PAGE TWELVE THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 29, 1945 I?H(SLY WE(SOILY !BondCon!ersion nan explained FOR EASTER FRI. - SAT. Bordens Memo 1 It- 57c LZ. Pop Corn 10 16c Corn HandD Whole Kernel NO. 2 CAN can 19c Sliced Beets v'view can 13c 20 OZ. CAN Sunshine Cheez-lt --13c Sundried Prunes "4-19c Victory Pinner 2 27c Sunbrite Cleanser 3 - 14c Flour 49 1 . 2.29 Swansdown "J ' sac'( 25 LB. BAG 1.15 10 LB. BAG 50c S LB. BAG 29c Nabisco Bran Ig. pkg. 19c SMALL PKG. 10c Tissue 3 24c FABRIK SOFT 650 SHEETS PER ROLL Ben Hur Mustard jar 9c 6 OZ. JAR FRUITS and VEGETABLES Carrots ..... .2 bunches 15c Turnips lb. 5c Green Onions .2 bunches 15c Calavos each 19c Fresh Pineapple each 57c PI LAI ID'S MARKET RED POINTS Q, R, & S EXPIRE MARCH 31 Hens, local colored, lb. 42c Veal Roast lb. 29c Crown Rib Veal Chops, genuine loin lb. 43c Leg O" Lamb ,1b. 39c Beef Roast . .lb. 39c For Easter Dinner Boneless steer Cot. Cheese, pt. 25c Short Ribs 19c Kraft's Cream or Country Style , . A plan whereby maturing series A United States savings bonds owned bv men and women on j lighting fronts may be converted Into series b nonas at tne request of a near relative of an owner was announced by E. C Sammons, state chairman, Oregon war fi nance commit tee. Near relatives having posses sion of maturing series A bonds registered in the name of a serv iceman as owner, co-owner, or beneficiary may receive payment during the month of maturity from a federal reserve bank or branch provided the entire pro' ceeds so far as possible be applied to pui'chase of series E bonds registered in the name of the i serviceman oniy. i-roeeeus irom I the redemption over and above issue price of new series i. bonds will be paid oy enecK drawn to the order to the serviceman. Plan Explained A co-owner or beneficiary mav be named on the Ji ponds if satis factory evidence is submitted in tho fm-m nf a letter fmm the. 001-17. I ipomnn inrlinntlncr hlo Infant r name a co-owner or benetlciary. sammons also drew attention to the fact that all persons hold ing maturing series A bonds first issued March, 1935 may tatte advantage or tne treasury department's offer to expand the limit of E bonds Issued in one year to one purchaser. Yearly limit which one person mav buv is j,ou tissue price;, put series A bonds reinvested during the month of maturity In series E war bonds will be exempted from the limit. The regular $3,750 limit may be purchased in addition to whatever series A money is reln- Sisters Sisters, March 29 (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shaw and sons spent the week-end in Bend at the home of Mrs. Shaw's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Porter field. The croup welcomed Mrs. Shaw's three sisters, Donna and Joy Porterfield and Mrs. Johnny veraez irom uakiand. calif. Stanley Porterfield. brother of Mrs. Homer Shaw, left to join the armed torces Maren l. Mr and Mrs. G. A. Dunn of Terrebonne and son Cpl. Ernest A. uunn . en route from Daeeet. Calif., to North Carolina were vis itors Sunday at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. William McGregor. Cpl. Ernest A. Dunn attended Sisters grade school in 1935. Mr. and Mrs. Dobkins and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ireland went to Madras last week on business. Miss Daisy Tooley of Salem vis ited last week at the home of her sister Mrs. W. F, Glover. A party was given in honor of Coast Guardsman William Glover, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Glover, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd uonKins recently. William Glover left for his nnvv base at Alameda, Calif., Monday. James Williams of Alfalfa was a week-end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll. Sunday dinner cuests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll were Mis. Ray Smith and family and James Williams. Mrs. R. E. Robert of Shoshone. I Ida., has returnccf to her home j after spending the past three 1 1 "cl-rs i uiL- uuine oi nor uaugn- ter, Mrs. AOner Demaris. Mrs. Glenn Biosner entertained at a birthday party at her home hTKiay evening for Mrs. Vclma Miller. Other guests were Mrs. Margaret Miller, Mrs. Lora Zum- walt and Mrs. Nellie Bemby and children. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Tumor of I Portland spent the week-end vis liting Mrs. Friedland and Mrs. Pauls. Mr. and Mrs. George Wakefield went to Vancouver, Wash., to the Barnes hospital to visit "Shorty" Chapin. Mrs. Carl Woods accom panied them as far as Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Seigel Potter spent the week-end at Sweet Home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wyatt went to The Dalles to visit Mi s. Wyatt's brother LeRoy who is home on a ten-day furlough from a marine base lii Florida. The season's first Buckaroo dance will be held at the Slaters grade school gymn Saturday eve ning, March 31. Music will be furnished by Rusty and his or chestra. Kenneth Aitken. son of Mrs. Grace Aitken, left for the Great Lakes naval training station Marcn i irom hresno, Calif., where he will take up radar train ing. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Thomas of Richmond, Ore., announce the birth of their daughter Bonnita Mae, March 1G. Mrs. Thomas was the former Doris Wiese before her marriage and Is a niece of Mis. Grace Aitken. Clydine Busli is spending Easter ween at nome. Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Hannon of Redmond visited at the home of Aivie s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Hannon recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Blakelv of Bend will spend a week at their summer nome on the Metolius. Mrs. Guy McLaughlin will snend a few days with them also. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Davis re ceived a long distance teleohone call from their son Lyle, who is in me navy. He told them that he has arrived in the States and will be home in a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Farleieh and son James were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Molan In Redmond. Herbert Morrow of The Dalles. nephew of Frank Zumwalt. died Friday of last week. - Mrs. Lena Hilard of Milton is visiting at the home of her daugh ter Mrs. Walt Currier. flip POST'S BRAN GOIDEW MAKES OF combaso tvm SUGAR-SWEET rVDEK XASVS delicious NEW breakfast idea A magic flavor combination Post's 40 Bran Flakes plus lots of tender, seedless raisins . . . right in the same package. Folks are raving about it. So ask your grocer for Post's Raisin Bran in the big blue-and-white package today. It's aeucious! Cereal WftfoJt mP Steer Beef IK THE "GAY" GO'S WE WASHED WINDOWS THE MESSY WAY... clean .he CLEAR WAY. the Avoid dirty hands and ruined nails. Use Clearex Glass Cleaner. Just spray it on , . . wipe it off. Leaves no oily film. Takes seconds and costs less than a penny a window. It's perfumed, too. For windows, mirrors and pictures . . . get Clearex at your store today. CLEAREX GLASS CLEANER A Wico Product Step Into a New ... HART-SCHAFFNER & MARX SUIT 1 - -t, THIS EASTER t, " 4"m Nothing like a tfart-Schaffner and Marx suit will boost your spirits and improve your appearance. Finest craftsmanship plus 100 choice wool fabrics go into every suit. Single and double breasted models in favored pah , terns. 4500 4950 Other Nationally-Known Suits 2950 - 3950 EASTER TIES . . . . Botany and Grayco ties to match your new outfit, A chqice selection for spring. 1.00 II "fp! 'ft For tops in comfort and good looks treat yourself to one of our outstanding sport coats. You'll be sold on the idea of owning one as soon as you slip into one. Priced from. ..15.95 New Hats for Spring Alexander "toppers" in favored colors and styles. 4.95 5.95. Famous Hardemann hats. Fine wool felts in lighter spring colors. 5.95 Nationally famous Stetsons of fine quality to grace your spring clothes. 7.50 103 Oregon Phone 190 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Avres went to Eugene Thursday of last week and returned home Sunday. George Mevers left Monday, March 26, for the service. Prentice Hyson, S2c, brother of Mrs. Cole was in the battle of Iwo Jima on an American battle ship. Christian LeRoy Schaffer is serving in the Philippines. He Is a son-in-law of Mrs. Harvey Cole. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Crowley of Madras visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Telfer and Mr. and Mrs. R. Ruffer of Powell Butte were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tel fer last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Crowley of Portland are moving to Sisters. Mrs. Boyd Simmons of Clover dale visited In Sisters Monday. George Boardrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boardrow, who has been ill for sometime is now confined in the Redmond Dental clinic hospital. Mrs. V. H. May went to Bend Saturday to consult her physician. CAN'T KEEP GRANDMA IN HER CHAIR She's a Lively at a Youngster- ' Now her Backache is better 1 Many sufferers relieve nagging backache quickly, one they discorer that the real cauM of their trouble may be tired kidneya. The kidneys are Nature a chief way of tak Ins the excess acids and waste out of the btood. They help most people past about 3 pints a day. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiocss under the eyee, headaches and dirtiness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning some times shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder, lon't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's rills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will beip the 15 miles of kidney tubes Hush out poison ous waste from your blood. Get Dean . fiUa. Martha, 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hitchock of Klamath Falls underwent an ap pendectomy operation last Satur day at a Klamath hospital. Mrs. Orville Hanson is in Port land for dental care. Mrs. Carl Woods has gone to Stevenson, Wash., to visit her daughter indefinitely. Mrs. Nettie Templeton stopped at Kennewick, Wash., while en route to Portland. A new aluminum plant in Bra zil has an annual capacity 01 iiv 000 tons. I U. S. Naval Leader Answer to Prefleon rusite HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured U. S. naval leader, Vlce-Adm. Marc A. 7 Ambary 8 Ireland 9 Exempli gratia (ab.) 11 Period 12 Soon ' 13 Dance step 15 Chief division of a long poem IT Compass point 18 Roman goddess SO Subjoin 21 Small candle 22 Erect 23 For fear that 24 Notion 28 Go by 31 Rub out' 33 Note in Guido's scale. 34 Grates upon 35 Pint (ab.) 37 Employers 38 Driving command 39 Portion 41 Golf device 42 Lower case (ab.) 43 Scope 44 Symbol for erbium 1 45 Violent; streams VERTICAL 1 Substance 2 Beverage ' . 3 Iniquities 4 Black bird. 5 Chicken t 6 Abrogate 7 Girl's name 10 Canadian peninsula ' 11 Native of Denmark 14Saintes (ab.) l.llAlMltlslcjAlYUWL, sparkplugof 28 Wallops the fast (slang) Task Force 29 Prince 16 Beast ot 30 Certain - burden 32 Electrical unit 18 Vermont (ab.) 33 Guinea (ab.V 19Sketchers 35 Young salmon 25 Pull along 36 Woody plant 26 Artist's frame 39 Golf term 27 View 40 Light brown 1 1 b it MF ir-Tp m 0 - rr1 fii- till-, pr r iiii m L 31 a n W i35 3b r n 45 1 1 1 1 1 ii