIJSINESS, expert mechanical work and welding. Parts for cars, trailers made to order. Used cars, truck and pick up for assembling. Carroll Acres Wreckers. FERTILIZER, $4.00 per yard, red cinders $7.00 per 5 yd. load, dark cinders, $6.00 per 5 yd. load, top soil, $7.00 per 5 yard load. Dump trucks for hire. We fix driveways. Phone 275-J or contact at 1360 Cumberland. ,,. : ' J UST RECEIVED ! - Dwarf box plants for borders, etc., 25c each. Also 3 yr-old English box for hedges n 35c. Rosebushes and flowering shrubs 49c.- Good as sortment of bulbs, plants, cactus, lawn seed and fertilizers at WOOLWORTHS. 1- 1- ENdWrrsVARIETY Serve Bake-Rile products in your home Easter. Cakes, pastries, rolls, buns and popular 5 Star Bread. FROM CENTRAL OREGON'S MOST MODERN BAKERY Flock at w VJ CAUGHT LOOT- BESIDES.) ACE HANLON TOLD ENOLUHi MISCELLANEOUS WASHING MACHINE service and wrirlger rolls for all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation.. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 434 Kansas. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED By certified Singer Representa tive. Write Singer Sewing Ma chine Co., 640 Willamette St., Eu gene, Ore., for appointment. WASHING MACHINE repairing. Bend Washer Service, 136 Green wood. Phone 583. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Portland, Ore., March 30 U- Leroy Regan couldn't wait for summer to come. He fell asleep under a sun lamp and required hospital treatment for severe burns. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been ap pointed administratrix of the Es- tato of CHARLES WILSON, de ceased, by Hon. C. L. Allen, County Judge, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned at the otiice of DeArmond & Goodrich, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Ore gon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this nonce. EVELYN WILSON, AdmlnlS' tratrlx, DE ARMOND & GOODRICH. Attorneys. 86-92-98-104c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed with the county court of the state of Ore gon for the county of Deschutes her final accounting as adminis tratrix of the estate of Vernon J. Anderson, deceased, and that the judge of said court has fixed April 16, 1915, at two o'clock p. m. at the county court room at the courthouse in Bend, Oregon, as FRESH DAILY AT YOUR GROCERS evidence- HICN WIlH TH1 the time and place for hearing objections- to and for settlement of said accounting; and all per sons Interested are required to ap pear at said time and place and show cause if such there be why said accounting should not be set tled and allowed. EDITH M. ANDERSON, Ad ministratrix Estate of Vernon J. Anderson, Dec. 86-92-98-104c NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been ap pointed administratrix oi the es 'tern P Wlliiobilgasn JgeONCS! 'nfn ' Says CHARLIS I. RIASOR " Oregon Gilmora Dealar GILMORE and MOBILGAS Independent Dealers Team Up 'I've been a Gilmore Independent Dealer for a good many years. I recently teamed up with thousands of other Mobllgas dealers In order to make possible, for my customers (1) Greater conven ience In buying (2) Greater availability of products (3) Improved research resources behind each product. Get America's Favorite Petroleum products at the sign of the Flying Red Horse." How About It? !( . Do you carry a little black book to enter all the little discourtesies that you encounter irr your dealings with service Industries? With our new management we feel certain (and now we are bragging) that our place won't be in your book. First of all a check-up with the or ganization reveals that no one is "mad" at anybody. They will give you service with a smile and if a shortage of mate rials or some other cause prevents us from being able to immediately.serve you, you will be made to feel that we ap preciate your interest and support and you will want to come in again. Try us and discover this for yourself. We are in a position to give imme diate service on your major or minor repairs. Halbrook Motors Mercury Bond and Minnesota ( Ilk esX fer rM?5HAL WONT BELIEVE ".V! 00 1 LITTLE BEAMER-YOU'D flU!S TsMt" BETTER GET SOME OF RYDER5 Yyafc i ? COLPE TO HELPm 'JTVl LIE! HIM tJ'js? ',: -VI EANK fWER.J fh. MTcA tate of Paul Miller, sometime ) known as Paul O. Miller, deceased! by Hon. C. L. Allen, County Judge, and all persons having claims , against said estate are required ; to present them, duly verified, td . tne undersigned at tne outce ot DeArmond & Goodrich, Bank of " Bend Building, Bend, Oregon') . within six months from the date of the first publication of this no- , tlce. VELMA I. MILLER, Admini tratrlx. DE ARMOND & GOODRICH) Attorneys. 86-92-98-104o .rv r m Lincoln Phone 680 By FRED HARMAN