The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 30, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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Special Election
To Cost Big Sum
Salem, Ore., March 30 apThe
June 22 special election, when
the voters will decide on the fate
ol the proposed two-cent cigar
ette tax and the five-mill property
levy, will cost around $75,000, it
has been estimated by David
OHara, chief of the elections di
vision here. -
The election was called by the
recent legislature to enable the
state to raise $14,000,000 in the
next two years for the schools of
the state and for institutional
building. Fhe smoke tax would
toe permanent, but the property
eyy would be for two years only
jfhe elections cost was up from
what It would have been before
the legislature, which raised elec
tions officials' pay from $3 to $4
Of the amount the counties will
contribute about $50,000, the
state about $25,000.
Major Vincent
Plans to Retire
Redmond, March 30 Mai. R. H.
Vincent, former commanding of
ficer of the Redmond army air
field, is soon to retire from active
duty, he announced here today.
Major and Mrs. Vincent recently
arrived here from March Field,
Calif., and plan to spend a few
days visiting local friends before
going to Fort Lewis, Wash., where
the officer expects to be given a
terminal leave.
Buy National War Bonds Now'
. . A
s i - 1 1
Enter Your Baby NOW, in Our Annual Mothers' Day
$250 in prizes ages to 6 years. Free
mounted picture to each entrant. No
appointment necessary just ask us for
906 Wall . . Next to USO . . Phone 89 . . Bend
Open Weekdays Closed Sundays
9:30 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Studios also in Klamath Falls, Medford, Albany, Portland.
"Bill" Anderson's
'37 Ford Coupe
Heater, etc. You can't go wrong on this one.
'36 Hudson "6" Sedan
A reliable car, completely overhauled, low mileage, heater, good
rubber. See these!
We buy 'em, fix 'em, sell 'em. Top
cash prices offered. Appraisal with
out obligation.
IF you're going to keep your old
car, let us help you keep it running.
W. B. Anderson Nash Co.
Nazis 'Welcome
Bend Sergeant
That the German propaganda
press is rolling overtime was wit
nessed by Sgt. Edward Hall, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall of
Bend, who with other G. I.'s of his
outfit, received printed greetings
from Germans in the valley be
fore American forces crossed the
Ruhr river. -
Couched in what was Intended
to be "Yankee sarcasm", the leaf
lets read, in part: "Welcome to
the 35th division! Considering the
fact that you are new-comers, we
would like to do everything to
make you feel at home. . We ex
tend to you a cordial greeting and
a hearty t welcome to the Ruhr
"We regret that you must come
to this unpleasant district, but, as
usual, you have to take over this
section where the air is heavy
with lead. The British have been
withdrawn from here because
this same atmosphere didn't suit
them very much. As always,
' under these conditions, the British
prefer to let you do their work.
I , welcome cxienaeu
You have tried to veil your ar
rival here by doing such things
as removing your divisional in-
signias. Nevertheless, a little
bird told us all about it . . , .As
we said before, we shall try to
make you feel at home. We hope
to make every day here seem like
'the glorious Fourth' there'll be
plenty of fireworks. We know
what vou are meant tn rtn u'p
! know, also, what you want to do.
You want to return home as soon
as possible! Better across than
a cross."
Several days later, Allied forces
surged across the Ruhr to acept
the welcome and challenge of
the cocky Jerries.
War Briefs - -
. ! (By Vted PrM '
Western Front American First
army bursts onto northern Ger
many plain 180 odd miles from
Berlin; Third army reported rac
ing toward Eisenach, 155 miles
southwest of' German 'capital;
naJ defenses collapsing.
Eastern Front Red armies in
Austria threaten to outflank Vien
na. .
Pacific Tokyo reports four al
lied task forces blasting at Ja
pan's southern defenses for eighth
straight day; B-29 raids reported
on Tokvo and Singapore.
Air War RAF Mosquitoes
bomb Berlin and targets in north
western Germany.
Italian Front Fifth and Eighth
army fronts quiet;-French forces
reported campaigning a!ong bor
der below Switzerland.
Baseball Briefs
Frederick, Md., March 30 (in
The Philadelphia Athletics, not
too impressive in spring training
anyway, will have to start the
season without Pitcher Russ
Christopher, who has an infected
great toe, it was revealed today.
Washington, March 30 IP)
Boston Braves' Manager Boh
Coleman figured by a process of
elimination today that Johnny
Jiuienings would be his starting
pitcher for the opening game of
the season. Hutchings has pitched
10 SCOrelesS illllinrrK In trnininnr
I camp games. , t
Atlantic City, N. J., March 30
.u-i ine nisi competitive show
ing of three of his sunnnserilv
outstanding young pitchers was
1 not calculated to ease the mind of
iNew York Yankee Munanpr .T.
McCarthy today. The chubby
irisn puot squirmed plenty yes
terday when the Boston Red Sox
got to Walt Dubiel, Floyd Bevens
and Al Gettol for 16 hits, in a 12
to b training camp victory.
Evansville. Ind.. Marrh annpi
There will be several changes in
the Detraoit lineun whirh finich.
ed second in the American league
race last year, Manager Steve
uracil revealed today.
Industrial Fund
Board Is Named
A governing board to adminis
ter the Bend industrial luna oi
approximately $13,000, which was
raised through donations for the
purpose of bringing additional
payrolls to the city, today had
been chosen as a result of a can
vass last night of the general elec
tion votes. Ten nominees had re
cently been chosen by the con'
trinutors in a primary election.
The board will be composed of
William A. Lackaff, manager of
the Pacific Power & Light com
pany in Bend; Glenn Gregg, pro
prietor of Gregg's Banner Dak'
ery; H. A. Miller of the Miller
Lumber company; B. A. Stover of
the Bend Amusement company,
and William A. Niskanen, treas
urer of Pacific Trailways. They
received the following votes:
Lackaff, 63; Gregg, 50; Miller, 43;
Stover, 43, and Niskanen, 42.
Votes Listed
Other nominees and the votes
they received are Carl E. Erjksen,
41: H. H. DeArmond, 34; K. E.
Sawyer, 31; Marion Cady, 25, andj
K. M. Longballa, 25. A total of!
82 ballots were east. I
It was announced that the suc-'l
cessful directors will meet soon
and elect officers, and be pre-j
pared to receive the proposed con-1
stitution and by-laws now being
drafted by a committee.
ftp.miltK nf the election were re-'
ported by C. J. Lindh, Floyd Bur-1
den and M. Kay cooper, wno
served as a canvassing board.
Carl A. Johnson is acting as
temporary chairman of the Bend
Industrial fund.
Additional Sports j
Data on Opening
Games Presented
(Br UnltJ Pnu)
Facts and figures on Saturday's
opening day games In the Pacific
coast league:
ban Francisco at Los Angeles
Batteries: Brondell and Sprlnz;
Osborn and Easterwood; esti
mated attendance, 12,000; um
pires, Powell and Ford; game
time, 2:30.
Hollywood at Sacramento Bat'
teries: Smith and Hill; Fletcher
and Schleuter; estimated attend
ance, 8,000; umpires, Edwards and
f ans; game time, 2:30.
Seattle at San Diego Batteries:
Fischer and Sueme; Brillheart and
Ballinger; estimated attendance,
6,000; umpires, Doran and Kober;
game time, 2:15. ,
Portland at' Oakland Batteries
Liska and Adams; Stromme and
B. Raimondi; estimated attend
ance. 10,000; umpires, Engelin
and uempsey; game time, 2:30.
Miss Helser Plans
To Rejoin "Kids"
Portland, Ore., March 30 iltt
Brenda Helser of Hollywood will
rejoin her former swimming
teammates the, Multnomah Ath
letic club squad for the National
women's outdoor championships
in Los Angeles late in August, it
was learned here today.
The three other famed "Cody
kids" of Multnomah are Suzanne
Zimmerman, Nancy Merkl and
Mary Ann Hansen, who, with Miss.
Helser, are defending champions
in the 400-yard relay.
Since her affiliation with the
Southern California AAU, Miss
Helser had been expected to com
pete In the fall meet for a Los
Angeles team. She plans to enter
the indoor swimming meet in Chi
cago in a few days for the free
style events.
The Multnomah auartet holds
the national record of 4:09.1 for
the 400-yard relay. ,
Thugs in Seattle
Meet Opposition
Seattle. March 30 UP Thugs
roamed Seattle streets again last
night, but ran into stiff opposi
tion from most of their Intended
victims. '
Mrs. Rose Magrillis reported a
man left a bus behind her and a
moment later seized her and tried
to throw her to the ground. She
managed to get a revolver out of
her handbag and to fire one shot.
He fled and she didn't know
whether he had been hit.
' Miss Agnes Thompson said she
was slugged on the head by a man
but that he ran when she scream
ed. L. R. Neese, navy chief petty
officer, was jumped by three men
but he fought them off with his
fists. He showed the marks of the
battle when he reported the affair
to police. Ray Wiggins said he
lost $75 to a young gunman who
held him up as he was putting his
car in his garage.
ive Day Forecast
Five-day forecast ending Tues
day night:
Oregon and Washington west of
Cascades: occasional light rain
Monday or -Tuesday. Tempera
tures near seasonal.
. Idaho, Oregon and Washington
cast of Cascades: few showers
over extreme northern part about
end of period. Temperatures near
Buy National War Bonds Now!
Muncie, Ind., March 30 Ui
Acting Manager Virgil (Spud)
Davis gave special attention today
to 22-year-old Shortstop Bill Nor
man, .because he was recommend
cd by one of the greatest Pitts
ourgn lniielders of all time Har
old (Pie) Traynor. Norman re
ported to the Pirates yesterday.
Cape Girardeau, Mo., March 30
nil pour more batterymen,
Catchers Joe Schultz and Myron
Hayworth and Pitchers Sam Zol
dak and Weldon West were round
ing into condition for the St. Louis
Browns today, the latest arrivals
in camp.
Wins Promotion
A Seventh AAF Heavy Bomber
Base in the Marianas Joseph M.
Griffiths, of Stockton, Cal., pilot
of a Seventh AAF Liberator
bomber, has been promoted to
first lieutenant. Lt. Griffiths is a
veteran of many combat missions
against the Japanese In the cen
tral and western Pacific.
Lt. Griffiths' wife, Kathryn,
lives at 123 West Willow street,
Stockton, and- his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. O. Griffiths, live at
429 East Franklin avenue, Bend,
Ore. Ha was graduated from the
Bend high school and was em
ployed by the United States for
estry service before entering the
army in June, 1941.
Lafayctle, Ind., March 30 IP)
The search for a first class third
baseman to replace Ken Keltner
has been fruitless but Roger
Peckinpaugh, vice president of
the Cleveland Indians said he was
still looking today.
The strength of copper -when
cast, forged or in sheets Is approx
imately 36,000 per squade inch;
in the form of wire it is approxl-
l mateiy w.uuu pounds per sauaro
Oregon Ltd.
Wiring Ught
and Industrial
Wiring Supplies
General Electric Dealer
.Sales and Service
Phone 159
B-ll Franklin
Bend, Ore,
Here ff Nov
The Genuine Nationally-Known "
New fresh 1945 stock. 100 wool cover of fine
quality. The best costs no more.
Midstate Hardware Co.
"Serving All Central Oregon"
905 Wall Street Phone 600
The Fact of Resurrection
An Easter
Millions of people in liberated lands will observe
Easter this year with the conviction that they
themselves have experienced a resurrection
from living death.
In many American homes, too, where glad
news has recently come telling, of the release
of loved ones from prison camps, Easter will
be a day of prayer and rejoicing.
And to those upon whom sorrow has fallen,
Easter will come with its comforting assurances
of resurrection and final reunion.
A Home-Owned State Bank
Say it with a lovely gift from
Symon's the House of Beauty
Easter Candles Favors
Centerpieces .
Glassware Novelties1
Just Received
small shipment of
Apple, Desert Rose and Coronado patterns
Symons Bros.
"The House of Beauty"
947 Wall Street Phone 175
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masterpiece of the brewing art, a genuine Old Bo
hemian Type Lager Beer such as
Export Lager 'Beer
Central Ortfoa DUtn tutor. DLat. Phone Zt
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