County 4 H Clubs -Elect Of ficers Deschutes county 4-H clubs arc planning for an achievement pro gram to be held soon in Bend and also for the summer camp at Suttle lake, it was reported here today when officers in a recent reorganization of the group were made known. In order to . further the plans, members of the 4-H Leaders association have call ed a meeting for May 9. to be held in Bend. The next meeting of the leaders will hn in inK. .r.,i will be held in Redmond, it" was announced. " In addition In thn nr.t,;A,ri, program and the Sutlle lake en campment, the 4-H club leaders are also planning for the county . fair exhibits and participation in the state 4-H club contest this fall. I In the leaders' reorganization meeting, held last Saturday, the I following officers were elected: , Officers Named Gordon Wilcox, president, Pleas ant Ridge; J. S. Frakes, vice presi dent, Tumalo; George Mastei-son, secretarv-ti-easmi- p.i,,). j: rectors: Charles Park, Terreboiv THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, rvlARCH 29, 1945 jno; Charles Schlickelman, Pleas ant Ridge; Mrs. Hubert Bartlett, !Bend; Mrs..Ina Cox, Glen Vista: ' Mrs. Lewis Tuckenbill,. Sisters: (Mrs. George Masterson, Redmond; I Mrs. B. Pauls, Richardson; Mrs. jDelmar Davis, Deschutes; Mrs. ;J. S. Frakes, Tumalo, and Mrs. Marion Prichard, Eastern Star. Victory Garden Notes ffewJi om were J sit ...y Joe Marsh Bert Loses the War Single-Handed Bert Childer's house burned down last week, and the only good thing that came out of it was It cured him of swearing. Bert just couldn't think of words to fit the occasion, so he lust gave up. Bert admits It was his own fault Started with a field fire which he thought he had under control, and when he turned his back a minute for a breathing spell, the fire sprung np twice as fierce. By" the time the firemen arrived, there wasn't much that they could do. From where I sit, there's a moral in Bert's experience. A lot of us feel we've got the fires of this war under control . . . that we can relax a little, maybe let up on buying bonds, donating blood, or fighting inflation. Just like Bert lost his fight against the fire, we can Jose this fight against our enemy if we let down now. Because war, like fire, is never over till the last spark is extinguished. . Victory gardners are likely to have more success with their cab bage, lettuce, poppers and other transplants if they use a "starter" or "booster" solution when trans planting, according to County Agent H. G. Smith. This "starter" solution, which in plain words is just liquid fert ilizer, is made by mixing one tablespoonful of victory garden fertilizer in one gallon of water. Sulphate of ammonia, nitrate of soda or ammoniuted phosphate may be substituted for victory garden fertilizer. Exact meas urement is strongly recommend ed. . Smith cautions against using more than one tablespoonful to a gallon of water since plants may be injured or killed by a stronger mixture. The solution of one tablespoonful of fertilizer to a gallon of water is effective and safe, he explains, if the solution is kept well mixed up during ap plication. Plants given a "starter" solu tion usually will start growing immediately without an apparent setback from transplanting, O. T. McWhorter, O. S. C. extension horticulturist, reports. This treat- PAGE THREE Seventh Army Smashes Across Rhine Foods for Shellhart's-Fri.-Sat. Ranch Eggs Grade A Large doz. 35c kBftfriij 50 lb. bag 2.29 W III I IIM 1 lb. jar 33c 26c Hunt's Tomato Sauce 3 cans 19c NALLEY'S DRESSING RELISH Nalley's Tang qt. 39c Sweet Relish . . .pint 19c Hamburger Relish pt. 19c No Poind Required! 2 lb. jar 37c Paas Easter Egg Dyes 3 pkgs. 25c H&D Corn ...2 cans 27c Cream, 303 Cans Spinach . . .No. 2 can 15c Kio Sun Fancy Peas . .2 cans 33c Ilil), No. 2 Cans SYRUP Dude Ranch, Maple Flavor 2 ,b- iar 27c Sweet Potatoes, can 21c Taylor's, Vac-Pack Sliced Beets . .2 cans 25c Valley View, No. 2 Cans Minced Clams . .can 25c Koyal Chef Halves Ripe Olives jar 23c Mi. Whitney Apple Butter jar 21c Libby's, 19 o7.. Kerr's Jellies . .lb. jar 25c Assorted flavors ' Giant 35c f$2pyj Ige. pkg. Rg 23c 2 lb. s?g 31c SIP lgc-pkg- gpS 33c Kofex, giant pkg. 85c 51 in Package Tissue 4 rolls 29c Fabrik Soft Daffodils dozen 39c King Alfred Buds Grapefruit .4 for 25c Arizona Seedless Newtown Apples box $2.69 Splendid Cooking Apple Asparagus pound 25c Fancy California Spears Shellhart's Grocery 929 Wall Free Delivery Phone 24 . . tAff. liiutto-1 etephoto) American Seventh Army iniumr men swiiny scramble up enemy held east bank ot uic Kmne near Karls ruhe, Germany, after crossing in assault boats, Smoko screen was used to hide crossing operations but high winds dissipated smoke, enabling enemy to hinder operations by shelling troops as they crossed. Signal Corps radio-teiephoio. - ment is especially valuable for tomato plants. About a pint of liquid fertilizer poured about each plant when it is set our in the garden is recom mended. The treatments may be repeated in 10 days with good results if the solution is not made stronger than recommended. These liquid fertilizers are valu able in the home garden 'all through the season also for keep ing leafy plants such us lettuce, cabbage and chard growing. Raw plants may be fertilized every 10 days' or so by pouring a gallon at the juncture of the plant with the soil for each six or eight feet of row. Extension Circular 384, "Starter Solutions for Tomato and other Transplants," available at the County Agents office, gives ad ditional information. ers as observation posts and only . in great emergencies are we per-1 mitted to move wounded Into i Home Is Entered Twice, Left Intact A persistent burglar whose lust for crime appeared to lie confined only to the breaking into of the house, was being sought today by Bend officers after D. N. Gordon, 1910 East Seventh street, reported his home had been entered. Gordon said that a latch was broken off the rear door yester day afternoon, and that after he had found nothing missing, he battened shut the door and went to a theater. Returning from the show he found the boards had been removed and the house again entered. What baffled police was that a purse containing 55 was lying In plain sight, and that the victim could find no loss. A full-grown kangaroo rat can carry a toaspoonful of seeds in each cheek pouch, and at this rate would have to make 600 trips with loaded ' packs ' to accumu late one bushel. Lagging cloth, usually com' posed of asbestos, is now made by adding 22 per cent fibrous glass to the asbestos yarn, to meet shortages of asbestos. Bend Elks Hail Tine' Meeting As visiting Elks from different parts of the state were enroute back to their homes today, exult ant members of the antlered herd here today were still discussing their meeting of Tuesday night when one of the largest classes of candidates in the history of the local lodge were inttiuted. While 91 were scheduled to take the oath, it was reported today that 78 were taken Into the lodge at this session. Five others, who are in the armed forces, were initiated at special services. Principal speakers at the Tues day meeting were Secretary of State Robert S. Farrell, Jr.; Har old Randall, chairman of the Ore gon state board of paroles, and Clifford Mudd, representative of the grand lodge war-time activi ties. All three are from Salem. Elks from Klamath Kalis, Burns. Lebanon, Redmond, Prine ville, Madras and Sisters attended the meeting. Candidates from Redmond, Prineville and Madras were taken into the local lodge. The initiation ceremony was steered by Exalted Ruler Vern Perry of Salem; and Bend's Ex alted Ruler Ralph Adams was In charge of the rest of thg program. Fishing Came Before Family, Wife Asserts Toledo, O. (Hi A wife sought a divorce in domestic relations court here on the grounds that her husband thought more of fish ing than he did of his wife and family. ' She testified that although her husband allotted her only $5 each week for food, he would spend $18 for artificial minnows. Nearly 119,000 predatory ani mals were killed or captured in federal cooperative control opera tions in 29 states during the year ended June 30, 1944; included were coyotes, bobcats, wolves, bears and mountain Hons. Fine flavor Schilling VACUUM PACKED COFFEE Yanks Take Extra Care Not to Damage Churches Cleveland llCapt. Joseph C. O'Neil, Cleveland Catholic chap lain, reports that American uougnooys in turope are taking j "extra precautions" not to destroy ; nazis back toward Berlin. Capt. O'Neil, home after 35 months overseas, where he toured Iceland, England, France, Bel gium, Holland and Germany, said advancing G.I.'s are "under in structions to make no use of churches which would transform them into targets for, the enemy." "We cannot billet troops In churches, must not use their tow- He's No Mudder Square Deal Furniture's Annua! MATTRESS VALUE EVENT 4? Mm ' t SJ - . Slung in a novel harness that keeps his paws above the muddy ground, this division mascot is being carried by his master, First Sgt. Roger Keith, Brockton, Mass., on the western front. Sling enables gear-laden Ynnks to carrv the dog more easily. Oregon Ltd, Contracting Power Wiring IjKht Commercial and Industrial Wiring Suppliei and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 614 Franklin Bend, Ore. T;fT ; 1 1 als by nationally known manu- sv A Mattress Supreme! SeaSy TufHess The choicest in sleeping comfort it makes pillow for the body. Nationally sold at 42.50 The Snowf lake For genuine restful sleep the Snowflake mattress is supremo. Finest grade ticking. 39.50 Another famous Sealy value at a price you can well afford. Sealy White Swan ealy value ai 34.75 Downy Rest ealy soft ai grade cottoi 29.50 Made by Sealy soft and comfort able finest grade cotton filling. HOSPITAL BEDS . . . FOR RENT Complete adjustable bed with mattress for rent in your home by week or month. Crib Mattresses O Couch Pads O Cot Pads Simmons Felted An inexpensive mattress yet made to Simmons' rigid standards. 22.50 Other Cotton Mattresses 13.60 16.50 19.95 Simmons White Knight Nationally advertised an exclusive mattress for particular people. 39.50 Bend Phone 324 H. G. Rainey L. E. Rainey Redmond Phone 144 Prineville Phone 331