THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND,. OREGON,. THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1945 PAGE ELEVEN Palawan, Invaded By 41st; Is Land of Many Oddities Washington, D. C. Pygmy all the way from 20,000 to 50,000, natives adept with blowguns. 20- are the Bataks, pagan black foot pythons, pitcher plants which 'pygmies resembling natives of the uuium Andaman Islands more than the related Negritos common on Luzon. Skilled with' bow and arrow for catching deer and big game, they use blowguns and poisoned darts to catch monkeys and birds. Creeping stealthily up on their quarry perched high in a tree, they send their darts with a sud den puff. Their victim may con tinue to perch for minutes, ap parently unharmed, then fall to the ground from the effects of the poisoned barb. Ebony, dyewoods, bamboo, cam phor are among the island's use ful trees, which include species found nowhere else. Monkeys in variety, a big ape called the pakda, porcupines, unusual birds, alligators and snakes await Yank naturalists. Pythons over 22 feet long, weighing 375 pounds, have been found. Palawan's agriculture is limited to coastal land. Cattle, hogs, goats, fowls; rice, tobacco, nut megs, sweet potatoes, are raised mostly for home consumption.. hold nearly a quart of water. edible birds' nests worth twice their weight in- silver these are a few of many strange sights in store for , Yanks on Palawan, southernmost big island of the Philippines, says the National Geographic Society. . This elongated island, where 91st division GI'S' have landed, has played only a small part in Philippine trade development to date. It has always been recog nized as one of the strategically important islands in the archi pelago, however, because of its fsition on trade routes from dia and the Netherlands Indies Manila and the ports of China. Shaped like a frayed Manila cheroot, Palawan's 278-mile length and 17-mile average width make it one of the largest of 7,083 Philippine islands, with an area a little less than that of Connecti cut. It runs from southwest to northeast, forming a land bridge that fills most of the South China Sea gap between Borneo and Min tloro, recaptured island south of Manila Bay. Palawan lies 600 miles east of Asia's nearest mainland, the In dochina coast. It forms a north western side for the big, rectang ular Suiu Sea. Because of the sprinkling of reefs and shoals in the South China Sea 200 miles west from the island, much ship ping normally moves along Pal awan Passage, virtually within sight of Palawan's long west coast. Among varied tribes of Palawan Cloverdale Cloverdale, March 29 (Special) The Home Ecoiibmics club turned over to the Red Cross $135, the proceeds of the dance spon sored at the community hall for the benefit of the Red Cross. Mrs. M. C. Smalley, grade school teacher here spent the week-end in Bend visiting relatives. Amone those from this eommu-. natives, whose total is estimated nlty attending the Rim Rock If Good Rich Brown E"MM Gravy every time jrSv With Wilson' B-V, the magic meat s2& "'y Jfi flavor, you make the best gravy ever tf( , A even without meat drippings. Cet . . dor, - Hit on the bread an' gravy wagon now! gQff " , j j. Use B-V for tasty hot drinks to 'tl 6 addrichmeatflavortosdups.stcws, if2.W:-V'JV V, "CH casseroles, stuffings, sauces, etc. The- LJ d - NATIONAL meat flavor with a hundred and one ,njsi BREAD. J& ' - ""T' i !Kftl),4r1: TIKI ffll TOM HvSH, Piggyback Pix V s . . , m i - vB"1"'''! M"""' Portland, spent Saturday and Sunday in Lapine. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Larson and son went to Portland one a busi ness trip, the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milten berger returned to Lapine from Portland, where they spent the winter. Mr. and' Mrs. Ernest Jones of the Stearns Cattle company, in Prineville are moving into, La pine this week. They expect to spend the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. Logan Newton and children spent the week-end in Bend with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reed and family ot Walla Walla, bought the Amelia Crews property and moved to Lapine last week'. . ' Robert Reed, father of Fred Reed, is visiting with his son and' Tamlly for a few days; Mr. and' Mrs. Vernon Jahns and' children of Redmond, spent Sun day at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Billy James. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Garrison and sons, made a trip to Powell Butte and Redmond Sunday. The Hunter family has been ill with the flu this past week. Carl Powell made a business trip to Eugene Monday evening. Dog Finds His . Captain Across Pacific Ocean Pittsburg, Cal. UK Tired of being "the dog he left' behind him," Joker, pet of Capt; Stanley C. Raye, U.S.A., formerly of Pitts burg, left home in search of his fighting master. "I was sitting in my tent when I happened to look up," Capt. Rayp recently wrote his wife. "An officer came walking down the road. He had a lltlte black cocker spaniel on a leash:" The of fieep told Rayff the-' dog had been wandering through the camp "as though looking for someone." "There was no doubt In the of ficer's mind that Joker was my dog," Raye continued. "He might not have believed me, but he be lieved tho dog. when- he saw how he acted. Thirteen wistful days' in Pitts burs were enoush for Joker. On the 14th day he apparently "stowed away on a transport, crossed 6,000 Pacific ocean miles, found his master's remote Island pos by an Inexplicable- canlne- Raye serw a snapanor ot nim self and Joker: Both' looked ex tremely content , SANDOZ JOINS STAFF : Madras March 29 (Specclal) All- Sandoz; formerly forester iuifH' a Pnptlnrirti lumher ronpenv in Traili has Beert, added to the staff of the Jefferson water con servancy District office. He grad uated from Oregon State college' in 1940.' Hut brother, M. F. San doz; is with the soil conservation service and' is In Madras quite frequently. With the aid of a helpful sol dier's shoulders, this Signal Corps photographer makes some high-angle shots - of the 101st Airborne division as it marched In review during presentation of Presidential Unit Citation for its heroic defense of Bastoene. n n I 2 thp. flour aruj add 1 cup of liquid (milk., vater or vegetable water), stirring until fmnoth. When bot add 1 tsp. Vvilwn's R-V dissolved in small amount of trie bot mixture. Serves 3 or 4. pnppl Send self-addressed envelope rKEE! for llnmemaieri' Prije B-V Recipe Book to Wilson & Co., Dept. N, Union Stock Yards, Chicago 9, Illinois. Rider's dance in Bend on Satur day night were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hammack, John Christy and Robert Johnson. Mrs. W. B. Simmons and Mrs. George Billingsley returned home Tuesday after ten days spent in Portland where Mrs. Simmons was a patient at the Good Samari tan hospital where she underwent a minor operation. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goodrich had as dinner guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hery Strixner, Sr. of Pleasant valley. Mr. and Mrs. R. T, Jackson are here from Salem and have spAit the past month on their ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sitlon of McMinneville spent (lie week-end visiting at the Johnson home. Miss Ruth Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Olga Johnson was married recently at the St. Thomas Church in Oakland. Calif . In Spaman 1 1f Jonn Johnson. Mrs. Johnson is staying at the home of her sister. Airs. Dorothy Nelson, in Oakland. Miss Mary Christy of Bend was a Sunday visitor at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Christy. Work on the canal and head gates was started last week by E. D. Robinson and E. M. Poffen-barger. Lapi me Lapino, March 29 (Special) Mrs. Daisy Flessner of Walla Walla has been visiting her' mother, Mrs. Sarah Sly, and her sister Mrs. Dora Yager, for the past week. Mrs. Dora Yager, Mrs. Daisy Flessner and Florence James left for' California the first of the week to visit relatives. They stopped at San Francisco and vis ited Mrs. Yappr's son, Jimmy, who is in the service. They will go ! on farther south and visit other relatives. C. E. Wyman, who now lives in CHECK YOUR NOW TIRES , iictui 1 1 a IMC lCSIC7 WM ' Y w - - - ... . Ln Mf"A Puaru e-iTiTon rtr mrnrie.T has. the personal responsibility of seeing to it that his tires are safe tifat they will give every possible mile of travel. The only way that this can be assured is by regular inspection and prompt repairing or recapping. All of the opti mistic hopes in regard to new tires fade into gloom with the realization that the Army needs more tires than ever before. These needs are paramount to everything else. Therefore your duty is to see that your tires give new mileage, and our tire servicemen are ready to give you their aid'. Tire Inspection Is YOUR Responsibility Do It TO-DAY! At Your Service We will gladly inspect your tires and give you a report on their condiiion. Don't take chances have it done now! Shoop & Sehulze Tire Service at Ericksons, Friday and Saturday Golden Syrup 5 Man 41c Sanf ords Honey No-5 can 1.29 Brown Sugar 2 13c Grapefruit Juice NoscaSfc H Wesson Oil Pint Jar . 29c Quart 52c 11 Easter JvTlT' SpkgsSc -4 Swans Down Hour 49 lb. bag $2.29 IBM -JJ i W V) V I n W V I mm 3T? KJt PEANUT BUTTER 2 m 49c POTATO CHIPS large pkg. 23c ; , Swans Down rW) Cake Flour' ll' Lge. pkg. 26c tll W,Wa,ieS tf235w-jj Sunshine ffAslfinJ Crackers K&ft'lHlri 2 lb. box Sliced Peaches No. 2 can 24c Sliced or Diced Beets, No. 2 can.. 2 cans 25c Mackerel No. 1 tall can 15c Sardines - No. 1 tall can 12c Whole Kernel Corn No. 2 can 15c Green Tag String Beans No. 2 can 13c Sweet Potatoes No. 2 can 23c Pork & Beans. Jumbo, Van Camp's ..2 cans 29c Veg.-AII No. 303 Jar 18c Libby's Deep Brown Beans can 12c Silver Grille Baiiett Pears ..No. 2 can 28c Twistee Noodle Dinner 1 lb. jar 15c Chicken Raviolas Jar 19c ROLLED OATS Quick or Regular No. 10 bag 49c TOMATO SAUCE 3 - 17c DAFFODILS, King Alfred, Buds .doz. 39c California Asparagus, tender green spears lb. 25c Mexican Tomatoes lb. 19c, 2 lbs. 35c Yellow Newton Apples .box 2.65 hxlra 1 aii( y uml Fancy Arizona Grapefruit crate 2.85, crate 1.49 Fresh Pineapple . .each 55c Sunkist Lemons . .doz. 19c V-8 Cocktail Juice. ...No. 5 caw 29c Tomato Juice, Libby ...No. 5 can 25c Blended Juice........ No. 5 can 47c Orange Juice ..No. S can 53c Pineapple Juice. No; 1 can f4c Hemo .'.'.lb. jar 59c Cocomalt can 43c Borden's Malted Milk lb. jar 29c Junket Rennet Powder 3 pkgs. 29c Aunt Jemima Pancake ........ .51b. sack 45c Golden Bake Mix ..pkg. 14c Speed-i-Mix Pie Crust . -pkg. 21c Wheatsworrh Cereal pkg; 17c Table Queen Salad Dressing pt. jar 1 9c Duz Rinso Oxydol .....lge. pkg. 23c Camay-Lux-Palmolive Toilet Soap, 3 bars 28c Pop Washing Powder . . .24 ox. pkg. 15c w 72r fmzi Swiss Steak (iruiln A S(it llevt 10 ToinlH lb. 39c Pork Sausage lb. 33c FreMli Grmiiid, No ( rrcul, li I'uinlN Corned Beef lb. 37c iIoik'Icmi Briskui, I roints Chili Bricks ........... .lb. 45c ( iipid'n's, 'i I'oinls Lb, Cream Cheese 37c l ull ( renin, li INillitH Mi. FltKSa SKA FOOUS, POL'f.TKY AND KABISITS ALLEY OOP iii ha I a wa&T vr . . y REMARKABLE fUSCW-'SraSBf 3v V. T. HAMLIN ri t t- f -m , -n ,' rifc k , ir- ir Lit- -V 1 GET RID OF IT, HE rAAV STRANGLE OE BECOME SO WEAK HIS ULTIMATE. EX- ECLTI IOM IS OMLV A MATTER OP HOWEVER, IM THIS IMSTAMCE, TXi'c ) TO A SHORTAGE OF TIME. I'M GOIkKV .. TO FIMISH HIM OFF -' " . i fl RIGHT AVJAV. y-Y A PRACTICE. -VO1 ttCJI Phone 565 1291 Wall Street Ttrvicf mn T M WFO U T. QWW.